"Encryption in SQL Server 2019" |
"Welcome to Encryption in SQL Server 2019. In this course you'll learn about the sundry approaches Microsoft uses to encrypt data. Microsoft SQL Server supports 5 different kinds of encryption for protecting data. While you'll learn about all of them the course will focus on the most recent and most often used approaches to encrypting your data. In this course you implement two types of data encryption in SQL Server 2019 and one type that's not encryption but is a solid option for securing data. They are:Column Level EncryptionTransparent Level EncryptionDynamic Data MaskingEncryption is the process of obfuscating data by the use of a key or password. This can make the data useless without the corresponding decryption key or password. Encryption does not solve access control problems. However, it enhances security by limiting data loss even if access controls are bypassed. You can use encryption in SQL Server for connections, data, and stored procedures.Data protection is critical for ensuring that your organization is compliant with regulatory compliance standards like the GDPR and for meeting the expectations of your clients and business partners. Not only can data breaches result in large fines, but the reputational damage can be just as great. One you've completed this course, you'll have a solid understanding of data encryption techniques in SQL Server. Thanks for your interest in Encryption in SQL Server 2019.Let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Canva - Desperte do designer que existe em voc" |
"Ter autonomia para criar banners, peas de marketing e outros materiais fundamental para otimizar tempo e economizar dinheiro. O Canva uma ferramenta incrvel que permite te dar a liberdade de criar qualquer pea de design em qualquer lugar, pois 100% online.Alm disso, voc pode at editar usando um smartphone. O Canva tem todos modelos de banners e tamanhos para redes sociais. Voc tambm pode compartilhar para edio colaborativa."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de clculo en una variable con Python y Wolfram Alpha" |
"Las integrales, las derivadas, el clculo de lmites o la suma de series son solo unos pocos de los muchos temas que necesitas dominar para ser un maestro del Machine Learning, de la Inteligencia Artificial o incluso del desarrollo de apps y videojuegos. Desde las redes neuronales a las funciones de activacin, el estudio de distribuciones de probabilidad, la aleatoriedad en videojuegos, el path finding o el anlisis de datos son solo algunos ejemplos donde tener una slida base de clculo en una variable te ayudar a destacar y ser capaz de entender cmo funcionan realmente estos algoritmos. Conoce todo el clculo de funciones de una variable de la mano de Juan Gabriel Gomila, Arnau Mir y Lloren Valverde, expertos en la materia, matemticos y con ms de 30 aos de experiencia tanto en su docencia como en su aplicacin prctica en el machine learning y el anlisis de datos. Asienta las bases para convertirte en el Data Scientist del futuro con todo el contenido de clculo del curso, ahora podrs por fin entender de dnde sale esa derivada, o por qu esa integral converge. En particular vers los mismos contenidos que explicamos en primero de carrera a los matemticos, ingenieros, economistas, bilogos, mdicos o informticos como por ejemplo:Uso correcto de Python para el clculo de lmites, suma de series, derivadas o integrales entre otros muchos ejemplos.Cmo utilizar Wolfram Alpha / Mathematica para el clculo simblico y algebraico de lmites, sumas de series, derivadas o integrales.Axiomtica de los nmeros reales, su necesidad, sus propiedades y su rol en el mundo actual.Sucesiones de nmeros reales as como lmites y series, para entender las tendencias, y los criterios de convergencia.Estudio completo de funciones, como por ejemplo su dominio, la continuidad, o la derivabilidad entre otras propiedades.Teoremas bsicos de derivacin e integracin como Bolzano, Rolle, el Teorema del Valor Medio o el Teorema Fundamental del Clculo entre otros.Clculo de derivadas y su aplicacin en problemas de optimizacin o a la aproximacin de funciones por polinomios de Taylor. Clculo de primitivas, integrales y cmo usar integrales para el clculo de reas, longitudes de curvas y volmenes de revolucin.Todo el conocimiento necesario para que luego puedas hacer las integrales y derivadas que aparecen en los cursos de Probabilidad, de Estadstica, de Machine Learning y de Inteligencia Artificial.Tareas, ejercicios, tests, problemas y casos reales para que pongas en prctica todo lo que aprendas con nosotros en el curso.Repositorio Github con todo el material del curso para disponer de los mismos scripts que usamos en clase desde el minuto inicial."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Ethical Hacking From A-Z: Beginner To Expert Course" |
"Welcome to - Learn Ethical Hacking From A-Z: Beginner To Expert Course!This practical, hands-on course was created for newbies that's to say, people with no prior training or knowledge in hacking and cybersecurity. The aim of this course is to give you the education not just to understand what black-hat hatters do and how, but also to learn exactly how to hack systems like a pro and win the cat and mouse game by securing systems like a professional security expert.Blending practical work with solid theoretical training, we take you from the basics of ethical hacking through to mastery, giving you the training you need not just to hack, but also to secure against a hack.While the theory is important, we understand that it can also be dry and uninspiring. For this reason, this course is packed with examples that you can follow. This practical focus starts from the beginning, where we will teach you about penetration testing and show you how to install the software required (Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX) and jump right into hacking.Throughout, you will analyze and exploit various systems from regular websites through to sprawling networks, along with hacking servers and clients. More than just hacking, you'll also learn how to conduct efficient penetration testing techniques.This approach gives you the foundational education that you need not just to hack any given system, but also to secure it, with each module covering both sides of the coin. The