"Shopify Dropshipping(YouTuber )" |
Price: 29.99

"Lean Six Sigma Green Belt" |
"Do you want to reduce costs to manage the current uncertain environment? Do you want to improve customer satisfaction or reduce defects in your processes and businesses? This course explains how to solve problems in your business using the Six Sigma's DMAIC (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control) framework. Numerous techniques like SIPOC, control charts and Pareto are explained in a simple language."
Price: 29.99

"Best USMLE Guide For IMGs - Comprehensive and Simple" |
"One course for everything! This course teaches you how to get started on your USMLE journey, and once you're started the sky's the limit!You'll be surprised how something as intimidating as the USMLE can be so simple, and quite frankly, fun.In this course you'll get:Step 1 Application ProcessStep 1 Study Guide and The Most Effective Study Plan Step 1 Exam Day Details and What To ExpectStep 2-CK Application ProcessStep 2-CK Study Guide and Best Study SourcesStep 2-CS Application Process in DetailsStep 2-CS Study Plane and How To Prepare For This OSCE-Like ExamStep 2-CS Exam Day Described Step-by-StepRegistration Process of ERAS Token and How To Obtain itHow To Filter Out The Best Residency Center For You!How To Apply To Residency ProgramsFees and Payments Breakdown of Everything From Step 1 to Visa FeesMy Personal Story and My MistakesAnd Much More..."
Price: 19.99

"Carnatic Music Basic Level with VOICE CULTURE&REPRESENTATION" |
"This course makes you understand the important lessons ,fundamentals and basics of carnatic music,while making your voice flexible over singing with easy and simple concepts that you can adopt with the lectures.Key terms and much more about carnatic music is PRACTICALLY explained in a detailed manner as well as GRAPHICALLY DOCUMENTED.I have explained in detail and also in a slow pace so a student could easily get along what the lecture is all about while listening."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga Therapy for Diabetes" |
"We're sure that you'll relate to this - ""The strangest thing about Diabetes is that even if it has everything to do with sugar, it has become the most bitter part of life for most of us - directly or indirectly!"". It's no less than a pandemic - but doesn't scare as much because it's mostly a progressive disorder! And we kinda have accepted it as an ""integral"" part of our lives!But, would you believe if we say - it doesn't have to be that way and theres a most efficient way to combat this disorder? Yes, there is! And it isnt another Insulin shot; it is purely Yoga!This Yoga Therapy workshop focuses on providing a holistic understanding of Diabetes and exploring the theory and practice of a curated sequence of different techniques of Yoga such as Asanas (postures), Kriyas (cleansing techniques), Pranayamas (breathing practices), Bandhas/neuromuscular locks, meditation designed specifically for effective management and/or complete reversal of Diabetes."
Price: 5760.00

"Curso bsico de Mastercam" |
"Hoy en da, saber dominar Mastercam supone muchas cosas para cualquier ingeniero, profesional del sector o mecnico, y todas ellas muy buenas. Las grandes empresas ms exitosas del siglo XXI lo estn utilizando para construir, automatizar y controlar modelados, y cada da buscan ms y ms gente que pueda desempear este tipo de trabajos. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que es muy complicado. Pues creme, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!As pues, en este curso aprenders a utilizar el software Mastercam, que por si tenas dudas, tambin te ensear a instalar y descargar gratuitamente. Pero... para qu sirve Mastercam? Pues muy fcil. Mastercam es un programa que permite el diseo CAD y el mecanizado CAM para controlar, entre otras cosas, mquinas-herramienta CNC (como puede ser una fresadora o un torno), para as poder lograr, gracias al software, la fabricacin de piezas manufacturadas. Mastercam hoy en da se podra considerar como uno de los programas lderes en este mbito.Mi nombre es Teresa Gual, soy ingeniera y llevo aos utilizando softwares CAD/CAM, programando CNC e impartiendo docencia acerca de su uso. En este tiempo me he dado cuenta de que cada da es ms necesario el uso de una herramienta tan verstil y genrica como Mastercam para el mecanizado CNC, y no es de extraar que hoy en da es de las aptitudes ms buscadas por las empresas en un tcnico, profesional, o ingeniero.Por este mismo motivo senta la necesidad de crear contenido de calidad y en Espaol acerca del tema, y as facilitaros y sobre todo agilizar y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje, comprimiendo todo el contenido en apenas 2 hora. Aunque ""solo"" se trata de un curso bsico, te servir para poner en prctica las herramientas y las funciones esenciales para sacarle partido a Mastercam y a la programacin CNC. Lgicamente siempre se puede aprender ms, pero el curso te va a servir para cimentar las bases y colocar las primeras piedras del camino perdiendo el menor tiempo posible.Lo importante del curso es que no slo mirars y escuchars, sino tambin lo hars tu mismo. Gracias a los ejercicios del curso y sus soluciones a tiempo real, podrs poner en prctica todo lo aprendido y sers capaz de realizar t mismo diferentes tipos de problemas. Y por supuesto, al final del curso habrs adquirido conocimientos, entre otras cosas, en temas como los siguientes:Interfaz de Mastercam (incluyendo todas las barras de herramientas y comandos)Diseo CAD y mecanizado CAMDibujo y modelado de geometras 3DUso de cotas, vistas y secciones para facilitar el trabajoConfiguraciones de mquina, material y renderizadoOperaciones completas para CNC (torneado y fresado)Ejercicios prcticos desde cero y paso por pasoEste curso es perfecto para la gente que ha escuchado hablar de Mastercam, pero no sabe cmo utilizarlo y necesita mejorar en la comprensin de sus herramientas y de su lgica. Lo que quiero decir es que es completamente apto para principiantes y gente que no tiene ni idea del tema, ya que se explicar todo desde cero. As que no tengas miedo, porque como ya te he dicho, ests tiempo de aprender una habilidad que las compaas buscan cada da ms, y si no te lo crees, lo puedes comprobar t mismo buscando en Internet!Por si fuera poco y an no ests convencido, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible. Aprender Mastercam nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructora!"
Price: 179.99

