"Aprenda Tableau - Completo - (Deskop, Online/Server e PREP)" |
"O futuro empresarial das instituies est altamente atrelado ao sucesso da gesto de dados e apresentao de indicadores estratgicos. Com este curso, voc estar apto a iniciar sua explorao de dados com uma das plataformas mais eficientes e modernas do mercado de tecnologia, podendo criar relatrios e indicadores com muita simplicidade.Estaremos com muito carinho falando de todos os mdulos do Tableau.Lembrando que toda a plataforma ser explorada no treinamento: Desktop, Server, Cloud, Prep e outros."
Price: 99.99

"Ace AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator 2020" |
"Want to ace the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Examination and become an Azure CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam.Who this course is for: Azure Absolute Beginners. No prior Azure experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"Cardiac Pacemakers- Part 1" |
"Comprehensive coverage of scientific knowledge related to the current clinical use of devices.It includes interactive sessions focused on the application of guidelines. Participants should have some experience with device follow-up to benefit from this course, which will serve as a structured basis for the preparation of CCDS-IBHRE Exam.After successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Review the basic conduction of the heart 2. Delineate types of pacemakers; atrial, ventricular, temporary, and permanent pacemakers 3. Enumerate the indications and contraindications for pacemaker"
Price: 19.99

"Primavera P6 ile SIFIRDAN-LERYE Planlama" |
"in Uzmanndan!Primavera P6 SIFIRDAN-LERYE....HEPS Tek Pakette! Piyasada Byle,Bu Fiyata Eitim SERS Yok!Yazlmla ilgili Her ey!Hem Slayt Hem de YAZILIM ZERNDEN DREKT ANLATIM!HEPS TARAFIMIZCA HAZIRLANMITIR.Her Ynyle, SIFIRDAN-LERYE PRIMAVERA P6 LE PLANLAMA YAPIYORUZ!KURSU MEVCUT U ANDA GRDNZ FYAT ZERNDEN Ksa Sreliine Size zel SRPRZ ndirimli Olarak Almak; --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------ -- ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNDA! KURSU NDRML ALMAK OK BAST SADECE ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNU ZLEYN YETER! UAN NDRMDE!ndirim Sresini Uzattk! Tek Fiyat! Bu Frsat Karmayn!Kursun ndirimli creti; Bir Taksi ile Sabiha Gken Havaliman-Kadky aras Gidi-Dn cretine Ayrca; Dardan Alnan Primavera TEMEL SEVYE Olan Kursun %5 cretine Eittir.Bu Eitim Serisi Hem Temel Hem de leri Seviyedir.0'dan 100'e!Herkese Merhabalar, Program le Planlama Ayn ey Deildir! Program Planlamann inde Zaten Vardr!Gnmzde yi Yaplmayan Planlamalar, yi Ynetilmeyen letmeler, Kapanmaya-Yok Olmaya Zemin Hazrlamaktadrlar. rnein; Kresel Salgn Gibi,letmelerin Zararna Yol amaktadr. Ve Yol Aamaya devam etmektedir.(Planlama Eksikliinden)Hangi Sektr Olursa Olsun. Yaptnz ve yapacanz iler %100 tamamlanmamakta ve Firmalar arasnda, inde srekli problem kmaktadr. Sistem Hereyin Temelidir. Bu Kursta Bunlarn Nasl Yapldn reneceksiniz.Tm Bunlar Primavera P6 ile ortadan kaldryoruz. Bu Yzden tr letmeleri,lgili Sektrleri de Bu kursa Davet Ediyorum.""Oracle Primavera P6"" Kursu ;Devlet,Uzay ve Havaclk,Savunma,Mhendislik ve naat,Yksek Teknoloji,malat ve Dierleri,Kamu Hizmetleri,Petrol ve Gaz Gibi Tm Sektrler de Baz Alnarak ilenmitir.Kurs Ayrca,Covid-19 Etkisine kar Bo Zamanda deerlendirilecek Sper Bir Eitimdir.Sfrdan-leriye Tek Pakette Kaliteli Bir ETM Almak stiyorsanz DORU Yerdesiniz!Hi Kayglanmayn.Bu Kursta Herhangi Bir ey Bilmenize Gerek Yok.H BR EY BLMESENZ BLE OK RAHAT RENEBLECEKSNZ.Peki,Bu Kurstan Kimler Yararlanr?-Taeron Firmalar-Yklenici Firmalar-Grup Firmalar(Farkl Sektrle Birlikte)-Uzay ve Havaclk Sektr-Endstri Sektr-KOBILER-Proje Oluturma ve Gelitirme-Yneticiler-Mhendisler-Mimarlar-Teknikerler-Primavera P6'ya lgi Duyanlar Veya Merak Edenleryararlanabilir.Kurs eriinde Neler Var?-Primavera P6 R18.8(Son Srmlerden Biri) Yazlm ve Kurulumu-rnek Proje ile Adm Adm Proje Planlamas, Program Yaplmas-Size zel Piyasada Bulunmayan Bir Takm Dkmanlar(Belgeler ve Projelerle lgili)-Sertifika-Toplamda 18 Saatten Fazla A'dan Z'ye Esiz Eitim-ndirilebilir Videolar-stediiniz Yerden, mr Boyu Eriim.Bu Fiyata Bu Kalitede Piyasada Byle Eitim Yok!Bu Kurs in Neler Gerekli?-Bilgisayar-MS Excel-Primavera P6Nereden Eriebilirim?Dilediiniz Yerden;-TELEFON-BLGSAYAR-TABLET-Ve nternet Sayfasn Aabilen Her Trl Cihazdan Snrsz Eriim. O Zaman Hi Vakit Kaybetmeden Gelin, Birlikte Kaliteli Bir PLANLAMANIN Nasl Yapldna Bakalm. FARKI GRN.MDDEN KURSUMUZDA GRMEK ZERE...KURS HAKKINDA BLG ALMAK N KURS TANITIM KLBNE BAKABLRSNZ.S.S.S. (Ska Sorulan Sorular);Kaynaklara Nasl Eriebilirim?Kursu Satn Aldnzda, Bununla ilgili size zel Mesaj Gnderilecektir. Kurs Hakknda Msj atabilirmiyim?Kurs hakknda Bize Msj atabilirsiniz. Size En Ge 24 Saat ierisinde cevap verilecektir.Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii Nedir?Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii ;Sizi ve Bizi; letiim Halinde kalmamz, Kursa Olan ilginiz, Ve Sertifika Snav in Yapm Olunan Dersin lerleme durumu iin Aramzda Bir Ba Kurmaktadr.Kursu ndirimli Alabilir miyim?Evet! Kursu Mevcut Fiyat zerinden ndirimli Alabilirsiniz. Bunu Yapmak ok Basittir;Tek Yapmanz Gereken, ""PROMOSYON"" adl Ksma Tklayarak, Admlar TAKP ETMEK!Yunus KUZEYCivil EngineerKZY EDUCATIONLearn Endlessly..."
Price: 199.99

