"Curso bsico de Rhinoceros 3D" |
"Hoy en da, saber utilizar un software de modelado 3D y diseo supone muchas cosas para cualquier diseador, ingeniero, arquitecto o profesional del sector, y todas ellas muy buenas. Las grandes empresas ms exitosas del siglo XXI lo estn utilizando para crear sus productos y digitalizar sus prototipos, y cada da buscan ms y ms gente que pueda desempear este tipo de trabajos. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que es muy complicado. Pues creme, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!En este curso aprenders a utilizar desde cero un software llamado Rhinoceros 3D, que por supuesto te ensear a instalar y descargar. Pero... para qu sirve Rhinoceros 3D? Pues muy fcil. Con este software podrs disear modelados 3D, crear prototipos y realizar renderizados de productos de una forma profesionalizada.Soy ingeniero y diseador industrial y llevo aos utilizando softwares de diseo CAD o 3D e impartiendo docencia acerca de su uso. En este tiempo me he dado cuenta de que cada da es ms necesario el uso de una herramienta rpida, completa y prctica Rhino, y por eso no es de extraar que hoy en da es una de los softwares lderes en sectores como el diseo de interiores o la joyera.Por este mismo motivo senta la necesidad de crear contenido de calidad y en Espaol acerca del tema, y as facilitaros y sobre todo agilizar y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje, comprimiendo todo el contenido en apenas 2 horas. Aunque ""solo"" se trata de un curso bsico, te servir para poner en prctica las herramientas y las funciones esenciales para sacarle el mximo partido a Rhinoceros. Lo importante del curso es que no slo mirars y escuchars, sino tambin lo hars tu mismo. Gracias a los ejercicios del curso y las soluciones a tiempo real, podrs poner en prctica todo lo aprendido y sers capaz de realizar t mismo diferentes tipos de problemas segn los diferentes procedimientos a seguir en el modelado. Y por supuesto, al final del curso habrs adquirido conocimientos, entre otras cosas, en temas como los siguientes:Para qu, cmo, y porqu Rhinoceros 3D?Fundamentos del diseo 3D y sus aplicacionesInterfaz del software y barras de herramientas, propiedades y comandosCreacin de modelados 3D a partir de vectores, dibujos tcnicos, imgenes, etc.Uso de dibujos tcnicos y plantillas segn la norma americana y europeaHerramientas y opciones de vistas y secciones y color para optimizar el trabajoProblemas prcticos, de ms sencillos a ms avanzados y mucho msEste curso es perfecto para la gente que ha escuchado hablar de Rhinoceros, pero no sabe cmo utilizarlo y necesita mejorar en el modelado o el diseo digital. Lo que quiero decir es que es completamente apto para principiantes y gente que no tiene ni idea del tema, ya que se explicar todo desde cero. As que no tengas miedo, porque como ya te he dicho, ests tiempo de aprender una habilidad que las compaas buscan cada da ms, y si no te lo crees, lo puedes comprobar t mismo buscando en Internet!Por si fuera poco y an no ests convencido, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible. Aprender Rhino 3D nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 179.99

"How to Be an Effective Executive Using a System Map" |
"Veteran, new, and aspiring executives need to be effective learners. However, most have never studied their own organization or understand how synthetic thinking and neuroscience can help set them apart.This education program will teach you how to study your organization looking through two lenses: the Customer Lens and the Thinking Lens. The Customer Lens helps you get evidence of what happens when the customer interacts with your organization. The Thinking Lens will aid in your understanding of how your organization thinks. These two lenses must be reconciled in order to uncover the power of synthetic thinking.You will be using your own organization to study and reconcile the Customer and Thinking Lenses. You will build a system map as a visual representation of your organization of what you learn as an outcome."
Price: 59.99

"Gimnasia Energtica China Tradicional para la Salud" |
"El Qi Gong es una serie de tcnicas que no slo mejorarn nuestras capacidades mentales y fsicas, sino que pueden llevarnos mucho ms all. Se puede traducir como ""el trabajo de la energa vital"" o el arte de hacer circular esa energa de la manera ms adecuada a la finalidad con la que se practica. Los tres factores que dominaremos con Qi Gong son la mente, la respiracin y el cuerpo. Ba Duan Jin es una de las ms conocidas formas de Qi Gong formada por una serie de ocho ejercicios que trabajan sobre los msculos, los tendones y los meridianos, de cara a producir Qi y distribuirlo por el sistema de rganos internos del cuerpo humano.Los beneficios son muchos y muy variados. Adems de encontrar un equilibrio vital, podemos reducir dolores y paliar los sntomas de enfermedades de cabeza, corazn, pulmones o estmago, obtendremos un mejor uso de nuestra energa y aprenderemos a canalizarla. Estimula la funcin de los rganos internos, activa la circulacin sangunea, aumenta la capacidad pulmonar y mejora el trnsito intestinal. Aprenderemos a ahuyentar los pensamientos negativos con facilidad, eliminaremos la ansiedad, tendremos ms claridad mental y regularemos nuestros ciclos de sueo. Es indicada para recuperarse de enfermedades severas y es altamente efectiva contra el stress. Adems, entraremos en contacto con el mundo natural que nos rodea."
Price: 29.99

