"Cosmic Healing ~ Biological Parents" |
"Why is family important? Why is it necessary to have a good relationship with your parents. It is often seen that unresolved issues we have with our parents get embedded in our subconscious, and at a much later time in our lives, they come out in form of some disease and then the psychiatrist gives us the medicines and says that the reson for this is the unresolved issues you have with your mother or father. Our parents are the source of our DNA, the most fundamental structure within our body. If the energy equation we have with our parents is not smooth, then our fight is not with anyone else but with our own self - our DNA. If we are to grow and prosper in our lives then it becomes very important that we release the emotional toxins from our inner consciousness.In this course, we will be healing our relationships with our parents by using energy healing meditations. Rather than through counseling, if we are able to change the energy itself which is the underlying cause of the disturbed relations and heal any negative incidents that are stored in our subconscious, we can remove the blockages that are stopping us from being our selves and being happy.This course will help you change the perception of the situation that is unwanted so you can begin to focus your energies on creating a better life. Once we bring the change in energy within us, that reflection begins to things on the outside as well."
Price: 19.99

"FLEXIBILIDAD TOTAL: Haz de tu cuerpo flexible hoy" |
"Transforma tu cuerpo y hazlo tan flexible como quieras. Con rutinas de estiramiento guiadas y ejercicios paso a paso, este programa llevar tu flexibilidad hasta el nivel que quieras. Todos los ejercicios se pueden realizar en la casa. Incluye 1 rutina general de cuerpo completo, as como 3 rutinas especficas - splits, arco y pliegues - todo adaptado a niveles desde principiante hasta avanzado."
Price: 19.99

"Step to Coffee Pro/ Start your barista journey" |
"What will I learn through this course ?Basic history with the coffee and their originsBasic knowledge on how coffee plantation worksUnderstand the whole progress on Seed to CupBasic on knowing how to buy / taste coffee base on preference Basic theory of how coffee deal with self life Introduction on brewing espresso coffeeBasic step-by-step guide on espresso extraction & brewing recipe 101 Getting your milk shinier & great foam when foaming Basic on cupping a coffee and improve flavor descriptionDescribe better with taste description for espressoWhen I am sharing my coffee knowledge, I was sharing my whole life story too. If you're coming with me and see my coffee journey through my eyes, you will DISCOVER a whole lot more than what you seen to know. I am grateful to be known as award winning Barista that humbly has notable titles including Fushan Cup International Barista Championship, FHA challenges of Barista Asia, ILLY latte art throwdown and so much more.I have teached and coached for years in both Malaysia and United Arab Emirates as an authorized SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) Trainer, also certified more than 100 students in less than 2 year. Other than that, I hosted barista training not only one-to-one basis but also in group; my protocol is to guide them. with my master barista skills with professionalism and this, also as one of the reasons why I am recognizable as one of the main coffee trainers in the field.Why introduction to coffee? This lecture will mainly focus a lot on important facts for coffee. These fundamentals on coffee are important; from how a cup of coffee is being transformed by many factors. My goal and objective is petty simple for a learner. I always aim to given a short, easy-to-understand theory to make you to only learn coffee but also ENJOY coffee.Through this 1hr 38min of session, you will understand 4-3-2-1 theory, and if you do not understand what I meant, it is for YOU to join this course with me. Additionally, coffee is an amazing beverage for many coffee drinkers as they have different taste profiles, just like every individual has different personalities, they call it as genes but in coffee, we will relate with processing. How interesting is that ? Also, I will share some useful barista skill that could encourage new barista to improve their technical skills and knowledge on espresso extraction. Experienced barista is welcomed too to refresh your knowledge and to ensure your extractions could bring to another new understanding.Don't just make a cup of coffee, but make every cup of good coffee, even better. If you hesitate to learn with me, you'll always hesitate to make a Better cup if coffee. Sit back, relax and get your knowledge game better, with me , though here.Thank you"
Price: 34.99