Giriimcilik |
"""Yepyeni Bir Eitim Serisi"" le Herkese Merhabalar!Bu Serinin lk KURSUNA HO GELDNZ!!BURADAN ' TM SEKTRLER ' DAVET EDYORUM!KURSU MEVCUT U ANDA GRDNZ FYAT ZERNDEN NDRML ALMAK, NDRMDEN YARARLANMAK; --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------ -- ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNDA! KURSU NDRML ALMAK OK BAST SADECE ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNU ZLEYN YETER! UAN NDRMDE!Bu Seride,Giriimci Nasl Olmal?Hedefe Ulama TeknikleriNeler Yapmamz Gerektiini?Proje Ynetim MetodolojisiSrdrlebilirlik likisiPlanlama ile Nasl Kolaylatrnek Projeler le Sektr Bazl Admlargibi konular ilenmitir.Bu Eitim Sayesinde,Bak Anz Deiecek.Kaliteli Bir Giriimci Olacaksnz. Kurabileceksiniz.Planlama Sayesinde leriniz Kolaylaacak.Proje Ynetiminiz Kolaylaacak.Hedefinize lerleyeceksiniz.Risklerinizi Grebileceksiniz.Bitirme Sertifikasmr Boyu EriimAyrca, Derslerinizi ndirebileceksiniz!Bu Eitimden Kimler Yararlanabilir?Tm GiriimcilerTm letmecilerGiriimci olmak isteyenAklnda Fikri Olan, Fakat Nasl Yapacan BilemeyenlerProje Ynetimini renmek steyenlerProje Ynetiminde Sorun Yaayanlarini Bytmek steyen, Herkes Yararlanabilir.Peki Neden Bu Eitime Katlmalym?ncelikle, Bu Eitim Sizin Bak Anz Deitirecek. novasyon (Yenilik) olarak eitli rnekler ve Daha fazlasn elde edeceksiniz.Bu Sebeple, Size Arts fazla olacaktr.nk Piyasada Baka Yok!S.S.S. (Ska Sorulan Sorular);Kursu ndirimli Alabilir miyim?Evet! Kursu Mevcut Liste Fiyat zerinden ndirimli Alabilirsiniz. Bunu Yapmak ok Basittir;Tek Yapmanz Gereken, ""PROMOSYON"" adl Derse tklayarak, Admlar TAKP ETMEK!Kaynaklara Nasl Eriebilirim?Kursu Satn Aldnzda, Bununla ilgili size Mesaj Gnderilecektir. Kurs Hakknda Msj atabilirmiyim?Kurs hakknda Bize Msj atabilirsiniz. Size En Ge 24 Saat ierisinde cevap verilecektir.Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii Nedir?Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii ;Sizi ve Bizi; letiim Halinde kalmamz, Kurslara Olan ilginiz, Dersin lerleme durumu iin Aramzda Bir Ba Kurmaktadr.BTMED!""Oracle PRIMAVERA P6"" Planlama Kursu in Eitmen Sayfasndan Kursuma Ulaabilirsiniz. Katlmanz Planlamanz Kolaylatracaktr.Kursta Grmek zere...Yunus KUZEYCivil EngineerKZY EDUCATIONLearn Endlessly..."
Price: 149.99

