"Investment Game: A Biginner Guide" |
"The global continuous change in peoples lifestyles and how to deal with the world around us has changed some ways that we take to be rich. The opportunities for being rich became much easier than before if we learn the basic keys on how to take advantage of them. This emphasizes that the abundance of money is available everywhere, but it needs the following:IntentionLearningAskingConsultingActionReviewingImprovingThe advancement of digital technology opened several new fast tracks that help us to reach our goals. This advancement was one of the drivers that assist many people during the hard times, especially during the COVID19 pandemic issue.This course will give us some insights into how to improve our financial situations by harnessing different opportunities around us. It summarizes the experience and knowledge of several Millionaires, authors, and expert opinions.Please take the course step by step, expand your knowledge, ask questions, and consult experts.Good Luck :)"
Price: 19.99

"Effective Secrets of Healing Touch Therapy And More 101" |
"In this course you will learn the art of healing touch therapy generally similar to the work of L. E. Eeman. Mostly based on the Jesus' teachings of ""oneness.""But beyond this you will learn many secret principles used by effective alternative healers. These principles are applicable to all forms of healing therapies, alternative or conventional. With the application of these principles you will be a more well rounded healer and much more effective, whatever therapy you deem appropriate in a specific situation. You will also learn how to do some other simple forms of alternative healing. "
Price: 19.99

"Critical Pastoral Proverbs for Counselors/Counseling Pastors" |
"In this course you will learn many of the underlying principles to counseling and advising others. With these principles you will be able to keep counseling and advising on the right path and in a more beneficial direction. These principles should be applied in both formal pastoral counseling situations and just talking over things with others. They are a door to counseling wisdom. "
Price: 19.99

"Tableau 2020: Visualisierungen und Analysen mit Tableau" |
"Lerne mit diesem Kurs, wie du Tableau schnell und effektiv einsetzen kannst!Lerne die Datenvisualisierung mit Tableau 2020 kennen und biete oder wichtigen Entscheidungstrgern die Mglichkeit, Datenmuster wie das Kaufverhalten der Kunden, Verkaufstrends oder Produktionsengpsse zu ermitteln.Du lernst alle Funktionen in Tableau kennen, mit denen Du deine Daten einfach, schnell und elegant untersuchen, experimentieren, korrigieren, vorbereiten und prsentieren kannst.SchnellstartDu wirst so schnell wie mglich den Basis Diagramme von Tableau anwenden knnen. Das heit ein echte Daten einlesen und daraus Visualisierungen erstellen und diese Verffentlichen.VisualisierungenMache dich mit Tableau Schritt fr Schritt mit den Grundlagen der Datenvisualisierung und Datenerkennung vertraut. Das wirst du lernen: Sortiere, filter und gruppiere deine Daten Erstelle Tabellen, Balkendiagramme und Liniendiagramme Zeigen den Standort mithilfe von geografischen Karten an Aggregiere mit der Summe, Durchschnitt, Min, Max und Anzahl Erstelle mithilfe von Berechnungen neue Felder Kombinieren Sie Daten mithilfe von Verknpfungen, Vereinigungen und Beziehungen.AbschlussprojektDer letzte Teil des Kurses ist das Abschlussprojekt, in dem du mithilfe von Tableau ein komplettes Dashboard aus erschiedenen Datenquellen erstellen wirst. Speichere dein Projekt auf der Tableau Public-Website, und du hast ein Projekt, das du potenziellen Arbeitgebern zeigen kannst.Brauche ich Tableau Linzenz fr den Kurs?Fr den Kurs verwenden wir die kostenfrei Tableau Public Version. Das heisst, es fallen keine Lizenskosten fr dich an und die Lizens ist auch nicht zeitlich befristet.Fr all das gilt eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Worauf wartest du noch? Melde dich gleich an und wir sehen uns im Kurs!Schau dir die kostenlosen Vorschau-Videos an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten!"
Price: 194.99

"Linkedin Expert" |
"1o Curso da Udemy que ensina estratgias de CRESCIMENTO do seu perfil!OBS: Esse curso no ensina a criar ou preencher o perfil no Linkedin.Ol, sou o Prof. Danilo Mota e um dia desses, um amigo me perguntou como fazer para aumentar a sua rede no Linkedin e conseguir vender mais. Eu pedi para olhar o perfil dele e logo percebi o que estava errado. E eram erros que chamo de ""estratgicos"". Eu passei os ""hacks"" para meu amigo, afinal, amigo para essas coisas. Depois disso, outras pessoas comearam a me perguntar a mesma coisa. Como vi que basicamente todo mundo cometia os mesmos erros, resolvi construir esse curso.Ento, se o seu objetivo vender pelo Linkedin ou conseguir um novo emprego, eu vou te ensinar o que tenho feito todos os dias para crescer e vencer o jogo do relacionamento nessa rede.Esse um curso onde vou te passar hacks que testei e venho aplicando e mensurando constantemente.Reconhea: tem momentos que precisamos de um passo-a-passo para avanar!Vamo comigo?Te espero dentro do curso!"
Price: 144.99

