"Voc vive sofrendo com dietas? No sai do efeito sanfona? Sua auto-estima est l embaixo? Intestino no funciona bem? Vive inchada? Seu peso no te deixa contente?Esse curso tem como objetivo ajudar voc ter uma vida mais saudvel, com menos inchao, com um intestino que funcione melhor, com um peso mais adequado, com muito mais sade e nutrio. So vdeos que podem ser assistidos um por dia e que mostram informaes essenciais para que qualquer pessoa tenha mais sade e atinja uma sade mais plena, melhorando auto-estima, peso, intestino, pele, humor...Esse curso ir ensinar voc se alimentar de uma forma correta, ou seja, ir lhe ajudar com uma reeducao alimentar para que voc nunca mais dependa de dietas mirabolantes para se sentir mais leve. Todos os vdeos mostram pequenos hbitos que incorporados no seu dia-a-dia faro voc automaticamente ter mais sade, sem sofrimento e sem passar fome. Voc aprender que SE TORNAR mais leve mais fcil do que imagina."
Price: 69.99

"Camino de la Luna - Take What You Need" |
"""Camino de la Luna"" is a series of seven books written about a journey I took around the world. I didn't realise it at the time, but I was learning about seven major spiritual principles:- Take What You Need- Unconditional Love- Forgiveness- Compassion and Self-Compassion- Courage- Truth- ReconciliationThis course is about the first of those principles; ""Take What You Need"". In this first course you will learn the meaning of ""Camino de la Luna"", and the basic principle ""Take What You Need"", exemplified by a simple breathing exercise. There is also a tutorial on rucksacks and packing - a very practical example of how we can take what we need.The course is also supported by some samples of the full colour book of this part of my journey, as well as a link to a free, text only version of this book."
Price: 19.99

"Camino de la Luna - Unconditional Love" |
"""Camino de la Luna"" is a series of seven books written about a journey I took around the world. I didn't realise it at the time, but I was learning about seven major spiritual principles:- Take What You Need- Unconditional Love- Forgiveness- Compassion and Self-Compassion- Courage- Truth- ReconciliationThis course is about the second of those principles; ""Unconditional Love"".In this course you will learn the meaning of ""Camino de la Luna"", and unconditional love. This is a concept that people practice their whole lives, so in this course I teach in the simplest way possible, using the labyrinth, water and some simple ideas to help you practice unconditional love each day.The course is also supported by a sample of the full colour book of this part of my journey."
Price: 19.99