"La mthode pour optimiser votre temps et profiter de la vie" |
"Gagnez 4h de temps libre par semaine.Vous dcouvrirez de nouvelles habitudes prendre pour tre plus efficaces et perdre moins de temps au travail ou dans votre vie.Grce cette formation vous aurez plus de temps pour vous et votre famille mais aussi pour profiter de la vie tranquillement.Tu raliseras que tu peux avoir les mmes rsultats, ou mme des rsultats meilleurs, mme si tu travailles moinsEt tu vas pouvoir continuer sur cette voie, amliorer de plus en plus tes rsultatsEn travaillant de moins en moins."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamentals of Passive Real Estate Investing" |
"Are you ready to make your money work for you?Have you been interested in passive investing but arent exactly sure where to start?Maybe you are looking into doing your own deals but are looking to get your feet wet and learn the ropes as a passive investor?Want a trusted roadmap from experienced professionals to put you on the path to financial success?If so, this course is definitely for you!After taking this course, you will learn how you can get started and scale your portfolio as a passive real estate investor!Can you make me rich by taking your course?Nope. This is not a get rich quick scheme.Only you can take the knowledge you learn from this course and apply it to your investing strategies.By taking the content from this course AND applying it, you will be able to vet sponsors, find investment opportunities, analyze those investment opportunities, and ultimately make strategic and lucrative investment decisions for you and your family.That will get you on the right path to earning mailbox money while you sleep!I can learn all of this elsewhere, why should I learn from you?Materials in this course come from personal experiences and investment knowledge of experts who have already been there and done it.From owning 1,800+ units to passively investing in a TON of deals, our course instructors have exclusive wisdom to share about the dos and donts of passive investing and what you should look out for as a passive investor.The same goes for all the other material in this course. You can find the descriptions and commentary, but you wont find the detailed examples, action items, and investment advice that we provide to our students.In theory, you could do this on your own by, buying a ton of books, listening to hours and hours of podcasts, scrounging for useful and applicable resources that may or may not be reliable, purchasing an overpriced guru training, OR .you could just take advantage of the experience from our courses instructors to learn their tips, tricks, and action items to help you make the best decisions for YOU and YOUR personal goals.What WONT I get from this course?This is an intro to passive investing to gain the knowledge and big picture on where you are, where you want to be, and a road map to get there.We realize that many of our students are still understanding the basics of finding deals, understanding metrics, finding their personal investment criteria, etc.With that being said, more advanced aspects to due diligence, deal structuring, underwriting, etc. will be in a more advanced course.If you are looking for more advanced investing content please check out our advanced passive investing course here."
Price: 199.99

"Como crear un programa de Crossfit Competitivo" |
"En este curso aprenders a calcular la carga y el volumen para un atleta de Crossfit Competitivo, tomando en base el peso corporal del atleta podrs determinar cual es la carga ideal para ese atleta y combinandolo con una planeacin de progresiones sers capaz de escribir programas de entrenamiento individualizados para que tu o tus atletas puedan alcanzar sus metas deportivas."
Price: 2070.00