"Cloudera Certified Admin for Apache Hadoop : Practice Test" |
"In this Cloudera Certified Admin for Apache Hadoop Practice Test course there are over 50 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your Cloudera Certified Admin for Apache Hadoop exam.Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 50 Questionsii.All Cloudera Certified Admin for Apache Hadoop Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing" |
"CUPOM DE DESCONTO VLIDO AT 05/09/20 - DE R$39,99 POR R$19,99 (E6A73234E0A154932FC0)DISCOUNT COUPON VALID UNTIL 9/5/20 - R $ 39.99 FOR R $ 19.99 (E6A73234E0A154932FC0)Being smart in business means knowing whats just around the corner. It means thinking ahead and preparing for inevitable changes that will impact the way business is conducted. This is what allows a business to be resilient and to thrive in a changing environment. Digital marketing is no different.In fact, in his book The Personal MBA, author Josh Kaufman discusses the value of counterfactual simulation. This means imagining future possibilities and then preparing for them.Lets say that you have a big business that is doing well in a specific niche. Maybe you have a company that sells a whey protein shake. The mistake that some big businesses make is to assume that theyre too big to fail and to coast along as they are.But what would happen if another company came along and released a better protein shake for a fraction of the price? What if a new source of protein were to be discovered? What if a study revealed that whey protein was bad for us? Any of these things could happen, and could completely shake up even the most established business.The smart company though, will already have considered these eventualities and prepared for them. THIS is counterfactual simulation: its thinking about whats just around the corner and then preparing for those possibilities.As digital marketers, that means thinking about things that could impact on the face of marketing. And one of the things that could have the biggest impact of all? Artificial intelligence.AI and machine learning have the potential to completely change the face of internet marketing, rendering many older strategies obsolete even. Only by preparing for those changes, can you ensure that your websites manage to hold their position in the SERPs, that your advertising campaigns remain profitable, and that your services remain relevant.And a lot of this stuff isnt just speculation: its happening right now. AI is already making huge waves even though you might not realize it yet.Its affecting the way that SEO works, the tools and software we use, and the way that ads are displayed. AI is able to think faster and smarter than any human, and thats especially true when it comes to internet marketing which is a data driven pursuit. An AI marketer can create endless amounts of content in a second doing the work of hundreds of humans. All of that content will be perfect catered toward the target demographic. AI will run Google. It will manage entire business models. It will run AdWords. And it will run new tools we havent even dreamed up yet. The digital marketing singularity is just around the corner. This course will help you to prepare, and explain a number of concepts:AI vs Machine LearningHow to conduct SEO now that Google is an AI first companyChatbotsProgrammatic advertisingBig dataRankBrainDigital assistantsData scienceSQLLatent Semantic IndexingThe future of internet marketingIn this course, you will gain a crystal ball with which to gaze into the future of internet marketing, and to ensure that you are ready for all those changes when they come. By the end, youll be better prepared and in a better position than 99.9% of other marketers."
Price: 19.99

"Como ser imprescindible frente a un momento de crisis" |
"Como ser imprescindible frente a un momento de crisisMi nombre es Luis Terra, soy empresario desde hace 12 aos y anteriormente trabaje en una empresa multinacional. En si si me pongo a pensar trabajo desde los 15 aos (Farmacia, Reparto, Ventas, etc).En estos momentos en los cuales vivimos en una crisis econmica causada por el virus Covid 19 es cuando ms tenemos que intentar ser imprescindibles en nuestros puestos de trabajo.A lo largo de mi vida he vivido diferentes situaciones y he aprendido con aciertos y errores, como empleado y empleador de cmo se puede sobre llevar un negocio cuando la economa baja drsticamente.En este curso les intentare aportar las siguientes herramientas: Manejo del humor frente a situaciones complejas. Mejorar nuestra forma de trabajo. Solucionar problemas cotidianos complejos ajenos a nosotros. Aumentar nuestro rendimiento laboral. No ser un objetivo de baja (reduccin de personal). Mantener un humor constante tanto para la parte laboral como lo cotidiano.Espero les entusiasme mi curso y quedo a sus rdenes.Luis Terra."
Price: 19.99

"Encuadernacin Bsica II" |
"El curso Encuadernacin Bsica II Entera en tela est dirigido a estudiantes con poca o nula experiencia en el oficio de la encuadernacin. El contenido se encuentra dividido en tres categoras principales: las recomendaciones para encuadernar la nomenclatura de las encuadernaciones de tapas duras la tcnica para elaborar una encuadernacin de tapas duras y material de recubrimiento de telaDurante la enseanza de la tcnica, aprenders a preparar el cuerpo de libro, conocers el proceso de elaboracin de la costura francesa (incluyendo la unin y preparacin del hilo), aprenders los tratamientos que requiere el cuerpo cosido y, por ltimo, la elaboracin de la cartera de tapas duras y material de recubrimiento de tela.El curso est diseado para que pueda completarse en tres das, una vez que tengas las herramientas y materiales necesarios para trabajar.Si ests interesado, inscrbete! Solamente es necesario que tengas la disposicin de aprender, el dominio de la tcnica vendr con la prctica."
Price: 570.00