"PMP Exam Prep - PRACTICE TEST 2020! - 1" |
"Hello Everyone!In this training series, there are 50 questions and a PMP exam preparation test.Evaluate yourself in 1 hour. Take Preparation Test in an Exam Format, See Your Result Instantly!Compare your incorrect Answers! See Why the Questions is incorrect with description.Also, PMP Exam preparation test is based on PMBOK 6th edition!Good Luck...KZY EDUCATIONCivil Engineer"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Exam Prep - PRACTICE TEST 2020! - 2" |
"Hello Everyone!In this training series, there are 50 questions and a PMP exam preparation test.Evaluate yourself in 1 hour. Take Preparation Test in an Exam Format, See Your Result Instantly!Compare your incorrect Answers! See Why the Questions is incorrect with description.Also, PMP Exam preparation test is based on PMBOK 6th edition!Good Luck...KZY EDUCATIONCivil Engineer"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Exam Prep - PRACTICE TEST 2020! - 3" |
"Hello Everyone!In this training series, there are 50 questions and a PMP exam preparation test.Evaluate yourself in 1 hour. Take Preparation Test in an Exam Format, See Your Result Instantly!Compare your incorrect Answers! See Why the Questions is incorrect with description.Also, PMP Exam preparation test is based on PMBOK 6th edition!Good Luck...KZY EDUCATIONYunus KuzeyCivil EngineerCivil TechnicianBusiness Managament"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Exam Prep - PRACTICE TEST 2020! - 4" |
"Hello Everyone!In this training series, there are 50 questions and a PMP exam preparation test.Evaluate yourself in 1 hour. Take Preparation Test in an Exam Format, See Your Result Instantly!Compare your incorrect Answers! See Why the Questions is incorrect with description.Also, PMP Exam preparation test is based on PMBOK 6th edition!Good Luck...KZY EDUCATION"
Price: 19.99

"Earned Value Management As Sample Projects BeginnerToExpert!" |
"By Specialist,You Will Full Learn From BEGINNER TO EXPERT Earned Value Management!Please See the ""Promotional Video"" to get the course and more at a Discount. It's all that SIMPLE.Hello Everyone,Thanks to Earned Value Management,You will be able to guess your projects,You Will Learn Your Logic,How is it done?And most importantly, you will be able to understand From Beginner To Expert!The Course is also a Super Training which will be evaluated at leisure against the Covid-19 Effect.If you want to receive a quality education, you are at the right place!Don't worry. You don't need to know anything in this course. YOU CAN LEARN VERY COMFORTABLE EVEN IF YOU DO NOT KNOW!So, Who Benefits From This Course?Subcontracting CompaniesContractor CompaniesGroup Companies (With Different Sectors)Space and Aviation SectorIndustry SectorProject Creation and DevelopmentEngineersArchitects What's in the Course Content?Earned Value ManagementEarned Value AnalysisEverywhere Lifetime Access.Downloadable VideosCertificate of Completion.20 language integrated subtitles.Bonus LECTURE!Only those who purchased the course will benefit.What is required for this course?No Requirements.Where Can I Access?A SMARTPHONEA COMPUTERA TABLETAnd Access From Any Device That Can Open The Web Page.Also, You Can See Other our course ""Primavera P6 Beginner To Advanced"". This course is currently on sale for a short time! Details are on the course page!NOW TO SEE IN OUR LECTURES...About the InstructorComputer knowledge from a child age (Wondering-Using-Technology-Focused Knowing and Using Windows 95 Time)Graduates from the Top 1000 Universities Worldwide Civil Technician, Civil Engineer and Business GraduateHe has been involved in various Global Projects abroad.And ongoing.Using Various Software: Both Static and Architecture and those examining themWorking both on the field and in the office, solving the problemsYunus KuzeyCivil TechnicianCivil Engineer"
Price: 89.99