course covers six main areas:1: LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS NECESSARY TO BECOME A HACKERThis foundational section gives you a full introduction to the basics of networking systems how they communicate and work and is designed to give you the knowledge you need to succeed in this course.BASICS OF NETWORKING: Networking can be an intimidating topic, but dont worry! We break down only the necessary things that you need to know in regards to networking and teach you important networking fundamentalsSETTING UP A HACKING LAB: You cant hack without a lab! We walk you step-by-step through the process of setting up your own hacking lab on your laptop or desktop computer!LINUX + SCRIPTING BASICS: Hackers use Linux, which is an OS that the average person may have no experience with. We will go over Linux fundamentals so that you can easily navigate your way through Linux during this course. We also touch on a couple of scripting languages that are a MUST for any ethical hacker and teach you the basics of each one with practical examples.HIDING YOUR IDENTITY ON THE WEB: If you are hacking on the internet, you need to learn how to remain anonymous. We will show you the tools and techniques that you can use to always remain anonymous and unknown on the internet.2: LEARN HOW TO HACK NETWORKSThis section shows you how to test both wired and wireless systems. You will learn how to go from not having any access to a network to gaining access and being able to begin attacking systems on the network.PRE-CONNECTION ATTACK: Not all attacks require you to be connected to the target or even know the password. Learn how to discover and manipulate devices connected to a network and gather information about your targetGAIN ACCESS TO NETWORKS: Learn how to use the information you have about your target to crack the key and get the access password. This section covers multiple protocols including WEP, WPA, and WPA2POST-CONNECTION ATTACKS: With a key, you can now leverage powerful hacking techniques to get even more information. Learn how to see what users are doing on a network, inject code in pages, and more on wired and wireless networks3: HOW TO GAIN ACCESS AND CONNECT TO NETWORKSThis section builds on the lessons learned in section one, showing you how you can get full control and hack into any computer system that you target.SERVER-SIDE ATTACK: Discover how to harvest information about your targeted system its OS, open ports, and installed services without user interaction. Then use this information to exploit vulnerabilities and generate reportsCLIENT-SIDE ATTACK: Learn how to hack systems with no vulnerabilities by sneaking in with software updates or using backdoor trojan downloads. Youll also learn the art of social engineering or tricking people into giving you information4: HOW TO LEVERAGE POST EXPLOITATIONThis section shifts the focus on interacting with compromised systems. Now that you have gained access, you'll learn how you can exploit these systems.ACCESS FILE SYSTEMS: All systems have a wealth of files that you can now manipulate with your access. Learn how to access these systems and how to read, write, upload, and even execute filesMAINTAIN ACCESS: Gaining access to a system and its files is only half of the battle. Learn how to maintain your access and frustrate efforts to secure it again so you can continue to exploit a systemSPY ON YOUR TARGET: Learn how to capture any keystrokes on a keyboard, turn on a computer webcam, take screenshots, and even take control of the system to attack, hack, and access third-party networks and systems5: HOW TO HACK WEBSITES AND WEB APPSIn this section, you will learn more about how you can hack into websites and web applications using Kali Linux. Youll also learn how web applications work and how to find vulnerabilities within these applications for you to exploit.How to scan websites/web applications for vulnerabilities to exploitHow to Brute Force into web applicationsHow to conduct SQL injection in web applicationsHow to conduct Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)How to exploit File Inclusion VulnerabilitiesHow to exploit File Upload VulnerabilitiesHow to automate attacking web applications using various toolsHow to prevent and secure websites & apps yourself6: HOW TO MAKE MONEY, LAND A JOB & BUILD A BRAND AS A HACKERIn this section, you will learn how you can make money as an ethical hacker using a variety of methods. Youll also learn how to build your personal brand and get your name out there as an Ethical Hacker so you can have employers and clients knocking at your door ready to hire you for your services. Then finally, youll learn how you can start a career in cybersecurity with some insider tips on what certifications to get and the best way to land a job.This includes:How to build an ethical hacker personal brand from scratchHow to get instant credibility and authority as a hackerHow to properly network and get others talking about youHow to make money using a variety of websitesHow to get started freelancing as a hackerHow to get started consulting as a hackerHow to land a job as a cybersecurity professionalThis course is comprehensive, showing you both sides of hacking. You will learn to think and operate like a hacker and how to apply that knowledge as a cybersecurity expert to protect you and your clients' networks and systems. In taking this 'cat and mouse' approach, your rounded understanding will give your approach new depths and angles, revealing the paths you can take to effectively neutralize any threat.Together with the emphasis on practical examples that you can follow in real life with live systems, you will also benefit from the excitement of hands-on learning. By experiencing precisely what it takes to hack into any given target system, you'll also learn that no one system is the same and that all approaches can be modified.This real-life learning is an invaluable part of your education, enabling you to better see what hackers are doing and how to block even the most potent attacks. No matter what the scenario or how complicated a hacking situation, this course gives you the foundational training you need to secure a network and start pursuing a career in a field that is increasingly in demand as the global reliance on technology grows."
Price: 199.99