"Principles of Economy and Econometric Modelling" |
"The course would enable you to develop a simplified understanding about Economics as a subject. After completing the course you would be able to understand the various basic economic principles, players, drivers of the Indian Economy. You would be able to learn about the various approach to determining the GDP and significance of each of the GDP components.You would be able to understand the various challenges faced by the Indian Economy and what measures each of the players are taking to overcome them.You would learn the basics of econometric modelling You would understand the scenario planning and generate the various GDP fall scenariosYou would be able to learn the forecasting of the GDP contractions and govt Fiscal deficit forecast.At the end of the course one would become smart enough to interpret the Govt policies and actions when it comes to controlling the economyOne would learn the interrelationship of Interest rate, inflation rate and Money supply and how these variables interact with each other to drive the economy and what are the limitations for govt to influence each of these variables.One would be in a position to use predict the movement of the interest rate and determine their investment strategy for maximising the return."
Price: 1920.00

"Applying for support from the Israeli Innovation Authority" |
"The course outlines, by a way of example, how to collect the data needed to file a support application, and how to include the collected data within the appropriate WORD form and EXCEL budget file. Then, the course shows how to file the application on the website of the Israeli Innovation Authority. "
Price: 49.99

"Digital Marketing Certified Professional Diploma Exam Dumps" |
"Practice tests to evaluate your knowledge for Digital Marketing Certification exam with 100% assured actual certification exam passing result on first attempt2 practice tests totaling 100 challenging scenario based questionnaires in Multiple Choice Question format.Who this practice test for?Those, who are planning for Digital Marketing Professional Diploma certification in 2020Those, who wants to test their knowledge on Digital MarketingWhat makes these practice tests UNIQUE when compared to other Digital Marketing practice/mock tests in Udemy?100% are scenario based questionnaire similar to actual certification examAll the scenario been validated by Digital Marketing experts.All are distinctive and challenging questions.Don't get surprised, if you see similar scenarios in certification exam.Practice test covers all the module topics as part of certification preparationDigital MarketingSocial Media MarketingSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Content MarketingDisplay and Video AdvertisingPaid Search (PPC) using Google AdsEmail MarketingWebsite OptimizationAnalytics with Google AnalyticsDigital Marketing StrategyAfter completing these practice tests, he/sheidentifies strengths and weaknessescomparable difficulty with real time exam questionsbook certification slot with confidence and take exam and certify successfullyshare the knowledge with peers & colleaguesexcel in Digital Marketing related work projects and interviews and land in high paying jobsWhat you are waiting for? Hurry up and purchase now and get certified soon!All the best!!!!"
Price: 6080.00

"Strategic Email Etiquette" |
"Welcome to the course on Strategic Email Etiquette. A course that assists in sharpening our email writing skills.Through this course we will learn writing effective and impactful emails using proper etiquette. We will also learn the strategies we can incorporate in our Emails to build rapport with customers, influence thinking over a readers mind and motivate action and positive attitude over an email."
Price: 1280.00

"MySQL: The Ultimate MySQL Course" |
"Welcome to this course: MySQL: The Ultimate MySQL Course. MySQL is the world's most popular open source database, enabling the cost-effective delivery of reliable, high-performance and scalable Web-based and embedded database applications. It is an integrated transaction safe, ACID-compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash recovery, and row-level locking capabilities. MySQL delivers the ease of use, scalability, and high performance, as well as a full suit of database drivers and visual tools to help developers and DBAs build and manage their business-critical MySQL applications.In this course, you'll learn:Learn the basics of MySQLLearn How to Query Data Use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to manipulate data in the databaseImprove your system's performance with the technique of performance tuningLearning Advanced Database QueriesConfigure a MySQL Cluster for scaling out MySQLLearn the technique of taking online backups and recoveryUnderstand the fundamentals of relational databases, relational algebra, and data modelingCreate tables and views, define indexes, and implement triggers and other schema objectsBy the end of this course, you'll have a thorough understanding of the basics of MySQL and will have the necessary skills to build efficient database solutions."
Price: 199.99

"Free Softwares For Best Online Teaching Learning Experience" |
"In this Course, We will discuss complete setup required for online teaching learning and evaluation. We demonstrate various software all are free and some of them are free and open source:Microsoft forms, Testmoz for conducting online exams, MOODLE as a Learning Management, OBS for online lecture and Live Streaming, Certiffyem and AutoCrat for auto generate Certificates. Free mobile apps for online teaching assistance andTeaching gadgets for best online teaching experience."
Price: 1280.00

