"Beschwerdemanagement - Beschwerden als Chancen nutzen" |
"Darum solltest du ein Beschwerdemanagement aufbauen!""Es gibt nur einen Boss - den Kunden. Und der kann jeden Mitarbeiter einer Firma feuern, sogar den Chef, indem er sein Geld einfach woanders ausgibt.""-Sam Walton-Ich wrde dieses Zitat gerne um einen Baustein erweitern. ""Es gibt nur einen Boss - den Kunden. Und der kann jeden Mitarbeiter einer Firma feuern, sogar den Chef, indem er sein Geld einfach woanders ausgibt"" *und schlecht ber dich, deine Produkte/Dienstleistungen oder deinen Service redet.Dieses Zitat sagt schon ganz gut aus warum du den Kunden zufriedenstellen, die Abwanderung des Kunden vermeiden und die Beschwerde unbedingt als Chance nutzen und musst.Verlierst du einen unzufriednen Kunden, hat dies weitreichende Folgen. Du verlierst nmlich nicht nur einen, sonder auch mgliche weitere Kunden. Somit geht Umsatz, und Umsatz der noch htte kommen knnen, flten.Nach diesem Kurs kennst du die Bausteine eines professionellen BeschwerdemanagementsDabei lernst den direkten und indirekten Beschwerdemanagement Prozess kennen. Die Stimulierung, dass dein Kunde die Beschwerde auch platziert.Die Kanalisierung, Annahme und Bearbeitung um die Kundenzufriedenheit wieder herzustellen.Und zum Schluss die Auswertung und das Controlling mittels KPI, um die Beschwerdeursachen auch knftig zu vermeiden und so deine Produkte und Dienstleistung nachhaltig zu optimieren.Weil das Controlling eine wichtige Rolle spielt, erhltst du daher einen kurzen KPI Crashkurs und eine Liste mglicher KennzahlenDu erhltst Templates fr Berichte, Reports und dein eigenes KPI Dashboard.Ich freu mich, dich in meinem Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 44.99

"Circuit Design for JACMI - Javed's Attofarad CMI" |
"In my research, I have proposed and demonstrated a sensitivity enhancement technique and a sensitivity tunability technique using Ring Oscillators for capacitance-based measurements. I combined both these techniques and an additional temperature calibration method and integrated the capacitance sensor in a single chip to act like a Lab-on-Chip platform. I was able to measure hundreds of atto-farad using this technique and methods. The papers based on this research work have been published in flagship IEEE Circuits and Systems Society conferences - ISCAS, MWSCAS and India's top VLSI conference - VLSID. The fundamental points used in this talk use the material from the other 4 courses offered in this platform. Do visit and enroll in the other courses to gain benefit.Provide your feedback/ on completing the course."
Price: 24.99

"Let's Doodle together.... Doodling for kids and beginner" |
"Course is design for kids,adults, beginners and drawing lover who would like to learn doodling,you need not have any prior experience in it.This is a basic course with very simple and basic patterns with anyone can do. The course is so simple that even small kids would love it. All you need to have is pencil,paper,gel pens and markers."
Price: 1280.00

"Mechanical Engineering Design - Overview" |
"Do you want to learn the most significant concepts of Engineering Drawing/Design?From the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without attending classes, or push your way through endless textbooks/online guides Then boom! you are at the right place :)Even if you have NO knowledge about Drawing this course will make you learn to understand all the aspects of Engineering Design.The course is divided into two parts.Additionally, from this course, you'll learn and get acquainted with ANSYS software for Numerical Simulation, ORIGIN software for data analysis, Tecplot 360 for results, and visualization.You will find videos in the course specially created for making you understand these!By the end of this course, you will be confident and proficient with the concepts of Engineering Design.The complete package will give you an opportunity to understand the methodology followed by the research organizations in developing novel designs.MAKING YOU AN EXPERT AND A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERSign up today, and heres what youll get: All the knowledge you need to start building any DESIGN you can dream of 500 dollars worth of design assets Assistance for your researchYou do not need to have any prerequisites for completing this course, we will teach you everything from the scratchRookie to Pro in Engineering DesignBy the end of this course you will be familiar with these concepts: Engineering Drawing and its types- Orthographic Projections- First Angle and Third Angle of Projections- Symbol of Projection- View Selection- Basic Dimensions in Engineering Drawing - Tangencies and Intersections- Types of Lines used in Engineering Drawing- Basic Information in Engineering Drawing- Drawing Layout - Types of Drawing- Introduction to CAD (Computer Aided Designing)- Engineering Design Process- Features of CAD- Types of Modelling- Sample CAD modelling ExercisesDont waste your time!Don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors with accents you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real-world in-person teaching experience. Your learning and your time's worth more than that.As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you'll realize that there's no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.I am looking forward to Teaching you all About the concepts of Engineering Design from the Technical Drawing to the Computational Aided Designing"
Price: 34.99

