"Modeling and Rigging Camel Character in Maya (Urdu/Hindi)" |
"In this course we will learn to Model a Quadruped Camel Character from very basics to advance features. The polygon modeling tools and techniques used are discussed in detail with difference between Polygon and NURBS. Once the Character is Modeled, then it will be Rigged using basic rigging techniques. Finally the character will be skinned to attach the geometry with the Rig"
Price: 19.99

"Crystal Mosque Modeling and Texture in Maya (Urdu / Hindi)" |
"In this course we learn how to do Architectural modeling in Maya. We learn the basics of modeling and texturing about Crystal Mosque in Maya. We start with modeling the base of mosque, then move to creating walls, arches, domes and other minor details. in this process we will be using every possible polygon modeling tool available in Maya, that will allow us to easy create our desired shape.In next phase we will be doing texturing and shading of the architectural Mosque model."
Price: 19.99

"Maya Texturing and UV UnWrapping (Urdu / Hindi)" |
"In this Course we will learn all about Maya's Materials and Textures. The course will guide you through all the tricks and tips of working with Maya Hypershade to create and apply Maya Shaders and maps on objects. We will learn How to apply automatic mappings, planner mapping to Custom UV unwrapping techniques. The main topics covers in this course areBasics of Materials and TexturesWorking with HypershadesWorking with different material types, Blinn, Lambert, PhongApplying Bump maps, creating Bump Maps in Photoshop and Custom Bump maps from Maya utility nodes.Working with Automatic mapping, Planner mapping cylinder mappings for UV unwrapping.Creating custom UV unwrapping maps.Texturing a LCD screen, UNwrapping a Wood log, Box, Hut.Modeling and Texturing a Low poly car and UNwraping UV and creating textures of car for Game.Using and working with Texture Editor.Exporting UV map to Photoshop, Painting textures in Photoshop and applying in Maya.Correcting textures and normal issues, pixel bleeding problems with textures, double sided materials."
Price: 19.99

"Nutrition, lifestyle and the link to your immune system" |
"Would you like to learn more about the link between diet, lifestyle choices and how this may benefit your immune system. Perhaps you are having treatment for cancer or you have a current lifestyle condition or autoimmune disease and you want to know how food and lifestyle choices can help not only with your immune system, but your health in general. In this course you will:1. Find out the key nutrients and foods to include in your diet that are thought to play a role in the health and functioning of your immune system. These are the nutrients and associated foods that you want to include in your daily diet. 2. Find out the types of foods and drinks that may weaken your immune system and that you will want to try and minimise or remove from your daily diet. 3. How to make a balanced, healthy meal that contains a variety of nutrients that may support your overall health and immunity. 4. Find out the best ways to stay hydrated for general health and a happy immune system and what beverages you want to minimise or avoid.5. Find out what snacks and treats contain those nutrients that seem to benefit the immune system and that are healthier choices compared to processed foods. 6. Learn more about the link between stress, sleep and your immune system as well as some ways to get better sleep and reduce stress. 7. Find out the role that exercise might play in immune function and health. Learn about the benefits of exercise and why regular exercise benefits your health in general. I am a university qualified nutritionist and one of the areas I specialise in is teaching clients how diet and lifestyle change can improve their general health and wellbeing and improve the body's health and functioning. I am also a trainer and Pilates instructor."
Price: 24.99

"Kreative Collage. Zauber Welt" |
"Liebe Kunstfreunde!Dieses Mal zeige ich Euch etwas Besonderes, und zwar eine Mglichkeit, aus alten Bildern, die so nutzlos herumliegen, neue Kunstwerke zu schaffen! Am Beispiel ""Zauberwald"" zeige und erklre ich Euch Schritt fr Schritt wie ihre neue, berraschend interessante Bilder schaffen knnt.Meine Botschaft an Euch lautet: ""nie ein Werk entsorgen, egal ob es Dir gefllt oder nicht, oder Du nur gebt hast!"" - wir werden alle Bilder bentigen.Also, wir geben deinen ""alten Kunstwerken"" neues Leben und eine besondere Bedeutung und Attraktivitt."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Access Grundlagen der Datenbankentwicklung" |
"Ich habe meine erste Datenbank mit einem Buch und unzhligen Suchanfragen im Internet erstellt. In diesem Kurs sammelte ich die Informationen, die ich fr mich selbst erarbeitete und viel mehr Zeit damit verbrachte als die 8 Stunden, die mein Kurs andauert. Bei der Erstellung meines Kurses habe ich mich davon leiten lassen, wie man eine funktionierende Datenbank erstellt. Mein Motto war: ben, ben und noch einmal ben. Wenn Sie diesen Kurs absolviert haben, knnen Sie in Zukunft problemlos beliebige Datenbanken erstellen. Datenbanken umgeben uns berall. Um mit der Zeit Schritt zu halten, wird es notwendig, zumindest zu verstehen, wie diese Datenbanken funktionieren. Noch besser, wenn Sie sie erstellen und verwalten knnen. Microsoft Access ist das am besten geeignete Programm zum Lernen von Datenbanken. Hier knnen Sie ohne Programmierkenntnisse in relativ kurzer Zeit die Prinzipien verstehen, nach denen alle Datenbanken arbeiten, und diese Prinzipien in die Praxis umsetzen. Datenbanken, die in Microsoft Access erstellt werden, helfen, viele Probleme in verschiedenen Bereichen effektiv zu lsen, wo viele Daten zusammenlaufen und irgendwie organisiert werden mssen. Ob Bibliothek, Verein, Lagerverwaltung, berall gibt es Anwendungen fr Microsoft Access. Wenn Sie die Fhigkeit besitzen, Datenbanken zu erstellen, werden Sie automatisch zu einem wertvolleren Mitarbeiter, weil Sie den Menschen helfen, ihre Probleme zu lsen. In diesem Kurs erstellen wir eine Datenbank fr die Lagerverwaltung von Anfang bis Ende. Wir analysieren die Prozesse, ermitteln die Objekte, die fr unsere Datenbank bentigt werden, und bersetzen unser Modell in eine Datenbank. Wenn Sie einmal verstanden haben, wie man ein Modell erstellt, knnen Sie in Zukunft ohne groe Schwierigkeiten Datenbanken zu jedem beliebigen Thema erstellen. Weiterhin werde ich Ihnen beibringen, nicht nur Tabellen, sondern auch Formulare zu erstellen, die das Eingeben und Lesen von Daten bequemer machen. Sie werden lernen, wie man mit Abfragen arbeitet, und Sie werden in der Lage sein, Informationen zu erhalten, die Sie in den zugrunde liegenden Tabellen nicht finden. Hier werden Sie zum Herren der Daten. Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Berichte erstellen, die Ihre Daten in ihrer ganzen Pracht prsentieren.Machen Sie einen Schritt in Ihre Zukunft und absolvieren Sie diesen Kurs. Sie riskieren nichts, denn innerhalb von 30 Tagen knnen Sie Ihr Geld zurckbekommen. Ich wrde mich sehr freuen, Sie als einen meiner Studenten begren zu drfen."
Price: 99.99

