"Mercadotecnia estratgica simplificada / bsica" |
"Mercadotecnia estratgica simplificada / bsica. Curso tcnico en Mercadotecnia estratgica, introductorio o bsico, contenido realizado para personas sin conocimientos bsicos sobre la materia de mercadotecnia en el sentido prctico y terico, ideal para otorgar visin preliminar sobre las consideraciones a tener durante la planeacin y desarrollo de las estrategias necesarias para una Mercadotecnia exitosa."
Price: 19.99

"Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations: Setup Environment (VM)" |
"*** Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is a Leader In Enterprise Resource Planning Value Matrix (Nucleus Research - 2019)Microsoft is a Leader in the 2019 ERP Technology Value Matrix. With Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations as its enterprise offering, Microsoft focuses on the roles within an organization regardless of industry, delivering the capabilities users need to address financial performance, manufacturing processes and procedures, business logistics and supply chain, and regulatory compliance, all while looking to facilitate intelligent investment in innovation by customers.In addition to finance and operations, Microsoft Dynamics 365 has applications that service enterprises from end to end, including retail, talent, field service, marketing, sales, project service automation, and customer service. One of the biggest challenges every consultant faces is not to have an environment to practice Finance and Operations. Do you want to start learning and practicing on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations? If yes, then this course is for you.You will learn the step by step process to set up Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations on a VM and start using it.############################HERE'S WHAT INCLUDED IN THIS COURSE!INTRODUCTIONA quick introduction to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and what to expect.MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 FINANCE AND OPERATIONSWhat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations?Who should learn Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations?Who should use Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations?PREPARE REQUIREMENTS: FINANCE AND OPERATIONS SETUPMandatory RequirementsSign Up For The Azure TrialDownload Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations VM from LCSSETUP HYPER-V AND CONFIGURE DYNAMICS 365 FINANCE AND OPERATIONSInstall & Configure Hyper-VConfigure Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations VHD with Hyper-VDynamics 365 Finance and Operations Admin User ProvisioningMICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 FINANCE AND OPERATIONS NAVIGATIONAdd More Users To Dynamics 365 Finance and OperationsNavigate Dynamics 365 Finance and OperationsREVIEW & NEXT STEPSQuick Recap & What's Next?Enroll in this course to start learning and practicing on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.Have you got any questions? Please message me on Udemy.I wish you all the best.To Your Success,Abhay SharmaFounder - Online CRM Training & Learn MS Dynamics"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced paper floral jewelry" |
"I am proud in introducing myself as My name is Rekha garg. and I am from India. I am a IT professional and Crafter. Suhani creation is my startup and now I am a crafter. I love to make scrapbooks and paper Jwellery ,Wood jwellery,Silk thread Jwellery,Qulling Jwellery,props.Advanced paper Floral jewelry is beautiful, delicate and very elegant. In the ancient times, women would adorn themselves with different types of floral jewellery. Earrings, maangtika, necklace, bracelet, anklet, etc. are some of the common floral jewellery worn by women on various occasions.Even in the modern times, floral jewellery is preferred for occasions such as baby shower, ceremony, etc. Learning the art of handcrafting Paper floral jewellery in jewellery design classes would surely enhance your creativity.Paper Floral jewelry Course covered during the training are as follows: TOTAL 5 NECKLACE PROJECTS 1-COLORING TECHNIQUE2.EMBOSSING TECHNIQUES 3-FLOWER FORMATION 4-NECKLACE FORMATION 5-POLLENS MAKING6-LEAFS COLORING EMBOSSING ETC."
Price: 1600.00

"AutoCAD 2D e 3D do Bsico ao EXPERT Foco em Arquitetura" |
" O Curso AutoCAD 2D e 3D do Bsico ao EXPERT foi desenvolvido para suprir todas as necesssidades no que diz respeito a realizao de projetos 2D e 3D, bem como o detalhamento e montagem desses projetos na folha, e posterior impresso ou plotagem. O curso focado em arquitetura, mas com uma 'pitada' de mecnica, para dar um pouco mais de conhecimento e autonomia ao usurio, no que diz respeito a utilizao do software. Este curso bem dinmico, onde eu ensino as ferramentas do software em detalhes, ao mesmo tempo em que faremos aguns projetos juntos, para que o aluno no fique desestimulado, e em determinado momento do curso, so disponibilizados vrias imagens de projetos dimensionados para download, para o aluno praticar e fixar o conhecimento adquirido. Aps o trmino do curso o aluno vai receber um certificado vlido, e estar preparado para executar qualque projeto 2D e 3D no AutoCAD, estando habilitado para o mercado de trabalho. "
Price: 199.99