"Pilates Avanado 2.0" |
"Amplie seu repertrio e fidelize seus alunos aperfeioando suas sesses. Aprenda mais de 90 movimentos avanados, clssicos e contemporneos, incluindo dicas didticas sobre execues corretas, construes de movimentos, objetivos e observaes de cada exerccio, alm de variaes e adaptaes em cada uma das 90 aulas para evoluir clientes iniciantes e intermedirios.BNUS I: Apostila inteligente para impresso com QR-CODES interativos para acessar o vdeo explicativo de cada movimento."
Price: 429.99

"Mercado de Aes para Iniciantes" |
"Este curso foi pensado para voc que pretende entrar ou j entrou no mercado de aes e necessita de embasamento terico para entender os movimentos prticos do mercado. De contedo direto, leve e descontrado, seguimos um roteiro que iniciamos com o surgimento da Bolsa, como funciona sua regulao, IPOs, como se interpreta uma anlise tcnica e fundamentalista, os conhecidos efeitos manada, a Lei do Mais Ingnuo do mercado, alm de lhe ensinar como se processam e como se defender de manipulaes do mercado e, claro, os custos envolvidos. Tudo isso acompanhado de uma bateria de exerccios, que muito o ajudar a aferir seu conhecimento, e de uma sugesto de montagem de carteira de investimentos. Por fim, completamos com dicas de sites, livros e filmes que ajudaro a aprofundar o aprendizado. Ou seja, tudo didaticamente preparado para que voc no seja uma sardinha na Bolsa."
Price: 39.99

"Gitar almay renmede En Temel Konu Olan Akorlar En Basit ve Hzl ,Aklda Kalc Bir ekilde renin.. Videolarmda Akorlar Konusunu Kk Bir ocua Anlatr Gibi Sade, Anlalr, Basit ve Aklda Kalc Bir ekilde Anlattm.. Yaklak 15 yldr rettiim Metodlar ile Sizler de ksa Srede Akorlar renecek ve Gitar almaya Balayacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Os caminhos da inovao" |
"No curso ""Os caminhos da Inovao"" voc ir aprender tudo sobre os processos de inovao. Como surgiram, quais tipos possveis de inovao, como as marcas aplicam os modelos de inovao e o passo a passo de como voc pode levar para o seu negcio a cultura e a prtica de inovao e disrupo."
Price: 129.99

"""IF YOU START LOOKING AT THINGS DIFFERENTLY, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE"", this course is all about how to think differently and strategically.If you are new to business, want to start a business, would like to have a go to market strategy or if you have an existing business and not sure whether it it run optimally, this course is specifically designed for you. This course covers as the significance of a business mode, what it a business model, its framework, canvases within the business model. Further it help to design a business plan and budget.After completion of this course, you will be able to design your own business model, build strategies on the business models and execute perfect, optimized, profitable and growth oriented business."
Price: 199.99

"Data Analysis for Business and Finance" |
"In these volatile and continuously evolving times, theres no dearth of data available from multiple sources. Therefore, it becomes imperative that such data is validated and converted into meaningful information that can be used to make optimal decisions. This course exactly focuses on this and exposes you to various tools and methods that can be used to interpret data and derive information. What you learn in this course will give you a strong foundation in all the areas that support analytics and will help you to better position yourself for success within your organization.If you are aiming for a career as a Data Scientist or Data Analyst then lay foundation on your Statistics, Regression, Time Series skills are a few things you wish to try and do. It covers the essentials of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. It focuses on problem-solving by model development and solution interpretation. Use appropriate Data Analysis techniques for real-world problems and data. Write comprehensive and critical reports evaluating and interpreting obtained results.So many courses and books just bombard you with the theory, and math, and coding... But they forget to explain, perhaps, the most important part: why you are doing, what you are doing. And that is how this course is so different. We focus on developing an intuitive feel for the concepts behind Data Analysis.With our intuition tutorials, you will be confident that you understand all the techniques on an instinctive level. This is a game-changer for both business managers and finance professionals who can now learn techniques to maximize their knowledge and skills.In conclusion, this is an exciting training program filled with intuition tutorials and techniques that can be applied to all sets of data to make decisions that can benefit you in both personal and professional life. We are super enthusiastic about Data Analysis and hope to see you inside the class!Saurav Singla"
Price: 1280.00

"Music Theory from scratch" |
"This course covers the fundamentals and will give you all the necessary tools to read a music score, starting from a possible ""level zero"". Ideally you should also get some instrumental or vocal tuition in order to better put all of this in practice and enjoy your music making to the full.A few of the more technical topics have been intentionally left out in order to keep it fairly simple and avoid overcomplicating it."
Price: 19.99