"Pyglet in Python Programming" |
"This course will allow you to learn starting from basics of Pyglet in Python. Pyglet Library is used for the Python programming that provides an object oriented application programming interface. Pyglet is used to develop gaming, multi media applications and other visually rich applications.Once you complete this course, you will be in a position to understand concepts of Pyglet library and you will also can write the code on your own. This course will cover Pyglet library from basics with examples.This course is mainly for those who do not have any programming experience and experienced people can take this course to refresh their knowledge.This course will starts with fundamentals and then slowly will cover required concepts of Pyglet in Python. In this course for each topic, there will be a lecture and the same content has been attached in ppt format."
Price: 19.99

"Japanese Art and Design" |
"Welcome to this course on Japanese Art and Design. Japanese art covers a wide range of art styles and media, including ancient pottery, sculpture, ink painting and calligraphy on silk and paper, ukiyo-e paintings and woodblock prints, and ceramics. A common denominator is an exquisite sense and sensibility of art and design that is unique in the world."
Price: 194.99

"Master Python programming by solving scientific projects" |
"You're probably thinking ""There are hundreds of Python courses on Udemy; why should I enroll in this one??!?""Let me skip all the blah blah blah you often read in these course descriptions, and get straight to what makes this course stand out:Strong focus on solving projects that you will encounter in your academic, work, and hobby projects.I use a problem-solving teaching style focused on getting results. The course is much more than just a list of Python functions.I'm not a member of the Python cult (you know, the people who believe Python is The Greatest Language Ever). So I'm not going to gloss over the weird or annoying parts of Python that many instructors ignore or pretend aren't a problem.The course contains a wide variety of projects, from statistics to data clustering to text processing to time series filtering. You'll also get to learn really cool things like simulating a brain circuit, plotting state-space trajectories, biomedical signal processing, and the math behind gradient descent.Access to the course Q&A, where I and your fellow students can discuss Python coding strategies, data types, best-practice in scientific coding, and so on.I encourage students to contribute their clever project solutions to the Q&A forum, so you can also learn from your colleagues. And, of course, you can post your own clever code solutions to help your fellow students!What should you do now?Check out the preview videos so you can see my teaching style.Check out the reviews of this course.You can also see the reviews of my other courses to learn that I am a dedicated and passionate teacher."
Price: 19.99

"Egyptian Reiki! ~ Certified!" |
"Egyptian Reiki is an original upgrade level of the Traditional Usui Reiki System, through which you will receive an apprenticeship on the sacred knowledge of the infinite Intuitive Light!This course has been created through a unique combination of energies, blessings and vibrations, so to offer you an attunement which will touch and awaken all the levels of your existence. In this upgrade level, you will receive the divinity of the Light Language and Light Codes as blessings ~ channeled by the Egyptian Deity Osiris, the attuning power of the Spoken Word channeled by Lord Melchizedek, the pure and unconditional love of creation channeled by Goddess Amerissis and the unique gifts of the Seven Rays provided by the Chohans of the Rays, all together combined and united with the wisdom of Reiki, channeled by the Ascended Master Mikao Usui.Through your attunement you will receive 5 new Master Symbols which will are designed not only for healing, but also as tools for introspection and inner revelation. You will be given information about the 5 essences that compose the soul and receive a general idea of the ancient egyptian philosophy. The main focus of education will be given on the Heart-Mind body, because through awakening the mind, you may awaken any other essence of your Soul. I have put my sincere effort to preserve the authenticity of the information given to me and now shared to you, so youll be able to receive this unique combination of divine knowledge as intact as possible.I hope that you will enjoy every moment of learning and that youll find this course helpful.If you have any questions feel free to contact me!Blessings of Light, Nikolaos Baralos! What students say about this course:""All of Nikolaos's courses are done with care and consideration of the highest good. I have taken all of his courses and find the ones that extend my Reiki practice to be the ones I enjoy the most, although all of his courses have deepened my knowledge and connection. Highly recommend his courses."" ~ Sandra Campbell""Another beautiful course, so much love and gratitude to you Nikolaos ??"" ~ Christine Lawrence""This new Reiki upgrade take things to a whole new level. As always, I love all courses by Nikolaos Baralos and I highly recommend this one if you are ready to upgrade your master level of Mikao Usui Reiki. Take your time with the new symbols, they are very powerful. Blessings."" ~ Francis Iltes""As with all Nikolas' other courses, a truly wonderful course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone"" ~ Lizabeth Bisschoff""I fully enjoyed this course. It has helped to open my heart, mind and spirit and soul. I enjoy his courses. They are always engaging and well put together. Thank you"" ~ Stormi Annette Summers""Wonderful experience....thank you !"" ~ Steven OrsmanTitle of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 39.99