"Datos, Reportes, Tablas Dinamicas y Dashboard en Excel" |
"Alguna vez escuchaste sobre la suite de complementos gratis que tiene Excel para realizar Reportes y Dashboards? Sin dudas es la mayor innovacin de Excel de los ltimos aos y t puedes ser uno de los pocos privilegiados en sumar estas habilidades profesionales a tu CV (estars entre el 1% de verdaderos expertos en Excel y BI).Objetivo General: Aprender a manejar Tablas, las frmulas las usadas, nombres definidos, Microsoft Query, PowerPivot, Power View, Power Map y Power Bi, onde creas el modelo integrado de datos, conectando mltiples fuentes distintas: archivos CSV's, tablas de Excel, bases de datos y/o informacin de la web. Teniendo el modelo de datos, luego podrs crear Tablas y Grficos Dinmicos con la informacin integrada de distintas tablas (algo imposible de hacer sin PowerPivot). Aprender a armar impactantes Dashboards con Power View y Power Map. Aprender desde cero a usar estas potentes herramientas que te permitirn hacer BI (Business Intelligence), sin depender del personal de sistemas.Dirigido:En este curso presencial se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos. En este curso presencial se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos.Directores y responsables de Recursos Humanos, Administracin, Ventas, Mercadeo y OperacionesDirectores y Tcnicos de Administracin de PersonalResponsables y Tcnicos de cualquiera de las reas de la EmpresasProfesionales y Tcnicos de que desean mejorar su desempeo y eficiencia en su rea de competenciaEstudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen prepararse en el uso de la mejor herramienta del mercadoCONTENIDORepaso del uso de las mejores herramientas y formulas de excel, nombres definidos, creacin de tablas, estilos, fila de totales, consultas condicionadas, el uso de ms query para crear un modelo relacional de base de datos, presentar informes consolidados, el uso de power query en casos prcticos, para consolidar y combinar informacin de diferentes fuentes.Tablas dinmicas de una, dos y tres dimensiones, campos calculados, desde otros libros, grficos dinmicos, y mucho mas.El Entorno de Power Pivot Agregando Datos Utilizando el Asistente para la Importacin de Datos Agregando Datos Utilizando Copiar y Pegar Agregando Datos Utilizando una Tabla Vinculada de Excel Agregando Datos Utilizando una Consulta Personalizada Importacin de Datos desde Access Importacin de Datos desde SQL Server Construccin de Relaciones entre Tablas Limitaciones en la Relacin entre Tablas Diseo de Modelo a Presentar Modificando el Modelo, Nuevas Tablas y Relaciones Actualizando Datos Tablas y Grficos Dinmicos, KPI's y Funciones DAX Creacin de Tablas y Grficos Dinmicos a partir del Modelo Uso de Segmentacin de Datos Uso de Escala de Tiempo Sintaxis Bsica de las Funciones DAX Funciones DAX para Filtros y Relaciones Campos Calculados Ordenando por Otra Columna Trabajando con una Tabla de Fechas Definicin de Jerarquas Creacin de KPI's KPI's en Dashboards con VelocmetrosEl Entorno de Power View Generando y Guardando un Reporte Visualizacin de Tablas, Matrices y Tarjetas Dando Formato a un Reporte Visualizacin de Datos como Mosaico Aplicando Filtros Especiales Actualizando Datos Creacin de Grficos de Columnas y Barras Creacin de Grficos de Lneas y Circular Creacin de Grficos de Dispersin Creacin de Grficos Geogrficos (Mapas) Creacin de Grficos con Imgenes Agregando Campos de Clasificacin a un Grfico Definiendo Relaciones AdicionalesEl Entorno de Power Map Entendiendo los Datos Geogrficos Creando un Tour para Presentar Opciones de Formato Uso de Categoras Agregando Escenas al Tour Anotaciones y Cajas Texto Grficos 2D Visualizando Datos en Funcin del Tiempo Capturas de Pantalla Generacin de Videos para Presentaciones Dashboards Especiales usando Rangos Dinmicos, Controles y Macros.Power BI como la herramienta profesional para realizar inteligencia de negocios, aprende esto y mucho mas.En este curso a distancia se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos."
Price: 19.99

"Presentaciones Profesionales con Prezi y otras Herramientas" |
"Objetivo General: Dominar en forma general el uso de este nuevo Software de diseo de presentaciones multimedia con fines acadmicos, empresariales y personales, manejado las herramientas de este poderoso software de vanguardia a nivel mundial.Objetivos Especficos:Brindar las herramientas para iniciarse en esta tecnologa, creando una cuenta de servicio, manipulando objetos de presentacin, encuadres de cmara y alterando vistas con las herramientas Zooming, Panning y Zebra.Mostrar cmo realizar movimientos de objetos dentro de la presentacin cambiando detalles grficos como color, luminosidad o brillo.Personalizar la presentacin programando distintos recorridos (paths) en distintos marcos (frames).Aprender a utilizar capas de texto y objetos, insercin de audio y vdeo, y proyeccin en diferentes dimensiones. Contenido Programtico: INTRODUCCIN A PREZI. La WEB. Como registrarse y gestionar nuestra pgina de usuario. PLANTILLAS y TEMAS. Uso de plantillas y temas que nos ofrece el programa. LIENZO. Como moverse por el lienzo, el zoom, atajos de teclado, modo edicin/modo presentacin. CONFIGURACIN. TEXTO. Las diferentes tipografas, editar y trabajar con los textos. INSERTAR OBJETOS. Tipos de objetos que podemos aadir en Prezi y uso de cada uno de ellos: Smbolos y Formas Flecha, lnea y rotulador Diagramas Imgenes, Videos, Sonido, Pdf, Powerpoint TRATAMIENTO CON OBJETOS. Como seleccionar, mover, escalar, rotar, alinear y agrupar los diferentes objetos. MARCOS. El uso de los diferentes tipos de marcos y como editarlos. Aadir marcos a la ruta de presentacin. Animacin. MI COLECCIN. Uso de la biblioteca para almacenar y reutilizar grupos de objetos. IMPRIMIR. Imprimir la presentacin en formato PDF. COMPARTIR: Editar la presentacin con otros usuarios, iniciar presentacin en lnea.Manejo de Fireworks para Diseo Grfico Orientado a PantallaDirigido ido a: Todas aquellas personas que por su actividad laboral deben desarrollar presentaciones con apoyo de diapositivas de PowerPoint, y que deseen utilizar herramientas tecnolgicas como vehculo para comunicar con mayor claridad y conviccin sus ideas, logrando atraer a la audiencia. MetodologaNos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin en diferentes contenidos multimedia, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso.Beneficios de este CursoDominar las principales herramientas de PreziMaximizar eficiencia en el uso de estas herramienta de vanguardia en el diseo de presentaciones multimedia para fines empresariales o acadmicos.Mejorar los tiempos de respuesta ante solicitudes de diseos de presentaciones multimedia con alto impacto ante la audiencia."
Price: 19.99