"BIM (Building Information Modeling) Her Ynyle Nedir?" |
"""Yepyeni Bir Eitim Serisi"" le Herkese Merhabalar!KURSU MEVCUT U ANDA GRDNZ FYAT ZERNDEN NDRML ALMAK, NDRMDEN YARARLANMAK; --------- --------- --------- --------- ----------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------ -- ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNDA! KURSU NDRML ALMAK OK BAST SADECE ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNU ZLEYN YETER! UAN NDRMDE!""BIM"" Eitimine Hogeldiniz!Nedir Bu BIM?te Tm Bunlarn Cevaplar Buradadr.Bu Eitimde;BIM Nedir?BIM Dzeyleri Nelerdir?BIM Nasl Olumutur?Karlatrmalarrnek Proje le AnlatlmasVe Piyasada Bulunmayan Birtakm Bilgileri ilenmitir.Bu Eitim Sayesinde;BIM'in Mantn reneceksiniz!BIM Dzeylerinin neler olduunu reneceksinizBitirme Sertifikasmr Boyu EriimAyrca, Derslerinizi ndirebileceksiniz!Ve Daha Fazlasn reneksiniz!KURS NDRM LNK;""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNDA! KURSU NDRML ALMAK OK BAST SADECE ""PROMOSYON"" VDEOSUNU ZLEYN YETER! UAN NDRMDE!Gerekli n Koul Var Mdr?Hayr, Hibir ey bilmenize Gerek Yoktur. Tek Bir ey Gerekli: Eitimi zlemek ve ndirmek in nternet :) S.S.S. (Ska Sorulan Sorular);Kursu ndirimli Alabilir miyim?Evet! Kursu Mevcut Liste Fiyat zerinden ndirimli Alabilirsiniz. Bunu Yapmak ok Basittir;Tek Yapmanz Gereken, ""PROMOSYON"" adl Derse tklayarak, Admlar TAKP ETMEK!Kaynaklara Nasl Eriebilirim?Kursu Satn Aldnzda, Bununla ilgili size Mesaj Gnderilecektir. Kurs Hakknda Msj atabilirmiyim?Kurs hakknda Bize Msj atabilirsiniz. Size En Ge 24 Saat ierisinde cevap verilecektir.Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii Nedir?Kurs Standartlar Ve Gvenlii ;Sizi ve Bizi; letiim Halinde kalmamz, Kurslara Olan ilginiz, Dersin lerleme durumu iin Aramzda Bir Ba Kurmaktadr.Yunus KUZEYCivil EngineerKZY EDUCATIONLearn Endlessly..."
Price: 199.99

"Direcionamentos Prticos para Metodologias Ativas" |
"Criar novas experincias de aprendizagem para sala de aula requer um breve norteamento terico para maximizar as chances de acerto. Uma das reclamaes constantes acerca do uso de metodologias ativas que os alunos no se envolvem o quanto deveriam nas propostas dos professores. Esse curso foi criado pensando em aspectos que aumentam o engajamento dos alunos em experincias de aprendizagem que comeam e terminam em sala de aula."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft 70-647 Window Server Enterprise Administrator Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) He works as an administrator Enterprise ABC com. The ABC com network has a domain name ABC com. All the ABC com network servers run Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista client computers. ABC com consists of a Sales Division, Marketing and Finance. Because of the sensitivity of the information in the Finance division it is necessary to establish a higher level of account and password security for users located in that division. How can this be done by considering the budgetary constraints?a) You should set folder redirection.b) You should set up a certification authority (CA).c) You should set a new PSO (PSO).d) You should set a GPO with the required permissions for all users.Q) It works as a network administrator at ABC com. The ABC com network has a domain name ABC com. The domain functional level is set to Windows Server 2008. ABC com consists of a marketing department that uses a folder named KING DATA. KING DATA is configured for waiting data files. You want to use Group Policy to establish user profiles for users of the marketing department. To ensure productivity, you need to make sure that at least time frame is used by users who use roaming profiles when you log on or off. How can this be achieved?a) The Group Policy object (GPO) should be modified to contain the permissions for shared folders.b) The Remote Administration Tools Server (RSAT) must be installed on the computers of the marketing department.c) The marketing department of the client computer should have configured mobile credentials.d) The Group Policy object (GPO) should be modified to contain Folder RedirectionQ) It works as a network administrator at ABC com. The ABC com network has a forest with four domains. The level of the forest functionality is set to Windows Server 2008. The domain controller abc com also operate as DNS servers. ABC com wants the Windows Internet Name Service Service (WINS) to be removed from the network. So only DNS is used to resolve IPv4 and IPv6 systems names in all fields. What you should do to implement a strategy of name resolution that reduces the Net Bios traffic over TCP / IP (NBT)?a) You should deploy a DHCP server to the network.b) You should set up a stub zone Active Directory-integrated on a global catalog server.c) You should create a Global Names zone on global catalog server.d) You must configure Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) on DNS servers in the forest.Q) It works as a network administrator at ABC com. The ABC com network has a domain name ABC com. All servers on the ABC com network run Windows Server 2008 and client computers running Windows Vista. Domain controllers are programmed to perform a full backup daily. You will want to compare objects AD AD last backup with the current database using minimal effort. You decide to restore the backup to an alternate location. Which step you should do next?a) We recommend using the Server Manager resource file to run daily backups.b) We recommend using the Windows backup server to back up data to an external USB drive.c) You should use the Active Directory Database Mounting Tool (Dsamain.exe) to install the database.d) You should set up a Performance Data collection system in SeptemberQ) It works as a network administrator at ABC com. The ABC com network is made up of a domain name ABC com. The network server running Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and client computers running Windows Vista. Due to the growth of the company, ABC com install six core server server that can be accessed via HTTP and HTTPS. You need to ensure that the roles Serer on 6 servers are installed and managed by local administrators remotely. How can this be achieved?a) You must select the Windows Remote Management (Win Rm) on the computers of local administrators.b) You should create a Global Names zone and enable the area to the local administrator's computer.c) You must run the Key Management Service (KMS) and add the Component Services snap-in on computers of local administrators.d) It is recommended to use mobile credentials on the computers of local administrators."
Price: 179.99

