"Affiliate Marketing" |
"Affiliate marketing is considered to be a part of a billion-dollar online industry and one that will only continue to grow in the upcoming years. No doubt starting a new job ...Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other peoples (or companys) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways people make money online and for some it can be a passive income once established. It is a strategy where an individual partners with a business (mainly e-commerce sites ) in order to make a commission by referring readers or visitors to a businesss particular product or service. But that really is quite a simple explanation. To be really successful at making money with affiliate marketing there is a little more to it.As an industry worth over $12 billion globally, affiliate marketing can save on your marketing spend and bring you more sales and traffic. It's a model where your business establishes relationships with people who promote your products and rewards them for the sales they bring"
Price: 94.99

"Certificate Course For Common Eye Diseases Alternative Care" |
"Namaskaram,Welcome to the most Unique Certificate Course For Common Eye Diseases Alternative Therapy Treatment. This course is for serious people who are looking for a real treatment for almost all major Eyes Diseases. Over the years I have treated several patients suffering from severe Eyes Disorders. In a way, this course is the fruit of my years of research and experience related to treating Eyes diseases. It's hard to treat serious Eyes problems with allopathy and modern medicine as they don't provide the permanent solution. Using the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, Naturopathy its possible to eradicate even the most complicated Eyes Diseases from the root.What makes this course unique-Focusing on permanent solutions.Use of timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.Use Of Marma Therapy Using five elements to treat.Use of Magnet Therapy.Use of Acupressure to treat Eyes Disorders.Use of Color Therapy.Use of Sujok Seed Therapy Techniques.Use of Law of Attraction and Positive Affirmations. Use Of Natural & Herbal remedies.Use Of Tissue SaltsUse of Bach Flower remedies.Use of Mudra Therapy and Yogic practices.Tutorial of handmade natural remedies.Fire Element treatments.Pranayam to treat Eyes diseases.Very detailed Dietary guideline. For many people, the idea that you can correct your vision naturally - without glasses, contact lenses, medic, or lasers - is more than a notion. It s a far away dream.You may be able to get rid of your glasses and improve your vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and light sensitivity with the help of this course.Here in this course you will see how easily can you improve, with a daily routine, your vision in no time.List of a few diseases that can be treated following the advice given via this course are - Nearsightedness, FarsightednessEyestrainRed EyesNight BlindnessLazy EyeCross EyesColorblindnessUveitisFloatersDry EyesPresbyopiaExcess TearingCataractsGlaucomaRetinal DisordersConjunctivitis (Pinkeye)Corneal DiseasesEyelid ProblemsVision ChangesProblems With Contact LensesSore EyeStrabismusMacular DegenerationAstigmatism"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Certified Administrator - ADM-201(Practice test)" |
"The Salesforce Certified Administrator has experience performing as a Salesforce Administrator, including practical application of the skills and concepts noted in the exam objectives. The candidate should have a general knowledge of the features available to the end users and the configuration options available to a Salesforce Administrator. The candidate should be capable of maintaining a Salesforce organization, responding to common business requirements, and performing administrative functions using the current version of the Salesforce features. The candidate should successfully complete the Administration Essentials course (ADM201) from Salesforce or an Authorized Training Center or possess the equivalent experience and knowledge prior to taking the exam. Additionally, the candidate should have six or more months of experience as a Salesforce Administrator and should be able to successfully perform the tasks outlined in the exam objectives."
Price: 19.99

"Robtica con Matlab : Control cooperativo de robots mviles" |
"Bienvenidos me presento mi nombre Edison soy ingeniero electrnico con mas de 3 aos dedicndome a este grandioso mundo de la robticaEl objetivo de este curso es implementar un esquema de control cooperativo que permita trasladar un objeto en comn utilizando dos robots tipo diferencial o uniciclo.Para cumplir con este objetivo vamos a revisar desde la parte matemtica, es decir el modelo cinemtico del robot tipo diferencial y el modelo cinemtico de formacin o cooperacin.Para luego en base a estos modelos implementar algoritmos de control para tareas de posicionamiento y seguimiento de trayectoria.Todos los algoritmos sern testeados en un entorno virtual creado desde cero en Matlab, donde tambin puedes importar tus propios modelos desarrollados en un software de diseo 3D como Solidworks, Sketchup, Freecad entre otros."
Price: 49.99