"Presentaciones Multimedia de Alto Impacto con PowerPoint" |
"Presentaciones de Alto Impacto con PowerPoint y Otras Herramientas DigitalesObjetivo General: Explicar la metodologa prctica para la creacin de presentaciones estructuradas, combinando una buena diagramacin con un apoyo visual que facilite la comunicacin de las ideas, aprovechando las bondades que ofrece el Microsoft Power Point. Y herramientas de diseo grfico orientado a pantalla, diseo de video digital, edicin y mezclas de audio, grficos y pelculas de Flash.Objetivos Especficos:Manejar la metodologa para la realizacin de una presentacin.Conocer las principales tcnicas para la diagramacin de las diapositivas en PowerPoint.Revisar otras herramientas multimedia compatibles con PowerPoint que permitan agregar contenido multimedia de alto impactoApredender a crear diseos propios mediante el uso de Adobe Fireworks como editor grfico orientado a pantallaDominar tcnicas de edicin de sonidos y clips de video personalizadosCrear Grficos con calidad de flash para las presentacionesCONTENIDOElementos que Contribuyen a una Buena Presentacin, Claves y base para crear una presentacinMetodologa para realizar una presentacinTrabajo con Plantillas de PowerPointAnimacin de series de grficas provenientes de ExcelInsercin de documentos grandes tipos pdf con gran contenido dentro de una sola diapositiva de PowerpointControlar Videos en una diapositiva con el reproductor de video de WindowsEditar y crear clips de videos con Windows Media MakerPresentaciones con componentes multimediaPresentaciones porttiles y para la WEBIntegracin de PowerPoint con otras Herramientas MultimediaUso de otras herramientas Multimedia:FireworksUlead Video StudioSwhish GraphPrint to FlashIspringFlash SlideShow MakerDirigido A: Todas aquellas personas que por su actividad laboral deben desarrollar presentaciones con apoyo de diapositivas de PowerPoint, y que deseen utilizar herramientas tecnolgicas como vehiculo para comunicar con mayor claridad y conviccin sus ideas, logrando atraer a la audiencia.MetodologaNos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin en diferentes ejercicios prcticos, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso. Instalar los diferentes softwares multimedia compatibles con PowerPoint para maximizar la eficiencia en el momento de realizar las presentaciones.Beneficios de este curso:Permite un dominio del Microsoft PowerPoint como herramienta de apoyo para la creacin de presentaciones exitosas.Dominar una metodologa internacional para la creacin de una presentacin en sus diferentes etapas.Dominar algunos programas de edicin de imgenes, creacin de fondos, botones, etc. Editor de Sonidos y Audios y un generador de grficos alternativos al Excel con calidad de pelcula de flash"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Java Memory Managment Course with Rust in 2020" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn Complete Java Memory Management, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in the programming, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the programming of Rust from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 2 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to programming. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this Java Memory Management course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use Computer Architecture perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of this Operating System, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar Java Memory Management course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in Rust is here in English.Do not wait more!"
Price: 179.99

"Complete LaTeX Course from Zero to Hero (2020 - English)" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible, so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn Latex, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in LaTex, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the voice, audio and more of LaTex from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 3 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to program. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this LaTex course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use LaTex perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of LaTex, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar LaTex course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in LaTex is here in English in 2020.Do not wait more!"
Price: 179.99

"Microsoft Power BI - The Complete Masterclass [2020 EDITION]" |
"Do you want to learn the skills to professionally analyze data?Do you want to learn all the steps to create impressive reports?Then Microsoft Power BI is the right tool for you!In this course you will learn step by step everything that is important in Power BI to become an advanced Power BI report creator.Thats what youll learn:Power BI Desktop, Power BI Cloud & Power BI Mobile! Understand everything from scratch step by step, very structured and practice-oriented Learn all the important tools know when and how to use them properly Connect different data sources from basics to advanced Create your data model and understand it Master DAX to do more advanced analysis on your data Get to know all the different visualizations and how to use them Storytelling with data learn how to visualize your data effectively Create interactive visualizations with drill throughs and drill downs Advanced analysis learn how to use R Script in Power BI (Data Science) Forecasting Advanced analytics which can be helpful in Data ScienceThis course is right for you if...... you have never worked with Power BI and want to learn everything hands-on in one course.... OR you have already some basic knowledge and want to dive deeper and become more advanced in the whole universe of Power BI.This is the course that covers everything in Power BI to become an advanced report devolopper! Enroll now to get life long access!"
Price: 199.99

"Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection Course - Module II" |
"Hi Guys,If you are here - it is maybe not a coincidence. Are you already a lucid dreamer or an astral projector? Do you wake up too fast once you become lucid in a dream or astral projection? Do you get yourself confused while trying to reach a particular location? Or maybe you are not familiar at all with the dynamics of the dream state?If you would like all these questions answered, be my guest! Without bragging too much, I have done all the research, so you will not need to do it anymore. I am one of the speakers at the ""O O B E Research Institute of Moscow."" I have successfully trained hundreds of dreamers worldwide. I am not only teaching the art of lucid dreaming, but I am actively researching it. You will have cutting edge information available to you, and as you know, if anything is not as expected, you can always get your money back.So, let's get the job done.We will divide the lucid dreaming anchoring techniques into three categories. The categorization is not to make things complicated, but instead, get them efficiently settled in your mind. You have probably experienced this already. You successfully induce a lucid dream or manage to have an out-of-body experience, but you wake up within a few seconds. I want you to become like a sportsman and look technically at this issue. I want you to be quickly capable of associating with each situation its appropriate solution.Travelling techniques is another crucial aspect of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. You will need to learn not only how to walk around, but also to run, fly, fly at hyperspeed, go through walls, and learn to teleport.Even walking can be a challenge sometimes. Maybe you have already experienced the sluggish movement in the dream state, and now wish to know its cause and overcome it.Did you know that even after you have learned to walk, you might reach the speed limit of your running and flying? But do not worry, every problem has its solution, and I will train in a very organized way. I want your mind not to have any doubt about what to do in a particular situation.Please go through each part of the course thoroughly. If you realize that you are watching me talking, but think about something else - go back and listen, watch again. I also advise you to start a dream journal if you did not do it yet. Turn it over, and take notes of this course at the end of your dream journal. By taking notes, you will draw a mental representation of all the information presented to you. By doing so, you will ""digest and assimilate"" the knowledge. Remember? I want you to be like a technical sportsman - to each situation, its appropriate action.This is how we are going to work together.Sometimes, I will ask you questions about the course. If you aren't capable of answering them, it means that you have not been learning carefully.Let me tell you just a few more words about the course. Today in 2020, the mystery of the phenomenon of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection is out of our way. We do not require any unique ability from you anymore. And this course does not contain any unclear instructions, meditation, all day awareness practice and so on. We will not bombard you with unnecessary binaural beats or give you promises in the future that will never become part of your present.Instead, the technical arsenal of a lucid dreamer will be yours to use.Finally, I hope you do not mind my home set up of the class. It is a simple environment. What counts is the information and not the fashion in which it is presented to you.Do not hesitate to contact me. I try my best to answer your questions on an urgent basis. It is part of the package. I am not only selling this course, but I would also like the art of LUCID DREAMING and ASTRAL PROJECTION to be more mainstream. When you make this ""PLUS ONE"" in the overall number of lucid dreamers in our world, I become a happier man. By purchasing this course, you are helping you and me, but you are also assisting this knowledge to be more spread around the world.Dreaming is my passion. If dreaming is your passion too, then, like I said at the beginning, this is NOT A COINCIDENCE.See you soon in the course."
Price: 174.99

"Entrepreneurship 101: A Simplified Guide" |
"Most young and aspiring entrepreneurs do not either belong to a business family or business education. Understanding the language of business is essential before starting a business. This course is in the simplest English language on the internet regarding entrepreneurship where each and everything you need to do before starting a business is explained. I have seen people who have a mindblowing business idea but they fail to execute. I have also seen people who do not even have a good business idea yet, they are running a successful business. The key thing everyone who wants start a business needs to learn is EXECUTION. This course will help you understand how to start executing and make a profitable business. You will learn... The real meaning of Entrenuership Vision and Mission statementGOAL setting SWOT analysis Branding and MarketingCost of starting a businessBreak-Even PointIntellectual PropertyFundraising I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet :)"
Price: 1280.00

"VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional Vsphere Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The administrator sets the ESX 4.x on the same physical server. Which of the following components must be modified or replaced to support a successful installation?a) 2 AMD Opteronb) SATA disk controllerc) 1 GB RAMd) 4 Intel PRO 1000 Networke) NoneQ) Which of the following storage resources, created only to install the 4.x ESX (choose two)?a) vmkcoreb) changec) VMFS storaged) scratchQ) The company wants to increase the capacity of the drive for VMware VSphere environment. Management mandates that: (1) VMotion to work in this environment, (2) the existing LAN infrastructure to be used (3) Storage must support the raw device mapping, a storage option is best to meet the goals now?a) ISCSIb) Fiber Channelc) NFSd) SATAe) NoneQ) Virtual disks created on the NFS data stores are:a) in a format dictated by the NFS serverb) thickc) zeroedthickd) thine) None"
Price: 169.99

