"ART and Science of Immigrant Success- Moving to Canada & USA" |
"Remember the timewhen you were settling into Canada, USA.Re-learning how to drive, driving test, getting a new license,house rental hunting,understand school and transit system,new friends, a new language,new food (it is funny how even cauliflower tastes different),a new market, fashion,after school activities and much more.And oh! Not forgetting, finding a job, or get on to career growth path.You must also spend much more effort and time than others in office due to your strange visa situation (if you are on a work permit or Job-based visa you understand what I am saying).The pressure of the visa or being new to the country can be seen in the dynamics of each meeting in most offices. I know I have been thereYou think at least three times before you speak up. Immigrants are always in a dilemma to participate in difficult conversations especially if you are on a temporary visa.I know most immigrants are on a very short end of the rope. We have 10X challenges.On top of all this, we face multiple rejections in our pursuit to dream careers in Canada and the USA, sometimes for unknown reasons.Working 300% harder to achieve results leads to a bitter, demoralized population that isnt happy, cant think positively, and struggles to attract abundance.And we get into a vicious circle.As I'm sure you will learn (how to overcome these challenges) from this course as well as my book which comes as a bonus with this course. The book and course teach immigrants how to achieve success and overcome the obstacles that are unique to their situation. Whether it is to find your first job, career growth, start a Freelancing career or a new business, these techniques can be applied to get stunning results for you.I have seen a few immigrants reach their potential by implementing the same secrets.I believe that every immigrant deserves a chance to achieve their dream and live life to the fullest, without having to constantly worry about career, money, and under-achieving.I only talk about reaching your true potential.The potential depends upon you and your very personal goals.It may be becoming a VP, Director, or an analyst in a corporation.Owning a businessbecoming a designer, project manager, nurse,an engineer,a professor, research associate in university orOr excel in retail!Whatever your unique situation, your goals and your potential isYou can achieve by implementing these time-tested secrets used by many before.I have spent a few months on the book and videos but wanted to make it affordable to everyone.I understand the dollar cost mind challenge faced by immigrants especially when we convert the cost of a product to our home country currency. I did it for the first few years. In my book, you will read my story about how I tried to save a dollar on a pizza slice. It still brings tears. And of course, a video that tells you how and why we slept on the floor for the first year in Canada. I think it was worth it.I want to see you all succeed and Money should be taken out of the equation in our fight to win this battle.Well, I want to help as many determined, forward-thinking individuals as possible and help them leverage this opportunity and achieve their full potential.I believe that everyone deserves a chance to achieve their dream and live life to the fullest, without money being a hindrance.Here is the course at a very special price."
Price: 99.99