"Essentials of UNIX Administration with FreeBSD 12.1" |
"Unix Administration with FreeBSD is the course that you need to take to learn how to manage UNIX servers and take your career to the next level. With the job market being, as always, very competitive you can make yourself standout from the crowd by offering more and better knowledge than the rest. During this course you will learn:How to install and update FreeBSDManage files and file permissionsManage users and groupsOf course, UNIX administration does not stop there, you will also learn about monitoring the server, editing text files and using ACLs to enhance file permissions.By the end of this course you will have great practical skills managing UNIX from the command line, skills that are easily transferable to Linux systems as well"
Price: 19.99

"Create a web application with python + Flask + PostgreSQL" |
"Python is a popular and general purpose programming language that can be used for a variety of things like:Web DevelopmentScientific Computing / Data ScienceMachine LearningStart-upsFinTech and the Financial IndustrySoftware developmentMathematicsSystem scriptingConnecting to databasesFlask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier. It gives developers flexibility and is a more accessible framework for new developers since you can build a web application quickly using only a single Python file. Flask is also extensible and doesnt force a particular directory structure or require complicated boilerplate code before getting started.PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system . PostgreSQL allows to create databases and store data . It also allows you to interact with the data inside the database.In this course we will create a web based application using Python and Flask and we will create and store objects inside a PostgreSQL database that will interact with our web application's front end. We will also deploy the web application to the internet via heroku"
Price: 49.99

"Blender 2.9x Creacin de Assets 3D para Videojuegos COMPLETO" |
"Hola y bienvenidos al curso Creacin de Assets 3D para Videojuegos con Blender 2.9En este Curso aprenderemos desde cero a modelar, mapear, pintar y texturizar Assets 3D para videojuegos y exportar todo el contenido a motores como Unity 3D.Blender 2.9 Es una de la herramientas ms potentes del mercado que adems de ser completamente gratuita te permitir Crear Assets 3D para videojuegos y darle el acabado profesianal que ests buscando utilizando todos los mdulos del software.El curso est dividido en 7 secciones principales.En la primera y segunda seccin Modelaremos el Tanque al completo empezando por el anlisis de las referencias y el blocking completo de volumen para luego pasar a modelar los detalles finales de todos los accesorios.En la tercera seccin nos centraremos en la limpieza y optimizacin de toda la geometra para obtener el mejor rendimiento en un motor de videojuegos reduciendo el nmero total de polgonosEn la cuarta seccin realizaremos todo el mapeado UV de todas las pates modeladas y dispondremos toda la geometra en una textura optimizada dejando listo todo nuestro trabajo para la pintura y texturizado.En la quinta y sexta seccin profundizaremos en todo el mdulo de pintura 2D y 3D que viene incorparado en Blender generaremos texturas colores base, mapas de oclusin y estudiaremos y analizaremos tcnicas de pintura manual y pinturas con texturas en modo STENCIL. Tambin profundizaremso en los nodos de materiales del SHADER GRAPH.En la sptima y ltima seccin prepararemos y exportaremos todo nuestro trabajo al motor de Videojuegos unity 3D, generaremos las texturas necesarias para los diferentes flujos de trabajo basados en el render a tiempo real o con luz almacenada.Tendrs soporte directo del instructor en el foro de preguntas y respuestasTendrs Acceso de por vida en desde todos los dispositivosTe invito a que veas el video de presentacin con el recorrido completo de todo el curso. Cualquier duda que tengas nos puedes contactar a travs de nuestras redes sociales y te responderemos inmediatamente.Te espero en el curso un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 104.99