"Schlagzeug lernen fr Einsteiger" |
"Der Crashkurs ist fr alle, die gerne das Schlagzeugspiel erlernen mchten und komplett ohne Vorkenntnisse sind. In 6 Lektionen bekommst Du einen Einblick und ein Gefhl dafr, ob Du fr das Drum-Set geschaffen bist oder nicht. Ohne viel Theorie kannst Du direkt mitspielen. Auerdem erhltst Du Hausaufgaben, besheets, Playalongs und praktische Tipps rund um das Drum-Set-Spiel.Solltest Du Dich nach dem Kurs entscheiden, einen Jahreskurs Online bei mir zu buchen, bekommst du den Betrag fr den Crashkurs angerechnet."
Price: 49.99

"Examen de Certificacin MTA" |
"Aprenders las respuestas correctas de la certificacin Microsoft Technology Associate Windows server administration fundamentals 98-365 para pasarla sin problemas y obtener tu certificacin, tambien tendras un pdf donde estar toda la informacin que te ayudara si no tienes ningn conocimiento de servidores windows y tambin incluiremos explicacin de algunas preguntas de la certificacin"
Price: 199.99

"Vaincre vos angoisses grce la mthode LIFE" |
"Ce cours s'adresse ceux qui souffrent d'angoisse pour les aider retrouver la srnit.Je suis Aide-Soignant et ancien spasmophile, ces mthodes m'ont aids aller mieux. Je me suis form aux mthodes alternatives, gestion de l'angoisse, mdiation animale, Snoezelen.j'apporte donc toute mon expertise et exprience que j'ai et que j'ai pu avoir auprs des patients et rsidents pour les aider se sentir mieux dans leur peau.Et je suis un ancien angoiss et spasmophile galement, donc je connais bien la problmatique de l'angoisse et de la spasmophilie."
Price: 24.99

"Sfrdan Uygulamal React Gelitirme: Hooks,Redux & Firebase" |
"Son zamanlarn en popler frontend ktphanesi React 'i batan sona uygulamal projelerle renmeye ne dersiniz?React; facebook firmas tarafndan gelitirilen ve kullanc arayzlerini kolaylkla oluturmamza olanak salayan olduka gzel bir Javascript ktphanesidir.Hazrladm tm kurslarda anlatmn yaln ve sade olmasna byk nem veriyorum. React kursumda da sade ve anlalr bir dil kullanarak React'i size en batan adm adm proje gelitirerek anlatacamdan emin olabilirsiniz.React konularmz;React Gelitirme OrtamReact Temelleri (JSX, Babel)React Components (Class & Functional)WebpackStyling React (Css, Scss ve Bootstrap Entegrasyonu)Http RequestReact RoutersReact Hooks & ContextRedux Firebase TodoApp ProjesiGithub Finder ProjesiBlogApp Projesi"
Price: 49.99

"Chinese Fable Stories Vol 2-HSK 4-HSK 6 Intermediate Reading" |
"Fables is the soul of a nation. Unfortunately, Traditional Chinese culture was destroyed in Chinese Culture revolution. There are few millions Chinese migrated to Taiwan in the past 600 hundred years and 4 million retreated to ROC Taiwan in 1949 after civil war, my uncle is one of them. The traditional Chinese culture and value are preserved well in Taiwan. That's the reason why most of the Fables are from Taiwan. 1949 Fables reflect traditional culture, virtue and value. I found most of the teaching are the same as my hometown old folks story I heard from grandma and neighbors. This course is good for intermediate level students to explore Chinese culture, enrich your knowledge about China and Chinese, and expand your vocabulary through my elaboration using my unique Vocabulary Builder and Sentence Builder."
Price: 39.99

"3ds Max 2017 Temel Eitim Seti" |
"3ds Max Programn gncel versiyonda sfrdan balayarak reten kapsaml ve eitici eitim seti.3ds Max 2017 Programnda hazrlanmtr. Eitim seti zel ekim teknikleri ile hazrlanm programda kullanlan klavye ksayollarn ekranda grebileceksiniz.Eitim seti ile adm adm basit zora doru olarak 3ds max programn anlatyoruz.HD Grnt ve ses kalitesiyle izleyebileceksiniz.20 Blm ve 145 video Ders 25 saatlik eitim iermektedir.3ds Max temel eitimi, 3ds max yeni zellikleri, arayzn kullanm, grnt ayarlar, dosyalama ilemleri, nesne seimi oaltm, 3boyutlu ve 2bizim ve nesnelerin oluturmalarmodifierlarn kullanm, gelimi 3dmodelleme aralar, mimari nesneler, eklentiler, Iklar, kameralar ve materyallerin kullanm, Art render ile render uygulamalar gibi birok uygulama ve eitimi kapsamaktadr.endstriyel eya modellemeleri, mobilya modellemeleri, mimari modellemeler ile bunlara ilikin render ve grselletirme uygulamalar."
Price: 59.99