"IT fundamentals" |
"Hello!!!From this course, you will learn how a computer works. What applications it has, in what way it realizes them, and how is it built. I will present the computer as an abstract machine and as a physical machine. You will learn how computers store and convert data. You will learn different number systems and conversions between them. You will understand why computers use zeros and ones to represent everything. I will explain what is the phenomenon of the growing power of computers, how it affects minimization and miniaturization. You will learn the backstage of software development, you will see what a programmer's work looks like. Finally, I am talking about artificial intelligence, which is a very mysterious field for many people. I also discuss the physical and logical limitations of computers, you will learn what computers are good at and not at and why not.This course is divided into 5 sections.1. Introduction to the introductionAs the name suggests, it is the part that introduces you to the entire course (which in itself is an introduction to computer science :) ). You can treat this section as ""mini-version"" of the rest of the course. So it is the part that shows you what kind of topics you may expect in further parts of the course. I cover the various topics very briefly to give you an overall picture of the topic. For example, I mention here very briefly the topic of programming, giving a very general view of it. However, the course has a whole part named ""Software"", in which I show you exactly what is it about. I explain how programs are created today, what tools are used etc. Probably the completion of this part of the course, therefore, will not take you much time.2. Computer architecture2.1. Data storageIn this section, I discuss how to represent information and store it inside your computer. Computer as a calculating machine can not store data the same way people store it in the brain. Firstly, it is a machine. Secondly, it is a calculating machine. What does it mean and what are the implications of this, I will discuss in detail in this section. So people had to invent appropriate techniques for transforming information from a form understandable to them (sound and image) into a form understandable for the machine. They came up with a few interesting, clever ways.2.2. Data processingIt is very crucial in computer science to process data. In fact, data processing is the whole point of the existence of this field. If computers could only store information, they wouldnt be as useful as they are. Now that we can force the machine to store information, lets try to force it to manipulate it.3. Computer organizationAnatomy of counting machines. In this section, we will look inside computers and see how they are constructed and how they operate at the lowest level. You will learn about how digital technology works, which is ubiquitous in the modern world. From section 1 we already know what the computer is used for. From section 2, we know what operations should be performed to be able to implement these ideas. So we have specific goals and developed theory. Now we only need to build a physical, tangible machine that will carry out the appropriate operations in practice.4. Software4.1. Operating systems - hardware-software communicationModern computers perform many activities that often compete with each other for access to computer resources. We can request actions such as printing one document, modifying another, creating a graphic that will be used in the document, enabling background music or installing the application. The execution of these requests requires good coordination to ensure that unrelated processes do not interfere with each other and that communication between related tasks is effective and reliable. This coordination is performed by a software package called the operating system.4.2. Teach something to the computer - the art of analytical thinkingIn order for a computer to perform any task for a human being, it must be carefully instructed on how to do it. The computer wont come up with anything on its own. That was not the reason he was invented. The computer is to be our ""slave"" who performs time-consuming, schematic and repetitive activities for us, performing a lot of calculations. Before our ""slave"" starts working for us, however, we need to tell him not only what to do, but how to do it. Therefore, the computer does us out in tedious work, but it does not do us out in thinking. It is us, the people, who have to strain the gray cells and use our creativity to find a recipe for solving the problem. This ""recipe"" is called an algorithm. Once we have an algorithm, we can use a programming language and appropriate tools to convey our idea to the computer. For more information on these tools and languages, see the next section.4.3. Not only code writing - how the program is createdMost people have a strong view of the programmers work. The programmer is the man that sits at the computer for long hours, writing some mysterious code. Code that looks as if it were written in the language of beings from a foreign planet or encrypted. Programming is considered as a very difficult, even mystical field. The entire software development process is associated only with writing code. Is that the way it is? Well, no.In this section, I will introduce the backstage of creating computer programs. I will show you how software development has evolved. I will present the tools and techniques used by programmers sometime and today. We will also write some simple code.5. Limits of computationsIs the end of fast computer development approach? What computers do easily? What computers do hardly, why, is it possible to improve this and to what extent? What can not counting machines at all? Is it possible to force the machine to think or at least to simulate that it thinks? What is this mysterious artificial intelligence and how does it look real these days? How can a computer learn to play chess better than anyone in just a few hours? And finally, how can AI contribute to the development of medicine? You will find the answers to these questions in this part."
Price: 19.99