"ISTQB Agile Tester Foundations -Professional Training" |
"ISTQB Foundation Level Agile Tester qualification is aimed at people who want to succeed in software testing careers and get opportunities across agile testing projects.If you are a software engineer or aspiring to get job opportunities in 'high paid' Quality Assurance/Agile Tester roles, it is a most suitable course to learn and update your resume!***Exclusive price reduction and discounts are announced in facebook page 'Software Automation Testing Secrets Revealed'***Reviews (for ISTQB CTFL course of Trainer):""A very must course for the QA engineer. It covers the topics that come in ISTQB paper. Go for it.""""Awesome materials and sessions to listen to them. It really helps with my foundation level examination. Thank you Narayana Palani. I will definitely suggest to my fellow members.""""Thank you for this course! It's well structured and contains very useful information for my certification preparation.""""I've been in the QA industry for 7 years and this course is teaching me things I didn't know. It makes sense, straight forward and gets to the point. the instructor is knowledgable and clearly a professional. I'm learning so much. Looking forward to completing the course and taking the big test!""""This course has given me value addition in my learning phase of ISTQB. One amazing trainer with detailed explanations to each and every topic. Abundant questions and in depth coverage of the syllabus.Many Thanks! :)""""It'a good course for going to certification""""Very good content and briefly explained the all test techniques in simple way, easy to understand. Course content might be very good but what is the use if you have to wait forever and ever for videos to stream. I always come up with lot of interest to learn in Udemy course which is posted by Narayanan.""""An extremely helpful and informative course. The course is nicely designed keeping focus on entire ISTQB Foundation Course 2018 syllabus, it's contents are very well organised. All lectures are very clear, the instructor have good hold on the respective topics and explains the concepts nicely in understandable manner. Every section has relevant assignments and resources, which are extremely helpful. Instructor is very professional and pleasant to learn from. The videos used are of high quality, in terms of video and audio quality. I would strongly recommend this course..!!""Syllabus: Version 2014Refer to ISTQB CTFL-AT official website to extract the latest syllabus documentsLanguage: English (Indian); Course Code in PearsonVUE: CTFL-AT-Completing this training in Udemy will not give accreditation of ISTQB Advanced Level hence this training has been made purposefully to help candidates prepare for the online examination; Candidate has to book exam online at ISQI website and pass the exam in order to get the official certification.Trainer's International Certification Qualifications:ISTQB -CTAL Test Manager, ISTQB Certified Selenium Tester, Microsoft Certification Software Testing using Visual Studio, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Application Security ,IBM Certified Specialist in Rational Appscan, HP Accredited Integration Specialist in Quality Center v9 and QTP v9, IBM Certified Rational Specialist in Test Management and Rational Robot , IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Functional Test, IBM Certified Solution Designer in Rational Performance TestFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ):Is this course suitable for viewing from desktop,laptop,tablet and mobile devices?It is highly recommended to use a laptop or desktop to learn this course since the power point presentations are made compatible to laptop (screen size) only. Udemy do not support to download the section based attachments from mobile or handheld devices. Participants can view the course from Udemy app or mobile browser. But the experience is really good with a laptop or desktop screen. Even if you attempt to complete the course from udemy app or mobile browser, please watch it once from laptop/desktop for any attachments to download for your preparations.DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT). International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 199.99

"Primer for Mathematics Competition 1" |
"This course is the first of our mathematics competitions series, students with a passion for problem solving who are grade 8 or below are suitable for this course. Topics covered include arithmetic, counting and probability, number theory, logical reasoning, functions, geometry, etc. Each lecture is about 30 minutes long, and consists of a recap section and example section. Problem sets with detailed hints and solutions will be uploaded every 1-2 weeks."
Price: 124.99

"Vena o Medo de Falar em Pblico" |
"Descrio do curso:O curso tem como objetivo central desenvolver o indivduo quanto a comunicao, oratria e postura utilizando a metodologia coaching. Este objetivo ser alcanado por vrios exerccios prticos proposto durante o curso. Para que a pessoa possa alcanar o seu objetivo de forma eficiente o curso est dividido em 10 passos, a saber:Primeiro passo: Tenha atitude O indivduo ser exortado a ter atitude para se tornar um timo orador;Segundo passo: Teste de oratria Ser realizado um teste para analisar o seu nvel de oratria;Terceiro Passo: Colocando em prtica Atividade prtica;Quarto passo: Avaliao do comportamento e competncia na oratria Avaliar as competncias da pessoa;Quinto passo: Comunicao, expressividade e oratria Como agir diante de uma plateiaSexto passo: Elaborando uma apresentao Ser ensinado passo a passo como elaborar uma apresentao;Stimo passo: Elaborao dos slides Como manusear os slides;Oitavo passo: Controlando o nervosismo e a ansiedade e desenvolvendo as habilidades de orador;Nono passo: O microfone Tcnicas de como lidar com o microfoneDcimo passo Medo superado Vencendo todas as barreiras.PARA QUEM O CURSOO curso para todas as pessoas que desejam desenvolver-se tanto pessoalmente quanto profissionalmente e para aquelas que desejam ocupar cargos gerenciais nas organizaes."
Price: 144.99