"Produtos E-commerce PHP7 e Mysql" |
"O curso de Produtos E-commerce possui 71 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender a fazer os cadastros das sub-categorias e dos produtos dentro de um painel administrativo para gerenciar uma loja virtual, aconselhvel antes o aluno acompanhar antes os dois mdulos anteriores onde criamos a estrutura do template e a parte do painel administrativo, este o terceiro curso de um projeto completo para montagem de site ecommerce, adquira j nosso treinamento e comece a criar sites profissionais."
Price: 159.99

"Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Equity with Excel" |
"This course equips students with the tools required to understand construction, pricing and the risks of bonds and fixed income securities. It also explains the fundamentals of fixed income securities, examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, calculating yields and management of risk. This course explains how to determine intrinsic value of stock using both absolute valuation models and relative valuation models. Students will gain in depth theoretical and practical knowledge of equity valuation.This course shows how to calculate bond price, bond yields, and intrinsic value of stock using Microsoft Excel."
Price: 24.99

"C++ In 4 Stunden vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen in C++ zu programmieren, und das innerhalb krzester Zeit! Ich konzentriere mich stets auf das Wesentliche und vermittele die Inhalte prgnant und zielorientiert. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die einen schnellen, aber zugleich tiefgrndigen Einstieg in C++ suchen - egal ob mit Programmiererfahrung oder ohne. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, eigenstndig in C++ zu programmieren, eigene Funktionen mit Kontrollstrukturen und Schleifen zu schreiben, Arrays, Pointer, Strukturen, Templates und eigene Datentypen zu nutzen, objektorientierte Programmierung umzusetzen, Dateizugriffe zu verwalten und SQL-Datenbanken zu verwalten.Voraussetzungen:Internetzugriff / BrowserWir werden mit elementaren Bildschirmein- und ausgaben beginnen. Dann zeige ich dir, wie man Variablen verwendet und welche wichtigen Datentypen es gibt und wie man mit ihnen arbeitet und Arrays erstellt. Es geht weiter mit arithmetischen, logischen und komparativen Operatoren. Du lernst dann, wie man Schleifen erstellt und Kontrollstrukturen implementiert. Dann lernst du die Verwendung von Pointern, Strukturen, Typdefinitionen und Templates. Danach soll es um eigene Funktionen, Klassen und Objekte gehen. Ich zeige wie man Dateien einliest und beschreibt, wie man mit Errors umgeht und wie man auf SQL-Datenbanken zugreift.Ziele:Bildschirmein- und ausgabenVariablen und DatentypenArrays und StrukturenArithmetische, logische und komparative OperatorenFunktionen schreibenSchleifen und Kontrollstrukturen verwendenTypdefinitionen und TemplatesObjektorientiertes Programmieren umsetzenKlassen und ObjekteDateien lesen und schreibenError handlingZugriff auf SQL-Datenbanken"
Price: 39.99

"OKR Goal Setting: The Complete Guide to OKRs (Worth 2 PDUs)" |
"Do not waste your time and money on OKR courses giving only theoretical concepts! Enroll in the most comprehensive OKR training!OKRs for personal goalsOKRs for professional goalsOKRs for organizational goalsEasy to follow and detailed explanationsClear, Concise, Easy to UnderstandIf you are PMP certified, this course is worth 2 PDUs (STRATEGIC)This course is perfect for executives, leaders, team members, and individuals who want to use the OKR goal-setting technique in an effective way.When you first start to learn about OKRs, it may seem very simple to implement. Although it is simple to implement, you may get stuck when you try to implement it for the first time. This is because there are some tricks you need to know, and in this course, you will learn all of these tricks.In this course, we will first learn about how to use OKRs for our personal goals. After that, we will see how to apply this technique to our organization. Therefore, after completing this course, you can start using OKRs both for your personal goals and organizational goals without getting stuck. Please note that, if you are a PMP, you will earn 2 PDUs (STRATEGIC) after completing this course."
Price: 99.99