"Listen Conversations & Learn to Speak Fluent English" |
"Learning a language can be more effective when you learn it by listening conversations and implement (speaking) it in your routine life. It doesn't matter either you are listening to a native or non-native people. I was more confused when the school teachers taught us by following strict grammar rules and rote question-answers. My parents took me to private coaching for English and Finally I had actually started learning English. The tutor was amazing. He taught some very basic grammar rules and started making live conversations. Then I came to know that the real technique to learn any language is to listen conversations and practice it.Just Remember these 7 Heaven :1. Forget grammar!Thats right. This may seem strange to you, but it is very important.If you are preparing for an examination, then you should study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English conversation, then you should try to learn English without thinking about grammar too much.The reason why I say this is that to become fluent, you need to be able to speak without pausing to think of the correct words and sentence construction.If you are constantly trying to translate what you want to say from your own language into English, whilst thinking about all the grammar rules youre supposed to be using, youll most likely become bogged down, hesitant and fail in your fluency goal.2. Think in English.The toughest thing in learning a new language isnt a language, it is all about how you think in the language. If you think in your native language when you are trying to speak it is quite difficult to get fluency.Here is the solution for the problem. Try out this anywhere, try to think in English whatever you want to speak also whenever you think in your mind always think in the English language. Utilize dictionary whenever you require. This will definitely help people to get fluency in the English language.3. Speak to yourselfYou can do this anywhere, whenever you want to practice English, get help from yourself itself. Speak out the language loudly what you think in your mind. Even though you dont have a partner to correct your mistakes speak the language loudly that make you more confident in speaking.4. Dont Be Afraid to Make MistakesSometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Dont let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think youre making a mistake, keep speaking anyway.5. Make use of mirrorEvery morning make sure you are spending at least 5 mins before getting back to your regular and speak out in the English language in front of the mirror. Select a topic, set the timer to speak whatever you want.6. Concentrate on fluency, not grammarWhen you speak, notice how many times you stop? The less you stop, the more confident you get. The sentence you practice might be not a perfect grammar that is okay dont take it as a big issue. Practice makes you perfect at the end of the session.7. Try out some tongue twistersTongue twisters are quite difficult to say repeatedly. E.g. How much wood would a woodchuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Try this many times it is not so easy."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to create online surveys and quizzes in Google Forms" |
"SummaryIn this course you will learn everything you need to know about Google Forms in order to create great online quizzes and surveys. Well take a step by step approach, starting from the basics all the way to understanding the responses to our form. Well also be working on two practical examples: a customer satisfaction survey and an online quiz. Youll get access to two downloadable files: a form-assessment checklist and a question type-selection flowchart. So, after this course you will be able to confidently create your own effective online survey and quiz.Are you a student, researcher or business trying to easily and quickly gather data about large numbers of people? In that case, online survey research can help you out.Or, are you a teacher, looking to remotely test your students knowledge? In that case, online quizzes can help you out.In both cases, you can use Google Forms to create the (online) survey or quiz that you envision.What is Google Forms and why would want to learn about it?Google Forms is a powerful FREE tool that allows you to create online forms. You can fill these forms with questions and other means to gather data, creating an effective survey. Send out your survey and let it gather data while you focus on other important tasks. You can also turn your form into a quiz, that could automatically grade your students quizzes. This way you can remotely test the knowledge of your students while saving time.Who is this course for?The course is accessible to anyone, so even if you are a complete beginner you will be able to create your own online survey and quiz after completing this course. The course is likely to be most beneficial to anyone in the complete beginner to intermediate range. However, even if you have more experience with this topic you are very welcome to join!What will I learn in this course?This course takes a step by step approach to learning. So, well start out with the very basics. At the end of the course you will be able to create your own complete online form. The course is divided into the following steps, for more information feel free to browse the video curriculum:The basics: Well go over the definitions of surveys and quizzes and over Google Forms basic functionalities, such as: creating an account, finding your forms and customizing your forms.The question types/measurement items: Well learn about the different types of questions and measurement items we can use in our surveys and quizzes. Well go over HOW and WHEN to use each one, so you will be able to choose the right type of question for your purposes.Response validation: Well learn how we can get the answers we want using response validation. Please note that we will not go into detail about regular expression. However, even with regular expression, it is possible to make great online forms!Sections: Well learn how we can use the section functionality to create a form logic, so we can make sure that the right people see the right parts of our forms. Plus, well learn how we can use this functionality to make better looking forms.Other useful features: Well also take a look at the most important and useful other features, such as: collecting email addresses and adding collaborators.Quizzes: Well learn how we can turn our form into a quiz and how we can automatically grade our students hand-ins so we can test their knowledge.Sending out your form: After creating our beautiful form, we will want to send it out to our participants. Well make sure we know how to do so.Responses: Now that our form has gathered data for us, we can make use of Google Forms responses-section to see what the data is trying to tell us. Well go over this responses-section so youll be able to interpret your data.Practical examples: Customer satisfaction survey and online quizAfter we have learned about the essential functionalities of Google Forms well be creating both a survey and a quiz, so you can follow along and see how we can put our knowledge into practice.Creating a customer satisfaction surveyIf you own/work for a business, customers and their needs are very important. A respected author in the field of marketing once said: If you want to know what your customers want, just ask them. (paraphrased). Surveys are a quick, easy and effective way to ask your customers who they are, what they think about your product/service and what other services they need.Well be making our own customer satisfaction survey in this course, so you can follow along and learn how you can gather important customer-related data yourself.Creating an online quizIf you are a teacher it is likely that you want to test your students knowledge. Online quizzes allow you to do that, and to do it remotely. This way you can assign and assess quizzes from any location. Google Forms also offers the opportunity to grade quizzes automatically (when your quiz does not contain open questions), saving you time.Well be making our own online quiz in this course, so you can follow along and learn how you can assess your students knowledge yourself.Downloadable files: Form assessment checklist and question selection flowchartYoull get access to two downloadable files. The first is a checklist that you can always use to quickly assess your survey and ensure its quality. The second is a flowchart that you can use to quickly find out what question type is best suited for your purposes.Im looking forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 164.99