"Potentialentfaltung fr introvertierte Menschen" |
"Wie du Klarheit darber bekommst, was es bedeutet, introvertiert zu sein.Ich zeige dir, wie du deine ruhige, introvertierte Art nicht mehr als Einschrnkung ansiehst, sondern als deine ganz persnliche Strke! Durch das Erkennen deiner bisher unentdeckten Superpower, strkst du dein Selbstbewusstsein und fhlst dich in der Gesellschaft endlich wohler, ohne dich dabei verstellen zu mssen.Du fragst dich wie das gehen soll? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.Der ganzheitliche Mind Safari AnsatzDas Erfolgsgeheimnis liegt im ganzheitlichen und individuellen Ansatz. Dieser betrachtet alle wichtigen Bereiche und deren Zusammenspiel um dich erfolgreich an dein Ziel zu bringen. Er dient als roter Faden und vermittelt Klarheit und Struktur, welcher sich automatisch auch auf Dich und Deinen Erfolg auswirkt.Mein VersprechenEs ist bestimmt kein Zufall, dass du mich hier gefunden hast. Etwas in dir ruft nach Vernderung. Ich begleite dich dabei, dein volles Potential als introvertierter Mensch zu erkennen und erfolgreich in deinem Leben umzusetzen.Ich zeige dir, wie du es schaffst, als introvertierter Mensch mehr Selbstbewusstsein zu entwickeln. Dich in der Gesellschaft und in der Arbeitswelt deutlich wohler und vor allem mehr verstanden zu fhlen, ohne dich dabei verstellen zu mssen und deine introvertierte Art zu missachten.Dein Fortschritt ist meine MotivationAls dein Mentor begleite und untersttze ich dich dabei, dein volles Potential als introvertierter Mensch zu erkennen und erfolgreich in deinem Leben umzusetzen. Ich liebe es mitzuerleben, wie du dein Leben bewusst und nach deinen Wnschen gestaltest und dabei ein neuer Mensch wirst. Lass uns gemeinsam deinen neuen Lebensabschnitt starten.Deine Resultate:Du wirst deine ruhige, introvertierte Art nicht mehr als Einschrnkung, sondern als deine Strke sehen.Durch erkenntnisreiche bungen wirst du dich besser kennenlernen.Dir ist bewusst, was es wirklich bedeutet introvertiert zu sein.Du erlangst wahres Selbstbewusstsein und damit Selbstvertrauen und Selbstsicherheit.Dir ist bewusst, was du denkst, wie du dich verhltst und welche Auswirkungen es auf dein Leben hat.Du vertraust in deine Fhigkeiten.Du kennst deine eigene Superpower und kannst sie erfolgreich in deinem Leben anwenden um ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu leben.Dir ist bewusst, wie du dich im privaten- sowie Arbeitsleben wohl und verstanden fhlst, ohne dich dabei verstellen zu mssen."
Price: 199.99

"Create Video with Camtasia 9 Advanced-STEP by STEP Course" |
"These Videos Take You Step By Step Through The Technical Parts Of Putting Your Marketing Strategy in Place!This Is a Practical Video Course With 15 Additional Video Tutorials Showing You How to Do What You Learned in The Course.Interactive HotspotInteractive HostingSurvey CreationScreen DrawingPicture In Picture VideoOptimal Set UpMic Set UpThings to Do Before You Hit RecordMp3's In Camtasia 9Batch Recording and Batch BundlingThe Six By Six RuleEye Level Computing.....and Much Much More"
Price: 19.99

learn-medical-astrology-natural-way-to-heal |
", , , , , , - NOTE: THE COURSE IS IN HINDI LANGUAGEIn this course, you will be able to learn how the planets are working and how they affect the human body. in this course, you will also learn some very important astrology basics.Medical Astrology is the branch of Astrology that deals with Health and Longevity issues. Each sign and each planet are associated with a number of possible diseases. So it may be said that the native may be affected by such disease or diseases. In my opinion, the function of the astrologer ends with saying that the particular part of the body will be sensitive to acute or chronic disease. Only the medical doctor alone is competent authority to name the disease.Medical Astrology indicates the planetary influences which cause various diseases, afflictions, and accidents. It gives a clear picture of planets and their relation to disease, what disease will be produced under different planetary conditions, the duration of such diseases, and whether or not they would prove fatal. Sickness in its various forms is caused through the differently composed afflictions of planets in the various signs of the zodiac and houses in the horoscope."
Price: 1280.00