"Examen practico para la certificacin DevOps Essentials 2020" |
"Un examen de prueba con 50 preguntas con el que se tendr un alto porcentaje de probabilidad en aprobar exitosamente la certificacin DevOps Essentials de CertiProf, adems de un manual para conocer lo bsico sobre DevOps, tambin con incluye un enlace para optar a la certificacin de manera gratuita en idioma Portugus."
Price: 19.99

"Build Android sample project with Clean Archi from scratch" |
"The Complete Guide: Build an Android sample project architecture from scratch with Clean Architecture, MVVM(with State management) Kotlin, Rx, Koin, Airbnb MvRx, Airbnb Epoxy, Navigation, Parse Server-------------------------------------------------------------------------The main objective of this course will explicate how to organize an Android sample project architecture according to Clean Architecture mind to know where we put lines of code that we wrote! The most important, this course will show what is the thinking process when we develop features according to Clean Architecture to develop features from abstraction to detail. We will learn how to organize project modules and dependencies between these modules and know where we will put new codes. We will understand Clean Architecture key points for implementation. Besides that, the course shows key points to use necessaries dependencies in the sample project.For practice, we will learn step by step to implement the sample project with some features (SignIn, SignUp, SignOut, show message list for chat, manage back stack for using bottom navigation like YouTube, Instagram). Attention, here we will think like Clean architecture mind when we develop the feature, it means we will write the code from ""domain"" module, then we will implement detail in ""data"" module and ""ui"" module."
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye Photoshop renin Photoshop'tan Para Kazann" |
"Adobe Photoshop Uygulamasndan Nasl Para Kazanabileceinizi, Nasl Sat Yapabileceini, Nasl Etkili Ve Gze arpacak ekilde Kullanacanz, Nasl Vexel Portre izimi Yaplacan, Nasl Logo izileceini, Nasl ""Photoshop'un Kullanlacan"" Ve Bunu Hobi Ya Da Olarak Kullanacanz reneceksiniz. Photoshop Uygulamasn Ska, Bolca, Gze Hitap Edecek ekilde, En Faydal Yntemlerle Ve Etkili Bir ekilde Kullanyorum..."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Marketing e Vendas Para Personal Trainers" |
"Com esse curso, voc que Personal Trainer vai aprender a trabalhar melhor seu marketing presencial e online, melhorar suas vendas, criar uma metodologia de entrega, gerenciar melhor sua carreira e investir seu dinheiro. Tudo isso desenvolvendo uma mentalidade empreendedora de sucesso.Se voc quer aprender como ter novos alunos todos os meses, ou fazer da sua carreira um negcio duradouro e escalvel, assumindo as rdeas do sucesso do seu negcio, esse o curso para voc.Em cada mdulo voc vai aprender tcnicas, metodologias e estratgias atuais e que funcionam na prtica. Com experincia de 28 anos como um dos melhores Personal Trainers do Brasil, o professor Maurlio Santana compartilha aqui nesse curso seus ensinamentos para voc prosperar na sua carreira de personal trainer, construindo uma marca forte e sendo desejado pelos clientes."
Price: 54.99

"Jornada da Transformao Interior" |
"Toda e qualquer dificuldade pessoal ou profissional baseada nas experincias de dor ou de alguma esperana do passado, que por vezes acabam atrapalhando ou impedindo nosso sucesso, caso no seja gerenciadas corretamente.Nesse programa voc ir aprender como identificar essas dores, resinificar essas dores, traar um plano de ao e agir todos os dias em direo ao sucesso nas reas da sua vida que voc achar mais importante.Quanto despertamos a conscincia para o que realmente queremos mudar, identificamos os obstculos e traamos um plano de ao baseado em nossos valores e crenas positivas, nos tornaremos assim, cada dia mais inabalveis.Todo processo de coaching pessoal dividido e quatro partes, e aqui, vamos trabalhar todas essas partes:Parte 1: Clareza de objetivosParte 2: Autoconhecimento e definio de metas.Parte 3: Planejamento de aes especficas baseadas em valores pessoais.Parte 4: Processo de melhoria contnua.Aproveite essa Jornada da Transformao pessoal e assuma as rdeas do sucesso que voc deseja ter para sua vida.Te vejo l dentro!Prof. Maurlio Santana"
Price: 39.99