"SAP CO Product Costing by Period Scenario in S4 HANA 1909" |
"SAP CO Product Costing by Period Scenario-Repetitive Manufacturing in S4HANA 19091).Difference between Desecrate and Repetitive Manufacturing Process.2).Identifying the materials of which Repetitive Manufacturing.3).Purpose of Product Cost collector in Repetitive Manufacturing.4).How to create Product Cost collector in Repetitive Manufacturing.5).How to do Cost collection/capture to Product Cost collector7).Explanation of the Reporting Points.8).""Work in process"" concept between Desecrate and Repetitive Manufacturing Process.9). Decoupling Scenario: Mixed of Product Cost Collector and Production Order10).Explanation of linking between Product Cost Collector and Production Order11).How to cost capture indirectly Product Cost Collector even book to Production Order.12). Design Costing Variant,Costing Sheet, Template Allocation for Product Cost Collector,13). Month End Closing of Product Cost Collector of Each Scenario. "
Price: 2880.00

"CMRP Exams" |
"The Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) program is the #1 leading credentialing program forcertifying the knowledge, skills and abilities of maintenance and reliability professionals. The CMRP is accreditedby the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which follows ISO standards for its accreditation andprocesses. Examining more than just textbook information, the CMRP is a thorough examination of a broader scopeof expertise measured against a universal standard. It was developed to assess professionals' aptitude within thefive (5) pillars of the Maintenance and Reliability Body of Knowledge: Business Management, Equipment Reliability,Manufacturing Process Reliability, Organization and Leadership, and Work Management.The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Certifying Organization (SMRPCO) is organized for thepurpose of fostering high standards of ethical and professional practice in the delivery of services through arecognized, the key elements of SMRPs mission are the improvement of the maintenance and reliability professionand supporting the education of maintenance and reliability practitioners. In support of increasing the recognitionand assurance of the capabilities of maintenance and reliability processionals, SMRPCO has developed andcontinued to improve a certification process for maintenance and reliability management. The CMRP exam hasbecome the international standard measure of competence in Maintenance & Reliability field.The exams test and validate the skills and abilities of maintenance, reliability, and assetmanagement professionals.The Examination for Certification in Maintenance and Reliability Management consists of 110 multiple-choicequestions. Examinees are allowed two and a half hoursto complete it. The examination is closed book with noreference materials allowed in the examination room"
Price: 19.99

"Acrcate a la programacin (fundamentos de la programacin)" |
"Este curso esta dirigido a todo aquel que se inicia en la programacin, ya sea por inters personal o porque comienza algn estudio afn a esta.En este curso nos centraremos en la funcionalidad e implementacin de los temas correpondientes a cada leccin, sin dejar de lado la parte conceptual, pero sin llegar a ingresar en ella en su totalidad"
Price: 270.00

"Learn Functional Testing ,and Jira From Scratch" |
"Learn Software Testing from basic level to Advance level in Details .Learn Agile Model and Jira from Scratch and in details which is very useful in current Market.After completion of all the sessions I am sure you will gain enough Knowledge in Software Testing along with Domain Knowledge on Banking sector .Please do practice along with all the theory sessions ."
Price: 1280.00

"Drip Campaign & CRM Follow-Up Mastery for Real Estate Agents" |
"A powerful workshop series that teaches you exactly how to set up an Engaging and Responsive Long-Term Follow-Up Plan in ANY CRM software even if you have no clue where to start and what to send. Close more of your expensive and time-consuming leads faster through efficient automation, increased engagement, and a better understanding of CRM software tools. Taught by a Top Producing Agent who has prospected tens of thousands of real estate leads. In this Course we give You Agent-to-Agent Training AND a Proven Follow-Up Drip Campaign for you to build in any CRM quickly and easily!"
Price: 79.99

"Covid Coordinator" |
"In this Course You will learn about the following:SAFETY AT WORKPREVENTION AND CONTROL OF INFECTIONHEALTH AND WELLBEINGREPORTINGYou will get a Covid Coordinator Certificate after completing this course.This course is for the people who wants a job at a company ,having more than 30 person, as a covid consultant/coordinator.This course will also help you to take responsibility as covid coordinator if you already work in a company."
Price: 24.99