"Vue JS 3, React JS & Angular - Guide to Popular Frameworks" |
"Understand basics and difficult parts of the 3 most popular frameworks - React, Angular and Vue. What is Vue JS, React JS, Angular ?They are javascript frameworks. React is a library.What is Framework(FW)/ Library ?Environment, set of tools and guide lines build on top of the programming language(JS in case of this course). FW exposes functionalities, handles lifecycle of the application and defines set of rules how application should be written in order to follow best FW practices.Every framework is different, but there is one thing they have in common. They are builded on top of JS so if you are familiar with JS you can learn any fro-tend(FE) FW very fast!Angular -> Angular is an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.React -> A JavaScript library for building user interfacesVue -> (pronounced /vju/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.What are you going to build ?In this course you are going to create application for keeping track of the resources. Resource can be anything on the internet(blog, video, book etc.). You are going to build one application in 3 Frameworks so you will understand and memorize the differences in web application development.This application will have functionalities to create, update and delete the resource. Through the process of creating these features you will learn core concepts of each framework.In first section we will work on most basics concepts by creating simple counter application.Later I will explain you how FW works under the hood and how the application is rendered in your browser. You will learn it on wireframes and real examples from FW code it self. Next, you are going to integrate very simple layout backed by Bootstrap. You will learn how to manipulate data, how to keep track of them and how to reflect data changes in your application. Every handles data in different fashion.In next sections you will learn how to make an API request to remote server. We will explain what is a proxy and why we need to use a proxy. You will fetch a data from a remote database and use them in your application.In last sections we will talk about the routing. You will create multiple pages and navigation between them. Every framework has a different routing system. I will be explaining more advanced and newest concepts of each FW. In the end you will implement search functionality and I will be explaining patterns how to propagate data to entire application. It will be explained on a feature that can change the application settings.As the last thing we will deploy each application on Heroku platform so you can share your application on internet."
Price: 179.99