"Virtual Reality Game Development with Unity" |
"Master the basics of virtual reality development by building a micro-VR game in the popular Unity engine. In this course, you will take some ready-made assets and put together a small, outdoor grilling VR experience with hand controllers and teleportation mechanics. Further, this course will show you how to adjust your game to be deployed on a variety of VR devices including Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, Oculus Go, SteamVR, and Windows Mixed Reality so that you are ready to develop for any VR rig.You will learn how to:Understand the difference between virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed realityCreate an environment for grilling and change the color of assetsSet up Unity for a variety of VR devicesImplement hand controllers that can pick up and place objects downDevelop a teleportation system so players can move around the map"
Price: 199.99

"Universidad Excel - De Cero hasta Experto en Tiempo Record!" |
"Este curso de Universidad Excel te llevar de la mano desde lo ms bsico hasta lo ms avanzado. Es el curso ms completo en todo Internet para aprender Excel. Nota: Seguiremos agreando contenido al curso al menos durante unos meses ms, as que falta mucho ms contenido que vamos a agregar.El temario de nuestro curso incluye:- Introduccin a Excel- Qu es Excel, como abrirlo, Interfaz General de Excel y configuracin bsica- Interfaz General- Barra de Acceso Rpido- Barra de Opciones- Ocultar la barra de opciones y volver a mostrarla - Men Archivo - Libros, Hojas, Celdas, Columnas y Renglones:- Libro: Crear, Abrir y Guardar - Hojas- Celdas, Columnas y Renglones - Qu es una celda en Excel - Tipo de Informacin que almacena una celda- Texto, Nmeros, Fechas, Formulas y Funciones-Formato de Celdas:- Atajos en Excel- Listas (Rangos)- Ordenamiento por columna - Filtrar (sin convertir a tabla)- Agrupar (columnas o renglones)- Buscar y reemplazar informacin - Inmovilizar paneles- Tablas- Segmentacin de Datos- Vistas- Manejo de Ventanas (Visualizar varios archivos a la vez)- Grficos- Diseo de Grficos- Minigrficos - Ilustraciones- Imgenes e ilustraciones- Smart Art- Frmulas - Barra de Frmula:- Nombres de Rangos - Referencias relativas y absolutas- Referencias entre hojas- Referencias entre libros- Constantes- Crear una constante y usarla como dato en nuestras formulas - Tipos de Operadores en Excel Operaciones Matemticas Bsicas en ExcelPrecedencia o Prioridad de Operadores en Excel - Funciones - Funcin concat y concatenar- Sumar celdas sin uso de funciones - Otras funciones bsicas:- count- promedio- min- max- contar nmeros - Ejercicio, calculadora con Excel- Crear las operaciones de Sumar, Restar, Multiplicar, Dividir, - Funcin de autocompletado de secuencias o listas - Funcin buscarv y buscarh- Formato Condicional - Tablas Avanzado- Validar celda con una lista de datos- Funcin Subtotales- Subtotales- Consolidacin de Datos - Plantillas- Impresin- Vista -> Diseo Pagina -> Cabecero y Pie Pgina- Imprimir solo una parte de la hoja- Imprimir el encabezado en varias pginas- Tablas dinmicas- Resumen de informacin - Grficos de Tablas dinmicas- Power Pivot - Power View- Power Map - Macros y VBA en Excel - Qu es VBA- Macros en Excel- Proyectos del Mundo real en ExcelY mucho ms, as que te esperamos del otro lado para que te conviertas en un Experto en Excel.Saludos!Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99

"Discovering Godot C# - Make Your First Godot C# Video Game" |
"Learn the fundamentals of how to create games in Godot using C# scripting language.Godot is a free, open-source game engine that provides a great alternative to Unity and Unreal. Currently there are 2 options for scripting in Godot - GDScript or C#. This short course is an overview on how to structure your C# code to make games in Godot.By the end of this short course students will be able to...Create a simple 2D Missile Defense game in Godot using C#.Understand the fundamental rules for C# such as declaring variables, creating functions and passing in parameters.Understand how to flexibly use nodes in Godot.Create scenes using Godot's tilemap tools.Modify inputs and player controls using the Input Map.Spawn and destroy objects in the scene.Create hitboxes and collision.Implement basic User Interface menus.Create a simple scoring and health system.The course is designed for people with at least some basic programming knowledge (but it doesn't have to be in C#). And if you haven't yet looked at the Godot engine, no problems, we will explain the important aspects of how to use the engine. The game we are creating is a 2D Missile Defense game which allows you to practice some of the fundamental building blocks for game development:Creating objects with collision and rules for what to do when colliding with other objectsSpawning and destroying new objects as they are required by the gameUse Godot's tilemap system to create worlds and rules for those worldsUsing the mouse to control the player object on the screenImplementing basic AI and gameplay rulesGet plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time)."
Price: 99.99