"Crateur d'apps Android - Pack complet" |
"Comment crer une application Android pour smartphone ou tablette ?Avec cette formation en franais pour apprendre le code Kotlin avec des cours en ligne accessible tous. Avec plus de 15 heures de vidos, vous pourrez crer votre app gratuitement avec Android Studio.Vous voulez apprendre crer votre propre application Android mais vous manquez de temps ? Peut-tre avez-vous dj commenc vos recherches mais n'avez trouv que des ressources complexes ou en anglais ? Nous sommes tous dbords dans nos vies, mais si vous tes comme moi, vous aimez quand mme vous lancer des dans projets.Pour y parvenir il vous faut une formation qui va l'essentiel, avec un peu de thorie mais surtout beaucoup de pratique. Des exemples concrets et des apps relles que nous dvelopperons ensemble, pas pas, avec une difficult qui augmentera progressivement. Non seulement vous apprendrez, mais vous allez adorer crer vos apps et progresser chaque jour.En vous inscrivant, je suis trs confiant que vous publierez votre premire app sur le PlayStore plus rapidement que ce que vous le pensez ! :)Dbutants accepts. bras ouverts.Vous n'avez jamais programm ? Le mot algorithme vous fait peur ? Tout est prvu pour que non seulement vous y arriviez, mais que vous preniez du plaisir tout au long du cours...et pour le reste de votre vie :)Durant la prparation je me suis appuy sur mes 12 ans de dveloppement et 10 ans d'enseignement de la programmation en cole d'ingnieur pour qu'il soit adapt, fun et progressif. Ce cours reprend la mthodologie qui a fait le succs de mes cours en ligne : une pdagogie par objectifs qui alterne des chapitres thoriques courts, suivis d'exercices pratiques corrigs pas pas. Chaque terme est expliqu, chaque manipulation est dtaille et vous comprendrez. Trs vite aurez assimil suffisamment de comptences pour crer vos propres apps.Mes cours ont dj permis de rvler plusieurs talents et vous pouvez vous aussi rejoindre ceux qui publient des apps ; qu'elles soient gratuites ou payantes.Reconversion. Nouvel lan.Vous savez dj programmer mais vous ne connaissez rien Android ni au Kotlin ? En tant que dveloppeur je sais que la dcouverte d'une nouvelle plateforme peut paratre impressionnante. Avec ce cours il vous faudra tout juste quelques semaines pour devenir efficace et crer de superbes apps."
Price: 149.99

"AutoCAD 2021 Mechanical 2D and 3D for Beginners to Advanced" |
"AutoCAD 2021 Mechanical Engineering Students from right of beginning to advanced level- course is the amazing course, which is having basics commands, 2D and of course 3D as well designed by a decade experienced highly qualified faculty member, even you beginner or you know about AutoCAD even then this course will help you in every aspects especially for mechanical engineers to design any challenging design by using AutoCAD.Here are several features of this course-1. More than 10 years of experience instructor2. The course is from scratch to advanced level3. More than 25 hours of course content4. More than 30 practice sets5. You will Learn 2 D and 3 D both6. The version you will learn that is 2021, which is the advanced one.and lot more."
Price: 84.99

"Agile Tools and Techniques Agile in project management" |
"** Elite Instructors, On Udemy since 2016, 12,000+ students, 1,400+ reviews, overall rating of 4.5/5.0 **Agile project planning is collaborative and involves the team in the planning and decision making process. For any agile project to be successful, project managers and team members alike must have a thorough understanding of estimation and planning tools and techniques. While the agile process is flexible and adapts itself to change, accurate and reliable planning is still possible within the framework of the agile methodology.It is the time make yourself a more valuable member of the team by learning how to help organizations make changes faster and with less expense by using Agile approaches. This course is covering 52 of the most popular tools and techniques used in agile projects: Value Prioritization Techniques, Interpersonal Skills, Collaborative Games, Estimating Techniques, Planning Techniques, Risk Management Techniques, Software Engineering Testing, and Modeling Techniques. COURSE STRUCTUREThis course will mainly have the following sections:1. Agile in brief (History, definition, values, and principles)2. Value Prioritization Techniques (Kano, MoSCoW, Monopoly,.. etc)3. Interpersonal Skills (Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation,..etc )4. Collaboration Games (Prune the Tree, Speedboat,..etc)5. Estimation and Sizing Techniques (Story Points, User Stories, Product Backlog, Affinity Estimating, Planning Poker,...etc)6. Planning Techniques (Rolling Wave Planning, Spikes, Story maps, product roadmaps,..etc) 7. Risk Management and Issue Resolution Techniques (Risk adjusted backlog, Risk severity, burndown graphs, 5 Why's, Fishbone,...etc)8. Information Radiators (Kanban Board, Burn up graphs, CFD's,..etc)9. Software Engineering Techniques (CI, TDD, ATDD,...etc)10. Other Tools and Techniques (Agile Modeling, Value Stream Maps, ...etc)WHY TO TAKE THIS COURSE?- It was created by a professional project manager, Scrum and Agile expert, and leading global consultant. - It will help you understand the theory behind the agile mindset, and the agile manifesto- It will help you understand the the most popular 52 agile tools and techniques.- At the end of the course, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your agile project, like Iteration and release plan, retrospective, 30 days sprint planning, and task board templates.- At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. WHO CAN ATTEND?Anyone involved in project management using Agile methodology, such as programmers, testers, project managers and members of delivery teams.At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion, that might boost your CV and open new career opportunities. STILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I will give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of this course, youll have a working understanding of the fundamentals of Agile mindset and the most commonly used tools and techniques in agile projects. Enroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Agile methodologies."
Price: 19.99