"Photoshop CC" |
". . . . !"
Price: 7799.00

"Armona y teora musical en Piano de cero a avanzado (+35hs)" |
"IMPORTANTE: Por favor lee la descripcin. Queremos que entiendas exactamente qu es lo que ofrecemos.Para leer toda la descripcin debers dar clic en ""Ver ms"" pero ten en cuenta que luego tendrs que volver muy hacia arriba para leerla, porque el contenido del curso es muy extenso y una vez que se despliega la pgina solo te mostrar el final.EL CURSO MS EXTENSO SOBRE ARMONA EN UDEMYNo hay palabras para describir todo lo que aprenders! Realizar este curso debera ser un requisito imprescindible para entender la armona de cualquier gnero musical desde el Rock hasta el Jazz. Ahrrate aos de dar vueltas y vueltas para entender la armona!Este curso es claro, gradual y efectivo, ahora est disponible en Udemy, pero su efectividad ya est comprobada por cientos de alumnos que lo tomaron en Piano Campus He colocado las clases en 3 secciones para diferenciar los 3 niveles, pero ms all de eso, puedo asegurarte que an teniendo un nivel avanzado podrs repasar conceptos y obtener nuevos saberes an en lo ms bsico si tomas el curso desde el principio.Para todo tipo de Pianistas principiantes, intermedios, avanzados o profesores de piano 36 horas de duracin llenas de contenido, es una oportunidad nica! TEMAS DE APRENDIZAJE=================CONCEPTOS GENERALESSistema TemperadoTono - SemitonoEnarmona - HomnimoEjercicios e improvisacin por tono - semitonoEscala cromtica - Escala por tonos enterosEjercitacinESCALA MAYOR Y EJERCITACINTonalidad: Formacin de la escala mayor:por Estructura de T-Stconstruccin de la escalaEjercitacin.ESCALA MAYOR Y ARMADURA DE CLAVEa) por superposicin de Tetracordiosb) por armadura de claveExplicacin, Reglas y consejos prcticos para utilizar armadura de clave Ejercitacin: Formacin de las escalas mayores utilizando los mtodos descritosESCALAS MENORESEstructura IntervlicaNombres de los grados de la escala (tnica, supertnica, mediante etc)Escala relativa menorEscala menor antigua y sus modificacionesEscala menor armnica, menor meldica , menor bachiana, y jazz minor, mixta.ESCALAS MENORES Y SU UTILIZACIN EN PIANOFormacin paso a paso en el piano de las escalas: menor antigua o natural; menor armnica; menor meldica( bachiana; mixta; menor mayor) en TODAS las tonalidadesEjercitacin de las escalas menores en Piano, improvisacin y utilidad de cada escala.INTERVALOS Y ENTRENAMIENTO AUDITIVOIntervalos: Nombre y clasificacin, meldicos y armnicos, simples y compuestos, inversin de intervalos, intervalos por color de teclaEjercitacin de lo visto, entrenamiento auditivo cantado y en piano (requisito casi indispensable para desarrollar el odo y sacar las canciones ms rpido).FORMACIN DE ACORDES DE 3 Y 4 NOTASMayor Sptima (Maj7), 7 Dominante, Menor Sptima(m7), Disminuido sptima (m7b5) , 7 Sus 4, 7 Aumentado(+7), Menor maj7, Mayor 7 #5, Mayor 6, Menor 6.Ejercitacin de lo visto en Piano con ambas manos.EJERCITACIN SISTEMTICA DE ACORDES E INVERSIONESEjercitacin sistemtica de Acordes e inversiones de 3 y 4 notasExplicacin de cmo abordar la prctica sistemtica en Piano, de los acordes vistos en la leccin 7 con sus inversiones : Mayor Sptima (Maj7), 7 Dominante, Menor Sptima(m7), Disminuido sptima (m7b5) , 7 Sus 4, 7 Aumentado(+7), Menor maj7, Mayor 7 #5, Mayor 6, Menor 6.ARMONIZACIN Y REARMONIZACIN DE LA ESCALA MAYORCampo armnico de la escala mayor con 7masFunciones Armnicas y Sustitutas, ejemplo en un fragmento de ""let it be""Rearmonizacin Utilizando las funciones sustitutas en el ejemplo anterior, ejercitacin.CADENCIAS Y PROGRESIONES DE ACORDESRearmonizacin ms compleja dentro del JazzComprensin de Cadencias, plagales, dominantes, autnticas, rotas, compuestas, sustitutas, alteradas (utilizamos las plagales alteradas para tener un campo de rearmonizacin ms amplio).Anlisis de cadencias en ""Let it be"". Sustituciones aplicadas a las cadenciasAnalizamos, tocamos (meloda + armona) y re armonizamos con sustituciones ms complejas el STANDARD de JAZZ ""Tune Up"", de Miles Davis.VOICINGS EN CADENCIASDistribucin en ambas manos de un bajo para mano izquierda y acorde trada en mano derecha, utilizando las cadencias vistas en el modo mayor.Resumen de las cadencias en una prctica tabla para tener en cuenta las posibilidades de rearmonizacin estudiadas hasta el momento.VOICING DE 3 NOTASArmonizacin con 7mas en VOICINGS de 3 notas + melodaArmado del voicing con bajo 3ra y 7ma o 7ma y 3ra.Distribucin de las voces en posicin cerrada, abiertaRecursos rtmicos para mover las voces en el acompaamientoArmonizacin de la meloda utilizando el voicing de 3 notasAplicacin del voicing de 3 notas + meloda al tema ""Tune Up"" ARMONIZACIN Y REARMONIZACIN DE ESCALAS MENORESCAMPO ARMNICO MENOR Y ELECCIN DE LA ESCALA SEGN EL ACORDE A TOCARArmonizacin y utilizacin de escala menor antiguaArmonizacin, utilizacin y modificacin de grados de la escala menor armnicaArmonizacin, utilizacin y modificacin de grados de la escala menor meldicaMuestra de aplicacin y anlisis en ""Summertime"" de George GershwinEjercitacin aplicando una tabla resumen includa en el pdf que muestra qu escala utilizar depende de que acorde estemos tocando.SNTESIS Y APLICACIN en BluesSobre la forma de 12 compases del blues sustituyendo la funcin tnica, subdominante y dominante, lo que aprenders es aplicable a Todos los estilos Veremos la Sntesis de las clases anteriores y as sabrs lo que puedes lograr con todo lo que ya has aprendido hasta aqu. PD: ""Ni en 7 aos de conservatorio me ensearon lo que muestro explcitamente en esta clase, (y eso que solo es rearmonizacincon funciones armnicas, ms adelante aadiremos muchas ms posibilidades). Esta clase es el fruto de cientos de horas de estudios particulares, investigacin, experimentacin y deduccin personal"". REARMONIZACIN:Rearmonizacin con cadencias del campo armnico menor, movimiento coral, sustituciones, aplicacin de 3 NV en ""Summertime""Cadencias en campo armnico menorAutnticas, rotas y sustitucionesAnlisis coral del movimiento y resolucin de las voces (Bajo - Tenor - Contralto y Soprano)Anlisis de cadencias y rearmonizacin con sustituciones en ""Summertime""Tema "" Summertime"" en Am para re armonizarlo y aplicar lo visto + voicing de 3 notas en el tema con las sustituciones elegidas.BIBLIOTECA DE TODOS LOS ACORDES CON SUS TENSIONES:La idea de esta clase es proporcionarte una biblioteca de consulta en el armado de acordes Mayores, Menores y Dominantes. Todos con sus tensiones disponibles, frmulas de armado, distribucin de las voces, tips y ms...Mayores: C; C6; C 6/9; Cadd9); CMaj7(b 5); CMaj7 (#5); CMaj7 (#11); CMaj 9 (#11); CMaj 13 (#11).Menores: Cm; Cm6; Cm 6/9, Cm (add9), Cm7, Cm7 (add 11), Cm7 (add 13); Cm 9 ; Cm 11; Cm 13; Cm Maj7; Cm9 Maj7; Cm7 b5; Cm9 b5; Cm 11 b5.Dominantes: C7; C9; C13; C7b5; C9 b5; C7 #5; C9 #5; C7 b9; C7 #9; C7 b9 b5; C7 #9 #5; C7 #11; C9 #11; C7 #11 b9; C7#11 #9; C13 b5; C 13 b 9; C13 #11; C7sus b9; C13 sus b9.MODOS GRIEGOS:MODOS: Jnico / Drico / Frigio / Lidio / Mixolidio / Elico / Locrio El conocer simplemente los nombres o como tocarlos bsicamente no es suficiente, se deben conocer:Las tensiones, Notas conflictivas, Notas a evitar, Relacin escala acorde, Utilidad del pensamiento modal y EjercitacinUTILIZACIN PRCTICA DE LOS MODOS GRIEGOS, DOMINANTES SECUNDARIOS AL PIANO:MODOS: Drico / Frigio / Lidio / Mixolidio / LocrioAplicacin prctica, Relacin de acorde-escala para realizar con cada modoIntercambio modalDominantes secundarios MODOS DE LA ESCALA MENOR MELDICAI mMaj7 II Sus b9 III Lidio #5 Lidio dominante I/V VI Locrio #2 VII 7alt.Construccin de los modos y acordes correspondientesContraste y relacin de los modos de la escala mayor Vs Modos de la escala menor meldica. Explicacin detallada de cada modoRelacin escala-acorde (armado del acorde para cada modo)3 Voicings comunes a todos los modosESCALAS SIMTRICASDiferencias escala simtrica/asimtricaEscalas disminuidas semitono-Tono y Tono-semitonoTransposiciones posiblesDiferencias entre st-T y T-stAnlisis de alteraciones y ejemplosEscala por tonos enteros y utilidad en dominantes 7#5EjercitacinSntesis de las clases anteriores en rearmonizacin avanzada""BLUE IN GREEN"" DE Miles DavisRevisaremos Acordes, Voicings Y SUSTITUCIONES DE REARMONIZACIN que se desprenden de todas ellas en un Detallado Anlisis comps por comps.Rearmonizacin con las funciones armnicas de campo armnico mayor y menorUtilizacin Modos y Voicings de la escala mayorUtilizacin Modos y Voicings de la escala menor meldicaUtilizacin de Voicings y escalas simtricasAcordes Dominantes y PartidosLos acordes dominantes son aquellos acordes mayores con 7ma menor, pero aparte de estas, que son sus notas bsicas, se le pueden agregar todo tipo de tensiones para volverlos ms interesantes, al agregar tensiones, modificamos tambin la escala a utilizar. Descubre cmo aplicarlos y que escala debes utilizar con cada uno de ellos. Tambin aprend como hacer Slash Chords (Acordes Partidos) para aplicar de forma sencilla una pincelada de Armona Renovadora. Ver video de muestra click aquVoicing So WhatVoicing ""So What"" So What es el nombre de un tema de Miles Davis, aparecido en el disco Kind of Blue, en los aos 50. Con este disco, se inaugura de alguna manera el Jazz modal.El voicing que analizaremos est tocado por Bill Evans y recibe el nombre de este tema. Tomaremos la estructura de este voicing, utilizndola para renovar la armona en acordes m7, Maj7, Maj7#11 y 7 sus. Con el mismo acorde, veremos 3 posibilidades de utilizacin solo cambiando el bajo, luego transportaremos su estructura por el modo drico. Inversiones y variaciones del voicing So What para adaptarlo a la meloda Aplicacin de las variaciones a situaciones meldicas con armona en m7, Maj7 y Maj7#11 Ejemplos, ejercitacin. Ver video de muestra click aquVoicing Drop 2Voicing Drop 2, su construccin, ejercitacin, aplicacin y utilidad Drop es un trmino que se traduce del ingls como caer, en este caso se deja caer 1 nota del acorde hacia una octava ms grave y segn la nota que se deja caer toma el nombre de Drop 2, Drop 3, Drop 4 o Drop 2-4 depende de qu voces se dejen caer."
Price: 134.99

