"Lean Manufacturing A-Z: Lean Operations Management" |
"Master the tools and methodology of Lean and Kaizen to have and ""impact"" and ""improve"" your business operations - manufacturing, services, industrial operations and production.Equip yourself to take a new leading role in your workplace - improving your processes, systems, business / organization.Understand the fundamentals, then details of the most effective, proven improvement methodology ever. The principles, tools and essential approaches to continuous improvement / kaizen in business systems, organization and design.Become the Lean authority in your team on improving the operations systems in your businessThis MBA style course on Lean Manufacturing prepares and empowers you to make a REAL difference. Turbo-charge your career, and your business performance, to the highest levels. This course is for the new or aspiring manager, the ambitious engineer, high flying consultant, the hands-on planners and the practical business analysts. Business operations come in all shapes and sizes with a host of unique challenges; but Lean, whilst first developed in manufacturing has successfully lasted the decades and bridged into transport, retail, healthcare, logistics, finance and service companies. Lean remains the heart of continuously improving businesses of all types to remain competitive, improving profitability, improving customer experience and customer satisfaction, reducing costs and improving delivery.Without a solid grasp of Lean, no manager, junior or senior, can competently or confidently look to improve their business operations, the processes, systems and teams that make a business successful.Take control of your career and equip yourself with a solid base in Lean Methodologies that you can practically use right now to unlock the potential of your business processes!Course Sections:1. Lean Fundamentals and Philosophy2. Value and Waste3. Inventory Management and Control4. Tools of Lean5. Quality Management6. Flow7. Scheduling and Production Planning for Lean8. History of LeanCourse ExtrasDownloadable Documents with summaries and exercisesSummary Test with 80 multiple choice questions to test and lock in your learningsTake control! Boost your career and your business! Join us today! Full List of Course Sub Sections:1. Fundamentals and Philosophy of LeanFundamentals of LeanThe 5 Principles of LeanLean is like an OrchestraMuda, Muri & MuraThe 25 Characteristics of Lean2. Value and WasteValue and Waste - IntroductionFinding Customer Value - KanoProcess Mapping for ValueValue TimelinesTea Shop VA/ NVA ExerciseTea Shop Exercise - DebriefThe 8 Wastes of Lean : TIMWOODSOther Types of WasteChasing Waste - Caution3. Inventory ManagementInventory IntroductionWhat is Inventory?Why do we Need Inventory?Little's LawCosts of InventoryRock-Boat Analogy4. Tools of LeanTools - Introduction5S - Workplace OrganizationSMED: Changeover and Cycletime ReductionSMED Method: Gantt ChartValue Stream Mapping (VSM)Visual ManagementGembaGemba WalksStandard WorkPDCA Improvement CycleA3 Reports5. QualityQuality - IntroductionReducing ComplexityReducing MistakesReducing VariationSix SigmaRoot Cause and 5 WhysJidoka - AutonomationPoka-Yoke - Mistake ProofingTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM)6. FlowFlow - IntroductionWhat Stops Flow?Reducing Variation in the SystemCauses of Variation of Demand and CapacityDemand Management - IntroductionExternal Demand ManagementInternal Demand ManagementTakt Time, Cycle Time & Lead TimeTakt TimeCycle TimeThroughput and Lead TimeTakt Time, Cycle Time & Lead Time SummarySmall Batch SizesBatch Sizes and One Piece FlowLocal Efficiencies don't make an efficient system7. Scheduling and PullScheduling - IntroductionLean SchedulingChoosing Batch SizesEconomic Batch Quantity / EOQ / EBQEvery Product Every Interval ( EPEI )PullCake Shop Example - Pull vs PushProduction Pull in a Burger ShopKanban - Production PlanningPush vs Pull ApproachesPull: Pros and ConsPush Pull Combination8. History of LeanHistory of Lean - IntroductionHistory of Lean - TimelineToyota Production System (TPS)"
Price: 99.99