"Construye tu Propio Call Center con Vicidial" |
"En este curso aprenders paso a paso como puedes realizar la instalacin de Vicidial (Vicibox) en un servidor hosteado, y luego aprendes a hacer la configuracin completa para ponerlo en produccin.Donde pasaremos por los temas siguientes:- Creacion de la cuenta de Vultr- Como descargar el ISO de Vicibox a Vultr- Creacion de la maquina virtual o servidor- Instalacion de Vicibox en Vultr- Primer Login como administrador- Conectarse de manera remota- Configurar Firewall en Vicibox- Configurar Firewall Permanente- Crear extension- Configurar un troncal o carrier- Entendiendo lo que es un Plan de Marcado y Patrn de coincidencia- Crear campaa manual- Reciclado de lista- Crear lista y cargar listado- Creacion de grupo de usuarios- Creacion de usuarios- Definir estatus por campaa- Definir codigos de pausa- Crear horarios- Como crear un Script o Guiones- Crear campaas progresivas y predictivas - Crear In-group- Campaas Entrantes-Manual o Inbound Manual- Cargar audios- Crear Menu- Configurar DID- Configurar un usuario inbound o blended- Crear Campaa Survey- Demostracion campaa blended y Remote Agents- Agentes remotos- Login como agente- Monitoreo y Reportes- Configuracion de Webphone - Reparar y Mantenimiento a la Base de Datos"
Price: 199.99

"Domina Affinity Designer / Persona Pixel" |
"Al terminar el curso dominars las herramientas de Persona Pixel Practicando.Vamos a crear:-Ilustracin de un Pulpo con arte en pixeles-Ilustracin de un Robot-Un fotoMontaje hombre Avestruz-Una brocha personalizadaMientras hacemos las ilustraciones veremos a detalle las herramientas y prestaciones de Affinity Designer como:- Herramienta Pixel- Herramienta Pincel- Herramienta Pincel de Sobreexposicin- Herramienta Pincel de Subexposicin- Herramienta Pincel de Difuminado- Herramienta Pincel de Desenfoque- Herramienta Pincel de Enfoque- Selecciones- Smbolos- Recursos- Inventario- RestriccionesTodo esto ser la base de tus propias ilustracionesExpresa tu creatividad con esta gran herramienta de diseo e ilustracin."
Price: 54.99

"Apprendre programmer en Swift" |
"Tout ce que vous avez besoin de connatre pour commencer programmer rapidement.J'ai fait ce cours des centaines de fois en salles de classe et j'ai pu l'amliorer au fil des annes pour qu'il soit parfaitement adapt aux tudiants.En suivant cette formation vous comprendrez les grands principes des algorithmes et de la programmation en gnral. Puis nous verrons comment les appliquer en Swift, le langage moderne d'Apple.Ce cours va l'essentiel, et en quelques heures seulement :vous serez capables de crer vos propres programmes en Swift.vous pourrez rapidement apprendre d'autres langages si vous en avez l'envie ou le besoin.C'est le meilleur moyen de dcouvrir le monde de la programmation et d'optimiser vos futurs apprentissages."
Price: 34.99

"Crer des apps iPhone avec SwiftUI (Edition 2020 pour iOS14)" |
"Vous avez aim crer un mini jeu avec SwiftUI ? Ce cours vous permettra de devenir autonome dans l'utilisation de SwiftUI, le nouvel outil fournit par Apple pour crer l'interface graphique de vos apps.Ce cours possde :des chapitres thoriques en franais qui vont l'essentiel pour comprendredes exercices fun et corrigs pour matriserVous serez trs rapidement efficace avec SwiftUI et vous pourrez crer des apps qui vous rapporteront de l'argent sur l'AppStore!Voici quelques exemples de ce que vous saurez bientt faire :Crez des composants graphiques avec SwiftUICoordonnez l'usage de plusieurs composantsGrez et transfrez des donnes entre vos vues et cransUtilisez une base de donnes locale pour sauvegarder les informations de vos utilisateursCommuniquez avec le cloud dans vos apps SwiftUIUtilisez efficacement @State, @StateObject, @Binding, ObservableObject, etc.Choisissez une architecture adapte SwiftUIetc.Vous allez adorer programmer et plus personne ne pourra vous arrter :)Happy Coding!Maxime"
Price: 59.99