"Receba Dividendos Eternamente com Aes - Investimentos" |
"O curso Receba Dividendos Eternamente com Aes (RDEA) o primeiro curso produzido com foco na anlise fundamentalista DESCOMPLICADA de aes e empresas da bolsa de valores.Aprender sobre investimentos e colocar em prtica no ser mais problema. Um dos mtodos mais tranquilos e seguros para investir em aes. para aqueles que querem ver seu dinheiro rendendo mais e conseguir dormir sem o medo de perder tudo independente de crises, bolhas, crashes e pandemias.O foco desse curso construo de patrimnio com explicaes diretas ao ponto e de forma totalmente prtica. No prometemos dinheiro rpido e fcil, dificilmente voc ter um rendimento igual ou superior a 2% ao ms, somos realistas e combatemos as mentiras que so vendidas na internet.Aprenda a investir em setores perenes, a prova de crises, escolhendo empresas com bons fundamentos e pagadora de dividendos. O guia completo de como escolher aes para alcanar a liberdade financeira."
Price: 369.99

photo_retouching |
Price: 39.99

"Top Manager : Comprendre l'entreprise libre" |
"Ce cours propose de comprendre les fondements thoriques de lentreprise libre, apprhender les caractristiques et les avantages de lentreprise libre. Et enfin d'apprendre transformer son entreprise pour adapter un management plus libr. Ce cours propose neuf chapitres pour comprendre l'ensemble des notions relatives l'entreprise libre et au management libr :Chapitre 1 Avant le ManagementChapitre 2 La thorie classique du managementChapitre 3 Quest-ce quune entreprise libre ?Chapitre 4 Fondements de lentreprise libreChapitre 5 Caractristiques de lentreprise libreChapitre 6 Comment librer son entreprise ?Chapitre 7 Etude de trois entreprises libresChapitre 8 Critiques de lentreprise libreCe cours s'adresse celles et ceux qui souhaitent tudier de nouvelles faons d'organiser le travail au travers d'un management encore peu connu aujourd'hui."
Price: 19.99

"Novo Curso de Inovao e Criatividade A Jornada do Artista" |
"Expresse um ponto de vista, uma ideia, um sentimento ou uma viso.Somos todos criadores por natureza. Temos a incrvel ferramenta da imaginao e conseguimos transformar o mundo a partir das nossas ideias!O curso oferece ferramentas para quem deseja viver da sua arte ou para quem apenas deseja comunicar e expressar um ponto de vista, dar forma a uma ideia, a um sentimento ou a uma viso, de uma forma criativa!Contudo, existem alguns medos que as pessoas carregam ao tentar criar algo. 1. A ideia, ao ser executada, parecer medocre;A sensao de que, na mente, a ideia genial, tima, mas ao ganhar vida, torna-se irrelevante e sem graa.2. O brutal julgamento dos outros;A vergonha, que pode ser algo mortificante para a criatividade.3. A crtica interna muito dura, que nos diz constantemente que nada est bom.E o pior! O medo de parar de ouvir a voz deste crtico interno e a sensao de que, sem ele, as ideias sero expressas de forma catastrfica, pois no possuem mais um censor! Ruim com ele, pior sem ele!Fique tranquilo, se esses forem seus medos.... mais simples super-los do que voc imagina!Ol, sou Frederico Braga e serei o seu guia.Sou Bacharel em Direito e Cincia Poltica pela Universidade de Braslia (UnB). No atuo profissionalmente em nenhuma dessas reas, mas encontrei na minha formao acadmica os pilares para viver profissionalmente da minha paixo: a ARTE. Hoje sou dramaturgo, escritor, ator e empreendedor.Minha misso inspirar e motivar pessoas a investirem sempre no que primordial: o conhecimento.A partir deste curso, voc vai:Entrar em contato com suas crenas limitantes, se conhecer melhor, se olhar no espelho e no ter vergonha de quem voc . Vai encontrar sua voz e ser autntico.""A criatividade faz parte da nossa natureza e os bloqueios so um entrave natural a um processo to normal e milagroso quanto o desabrochar de uma flor."" Julia CameronPara quem este curso?J SOU ARTISTA. A metodologia vai romper os bloqueios que voc pode estar enfrentando e vai encher sua mente de imagens, sons e fria para voc deslanchar no prximo trabalho.NO SOU ARTISTA (ainda). O curso vai despertar seu potencial criativo e seu gnio inovador. Vai trazer de volta a confiana necessria para voc se expressar nas artes, no trabalho e na vida.ESTRUTURA DO CURSOINTRODUOUma introduo ao curso a partir da explorao do tema ARTISTA e CRIAO e a apresentao das ferramentas bsicas necessrias jornada.Aula 1: A Jornada do Artista - Introduo.Aula 2: A Morte da CriatividadeAula 3: Elimine seus medos e dvidas sobre a CriatividadeAula 4: Ferramentas BsicasAula 5: O Incio da JornadaA JORNADA - Primeira parte a hora de botar a mo na massa! Cinco aulas prticas para iniciarmos a sua transformao criativa, por meio de ferramentas para voc superar sua vergonha e quebrar crenas limitantes.Aula 6: Um palavra que mata a criatividadeAula 7: SeguranaAula 8: IdentidadeAula 9: PoderAula 10: IntegridadeA JORNADA - Segunda parteVamos mostrar que o artista, o criador, um de ns e, no, uma pessoa especial. Voc vai melhorar suas habilidades de comunicao e reaprender a criar.Aula 11: Artista: Expectativa vs. RealidadeAula 12: PossibilidadeAula 13: ConexoAula 14: AbundnciaAula 15: ForaA JORNADA - Terceira parteVamos identificar as armadilhas e a sombra que ronda todo criador. Voc vai saber como vivenciar a sua energia criativa e usar seus talentos!Aula 16: A sombra por trs de todo criadorAula 17: CompaixoAula 18: AutonomiaAula 19: AutoproteoAula 20: FBEM-VINDO ao curso A JORNADA DO ARTISTA!"
Price: 54.99