"1Z0-1085-20 1Z0-1072-20 1Z0-1084-20 1Z0-1067-20 & 1Z0-997-20" |
"This course is intended for all applicants including developers, technical professionals, architects, students, and professors who are responsible for architecting using Cloud Infrastructure and Autonomous Database Services. This course includes the complete track of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure so you just have to buy this one course to get all the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Exam Practice Tests in it.> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the practice exam questions of the following courses. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-1085-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Associate ]Review 1Z0-1085-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 55, Passing Score: 68%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Cloud ConceptsUnderstanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsCore OCI ServicesDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesOCI pricing, support and operationsExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support modelGetting Started with OCIDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCISecuirty and complianceExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structure[ 1Z0-1072-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Associate ]Review 1Z0-1072-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 60, Passing Score: 66%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom imagesCreate and manage a Compute Virtual Machine (VM) instanceAdvanced Database Use advanced database features, such as Dataguard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATAArchitecting Best PracticesArchitect High Availability (HA) using OCIDesign for Security using OCINetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN componentsDescribe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICsApply VCN connectivity optionsUnderstand remote network connectivityApply OCI Load Balancer conceptsUnderstand OCI Edge servicesApply OCI networking best practicesStorageUnderstand OCI Storage optionsDesign storage solutions for applications and databaseInstantiating a Load BalancerDiscuss Load Balancer terminology and conceptsSet up a Load BalancerAdvanced Networking ConceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple vNICs, and IP addressesIdentity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management componentsExplain resource locationsDesign federation with various identity providersApply IAM, governance, and security best practicesComputeSelect appropriate compute choicesTroubleshoot options using console connections and boot volumeArchitect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutionsDescribe image optionsDatabaseDescribe OCI Database optionsExplain OCI Database OperationsArchitect HA and DR solutionsManaging Autonomous Database[ 1Z0-1084-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate ]Review 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 55, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Cloud Native FundamentalsExplain Distributed ComputingExplain Microservices vs. Containers vs. FunctionsDiscuss the Meaning of Serverless ComputingDescribe Service Communication PatternsSecuring Cloud Native ApplicationsOvercome Security challenges with Cloud NativeUse the Defense-in-depth approachConfigure and Use Secret ManagementUse IAM for authn/authzOperating Cloud Native ApplicationsManage InfrastructureBuild, Deploy and Release ApplicationsPerform Tasks around Monitoring, Observability, and AlertingDeveloping Cloud Native ApplicationsDevelop Serverless Application with Oracle FunctionsDevelop Microservices and Applications for OKEUse Data in Cloud NativeUse OCI APIs, SDKs and CLIupgradeTesting Cloud Native ApplicationsExplain the Challenges of testing in Cloud Native worldManage multiple environments (dev, test/stage, prod)[ 1Z0-1067-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Cloud Operations Associate ]Review 1Z0-1067-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 55, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Automating Cloud TasksUse the OCI CLI to simplify repetetive tasksUtilize configuration management tools to control infrastructureManage infrastructure as codeExplain user resource manager processes to implement infrastructure as codeManaging CostUtilize billing tags to track costExplain how to Implement billing alertsLeverage automation to control costMonitoring and AlertingUnderstand Metric Query Language (MQL)Create and managing alarmsImplement automated notificationsDesigning for cloud-scale agilityUtilize edge services for automated failover / recoveryImplement hybrid network environmentsPerformance Tuning and TroubleshootingExplain Troubleshooting resource availability and accessabilityValidate OCI performanceSecurity and ComplianceCreate secure access control policiesLeverage compartments for resource isolationAudit cloud accessUtilize CASB to remediate security vulnerabilitiesData Retention and ArchivalUse Object Storage Lifecycle policies for tiered data storageManage automated block storage and database backupsImplement cross-region data copy strategies[ 1Z0-997-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional ]Review 1Z0-997-20 Exam Details: Duration: 120 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 50, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: This exam has been validated against OCI version 2020Plan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)Plan and design solutions to meet business and technical requirementsCreate architecture patterns including N-tier applications, microservices, and serverless architecturesDesign scalable and elastic solutions for high availability and disaster recoveryDesign, implement and operate databases in OCIEvaluate and implement databasesOperate and troubleshoot databasesMigrate on-premises workloads to OCIDesign strategy for migrating on-premises workloads to OCIImplement and troubleshoot database migrationsImplement and operate solutions in OCIImplement solutions to meet business and technical requirementsOperate and troubleshoot solutions on OCI(NEW for 2020) Conduct Monitoring, observability and alerting in OCI(NEW for 2020) Manage infrastructure using OCI CLI, APIs and SDKsDesign for hybrid cloud architectureDesign and implement hybrid network architectures to meet high availability, bandwidth and latency requirementsEvaluate multi-cloud solution architecturesDesign for Security and ComplianceDesign, implement and operate solutions for security and governanceDesign, implement and operate solutions to meet compliance requirements"
Price: 19.99