"Composicin musical desde cero" |
"Hola y bienvenidos al curso de Introduccin a la Composicin Musical.Mi nombre es Eric Mescher, soy licenciado en composicin y profesor superior de msica y tengo ms de 15 aos de experiencia como docente y compositor.Si te has preguntado sobre el funcionamiento de la msica y las tcnicas que han permitido a los compositores crear obras maravillosas a travs de los siglos, si eres un msico dando sus primeros pasos en la composicin.Sobre todo si eres un apasionado de la msica y quieres profundizar en ella hasta entender sus ms valiosos secretos, este curso es para ti."
Price: 19.99

"Digital banking and information technology (IT) in banks" |
"This is course is tailor made for beginners and professionals who wished to pursue their career in banking.This course is self explanatory and could be used by CA,CS,CMA,CAIIB,JAIIB,UPSC Students.The course elucidates the varoius technologies used in banking sector throughout the world.The contents are :1.RTGS2.NEFT3.Credit card4.Debit card5.UPI6.IMPS7.Mobile banking8.internet banking9.POS10.ATM11.SWIFT12.Clearing process13.CHIPS,CHAPS,CHATS14.ECS15.Wallet16.IFSC17.MICR18.Digital signature19.CBS20.ACH21.BACS22.SEPA23.M-pesa"
Price: 1280.00

portfoliomanagement |
"1) . 2) , . 3) , .4) .5) . () VAR, Monte Carlo Simulation, Modified duration"
Price: 94.99

"Content Design Fundamentals for Bloggers" |
"This course is part of our ""Psychology Driven Web Design"" collection.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThere are more than 600 million blogs on the web today. The number of bloggers in the United States alone by now exceeds 30 million. And there is a blog about every conceivable topic out there.This isnt to say that you shouldnt run a blog. On the contrary, the popularity of blogging is growing with each passing day. But the question is no longer about creating a blog. Its rather about getting others to find and read what youve written. To be able to make the best use of the 30 seconds you might get from a visitor is the most important skill that you must possess today as a blogger.You might think that content is king, and that a blog has to be judged by the material it contains. But no matter how talented you are as a literary writer, how visually appealing the template is that you are using, and how useful the information conveyed in your content is, your blog is valuable only to the extent that others can easily consume that content. Teaching you how to design your blog posts so they can, is exactly what this course is about.The medium we call the world wide web has its own set of rules and peculiarities, when compared with more traditional content carriers. The information content of a blog might make it useful, but it is the content design that makes it valuable. When you finish this course, your blog posts will be findable, scannable, readable, actionable, and shareable.COURSE CONTENTIn this course, you will learn about scanning patterns and to design for easy scanning, faster reading, and easy comprehension; you will learn to write accurately, using stories, for deep reading and for easy recall; to use proper highlighting, impactful styles, effective typography and appropriate visuals; and to master creating social content, content curation, content sharing and content marketing.PREREQUISITESThere are no prerequisites for this course.THE LEVEL OF STUDYThis course is for those who are at a beginner to intermediate level as bloggers.IMPORTANT NOTE: MOST PARTS OF THIS COURSE ARE ALSO CONTAINED IN OUR COURSE PSYCHOLOGY DRIVEN WEB DESIGN. IF YOU HAVE TAKEN THAT COURSE ALREADY, WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAKE THIS COURSE."
Price: 19.99

"Analyse des donnes statistiques avec le logiciel Excel" |
"De grandes quantits de donnes peuvent devenir rapidement ingrables. Mais avec les fonctionnalits de gestion et d'analyse des donnes d'Excel, vous pouvez garder sous contrle les plus grandes feuilles de calcul. Dans ce cours, je partage des commandes, des fonctionnalits et des fonctions faciles utiliser pour grer de grandes listes de donnes dans Excel. Il couvre le tri, l'ajout de sous-totaux, le filtrage, l'limination des donnes en double et l'utilisation de la fonction de filtre avanc d'Excel et des fonctions de base de donnes spcialises pour isoler et analyser les donnes. Avec ces techniques, vous serez en mesure d'extraire les informations les plus importantes de vos donnes, dans les plus brefs dlais.Les sujets incluent:Reconnaissez les paramtres par dfaut dans le tri plusieurs cls.Expliquez les avantages d'une liste personnalise.Nommez trois manires diffrentes de trier dans une bote de dialogue de tri.Rappelez la fonction utilise pour trier une liste de manire alatoire.Identifiez les filtres qui peuvent tre appliqus aux cellules contenant des dates.Passez en revue les utilisations appropries du filtre avanc.Formatage conditionnelGraphiquesTableaux croiss dynamiquesAnalyse de simulationSolveurAnalysis ToolPak"
Price: 74.99