"Branding A gesto de marca para pequenas e mdias empresas" |
"'Branding A gesto de marca para pequenas e mdias empresas' um curso criado para atender s necessidades especficas das empresas mais comuns no Brasil as pequenas e mdias -, e coloc-las em p de igualdade nas questes estratgicas com as grandes empresas. Gesto de marca no separa as empresas pelo porte, mas pelo nvel de profissionalismo e maturidade no mercado. Quem faz a melhor gesto de sua(s) marca(s) tem um pblico mais cativo, fiel, engajado, e mais condies de competir no mercado.Mais do que nunca fundamental desenvolver uma marca forte e reconhecida branding um dos pilares mais slidos em tempos de disrupo, de mudanas radicais e mesmo de crise: o que sustenta a lembrana, o reconhecimento e os valores de sua empresa e de seus produtos no mercado, no importam os desafios enfrentados.Alm de empresrios, gestores de comunicao e administradores, esse curso tambm acessvel aos alunos de comunicao, propaganda, marketing e administrao, para complementar seus cursos tradicionais. Entenda o papel das marcas no mundo moderno."
Price: 279.99

"Qumica para concursos - Provas didticas dos IFs (Parte 1)" |
"Curso preparatrio para concurso: Cargo de Professor de Qumica NFASE: Concursos dos Institutos Federais de Ensino (IFs)Disponibilizamos para voc:Aulas de Qumica Comentadas Modelos de Planos de Aula completosAulas dinmicas com uso de ilustraes, animaes, softwares interativos;Artigos didticos da ""Qumica Nova na Escola"" para planejamento de aulas prticas;Dicas & sugestes sobre como montar sua estratgia de ensinoPreparados para explorar esse curso? Inscreva-se j!!!!"
Price: 144.99

"Learn Java Programming 8.0 - 13.0" |
"Learning Java is always a challenging task if the proper resources are not provided. This is extensive Java course with 100+ videos. The course not only covers the basics of programming and oops, but it also covers the advance features of Java like concurrency, jdbc, IO/NIO etc. It is infact a journey from beginner to expert for the student. So, even if you are new to Java or have some prior knowledge, this course is for YOU. During this course I have covered : Basics of Java ProgrammingImportant concepts of OOPs like Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation etc. Collections, Concurrency, and also concurrent APIs in Java In detail study of handling exceptionsNew features from Java8 like Lambdas, Functional Interfaces, Streams. Complete shift of Java project infrastructure, where package-centric applications, no replaced by Modules in Java 9New Features in Java 9,10Modified swith-case blocks from Java 12 and Java 13Many more features from versions 8.0 to 13.0 of JavaAfter completing this course, you will certainly able to write the code in Java, also you will able to use the new features introduced in the later versions of Java like lambdas, streams and functional interfaces etc."
Price: 3200.00

"Certified Financial Manager Diploma(in Arabic)" |
" CFA & CMA & CertIFR & MOS & CFM & financial modeling - - financial modeling - 2020 "
Price: 199.99

"200-105 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Exam" |
"130 UNIQUE practice questions for 200-105 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 200-105 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (97 of 130)"
Price: 144.99