"Google Classroom: tutorial completo para e-learning" |
"En este tutorial de Google Classroom disearemos un curso desde cero con distintas aplicaciones y funcionalidades para que aprendas a:- Crear una cuenta de Google con las aplicaciones G - Suit. - Abrir cuenta de Classroom y crear un nuevo curso.- Estructurar y crear temas y subtemas o lecciones. - Agregar contenido (material): archivos (videos, ppt, doc, pdf), vnculos a websites, enlaces a YouTube, etc. - Crear, programar, y evaluar tareas de desarrollo. - Crear y programar quices o exmenes que se puedan calificar automticamente.- Gestionar tabla de calificaciones. - Comunicarte con los estudiantes eficientemente con distintas alternativas. - Agendar una clase por Google Calendar. - Integrar Google Meet para las clases por video conferencia. - Y LAS LECCIONES O FUNCIONALIDADES QUE TU NOS SOLICITES INCORPORAR. El tutorial est dividido en 5 secciones:1. Introduccin a Google Classroom.2. Estructuracin de un curso. 3. Creacin de tareas, quices o exmenes, y foros. 4. Gestin de un curso. 5. Otros recursos. Este curso lo iremos actualizando peridicamente, le iremos agregndole contenido, e incorporaremos las lecciones que tu nos solicites incorporar."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Auto-Rigging for Games in Houdini" |
"In this course I go over my personal auto-rigging system. The system is designed to be compatible with Unity but I have also configured it to work with Unreal. The system is designed to be scalable with a team producing rigs for different parts of the pipeline.The Guide has the following features:A Symmetry systemIt builds 3 rigsA preset systemThe main rig has the following features:IK/FK Arms.Most of the major joints can blend between their own orientation and their parentsA reverse foot setupCurve based IK for the spine with IK/FK BlendingBlending between direct and look-at controls for the headBlending between direct and look-at controls for the eyesSelection groups*Note: This system is functional but the rig is still very basic and there are still a lot of bugs."
Price: 44.99

kseniyageneralenko |
", , . 12 . "" "" . . , . . """" . , , , , . -. "" "".1. """" 2. """" 3. 4. 5. ,"
Price: 1799.00

"Les fondamentaux de Python A-Z" |
"Le fait que vous lisiez ceci implique que vous savez que Python est une bonne chose savoir si vous cherchez un bon travail en programmation.Cette formation s'adresse aux dbutants complets qui n'ont jamais programm auparavant, ainsi qu'aux programmeurs existants qui souhaitent augmenter leurs options de carrire en apprenant Python. Le fait est que Python est l'un des langages de programmation les plus populaires au monde - De grandes entreprises comme Google l'utilisent dans des applications critiques comme Google Search. Et Python est le choix de langage numro un pour l'intelligence artificielle (IA), l'apprentissage automatique (ML) et la science des donnes. Pour obtenir ces emplois bien rmunrs, vous avez besoin d'une connaissance approfondie de Python, et c'est ce que vous obtiendrez de ce cours. la fin du cours, vous aurez acquis suffisamment de connaissances pour passer diffrentes branches ou continuer apprendre des sujets plus avancs avec Python."
Price: 54.99

"(Micro) ServiceNow Enterprise Onboarding & Transitions (HR)" |
"95% OFF the original price (for limited time)!Apply the discount / coupon code: EOT-PROExam Purpose Prepare for the ServiceNow Enterprise Onboarding and Transitions micro-certification exam with the most comprehensive set of practice questions with detailed explained answers, all built in the latest Paris release!The Enterprise Onboarding and Transitions Micro-Certification exam certifies that you have the skills and essential knowledge to:Define a Lifecycle Event within the ServiceNow platformIdentify the features and benefits of Enterprise Onboarding and TransitionsConfigure a Lifecycle Event within the ServiceNow instanceExam Preparation Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual micro-certification exam.Exam Scope Lifecycle Events Configuration (50%)Lifecycle General Knowledge (30%)Lifecycle Events Roles (20%)Exam Structure The exam consists of (10) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question.Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"3 admda yzme nasl renilir?" |
Price: 99.99

time-travel-research |
Price: 3000.00

"SAP FICO_Withholding Tax (TDS) Configuration in Detail" |
"With the help of this video tutorials students will be able to learn and understand all the end-to-end implementation steps e.g. how to configure SAP Withholding tax for any organization.The course also highlights the necessary documentation and methodology which are used in implementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify and analyse the business requirements of any organization and will be able to work as SAP FICO consultant accordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 99.99