"Java Prog1 Klausurtraining - Prfung leicht gemacht" |
"Gezielte Vorbereitung, damit Du einfacher und sicherer Deine Programmieren-Prfung bestehst!Der Expresskurs fr die Wiederholung der Theorie & Praxis mit 23 Klausuraufgaben.prgnante Beispiele fr einfaches Verstndnistypische Stolperfallen werden behandelt23 aktuelle Klausuraufgabenalle Lsungen mit dabeiInhalte in diesem Kurs:Klassen (Instanzen bzw. Objekte, Zugriffsmodifizierer (private, public), static, Attribute, Methoden, - Konstruktoren usw.)Verkettete ListenBumeArrays (auch mehrdimensional)Schleifen (while, do while, for)Methoden (Rckgabe, Parameter)Verzweigungen (if, switch)Struktogramme, Nassi-Shneiderman-DiagrammeScannerBasics (Datentypen, Variablen, Literale)Die Anzahl der Punkte in der Klausur pro Aufgabe steht jeweils am Ende des Lektionsnamens!"
Price: 59.99

"Time Management & Stress Management For Busy Professionals" |
"It can be easy to allow stress and chaos to take over your life when faced with a busy schedule - filled with work and homeschooling, but it doesnt have to be that way. Take this course to learn some extremely effective time management and stress management strategies.In this course, Time Management & Stress Management For Busy Professionals, I teach you how to strengthen your mental and emotional health while increasing your productivity when youre working remotely and homeschooling your kids.Ive been managing my business from my home since 2010 and due to the global lockdown, Ive added homeschooling to my daily routine. Even with that, health (and sanity) is still a priority.In this course, youll get all of my tips, strategies and tricks of how I succeed at work and manage my daughters homeschooling all while smiling and enjoying the process. Remember, being productive is important, and so is being happy and healthy.In the, Time Management & Stress Management For Busy Professionals, course you will learn to Increase your productivity while working from home and homeschooling your kids. Prioritize your well-being with a busy schedule. Manage stress and time effectively while working from home.Be sure to take advantage of- and download all of the free additional resources included in this course. Use them to further guide you through your busy lifestyle.After youve completed the course, feel free to reach out to me with any further questions or comments you may have - I would like to hear from you. Use me as your resource and guide to achieving your goals - its why Im here!Thanks and Ill see you in the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Otimizar consultas SQL no Protheus com AdvPL+MVC" |
"#Mais que um curso ou treinamento, voc ter a sua disposio uma ferramente til para o dia-o-dia dentro de um ambiente com Protheus.Neste treinamento daremos continuidade a inovao iniciada no projeto ""Executar consultas SQL no Protheus com AdvPL"", onde aprendemos a desenvolver um mecanismo prtico e inovador para execuo das consultas SQL dentro do Protheus.Aqui nos iremos desenvolver:. No DBeaver (aplicativo para desenvolvimento SQL)- Criar sentenas SQL com DBeaver- Criar ""Consulta Padro"" (SXB) e ""Pergunta"" (SX1) via INSERT SQL. AdvPL com MVC - Desenvolvimento- Criar uma tela para CRUD da tabela de Consulta SQL (ZZS) - MVC Modelo 1- Criar uma tela para CRUD da tabela de Grupo de Consultas (ZS1 e ZS2) - MVC Modelo 3- Reestruturar os fontes de execuo das sentenas SQL gravadas na tabela customizada"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de ingls - Intermedirio (B1, B2)" |
"Ingls uma lngua muito til para poder adquirir informaes, cultura e oportunidades de emprego. Para isso, vale a pena saber dos verbos mais usados, a estrutura essencial e a gramtica necessria para poder se comunicar com eficincia. Para isso, voc contar com textos, vdeos e exerccios para poder sair do iniciante e poder se comunicar com o essencial para o nvel intermedirio do ingls."
Price: 54.99