"Make Money From Home As a Transcriptionist: 10 Opportunities" |
"Do you want to make money from home typing what you hear?Do you like to make money online with flexible hours wherever you want?Then this is the PERFECT UDEMY Course for you!You're gonna find out the details about Making Money Online with 10 Transcription Jobs From Home and spot the best opportunities for you.Over the years, I've seen dozens of transcription jobs from home and you need to know the differences:Some of them are easy and suitable for beginners.Others require more experience but they'll pay you more.Some opportunities only operate in specific countries.Other money-making opportunities are available worldwide.Dive into the lessons and see the differences between these 10 Transcription Jobs From Home.Then you can choose the best Money-Making option for you.I'll see you inside!- Roope ""Sharing the blessing of making money from home"" KiuttuPS. Making money online has several benefits:Work anywhere you want.Work anytime you want.Work as much or as little as you want.The opportunities are right in front of your nose. Don't hesitate... Start your new life of FREEDOM!"
Price: 199.99

"IOS, Security Device Manager and IP Routing MCQ (Networking)" |
"Internetwork Operating System (IOS) is a family of network operating systems used on many Cisco Systems routers and current Cisco network switches. Earlier, Cisco switches ran CatOS. IOS is a package of routing, switching, internetworking and telecommunications functions integrated into a multitasking operating system. Although the IOS code base includes a cooperative multitasking kernel, most IOS features have been ported to other kernels such as QNX and Linux for use in Cisco productsNot all Cisco products run IOS. Notable exceptions include ASA security products, which run a Linux-derived operating system, carrier routers which run IOS-XR and Cisco's Nexus switch and FC switch products which run Cisco NX-OSDevice Manager is a Control Panel applet in Microsoft Windows operating systems. It allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer. When a piece of hardware is not working, the offending hardware is highlighted for the user to deal with. The list of hardware can be sorted by various criteriaFor each device, users can:Supply device drivers in accordance with the Windows Driver ModelEnable or disable devicesTell Windows to ignore malfunctioning devicesView other technical propertiesDevice Manager was introduced with Windows 95 and later added to Windows 2000. In NT-based versions, it is included as a Microsoft Management Console snap-inIP routing is the field of routing methodologies of Internet Protocol (IP) packets within and across IP networks. This involves not only protocols and technologies but includes the policies of the worldwide organization and configuration of Internet infrastructure. In each IP network node, IP routing involves the determination of a suitable path for a network packet from a source to its destination in an IP network. The process uses static configuration rules or dynamically obtained status information to select specific packet forwarding methods to direct traffic to the next available intermediate network node one hop closer to the desired final destination, a total path potentially spanning multiple computer networksNetworks are separated from each other by specialized hosts, called gateways or routers with specialized software support optimized for routing. In routers, packets arriving at an interface are examined for source and destination addressing and queued to the appropriate outgoing interface according to their destination address and a set of rules and performance metrics. Rules are encoded in a routing table that contains entries for all interfaces and their connected networks. If no rule satisfies the requirements for a network packet, it is forwarded to a default route. Routing tables are maintained either manually by a network administrator, or updated dynamically with a routing protocol. Routing rules may contain other parameters than source and destination, such as limitations on available bandwidth, expected packet loss rates, and specific technology requirementsIP forwarding algorithms take into account the size of each packet, the type of service specified in the header, as well as characteristics of the available links to other routers in the network, such as link capacity, utilization rate, and maximum datagram size that is supported on the link. In general, most routing software determines a route through a shortest path algorithm. However, other routing protocols may use other metrics for determining the best path. Based on the metrics required and present for each link, each path has an associated cost. The routing algorithm attempts to minimize the cost when choosing the next hopA routing protocol is a software mechanism by which routers communicate and share information about the topology of the network, and the capabilities of each routing node. It thus implements the network-global rules by which traffic is directed within a network and across multiple networks. Different protocols are often used for different topologies or different application areas. For example, the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol is generally used for routing packets between subnetworks within an enterprise and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is used on a global scale. BGP is the de facto standard of worldwide Internet routingThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on IOS, Security Device Manager and IP RoutingPlease Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 36 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99