"Como Gerar Leads Qualificados no Google e Redes Sociais." |
"Veja como gerar leads qualificados atravs do Google e das Redes Sociais, utilizando a Inteligncia Artificial e outras estratgias para obter o melhor ROI (Retorno Sobre Investimento). Criamos esta metodologia ao longo de 10 anos atendendo clientes como CLARO, NET, Sony, Prevident, entre outros que buscavam leads mais qualificados em menos tempo gastando menos. Durante as video aulas voc aprender todos os ""segredos"" para obter leads qualificados, passivos e de baixo custo. Alm disso, voc ir conhecer softwares gratuitos e ter acesso a dados estatstico para poder comparar resultados. Se voc procura clientes qualificados e acredita que a internet pode te ajudar, este o produto certo para voc economizar tempo e dinheiro."
Price: 144.99

MySQL. |
"MySQL , , , . - MySQL. :- / .- // - - / - (, , , )."
Price: 1799.00

"Samochody w podatku CIT, PIT, VAT" |
"Kurs kompleksowo omawia opodatkowanie samochodw na gruncie podatku CIT, PIT oraz VAT. Dotyczy kwestii zwizanych z nabywaniem, leasingowaniem, wynajmowaniem, eksploatowaniem oraz sprzeda samochodw.Jest on adresowany zarwno do osb na codzie zajmujcych si rozliczeniami podaktowymi, np. ksigowych, prawnikw, dyrektorw finansowych oraz osb, ktre na wasne potrzeby chc naby wiedz zwizan z rozliczaniem samochodw w podatkach."
Price: 279.99

"Command line windows" |
"Windows cmd, windows. . , . . . : cmd , ,"
Price: 19.99

Solidworks |
"Solidworks . "
Price: 79.99

"Accounting Dictionary - 1" |
"Jump into this Accounting course to understand the basic terminologies very easily. I promise you, that I ll not make you fall asleep.Instead I ll keep you awake throughout the course with a story. Fascinated about what the story is all about !!Enroll for the course and make the best use of it."
Price: 1280.00

"Helping Client's Understand Trauma: E-Course Manual" |
"Welcome to this E-Course! In this Psycho-educational E-Course, you will have access to relevant topics and content that will allow you to be more present and prepared for your therapy appointments. Each E-course outlines a particular subject topic in mental health and gives you and your client a basic understanding and definition of this topic. Furthermore, there will be simple activities, exercises, references and resources related to each respective topic.Each course contains about +4 sessions worth of material to cover about a months period of time. Even better, each session has a pre-recorded D.A.P Note that you are able to copy and edit to your satisfaction and reflection of ethical treatment standards. Moreover, you can use them with multiple clients as long as you working with that particular issue. These courses are intended for home-based therapists and mental health professionals of all kinds.Whether you work in private-practice, community agency and/or residential settings or if you are an LCSW, LPC, LMHC, or an intern, you can benefit from this course. The purpose of this course is to help make you more efficient with recording clinical notes and save you time. Welcome to Counseling Made Easy with Mark Nathaniel Skelton!"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Office Excel (Fundamental e Bsico)" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a utilizar o Microsoft Office Excel enquanto percorremos abas, sees, ferramentas e funes de sua interface e discorremos sobre seus usos e aplicaes, sendo separado em 02 mdulos: fundamental e bsico. Separamos cada ferramenta do software e as agrupamos por grau de complexidade. Desta forma, o aluno poder utilizar toda a gama de ferramentas que seu atual estado de aprendizado lhe permite.Fundamental:Voc aprender sobre a inicializao do software, a seo rea de transferncia, a seo fonte, a seo anotaes, a seo mostrar, a seo zoom e as funes fundamentais de uma clula.Bsico:Voc aprender sobre a seo clulas, a seo comentrios, , a seo texto, a seo smbolos, a seo estrutura de tpicos, a seo reviso de texto, a seo comentrios, a seo proteger, a seo modos de exibio, a seo janela, as funes bsicas de aba e as funes bsicas de clula."
Price: 39.99