"ServiceNow CIS - Discovery Practice Exams Orlando 2020" |
"Hello fellow ServiceNow consultant! In this Practice Exams you will find possible test questions that will help you pass your Service Now CIS Discovery exam. I will continue to update this course with DELTA exams for future ServiceNow releases. Keep in mind that these are questions & answers only, it is advised to complete Discovery Fundamental course to have full understanding of the topic."
Price: 99.99

"Australian Partner Visas - Relationship Documents Guide" |
"WHAT WILL I LEARN? Topic 1: Four Aspects of the relationship assessed by ImmigrationYou will learn exactly what relationship evidence you could provide to Immigration to give your application the best chance of success.In particular,What Financial evidence you could provide?What Household evidence you could provide?What Social evidence you could provide?What Commitment evidence you could provide? Topic 2: What should my friends and family provide to support my visa application (Forms 888s and Statutory Declarations)You will learn everything you need to know about Form 888s and statutory declarations. In particular, How to structure and write Form 888s and statutory declarationsHow many Form 888s/statutory declarations should be provided to ImmigrationWhen you should provide them to Immigration?What if your friends/family are not in Australia? What should they provide?Where do you find a statutory declaration form?Topic 3: How to write impressive Relationship Statements (applicant and sponsor)You will learn how to structure and write your relationship statements (applicant and sponsor) to impress the case officer at ImmigrationIn particular, How do I structure my relationship statement? What information should go into our relationship statements?How long should our statements be?Do we need to write 2 different statements, one for me and and one for my partner?Do our statements need to be written on Statutory declaration forms?Bonus Video (18 minutes)In this video we discuss and give you a real life example of a 'Relationship Statement'. The video will give you clear guidance on exactly what you should be writing about in your statements and the level of detail that is required. At the end of this course you will be equipped with all the tools needed to give your Partner Visa the best chance of success. Andrew EP McAuley MARN: 1278335 Registered Migration Agent - Perth, Western AustraliaNotice: Information provided by Visa Makers Online on this courses is general in nature and does not take into consideration your personal visa situation or background. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute personal Immigration advice. Before acting on any information provided, you should consider seeking independent Immigration advice that is tailored to your needs."
Price: 169.99