"Distance Education Using Mobile Devices" |
"Due to 2020 pandemic, many schools and educational institutions have opted for distance education. It is a wise choice to prevent the pandemic. Yet, it is hard to study using our mobile devices, or so it seems.In this course, you'll explore different learning strategies that you can employ for your online education experience. Plus, using mobile devices is very convenient as all of us have one in their pockets. It is accessible and handy. Thus, it makes the perfect device for learning. Nonetheless, many of us don't know how to get the most out of our smartphones. This is where this course comes in. It combines different strategies and applications that will assist you throughout the process of online learning. In case you want to write an essay or even a long research paper using only your mobile device, or you want to revise for an exam, your mobile device can help accomplish these goals with a few clicks. Topics covered in the course include, but not limited to: Learning how to learnImproving basic skillsDeveloping workforce skillsPersonalized learningSelf-assessmentSocial learningSocial assessment and activities"
Price: 29.99

WordPress |
"WordPressWordPress*WordPress1,000WordPressWordPressTutor LMSWooCommerceWooCommerceTutor LMSElementor*Google"
Price: 2400.00

"Source And Buy From China Taobao & 1688 ." |
"Source And Buy From China Taobao & 1688 - How To Buy And Source From China 1688 & Taobao ?This guide is the simplest guide that you can ever find online ,that able to help you to direct purchase products from 1688 and Taobao .- You heard that buying from 1688 or Taobao is so hard and complicated?- You heard that buying from 1688 or Taobao need Alipay?- You heard some gurus offering a course that will cost you couple of thousands of dollars just to learn how to buy from 1688 or Taobao ?- You have a good products to sell , but the price of your competitors are way lower that yours??I heard YOU!?With this Source And Buy From China Taobao & 1688 Programme , you will get to learn the simplest way to buy from 1688 and Taobao without headache on dealing with custome , shipping , logistic or paying with Alipay .With this Source And Buy From China Taobao & 1688 Programme , you will learn the most straight forward and no BS way to buy from 1688 and Taobao and resell it at Amazon , Ebay, ETSY. Shopee, Lazada at the most competitive price possible.?So you want to look for toys , kids shirts , beauty products or products that is trending with the cheapest price possible ??- Why buy from china? I mean why buy wholesale from china ?There are more than 40k toys supplier that you can choose from, more than 300 thousands supplier for baby apparel , and also more than 40 k supplier for beauty products ,all of these sellers are selling at dirt cheap wholesale price.?Are you afraid of do not understand Chinese , no problem , in this programme , I will also share with you how to translate Chinese to English or to any languages.?You scare that you do not know the whole process of buying , shipping and checking out from China ? No problem , in this programme , I will show you exactly the step by step how I buy products , key in all the shipping information that is needed and how to check out .?In this programme , I will show you the simplest , straight forward method where you can buy directly from china with the cheapest dirt cheap price. ?Best of all , you will also get to join our support group in wechat and facebook group , where you can directly communicate with the china people. Alright . lets join in now , I will see you inside the programme bye bye."
Price: 199.99

"Habit Hacking: The Complete Guide to Changing Habits" |
"Want to build rock-solid, positive habits that actually last?Would you like to finally banish those bad habits for good?Many people are frustrated at not being able to build empowering, positive habits that support their health, wellbeing & success.But you don't have to be...In Habit Hacking: The complete guide to Positive habits, you'll learn how to combine behavioural psychology & NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) to create powerful behavioural change that lasts.The programme is also backed up by the latest science on habit formation.On this unique training, you'll learn the following:The Science & practice of Habit formation.The Different Types of Habits you can form & how your approach will differ.The Habit Formation Formula: a step-by-step process for forming empowering positive habits that last.The inner dynamics of motivation, discipline & willpower.How to figure out your own motivational strategies & use them deliberately to get yourself to take consistent action.Learn how to create your own 'Triggers' so you can speed up the habit formation process.Combine both behavioural psychology and NLP to create a unique & powerful approach to building positive habits.Learn how to get yourself to take action consistently.Learn 'Habit Chaining' a method for making habit formation happen with less effort.How to use both 'old school' and technological methods to track and monitor your progress.Learn 'The identity Drill' and 'The Greater Purpose drill' techniques to aid the building of new habits.Overcome bad habits for good. Banish old, undesirable habits & behaviours using a behaviouralist approach.Banish old, undesirable habits & behaviours using a more therapeutic approach.Use NLP to understand & change the inner dynamics of your bad habits & behaviours.Learn how to bring yourself up to a tipping point that place where enough is enough and you feel utterly compelled to take positive action.Habit Hacking: The complete guide to Positive habits has been created by Bestselling Udemy Instructor Steven Burns.Steven is a therapist, coach & trainer with over 20 years experience in the field. He runs live certification programmes in both NLP & hypnosis & has created over 10 successful online training programmes.Join him today for this transformational journey into behaviour change and building positive habits."
Price: 199.99