"Software Requirement Engineering (SRE)" |
"In this course, you will learn complete information about how to engineer software requirements. This course is for beginners who want to start software engineering from basic level. The content of the course is in English but explanation is in Urdu Hindi During this whole journey we will enjoy studying and develop your interest related to the field of Software Engineering. The following topics we will cover in this course in detail:Student will be able to learn about software, its requirements and how to process them.Different types of requirements.Process models for requirements engineering.Processes of requirements engineering.Actors and stakeholders in requirements engineering.Requirements Elicitation and its techniques approaches and tools.Requirements Analyst and their tasks.Business process modeling notations.How to engineer software requirements.Story boarding and its types.How to do requirement Analysis.Requirement negotiation.How to write requirements.A project of school management system"
Price: 39.99

"Cryptocurrency investing for Serious Investors" |
"Investors should find ways to stay disciplined when it comes to researching new investments. One of the ideal ways to research new investments is by using checklists. Just as train drivers have used checklists to eliminate avoidable accidents. Investors can use checklists to obtain better results.By using Checklists, an Investor follows a disciplined approach whilst researching new investments. The Investor performs due diligence which produces long-term investment success. If an investment did not do well, the Investor can modify the Checklist based on the lessons learned. Checklists can help preserve gains and avoid chasing bad ideas by not allowing investors to get carried away with Investments based on gut feeling or Decisions based on Emotions/Hot story.Investors often buy or sell Cryptocurrencies too quickly. When the Investor does not take time to thoroughly research, understand the Coin/Token he/she is buying, it can lead to costly mistakes. You need to implement a disciplined investing strategy through a series of checklists. This course will teach you to pick great projects based on my ChecklistANDYoull also get my TOP CRYPTOCURRENCY PICKS from my research in the last 44 months. I am super bullish and confident of achieving a minimum of 5000% (50X) in most of my Picks."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Reasoning Course For SSC/IBPS/CSAT and placements" |
"Reasoning is a very important section when it comes to clear many government based, private companies based, MNC based and IQ based exams. I have worked for 1 year under Dr. RS Aggarwal (a renownded author of mathematics and reasoning books) and hence I am an expert in reasoning. I have it very simple for my students to get all the reasoning in their minds. I can assure you that after going through my course - REASONING PART 1, my students will become an expert in Blood relation, analogy, classification, coding - decoding questions, series, logical venn diagrams, missing numbers and mathematical operators related topics. "
Price: 1920.00

"Creating A Presentation" |
"This course includes information about getting ready to create a presentation document as well as walking through creating a sample presentation. This course explains how to get and use LibreOffice software from the website. This course shows screen captures of LibreOffice Impress as well as actual demonstrations of creating a presentation to make it easy to get used to the software and then to watch the creation process."
Price: 49.99

"L'cole financire : La mthode qui remplit les comptes" |
"Remplissez votre compte en banque et faites vous plaisir.1 Franais sur 4 est dans le rouge la fin du mois. Vous nen ferez plus partie ! De nouvelles habitudes simples vont vous aider tre sain financirement.Si vous tes dj laise financirement, de nouvelles habitudes pour vous aider passer un niveau de vie suprieur.La libert financire vous attend !"
Price: 49.99

"La mthode pour apprendre grer son stress en 2 minutes" |
"Apprenez grer votre stress en toutes circonstances.Vous dcouvrirez quavec la mise en place rgulire de mthodes simples, il est facile de grer son stress rapidement.Efficace pour garder votre sang-froid en toutes circonstances, tre plus laise et se sentir plus dtendu au quotidien.PAR O COMMENCER ?Tout est expliqu pour commencer grer son stress, sur de bonnes bases et de manire facile.Le but tant dtre en pleine possession de ses capacits dans toutes les situations.DE LA RUSSITE ?Une succession de conseils qui vous feront dbuter une aventure dans la prise de confiance en soi.Cela permet de vous motiver et de vous rendre compte que vous tes capable de raliser de grandes choses lorsque vous tes en plein contrle de vous mme.DE LA PEUR ?Avec les diffrents conseils sadaptant vous, la peur ne sera quun lointain souvenir.De plus, les retours sur vos expriences vous permettront de vous amliorer en permanence et de manire consquente."
Price: 49.99