"Cours d'anglais - Apprenez l'anglais avec des animations" |
"Bienvenue dans notre cours d'anglais. Ce cours est principalement ax sur l'enseignement de l'anglais couramment et avec une bonne prononciation.Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre l'anglais avec les dialogues enregistrs par des professeurs amricains afin que vous puissiez parler anglais comme un natif.tes-vous ennuy par les cours et les livres bass sur la grammaire parce que vous ne pouvez pas apprendre la vraie langue? Ce cours en ligne rsoudra votre problme.Ici, dans ce cours, nos personnages d'animation vous aideront apprendre l'anglais conversationnel quotidien. Les dialogues de notre cours ont t choisis dans la vie quotidienne et ordonns de manire systmatique.Vous verrez les mots et les structures de phrases les plus utiliss dans l'anglais courant. Chaque leon est conue pour que vous rptiez et pratiquiez les phrases que vous avez apprises.Comme toutes les dclarations sont enregistres par des professeurs amricains, vous pourrez apprendre la vraie prononciation et l'accent.Les dclarations dans les vidos d'animation vous sont galement fournies sous forme crite; par consquent, vous les comparerez avec leurs traductions dans votre propre langue. Les traductions dans les sous-titres vous apprendront le vrai sens des phrases que vous entendez.De plus, nous avons ajout des dialogues et des phrases cibles en tant que documents et articles pdf. Ces documents comprennent:Conversations dans les vidos d'animation,Traductions des dclarations dans les dialoguesCibler les mots et les phrasesExplications supplmentairesEt les explications ncessaires de la grammaireNous avons galement ajout des vidos explicatives de grammaire et de structure notre cours pour renforcer votre apprentissage. Regardez ces vidos pour apprendre crer plus de phrases en utilisant la mme structure.Lorsque vous aurez termin ce cours, vous serez en mesure de parler avec les trangers de manire confortable et de comprendre ce que vous entendez et lisez en anglais, comme des films, des chansons, des actualits, etc.Lorsque vous serez inscrit ce cours, vous aurez un accs vie tous les supports et mises jour ajouts au cours. Nous mettrons constamment jour le cours en ajoutant de nouvelles vidos d'animation et du matriel.Corpus Academy"
Price: 119.99

"Japons para viagens com Prof Ito" |
"Este curso destinado para quem est planejando fazer uma viagem de curta prazo, composto por 10 vdeos aulas.SaudaesNmerosPalavras e verbos fceisPartes do CorpoHospitalRestauranteAeroporto tica no JapoTransporte PblicaCuriosidades sobre o JapoMetodologia utilizado neste curso o mtodo repetitivo, repetindo em voz alta o que o professor falar, prender bem aquela palavra que for passado. O nosso foco no ficar fluente, mas sim ficar independente ao viajar para o Japo futuramente."
Price: 39.99

"FMEA 5 Edio - AIAG 1 ed. (Promoo lanamento)" |
"O principal objetivo capacitar os participantes na aplicao da metodologia e a compreender a importncia da implantao da ferramenta nos desenvolvimentos de produtos e processos, mitigando os riscos possveis riscos na implantao dos projetos. Apresentar os requisitos e suas mudanas incorporadas na 5 edio da FMEA que passa a se chamar AIAG &VDA FMEA 1 ed."
Price: 99.99

"Energy audit of electrical systems" |
"In this course, students will learn how to identify electrical energy conservation possibilities in an industrial and commercial facility. The focus of the energy audit of electrical system is on electric drives due to their dominant influence on overall electricity consumption and biggest energy saving potential. Students will learn to make investement proposals and to calculate pay-off time of high-efficiency motors and frequency converters. Special attention is given to pump and fan application due to their wide presence and big electricity saving potential. This course contains tutorial on free online tool that can be used in practise to perform calculation and to generate report on electricity savings in pump and fan applications."
Price: 49.99

"Diagnstico Financeiro" |
"Todos ns desejamos um futuro de tranquilidade e mais dinheiro. Porm, para criarmos este futuro devemos trabalhar no hoje, utilizando estratgias e tomando aes para realizamos este sonho.Mas, se apenas no Brasil somos mais de 60 milhes de negativados, e se 7 a cada 10 pessoas no planeta vivem algum nvel de dificuldade financeira, fica fcil perceber que existe uma imensa distncia entre o que se deseja, e as estratgias que esto sendo aplicadas no hoje para construir um futuro de tranquilidade e mais dinheiro.Enriquecer uma tarefa simples: basta gastar menos do que se ganha, e aplicar bem a diferena. Contudo, sabemos que muitos se perdem neste longo caminho e mal conseguem saber se ento indo em direo ao futuro que desejam, ou se caminham para o desfiladeiro.Se voc reconhece que algo est te impedindo de alcanar o sucesso financeiro, mas ainda no descobriu o que . Se ainda ningum te revelou as 8 fases bsicas e essenciais para construir Liberdade Financeira na sua vida. Se voc sente que algo precisa mudar, porm no sabe nem por onde comear. Ento eu te convido a se inscrever neste curso agora mesmo. Depois dele ser impossvel voc continuar pensando da mesma forma e passar a entender com clareza quais foram os atalhos financeiros que as pessoas ricas e de sucesso aplicaram, aplicam, e aplicaro sempre, para conquistar todos os seus sonhos.Alm do mais, voc conseguir diagnosticar em qual parte da jornada do enriquecimento voc se encontra. Assim, voc construir clareza para saber quais hbitos precisam ser abandonados, quais pontos precisam ser ajustados, e quais estratgias precisaro ser implantadas imediatamente.Aprender tudo isso seria bom ou bom?Isso seria ma-ra-vi-lho-so!Ficou curioso(a)? Ento no perca mais tempo e inscreva-se!Um forte abraoThiago Rico"
Price: 249.99