Netbeans |
"Java For While"
Price: 19.99

"MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to our MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course.These tests will help you pass the Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Course40 High Quality practice questions for your MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 ExamAll Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertsAlways updated30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?40 High Quality practice questionsOur Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgePractice hard.Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 39.99

"Should I Get A Divorce?" |
"The Divorce Support Collective Should I Get A Divorce course helps you understand whether separation or divorce is right for you. The course has been designed to give you clarity and insight into your decision of whether to divorce or separate.You will be able to come to an informed decision of where your relationship is now and what it could look like going forward.The most important element of this unique course is that it will give you all of the expert questions for you to answer for yourself.You can do the course at your own pace in your own time. We recommend that you do a chapter per day and take this opportunity to reflect upon your future life and what you want.We are giving you the information to demystify one of the biggest decisions you will make. This course will empower you to move forward with guidance and knowledge."
Price: 39.99

"Time Management" |
"In this course students will learn eight principles that they can use immediately to become more productive, feel less harmed, and stop procrastinating. While many approaches to time management involve complex systems that actually end up wasting more time than they save, in this course we'll concentrate on small adjustments that have huge payoffs. People will be amazed at the transformation these principles can have on their lives and careers."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Siemens NX-12" |
"Bu kurs ile birlikte siz de Siemens NX zerinden projelerinizi yapabilecek, baarlar elde edebileceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde Siemens NX ierisindeki btn komutlar ileyip nasl kullanlaca ve pratik kullanmlar hakknda videolar mevcuttur. Pratik olmadan renilen bilgilerin kalc olmadna inanan bir eitim izgim olmas sebebiyle elimden geldiince rnek izim ve almalar koymakla birlikte srekli olarak kursu gncelleyip en gncel bilgilere ulamanz salayacam."
Price: 49.99

"Sculpting Characters for 3D Printing in Zbrush" |
"Learning Character Sculpting has never been easier. In this series of videos, I will teach you how to sculpt 3D characters using Zbrush in very detailed videos. In this course, we will create a Character Model from A to Z. From planning the task, exploring ideas, developing poses, detailing surfaces, anatomy, and all the necessary tools, tips, and tricks to create and professional 3D characters.We will do a project together, and I will explain every step in a very detailed manner, to make sure that after finishing this course, you'll have the knowledge required to sculpt and pose your own characters.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D Sculpting.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message or post any questions in the Q&A section if you encounter any issue, I will do my best to help you solve these issues.So please, take this course now."
Price: 79.99

financial_planning2 |
". : (SMART) / / 3"
Price: 39.99

"Vocal Mixing like a Pro in FL Studio" |
"You might be a Producer who want to expand your knowledge or an Artist who wants to build a bedroom studio.The course covers all you need to know about Vocal Mixing in FL Studio.You will learn why we use certain plugins and how to use them in your mixes.DAW: FL StudioLength: 01:35:05Knowledge can be applied in any To Follow Along, you need:FL Studio and any 3rd Plugin Bundle that has a De-Esser Plugin like Waves (A De-Esser is a plugin used to soften harsh Sss in your Vocal)Studio Monitors or HeadphonesPlease be patient with yourself and remember; ""Repetition is the only way to master any skill"""
Price: 1100.00

"Vitamins for Health: The Complete Guide with Recommendations" |
"You will learn some cool stuff about how location, season and even skin pigmentation affect vitamin levels.In this complete guide you will learn not only how the vitamins work but also how the cooking, storing, harvesting, freezing and processing of common foods affect the vitamins level.I will show you the recommendations based on your age, gender, diet, activity level, season, hormonal status and more.And the most important, you will be able to decide on your own what vitamins are necessary for supplementation for you.You will know all the tricks and hacks how to save most vitamins in your daily grocerys.All the information here is not my opinion. This is based on scientific research with all journal papers available for download. This course is for education purpose only."
Price: 99.99