"Welcome to art school . Easy drawing Course. You will learn drawing from basic to master class essentially. In an amazing way. Want to learn the highest quality and best drawing course? Are you afraid of drawing and white paper? Would you like to solve your drawing problems forever? Learn a basic drawing, and step-by-step Course.I have discovered your needs and worry. For years I've been looking for the best drawing techniques. Drawing your job and skills will be increases. your business be more income. If you are a painter, illustrator, art teacher, designer architect, sculptor in art work, learning to drawing is very important. This course fulfills your dream of drawing skills. Here's a structured outline of your progress. I will guide you step by step to your goals in drawing. I know your needs. You are just a little worried and this Course will disappear your fear. Many workouts start from beginner level and train you to advanced level. Learn how simple drawing method for anything. Body, landscape, animals, subjects, portrait, ...For anyone who wishes to draw. Any age and anywhere. Practice the course with understanding volumes. Spherical cylindrical cubes and cones. Everything is drew with these four volumes. I start with simple exercises. But do you believe that at the end of the course you can draw your own family photos with the techniques of this course? Yes, from simple lines and circles and ellipses to pictures of your own family. With four techniques and four steps I will teach you even a portrait of Lionel Messi. Good to see and analyze. Prepare your eyes and hands. Drawing will be easy.Learn how to hold a pencil. Let go of past fears of white paper In the first step, you learn to release your senses by drawing lines. Just draw beautiful lines without thinking. I just want your hand and pencil dance. Unite your hands and your pencil. Like the leader of an orchestra. This is the figure technique. Figures method is to understand the generality and sense of the model. Draw your friend in just seconds. Yes in a few seconds. enjoy. Rotate and draw objects in all directions. From dozens of different angles. This girl is dancing in ballet. Just the sense of girl. In the second method, you learn to draw the figures slowly with the contour method. Contour curves. Unlike the previous one, this method is slow but enjoyable. Draw with your eyes, not with pencils. Don't look at the paper. In the third way you learn to draw with proportions. Be careful like a ruler. Follow the millimeters. We discover the slopes and angles. Slope Angle Distance Scale. What is the importance of scale in drawing? The fourth way you learn is to draw a volume. Discover each topic in four major volumes. Spherical cylindrical cubes and cones. The objects are all made in four volumes. Even a bird. We practice rotating the volumes. Combining volumes to make objects. No object is complicated because I will teach you analytics skills. Use the objects themselves instead of imagination and pictures. Draw the object in your hand. Accurate and close. Your eye and hand triangle should be strengthened. For this you can pass these master fundamental lessons.You understand the intensity and direction of light shading. How is the shadow shape created? How does light dance on your hand? See technical notes and geometry of light and shadow. How does light shadow the volumetric collision? What is cast shadow and how is it created? Sunlight or artificial light? What is the highlight? How do shadows and objects affect each other? What do the cube and cylinder shades look like?What are the shades of gray? Is it with thousands of dark and light? Not just three degrees of tonalities. Black and white gray. How light shades on fabric? Again three degrees on the cloth. Black and white gray. How do light or broken surfaces change light? Look at the glitter and shine of the glass. Practice sharp reflections on the glass. What is a hachure? Can shading be done ? Yes it is possible . Draw a portrait with a hachure. Draw eye shadow so that it looks real. The eyes are the most important and attractive part of man. The outline of the drawing is important so that the details are plotted correctly.What is realistic drawing? Wait a while to practice the basics of shadow. Realistic drawing is the best step in shading. Understand the texture of objects. Learn the perspective with this simple course. Two important laws of perspective. Shorter and smaller when we are far from everything . Do you know what two-point and three-point perspectives have to do with drawing? Do you want to see the volumetric rotation again from a perspective? Understand the perspective by bringing things together.With hundreds of varied and engaging exercises from real subjects. Fruit Basket for Exercises. Apple Pomegranate Lettuce Cucumber. Animals, humans, objects and a hundred excellent exercises. Everything you have is great for drawing. Papa Noel, Facial Components. Eyebrow nose eye lip hair.Know the drawing tool. Of course draw with anything even a simple pencil. Because it's important to feel, not the tool. In this course I will show you that feeling is more important. Even an old and pen. It matters how you feel and your hand pressure. Learn how to measure. Estimate the dimensions with a pencil or ruler. Let's try different tools together.Then analyze the mistakes in red. Analysis helps you find your mistakes and not repeat them in the next exercise. This mistakes will be solve step-by-step in this training. Be prepared with these four techniques. Take photos of the family and draw them . You can surprise them and give them your own beautiful drawing. And also to friends. Send me your workouts to see your progress and have a feedback.learn. Be professional. Learn drawing skills and change your career and life. Follow the simple exercises of this course carefully. I'll send you the answers to the questions. Change your mind about drawing. Become a beginner to a professional. This course is to your drawing needs. The content of this tutorial is easy to draw using the step-by-step method. Based on your goals. Draws your pencil with your hand and eye skill so break your fear right now.About 10 hours and more than 100 lectures with 100 practices, master course in clear content. From beginner's to advance. This is the most complete drawing course. No question asked money back guarantee. This course is created with nine hour 100 percent responsive help. Share this with your friends and groups."
Price: 74.99