"CISSP Communications and Network Security Practice ExamCISSP" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following types of traffic can be easily filtered stateful packet filter while maintaining the context or state of the request?a) ICMPb) TCPc) UDPd) IPe) NoneQ) IP-header contains a protocol field. If this field contains a value of 1, the data type in the IP datagram?a) TCP.b) CMP.c) UDPd) GMP.e) NoneQ) IP-header contains a protocol field. If this field contains a value of 2, the data type in the IP datagram?a) TCP.b) ICMPc) UDPd) IGMP.e) NoneQ) Tim's daily duties include monitoring the health of devices on the network. It uses a network monitoring system supports SNMP monitoring devices for abnormalities or high traffic volume passing through interfaces.Which protocols would be better to use some of the requirements is that no SNMP string expansion and the source packet inspection?Q) UDPb) SNMP V1c) SNMP V3d) SNMP V2e) None"
Price: 174.99

"Sistema de gestin documental" |
"Este curso est diseado para conocer, cumplir y aplicar las buenas prcticas de gestin documental y los estndares internacionales vigentes en planeacin, control y administracin de archivos, incrementar la efectividad empresarial reduciendo el tiempo de trabajo en temas de organizacin, conservacin y disponibilidad de archivos, minimizar los riesgos inherentes a la prdida, deterioro y fuga de la informacin empresarial, ahorro de gastos y evitar las sanciones legales por no cumplir con las normas de gestin documental.Objetivos:Estudiar y analizar los conceptos bsicos de gestin documental, principios fundamentales y la estructura de procesos. Sensibilizar a los participantes sobre la importancia de la gestin documental en las organizaciones.Analizar la normatividad archivstica y aplicarla a las organizaciones.Aprender a elaborar los instrumentos archivsticos fundamentales para la gestin documental.Marco terico de la gestin documental - Conceptos generales sobre documentos y archivosLa archivsticaImportancia de los archivosPrincipios archivsticosLa bibliotecologa y las ciencias de la informacinLa gestin documentalEvolucin y desarrollo de la gestin documentalSistemas de informacin - Sistema de gestin documentalRetos de la gestin documentalTerminologa archivsticaConceptos generales sobre los documentosClasificacin de los documentosCaractersticas fundamentales de los documentosEntorno funcional - mbito de aplicacin de la gestin documentalEntorno funcionalSujetos obligadosTipos de informacin que integran el sistema de gestin documentalInstancias asesorasComit interno de archivoConformacin y funciones del comit interno de archivoProcesos de gestin documentalPlaneacinProduccinGestin y trmitePreservacinOrganizacinDisposicinTransferenciaValoracinInstrumentos archivsticosCuadro de clasificacin documentalElaboracin del cuadro de clasificacin DocumentalTablas de Retencin Documental y bancos terminolgicos de series y subseries documentalesElaboracin de las tablas de retencin documentalPasos metodolgicosPeriodos de conservacin de los documentosInventarios documentales y Tablas de valoracin DocumentalInventarios documentalesElaboracin de las Tablas de valoracin documentalPrograma de gestin documental PGDElaboracin del programa de Gestin DocumentalPlan institucional de archivos pinarTablas de control de acceso a la informacinDelitos contra la informacinClasificacin de los delitos contra la informacinDelitos informticosDelitos contra los derechos de autorFalsedad en documentosPasos metodolgicos para el diseo de un sistema de gestin documental"
Price: 199.99

"Fsica Cuntica para Principiantes - Aprende desde cero!" |
"Bienvenid@s a otro maravilloso curso de Acorn School!Tienes ganas de aprender fsica cuntica? Este curso es el tuyo!La fsica cuntica es la parte de la fsica que estudia la naturaleza en escalas muy pequeas, a nivel atmico y subatomico, as como sus interacciones la materia y la energa a esas escalas. Aqu, la ecuacin de Schrdinger desempea el rol de las leyes de Newton en la mecnica clsica. En este curso comprenders los orbitales atmicos y la ecuacin de Schrdinger, as como muchos otros efectos y curiosidades cunticas. Primero empezaremos el curso dando unas nociones histricas y bsicas sobre la fsica cuntica, como y porqu se abandon la idea de la fsica clsica para dar pie a la fsica moderna.Una vez abordemos estas nociones, Desde Acorn School te invitamos a que entres en el curso! Gracias por confiar en nosotros,Acorn School"
Price: 99.99