"AFFINITY Photo Intermdiaire - Outils + Ateliers Cratifs" |
"Voici l'alternative parfaite Photoshop ... AFFINITY PhotoJe suis Romain, Formateur digital depuis plus 12 ans ( Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere pro,Wordpress ) et maintenant AFFINITY !!!Vous avez envie, ou besoin de retoucher des photos, faire des photomontages, crer des supports de com' papier ou web???Cette formation AFFINITY Photo Intermdiaire est parfaite pour vous !!! Vous connaissez dj AFFINITY Photo mais vous voulez aller plus loin, connaitre de nouvelles fonctionnalits, outils et astuces...Je vous propose un programme adapt vos attentes, divis en plusieurs tapes pour apprhender le logiciel dans son ensemble et surtout mettre tout a en pratique avec des Ateliers cratifs et thmatiques.Si vous voulez reprendre les bases, je vous propose aussi une autre formation AFFINITY Photo Initation, n'hsitez pas y jeter un coup d'oeil.LE PROGRAMME DE VOTRE FORMATION:Atelier PixelLes outils de slectionLa plumeEXERCICE PRATIQUE Basket AdidasOutils de retoucheLa gommePersona LiquifyLes CalquesLa couleurLes pinceauxLa dformationLes motifsMacros et traitement par lotAlignement - Guides - GrillesLes filtresDevelop PersonaTone mapping PersonaAtelier Cratif - Air JordanAtelier Cratif - Composition Effet NeonAtelier Cratif - Crer un PolyscapeAtelier Cratif - Lettre effet peintureAtelier Cratif - Habit transparentAtelier Cratif - Composition DispersionAtelier Cratif - Ville suspendueN'hsitez pas acheter cette formation, tout est idal, logiciel trs performant et peu cher, formation de qualit et rgulirement mis jour, suivi de projet et rponse aux questions via le tchat du site.Je serais heureux d'tre votre formateur, trs bienttRomain Duclos Formateur Digital"
Price: 199.99

"Formao Udemy: Como ganhar uma renda extra (Unofficial)" |
"Neste curso iremos aprender o passo a passo de como construir uma estrutura de vendas na plataforma Udemy, utilizando, alm das ferramentas que a prpria plataforma oferece, estratgias inovadoras de como gerar alunos para os seus cursos.O aprendizado adquirido neste curso pode ser aplicado em qualquer rea de conhecimento, a metodologia empregada de fcil entendimento e no necessrio a utilizao de equipamentos de ponta, podendo utilizar at mesmo seu celular e seu computador. Em poucas semanas, aplicando a minha metodologia, voc ver os resultados e comear a impulsionar suas vendas na plataforma!"
Price: 129.99

"React & Angular: Complete Guide for Beginners (Step by Step)" |
"This course is a set of 2 individual courses, React JS & Angular. This complete course is structured to get you started with React JS and Angular Framework as quickly as possible.First we will cover React JS which is designed, developed and maintained by Facebook. Then we will get into the most popular JavaScript Framework Angular.In both the topics we literally build projects. The course is structured to work with complete practical rather than wandering around about theory. In the first topic, React JS we will build a Scratch pad app completely with React Js. In the second topic Angular, we build build a simple web app with Angular 10."
Price: 8000.00

"SAFE: Diseo de cimentacin y entrepiso en concreto armado." |
"En este curso aprenders a usar las herramientas necesarias para disear cualquier tipo de cimentacin tales como, aisladas, combinadas, mixtas, losas de cimentacin y adicionalmente estars en la capacidad de disear entrepisos de losas aligeradas (nervadas bidireccionales) con y sin vigas. El software SAFE de la familia de CSI es un software con un flujo de trabajo amigable y sencillo pero al mismo tiempo extremadamente potente para lograr cualquier objetivo, este curso est hecho para aplicar su cdigo local indiferentemente del pas en el que se encuentre y tambin permite la integracin con software de la misma familia como lo es el ETABS."
Price: 54.99