"User Stories in Agile Projects" |
"Increase the success of your agile project with high-quality User Stories, which describe the wishes of the users in a simple and experience-oriented way.Many companies today take an agile approach to project execution. Besides the project organization according to the agile framework, a major challenge is the definition and documentation of requirements. In the past, this was created in the form of a classic requirements documentation, but in agile projects however, User Stories are utilized.A User Story is a short and simple requirement description, which usually consists of only one or two sentences.These sentences alone could not replace a complete requirements documentation, but if written correctly and processed correctly in the project team, it will unfold an enormous value.In this course you will learn how to write such User Stories in high quality, how to work on further requirements in the team, how to define acceptance criteria and much more. The goal of the course is to make you an expert in the field of User Stories, no matter if you are completely new in this field or if you have already gained some experience.Included in this course:26 HQ Video Lectures that will help you to understand the content in a clearly structured and simple wayQuizzes at the end of each chapter to help you check what you have learned and to test yourselfResources and reading recommendations to further deepen the knowledge gainedFull lifetime access, meaning that the contents are available to you for an unlimited time. So you can use them to look up information if you are unsure or to complete the lessons at your own speed.30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeWhether you are completely new to the field of User Stories, or have already gained some experience in this area, this course will help you turn theory into practice and to create high quality User Stories.Sign up for the course today and I look forward to seeing you in the Lectures!"
Price: 129.99

"Beginners Course on Power BI with Azure DevOps (ADO)" |
"Course covers different steps to connect to your Azure DevOps Data from Power BI and create reports on top of it. Also you will see couple of extensions that will be helpful for your reporting. This course is targeted to Project Managers and Scrum masters who have very little knowledge on Power BI and want to report on Azure DevOps.** This is not recommended for you , if you are already good at Power BI and understand the data connectivity options , as this course covers very basic information and it is mainly targeted to the audience stated above **Key Topics Covered in the Course : Getting Data from Azure DevOps using Azure DevOps Connector(Boards) Adding Analytics Views on ADO and using that in PBI Using Odata Feed Connector Using Odata Queries How to Use Standard Queries Available Installing the extension on ADO and downloading PBIT file"
Price: 1280.00

"Living Law Taiwan-125 years of political/legal evolution" |
"The island of Taiwan has been home to peoples from both near and far over the centuries. Polynesians, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, and Japanese have all called the island home. The strategic location of the island has made it sought after and fought over throughout its history. Each wave of visitors and conquerors left its imprint on the cultural, political and legal fabric of the societies on Taiwan. In the 20th century, Taiwan became the last outpost of the Nationalist forces who were driven from the Chinese mainland in the Chinese civil war. To get a feel for the authoritarian period which followed, Living Law travels to the Matsu Islands, which used to be at the front lines of the inner-Chinese military conflict. We cover the key features of the long period of martial law, as well as the bilateral defence treaty which (militarily and economically) tied the United States to Taiwan throughout the Cold War. More than once it looked as though Taiwan could become the trigger to a Third World War. The US pivot to the People's Republic in the 1970's had dramatic repercussions for Taiwan. We examine the diplomatic agreements which aimed to maneuver through international waters as treacherous as those of the Taiwan Straits. We focus especially on the role of state recognition under international law. Despite the geopolitical shifts and the death of its President, the Taiwanese people hardly stood still. Within just two decades, Taiwan emerged from one-party rule and martial law to become one of Asia's economic tigers. We cover Taiwan's reaction to a ""rising China,"" tracing a series of cross-Straits cooperation agreements which helped de-escalate historic tensions. Finally, we consider the prospects for Taiwan's future under application of the ""One China"" policy of the People's Republic. Is it possible to bring a democratic society of 23.6 million people within the framework of a Communist system which rules over 1.4 billion people?"
Price: 29.99