"CompTIA A + 220-702 Practical Application Exam" |
"199 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA A + 220-702 Practical Application ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA A + 220-702 Practical Application ExamTotal Questions : 199Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (149 of 199)"
Price: 169.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Exam" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate (1Z0-1084-20)Become an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Certified Associate to demonstrate your knowledge of developing, securing, testing, and operating applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and the ability to use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service APIs, CLI, and SDKs to write applications. We recommend that you have six months of experience in developing and maintaining applications, a solid understanding of cloud native fundamentals and in-depth knowledge of at least one programming language, practical knowledge of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure architecture, use cases, and best practices.Exam DetailsFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 85 MinutesNumber of Questions: 55Passing Score: 70% Validated Against: Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Exam Topics:Cloud Native FundamentalsExplain Distributed ComputingExplain Microservices vs. Containers vs. FunctionsDiscuss the Meaning of Serverless ComputingDescribe Service Communication PatternsSecuring Cloud Native ApplicationsOvercome Security challenges with Cloud NativeUse the Defense-in-depth approachConfigure and Use Secret ManagementUse IAM for authn/authzOperating Cloud Native ApplicationsManage InfrastructureBuild, Deploy and Release ApplicationsPerform Tasks around Monitoring, Observability, and AlertingDeveloping Cloud Native ApplicationsDevelop Serverless Application with Oracle FunctionsDevelop Microservices and Applications for OKEUse Data in Cloud NativeUse OCI APIs, SDKs and CLIupgradeTesting Cloud Native ApplicationsExplain the Challenges of testing in Cloud Native worldManage multiple environments (dev, test/stage, prod)What our students say:""Superb. I recently got my certification with other exams, and just passed my Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate Exam exam. Very happy with Ultimate exams. Thank you"" Mike Higgins""Fantastic real exam questions and all are up to date. I will definitely recommend this to my colleagues and friends"" Jasmeet SinghNote: Please note that you are responsible for registering and paying for the actual exam. Best of luckTeaching over 1+ Million students onlineSyedTeam Ultimate Practice ExamsTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 49.99

"Eco Friendly logistics- An Introduction to Green Shipping" |
"Green Logistics simply denotes the art of Moving Goods with Minimal Environmental Impact. Green Shipping deals with Eco-friendly handling, storing and movement of cargo throughout the logistics chain, with a focus on sustainability in Operations.The Green Eco System in Shipping consists of six stakeholders: 1. Shippers or the Customers who ship their Cargo2. Shipping Lines / Ship Owners who operate the ships3. Port Authorities who monitor the port operations4. Companies that operate the Port terminals5. International and Local Regulatory Bodies6. Third Parties like Ship Builders, Research firms, Tech Firms, International trade routes and Canals, and ship breaking / recycling eco-system at the End of ship's LifeWe will be discussing each of these topics on how they impact the environment and what should be done to reduce their impact, for sustainable development.Welcome aboard"
Price: 149.99

"Ingles Basico Para adultos : Gramatica explicada" |
"CURSO DE INGLS GRATIS DE NIVEL INICIACINEste curso est diseado para los alumnos sin conocimientos previos de ingls. El Curso de Iniciacin te llevar a un nivel de ingls suficiente para entender y hacerte entender en ingls con expresiones elementales y un vocabulario bsico, as como te proporcionar la base para poder proseguir con facilidad con nuestro curso de ingles.El curso se ha enfocado desde un punto de vista prctico. Los conocimientos se van adquiriendo al mismo ritmo de una persona real que tambin se est iniciando en el ingls.El Curso incorpora, adems de la teora y gramtica, imgenes, audio, actividades y ejercicios as como consejos para facilitar el aprendizajeAprende ingls gratis con nativos que se formaron en su enseanza. Hazte parte de la comunidad interactiva. Jntate a nosotros para aprender!"
Price: 270.00

"Python Hands-On Course: Interactive Maps and Bar Chart Races" |
"Welcome to the Python Hands-On Course: Interactive Maps and Bar Chart Races. In the first part of this course you will be exposed to the main functions of the Folium library which is a python library that allows you to create beautiful maps with almost zero effort! We will use this library to create two main projects - the final maps are shown in the introduction video, so you will know exactly what you will learn from this course!In our third project you will be able to create the famous bar chart races that gathered millions of views on Youtube! You will notice how powerful is Python and how easy is to create these beautiful visualizations!For this course I'm going to use Jupyter notebook but feel free to use your favorite text editor.This course is done on a Windows 10 machine but all concepts are applicable to any computers!A basic understanding of the Python programming language and of the Pandas library is required to easily follow all videos."
Price: 19.99