"Internationally Accredited Lean Six Sigma White Belt course" |
"Lean Six Sigma white belt is the most basic and first level of certification. In this course you will learn the concepts of Lean methodology and Six Sigma concepts. We shall also teach you few simple tools that are used Industry wide.We shall discuss the applications of Lean Six Sigma with the help of real life case studies.We will also discuss on the job opportunities in Lean Six Sigma for students and employees for better career prospects.At the end of the course you will be issued an accredited Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certificate.Our course is approved and accredited by ""The Council for Six Sigma Certifications (CSSC), USA. The Certificate will be issued by RedMad Learnings LLP with the seal of CSSC.All The Best &See you all in the training session."
Price: 1280.00

"Citrix 1Y0-351 NetScaler 10.5 Essentials and Networking Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) A company facing external web application that requires encryption and end-to-end Layer-7 functionality. What kind of protocol would be an engineer to choose for the virtual server and service?a) SSLb) SSL_TCPc) SSL_PUSHd) SSL_BRIDGEQ) Scenario: A NetScaler engineer has activated the HTTP compression function on a NetScaler existing production. The engineer is using the integrated policies. The engineer reviews the HTTP compression statistics but does not see all the statistical data compression. What is the likely reason?a) SSL protocol is used for encryption.b) The engine compression policy is set by default.c) ""Allow compression"" server side is selected on the NetScaler.d) Responses with or chunked Content-Length header is sent from the server.Q) That two of the statements listed are true of Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the NetScaler?a) ACL possible that traffic bridge.b) ACL simple are required on all interfaces.c) Extended ACLs are evaluated after creation.d) Nonee) Simple ACL are processed after extended ACL.Q) What is the purpose of SSL Certificate Authority (CA) certificate during an SSL connection?a) SSL Cipher exchangeb) Session Key Exchangec) Pre Shared Secret Master Generationd) Certificate Server Signature VerificationQ) In order to create a three NetScaler cluster nodes, all nodes must __________ and __________. (Choose two correct options to complete the phrase.)a) be electrical physicalb) They have licensed Platinumc) plans to use the same buildd) be the same platform model"
Price: 164.99

sgohikosaka |
Price: 5400.00

"SESGADO: vende ms usando menos" |
"Sesgado es un curso dnde aprenders a utilizar los errores psicolgicos para aumentar tus ventas exponencialmente.El objetivo de este curso es darte las herramientas para que puedas convencer a tu potencial cliente, en palabras o escrito, y que acabe comprndote a ti y NO a la competencia.Estos errores psicolgicos o sesgos son la causa de porqu la gente compra y la causa de cmo actan da a da en su vida. Conocer estos sesgos va a permitirte abrir una nueva puerta dnde vas a ver el mundo muy diferente a como lo tenas planteado, adems va a permitirte utilizarlos en tu negocio o en tu vida personal de manera INMEDIATA y sin complicaciones.Este curso ha sido creado con cario con el objetivo de resumir todos los sesgos para que te sean lo ms fcil de interiorizar y aplicar en tu negocio.Utilzalos con cautela, el poder que tienen es mucho mayor del que puedes imaginar. Por qu tomar este curso y no otro?Aprenderemos a cmo funciona el cerebro de tu cliente ideal.Aprenders de manera sencilla y rpida los sesgos ms complejos del cerebro humano.Todas las clases estn hechas con el objetivo de ser lo ms dinmicas posible.Ejemplos reales de empresas exitosas que utilizan los sesgos.Un bonus especial y nico hecho especialmente para ti.Preguntas frecuentes:Si no quedo satisfecho que puedo hacer?Si por algn casual no quedas satisfecho con el curso, tienes 30 das desde el da de la compra para hacer una devolucin garantizada y sin queja alguna.Si no tengo producto o empresa puedo realizar el curso?Claramente, este curso tiene la capacidad de influir en cualquier aspecto de tu vida y puede abrirte una perspectiva del mundo que antes era desconocida para ti.Cmo s si este curso es para m?Si tu objetivo en tu vida es ser emprendedor o aprender a influenciar en la gente, este curso est hecho para ti. Con todo el cario del mundo ha sido creado para darte las herramientas para que aprendas a destacar en tu sector y aumentes tus ventas exponencialmente. Estos sesgos funcionarn en cualquier pas?La psicologa humana no entiende de pases o de regiones. Todos los humanos tenemos implementados en nuestra cabeza los sesgos, estos no entienden de razas o de gneros. Estn cientficamente comprobados y siempre se basan en datos reales."
Price: 19.99

"Start Investing Quickly With Ease" |
"Investing can be difficult and time consuming. In this course I will teach you how to start generating income quickly and easily by investing in stocks, U.S. Treasury securities, and money market funds. In this course I will cover the following topics:Investment ProductsInvestment RisksCalculating ProfitHow to Make MoneyHow to Lose MoneyTaxes"
Price: 54.99