"Viral Marketing: How to gain millions of views organically" |
"A viral content is any image, video, audio, or text you post online that achieves a high level of awareness (millions of views) within a few hours due to shares and exposure on social media networks, news websites and aggregators, email newsletters, and search engines.Virality saves money for companies and brands, this is money that would have been sunk into paid advertising. In this course on how to make things go viral, you will be learning the science of virality and how to engineer videos, posts, texts, and images that generate millions of views within hours."
Price: 199.99

"English Speaking Complete: English Language Mastery" |
"English Language is difficult!If you are a non-native English Speaker, you know this already.You probably even said this EXACT sentence a few times! Many students study English for months or years - but dont make the progress they want in their English speaking skills. Then Im sure you're asking...""How can I make learning the English Language easier?""""And where can I improve my English skills?""Theres lots of places to learn. Some good. Some not so much.But if youre looking for a COMPLETE English Language courseYoure in the right place.English Speaking Complete is a full, in-depth English Language course from beginner levels all the way to advanced (A1 - C2). Go from spoken English novice all the way to ENGLISH LANGUAGE MASTER in one complete course. Grow your confidence in everyday speaking topics and listen to a range of conversational recordings in real-life English environments.Youll learn skills and shortcuts to really talk just like a native English speaker. Get fun, engaging lessons that teach you REAL English language vocabulary and expressions. No more sounding like a 1960s English textbook! So many courses teach old-fashioned and (quite honestly) weird English phrases. In English Speaking Complete youll learn the language used by native English speakers right NOW.Learn simple methods to grow your English Language fluency and master the tricks that native English Speakers use. Speed up your speaking and improve your listening skills to develop confidence in English conversation.In this course... Take your English Language skills from beginner to advanced. Learn English Speaking in common conversation topics with live dialogue recordings Ace a range of listening tests and quizzes to build English conversation skills Master fun phrases and advanced vocabulary for English Speaking SUPERCHARGE your English grammar and understanding Improve your speaking with pronunciation tipsOn top of this, you get a range of practice activities and extended listening assessments to put your skills to the test.English Speaking Complete is THE place to power up your English Language skills.As part of our learning community, you also getLifetime access to this courseAll updates and new lessons (forever!)Q+A feature to discuss your English Speaking learning30 day money back guaranteeIm really excited to have you here and cant wait to get started.Sign up NOW and supercharge your ENGLISH SPEAKING powers."
Price: 199.99