"How to give creative English classes with Google Slides -ESL" |
"A great opportunity to learn how to use my ideas in Google Slides. My exercises are very cool to work on, we are going through topics like movies, trips, TV and many other good ones. All the activities are suitable for online and face to face class. This course will make you be able to apply my exercises in your class and it will even open your mind to many possibilities of this tool, so I am sure you will consider creating your own exercises too.You will also learn the best features and tips of this tool. How to edit, animate, insert links, images and give a great design to your slide, It was made to ESL Teachers around the world, who are looking for a differential on their methods and feel like giving fun and interesting class to your students. The concept can be an inspiration for preparing classes for any age, the activities suggesteds are more suitable for levels A2+ tough.Your classes will never be the same."
Price: 34.99

"Curso Completo de Edio de Podcast com Reaper" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender do zero a como editar seu podcast. Irei te ensinar a limpar os udios dos participantes, a editar o seu podcast de maneira dinmica e com ritmo, a como criar vinhetas, sonorizar e renderizar. Mostrando todo meu processo de forma prtica e fcil. Tambm irei mostrar a como personalizar o Reaper, criando atalhos e aes que iro facilitar e automatizar muitas funes, fazendo com que nossa edio se torne muito mais rpida e produtiva.Ao final desse curso voc estar apto a editar seu prprio podcast, deixando-o com uma qualidade profissional o que pode refletir diretamente no crescimento do seu podcast."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Master Course for Beginners & Practicing Elementor" |
"WordPress is a content management system (CMS for short). It's a robust tool for creating and managing your website. Blogs, business websites, personal sites, and eCommerce stores alike can benefit from using WordPress. This platform is run online, meaning you don't need to download any desktop software to use it. Also, WordPress is Free, easy to use, has huge support community, has many Free and Premium plugins that can enhance your website."
Price: 19.99

"The Easy Accounting Course - Learn Accounting in Seven Days" |
"This course is on Accountancy, the language of business. It covers the basics and some aspects of intermediate level. It is neither too short nor to long, tuned for the youngsters keeping their attention span in mind. There are more than 2.5 hours of lecture videos in 32 lectures, of which two are bonus lectures. More lectures could be added in future. This is for the beginners and all curious minds, who want to have some working knowledge of accountancy. Accountancy is not as difficult as mathematics, it is easier than arithmetic, as it has only two aspects, plus and minus, debit and credit. If one understands the basics of accountancy, the rest is a cake walk. I have divided this course into four parts. They are not necessarily equal in size. First, I shall discuss very briefly how accounting evolved historically. Then in the second module, I shall deal with some of the basic concepts of accounting. In the third module, we shall be practicing accounting with the help of accounting equations without passing any entry in the books of accounts. This will be done using plus and minus signs. The words ""Debit"" or ""Credit"" will not be uttered even. This will help us to understand the all-pervading basic accounting equation, which is "" Capital + Liabilities = Assets"". This will also remove fear from the mind, about accountancy, as a subject, which some students have. The last module will be devoted to core of accounting, starting from creation of Journal to generation of Income Statement and Balance Sheet of an imaginary business. Even some elements of income tax calculation based on book profit will be discussed. Thereafter, we shall analyze the Income Statement and Balance Sheet to understand the financial situation of our imaginary business, and thus we shall end up using accounting ratios. High quality presentations are used to explain all the concepts. Resources are provided in the form of downloadable pdf, JPG and Excel files. Assignments and MCQs as appropriate, are given. The course has been designed with lot of care. Lectures must be followed sequentially, to derive the highest benefit. I am always available through the Udemy system to answer queries that a student may have. Let us say ""Happy accounting!"""
Price: 1920.00

english_oge |
"? ? ? , , 600+ .:- British Bulldog - 100 17-25 "
Price: 4799.00

"Hip Hop Dance Moves" |
"The continuation to the first course with a little added dance class to bring all of your skills together nicely. These movements are foundational and have lasted the test of time. We use them still today in commercial dance industry. So to be ahead of the game tiktok or IG Reels practice these movements to stand out of the crowd."
Price: 19.99