3-proverbs-themes-of-proverbs |
"311-10!5:1 - 111-102311-102 - 45. 11-1036.11-1047. H4148 - 8.Biblehub9. H4148 - 4510. Rosa"
Price: 29.99

"VPS Seguro en Ubuntu 20.04 con Letsencrypt, Cloudflare y ms" |
"Crea, configura y asegura tu propio Servidor Virtual Privado (VPS) con una alta calificacin de seguridad y tras los mejores servicios y configuraciones de seguridad y velocidad para todos tus proyectos.En este curso aprenders a crear desde cero tu propio servidor VPS. A interactuar con l y conectarte de manera segura, para configurar, instalar y asegurar un servidor web, una base de datos y a partir de all, cualquier sistema que requieras. Todo en sitios perfectamente seguros, y flexibles, creados paso a paso por ti.Despliega todos tus proyectos con tu propio dominio, con infinidad de posibilidades, sin costo adicional. Mantn tu propio espacio en la nube para todos tus trabajos, proyectos e ideas, despliega todo tipo de proyectos en una misma instancia y con la cantidad de dominios y sub-dominios que quieras sin pagar ms.Aunque se recomienda el uso de DigitalOcean, ests en libertad de crear tu VPS con el proveedor que desees, pues el curso lo puedes seguir en cualquier instancia limpia de Ubuntu 20.04 de tu proveedor de VPS favorito. Todo se har desde cero y paso a paso, sin depender de servicios adicionales, pudiendo as aplicarlo en cualquier servicio que prefieras.Instala y despliega un sistema completo con Linux/Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Cloudflare, Let's Encrypt, Certbot, Nginx y MySQL, adems como bonus adicional, se han agregado contenidos para desplegar proyectos populares como WordPress, Laravel y ms que se irn agregando con el tiempo.Por qu elegir este curso?Porque se usa la versin de soporte a largo trmino (LTS) ms reciente de Ubuntu, que es Ubuntu 20.04LTS. Esta versin te permite obtener actualizaciones y parches de seguridad por al menos dos aos, lo cual significa que podrs desplegar tu sistema en Ubuntu 20.04LTS y no tendrs que preocuparte por pasarte a otra versin por al menos dos largos aos.Porque no existe ningn otro curso en lnea que explique con este nivel de detalle cada paso a realizar, porque Let's Encrypt es novedoso, junto con el uso de Cloudflare como servicio de proteccin., y no encontrars contenidos que te enseen a usarlo del modo que se hace en este curso (el modo correcto y sencillo).Porque se usan los mejores estndares para obtener la calificacin ms alta de seguridad (A+) en lo sitios que asegures al seguir el curso.Porque, hoy en da los principales navegadores estn exigiendo conexiones seguras HTTPS en cualquier sitio o servicio en lnea, y al seguir el curso, podrs asegurar todos tus sistemas de forma gratuita por medio de Nginx, Let's Encrypt, Certbot y Cloudflare.Porque al final, tendrs la flexibilidad desplegar cualquier tipo de proyecto, y el curso ya include pasos especficos para desplegar proyectos PHP populares como WordPress y Laravel (y ms por venir).Qu aprendes y obtienes al seguir y terminar el curso?Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de desplegar tu propio servidor VPS y tus propios servicios en l, en muy poco tiempo y con facilidad. Todo bajo las mejores medidas de seguridad y con la proteccin de Cloudflare para incrementar la seguridad y velocidad de tus sitios. Tendrs entonces tus propios proyectos en lnea sin costos adicionales, pues no importa cuantos dominios, sub-dominios o proyectos pongas en tu VPS, el costo se mantendr igual.Al culminar todas las clases tendrs todos tus proyectos bajo un servidor completamente seguro, con conexiones HTTPS/TLS completamente gratuitas por medio de Letsencrypt