"Mechanical Engineering Design - Overview - Level 2" |
"Do you want to learn the most significant concepts of Engineering Drawing/Design?From the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without attending classes, or push your way through endless textbooks/online guides Then boom! you are at the right place :)Even if you have NO knowledge about Drawing this course will make you learn to understand all the aspects of Engineering Design.The course is divided into two parts.This is the second part of the course.!Additionally, from this course, you'll learn and get acquainted with ANSYS software for Numerical Simulation, ORIGIN software for data analysis, Tecplot 360 for results, and visualization.You will find videos in the course specially created for making you understand these!By the end of this course, you will be confident and proficient with the concepts of Engineering Design.The complete package will give you an opportunity to understand the methodology followed by the research organizations in developing novel designs.MAKING YOU AN EXPERT AND A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEREnrol now, to get All the knowledge you need to start building any DESIGN you can dream offYou do not need to have any prerequisites for completing this course, we will teach you everything from the scratchRookie to Pro in Engineering DesignBy the end of this course you will be familiar with these concepts:Engineering Drawing and its typesOrthographic ProjectionsFirst Angle and Third Angle of ProjectionsSymbol of ProjectionView SelectionBasic Dimensions in Engineering Drawing Tangencies and IntersectionsTypes of Lines used in Engineering DrawingBasic Information in Engineering DrawingDrawing Layout Types of DrawingIntroduction to CAD (Computer Aided Designing)Engineering Design ProcessFeatures of CADTypes of ModellingSample CAD modelling ExercisesI am looking forward to Teaching you all About the concepts of Engineering Design from the Technical Drawing to the Computational Aided Designing"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda a Criar Jogos 3D Multiplayer no seu Celular Android" |
"Ja sonhou em construir seu prprio jogo de uma maneira fcil e interativa? Ditar as regras, criar os personages... Tudo isso usando apenas um mundo 3d com seus amigos e famlia - nada de cdigos!Vamos utilizar o maior playground pra quem gosta de criar games! Construa, Jogue, Compartilhe!O nico limite aqui a sua criativdade, crie tudo que puder imaginar!Escolha um ou mais packs para construir o seu jogo passo a passo. Escolha gneros desde jogos de corrida, passando por defesa da torre e jogos de ao. Ajude os personagens e viva suas histrias.Quer construir um jogo exatamente como imaginou? Simplesmente combine qualquer elemento de todos os estilos diferentes para criar suas prprias regras. o seu universo!Depois de criar seu jogo voc pode tambm compartilha-lo: Desafie seus amigos com seus games ou jogue jogos de outros criadores da comunidade. Todos os jogos so criados pelos usurios e esto prontos para serem desbravados!Experimente, desafie e gamifique neste novo mundo virtual e interativo.Aqui voc:- Construtor de jogos 3D drag & drop.- rea de jogos: Jogue milhares de jogos criados por outros usurios. Curta e comente!- Comunidade prioridade: Cresa no leaderboard e desafie seus amigos com suas maiores pontuaes.- Criatividade social: Construa jogos junto com sua famlia e amigos, duas cabeas pensam melhor que uma!- Elementos: Elementos de jogos j vem prontos para deixar sua criatividade ser o guia!- Pacotes de jogos: Vrios packs de jogos para guia-lo atravs de diferentes templates de gameplay!- Indicado para iniciantes: Guias e introdues para te ajudar a comear!"
Price: 114.99

"Angular Game development - Snake and Car Racing Game" |
"This course have the source code of two popular games which we played in our childhood.Snake Game This game has three modes ""Classic"", ""No Wall"" and ""Obstacle"". Car Racing Game In This game we have a road and traffic/other cars came into your way and you have to protect your car to get collide with them."
Price: 199.99

"Intro Fashion Illustration 2:Natural Textures-Fashion Design" |
"In this class, we dive into complex materials to create a larger range of designs.Our primary focus in the class is on the textures - as well as tricks and techniques to render them. Take your fashion drawings to the next level, with better physical representations of various textures!Provided in the class are scans of drawings that can be printed to easily follow along while we explore various materials.How to render leatherHow to render crocodile skinHow to render snake textureHow to render feathersHow to render natural furHow to render artificial coloured fur How to render leopard textureHow to render zebra textureThese classes will be showing detailed verbal and visual explanations on how to create advanced fashion textures - from scratch!Material used in this class: markers, wood pencil, white gel pen.Multiple camera angles are utilized, to ensure a deeper understanding on how to apply pressure with your tools and achieve the correct angles necessary for a good result.I am available (the course tutor) if you have questions or requests along the way to make sure you have the best experience!"
Price: 34.99

"Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)" |
"This course helps in : Knowing the basics of Analysis of VarianceGaining In depth knowledge of Analysis of VarianceUnderstanding One way Analysis of Variance having equal values in each sample and unequal valuesSolution of Two way Analysis of Variance without ReplicationUnderstanding the Complexity of Two way Analysis of Variance with Replication"
Price: 1600.00

"Basic Concepts of Probability & Probability Distributions" |
"This course comprises of: Basic concepts of Probability using illustrative examplesBasic Theorems of ProbabilityProbability of happening of atleast one eventBaye's Theorem in Probability applying Joint probability and conditional probabilityProbability DistributionsCalculation of Probability when there are various possible events using Binomial Distribution Poisson Distribution using mean number of casesNormal Distribution & Normal Distribution curves"
Price: 1600.00

"Proatividade como um caminho para auto responsabilidade." |
"Como voc reage diante de uma situao desfavorvel? Voc j parou para observar sua linguagem? Voc sabe fazer boas escolhas? Esse curso : Para voc que deseja ser pro ativo; Para voc que quer descobrir porque voc tem certos tipos de reao; Para voc que busca autoconhecimento; Para voc que quer entender seu comportamento; Para voc que quer descobrir sua misso de vida; Para voc que quer gerenciar o tempo;"
Price: 69.99

"PMP Exam Prep - PMBOK 6th Edition + 250 Q Practice Test" |
"Looking to take the PMP exam? That is fantastic! This Exam Prep will help you prepare for the exam by providing you with videos, quizzes, process snapshots, and a full-exam with 250 questions - all bundled in this package. The course aligns with the latest PMBOK edition and I pan to update the content regularly as and when new PMBOK editions come out. I have prepared all the questions for the quizzes as well as the entire set of 250 questions myself. You can watch this course from the comfort of your sofa, when you are lounging with your pet, or laying in bed, or you can just simply listen to me when you are driving - helping you multitask and maximizing your valuable time! Learn from a certified PMP with 20 years of professional experience. You can ace the exam. I am here to help."
Price: 94.99

"Anemia made easy" |
"Anemia made easy is simply set up in a simple, hassle-free manner, to provide a methodology that combines ease of handling with the investment of all information related to the disease to arrive at the correct diagnosis and to logically correct the problem.The course contains six modules that are explained in English. You begin by identifying the investigations necessary for the diagnosis of anemia, its group, and type. Passing through the general format, and ending with different types of anemia."
Price: 19.99

"Business English Course - Master Business English" |
"This Business English course from world-renowned language trainer Michael Davies gives you the opportunity to learn Business English from the comfort of your home computer. The course is designed in a unique way and will enable you to learn and retain the language. In the first part of each module, you will learn the vocabulary needed to understand a particular area (communication, management, HR) and in the second part of each module you will then be given the chance to consolidate your learning through questions that aid your understanding and increase your retention of the language."
Price: 29.99

"Python 3 for Absolute Beginners And Academic Students" |
"This course is a course that will teach you all the basic and advanced curriculum for Python 3 Beginners. And not only that but this course is great for Students still in school(High School, Middle School, and even University!). The Real-Life Projects within this course are targeted to academic students, for example, this course has a project which teaches you about making a program that can graph a parabola or even anything else! This course will also teach you how to make calculators, Quadratic Equations, Formulas, Interest Rate Calculators, and much much more, all in Python 3!"
Price: 19.99

"Estudios de impacto ambiental y sociocultural" |
"Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que desee aprender cmo realizar un estudio de impacto ambiental. Comprende desde la documentacin tcnica/administrativa, as como los pasos preliminares que se deben llevar a cabo, hasta la informacin que usualmente es requerida por las autoridades ambientales correspondientes antes del inicio de las actividades del proyectos que se pretende ejecutar. Adems, se incluye la identificacin, valoracin y jerarquizacin de los impactos ambientales, para los cuales se proponen una serie de medidas dirigidas a cada uno de los componentes y variables ambientales que se vern afectados por la ejecucin de esas actividades especficas del proyecto."
Price: 24.99