"Quantity Surveying and Estimation for Road and Highways" |
"The name of the course Quantity Surveying and Estimation for Road and Highways is an effort to provide project-based training that will help students to build their knowledge and confidence. So what we learn in this course? First, I divided this course into twelve sections that comprise 40 HD lectures along with specified resources. These sections will deal with introducing the course, basic training of Excel and AutoCAD and extensive focus has given to the bill of quantities. Furthermore, complete items that are part of the road is discussed one by one with a proper practical method. The last section is designed to give students' understanding of rates and it analyses and how we can build a new rate. After you talk this course what you will able to deliver?You will understand the variation procedure from basics to advance level. This course mainly focuses on the practical computation of Civil works, different road structures, Road signage, Road markings, Traffic Light signals and Traffic management.Who is for this?If you are a quantity surveyor, Cost consultant, project manager, project engineer, Site Engineer or those who want to get the basic to advance knowledge of road project then this course is ideal for you. Lets join me on this journey.I welcome you all in this course that will add up some new skills in your career journey."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud 4 Practice Exams" |
"Salesforce Cloud Consultant Test Course consists of Practice tests having questions covered on all Salesforce Cloud Consultant topics and Students are guarenteed to Clear their exams with these questions.Practice Tests help assess and revise our understanding on the exam topics and gives us confidence to attend and clear the Exam,"
Price: 19.99

"Automaquiagem By: Talla Schmidt" |
"Este curso foca na aprendizagem de tcnicas bsicas e intermedirias de Maquiagem e Automaquiagem, desde estudos sobre preparao, identificao de tipos de pele, indicaes de produtos ideais para cada pele e para cada utilizao, focando em uma pele bsica, at uma pele elaborada, abrangendo tcnicas de olhos, e muito mais!"
Price: 129.99

"La projection est un mtier trs recherch de nos jours.Dans ce cours complet nous verrons la projection routire linaire.La projection linaire par profil type est un vol de la projection routire. Nous verrons d'abord, comment partir de donnes de base que sont des relevs topographiques brutes pour avoir notre modle numrique de terrain fiable. ce modle numrique de terrain nous permet de connaitre les altitudes en tout point et nous sera utile pour la cration de notre projet puis interviendra aussi dans les calculs de cubatures.Nous verrons ensuite la conception plane et en long de notre route suivant une norme de conception. Pendant notre conception, nous pourrons effectuaient des auto-contrles qui sont trs importants pour assurer aux futures usages un confort total.Nous verrons ensuite les travers, le plus important dans cette formation, o vous aurez toutes les notions pour russir aisment votre profil en travers type. Nous partirons de la conception la plus simple (semi-automatique) la conception manuelle par point.Enfin, nous verrons la gestion de l'affectation de notre profil en travers type, la gestion des points types et des dvers afin de finaliser la conception de notre projet. Aussi, faire l'habillage automatique de notre projet selon des critres personnalisables. Nous verrons donc ensemble les notions sur la conception de notre route en plan, en longues et en travers suivant une norme de conception routire. Par ailleurs, quelques astuces seront dvoiles pendant le droulement de ce cours ainsi que des mthodes complmentaires de conceptions et de contrle."
Price: 19.99

"Bu seviyedeki kursumuz 1 blmde aksak ritimlerle ilgili trkler alnacak .3/8 lik 5/8 lik 6/8 lik 7/8 lik 8/8 lik 9/8 lik 10/8 lik 11/8 lik 12/8 eserler alnacak. 2. blmde parmak egzersizleri alnacak. Parmak egzersizleri balamaya hakimiyetinizi gelitirecek. 3. blmdede alnmas zor eserler alnacak. Bu kursu birtirdiinizde balamay st dzeyde alacaksnz."
Price: 109.99