"Java Certification : OCA (1Z0-808)practice Exam oracle java" |
"The Oracle Java Programmer certification certifies programmers on skills and knowledge related to the Java Programming language. When you become certified, Oracle verifies that you have a base set of knowledge and skills that enables you to develop software using Java.The certification is a good benchmark of knowledge and expertise. What better way to show your Java skills that having them validated by the company which develops the Java language itself?There are two levels for the Oracle Java Programmer certification:Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) is the entry-level certification for Java programmers. It helps you build a foundational understanding of the language while expanding your knowledge of general programming. Youll learn (or reinforce) the basics of the language (variables, data types, arrays, loops, classes, methods, exceptions) and also some not-so-basic topics (implicit narrowing, explicit casting, autoboxing, nested classes, polymorphism and inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces, and some specific APIs to deal with collections, strings and calendar objects)."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Financiero" |
"Muchas veces se toman decisiones comerciales sin tener una visibilidad clara del impacto que tienen en las utilidades de la empresa. Por ello, es importante conocer los criterios financieros del marketing management para tomar decisiones que estn acorde al contexto del mercado y, sobretodo, alineadas con las expectativas financieras de la empresa."
Price: 44.99

"PHP: da sala de aula para o trabalho." |
"Ol pessoal, para que vo se acostumando com a forma prtica e objetiva do curso, logo de cara, vou responder algo que voc deve estar se perguntando: O que eu vou saber de fato ao final deste curso?Alm de sair muito bem fundamentado na linguagem, voc vai estar fera na parte de desenvolvimento Web com PHP, pois vamos construir uma aplicao de ponta a ponta, para quem gosta de caf. Nossa aplicao vai ser completa e rene tudo isto: Instalao do ambiente PHP para Web com WAMP; Apache; MySQL; HTML; design visual de pginas com CSS, Bootstrap e Font Awesome. Vamos aprender a criar scripts SQL; evitar SQL Injection por meio de instrues preparadas no PHP. Vamos separar cdigo PHP por responsabilidades para melhor reaproveitamento e organizao da aplicao; faremos validao do lado cliente com Javascript; implementao de regras negociais e validaes no lado do servidor com o PHP, todos os CRUDS completos; gerao de relatrio com grfico usando a API do Google charts, exportao de dados para planilha e gerao de PDF... Sem contar a parte de segurana da aplicao com funcionalidade de Login, Logout, controle de acesso direto via URL e cifragem de senha usando modernos algortmos de criptografia em PHP.E o melhor, sero pouco mais de 20 horas passando do fundamento Web alm de aulas off-topic, para que voc esteja pronto para decolar na carreira. Voc pode ver os detalhes do que estudaremos na seo de ""Contedo do Curso"".Com mais de 20 anos de experincia no mercado de TI, e pelo menos metade deste tempo dentro de sala de aula, Marcelo Heitor - o Marcelo - preparou um curso que preenche uma lacuna bastante comum entre os alunos: Como alinhar o conhecimento obtido em sala de aula com a realidade do desenvolvimento prtico do trabalho no dia a dia, nas empresas? Como estar melhor preparado tecnicamente para encarar um estgio de desenvolvedor? Ou at mesmo, como estar pronto para competir por uma vaga de emprego? Pois ! Este treinamento foi preparado especialmente para te ajudar a encarar essa.Viu s?!?! Depois disso tenho certeza que voc vai arrasar no trabalho."
Price: 39.99

"Rotinas Administrativas" |
"Fala, meus queridos alunos! Tem vontade de atuar como auxiliar administrativo? Beleza! Ento eu te convido a embarcar comigo nesta viagem rumo ao conhecimento do universo da gesto de negcios. Aprenderemos todas as ferramentas de gesto, habilidades necessrias para atuar na rea, alm de algumas dicas para o atendimento ao cliente e fidelizao do mesmo. O que estamos esperando? Vamos comear! Te espero."
Price: 39.99

"Pubblica Corsi avvincenti" |
"Un percorso veloce e completo per aiutarti a chiarirti le idee e darti la sicurezza che ti serve per definire, registrare e pubblicare il tuo videocorso anche con pochi strumenti ed esperienza.Se hai competenze da condividere o argomenti da insegnare, imparerai a progettare il tuo corso, a predisporre le registrazioni, migliorerai le tue abilit nellesposizione e nelluso della voce e in breve tempo riuscirai a creare prodotti di qualit e a pubblicare i tuoi videocorsi."
Price: 29.99