"TIBCO TB0-124 MDM 8 Solution Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which statement is true for data import?a) You may be initiated by the web services.b) It may be initiated by FileWatcher.c) It must be started via the GUI.d) It creates a new version of the record when a duplicate is importedQ) What are the three actions are supported in a kind of initialization Rulebase? (Choose three.)a) spread some values of the child record attributesb) fill a dropdown menu from a datasourcec) restrict access to the attributes / attribute groupsd) default values assigned to the attributes of a new recorde) create a SoftLinkQ) changes to the file ""allmenu.xml"" were modified to include access to TIBCO's MDM guidance files you be redeployed to make the User Manual available in the menu list?a) ECM.warb) EML.earc) ECM.eard) EML.warQ) Which activity allows for the execution of a rule in a workflow?a) evaluate subsetb) interpret commandc) Evaluate Rule Based) Identify Action TypeQ) TIBCO MDM supports two methods of integration of external systems? (Pick one.)a) Java Messaging Serviceb) Java Remote Method Invocationc) web Servicesd) Enterprise Java Beans"
Price: 174.99

"TIBCO TB0-121 Active Matrix BPM Solution Designer Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are two results when a process instance is canceled? (Pick one.)a) All work items that are associated with the process instance is deleted.b) canceled process instances are automatically deleted from the system.c) The process instance is canceled in the instance selection process, but it can not be started.d) All work items that have been pended are maintained in the lists of work item.Q) Which three statements are true about the registry cards in preview forms? (Choose three.)a) E 'can choose the log level for the registry in both GI and GWT Preview tabs.b) Messages recorded by user scripts will be shown in the recording level info.c) The level required recording in the Preview Pane will only apply to the preview session.d) You can change the default level of logging in the user preferences.e) E 'can choose only the log level for the registry in GI Preview tab.Q) Which statement is true about process migration?a) process migration is controlled through the use of migration points or the use of rules migration.b) All activities are valid migration pointsc) A rule defines migration when, how and in what version of an instance will migrate process.d) the process migration can only be performed in the client work.Q) In which three ways can be defined as participants in an activity user? (Choose three.)a) dynamicallyb) Round-robinc) Randomd) Staticallye) Using ExpressionsQ) Which two statements are true about the configuration of reusable sub-processes? (Pick one.)a) All sub-process instances can use all or subsets of the data overlay at the beginning of that instance.b) All sub instances must use the same complete set of data at the beginning of the sub-process.c) changes to the data can be passed from one case to another, when the instances are running in parallel.d) changes to the data can be passed from one case to another, when the instances are running in sequence."
Price: 169.99

"Photo & Video Editing on Computer and Phone Photoshop 2020" |
"Hi! My name is Denis!I'm cameraman, blogger, and content maker. I'm a person, who will teach you how to shoot with a drone!For more than 7 years, I have been traveling around the world and making content.In this video course, I will share with you all my knowledge and experience that I have gained in practice. At the end of this course, you can easily take professional photos and cinematic videos.Here is a list of items you will get acquainted yourself in this course:How to edit Photos on your ComputerHow to edit Photos on your PhoneHow to edit Videos on your ComputerHow to edit Videos on your PhoneAt this course, I will teach you how to edit photos easily and professionally, and also edit videos either on your computer or on your phone."
Price: 29.99