"Interfallfasten Meisterkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs werden wir uns intensiv mit dem Fasten und den evolutionren Anpassungen befassen, die der Mensch und viele andere Spezies vorgenommen haben, um den Auswirkungen einer reduzierten Kalorienzufuhr entgegenzuwirken.Wir werden uns auch mit der Geschichte des Fastens und einigen der grten Geister befassen, die das Fasten fr Gesundheit, Energie und geistige Klarheit nutzten.Unsere Essgewohnheiten sind genau das - Gewohnheiten.Was und wie wir essen, ist ein Verhalten - dasselbe wie viele der anderen Verhaltensweisen.Mit vielen unserer Gewohnheiten sind wir vllig in Ordnung - sie rufen keine Schuldgefhle oder ngste hervor. Einige unserer Gewohnheiten sind wirklich ntzlich, und wir sollten stolz darauf sein, dass wir sie uns zur Gewohnheit gemacht haben...Eine der heikelsten Gewohnheiten oder Verhaltensweisen, die wir haben, betrifft das Essen. Das liegt daran, dass unser Essverhalten von so vielen Emotionen, Wnschen und Gefhlen geprgt ist... sowohl guten als auch schlechten.Es ist interessant, dass der Mensch so ziemlich das einzige Tier auf dem Planeten ist, das nicht wirklich wei, was wir essen sollen. Was menschliche Nahrung ist. Ein Pandabr hat keine Frage, dass seine primre bevorzugte Nahrungsquelle Bambussprossen sind. Ein Lwe oder Leopard wei, dass ein Zebra, eine Gazelle oder ein Gnu perfekte Nahrung sind - wir sind nicht ganz sicher, ob sie tatschlich eine Vorliebe haben. Weisse Haie haben definitiv Lust auf den Geschmack von Robben.Warum also sind die Menschen so verwirrt.Nun, es gibt ein paar Grnde. Erstens sind wir die groen Kolonisatoren - es gibt kaum einen Raum auf dem Planeten, den wir noch nicht kolonisiert und berlebt haben - wir mussten uns an die verfgbaren Nahrungsmittel anpassen.Es gibt nur sehr wenige von uns in der westlichen Welt, die erfahren haben, wie es ist, wirklich hungrig zu sein. Und ganz richtig - es ist traurig, dass jeder Mensch in der heutigen Zeit Hunger erfahren muss.Dennoch haben wir als Spezies im Laufe der Evolution Hunger erfahren, manchmal fr lngere Zeitrume.Erstaunlich ist, dass unsere Krper und unser Geist strker und widerstandsfhiger geworden sind und sogar Anzeichen fr eine erhhte kognitive Gehirnfunktion, eine gesteigerte Immunfunktion und eine allgemeine Gesundheit als Folge einer erzwungenen oder freiwilligen Kalorienbeschrnkung ber einen lngeren Zeitraum gezeigt haben.Dieser Kurs behandelt das intermittierende Fasten - die Geschichte, die groen Geister, die gefastet haben, aber vor allem die erstaunlichen und wissenschaftlich nachgewiesenen Vorteile fr unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden - durch ein lngeres Leben, die Gesundheit des Gehirns, die Gesundheit des Immunsystems, Entzndungen, Gewichtsabnahme und oder Kontrolle - die Liste geht weiter.Der Kurs geht auch darauf ein, wie man fasten kann die Richtlinien und die Fehler, die vermieden werden sollten.Sie werden erstaunt sein, wie erstaunlich Sie sich fhlen, wenn Sie einmal angefangen haben.Viel Erfolg mit diesem Kurs!:)"
Price: 199.99

"Meditation for beginners" |
"You will learn a range of guided meditation processes that will enable you to start meditating immediately. You will learn what it takes to meditate and be guided by meditation master ShiFu Paul Tavares on how to get started meditating. Paul has been meditating since childhood. He used meditation to settle his mind and go through racial abuse from his peers at school. Mental abuse of any kind can effect a child or anyone at a very deep level. ShiFu Paul Tavares did not allow this to destroy him and he came out of school stronger and sharper than the perpetrators of this nasty behaviour. Whatever you may have been through, meditation can be a helpful to overcome may situations that cause trauma to our minds. There is never one solution and many therapists, teachers etc claim their modality is better or one in particular is no good, so that they themselves can market their better solution....try many forms of meditation following this basic series and see what works for you. Because what is right for you and I may not necessarily be right for others. I hope you enjoy this meditation series. ShiFu Paul Tavares"
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Premiere ProAdobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software that helps you turn your vision into a real video or film. Although it is a pro-software, it is also a perfect choice for beginners and that is what you will learn in this class.Start Editing right away!I have included all the assets and media that I use inside the class so you can easily edit along and follow every single step of the tutorial.The goal of the classYou will learn all you need to start making your own first videos. The topics indlude:Creating a Premiere Pro project the right wayFile Management and Folder Structure to never ever miss a file againBasic edits, cuts, clip arrangement and all that in multiple video and audio layersUse and adjust basic effects on video and audioCreate text or graphics inside your videosEditing to Music (and where to find good music!)Use sound effects to enhance your editHow to use third-party templates for color grading, titles, animations, lower thirds...Color Correction BasicsGenerating a look with LUTsThe correct export settings for a great videoand much more! We also included a list of more ""random"" tutorials to answer often made questions to super simple topics like how to use keyframes up to more advanced stuff like using green screen video files. As a student you can also suggest new topics and I will try my best to add any left-out-topic to the course in the form of a mini-tutorial.Complementary classes by me:If you liked this class, chances are, some of my other classes could be helpful to you as well. Here are my recommendations for you:Instructor Dennis SchraderI am a fulltime filmmaker based out of Hamburg, Germany and I work with clients to produce real estate videos, documentaries, commercials and event videos.For the last 1,5 years I have been teaching my video production knowledge to students all over the world. My goal is to teach my students the skills and mindset they need to fullfill their creative goals."
Price: 39.99