"Multi-Cloud Deployment With Serverless Framework" |
"RequirementsBasic knowledge of Javascript and Node.js is requiredKnowledge of react is not needed but good to haveWorking LaptopInternet connectionWhy Multi-cloud course?Cloud computing is redefining how we build applications and businesses, reaping the benefits of economies of scale, leading to the death of traditional data centers.According to Gartner, 80% of enterprises will no longer use traditional data centers by 2025. Moreover, 68% of cloud services delivered today are being delivered by hyper-scale providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.Visionaries such as Elon Musk, leading the transformation towards postmodern technology on the edge of a new industrial revolution perhaps one of the best examples.A vision as such requires a mountain of resources to execute, and that is where cloud computing shines, and that is how you have an opportunity to create an impact in the next industrial revolution!Want to get an unfair advantage in the Cloud industry?No worries! This course has got you covered!Serverless technology is being seen increasingly used in companies. A lot of them are transitioning from single cloud infrastructure to multi cloud infrastructure. and this is where this course comes in! There are few resources online that shows how to code and deploy serverless applications on 4 different cloud environment and worst you won't find any videos showing how different type of architectural designs are used! Micro-service architecture? Multi cloud fail over architecture? CI/CD pipeline? Vendor lock-ins? THEY ARE ALL COVERED!All challenges you will face in the real world are covered in this course. Beyond focusing on the basics of serverless technology, this course is a perfect introduction to the world of multicloud. You will work from all the way from writing the code, testing and deploying to all cloud providers and even have your own front-end!I try to cover every step with details and make sure everything is clear! This course makes sure you get your hands dirty fast and deploy your application in an easy manner instead of hours and hours of boring lectures!How This Course WorksThis course teaches you real life examples and makes sure what you are being taught is actually used in real life and not just a basic tutorial where later you will have to google and figure out how things are applied at work! We will be using third party frameworks, libraries and many more things and figure out clever solutions to solving the issues.What Technology You'll UseNode JSServerless FrameworkAWS LambdaAWS API gatewayAWS cloud-formationGoogle cloud functionsGCP development managerAzure functionsIBM cloud functionsTwillio NpmAsync/AwaitMongoDBReact JSGITGITHUBRest API DesignPostmanPackage managementStripe payment gatewayMany more toolsSo many technologies right? Even if your not familiar with one of them, don't worry I got everything covered that you need to learn with. What You'll Be Able to DoBy the time you complete this course, you will be able to:Architect a multi-service applicationDetermine the correct architectural design for the application neededDeploy server-less applications quickly to 4 cloud providersCode in a organised manner so large teams can re use the code. What You'll LearnFirstly, we will go through an overview of the multi-cloud ecosystem and other necessary supporting topics, before we deep dive into being hands-on and get coding.We will set up all necessary accounts such as AWS, Azure & GCP accounts, dependencies, installations and tools that are in order to smoothly get continue the course.We will be learning how to deploy a serverless application to AWS, Google Cloud, Azure using a serverless framework. We will go through the basic set up needed to deploy our serverless functions and prepare a template that we will use in the future for all serverless functions for each cloud provider to make multi-cloud deployment smooth.We will be building a sms application and deploy it using a serverless framework to AWS, GCP, and Azure. We will be using Twilios services and deep dive into the concept of the vendor - lock and see a real-life example on how we refrain from vendor locking to a specific ecosystem. Moreover, we will also start learning how to test codes locally before deploying them to the cloud providers and we will cover different error scenarios while testing to replicate real-life errors.We will be learning about decoupling architecture design. This basically means that we will be decoupling our technical code from our business logic code by building an application that will showcase this architectural style.We will be learning about fail-over architecture. what this means in practice is that we will have our code running on 2 cloud platforms and when one cloud provider is turned off the traffic will automatically be transferred to the other online cloud platform.We will be building an app that allows users to purchase items from a store and also learn about continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline.We will be learning about micro-service architecture.Microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are highly maintainable and testable, loosely coupled , independently deployable,organized around business capabilities &owned by a small team.So why wait?! Grab the course now!"
Price: 34.99

"Workshop Technology OR Machine Shop Theory" |
"A mechanical engineering undergraduate and graduate always tend to skip learning about Machine Shop. However this subject is as much crucial as Thermodynamics,Strength of Material,Fluid Mechanics and other important subjects.The purpose of this course is to take a novice, a person with no Machine Shop or Workshop experience, and within duration of this course teach them about various Machine tools as such Lathe Machine,Shaper,Planer,Slotter,Drilling Machine and Milling machine in a concise way."
Price: 29.99

"KPSS Tarih Kamp - 200 soru- brahim Karakaya" |
"Tarih dersi birok snavn ana konularndan biri olmakla beraber standart sapmas da en yksek alanlardan biridir. Bunun nedeni snava giren adaylarn net saysnn olduka az olmasdr. Tarih'e nasl almalym sorusu ise bize en sk sorulan sorulardan biridir.e gzel bir konu anlatm kitabn almakla balayn. Kitab nce sadece okuyun. Sonra 2. kez okuyun fakat altn izerek okuyun bu defa. Sonra 3. kez okuyun ancak bu defa altn izdiiniz yerleri not almay unutmayn. Uzun bir sre olarak gelebilir fakat en etkili yntem budur. 3. kez almada her blm sonunda soru zmek (mmknse zml sorular) konuyu daha iyi anlamanz salayacaktr. Tm bunlarn bitiminde km sorularla tekrar yapmanz konular iyice pekitirecektir. Bu kursumuzda Tarihin tm konularn ieren bir eitim paketi ile her soru tipine yer verilmitir. Kursumuz sizlere en hzl/pratik/ksa yoldan soru zm stratejilerini retmeyi planlamaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Physics Olympiad notes" |
"Preparing for the Physics olympiad this year led us to covering the curriculum of the exam along with many interesting topics such as the ideal gas law. The mechanics part has been largely omitted due to our students understanding them well though we plan to add some more theoretical discussions of mechanics in the future. Much of the learning occurs through our tackling of various problems."
Price: 19.99

"A continuum of numbers" |
"The beginning of the study of analysis is the clever construction of the set of real numbers using subsets of the set of rational numbers. This is a very foundational topic especially in the study of calculus which is often omitted in most treatments. Once the real numbers are constructed, the complex numbers will be quite a simple consequent construction."
Price: 19.99