"Snowflake Certification Preparation" |
"When is this practice set last updated : 21 Sep 2020 I also share preparatory notes at no additional cost to my students who sign up for this practice test. If you decide to pull back from the course(which I am confident you will not), the preparatory notes are still yours to keep.These practice tests will prepare you for the SnowPro Core Certification. Please note that this is not a replacement of you doing a thorough study of the snowflake documentation. You should try these questions once you have completed going through the snowflake documentation and is now ready to take the certification exam. These practice tests will help you find out how prepared you are. Based on the score of the test, you can go back and focus on the weak areas. These practice tests are from my notes that I have prepared to pass the certification myself. I do not claim and nor ever will claim that just mugging up these set of questions will guarantee you a pass mark in Snowflake certification exam. Certification is just a way to show others that you know the subject. But for you to be really expert in this field, you must have a thorough understanding of the technology product which is only possible through studying the documentation and actually applying the concepts in your work. How will these practice tests help you in preparing for your exam1. The questions are modeled to test your knowledge on the published Snowflake concepts/topics 2. I do not just put the questions and the answers, I also provide explanations to each question3. I keep on updating the questions as and when new concepts are introduced4. Throughout the preparation, I will also share quick tips, important topics to focus on through individual emails to studentsLast but not the least, I am looking for your feedback. You feedback is what motivates me and keeps me awake in the night to make this course more effective. Important point to note:I have modeled these questions not to just prepare you for the certification but also to be a better architect on the job. These questions are not from the actual certification exam and any resemblance will be just coincidence."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to fly from beginner to expert Fixed wing or Rotary" |
"Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. Start learning what you need to know.If you are stuck on anything please feel free to ask questions.This is an example of what I fly every day.So you want to learn to fly?Why not it is Great fun. Start with the Cessna 172 course.My style is not for everyone but here it is.Flying can be very very expensive, Helicopters are double expensive, but now there is no need to let that stand in your way.The future for flying training is CGI and VR headsets with controllers. The airforces around the world are already doing this in their pilot training as is saves a fortune. So whatever type of flying you want to do this is an inexpensive way to go.Today the flight sim on your own computer with a VR headset is almost like the real thing. (Yes it is!) I am a real pilot and done plenty of both. I love flying in VR because it is FREE. Loads of cool aircraft to fly too as FREE downloads. You can easily build hundreds of flying hours experience for FREE.If you want to be a commercial pilot there is no option but to spend heaps of cash, join the military or land yourself a scholarship with a big airline. But in the meantime you can learn with me on your own PC almost for free. My courses are an excellent introduction to being a pilot.You will need a joystick and controllers too and a flight sim programme. I use X Plane 11 and microsoft flight sim. VR headset is highly recommended but not essential.Don't waste cash at the flying school just yet. I am a Multi engine pilot and skydiver, I qualified as a pilot in 1996. I ran my own flying school ""The Baron Flying Club"" at Shoreham airport in East Sussex, where students were trained to PPL and multi engine PPL standard CAA UK.Today I teach private students only.I love doing aerobatics but I want to bring my online training to everyone, students, people who simply cannot afford it, or do not have the medical requirements because lots of people do fly just for fun and are not actually interested in going commercial. Sim flying is actually better than the real thing in many respects mainly the cost.Using pc and mac based flight simulators we can go through every aspect of flight school without the crippling cost in easy stages and make it fun. Flight sims are not held up by the weather either as real aircraft often are, the realism levels are awesome. I enjoy flying the flight sim every day, We really can go anywhere in the world to fly.Do it in your own time as much or as little at a time as you like, At the end of my courses you will know if you have the ability, desire or need to actually lash out thousands and thousands of your own cash to fly the real thing.The drones are the future certainly for combat aviation. They will be controlled by someone on a computer sitting in a room on the other side of the world.VR headsets are really very good for flying and I highly recommend them. In my opinion it really is worth investing in a good joystick, throttles and rudder pedals, even second hand ones from ebay can be found at a good price."
Price: 19.99

"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 5" |
"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner Part 5Cantonese300 Part5L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 Material Include:1. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Origin Explanation 2. 60 Traditional Chinese Character Writing Demonstration2. 180 Cantonese Vocabularies3. 180 Cantonese Sentence4. 60 Writing Pads5. 18 Bonus Lectures for ""The structure of Chinese characters""After this course, you will learn After this course, you will learn - the pronunciation- the meaning- the origin of the character- the part of speech of each character- common vocabularies- how to write- learn stroke order step-by-step- how to memorize the character- the way we use the character- various of related vocabularies- various sentence of formal traditional Chinese- what kinds of components are included. You will have different writing practice. Each lesson, we provide extra writing assignments for you.Cantonese300_The structure_of_Chinese charactersL1_The Structure of Chinese charactersL2_The structure of Chinese charactersL3_Early formation_of_Chinese_charactersL4_Single-component_characterL5_Single-component_characterL6_Single-component _characterL7_Above_to_belowL8_Above_to_belowL9_Above_to_belowL10_Left_to_rightL11_Left_to_rightL12_Left_to_rightL13_Outside_to_insideL14_Outside_to_insideL15_Outside_to_insideL16_Diagonal_structureL17_Left_to_middle_and_rightL18_Above_to_middle_and_belowAbout InstructorGabrielle has worked in Education industry for 13 years in Hong Kong. After taking the whole series (3-course), you are able to write at least 900 Traditional Chinese Characters.- What we have4K students are following Gab Gab CantoneseStudents cover 200+ countriesMore than 1.2 Million minutes of teaching experience Produced 660+ video lessonsTeaching Certificate granted by Chinese University of Hong KongLocal Hong Kong Teachers- What we offerProfessional Cantonese coursesProfessional Chinese coursesChinese Character writingChinese reading coursesChinese writing courseboth formal and informal CantoneseBeginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced LessonsCorporate TrainingEXTRA tailor-made notesFREE resources"
Price: 19.99