"Shooting Professional Real Estate Video" |
"Real Estate Video Production is one of the easiest and most common ways for new videographers to start out in professionally making videos and earning a living with it.I have made classes on Editing Real Estate Videos before and hundreds of students learned how to take amazing footage and turn it into a real estate video that sells.Since then a lot of you have asked for the Shooting-part of the process and here it is. In this class I take you through my complete process of how to Shoot Real Estate Videos.Here is what you can expect in the class:1. In section one I explain which gear you need to be able to produce amazing quality real estate videos.Which camera is the best?Which lenses should I buy?Which stabilizers do you recommend?Do I need a drone?2. In section two I quickly mention a couple of tips for preparation3. Section 3 is the heart of this class and we go through the complete and detailed process of how I produce my videos for my clientsThe 5 most important camera settingsMy personal 5-step-shot listComposition and FocusThe top 5 camera movements you need to masterThe 9 most common mistakes that I have made in the past and still see beginners and even intermediates do todayThe problem of lighting in real estate videos4. And then in section four, I take a bit of time and go through the business side of producing real estate videosHow to cold-email potential clients and actually get resultsHow to find clients in the first placeHow to get amazing material for your portfolio before you even have a jobHow to over-deliver to your clients and have them come back to youAs you can see there is a lot of amazing knowledge waiting for you. I have put a lot of effort into this class to equip you with the knowledge you need to go out there and start getting results in your creative career in video.Complementary classes by me:If you liked this class, chances are, some of my other classes could be helpful to you as well. Here are my recommendations for you:Instructor Dennis SchraderI am a fulltime filmmaker based out of Hamburg, Germany and I work with clients to produce real estate videos, documentaries, commercials and event videos.For the last 1,5 years I have been teaching my video production knowledge to students all over the world. My goal is to teach my students the skills and mindset they need to fullfill their creative goals."
Price: 89.99

"HeadRush Looperboard The Ultimate Guide" |
"In this course I am going to help you get the most out of your HeadRush Looperboard! We will go through the different settings and options available on the loop pedal. Helping you clearly understand what impact each setting has on your loop pedal. This Ultimate Guide will take you from the very beginning with the HeadRush Looperboard, all the way to advanced features! This course will help you learn the best way to run the HeadRush Looperboard for your own personal Live Looping Rig! Providing you with clear and concise multi-camera video explanations and demonstrations of the HeadRush Looperboard settings! "
Price: 49.99

"Kariyer Ynetimi ve Koluk Yaklam SERTFKALI" |
"Bu eitime kimler katlmaldr?niversite snavna girecek renciler.Henz profesyonel i hayatna atlmam niversite rencileri ve yeni mezunlar.Profesyonel i hayatna atlm ama i ve meslek seiminde hata yaptn dnenler.Profesyonel i hayatnda kariyer basamaklarnn birinde nnn tkandn ve ilerleyemediini dnenler.Kariyer Kou ile almak isteyip de kararsz kalanlar.Bu eitimde neler bulacaksnz?Doru blm ve doru meslek seiminin nemi.Sevdiiniz ii yapmann sizlere kazandracaklar. arama srecinde ekonomik nedenleri n planda tutmann hayat boyu verecei zararlar. arama srecinin en nemli ve ne yazk ki en zenilmeyen aamas: zgemizgemiiniz, bavurduunuz iletmelerin nsan Kaynaklar profesyonellerinin nne fiziki olarak geliyor mu?zgemi hazrlarken yaptnz sizin iin ufak bir hata belki de hayatnzn iini alamamanza sebep olmu olabilir mi?Sizin ve bavurduunuz iletmenin deer uyumu.Bireysel kariyer planlamann hayatnzdaki nemi.Kariyer-Unvan ilikisi.letmelerin kariyer ynetimi admlar.Etkili bir kariyer ynetim sisteminin ift tarafl etkileri.Profesyonel destekler: Ko, Mentor, Danman ve TerapistHangisi ne i yapar? Aralarndaki farklar nelerdir? Hangi durumlarda hangisine danmalym?Profesyonel destek almaya karar verdiniz. Nelere dikkat etmelisiniz?yi bir lider nasl olmaldr?Eitim sonunda edinecekleriniz.Sevdiiniz ii yapabilmek iin gerekli motivasyona sahip olacaksnz.Etkileyici zgemi hazrlayabileceksiniz. Bavurduunuz iletmelerden daha olumlu geri dnler almaya balayacaksnz.Kariyer plannz yapabileceksiniz.letmeyle uyumun, size daha ksa srede kariyer frsatlar sunduuna ahit olacaksnz.Profesyonel desteklere ihtiya duyduunuz noktada en faydal ilikiyi hangisi ile kurabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Belki de profesyonel destee ihtiya duymayacaksnz.Ynetici iseniz iyi bir lider olmann ilk admn atm olacaksnz.nternet sitemiz (www ufuksgun com) 2020 yl sonuna kadar cretsiz abone olabilirsiniz.Abone olarak;Tm eitimlerimizden indirimli fiyatlarla yararlanabileceksiniz.Sadece yelerimize zel cretsiz eitimlerimizden faydalanabileceksiniz.Yazar olduum kitaplara indirimli fiyatlarla sahip olabileceksiniz.Makalelerimize ve rportajlarmza cretsiz tam eriim hakkna sahip olacaksnz.Kariyer Koluu ve Mentorlk taleplerinizde zel fiyatlardan yararlanabileceksiniz.Mlakat ve Deerlendirme Merkezi uygulamalar ncesinde indirimli ve ncelikli online ve birebir prova imkanna sahip olacaksnz.2020 yl sonuna kadar alanmzla ilgili cretsiz online danmanlk hizmetinden faydalanabileceksiniz. Hepinize keyifli eitimler diliyorum."
Price: 129.99