"Praxistipps fr Redner" |
"Oh Gott, ich muss ne Rede halten! Das kann jedem passieren. Das tolle ist: Es macht sogar Spa. In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Dein Auftritt - egal vor wie vielen Menschen - zu einem unbedingten Erfolg wird. Krpersprache, positive Sprache, Icebreaker und viele weitere Themen werden Dir das ntige Know-How verleihen, ein wirklich guter Redner zu sein."
Price: 24.99

"Co Marketing, o cmo hacer ms con menos" |
"En este curso aprenders las herramientas para planificar tus acciones de co marketing, tanto a nivel interno como con las empresas con las que colaborars, te hars con ideas practicas para acciones concretas y sabrs como convencer a las partes para integrarse a tu equipo.El co marketing es la tcnica ideal para dar soluciones a todos aquellos que, como yo, alguna vez han tenido que conseguir objetivos de marketing para sus empresas o sus clientes (subir facturacin, mejorar la imagen de marca, penetrar un nuevo mercado objetivo, por ejemplo) pero que cuentan con un presupuesto limitado. Cuntas veces nos hemos encontrado que tenemos que presentar soluciones, presentar acciones novedosas, obtener resultados y todo esto con pocos recursos ya sea de dinero o de recursos humanos? En mi caso en muchas...Muchas veces lograr estos objetivos son fundamentales para tu carrera o para la supervivencia de tu empresa.Con el co marketing podemos conseguir aumentar nuestras ventas, mejorar nuestra imagen en el mercado, acercarnos a nuestros clientes para comprenderlos y fidelizarlos y muchas cosas ms.Esta tcnica no requiere de mucho dinero pero si necesitar dedicacin y trabajo Tenemos que hacer que otras empresas quieran trabajar con la nuestra, y para ello, debemos convencerlas de la utilidad del mtodo y de los beneficios que puede reportarle. As que tenemos que tener muy claro cmo queremos colaborar, qu necesitamos de las otras empresas y cmo lograr que trabajen con nosotros.Esto requiere que mostremos una profesionalidad y una planificacin del trabajo brillante , nadie quiere trabajar con quienes improvisan, ni arriesgarse a perder dinero o imagen por embarcarse en algo novedoso.En tiempos de crisis llevar adelante estrategias de co marketing son esenciales ya que dan ms con menos.Bienvenido al curso, espero que lo aproveches y pongas en prctica cuanto antes lo aprendido.Muchos xitos!"
Price: 29.99

"Mongolian for Travelers" |
"Mongolia is located in north-central Asia and is well known by Chingis Khan around the world. If you are planing to travel to Mongolia or just interested in learning Mongolian language then this course is for you. I will teach you some basic words and sentences which will help you to get around easily. One of the most rewarding aspects of learning new language is being able to connect and communicate with others in their language and it's an incredible gift that you can give to yourself. Research has shown the knowing more than one language is associated with creativity, better reasoning and problem solving skills."
Price: 49.99

"Document Automation using Documate" |
"In this course, you will learn how to automate your legal documents using Documate. The McKinsey Global Institute found that 23% of a lawyer's job can be automated. Legal documents can be tedious and repetitive. However, with the right approach, you can automate the creation of legal documents.Documate is one of the most powerful technologies to improve your legal practice. Attorneys that embrace document automation will enjoy tremendous benefits resulting from their new competitive advantage.Get started automating your documents!Royalty-Free Music from Bensound"
Price: 19.99