"72 nomi di Dio -Guarigione spirituale cabalistica- Livello 1" |
"Questo corso ti fornisce strumenti pratici per la guarigione spirituale, la trasformazione personale e attirare l'abbondanza in tutte le aree della tua vita.Imparerai le virt dei nomi sacri, le loro speciali vibrazioni energetiche e come implementarle nella pratica.Utilizzando i poteri delle 72 combinazioni di lettere ebraiche, puoi risolvere i problemi in corso nella tua vita, guarirti, rimuovere i blocchi e raggiungere il successo e la realizzazione personale.I 72 nomi di Dio sono 72 combinazioni di lettere di 3 lettere ciascuna, che sono criptate nella Bibbia.Questo il primo livello in cui conoscerai i potenti poteri spirituali dei 72 Nomi di Dio e come applicarli.Questo corso ti permetter di modificare la tua realt, ottenendo quello che desideri e di usare i nomi di Dio come strumento di guarigione per te stesso e per gli altri.Grazie a questo corso imparerai tutto quello che c' da sapere per poter utilizzare il potere di questi codici divini per te stesso e per poterlo fare anche agli altri.Quindi si integrano alla tua professione olistica o sono un nuovo modo di operare a livello olistico energetico come potente strumento di guarigione.Come disse Il grande maestro Ges Cristo, ""chiedete e vi sar dato"".Ed attraverso i nomi dei suoi messaggeri, gli angeli, che le tue richieste possono essere accolte ed esaudite.Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Praticante spirituale cabalista dei 72 nomi di Dio.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Sei pronto a penetrare dentro uno dei misteri pi grandi e antichi che il mondo conosca, quello dei nomi di Dio?Sei pronto a scoprirne i magici effetti?"
Price: 119.99

"Passive Income - 3 Steady Passive Business Models (A-Z)" |
"So, what is passive income? It's income you make while you sleep. Does that mean you can setup a passive income business with no effort? Absolutely not. It still takes work. This is no 'get rich quick' scheme. Those don't exist in the real world. But, if you want to take a day off, or a week off, or even a month off, you can do so without worrying about losing your income. I do that regularly. You do need to put in the effort to build up the business when you get started, and you need to put continued effort to maintain the business, but this isn't what I call an active business. Your income doesn't depend on getting the next client or working on the next project. The work you did last year will make you money this year.Courses I published 3 years back still make me money every month. How cool is that? So in this course, I'll teach you how to set up 3 such passive income businesses. This isn't just a list of the business models. I'll teach you the exact steps I use when setting up and running these businesses. These aren't fly by the night businesses either. These are solid businesses models that, if properly worked on, will make you money for years to come, and could potentially become your main source of income. You'll learn the A-Z process on how to set up, run and scale up these 3 business models that can be set up and run by anyone, regardless of skill or geographic location.This course has 3 complete business in a boxes! What will you learn from this course? You'll learn: 1. How to set up passive income businesses that'll last for years2. How to set up 3 different steady businesses that make you money while you sleep 3. A-Z of 3 unique, but powerful business models that can potentially replace your day job 4. How to create an online course business that you can start and run today5. How to make money teaching pretty much anything, including your obscure hobbies6. How a course you published 3 years back will still make you a consistent income today7. How to get sales for your courses and take your business to the next level 8. How to bring sales to your course business and use it to build a brand in the future 9. How to write books and bank every week of every month 10. How to select the right topics to write books on - but topics you actually like writing books on 11. How to bring sales to your books immediately after you publish them12. The exponential effect of Kindle books and how to utilize them to maximize your income 13. How to use your books exponentially grow your business and brand 14. How to create YouTube channels the right way15. How to choose channel niches, niches that bring you more ad revenue with less subscribers 16. How to go against the grain but still big with YouTube channels17. How to use your YouTube channel as a stepping stone for something more - something great18. How to build a symbiotic relationship between all 3 of these business models and explode your income and so much more! This course is for you:1. If you'd like to learn how to make passive income that lasts for years2. If you want 3 different business models that net you reliable passive income day in and day out with a few hours of work every week3. If you've always wanted to work from home and replace your dreadful day job, you have 3 businesses that can help you achieve that with the right amount of smart + hard work4. If you wanted a side gig that'll supplement your full-time income without draining your energy every day5. If you wanted to start a business that wouldn't completely drain you of your energy and time 6. If you wanted the flexibility to take a day (or a week, or even a month) off and still make money 7. If you are a business person who wants to add yet another (or 3) passive income business to your arsenal and learn how to outsource the entire processThis is what our course covers: Module 1: Introduction & Passive Income Businesses explained - In this module, Ill give you a brief introduction to passive income, explain what it is and how passive income businesses work and why you should consider setting up businesses like these. Module 2: Passive income business #1 - In this module, we'll delve into our very first business model - online courses. I'll teach you everything from choosing the right topic to create your course on, doing your due diligence to make sure that your courses make money, the right steps to publishing your courses, getting sales for your courses, taking your business to the next level and more. Module 3: Passive income business #2 - In this module, we'll delve into our next business model - Kindle self publishing. I'll teach you everything from choosing the right category, and then topic to start writing your books on, the exponential effect of Kindle books, the best way to write your books, the exact steps needed to publish your book right and get sales for your books immediately after you publish them. We'll also talk about using your books to build a brand and exponentially increase your income. Module 4: Passive income business #3 - In this module, we'll delve into our next business model - YouTube channel. I'll teach you how to create successful channels that bring you steady, and substantial passive income without needing millions of subscribers or views. I'll teach you how to choose the right niche to create channels on, the best (and easy) ways to create your videos, the exact steps I use to promote my videos and grow my channels and last, but not the least, using your YouTube channel to grow your business (outside YouTube) and multiply your income potential per view. So, what are you waiting for? You have a 3 different complete business in a box here! Enroll now and get started immediately. You'll not regret it. :)"
Price: 199.99