"CSM(Certified Scrum Master) EXAM PREP/ PRACTICE EXAMS" |
"CSM PRACTICE EXAMS/CSM EXAM PREPHOW TO PASS CSM (CERTIFIED SCRUM MASTER) ON YOUR FIRST TRY(Based on SCRUM ALLIANCE CSM Latest Syllabus)Thiyagarajan Perumal MBA, PMP, PMI (ACP), CSM, ITIL, 6 Sigma Black Belt, CBAP, PRINCE2 PRACTIONERAnyone on their way to becoming a CSM will have to prepare for a number of evaluations, the least of which is the CSM Exam. Its a daunting task, considering the hours needed to study, and the uncertainty that comes when taking any performance measuring assessment hence the reason for this invaluable Practice Questions.About the Practice Exams: whether you are a beginner or near the point of taking the CSM certification exam, you will find this Practice Questions beneficial. It can be used to prep you along the way, assuring your success when you do challenge the exam. Take a look at what is included: Total 300 CSM Questions with Answers All 300 questions that challenge your ability to choose the best answer similar to the real CSM exam. Practice Questions covers ; Agile Manifesto/12 Principles of Agile, Scrum Theory Pillars of Empirical Process/ 5 Scrum Values Scrum Team ( Cross-Functional/Self-organizing), Roles & Responsibilities of Scrum Team Scrum Master Characteristics & Responsibilities, Scrum Master Service To Organization/Scrum Team/Product Owner Scrum Events ( Daily Scrum/Sprint Planning/Retrospective/Sprint Review) Scrum Artifacts (Product Backlog/Sprint Backlog/ Increment), All 300 Questions Based on SCRUM ALLIANCE CSM SyllabusNote: All questions contain detailed explanations and answers.Thats a total of 300 CSM questions, written in the exact format you can expect on the exam. There is no other resource available with the depth and scope of this new resource. It is applicable today and will enhance your chances of passing the first time, with near-guaranteed success. Designed to assist Project Management Professionals, the text will also build practical understanding and knowledge for technology project managers, project leads, and virtually anyone practicing Project Management.Dont hesitate to build self-confidence, save valuable time, and take the next step to fulfill your career goals purchase Thiyagarajans Practice Questions and set the worry aside"
Price: 19.99

"Trabalhar com TI no exterior" |
"Voc j pensou em trabalhar em outro pais?O mercado de TI um dos que mais cresce no mundo, mas tambm um dos que mais precisam de profissionais, so milhares de vagas disponveis em diversos lugares do mundo e por ano muitos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras so chamados para sairem de seus pases e irem trabalhar em outras terras.Aqui vo alguma boas razes para se pensar nissoConhecer novas culturas, lugares e pessoasMorar e trabalhar em outro pas lhe d mais tempo para voc conhecer de perto a cultura e as pessoas de um lugar.Aprender novas habilidadesNo importa o pas que voc v, morar em outro lugar vai inevitavelmente ensinar novas habilidades ou melhorar as que voc j possui e eu no falo apenas das habilidades de trabalho, mas tambm das habilidades pessoais.Desenvolvimento pessoalMudar de pas e comear um novo emprego vai tirar voc da sua zona de conforto e permitir que voc viva novas experincias, proporcionando um ambiente ideal para se desenvolver.Expandir seu networkVoc vai estar conhecendo novas pessoas, conversando frente a frente com elas, ajudando e sendo ajudado.Boost no seu currculoTrabalhar no exterior vai dar um charme a mais no seu currculo, muitas empresas valorizam quem j teve uma experincia de trabalho no exterior.Ganhar dinheiroDependendo do pas que voc v, voc pode ganhar bem mais do que onde voc est agoraIsso alm de outros diversos motivos que eu poderia citar.Mas muitas pessoas mesmo com muita vontade no sabe como dar o pontap inicial nesse projeto. A internet est repleta de informaes, mas de uma forma muito desordenada e espalhada, o que torna mais dificil iniciar a busca por um emprego em outro pas.Esse curso voltado para aqueles que querem aprender de forma eficaz, rpida e objetiva sobre o que fazer para aumentar suas chances de ir morar no exterior."
Price: 69.99

"Uzaktan Sat" |
"Dijital dnm hznn ok artt bu dnemde, sat yapmay seven ve bu kariyerlerinde yavalamadan emin admlarla ilerlemek isteyenler iin, tam bir frsat zaman.Yz yze mteri ziyaretlerinin, en azndan bir sre daha kstl seviyelerde yaplabileceinin ve online grmeleri tercih etmemiz gerektiinin farkndayz.Eski alkanlklar, mterilerimizin ve bizim kafamzda sabitlenen yaklamlar, hedefler, yntemler bir bir gzden geiriliyor ve deiiyor.Bu deiimin ve yeni dzenin paras olmak, i baarnz srdrebilmek iin, uygulayabileceiniz yntemleri paylatmz bu eitim, evirim ii (online) mteri grmelerinizde baarnz arttracak ipularn ieriyor."
Price: 169.99

"Aprenda Criar App completo com React-Native e Api em Laravel" |
"Esse curso visa ensinar como desenvolver do Zero uma Api rest em Laravel-PHP, consumir essa api no Front-End com React-Native, fazer o CRUD e Login e Cadastro de Usurios no App com base na Api. Entender sobre componentes, e como estilizar os mesmos com CSS.Este curso voltado a ensinar de maneira direta e objetiva de como criar um aplicativo com React-Native e Laravel no Back-End."
Price: 39.99