"Preparatrio TOEFL - Especfico para Reading" |
"Se sente quase preparado para o TOEFL, mas a parte do Reading est te deixando com a nota abaixo do esperado? Alm de contar partes estruturais da gramtica essenciais para o TOEFL, voc poder aprender estratgias de como aumentar sua nota e se sentir mais preparado para o exame! Voc contar com vdeos, textos e exerccios para praticar a habilidade de Reading."
Price: 54.99

"Full MBA Course (Hindi) : Business and entrepreneurship" |
"Warning -This course is only for those people who understand Hindi language. MBA course MBA 30 books will cover all the concepts and knowledge of around 30 books in the course MBA stream Marketing, Operation and HR cover course business strategy Module 1 - Marketing, Economy Basic MBA definition 1. Demand ,Wants needs 2. life Maslow's hierarchy of needs concept 3. product service Marketing Mix i.e. 4P(Product, Price, Place, Promotions) 4. Manager product launch STP(Segmentation targeting and positioning) analysis 5. competitors SWOT analysis Ansoff matrix 6. Fortune at the Bottom of the pyramid 7. business Marketing Channels Module 2 - companies Operation, Production & supply chain 1. Market Manufacturer, Wholesaler distributor 2. Frenchies, export, licensing joint venture 3. - startup Distribution supply chain efficiency Warehouse 4. Xiaomi Pull Push Supply chain market leader 5. Pricing strategy Module 3 - Digital Marketing 1. SEO product Digital presence 2. website google Google trend Keyword search 3. Online ads Banner ads4. India API startup 5. startup Aggregators business Network effect 6. startup business model canvas Module 4 - Product Branding Marketing 1. Product Life cycle Product line extension 2. BCG matrix 3. BAV Model Brand Positioning strong 4. leverage Brand Extension Line extension 5. Brand mantra emotional branding 6. Market Porter Five Force 7. Market follower business banane market leader Flank preemptive Module 6 - Organizational Structure 1. company Mission, Vision Values 2. Line of command Business analysis 3. startup Talent acquisition Appraisal 4. employee ESOP"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Simple setup Google Ads Campaign For Affiliate Product" |
"This course is for people who are looking to learn how to create google ads campaign that converts faster, even with no experience. After watching the video you will have the basic knowledge of how you can create google ads campaign for any type of product either your own products or for other companies. You can also start creating google ads for individuals or businesses for a huge payment.This course is also for those who want to start an online business likeAffiliate MarketingDropshippingDigital ProductWhat you will learn in this course:You will learn how to set up Google advert on all platform like Youtube, display ads, Google search ads and moreHow to build a landing pageHow to start as Affiliate MarketingWhere to get Affiliate Product to product & (What are the best product to promote)I will show you as a bonus where to get free product to start selling"
Price: 19.99