"Sistema para Hotel con php y Mysql (2020)" |
"Incluye el cdigo fuente + manual de instalacin y usoLos mdulos son:Reserva de habitacinRecepcinPunto de ventaInventarioApertura y cierre de cajaClientesReportesGrficosDiagrama de GanttConfiguracin de tarifasUsuariosEnvos de informes a correosRecuperacin de contrasea por correoIncluye Codigo fuente + Manual de Instalacion + Soporte tecnico Desarrollado en Angular php y Mysql como gestor de base de datos.Adaptable a Celular, Pc, Tablet "
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft MB-320 and MB-330 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam Microsoft MB-320 and MB-330 Cert Exam : Practice Test 2020MB-320: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Exam :MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Exam :This exams candidates are Functional Consultants who analyze business requirements and translate those requirements into fully-realized business processes and solutions that implement industry best practices. Candidates serve as a key resource in implementing and configuring applications to meet business requirements.Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and financial operations of businesses, customer service, field service, manufacturing, retail, and supply chain management concepts.This practice test will help you prepare for the real Microsoft official exam test environment. Microsoft Exam MB-320 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Set up and configure manufacturing Create and manage production and lean orders Create, process, and manage production batch orders Microsoft Exam MB-330 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:Implement Product information management Implement Inventory management Implement and manage Supply Chain processes Implement Warehouse management and Transportation management and perform business processes This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.Best of luck !"
Price: 29.99

"Flask Web Framework" |
"Welcome to Flask Web Framework course, In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of web applications and API's, so that you can start building API and develop web applications using Python Flask Web Framework.This course designed for those who want to learn the basics of the Flask framework. Those who enrolled in the course, I assume that you have some basic knowledge about programming. Even though I'm going to use Python in this course, I'm not going in deeply with Python. I spoke only about API development and things you can do with the Flask web framework. So if you are ready to learn the Flask Framework, which is one of the most exciting and powerful technologies of recent times, kindly enroll in this course.Apart from Flask, you will also learn the Postman tool to send a request and receive a response. This is the popular tool used in the IT industry in a day to day activity.Who this course is for?Anyone who wants to learn API development.Anyone who wants to learn Flask Web Framework.What you will get out of this course?Deep understanding of API and REST ArchitectureDevelop API based on Rest Architecture with the Flask FrameworkNOTE: I gonna keep on updating the course content regularly. Whatever the doubts, issues your facing let me know. I'll help you to sort it out.Thanks to my wonderful students who gave me their suggestions over comments."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Market Value Investing Complete Masterclass" |
"How can we work in a standard 9 to 5 job with an average wages, but still able to develop a million dollar investment portfolio? Do you wish to retire with abundance of wealth and enjoy a comfortable luxurious lifestyle? Would you like to invest confidently with the lowest to no risk and gain up to 25% return on investment per annual? Do you want to know how famous investors like Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch build their multi-million dollar investment portfolio?In this Stock Market Value Investing Complete Masterclass, I shall reveal the secrets of how i develop my first million dollars investment portfolio from all the techniques and methods learned from Warren Buffet and Benjamin Graham over past 7 years, as well as to share the success journey in a straightforward and structured sequence that any one can ""Plug and Play"". There is no need to read lengthy financial reports, or observing the graph charts every day just to keep watch of your stocks. All you need to do is just follow the simple step by step sequence with elementary high school math, and anyone can start develop an ultimate million dollar investment portfolio like Warren Buffet. *** Please go through the free course preview, as i will show you the important criteria you need to look out for as an investor, with the 3G method.After Completion of this course, you will be able to: Understand the basics of stock marketSearch for investment ideas, and evaluate the business modelEvaluate and analyze a company's business & financial healthA shortcut criteria to look at when picking a stockCalculate the intrinsic value of a companyUnderstand the basic of stock options and secrets to invest wiselyHow to detect signals of exits and when to sell your stocksBasics fundamentals on stock graph readingKnow what the world's famous stock market investors are buying right now!!"
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12C Developer Beginner Training" |
"What is Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12C?Oracle Data Integrator 12C (ODI) is an extract,load and transform (ELT) (in contrast with the ETL common approach) tool produced by Oracle that offers a graphical environment to build, manage and maintain data integration processes in business intelligence systems.What are we learning in the course?ODI 12C Architecture and Installation StepsODI 12C RepositoriesODI 12C ComponentsKnowledge Modules with ExamplesProcedures,Variables,Reusable Mapping,Scenarios and SequenceODI 12C PackagesSCD Implementation in ODIODI Agent and Load PlanODI Security,Profile and User CreationCareer Perspective:If you want to pursue a career as an ETL developer,you should definitely consider taking this course.Most importantly,If you learn one ETL tool whether it's ODI 12C or Informatica,learning other ETL tools won't be difficult.Also,the demand of ETL developer is keep on increasing as the data size is increasing. After this Course:Once you are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of ODI 12C concepts that you can implement in the industry.Cheers..!!Have a Great Learning..!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Python Networking From A to Z - Part II: Intermediate" |
"Network programming has always been a demanding task. With full-featured and well-documented libraries all the way up the stack, Python makes network programming the enjoyable experience it should be.Starting with a walk-through of today's major networking protocols, throughout this course, you'll learn how to employ Python for network programming, how to request and retrieve web resources, and how to extract data in major formats over the web. You'll utilize Python for emailing, using a variety of protocols, and you'll interact with remote systems and IP and DNS networking. The connection of network devices and configuration using Python 3 will also be covered.As the course progresses, socket programming will be covered, followed by how to design servers and the pros and cons of multithreaded and event-driven architectures. You'll develop practical client-side applications, including web API clients, email clients, SSH, and FTP. These applications will also be implemented through existing web application frameworks.This course is ideal for Python developers or system administrators with Python experience who are looking to take their first steps in network programming.Python developers who are interested in going deeper into packages related to asynchronous programming would also benefit from this course. A basic knowledge of Python programming is recommended.This is the first course of the series, which will help you master the basics of the network programming before moving on to more advanced coursesIn this course we will cover the following:Engaging with Email and Email technologies and protocol (POP3, IMAP...)Interacting with Remote Systems and how to use server scripting to interact with SMTP, SSH, FTP, SNMP, and LDAP servers.Working with IP and DNSI hope you will enjoy the course and all the examples and real world applications we are going to learn and create and if you have any questions or feed back please let me know !Good Learning & Good luck"
Price: 39.99