"Quiz on Political science and International relations" |
"This test evaluates the level of a scholar's knowledge of the world and politics.Specially for Political science scholars, international relations students or anyone who studied government in college and thinks he/she knows much about world politics.This test should show your preparedness to attend interviews into international organization, government political jobs e.t.c.Apart from testing your knowledge, whether you pass or not, your knowledge of the world and politics will also increase because most questions comes with reasons for an answer and wrong options are also explained in some cases where needed. This method of learning, they call SOCRATES METHOD."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo crear y vender tu propio programa de televisin" |
"La Televisin es un sector dinmico, grande y, sobre todo, muy divertido. Gracias a plataformas como Netflix o Amazon, la televisin se ha terminado de globalizar. Hoy, los programas se compran y se venden en todo el mundo. Quiz no lo sabes, pero seguro que muchos de los programas que ves estn creados en Israel, Holanda, Japn, o Espaa. Cualquier persona puede convertirse en creadora de programas de televisin. Manuel Feijo ha creado ms de 200 programas, muchos de ellos vendidos a nivel internacional. En este curso, Manuel te dar las claves para que aprendas a crear un proyecto para un programa de televisin 100% profesional, as como las claves para poder comercializarlo y que (con suerte!) se termine transformando en un programa. En este curso aprenders: .- Qu gneros existen en el mundo de la televisin..- Cmo se elaboran los proyectos. .- Qu puedes esperar de una negociacin con una productora o un canal..- Cmo proteger tu proyecto de posibles ""copiadores"". Igualmente, el curso adjunto experiencias reales sobre formatos que Manuel ha vendido como ""freelance"", tanto a canales de televisin pequeitos... como a Netflix!Si tienes una idea para un programa de televisin y te gustara hacerlo realidad, o simplemente quieres saber cmo funciona este mundillo, ste es tu curso. Ah! Y no se requiere ninguna experiencia previa. Simplemente, un ordenador... y ganas de escribir.Bienvenido@!"
Price: 19.99

"La ATA 100 contiene la referencia al sistema de numeracin ATA, que es un estndar de referencia comn para la documentacin de aeronaves comerciales. Este aspecto comn permite una mayor facilidad de aprendizaje y comprensin para pilotos, tcnicos de mantenimiento de aeronaves e ingenieros. El sistema de numeracin estndar fue publicado por la Asociacin de Transporte Areo el 1 de junio de 1956. A pesar de que el sistema de numeracin de la ATA 100 ha sido reemplazado, continu siendo ampliamente utilizado hasta que qued desfasado en 2015, especialmente en documentacin para aeronaves de aviacin general, en mensajes de fallas de aeronaves (para la resolucin de problemas y reparaciones post-vuelo) y electrnica y en manuales impresos."
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Guitarra - Nivel Iniciacin Parte 1" |
"Curso PRCTICO que te llevar a un nivel como msico. Logrars componer tus primeras estrofas musicales y crear una cancin completa. Logrars adentrarte en el mundo de los msicos aprendiendo a leer y escribir en el pentagrama.Alguna vez te has preguntado cmo hay que tocar con una pa en la mano?Alguna vez te has preguntado cmo crear melodas?El curso est estructurado en secciones donde vers lo siguiente:Postura en la prctica diariaPostura de los dedos al pisar.Colocacin del plectro para un buen ataque en las cuerdas.El pentagrama.Los signos musicales.Las notas sobre el pentagramaLas notas del pentagrama sobre la guitarra.Interpretar melodas escritas en el pentagrama.Acordes abiertos.Acordes con cejilla.Cifrados de los acordes.Construccin de la escala MAYOR.Construccin de la escala MENOR.Los grados musicales.Crear progresiones para improvisar o crear canciones.Los intervalos.La construccin de la triada MAYORLa construccin de la triada MENOR.La interaccin con el profesor es importante, por eso la disponibilidad est al 100%. En este curso vamos a enfocarnos a que tus aptitudes se multipliquen."
Price: 19.99

"Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness for Success" |
"Course Description: This course is a unique blend of emotional intelligence and mindfulness. It is a beginners course and has been designed with practical applications, it is a step by step approach to discovering self, learning to tap into your inner power, mastering the mind and developing a higher level of Emotional Intelligence. Learning Objectives & Outcomes: The course begins with an understanding of Emotional Intelligence, our connection with the Universe, the energies we radiate, and sensing our aura. The course provides an in-depth correlation between high emotional intelligence and success, helps to assess emotional quotient, and analyses the changes and developments required. It also develops understanding behaviors of people around us, trains us to manage ourselves and others with useful insights from self-diagnostic tools Teaches hands-on techniques, scientific methods, and spiritual practices to become mindful and develop mindfulness every day It touches upon light meditations, pranic breathing, chakra cleansing helping to establish happy and positive relationships in our lives. It helps us develop an edge at work, at home, makes friends easily, foster people close to us. It empowers us to positively influence people in our environment, connects us to the universe, understands our aura and energies. It leads us to gain self-mastery and personal influence Pedagogy: The course uses a variety of teaching tools, audio-video lectures, case-lets for developing understanding, quizzes to test your learning, psychometric assessments to provide a window into the perception of the self, and others. Exercises for the mind, body, soul, yoga and spiritual workouts, neuro-gyms, pranic breathing techniques, and cleansing chakras, and enhancing your aura & energies fields."
Price: 1280.00

"SAP FICO_GL Settings in Detail With Exclusive Explanation" |
"With the help of this video tutorials students will be able to learn and understand the logic of the fields appear in GL master.The course also highlights the necessary documentation and methodology which are used in implementation projects.After this course, the students will be able to identify and analyse the business requirements of any organization and will be able to work as SAP FICO consultant accordingly.Disclaimer: SAP and other products of SAP mentioned in the training is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP SE, Germany. I am not related or affiliated to that."
Price: 149.99

"E2E Automation testing using Robot,python,Jenkins and Xray" |
"If you are a beginner who wants to create End2End automation framework and want to gain insight regarding Industry best open source tools such as Robot framework,Jira-Xray, Jenkins,gitlabs and at the same time learn how Python scripting help in building test automation libraries, then you have made the right choice in choosing this course.This hands-on practical course breaks the unfamiliarity and complexity barriers through project examples; that will take you from no knowledge to build & gain competences in the areas of Test Automation and Test management.By the end of this course you will learn:How to install Robot framework,python,xray,gitlab and JenkinsHow to build Automation framework for Web/GUI,API,Database,Kafka,RabitMQ,Big data testing,ETL testingHow to publish Test reports in Xray-JiraPractice question/answer to test and brush up your knowledge on Automation TestingTop 10 Interview questions and answers on Automation framework"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Colors therapy for your business,health and life" |
"Colors have an influence on our minds without us knowing. Which need special consideration. This course will teach you :If you are a professional / entrepreneur, 1- How to improve sales2- Make better decisions3- How to be more productiveIf you are a home maker or want to know how your home decor colors effect your everyday life by effecting your mood and behaviour due to colors of walls, your furniture or decor.And, lastly, Learn how to add color therapy into your daily life through Yoga, meditation and other healing therapies. Learning and implementing the concepts you learn in this course will not only help you gain a new perspective but also , improve your quality of life."
Price: 19.99

"Silahkan pahami pelan pelan kala perllu dicatat.Cara boleh beda , logika boleh beda tapi hasil harus samajangan putus asa belajar fisika bagi yang logic nya lemah . semua bisa diusahakan asal ada kehendakSemua video sudah dicek .Jika ada segala informasi yang salah sampai mohon dimaafkan karena manusia tempat nya salah dan khillaf. Semua materi sudah berusaha disampaikan dengan bahasa yang sesederhana mungkin mengingat nanti dikelas sesungguhnya dosen akan sangat cepat mengajarnya."
Price: 280000.00

"Certified English course for Vocabulary and speaking skills" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject."
Price: 1280.00

"Edit Landscape Photos Like A Pro!" |
"Learn everything you need to edit landscape photos from start to finish in Lightroom! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have edited 4 of your own photos and have the skills and know-how to edit many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you in ""Edit Landscape Photos like a pro!"" and to get you started with creating stunning edits in Lightroom. I also want to give you all the skills you need to create any kind of edit that you can think of! This class is designed for those starting out in photography and for those who want to edit their landscape photography just like the professionals. It's in depth enough for those familiar with Lightroom, but also beginner friendly as I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create edits that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to edit photos for yourself or for other clients, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the images, and even a bonus free preset made by me, that I personally use.This course is made using the classic version of Lightroom, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Lightroom from the adobe website.In this course you will learn:How to use the Lightroom interface and toolsHow to create unique stylized editsSimple and easy ways you can enhance your Landscape PhotographyProper way to save and export your final photos* All stock images in this course were provided by Signature Edits, Feel free to check out their website for more awesome free raw images to practice your photo editing skills!"
Price: 59.99