"Understanding Human Resource Management" |
"Human Resource Management is an important function of any organization. It encompasses the management of people in organizations from a macro perspective i.e. managing people in the form of a collective relationship between management and employees. By the end of the course you will be able to: Define Human Resource Management (HRM), Explain the Scope of Human Resource Management, Describe the Processes in Human Resource Management, Explain the Skills of HR Professionals, Explain Role of HRM in Performance Management, Explain the Hiring and Retention Strategies followed by Organizations, Explain Human Resource Planning, Explain How HRM Manages Employees Performance, Explain the Management of Contractors, Explain What is Strategic Human Resource Management, Explain What is Global Human Resource Management, Explain What is Human Resource Information System and List the Tips for Effective HRM"
Price: 2240.00

"The Psychology of Serial Killers" |
"I was a normal person. I had good friends. I led a normal life, except for this one, small but very potent and destructive segment that I kept very secret and close to myself. -Ted Bundy.This course will take you through the various aspects that lead to serial killings. We will look at the psychological research related to the development of sexual deviance, the influence of trauma, and the social factors which can contribute to serial killer formation. The course syllabus will cover the following questions:What defines a serial killer?Are all serial killers caucasian and male?Do all serial killers have schizophrenia?What is behavioral profiling and does it work? What leads an individual to commit serial murders?These questions and more will be answered throughout this course!****Please note that this course will cover many difficult topics including murder, sexual assault, and abuse. Some students may find these topics difficult to learn about. Please be mindful of your reactions. Practice self-care.We hope you find this course educational! Do forget to leave a review. We appreciate any feedback."
Price: 34.99

"How to do stitching/how to make an embroidery design" |
"How to do stitching/how to make an embroidery designHello guys, in this lesson /course you will learn how to make embroidery design step by step ,completely narrated by me easy to go along and also how to make basic stitches and everything about how to make an embroidery designAlong with we are giving you a free embroidery design ,you can download the PDF and can get free embroidery design which will going to help you in make a good embroidery design"
Price: 34.99

"5 simple steps to smart and effect goal setting" |
"HI GUYS, I AM PARSHWIKA, in this course, I will going to talk about how to effectively set your goals making it easier for you to achieve it and how to achieve the life of your dreams.Goals are dreams in action. That is, a goal is a dream with direction, that is measurable and thought out. So that is what this course is about. This course is concerned with writing and planning your goals, its about goal achievement, or putting your dreams in action so that you can achieve whatever you desire in life. would that be ok?You will be learning 5 simple steps that can help you in setting smart and effective goals, 2 bonus exercises that will practically help you and along with visualization concept.My purpose with this course is to make it easy for anyone to achieve what they want if they are committed to doing the work...see you in the course"
Price: 34.99

"Statistical Process Control including 7 QC Tools" |
"This course will introduce you to 7 QC tools which are widely used by quality practitioners. Automotive industry expectations for statistical process control are briefly described in this course. It will also be useful for basic process control concepts understanding to those who are planning to achieve six sigma yellow belt or green belt certification."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda a usar o PADLET do ZERO" |
"Pensando em atender a diversidade de pblico que temos no meio educacional e, levando em considerao que este pblico aprende de diferentes formas, aprender a utilizar novos recursos no processo de aprendizagem faz-se necessrio nos dias atuais. Assim, este curso foi montado para voc que precisa aprender novos recursos digitais para inovar no ambiente de trabalho. Sem enrolao e de maneira objetiva, voc conhecer as possibilidades do Padlet. Lembro que, o objetivo do curso no o de aprender conceitos voltados a metodologias ativas e ensino hbrido mas, com este curso, vocs vo aprender a manusear a ferramenta chamada PADLET."
Price: 39.99

"Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering" |
"This course covers the basics of estimating and costing subject for undergraduate civil engineering students. It includes taking out quantities of civil engineering items based on long wall short wall method, center line method, quantity of trapezoidal footing and quantity of steel reinforcement. This is one of the only kind of online course available for the estimating and costing subjects, most of the other courses primarily focuses on project management. The course covers the fundamental requirement of taking out quantities of building and construction items."
Price: 3200.00