y con una calificacin A+ en los sitios asegurados.Pero... Qu se ensea exactamente?Aqu tienes todo lo que vas a poder obtener de este curso:Crea tu propio servidor VPS con DigitalOcean (o cualquier proveedor que elijas)Ten un sistema rpido, seguro y amigable en Linux/Ubuntu en su versin LTS ms reciente (Ubuntu 20.04)Despliega un servidor web Nginx en pocos minutos y con las mejores configuraciones de seguridadDespliega un servidor de base de datos MySQL completamente seguro y sin demoraEstablece conexiones remotas aseguradas a tu base de datos con tneles SSHConfigura y usa fcilmente Git para desplegar por medio de SSH los diferentes proyectos en tu VPSAprende herramientas alternativas como SCP y WGet para sincronizar contenidos con tu VPSObtn paquetes externos e instlalos de forma global (Composer, Certbot, WP-CLI)Crea y configura tu propio dominio y todos los sub-dominios que requieras, sin tener que pagar msApunta tu dominio a tu servidor VPS configurando las entradas DNSAsegura tus servicios y proyectos con proteccin DDoS y mejoras de seguridad y velocidad con CloudflareConctate a tu VPS de manera remota, fcil y segura por medio de tus llaves SSHGestiona cuentas de usuario y evita que sistemas automatizados y externos accedan con privilegios (root)Aprende a usar los comandos esenciales (cd, systemctl, cp, sudo, mv, rm, mkdir, reboot, y muchos ms)Aprende a gestionar fcilmente los paquetes instalados en el VPS con aptAsignar permisos sobre carpetas y archivos de la manera correcta con chownExige el uso de conexiones seguras con SSH, y olvdate de las inseguras contraseasCrea y utiliza correctamente los usuarios con permisos administrativos (sudo)Despliega cualquier tipo de proyecto (no solo PHP) en dominios y conexiones seguras y protegidasSi usas PHP, despliega diferentes proyectos en PHP como WordPress y Laravel en sus propios sitios independientesNo solo podr ser PHP, usa y despliega cualquier tipo de proyecto que requieras (ms vendrn luego)Comprende y aprovecha las ventajas del uso de SSH para conectarte a tu VPS o a servicios externosConctate con servicio de terceros por medio de llaves SSH de forma correctaConfigura fcilmente un firewall (UFW) y aumenta drsticamente la seguridad de tu VPSMitiga ataques DoS y DDoS con configurando Nginx, adems se usar a Cloudflare como servicio de proteccinEvita que sistemas automatizados intenten acceder a tu VPS, por medio de Fail2BanHabilita el sistema de compresin Gzip en tu servidor webEvitar ataques CSS/XSS, Sniff y iFrames configurando NginxObtn certificados de seguridad para conexiones HTTPS para tus proyectos con Let's Encrypt y CertbotInstala de la forma correcta los certificados de seguridad en Nginx, para obtener la calificacin A+ de seguridadUsa certbot para obtener e instalar fcilmente certificados de seguridad de Let's Encrypt para cada sitio que usesCrea y usa los dominios y sub-dominios que requieras fcilmenteDespliega fcilmente cualquier tipo de proyecto en tu VPS, aplicando todo lo aprendidoAprende a desplegar y sincronizar proyectos con tu VPS del modo correcto y eficienteY no termina ah! Tendrs acceso de por vida a todas las clases del curso, lo cual incluye clases adicionales y de actualizacin posteriores. Adems tendrs acceso de primera mano, al sistema de preguntas, mensajes y respuestas, donde responder todas tus dudas y comentarios de inmediato (siempre respondo). Siempre estar complacido de ayudar en cualquier problema o duda que tengas durante el curso.No esperes ms! Aprende todas estas habilidades haciendo clic en ""Inscribirte"" y siente la libertad de tener tu propio servidor VPS.Nos vemos en clases :)"
Price: 179.99