"Almanca A1 Balang - Aile Birleimi, Goethe & SD Hazrlk" |
"--- 1. BLM (ETMLER) ---1. Tanma (Kendinizi tantma, isminizi, geldiiniz ehri, lkeyi, adres sorabilecek ve syleyebileceksiniz)2. Alfabe ve Telaffuz (Kelimeri heceleyebileceksiniz)3. 1-1000 Saylar (Ya, telefon numaras ve posta kodu sorabilecek ve syleyebileceksiniz)4. Kendiniz aileniz, mesleiniz, holandnz ve holanmadnz eyler hakknda sorular sorup konuabileceksiniz5. Selamlama/Vedalama6. Karnzdaki kiiye/kiilere nasl hissettiklerini sorabilecek ve cevap verebileceksiniz7. Basit cmleler kurabilecek ve sorular sorabileceksiniz.8. Zamirler ve Fiil ekimleri9. Artikel Kullanm ve oul Kelimeler10. Ulam Aralar11. Nominativ (smin Yaln Hali)12. Akkusativ (Belirtme Hali)13. Dativ (Ynelme Durumu)14. Yeme me15. Saat, tarih ve doum gnn sorabilecek ve syleyebileceksiniz16. Renkler (Eyalarn renklerini cmle kurarak syleyebileceksiniz)17. Para (Fiyat sorup, fiyatn syleyebileceksiniz)18. Severek ya da sevmeyerek yaptnz gnlk aktiviteler hakknda konuabileceksiniz19. Hobiler ve bo zaman hakknda konuabileceksiniz20. Gnlk rutininiz hakknda konuabileceksiniz (ne sklkta yaptnz syleyebileceksiniz)21. Mchten (istemek, restorantta/kafede sipari verebilme, soru - cevap - cmle - ayrlabilen fiiller ile kullanm ve 5N1K sorular)22. Wollen (istemek, mchten ve wollen arasndaki fark, soru - cevap - cmle - ayrlabilen fiiller ile kullanm ve 5N1K sorular)23. Knnen (yapabilmek/yapamamak, soru - cevap - cmle - ayrlabilen fiiller ile kullanm ve 5N1K sorular)24. Mssen (mecbur veya gerekli olmak, soru - cevap - cmle - ayrlabilen fiiller ile kullanm ve 5N1K sorular)25. Drfen (izinli olmak, soru - cevap - cmle - ayrlabilen fiiller ile kullanm ve 5N1K sorular)26. Hava Durumu27. Mevsimler, Aylar, Haftann Gnleri28. Gnn Saatleri (rn. sabah, len, akam, dn, yarn)29. Ev (evin blmleri, ev eyalar, kira)30. Haben/Sein yardmc fiilleri (sahip olmak/olmak)31. Basit ve ksa okuma paralar okuyabilecek ve anlayabileceksiniz32. Seyahat (rn. ""Tren kata kalkyor?"" gibi sorular sorabilecek ve anonslar anlayabileceksiniz)33. Yer ve Yn Tarif Edebilme34. Prsens (geni zaman ve imdiki zaman)35. Edatlar ( in, im, vor, an, unter, ber, zwischen, neben, auf, hinter, am)36. ahs ve yelik Zamirleri37. Perfekt (gemi zaman)38. Emir Kipi39. Vcut ve Grnm (rn. sa/gz rengi syleyebileceksiniz)40. Salk (hasta olduunuzu ve neyiniz olduunuzu syleyebileceksiniz)41. Basit ve kiisel bilgiler ieren formlar doldurabileceksiniz42. Ksa kiisel mesajlar ve mektuplar yazabileceksiniz--- 2. BLM (SINAVA HAZIRLIK) ---1. Goethe A1 ve SD A1 Snavlar Hakknda Genel Bilgiler2. Goethe A1 Yazma rnek Snavlar3. SD A1 Yazma rnek Snavlar4. Goethe A1 Konuma rnek Snavlar5. SD A1 Konuma rnek Snavlar--- 3. BLM (GOETHE A1 ZML FULL SINAV) ---1. Goethe A1 Dinleme Blm2. Goethe A1 Okuma Blm3. Goethe A1 Yazma Blm4. Goethe A1 Konuma BlmKonuma ve yazma snavlar teknikleri, rnekleri ve altrmalarGoethe ve SD A1 rnek snav altrmalar ve zml anlatmlar ile snava hazr olacaksnzAlmancay A1 seviyesinde elenceli bir ekilde ve bol diyaloglarla hzl bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Hem snavlara hem de gerek hayatta Almancay kullanmaya hazr olacaksnz.Kelime Listesi (Szlk)ndirilebilir Ek Materyaller"
Price: 299.99