"The Skeptic's Guide to Infrared Photography" |
"This course is for photographers of all skill levels who think they can't also enjoy this exciting branch of creative photography called digital infrared photography. The course offers over two hours of digital infrared photography discussion while displaying a hundred high quality infrared images to illustrate the possibilities with an exciting branch of creative photography that enables the making of interesting and memorable images.Hi. Im Patrick Cook, your instructor. I have over seven years of experience with digital infrared photography and am delighted to share with you what Ive learn over those years and the fun I've had. During our discussion of infrared photography I explain how a consumer digital camera can record radiation that humans cant see. I set the record straight by explaining why infrared photography is really the mapping of radiation intensity that humans cant perceive, to tones that humans can perceive.I describe the benefits of infrared photography that waits for those who pursue it. We delve into the science behind infrared radiation, and even go into a variety of filters used to control what portion of the radiation spectrum we allow to reach the cameras sensor. Understanding filtering is the foundation of success with infrared photography.To help you visualize scenes in the amazing radiation of the near infrared spectrum, I display many of my own photographs in the infrared spectrum to illustrate how infrared radiation behaves in various settings. I've invested hundreds of hours authoring this course and have used professional video tools to keep the presentation quality as high as possible to deliver an informative and visually interesting learning experience. I think you'll agree.Later in the course I share the keys to success learned from my own experience in all phases of infrared photography, from field capture to image processing. Based on my actual experience in infrared photography, this lecture may be the single most important lecture of the course! Some of the keys to success are:Visualize infrared radiationUnderstand filteringExploit high contrastMaster White BalanceLeverage your camera settingsAnd more.Learning infrared photography is a process you get better-and-better at it as you practice it. Thats why we want to know where we can get extra help along the way. In the course I point you to a variety of additional learning resources such as websites, practitioners, and books for learning more about infrared photography. Your learning of infrared photography starts with this course - but I want you to have the best possible start.This course may be just what you need to revitalize your photography with an exciting branch of creative photography. Use it to become a better color photographer. Use it to enhance and differentiate your photo portfolio. Use it to put some spark in your photography and have some fun with your photography. All photography skill levels welcome. All digital camera brand preferences welcome. No camera needed to take the course. Just listen, learn and decide for yourself.Welcome to the course!Ill see you there!"
Price: 49.99

"Modeling Iron Man HeartBreaker with 3ds Max 2020" |
"This is a project based course. In this course you'll learn how to model hard surface models. In our project, we'll model Iron Man HeartBreaker armor using 3ds Max 2020 and V-Ray Next. We'll start by blocking the overall surface, adding the details , then finalizing the model and fixing the mistakes in the refinement videos."
Price: 49.99

"Private Finanzen im Griff" |
"Trifft auf Dich der Spruch ""Am Ende des Geldes ist noch so viel Monat brig"" zu? Fragst Du Dich manchmal, wohin Dein Gehalt schon wieder geflossen ist? Denkst Du bei Depot eher an Dekoration als an Aktien und Fonds?Prima! Dann bist Du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs zu Deinen privaten Finanzen zeige ich Dir von Anfang an, wie Du in Zukunft viel besser mit Deinem Geld auskommen wirst. Am Ende des Kurses kennst Du ein klares System fr Deine privaten Finanzen und hast die Grundlagen der wesentlichen Bereiche guten Geld-Managements kennengelernt.Hi, mein Name ist Christoph und ich beschftige mich schon seit meinem Berufseinstieg 2007 intensiv mit meinem eigenen Geld. Mit der Zeit habe ich mich und mein finanzielles Verhalten immer besser kennengelernt und verstanden, was bei Geld funktioniert und was nicht. Und dieses hart erarbeitete Praxiswissen mchte ich Dir in diesem Kurs vermitteln.Aber was heit das ganz konkret? Gute Frage! Wir sprechen in diesem Kurs ber die folgenden Themen:Warum das Thema persnliche Finanzen so wichtig ist und warum nur Du Dich um Dein Geld kmmern kannstWie Du Herr ber Deine Ausgaben wirst und wie ich ber die wichtigsten Ausgaben-Blcke denkeWie Du Dein Vermgen managst, aufbaust und investierstWas die FIRE Bewegung ist und was Du von ihr fr Deine privaten Finanzen lernen kannstWie Du Deine Einnahmen fr mehr Investitionen steigern kannstWie ich ber Versicherungen denken und meine Sichtweise auf ausgewhlte VersicherungenDu siehst also, der Kurs ist vollgepackt mit praxisnahem Wissen.Also, worauf wartest Du noch? Schreib Dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und beginne noch heute den ersten Schritt in Richtung finanzielle Gelassenheit! Dazu musst Du einfach nur jetzt auf den ""Jetzt kaufen"" Button klicken!"
Price: 149.99