"Master Emotions in the Workplace - Remove Stress & Conflict" |
"Emotional intelligence infuses the workplace with harmony, understanding, and a productive work atmosphere. Without it, you risk kindling conflict. You might evoke passive aggressive behavior. You may even unknowingly support a stressful, toxic work environment. If you are committed to tackling your own emotional triggers in the workplace, or bringing new emotional release techniques to your team for increased productivity, then you're in the right place!You're about to discover a series of strategies, tactics, and exercises for coping with and moving past undesirable emotions that may be holding you back from your true potential. Keep reading if: You'd like to learn how to deal with ""stress"" when it crops up You feel alienated from a robotic, impersonal workplace and want to express yourself in a healthy way. You've never explored topics like spirituality, but are open to new techniquesYou are finally ready to fix this area of your lifeWe've unearthed a toolbox of cutting edge techniques that will jumpstart a newfound understanding of human interaction in the workplace. Just imagine what it would be like to feel a sense of fulfillment in your career. No more hiding your emotions or fear of expressing yourself. You'll discover know how to balance your sometimes intense feelings with your job. As you begin to implement these practices, you'll start to feel empowered going into each new work situation. Rather than feeling confused, angry, or triggered, you'll be able to deal with new stressors effectively, while maintaining a sense of professionalism. These are the critical emotional tools and mental frameworks that you were never taught on the job. This course is NOT based in theory. You will get access to real-world easy to implement methods for handling everyday emotionally-charged events in the workplace. Can't wait to see you on the other side! You can reach out to the instructors at any time throughout the course."
Price: 199.99

"DELF B2 Production Orale" |
"Russir le DELF B2 nest pas seulement une affaire de comptences langagires. En tant que professeurs nous voulons que nos tudiants russissent, mais savoir parler franais nest pas suffisant pour passer le DELF B2. Les examinateurs attendent de vous que vous ayez des penses organises et structures. Cest pourquoi cette formation se concentre sur la mthodologie et la stratgie.Processus tape par tapeStructures utiliser pour chaque partieConseils et gestion du stress l'oralExemples de production+ exercices d'entranement+ sujets de production oraleJe suis convaincu que cela va vous aider gagner du temps et conomiser votre nergie. Mon objectif est que vous puissiez passer cet examen avec confiance. Jean"
Price: 119.99