"Cognitive Development- For Parents, Parents to be, Teachers" |
"Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.Cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world through the interaction of genetic and learned factors. Among the areas of cognitive development are information processing, intelligence , reasoning, language development , and memory.Cognitive Development at different ages-For Teachers and Parents"
Price: 29.99

"Feng Shui para Dormir Melhor" |
"Os chineses, h vrios milnios, observaram as relaes e influncias entre o campo magntico da Terra e o Ser Humano, assim como os efeitos em nossas vidas. Assim, desenvolveram um conhecimento em tcnicas bem objetivas para que possamos utilizar essas energias da melhor forma possvel. No podemos ver essas energias, mas elas nos influenciam diretamente a todo momento. E o Feng Shui abre a possibilidade de conhecermos e dominarmos cada vez mais essa dimenso energtica, para vivermos com mais harmonia com a Natureza e evitarmos muitos problemas.Durante o sono, nosso sistema entra no padro geral do Yin, e fica muito mais receptivo s energias externas, e tambm mais suscetvel. Nesta aula, iremos aprender sobre vrios fatores que influenciam a energia dos quartos e, por consequncia, a qualidade do nosso sono."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a dibujar desde cero!" |
"La idea de mi curso es que los alumnos aprendan a dibujar sin la necesidad de copiar.Con este curso los alumnos van a aprender las bases del dibujo acadmico que le van a permitir tener control sobre lo que desean dibujar.Al incorporar estas herramientas el alumno comenzara a pensar la composicin del dibujo con volumen y profundidad. De esta forma tendr ms herramientas para poder realizar sus bocetos y dibujos sin referencia fotogrfica o artstica."
Price: 19.99

"Investment Appraisal/Capital Budgeting" |
"Capital budgeting, or investment appraisal, is the planning process used to determine whether an organization's long term investments such as new machinery, replacement of machinery, new plants, new products, and research development projects are worth the funding of cash through the firm's capitalization structure (debt, equity or retained earnings).It is the process of allocating resources for major capital, or investment, expenditures. One of the primary goals of capital budgeting investments is to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders."
Price: 4800.00

"Guided Meditation and Wisdom Teaching" |
"Every generation believes themselves to know more than the preceding, yet be wiser than the following.In this series of 30 days of meditations, Sifu. Ringer introduces you to some of the most useful wisdom from ancient sources around the world, while using an understanding of modern neuroscience to enable you to assimilate and make the most use of these ideas in your everyday life. This 30 Days of Meditations for transformation is part of our Kung Fu Living program. The Kung Fu Living program isnt only for people learning Kung Fu, it is for anyone wanting to develop improved understanding and control of their emotional experiences.The programme consists of two videos every day.A guided morning contemplation will encourage you to spend some time each day considering and understanding these, often life-changing, concepts. These morning contemplations present predominantly axiomatic ideas, that is truths that you perceive to be evident once you understand them, and therefore are easily assimilated into your individual philosophical approach to life.The evening guided meditations will teach you how to easily meditate and will generally follow on from the mornings thoughts and are designed to help you embed the wisdom you have considered and enable you to derive the most benefit from these teachings.You will discover how to take control over your emotional responses to different situations. This means you will be able to choose to have less anxiety or stress, and control your anger & fear. You will know how to begin changing yourself from the inside out.We have included a 30 minute Chakra meditation that has proved to be very popular and hope you enjoy this too."
Price: 99.99

"corso di disegno manga" |
"Grazie a questo corso imparete a disegnare i Manga in modo completo.Le lezioni sono strutturate in 15 capitoli. Partiremo dallo studio del corpo dell'uomo e della donna manga, per arrivare a trattare tutti i dettagli quali: il volto, gli occhi, i capelli, le mani, le caratteristiche, le espressioni, etc.Vedremo poi insieme alcuni dei principi essenziali nel disegno, come: il chiaroscuro, la cromatica e la prospettiva.Per mettere in pratica tutte le nozioni acquisite, lavoreremo su quattro illustrazioni complete manga stile fantasy.Infine troverete una piccola sorpresa ...."
Price: 199.99