"Yoga for Fitness KhushiSeYoga 4 Yoga Sequence" |
"Yoga for fitness poses will work your entire body, burn fat, and tone muscle. Include these 4 daily yoga sessions into your daily routine for overall improvements in strength and fitness. Morning yoga can help you kickstart your day on a fit note. And it can help you feel more energetic and regain body-mind balance.45 Min yoga session to help everyone increase flexibility, breathing awareness, and stress management.Pranayama session focused on breathing awareness, Improved memory, focus, concentration, and meditation.Sukshma Vyayama helps to relieve stress in joints, improve breathing, and reduce stress.This program is a wonderful opportunity to learn four ancient and powerful practices that bring forth tremendous support to the system.As the coronavirus(COVID19) situation intensifies, you might be wondering: How can I keep myself healthy: physically and mentally being at home?Yoga is an integrated system that leads towards holistic development and smooth functioning of all 8 systems like respiratory, nervous, etc. through hormones and body movements.1. Sukshma Vyayam (Yogic stretching )More than 15 basic and preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles, and align the joints are taught in the program. These movements help prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses.2. Pranayama (Breathing awareness )Breathing is an important pillar of yoga and meditation. One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve a healthy body and sound mind.3. Yogasana ( Yoga postures)Yoga teacher training program includes about 30 different yoga poses starting with poses for beginners and intermediate level practitioners and some advanced poses are included but it is for those who can do it easily.4. Dhyana (Meditation )The final objective is controlling the mind and achieving meditation with no thoughts. It is initially difficult to achieve it hence we use breath, asana and meditation techniques of sound, mantras for attaining calmness in kind.Read more about the sessions on our website KhushiSeYoga"
Price: 2240.00

"Yoga for Beginners Start your Yoga Journey KhushiSeYoga" |
"Looking to start your yoga journey but dont know how? Unable to join regular classes due to work or time issues?We all know the benefits of yoga and how it helps to be fit and healthy, so we have created the Yoga for beginners course where we learn and practice breathing techniques, Joint stretching, Yoga and guided meditation for a healthy lifestyle.Maybe youve tried a few classes and now youre ready to establish a regular yoga practice. Or perhaps youve never taken a class but have heard about the benefits of yoga and want to give it a go.There are plenty of benefits to be had from embarking on the yogic journey, and deciding to commit to a regular practice is an exciting step. Luckily, We at KhushiSeYoga have created this course to support you on your path, help you connect with the yoga, and help you find your personal and be a part of the Khushi Se Yoga community.And the best part? Yoga is an inclusive practiceeveryone is invited, and all can participate.A great place to start as a beginner or for parents isbeginner yoga. So here were sharing some of the current research on the benefits of yoga, definitions for basic yogic terms, tips for diving in with confidence, and more.The Yoga for beginners Program is an opportunity for the students to learn three ancient and powerful practices, and align ones system with his objectives of breath awareness and stress management. These techniques help students to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit and by improving the Respiratory, circulatory, and Nervous system. The three practices are,1. Sukshma Vyayam (Yogic stretching)More than 15 basic and preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles, and align the joints are taught in the program. These movements help prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses.2. Pranayama (Breathing awareness)Breathing is an important pillar of yoga and meditation. One can control the rhythms of Pranic energy with pranayama and achieve a healthy body and mind.3. Yoga for Healthy spinesimple yoga Asana sequence for daily practice for a healthy spine 4. Dhyana (Short Guided Meditation)The final objective is controlling the mind and achieving meditation with no thoughts. It is initially difficult to achieve; hence we use breath and guided meditation techniques through instructions for attaining calmness in mind.Lifetime support and practice Yoga with Khushi Se YogaFlexibility and Strength are not PrerequisitesTheres no prerequisite to begin a yoga practice"
Price: 3200.00

"Crie uma Loja Virtual com Codeigniter e o Pagseguro Sandbox" |
"Primeira coisa que gostaria de dizer que estou muito feliz em ver voc aqui. De verdade!Outra coisa que quero destacar, que TODAS as aulas do curso j esto gravadas e postadas. Do incio ao fim. Logo, voc no corre o risco de no transcorrer do projeto perceber que no h mais aulas para serem consumidas. Comigo no pessoal! Pode ficar tranquilo e verificar o contedo de cada sesso.Nesse curso, voc aprender a codificar de forma produtiva, sem enrolao, estritamente focado na prtica, utilizando o padro MVC (Model, View, Controller), fazendo uso de um dos mais poderosos framework PHP da atualidade: O Codeigniter. vlido destacar, que voc aprender a desenvolver uma loja virtual completa integrada com o intermediador de pagamentos Pagseguro trabalhando exclusivamente no ambiente sandbox.O que o Sandbox do Pagseguro?Segundo o que consta da pgina do Pagseguro Sandbox, O PagSeguro Sandbox um ambiente de teste que deve ser usado para voc integrar e testar os processos de interao entre o seu sistema e o PagSeguro. Nenhuma das transaes realizadas nesse ambiente tem valor monetrio e nele possvel simular diversas alteraes de estado das transaes.Dentre os vrios mdulos existentes, quero destacar os seguintes:Mdulo Categorias pai e categorias filhas Aprenderemos como desenvolver a os mdulos de Categorias pai e Categorias filhas que nos possibilitaro compor a pesquisa de produtos por essas categoriasMdulo ProdutosAprenderemos a desenvolver o CRUD completo de Produtos, relacionado-os com as categoriasMdulo TransaesAprenderemos a fazer o armazenamento de todas as transaes (compras) realizadas em nossa Loja VirtualAprenderemos a consultar o status de cada pedido (transao) atravs da API do Pagseguro Sandbox para alteramos a mesma transao em nossa base de dados.Teremos muito mais!Grande abrao e let's code!"
Price: 159.99