"Cosmic Pathways ~ Chakra Activation and Empowerment" |
"In this course we will take an in depth knowledge of the chakras or energy centers in the human body. The location, colors, energies and mantras. How the chakras supply the cosmic energy to our physical and subtle bodies, the removal of blockages to enhance the flow of energy in our system. We will learn and use Mantras for purifying the chakras and empowerment and cleansing using the cosmic sounds developed by the Himalayan Yogis. Cosmic sounds and meditations to cleanse, purify, empower and protect the chakra system in order to purify our aura and enhance the quality of life."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Heal the Physical Body With Mind Power" |
"In this transformational Mindfulness Workshop, well explore how meditation can help you live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Learn to heal and rejuvenate the physical body with the power of the mind. Understand what cosmic mindfulness means, and how the mind creates. Learn about the positive possibilities in our lives when we get established in our mind. Learn the importance of being present in the here and now and the power of the mind to heal the body."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Pranayama : Cosmic Energy Breath Healing" |
"Live a life filled with passion, meaning, and fulfillment by taking part in a comprehensive Pranayama Course that promotes a healthy mind, body, and soul. Discover what your breath can do for you. When we do Pranayama, the invisible pranic energy starts flowing in the body and the body and mind become completely healthy. It is very easy to achieve complete health and become disease free by doing pranayama. It is known that any disease that manifest in the body, manifest itself our energy or prani body atleast 6 months before. At this stage it is considerably easy to get rid of the disease at the energy level by doing the pranic breathing exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Traumas, Anxiety & Psychic Impressions" |
"Whether you're looking to increase wellness, build self-confidence or reduce stress, cosmic mindfulness will deliver fast and effective results. Start working towards a life you can be proud of. Use the power of mantras to detoxify the mind of all past traumas and negative psychic impressions so you can start taking control of your life situations."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Pathways ~ Activation of Subtle Energy Bodies" |
"The body has its own special sacred points just as the Earth has its sacred sites and energy current according to sacred geography. We must learn this sacred geography of our own body in order to attune ourselves both to the Earth and to the greater cosmos. Traditionally categorized into three energy bodies known as the Gross, Subtle, and Causal, the spectrum of consciousness contains five fields or ""sheaths"" loosely labeled food, energy, mind, wisdom, and bliss.When we activate and learn to enter into higher bodies, our limitations drop. We find we can do many things that we earlier thought impossible - like healing ourselves, materializing whatever we desire and creating wonderful relationships and peace of mind."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Pranayama : Back Pain and Healthy Spine" |
"It's no secret that the medical community is accepting the idea that Yoga can bring relief for persistent back pain, and how healing Yoga can be for back pain. Pranayama is a branch of yoga that uses the power of breath to enhance the flow of cosmic energy in the body, to heal and cure ailments at the energy levels so as the eliminate the root cause of the issues.These energy breathing techniques are a miracle cure for healing the spine completely and permanently. The pranayama breathing was developed by ancient indian yoga masters to heal and cure all ailments naturally. By using the power of breath we are able to enhance the flow of cosmic energy or the life force energy in elaborate breathing techniques that make your spine completely healthy and pain free.These exercises cure the problem from the root cause rather than provide symptomatic relief. When you practice these breathing techniques and subtle yogic movements and exercises, instantly you will get relief from your back problems and as you continue to practice daily you will be able to completely eliminate all back problems and move towards a strong and health spinal column."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Heal & Break Past Relationship Patterns" |
"This 3 module course is is based on the ancient indian science of karmic healing meditations and is designed specifically to completely change your relationship patterns and, attract the love you really want in your life along with finding the best version of yourself within.1. Break Repeating Dating, Relationship, Love Patterns - We will forgive, release ties and heal wounds that are blocking Soulmate Love by means of powerful meditations. As we release the incompletions from the past, the strong thought currents that are driving our future loose control on us and our future is liberated from the expressions of the past.2. Become Your Most Dynamic, Radiant Self - We will learn how like energy attracts like energy and use powerful meditations to upgrade our own energy so that we become the best version of ourselves and a magnet to the love we wish to attract.3. Create Energy to Magnetize Love & Attract a Soulmate Partner That Loves and Respects You - We will become crystal clear and focused on the love relationship that we would like attract and begin to visualize the future life with our soulmate. After this section you will be able to envision your soulmate and we will use powerful meditations to send out the message to the universe to attract a soulmate that shares your life vision and path.By the end of this program you will feel renewed, rejuvenated, excited, and ready to attract the love your heart desires!"
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Healing ~ Pranayama for Immunity & Vitality" |
"Everyday your cells fight various battles with outside threats and intruders in order to help keep you safe, functioning, and strong. Practice of Pranayama helps to balance the nervous system, reinforces the respiratory system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and can even help activate the lymphatic system, which plays a major role in immune function. Our cells regenerate all the time, and cannot regenerate without oxygen. Breathing is the fastest and most efficient way for our bodies to get oxygen. Deep breathing helps our immune system regenerate cells in order to fight infection and any other ailments that affect us. Certain breathing exercises have been shown to greatly increase the efficiency of our immune system.During pranayama, you are literally drinking in gallons and gallons of vitality and immunity. You supercharge the blood with extra oxygen. When you retain the breath, you literally inject more oxygen into the bloodstream. Oxygen is life, so that means you are enriching your blood with a lot of life. And not only do you take in more oxygen but along with the air you take in more prana or life force energy. Every cell of your body vibrates with new life. Benefits of Pranayama to Boost ImmunityPranayama enhances and stimulates the immune system.Improves function and strengthens cells, tissue, glands and organs.Pranayama releases stress, anxiety and depression.Removes heart blockages.Cures heart problems.Boosts overall health and cures many health issues.Pranayama increases blood circulation.Cure asthma, headache, Migraine, neurological problems, depression, gastric problems."
Price: 19.99

"Cosmic Genesis ~ Art of Cosmic Rebirth & Energy Activation" |
"Cosmic Genesis literally means cosmic rebirth. It is a process by which we learn to activate and take control of our inner powers and faculties. As medical research and healing therapies discover the psychosomatic roots of every disease, there is a growing need to explore a parallel, Integrative science which seeks to heal the external factors and environment around a human being. These external factors are known to cause a disturbance in vibration and energy, which eventually results in unwanted situations and incidents. In this first course on cosmic genesis you will:1. Dissolve any negative blockages from your energy centers2. Use powerful mantras to release the negativity that is influencing your thought patterns3. Empower and Protect your energy centers with ancient healing mantras4. Experience better sleep, peaceful mind and a relaxed state of being5. Experience the enhanced flow of cosmic energy in your entire body"
Price: 19.99