"Water Can Suncatcher" |
"In this class you will learn how to make a water can suncatcher. If you are one of those who likes to decorate your yard whether it be spring, summer, fall, your winter, this project is for you. Great idea to add to your yard for the summer month & be able to enjoy while the weather is at it's best. Things we will discuss in this class are:What type of beads will work best for this project.How to string & tie your beads.Where to find your water can.How to attach the beads to your water can."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico de Fotografa con Smartphone" |
"El siguiente es un curso de fotografa bsica para introducirse en el mundo de la fotografa. En l se explicar de forma sencilla los conceptos ms bsicos de la fotografa, utilizando para ello el telefono celular (Smartphone) e ilustrndolos con imgenes y videos de ejemplo. El objetivo de este curso consiste en tratar de guiar a aquellos que empiezan con la fotografa o tienen alguna duda conceptual. El alumno debe entender que la fotografa tiene un gran componente creativo y que no se ha de limitar a seguir unas pautas ledas en un libro o un curso. Cuanto ms se experimenta y se aprende ms gratificante resulta."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering English Intonation and Pronunciation" |
"What is English intonation?the rise and fall of the voice in speaking by native English speakers is Called intonation or English rhythm. Speakers can express their emotions and feeling by the different tones.-----------------------------------------------[It was an awesome and short course. It didn't take a lot of time but I learnt a great deal. I recommend this course to all non native speakers of English language.Jefferey][Haven't seen anything like this anywhere. I think this was a brilliant idea. I've recently started the course and I'm passionately following itFatemeak]-----------------------------------------------Mastering English intonation courseThe area of intonation is very complicated and endless. However, in this course you will only get familiar with the most common types of intonation - or different tones in English intonation.Another important thing about practicing this are is having enough English intonation examples to work with.Thats why this course provides you with different conversations with specific elements which will help you learn English intonation patterns and practice it further.Upper-intermediate and advanced learners often ask me questions like this:What are the 3 types of intonation?What is intonation in English with examples?What are the 4 types of intonation?I will answer all these question in this unique course and practice conversations and sentences to help you absorb the ideas and practice them with me. Ultimately, you will learn English intonation in the quickest and the most fun way!-----------------------------------------------What is the importance of stress and intonation?Native English speakers use rising intonation and also falling intonation to show how they feel - as you now words are not enough to convey meanings. And this is the real importance of intonation.How intonation affects meaning?In this English intonation course you will see how different tones and thythms can actually show speakers dominance, suprise, feelings, etc.British and American English intonation patterns surely have their own differences but in this course we will focus on the main uses and functions of intonations in general terms and that will certainly suffice.For people who want to speak English native like and fluently, English intonation and rhythm are important elements wich facilitate the way. In this course we will experience the real taste of intonation and its importance.In this course I will answers all these questions:How can I practice English rhythm?What is stress and rhythm in English?What are examples of rhythm?What is sentence rhythm?-----------------------------------------------Question: how to speak english fluently like a native speaker?This advanced intonation course is also like and English speaking course. That is to say, by improving your English pronunciation and intonation you can speak English clearly and naturally in a short time.In this course we will have English native speaker conversations where I show you exactly how they using falling tone and rising tone in intonation to speak English clearly.In order to improve your English speaking you need to practice a lot. Although some people are of the opinion that native English is far from their access I have to admit that by practice and preservence you can learn how to speak english like a native speaker in British or American accent.The importance of pronunciationI have already published an Advanced English pronunciation course where you can practice this important skill and this intonation course is actually a supplement for that.Pronunciation of english words alongside with correct tone and rhythm (English intonation) are major element to feel confident and speak freely.You can also check the English pronunciation lessons I published in my profile page."
Price: 19.99

"HealthScore Academy - Optimize Sleep & Physical Activity" |
"In this course, Dr. Cohen, a primary care physician, offers the five most important behaviors for optimal activity including proper sleep, aerobic exercise and resistance training, and limiting sitting time. You'll learn the evidence behind the recommendations. He'll also share with you tips from his own life, and from what has worked with his patients for how to achieve the recommended targets for optimal health."
Price: 49.99

"Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Management" |
"CSR course is comprehensive details of Corporate Social Responsibility Approach being followed by Corporates. In this course you will acquire knowledge about CSR Policy Making, SOP Development, Planning, Strategizing, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Baseline and Impact Assessment, and Compliance Reporting which will give you information to act as an entrepreneur, employee and executive.Concept of CSR has been explained in a clear and effective way, supported by industry examples. Every module is supplemented with interesting case studies, assignments and reference readings."
Price: 99.99

"ONLINE - -online . , , , , , ! ? - , . - 4 - - . ,, , , ( ) __________ ONLINE:1. 2. 3. -, 4. , . 5. , , / / 1000 )6. ,, 7. 2"
Price: 10799.00

"A Deeper Look Into Meditation" |
"This course provides a walk through of different meditation techniques in which you can learn, use and integrate into your daily life to be successful in many different ways. Meditation has many health benefits in addition to creating a harmonious life style. Each meditation technique is unique to the key features within each meditation to help develop that aspect of ourselves or to strength and enjoy our lives. Realize you full potential through the inner journey of meditation. "
Price: 19.99