"The Git Mindset [2020]: An intuitive deep-dive into Git" |
"This course is designed to help you gain The Git Mindset. Using mechanisms like storytelling, hands-on-labs and quizzes, you'll gain a deep intuition about Git. To follow this course, you don't need any prior knowledge. The course uses a story to explain not only what Git does, but also how it does those things and why it was designed that way. Note: This course is up-to-date and uses the newer commands (switch and restore) introduced in Git 2.23. Gitting the hang of it - Building intuition about GitThis section goes over the story of the smallest team with the simplest workflow - a lone developer named Ana who's working on her software project on her personal machine. Over time, we'll introduce additional requirements like the need to manage historical versions, the need to create backups, the need to collaborate with additional team members etc. Each of these requirements will lead to a change in the version control system and eventually this fictitious version control system (Tig) will have evolved into something very much resembling Git. This section will help you internalize the core concepts of Git with ease.Gitting our hands dirty! - studying Git basicsWe'll take a break from learning the core concepts of Git and try using Git ourselves. This entire section is a series of labs where you'll follow along and get hands on experience with Git. You'll find that the previous section has prepared you with enough core concepts that you'll find everything quite straight forward. By the end of this section, you'll know how to craft commits with care and how to study them.The team Gits going again!This section will resume the story of Tig. This time, we'll use storytelling to arrive at the concepts of branching and merging. The story will help you not only understand what branching and merging are, but also how they work and what kinds of problems they help us solve.Let's Git back into it - resuming our study of GitThis section takes the concepts illustrated through a story in the last section and shows you how they apply to Git. By the end of this section, you'll be comfortable with branching and merging in Git. You'll know how to navigate the history of your project with ease. This will help you greatly with navigating new codebases and in troubleshooting bugs.Dealing with remotesThis section shows you how to manage Git remotes and how to transfer information between them. The concepts covered in this section are essential for effectively managing your repository through source code hosting providers like Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab etc.By the end of the course, you'll truly understand Git and you'll be able to use it like it's second nature. This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All emojis designed by OpenMoji the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0"
Price: 69.99

"Oak Ageing of Alcohol" |
"A craft distiller seeking to make whisky, rum or brandies will be faced with the daunting challenge of ageing the distillate in an oak barrel. What is wood made of? Why are barrels for the spirits industry made of oak? How are oak barrels made? What reactions occur to the alcohol in the oak barrel during ageing? Where does a craft distiller get oak barrels? Should barrels be new or used? This course aims to answer these questions and many more for the potential future craft distiller who wants to learn about oak barrel ageing."
Price: 39.99

"Autodesk Inventor in Arabic from Zero to Hero ." |
".. .. .. Welcome to 3DwithHussam Quick Start Video Series: If you are a beginner or industry professional new to Autodesk Inventor these videos will give you a quick overview of the software to help you decide if you seriously want to pursue a career in 3D.Autodesk Inventor's Core Interface and NavigationIntroduction to Inventor's unique Project WorkflowAnd if you enjoy your experience working in the software and you are interested in professional training contact me on my Instagram account CAD_CAM_CNC or my youtube channel 3D with Hussam.."
Price: 19.99

"Crer son propre jeu vido sans programmation !" |
"Apprendre dvelopper seul ses propres jeux vido PC, sans avoir la moindre connaissance en programmation. En utilisant le logiciel trs performant Construct 2. Apprenez pas pas les bases du logiciel, pour aboutir vos premiers jeux trs rapidement. Un accompagnement de A Z pour les aspirants dveloppeurs."
Price: 54.99

"Nanotechnology: Applications and Biosafety Aspects" |
"In this short course you will learn about the emerging field of nanotechnology, nanoparticles, history of nanotechnology, basic properties of nano-particles, applications of nanotechnology in different areas from medicine to high tech equipment and in the end you will learn about biosafety aspects of nanotechnology research. You will enjoy learning about applications of this emerging field and at the end we have focused on biosfety related to nanotechnology research that what we know about nanoparticles so far and how hazardous they could be?"
Price: 24.99

"Curso DIALux evo 9 - De 0 a profesional + Proyecto final !" |
"En este curso aprenders de forma rpida, cmoda y prctica el uso del programa DIALux evo, en su ltima versin.Tanto para tu desarrollo personal como por necesidad en tu empresa o para destacar sobre tus competidores dando un servicio ms profesional, este curso es tu gran aliado.Podrs formarte con las mejores prcticas para obtener resultados rpidos, estticos y fiables con los que llamar la atencin de tus clientes y dar una imagen ms tcnica, profesional y actual.Si eres estudiante, con este curso tendrs un PLUS muy demandado en tu CV con el que optars a un ms extenso y mejor mercado laboral. Del mismo modo, podrs aplicar lo aprendido en este curso para tus propios proyectos de iluminacin en tu casa, garaje, habitacin... hacindolo de forma esttica y profesional con lo que obtendrs unos mejores resultados."
Price: 49.99