"Cambridge English Starters Course, Units 6-11" |
"This mini-course is intended for students who are learning English as a second language. By taking this mini-course, students will improve their reading comprehension, writing, spelling, and listening skills in English. This mini-course can also be used to help students prepare for the reading and writing portion of the Cambridge YLE Starters Exam.The PDF textbook for this mini-course is inside the first lesson and covers Units 1-5. I recommend using the textbook in one of these ways:Download the PDF to an iPad or other tablet, and write directly on each page using an electronic tablet pen. You can screenshot each page after completing it, so that you may review later and check your work. (This method would require you to view the video lessons on a laptop or additional tablet)You may download the PDF and print it (in color, not black and white!) to complete. Make sure you always use a pencil so you can fix any mistakes. (This method would allow you to use only 1 device to view the video lessons while completing each textbook page on paper).Please always ensure that you use headphones or earbuds while completing lessons. It is imperative that you can hear each video lesson clearly and without external disturbances.Other Frequently Asked Questions:How long is each video lesson?Each video lesson is about 25-30 minutes, however some lessons are shorter and some lessons are slightly longer. Each lesson contains 1 unit, so for most lessons, you will complete 2 textbook pages.Can a beginner English student complete this course independently, without any help from anyone else?Yes. These video lessons were created for students to be totally self-sufficient. All answers are eventually given in each video lesson, however students should make frequent use of the Pause button and attempt to answer questions on their own, before hearing the answers from me in each video lesson.If the Cambridge YLE Starters curriculum is suitable for A0-A1 students, do you have a video course for the next level up?I am creating it now! This next video course will use the Cambridge YLE Movers ""Fun"" textbook, which is suitable for A1-A2 levels. I anticipate to have it ready soon. Please check back to this page regularly if you are interested!"
Price: 29.99

"Craft Alcohol Fermentation" |
"For the entrepreneur interested in one day launching a craft distillery, this lecture starts with a basic overview of yeast and then moves on to explore the stages of the fermentation cycle (Lag phase, Exponential phase, Stationary phase and Decline phase). This course gives the participant valuable insight into the biochemical structure of the yeast cell including its inner organelles. The biochemical processes such as the EMP Pathway, the Pentose Phosphate Cycle and the Krebs Cycle are explored. This course concludes with a look at the bad and good aspects of bacterial cells."
Price: 39.99

"Curso bsico SAP completo desde cero para 100% principiantes" |
"La digitalizacin comenz hace mucho tiempo, muchas organizaciones a nivel mundial comenzaron a evolucionar adoptando SAP.En el 2020 el impacto causado por la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus ha orillado a que ms organizaciones apuntan a una transformacin digital. Esto debido que al ser un sistema Cloud (Sistema en la nube) beneficia al negocio , ya que sus colaboradores no necesitan asistir a la oficina para realizar sus labores y no habr retrasos en los mismos.En este curso te ayudare a que adquieras los conocimientos para iniciarte y enriquecer tu dominio sobre SAP. Seguramente ya habrs notado cmo a diario se ofertan en el pas miles de empleos que exigen conocimientos en SAP, es momento de agregar peso a tu curriculum y as acceder a ms y mejores empleos .El acceso al curso es de por vida lo cual te permite realizarlo a tu ritmo no importa si trabajas o si eres estudiante ya que no existen fechas lmite."
Price: 64.99