"Zero and One: The Computer Language Fundamentals" |
"You have heard about bits and binary. You may have heard it in news or movies. It is interesting to learn about how computers think, read and write data. You should take this course if you want to understand the concept of basic computer language. This course improves your computer fundamentals understanding and computer basics.In this course, we discuss computer basics, namely bits, binary and the foundation of computer language. We discuss how the binary system works. We also go through everyday examples of the binary system that you use on a daily basis.ASCII is another topic that this course covers. You will see what it is and what happens when you interact with computers.Another topic is teraflop that is regularly mentioned in the media. You will see what this means and you will learn about its development in the world.Finally, hexadecimal is another useful topic covered in this course. It is handy in various application. You will learn it in this course as well.There is a lot to learn, so, take this course and start learning."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) Practice Exam The sole purpose of this course is to provide you latest practice questions that are complete with answers and explanations to help you learn, drill, and review for the CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) certification exams. The course offers 280 questions that help you practice each exam domain and help you assess your knowledge before you take the real exams.Included in this CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) Practice Exam Certification Exam course:280 Question practice tests, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) Certification Exam domains as you will see on the real exam.- 4 practice tests- More practice for studying- Practice like the real CompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) exam - Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the right answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrectWe covered all these chapters you needChapter 1 Planning and Scoping Penetration Tests Chapter 2 Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification Chapter 3 Attacks and Exploits Chapter 4 Penetration Testing Tools Chapter 5 Reporting and CommunicationCompTIA PenTest+(PT0-001) Practice Test DetailsTotal Questions: 280Type of Questions: Multiple Choice & Multiple SelectionDuration: 165 min/practice testMinimum Passing Score: 75%For those guys, who are here to test their level of knowledge before applying for the real exam we can assure you that if you succeed here most probably you will succeed in the exam room as well. Each test is unique and contains 80 questions with duration of 165 minutes. You can test yourself as many times as you want. Be careful with your time, because in the end the test will be submitted automatically.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Aws Certified Developer- Associate Practice Exam (Dva-C01)" |
"Welcome to Aws Certified Developer- Associate Practice Exam (Dva-C01). The sole purpose of this course is to provide you latest practice questions that are complete with answers and explanations to help you learn, drill, and review for the Aws Certified Developer- (Dva-C01) certification exams. The course offers 216 questions that help you practice each exam domain and help you assess your knowledge before you take the real exams.Included in this Aws Certified Developer- Associate (Dva-C01). Certification Exam course:216 Question practice tests, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the Aws Certified Developer Certification Exam domains as you will see on the real exam.- 4 practice tests- More practice for studying- Practice like the real Aws Certified Developer- Associate exam- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the right answer is correct and why the wrong answers are incorrectWe covered all these chapters you needChapter- 1 Introduction to AWS Cloud APIChapter- 2 Introduction to Compute and NetworkingChapter 3 Hello, StorageChapter 4 Hello, DatabasesChapter 5 Encryption on AWSChapter 6 Deployment StrategiesChapter 7 Deployment as CodeChapter 8 Infrastructure as CodeChapter 9 Configuration as CodeChapter 10 Authentication and AuthorizationChapter 11 Refactor to MicroservicesChapter 12 Serverless ComputeChapter 13 Serverless ApplicationsChapter 14 Stateless Application PatternsChapter 15 Monitoring and TroubleshootingChapter 16 OptimizationAws Certified Developer- Associate Practice Exam DetailsTotal Questions: 216Type of Questions: Multiple Choice & Multiple SelectionDuration: 130 min/practice testMinimum Passing Score: 72%For those guys, who are here to test their level of knowledge before applying for the real exam we can assure you that if you succeed here most probably you will succeed in the exam room as well. Each test is unique and contains 65 questions with duration of 130 minutes. You can test yourself as many times as you want. Be careful with your time, because in the end the test will be submitted automatically.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Vibrato Pefeito" |
"E a alun@s, tudo bem?!Como a tcnica de vibrato to desejada por muita gente e poucos realmente sabem domin-la, decidi criar esse curso que explica cada detalhe sem complicaes, com exerccios que crescem de nvel gradualmente at voc ter total domnio do vibrato e como utiliz-lo nas msicas para ficar ainda mais expressivo!Em cada aula eu tocarei junto com voc para a compreenso e deixarei exerccios no final para que sejam praticados por uma semana. E a cada semana que passa, voc estar mais desenvolvido, controlado e consciente na produo do vibrato."
Price: 294.99

"Understanding Trip Circuit Supervision Relay and Circuit" |
"Trip Circuit Supervision is one of the very important circuit in substation , power plant and distribution networksFollowing topics are covered in detailWhat is Trip Circuit & Tripping CoilUnderstanding Mechanism of CBClosing & Opening Spring operationOperation of tripping coil & closing coilWhy it is important to Monitor Trip CircuitWhy Two Sets of Trip Circuit & Coils are providedWhy It is important to check TC1 should be feed from DC1 & TC2 from DC2 respectivelyHow wrong wiring connection result in damage of substationWays to monitor the Trip coil Supervision ( Relay or Bulb)Monitoring Trip Circuit When CB is closedMonitoring Trip Circuit When CB is openMonitoring Trip Circuit When trip Command is being issuedMonitoring TCS when trip command is latched ( Case where tripping is through lockout Relay)Concept of RC circuit for stable operation of relay during switching Time Delay in issuing alarm signalFunction of External ResistorUnderstanding MVAX TCS RelayUnderstanding Schneider TCS RelayUnderstanding ABB TCS RelayUnderstanding ABB RXMB TCS RelayUnderstanding Wiring of TCS in Schematic DrawingRegardsMuhammad Kashif"
Price: 64.99

"Video Marketing and how to create video ads easily" |
"There is no doubt that video marketing is an essential skill and essential for your business to success, video marketing through social media ads engage more people for your business, and helps your business a lot.With this course you will learn to create video advertising with ""InVideo"" tool, that offers really amazing features that would help you to create a video advertisement with less than 30 minutes.Through the course we will learn about digital marketing, and how to get into video marketing, and start creation of video advertisements for your business easily using ""InVideo"" tool, we will learn simple, effective techniques to create beautiful marketing videos easily, how to create marketing videos for your business easily, transforming your content into great videos easily using ""InVideo"".Plumbers, Jewellery Designers, Real Estate Agents, Publishers, Marketers can all use Video easily, and create mind blowing, amazing, and aesthetic advertisements easily in less than an hour."
Price: 49.99

"Complex Number Theory" |
"An introduction to complex numbers. Defining the notation, how to operate on complex numbers and the complex conjugate. Complex numbers on the Argand plane. How to calculate the modulus of a complex number. How to factorize using complex numbers. Complex numbers in polar form and the argument of z. Worked out examples to illustrate all sections."
Price: 19.99

"Programao CNC Fresamento - Bsico" |
"Bem vindo ao Curso de programao Fresamento BsicoNo aprendizado de programao de fresamento CNC, com o comando Siemens, voc vai contar com vdeos aulas explicativas, simulaes grficas, e filmagens reais de usinagem relacionadas aos assuntos estudados, abrangendo os principais pontos relacionados programao CNC como:-Conhecimentos gerais sobre cnc.-Comando cnc, pontos de referncia da mquina._Sistemas de coordenadas.-Clculos de trigonometria e de dados de corte.-Cdigos cnc.-Introduo programao.-Programas de perfis diversos, faceamento, rasgo.-Insero de raios e chanfros.-Arcos de crculos.-Interpolao helicoidal.-Ciclos de furao, rebaixos e roscas com macho.-Programa com vrias operaes e ferramentas."
Price: 249.99