"Beginner Data Structures in C" |
"This course is designed to meet the needs of students who wish to learn Data Structures and implement them in C programming.There are many courses that can teach you the basics of C and many others that teach you data structures, however, there is a gap between basic C and data structures. This course tends to fill that gap.This course is a bridge between Basic C concepts and advanced data structures that one would typically want to use. It is an intermediate level course.The course covers in good enough dept, topics like arrays, pointers and their usage, structures, dynamic memory allocation and so on.Do take a look at the curriculum and preview lectures if you are interested.Best wishes,bharat."
Price: 19.99

"Design The Ultimate Upwork Profile 4 Successful Freelancers" |
"This course teaches aspiring and existing freelancers how to craft an exceptional Upwork profile that is based on the same client winning strategies that other top performing freelancers in their niche are actively using on Upwork.The primary benefits for students include:Saving time by knowing exactly how to complete your Upwork profileGetting your Upwork profile approved the first time its submittedDetermining the maximum hourly rate you can fairly charge based on your current experience levelDeveloping a profile that is as effective as possible at converting a profile viewer into a lead or clientCreating a profile that gets invited to jobs as frequently as possibleStudents should enroll if they plan to make an Upwork profile and are serious about creating one that consistently stands out against their competition on this remote work platform and massively assists them in charging top dollar as well as earning clients as easily as possible.Bonus: Each lecture comes with a downloadable MP3 version so you can take us in your car, to the gym, while walking the dog and revisit all the valuable lessons in this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Sosyal Fobi iin pratik neriler" |
"Sosyal sknt, basit farkndalklar ve tekniklerle hzla dzelebilen bir durumdur. Herkesin kendi potansiyelini ve hayatn ona sunduklarn doya doya yaamaya hakk vardr.Bu eitim videosunu izledikten sonra-yani yaklak 2 saat sonra-hibir eyin artk sizin iin eskisi gibi olmayacana emin olabilirsiniz. Bu ana kadar; ekinmeye, utanmaya, kk dmeye, heyecanlanmaya, odaklanm olan siz; bu durumdan kurtulup artk iinde bulunduumuz ana ve sonsuz olaslklara odaklanmaya balayacaksnz. Sosyal ortamlarda keyifli bir merkezde olma hissi yaayacaksnz. Korkular azalacak, performans/baaramama kayglar kaybolacaktr.Amacm bu skntlar yaayan milyonlarca insann ""sosyal potansiyel"" ve huzuruna katkda bulunmak.""Yaknla, destee, fkelenmeye, dengesizlie sradanla her ihtiya duyduumuzda utan duymasak nasl olurdu""?Dr. M. Levent SOYLU"
Price: 199.99

"Master Deno, React, Mongo, NGINX running with Docker-Compose" |
"You just found the most comprehensive online resource on Deno, React Mongo, Docker, Docker-Compose and NIGNX available to date. This project-based course will introduce you, step by step to all of the modern tools that all top the line Deno and React developer should know in 2020.We will build together a strong foundation during the course of this project, starting with Docker and Docker-Compose.We will learn how to Dockerize all the applications we will need, creating no one or two Docker containers but four, we will learn how:Create a Docker Image to host our Deno Application with hot-reload functionCreate a Docker Image to host our Rect Drag'n'Drop application also with hot-reloadCreate a Dockerized MongoDb container where we will map the data to a volume on our machine, so we never miss the data.Create a NGINX Docker container to proxy the request between the API requests and the Front-End Requests.And all that is just the beginning, we will also:Setup Visual Studio to an extra fast developmentInstall all the necessary tools togetherLearn how to create a Deno server using OakLearn how to connect Deno with MongoDbLearn how to validate our data using ValidasourMake how to make our React application look Amazing with UiKitLearn how to mutate state directly using ImmerTake Axios to make HTTP connections to its extremeLearn step by step, the main hooks in react:useStateuseEffectuseReduceruseCallbackuseMemoand many custom hooks we will createAll you need to know to set up NGINX in DockerThe curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish of releasing a professional-grade Deno and React project from your development machine all the way into production.We jump directly into the deep end and get our hands dirty, however along the way we will cover all Deno basics and then going into advanced topics so you can make right decisions on architecture and tools on any of your future Deno and React projects.All code will be provided, and you will get access to the full project code, so signing up for the course will give you a project to put on their portfolio right away, and did I already say it is a full amazing Drag'n'Drop project noting like any other online course ever covered?The topics covered in this course are:3 reasons why this course is unlike anything out there:1. You will build the most significant project you will find out there using Deno.2. You will have an instructor that consults all over the world, solving the worst problems a company can have and train their employers, teaching you exclusively.3. This course will always be evolving and updating as the landscape changesWith all that said, all you need to do is to...Click ENROLL NOW and see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Immobilien Steuersparkurs" |
"Wir haben in Deutschland die zweithchste Steuer- und Sozialabgabenbelastung (OECD, Taxing Wages 2020, OECD Publishing) weltweit. Durch diesen Kurs kannst du die Steuerlast bei deinem Portfolioaufbau deutlich reduzieren und bei Veruerung und Vermietung fallen berhaupt keine Sozialabgaben an.Was solltest du unbedingt ber diesen Kurs wissen?Du kannst kein Spiel gewinnen, dessen Regeln du nicht kennst. So geht es den meisten Immobilieninvestoren, die sich keine teuren Berater leisten knnen oder wollen. Dabei macht das Steuerwissen nicht selten den Unterschied, denn gerade bei einer Veruerung lassen sich mit der richtigen Strategie zum Teil sechsstellige Betrge sparen.In diesem Kurs erhltst du Wissen aus der Praxis. Die Trainer, Speaker und Autoren bauen nicht nur ihre eigenen Bestnde auf, sondern sind auch selbst erfolgreiche Immobilienunternehmer."
Price: 199.99