"Entendiendo las enfermedades" |
"Curso basado en la Bio descodificacin, en el cual aprenders a entender cmo se desarrollan las enfermedades y cmo sanarlas desde su origen. El curso te presenta desde el punto de vista Ayurvdico, biolgico, energtico y espiritual, cmo la salud se puede ver afectada de diferentes formas. Las tcnicas que se te dn son fciles de comprender y aplicar en tu vida diaria. El curso incluye vdeos, manuales, audios y al finalizar, obtendrs tu certificado."
Price: 570.00

"How to Start and Earn Income with Online Tutor Business" |
"How to start and earn income with Online Tutor Business (Practical/Real Method) is a great course and the main goal/agenda of this training is to get started with earning income by providing online tutoring services. It is practical training and I have made a steady income by myself. I believe you can do it too. By the end of the course, you will be able to start building your own online tutor business successfully."
Price: 199.99

"Online Course Creation: Introduction to Instructional Design" |
"This bite-sized course has been specially designed to give anyone the most well-rounded knowledge of what Instructional Design really means and how they can effectively create meaningful E-Learning.The course is broken down into useful instructor led videos and hand picked resources to give you the very best educational introduction to this subject. Everything is in 'plain English' and gives you all the information that I wish I would have been given when I started out in the industry. I have also included access to hundreds of free assets in order to give you the best start possible and save you from hours of searching the internet.The techniques that are explored have been successfully tried and tested through hundreds of courses to ensure that you are setup for success.So why not start your Instruction Design journey the right way?!"
Price: 199.99

"Snowflake Certification - Architect" |
"When is this practice set last updated : 23 Sep 2020 Pre-requisites for this certification:You must be SnowPro Core Certification and you should have at-least two years of working experience with SnowFlake.These practice tests will prepare you for the SnowPro Advanced Architect Certification. Please note that this is not a replacement of you doing a thorough study of the snowflake documentation. You should try these questions once you have completed going through the snowflake documentation and is now ready to take the certification exam. These practice tests will help you find out how prepared you are. Based on the score of the test, you can go back and focus on the weak areas. I do not claim and nor ever will claim that just mugging up these set of questions will guarantee you a pass mark in Snowflake certification exam. Certification is just a way to show others that you know the subject. But for you to be really expert in this field, you must have a thorough understanding of the technology product which is only possible through studying the documentation and actually applying the concepts in your work. How will these practice tests help you in preparing for your exam1. The questions are modeled to test your knowledge on the published Snowflake concepts/topics 2. I do not just put the questions and the answers, I also provide explanations to each question3. I keep on updating the questions as and when new concepts are introduced4. Throughout the preparation, I will also share quick tips, important topics to focus on through individual emails to studentsLast but not the least, I am looking for your feedback. You feedback is what motivates me and keeps me awake in the night to make this course more effective. Important point to note:I have modeled these questions not to just prepare you for the certification but also to be a better architect on the job. These questions are not from the actual certification exam and any resemblance will be just coincidence."
Price: 19.99