"Prepare the Safe 5.0 Leading Safe certificate" |
"This course and practice exams are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with SAFE.This course will help you prepare for SAFE 5 Leading safe SA (SAFE Agilist) exam.This course will prepare you for the certification thanks to Mock tests. No previous experience with Scrum is needed but it is better to read the Scrum Guide before and Agile Manifesto.In this course you will:Exam simulation with the help of mock exam questionsLean-Agile mindsetCore competenciesScrum of ScrumInformation about the exam :This course prepares you for the SAFE 5 Leading safe Exam.The simulation test has between 20 and 30 questions, 60 min to complete and 77% pass mark. The test questions are perfect preparation for the SAFE 5 Leading safe Exam.Contact the Author for any questions you have around the Exam or test questions.You should have read through the Scrum guide on Scrum (dot) Org.You should have read over the scaled Agile Framework (dot) com.You should have experience with the Scrum Framework and ideally have experience being a Scrum Master.This is an intermediary course/exam.It is mandatory to subscribe a course in scaledagileframework platform and follow the path of the training. Each step will enable the next step and after the exam.If you pass the exam, you will receive this message by SAFE :Hi ***** *****,Thank you for taking the SAFe 5 Certified Member Upgrade Exam (5.0).Congratulations! You passed with a score of 100.0 percent.Weve included a breakdown of your scores in each section.Section Scores:SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 1: Business Agility:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 2: Team and Technical Agility:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 3: Agile Product Delivery:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 4: Enterprise Solution Delivery:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 5: Lean Portfolio Management:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 6: Organizational Agility:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 7: Continuous Learning Culture:100%SAFe 5 Upgrade Section 8: Lean-Agile Leadership:100%You may now accept your digital badge to share your SAFe certification achievement with employers and peers.If you want to study before to do the exam, you should study these sections :Business AgilityTeam and Technical AgilityAgile Product DeliveryEnterprise Solution DeliveryLean Portfolio ManagementOrganizational AgilityContinuous Learning CultureLean-Agile LeadershipSafe PrinciplesCustomer Centric"
Price: 34.99

"Redao Estratgica Empresarial" |
"O curso explora a Redao Estratgica como base para a construo de textos profissionais e pessoais competentes. A partir da compreenso dos fundamentos da Redao Estratgica, reunidos pela idealizadora do evento, Cristina Vieira, o participante interage com tcnicas e ferramentas essenciais para atingir a eficincia textual. A percepo do outro, a comunicao assertiva, a concepo da lngua como instrumento fundamental para a efetivao da comunicao so alguns aspectos explorados. Os conceitos so exercitados e discutidos ao longo do curso, ao mesmo tempo em que o aluno conta com um excelente material complementar para orientar sua produo textual.7 razes para fazer o curso:1. Acesso ao Crculo Referencial da Redao Estratgica (indito).2. Aprender a utilizar de forma objetiva e prtica: crase; vrgula; palavras como: anexo, mesmo, onde, aonde, esse, este, aquele; os porqus; verbo haver; gerndio e quesmo.3. Tornar-se apto a planejar o texto e nele inserir caractersticas necessrias para assegurar sua competncia e elegncia.4. Tornar-se capaz de estruturar e-mails, cartas, relatrios e outros gneros textuais de forma adequada e persuasiva.5. Aplicar a Redao Estratgica no dia a dia.6. Acesso Vitalcio.7. Fazer o curso com a criadora do Crculo Referencial da Redao Estratgica."
Price: 129.99

"Module 1: Supply Chain Network Designing" |
"Below are the lessons that will be discussed in detail for Module 1 : Supply Chain Network Design - BasicINTRODUCTION TO NETWORK DESIGNING FACILITY LOCATIONSThere are no prerequisites required for this course but it is highly suggested that you complete the rest modules for understanding the full extent of the course and amazing things it has to offer.""The primary purpose of a supply chain network design is to assess company policies and programs and to meet targets to accomplish longterm strategic objectives, and most business units or functional areas within a company are impacted by a network design project""-Tompkins InternationalSupply chain is the language of modern global economy , you will see different supply chain networks no matter at which position you are in company or firm. Everything you see in front of you the finished product came through a supply chain or multiple supply chain networks , Now you may ask yourself what is supply chain? it is the flow of Physical material , Finance and Information from origin usually the manufacturer to the end consumer . You will see data flows produced by the optimization models and how we can use excel solver for supply chain network designing and formulate different variants of models for supply chains. This module is packed with many practical examples , assignments and tests and some solver tutorials , it will make you start think like a supply chain specialist."
Price: 19.99

"Mimarlar iin sfrdan Sketchup renelim" |
"kurs ierii olarak sketchup arayzn ve tm komutlar batan sona renip modern bir villa modellemesini yapyoruz ayrca render programlar ile de render alyoruz. Bu ders sonunda SketchUP mimari proje izimi yapabilecek ve render almak iin 2 programa hakim olacaksnz.Derslerimizdeki kaynaklardan yararlanarak sizde eitim setimizdeki villann Autocad dosyasn indirerek kendiniz Sketchup zerinden izebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99