"Mutual Fund Certification for NISM VA" |
"The skills, expertise and ethics of professionals in the securities markets are crucial in providing effective intermediation to investors and in increasing investor confidence in market systems and processes. The School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI) seeks to ensure that market intermediaries meet defined minimum common benchmark of required functional knowledgeThe examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for all persons involved in selling and distributing mutual funds including: Individual Mutual Fund Distributors Employees of organizations engaged in sales and distribution of Mutual Funds Employees of Asset Management Companies especially persons engaged in sales and distribution of Mutual Funds"
Price: 1920.00

"Psychic Mediumship for beginners to intermediate" |
"The course will take students through aura's, chakra's meditation, psychic protection and psychic development through the clairs. Claivoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are explored to facilitate development. You will look at mediumship as well. There are exercises and real life stories to enhance understanding. Developing as a psychic and medium can take time and its good to have lessons that are current and stories from someone who has worked in the field and experienced first hand the essence of the work. This course is designed to take you from a beginner to exploring an intermediate level so that you will be able to do a psychic reading and look at what mediumship is all about."
Price: 24.99

"Tcnicas de EMPLEO para PROFESIONALES - (Nuevo Curso - 2020)" |
"Hay personas que consiguen empleo con ms facilidad que otras. Descubre aqu el secreto que hace a unas personas hbiles para relacionarse y lograr que otros les ayuden a conseguir trabajo; los trucos que otros usan para ser visibles en las postulaciones de trabajo y en sus perfiles de redes sociales as como las claves que hacen que una persona quede seleccionada en un proceso de seleccin sobre muchos otros candidatos. Adems, hay muchas otras cosas ms que no sabas: - Sabas que mientras ms alto es tu cargo menos oportunidades hay en el mercado laboral? - Conocas que hay robots que descalifican a la gran mayora de postulantes a un empleo?- Sabas que entre 70 y 80% de las ofertas de empleo nunca son publicadas? Estas y ms interrogantes sern solucionadas en este gran curso! "
Price: 149.99