"Tabaquismo: primeros pasos para dejar de fumar tabaco" |
"""Tabaquismo: Primeros pasos para dejar de fumar tabaco"" es un curso ideal para quien quiera iniciar el proceso de dejar de fumar tabaco o para aquella persona que quiera conocer de qu se trata el tabaquismo, requiera informacin y orientacin al respecto.En este curso, vamos a conocer qu es el tabaquismo, sus causas y consecuencias, por qu la consideramos una adiccin y cules son los procesos que permiten que el tabaquismo contine, aunque la persona fumadora tenga el deseo de dejar de fumar.En la seccin prctica, trabajaremos sobre los motivos para dejar de fumar, cules son los beneficios de lograrlo y qu estrategias prcticas pueden ponerse en marcha para iniciar el proceso de dejar de fumar.Por ltimo, hablaremos de la prevencin del tabaquismo y cmo son algunos de los tratamientos posibles para dejar de fumar."
Price: 49.99

"Pinterest Marketing 2020: Die Geheimwaffe fr dein Business!" |
"Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook und mittlerweile auch TikTok: Soziale Medien gibt es mittlerweile im berfluss. berall da, wo sich Millionen von Menschen tummeln, wittern natrlich auch zahlreiche Marketing Firmen und Privatpersonen die Chance, Werbung zu betreiben und das eigene Produkt voranzutreiben.Eine Plattform, die bei all dem Hype um Instagram und Co. ein bisschen untergeht, ist Pinterest. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Plattformen wird das Potential von Pinterest nach wie vor nicht mal ansatzweise erkannt. Mit anderen Worten: Pinterest ist eine Goldgrube! Doch wie knnen wir Pinterest nutzen, um unser Business voranzutreiben?In diesem Videokurs werde ich dir Schritt-fr-Schritt zeigen, wie du deinem Unternehmen, deiner Website bzw. deinem Online Shop mithilfe des richtigen Pinterest Marketings einen riesigen Boost geben kannst und den Traffic zu deiner Seite sehr schnell vervielfachen kannst.Zunchst einmal werden wir dafr die Plattform Pinterest genau unter die Lupe nehmen. Was zeichnet sie aus? Welche Zielgruppe knnen wir hier ansprechen und welche Nischen lohnen sich?Nachdem wir dann das Grundfundament fr den spteren Erfolg unseres Pinterest Marketings gelegt haben, erstellen wir zusammen einen Business Account, richten eigene Pinnwnde ein und erstellen auch ohne Grafik-Vorerfahrung wunderschne und professionelle Pins. Dabei geht es auch darum, die Pins so zu optimieren, dass sie von Pinterest gute Rankings erzielen und somit von Anfang an sehr viele Menschen erreichen.Zum Schluss geht es dann noch darum, wann und wie oft du konkret etwas pinnen solltest und wie du mit dem richtigen Schritt-fr-Schritt System fr maximalen Marketing Erfolg sorgen kannst.Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen:die Plattform Pinterest bis ins Detail verstehendie richtige Zielgruppe finden und Marketing Strategien entwickelneinen eigenen Pinterest Business Account erstellen und richtig einrichtenwunderschne und professionelle eigene Pins schnell erstellendie Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) verstehen und anwendenein System entwickeln, mit dem du deinen Pinterest Marketing Prozess automatisieren kannstdeinem Business einen enormen Trafficboost geben!Wenn du dem praktischen Leitfaden dieses Videokurses folgst, dann wirst du schon in wenigen Wochen erstaunliche Ergebnisse erzielen knnen.Dieser Kurs ist nichts fr dich, wenn du lieber, wie Millionen anderer Menschen, vergeblich versuchen willst, Instagram und Facebook als Marketing Waffe zu nutzen. Versteh mich nicht falsch: Auch Instagram und Facebook knnen sicherlich sinnvoll sein, doch eine Sache ist sicher: Pinterest ist nach wie vor unglaublich unterschtzt und nur wenige Menschen nutzen das Potential der Plattform aus. Wenn auch du bereit bist, diesen Schritt zu wagen, dann wirst du zahlreichen anderen Online Marketern um Lngen voraus sein. Genau dann ist dieser Kurs genau der Richtige fr dich!Ich wrde mich sehr darber freuen, dich im Kurs begren zu drfen. Dabei gehst du brigens absolut kein Risiko ein, denn Udemy bietet dir eine 30-Tage-Geld-Zurck-Garantie. Also, worauf wartest du noch? Nimm diese Chance wahr und dann sehen wir beide uns gleich im ersten Video des Kurses!"
Price: 199.99

"Faire un jeu Python avec une IA" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation !Vous allez apprendre faire un petit jeu en Python. Et dans ce jeu vous allez implmenter une petite IA. Cela rend tout de suite le projet plus intressant !Pour tre plus prcis, je vais vous montrer comment faire un TicTacToe en python. On va utiliser la librairie pygame. Cette dernire sert pour faire plein de jeux. Je vais vous expliquer comment faire ce projet du dbut la fin de la ralisation du jeu.Par la suite on va implmenter une IA. Cette dernire jouera contre nous. Elle devra essayer de nous battre. On va implmenter un algorithme pour cela. L'algorithme Minimax. Rien de bien sorcier, rassurez-vous !Donc, si vous tes intresss pour amliorer vos comptences en informatique. Cette formation est faite pour vous !"
Price: 34.99

"Scrum Master Training - 2020" |
"JOIN IN ONE OF UDEMY'S BEST SCRUM MASTER TRAINING PROGRAMME'S!This Scrum Master course has been designed around the Scrum Guide and to ensure you are ready for the Professional Scrum Master (PSM 1) exam. All the topics in the Scrum Guide are covered. There are questions at the end of each section and a mock exam at the end. This course should provide you with a solid Scrum foundation and also help prepare you to write the PSM 1 exam. Scrum (.) org is a protected Brand. Our course or practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum (.) org.""The course will help prepare you for the PSM 1 exam."
Price: 19.99