"Final Study Guide For Solving IGCSE Core Maths Exam" |
"IGCSE 0580 Core Mathematics examination is a vital component taken by every student in this stage of life. Despite some students think they master the subject during the year, there will be always a gap between the studying and the examination solving. The gap size depends on the student abilities, practice and understanding. In this course, all students from all different directions even who don't like mathematics can find their way in mastering solving the Mathematics exams. We will solve previous exams with emphasis on training the student using past students experience and mistakes. You don't need to be the best in class in mathematics to follow this course!The course develops the examination solving skill by this ways:Section 1 with small introduction on the aims of the course and how to divide your study for the final exam given the weight of each chapter.Section 2 We are going to solve step by step 2 previous paper 1 and 3 examinations with examiner comments on the student answers to these questions. This will increase your ability in interpreting the question, understanding its language and learning from the past false responses together with making use of perfect responses.Section 3 We will solve the 2020 two specimen for the new examination. As you already now, there have been some changes to the examination style for the next 3 years period (2020-2022) so we are going to solve the available exam with the new style of examination.Section 4 We will see a real student script with a C grade and an E grade with the examiner comments on each paper in order to guide you in the do's and don'ts.Section 5 We will solve additional questions at higher levels from various sources to expand your understanding of the subject and capabilities to adopt to any type of examination questions.Then we are ending the course with a recommendation to read the syllabus content provided by Cambridge to ensure that you have revised each and every part of the syllabus!At the end of the course you will organise your ideas linking the studied material with exam solving and develop a positive attitude towards mathematics! That's your final week guide after studying and you can continue practising after receiving this data which is similar to giving a computer program training data!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel for Everyone, Every day and for Every job" |
"This course is quite different from other courses you may find like excel for beginners, Excel for Advanced users or excel essentials like that. I have seen many courses teaches many formulae and functions but most of them fails to show you the application of those formulae in solving the real world problems. I have designed this course to teach not just the formulae and functions, I am demonstrating its application with different use cases from different business challenges. Whether you are a business analyst, report creator, student, marketing analyst or someone who wants to improve your knowledge on Excel to grow up in your career, then this is the course for you. Once you complete this course you can confidently tackle real world challenges.I am going to solve more than 20 real-world excel examples during this course and you may find lot of these examples to be applicable to your work as well and you can download them and use them immediately.Some of the problems solved in this course are Rating the Salespersons Based on Sales - Poor, Average, Good, Excellent (Using Multiple IF ELSE , Conditional Formatting) Rating the Salesperson based on Sales - Poor, Average, Good, Excellent (Using VLOOKUP and compare it with using IF ELSE) Extracting Cheque Number from Bank Statement (Using MID, FIND functions) Comparing two Supplier Statements (Using VLOOKUP) Preparing Inventory Stock Status Report (Using the IF ELSE, Conditional Formatting) Calculating the Sales Amount per Product and for Product by Country (Using SUMIF, SUMIFS) Calculating the Sales Amount per Product and for Product by Country (Using PIVOT Table and compare it with using SUMIFS) Plotting Sales and Profit % and also on Cum. Sales % on 2 Different Axes (Using Combo charts - COLUMN, LINE) Calculating YOY Sales Growth (Using PIVOT Table and Charts) Preventing Data Entry Error and to make Data Entry Faster (Using Dynamic Data List which grows automatically) Splitting Names to First Name, Last Name, eMail Domain etc. (Using TEXT to columns) Highlighting Duplicates, Preventing Duplicate Entries, Showing bars, Icons etc. (Using Conditional formatting) Creating Insurance Expiry Register (Use of Multiple Conditional Formatting) Helping to Decide which Loan suits better in respect to Periods and EMI (Use of data table, PMT) Finding Break even for a Business (using 2 way data table) Cleaning Supplier Statement from an ERP to make report of your style (Using Go To Special, PIVOT Table) Getting Data from other table using non first column, (Using INDEX MATCH where VLOOKUP fails) Preparing Secured shopping list (Application of SUM, LOCK & Data Protection) Preparing organizational chart (Using Smart Art) Preparing eMail List in excel using data stored in a text file (Using Get data from text / csv) Auditing the Data Without Any Assistant (Using SPEAK CELLS option) Preparing the Payroll of Employees (Using the Absolute and Relative references)"
Price: 29.99

"How to become an expert at Algebra" |
"This course is designed to help you learn everything there is to know about one of the strongest foundational courses leading into complex math! This course will go over every topic that is taught during an Algebra 1 course with tips and tricks along the way to help with remembering and solving all the problems that come with it."
Price: 59.99