"SAP C_TFIN22_67 Practice Tests" |
"In this SAP Tests Practice C_TFIN22_67, we will address updated questions and answers where you will test your knowledge in order to have a better score when taking the final exam.SAP certifications are one of the most requested in today's IT market, where you can have great opportunities to leverage your professional career.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.LEARN MORE ABOUT THE OFFICIAL EXAM:The ""SAP Certified Application Associate - Management Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7"" certification exam verifies that the candidate has the necessary fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of SAP ERP Management Accounting. Validates that the candidate has a good general understanding within this consultant profile and can implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. This certificate is the ideal - although not mandatory - prerequisite for qualifying for SAP Certified Professional in Management Accounting. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to become familiar with Management Accounting projects.Topics:Cost center accounting> 12%Internal Orders> 12%Product cost planning> 12%Profit analysis> 12%Cost object accounting> 12%Profit Center Accounting8% - 12%Basics of SAP ERP and SAP Solution Manager <8%Communicating <8%Organizational Assignments and Process Integration <8%Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"SAP C_THR12_65 Practice Tests" |
"Preparing from the beginning of life we prepare ourselves for the challenges of taking the first step or speaking the first words.In the current world, that is, in the present, it remains the same or you prepare for the exam or you may fail to waste time and money.Practice tests offer mock questions where you can answer your questions if you are really prepared for the official exam.Welcome to the practical test: SAP C_THR12_65.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better in your final exam.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.LEARN MORE ABOUT THE OFFICIAL EXAM:THIS CERTIFICATION REFERS TO THE THR10 AND THR12 COLLECTION ACADEMY COURSES 17. The certification exam ""Application Associate - Human Capital Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5"" verifies that the candidate has proven skills and fundamental knowledge in the area of SAP Human Capital Management. It proves that the candidate has a good general knowledge within this consultant profile, being able to implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. This certificate is the ideal prerequisite - although not mandatory - for qualifying for the different Professional Application Certificates in any of the areas of specialization. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to become familiar with HCM projects.TOPICS:Master Data Configuration> 12%Payroll> 12%Time Record Setting> 12%SAP HCM process overview> 12%HCM Report> 12%Organizational management8% - 12%ERP and NetWeaver basics <8%Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"SAP C_TPLM40_65 Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to pratice tests: SAP C_TPLM40_65If you are looking for up-to-date sources to test your knowledge you are in the right place.Our practice tests you can track your performance each time you complete a practice test you can see past history and see if youre really making progress.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.LEARN MORE:The SAP Certified Application Associate - Quality Management official exam with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP5 verifies basic knowledge in the area of SAP Quality Management. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic general knowledge within this profile of QM solutions consultant, and can implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to enable consultants to become familiar with the fundamentals of SAP Quality Management.Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Quality Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP5 certificationExamination code: C_TPLM40_65Exam level: AssociateDuration: 180 minutesNumber of questions: 80 questionsPass score: 55%Total questions to check your knowledge: 150TOPICS:Implement QM in Discrete Manufacturing> 12%Implement and configure quality control> 12%Implement and configure quality planning8% - 12%Implement and configure quality inspection8% - 12%QM in Process Industries <8%Integration of QM with S&D and Service <8%Integration of QM and MM <8%Configuration and Organization <8%Audit Management <8%Quality notifications <8%Quality Certificates <8%Sample Management <8%Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"SAP C_TSCM42_66 Practice Tests" |
"Preparing for the exam: SAP C_TSCM42_66 is a difficult task due to difficulties in finding quality study material.For this reason we decided to invest in time to offer you a practical test of qualities where you can test your knowledge and make sure that you will have a good score in your final exam.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.Whether you want a dream IT job or basic experience in navigating the challenging technical problems encountered today, SAP certification drives you in your career. SAP industry certifications tell employers that you are a capable and motivated person, but studying for them is a challenge!Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 19.99

"SAP C_TSCM62_66 Practice Tests" |
"Being recognised by your boss and being nominated for a vacancy where you can dream and live new horizons and overcome challenges have a solid career is something that everyone seeks throughout life.I prepared this practice test for you to test your knowledge focused for the exam: SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6.0 EhP6.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.Exam information:The ""SAP Certified Application Associate - Sales and Distribution, ERP 6.0 EhP7"" certification exam verifies that the candidate has knowledge in the Sales Order Management area for the consultant profile. This certificate proves that the candidate has basic knowledge within this consultant profile, and can implement that knowledge in a practical way in projects.Topics:Sales documents (customization)> 12%Shipping and customization process8% - 12%Master data8% - 12%Price and condition technique8% - 12%Sales process8% - 12%Organizational Structures8% - 12%Multifunctional customization8% - 12%Basic functions (customization) 8% - 12%Billing and customization process8% - 12%Availability check <8%Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 24.99

"SAP C_TB1200_93 Practice Tests" |
"Everyone at some point in life needs help to answer doubts if they are really on the right path. It was thinking about you that we decided to create a set of practice tests for you to prepare and feel safe when taking the exam: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business One Release 9.3 exam.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.About the exam:This ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Business One Release 9.3"" certification exam verifies that the candidate has the basic knowledge in the areas of implementation, logistics, finance and SAP Business One support. Candidates who obtain this certificate can work under the guidance of an experienced consultant to implement your first SAP Business One implementation project. NOTE: Depending on your country, you can also obtain certification at a local SAP training center. The block on this page will show you the exam options available in your country.Topics:Logistics (40%)> 12%Finance (30%)> 12%Implementation (30%)> 12%When purchasing this aware:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 44.99