"How to Inexpensively start a podcast" |
"On this course, you will learn how to inexpensively start a podcast through the tricks of the trade I learned creating my own podcast.We will discuss creating a niche, merchandising, distribution, monetization, video editing, marketing & promotion, and MORE!I made this course as simple as possible for the beginning stages of podcast production with little to no budget.With the knowledge you will receive on this course you have the tools to inexpensively produce your own podcast."
Price: 124.99

makemoneyonlinedz |
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Price: 24.99

"Narasimha Protection Meditation" |
"Connecting to Narasimha by using this meditation course gives protection, beauty and health to your life.Course. During this course you learn to chant Kshraum which is on mantra to invoke Narasimha - an Archtype of Vishnu.You also learn to direct the sound waves of Kshraum mantra to your body and brain to open and clear the energy centers - chakras."
Price: 24.99

"Beyond English: Pronunciation" |
"This is an English pronunciation course for students of English as a second language (ESL). You will learn many of the basic pronunciation features of English. We cover individual sounds (phonemes) and connected speech. The videos are a mix of mini lectures and practical activities. This course is designed to help you feel more confident when you speak and understand more when you listen. This is NOT an accent course."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de FreeStyle - Original Barber" |
"Nesse curso eu te ensino passo a passo a tcnica que eu desenvolvi, voc vai saber como eu me tornei um dos maiores profissionais na rea. Eu vou abrir a caixa preta e vou te ensinar o melhor caminho para chegar em alto nvel, eu vou te mostrar tudo que aprendi em torno de 23 anos de profisso."
Price: 264.99

"21 Days Law of Attraction Experience." |
"In this course, you will get a clear understanding of the questions you might have about the Law of Attraction.How do I know if I am using the Law of Attraction properly?Are you confused or skeptical about the Law of Attraction?Do you really think if it works?Do you think its for the lucky ones but not for me, nothing good quiet works in my life?What does it mean to have a High or Low vibration?What is Manifesting?How long does it take to Manifest Something?You will learn :Alignment: You will start getting into alignment with who you truly are at the soul level.Empowerment: You will start feeling empowered from within.Grounding: Youll learn how to use grounding techniques whenever you need to.Trust: You will start to trust yourself and your journey.Committed: You will consistently stay committed to your desires in a joyful way.Abundance Mindset: You will start to shift from a place of lack to a place of abundance: your natural state.Joy: Your Vibration will start to shift to a place of joy.Here is what you get apart from a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCELifetime access to the curriculum.Question answer session.Completion Certificate."
Price: 1280.00

"Cisco Firepower - Learn Advanced Network Security" |
"This course is meant for experienced networking professionals willing to learn about network security, specifically, Cisco Firepower. The course covers the Firepower components like IPS, AMP, URL Filtering, etc. in deep detail and enables the students to understand their working. Moreover, get access to Cisco's official training on Cisco Firepower Management Center for free when you subscribe to this course. The bonus videos cover the Firepower Management Center in great detail."
Price: 74.99

"Python For Accountants AccountingPy Accounting" |
"This course is directed at professional Accountants who are already skilled in Microsoft Excel. As such we will often reference how excel works and try to translate that into Python.This course is not designed to teach you everything about Python. The course will skip over many aspects of Python that are not necessary for accountants. If you're looking to geek out on Python and learn every aspect of the language this course is not for you.What this course is:This course will give you the basic to start your journey learning Python. Learning Python will transform you into the most efficient accountant your company has ever seen. This course will teach you critical aspects of Python that accountants need to know without wasting your time.In my journey to learn Python and create this course I've done the following:Spent hundreds of hours going through tutorials where only 15% of the information was relevant to accountantSpent thousands of dollars paying full blown software engineers to tutor me where every tutorial fell shortPainstakingly failed countless number of times before finding the ""right"" way to do almost every accounting tasksSpent all my nights and weekends for months compiling everything I've learnedWrote and rewrote every lesson until I felt they had everything you need without wasting time on things you don'tNow you can learn python in a relevant way that impacts your job performance faster. "
Price: 199.99