"GATE Mech Exam Preparation - Thermodynamics Test" |
"This is an exiting opportunity to evaluate yourself for the preparedness of GATE ME(Mechanical) Exam. GATE is the abbreviation of Graduate Aptitude Test. This is generally conducted by IITs all over India for Entrance to Master's degree or P.hD in the IITs. Nowadays The GATE Score is used to Enter the PSUs(Public Sector Units) likeMaharatna PSUs, Navratna PSUs and Mini-ratna PSUsThe Following are the PSUs that consider GATE Score for their Employment. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), NHAI IOCL NALCO DRDO BIS NPCIL HURL GAIL BARC:OCES, DGFS ECIL OMPL SAIL PSPCLMNRE CVPPPL NTPC Limited POSOCO WBSEDCL Power Grid ONGC Ltd. HPCL BMRC Bihar PHED DST Bihar BSNL MDL Vizag Steel MGL RITESCELCentre For Railway Information Systems Haryana Power UtilitiesMRPL DDA AAI NBCC RVNL MECL RCFL NFL EIL BSPHCL MPPGCL THDC BPCL NLC India Ltd BHEL ECIL HAL BEML OIL India BBNL Tata Power Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India Midhani DMRC IRCON BSPCL IPR PSTCL NHPC KRIBHCO Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd (MRVC Ltd) GSECL Coal India Ltd BNPM EdCIL India KRCL OPGC Ltd IPRCL NSPCL NTCThis syllabus is also similar to ISRO, IES, and other Govt. Mechanical Exams."
Price: 19.99

"Advanve 3D Animated Movie Making in Maya (in Urdu/Hindi)" |
"In this course we would learn how to make a 3D animated Movie using Autodesk Maya. This is professional advance level course which would teach specifically how to make a 3D movie from start, the process and steps required till the final composition. This series will not involve basics of anything, but will deal with advance technical stuff, and I would assume you already know all the basics of modelling, texturing, and animation etc.I will be creating a 3D short animated movie and recording each step of the process and will also allow you to join via skype for live session of the project development. We will take a small story and create a full rendered and final version of the 3D movie together."
Price: 29.99

"Modeling a Cartoon Dog in Maya (In Urdu / Hindi)" |
"In this Course we will learn ho to Model a Cartoon Dog Character using basic polygon modeling techniques. the character is modeled from a reference image using polygon objects. Initially, I model the torso from a box and trace the vertex to match the shape of body. then legs were modeled with same technique of matching and tracing vertex to leg shape. Then Legs will be joined with torso using boolean and manual techniques. finally head is modeled using extruding the edges along neck and head."
Price: 19.99