Price: 10800.00

"Design Gaming Thumbnails In Photoshop" |
"Master Media School, the home of successful, indie Designers/Videographers.The only real online guide for Thumbnail Design In Photoshop!I have put in quite some time into this course and I proudly present you the game-changing and the most unique ""Design Gaming Thumbnails In Photoshop"" Course!This course doesn't demand any high designer type education, which means that anyone can understand and work the same way using our technique. That's right, you don't have to dissect ""MrBeasts"" masterpieces in order to have the same professional thumbnails as mine.Learn in 1.5-hour what Designers learn in years of schooling...This course is so easy-to-follow, understand, and apply that ANYONE can do exactly what I'm doing. I will easily teach you how to get eye-catching thumbnails and no it's not just ""drag and drop this overlay...""It's not ""get this 887$ photoshop pack which is on sale...""And it's definitely not ""you just need this 495$ Plug-in...""We start from scratch and learn stuff that top performers use to create their thumbnails! Simply follow these lessons and become a pro in no time!Is there a chance to fail?Sure, we are not even promised to be alive tomorrow,But one thing is for sure: 94% of my students who used this method are using it to this day. This is so easy that you will never create your thumbnails the same way again.And don't make me mention the BREAKING ""30-day money-back guaranteed"" promotion...So ask yourself, do you really want to miss out on this opportunity cause only 1.5-hour of learning is separating you from professional-looking thumbnails as on the favorite YouTubers videos that you click on.Your thumbnails will compete with TOP-tier gaming Youtubers overnight...It's easier than any other course out there.It's faster than any 300$ Designers Guide that you will find.Not to mention the discount.Is this course for you?Do you want to generate more clicks and views for yourself or your clients?Do you want to grab viewers attention on the first glance?Do you want the thumbnails that you create on your computer look professional and trendy?What if this course would teach you the most used and trending ways to creating popular thumbnails?What if you never had to spend more money on learning design ever again?What if I told you that anyone can understand these easy explanations and become a pro?There's your answer...So you better take action while this discount offer is going. Missing out would be a bummer...You won't find anything like this out there. The only thing that's left for me is to make you a promise that you won't recognize your thumbnails after you finish this course. If not I will, of course, give you your money back.My BIG PROOF to you is my satisfied clients and thumbnails which you see in my portfolio and through-out this course. So act now!This Easy & Unique course is not something that you want to miss out on.Especially since I will be there 24/7 answering your messages and helping you if needed.With the ""30-day money-back guaranteed"" rule, you want to purchase this course now and start learning right away!Enroll now and let's create the best-looking gaming thumbnails on all of gaming platforms!Let's Create. We Can Do It."
Price: 199.99

"DevOps - Devenir autonome sur Git en 2 heures" |
"Git existe maintenant depuis 2005, lorsque les relations entre les dveloppeurs du noyau Linux et BitKeeper se sont dgrades. Git a ensuite continu d'voluer, et est maintenant utilis par plus de 12 millions de personnes travers le monde, ce qui en fait le logiciel de gestion de version (ou de versioning) le plus populaire pour les dveloppeurs.En choisissant cette formation express pour matriser les bases de Git, vous comprendrez tous les concepts de base, serez capable de grer vos projets de dveloppement. Vous pourrez ainsi dmarrer de nouveaux projets Git, grce aux commandes de base permettant de manipuler vos fichiers, et voir comment les tracer avec Git, les dplacer, les supprimer, tout en adoptant les rgles de bonnes pratiques. Il sera donc possible pour vous de collaborer avec d'autres dveloppeurs grce Gitlab.Ce cours s'adresse un public de tout niveau qui souhaite comprendre comment tre autonome sur Git, et d'en saisir l'essentiel pour tre en capacit de collaborer avec d'autres dveloppeurs. Toutes les vidos sont accompagnes d'une documentation exhaustive reprenant toutes les diffrentes tapes ralises dans les vidos.Profitez d'un contenu prouv, et donn en prsentiel dans plusieurs coles d'informatique parisiennes (ESGI, CFI, ITIC, ...), un vrai guide suivre pour matriser les bases de Git.Il n'y a besoin que de connaissances basiques en dveloppement et idalement avoir au moins eu une exprience professionnelle en informatique, pour pouvoir suivre ce cours, toutes les notions importantes et ncessaires seront abordes au pralable et les manipulations y sont expliques pas pas.Dans une premire partie nous expliquerons ce qu'est Git, et les diffrentes notions qui sont importantes comprendre et matriser pour utiliser efficacement cet outil.C'est dans la deuxime partie que nous verrons comment installer Git, que vous soyez sur Windows, Linux, ou Mac OS X. Nous raliserons ainsi les toutes premires tapes de configuration de Git et notamment des ""global settings"".Dans la troisime partie, nous raliserons nos premires manipulations avec Git sur notre poste de travail. Nous crerons ainsi nos premiers projets, nous raliserons nos premiers commits, et nous aborderons les rgles de bonnes pratiques.Mme si ce cours se veut tre axs sur les notions de base, nous verrons des commandes plus spcifiques, notamment pour annuler des modifications et manipuler les fichiers appartenant notre dpt Git. Nous apprendrons notamment utiliser l'historique de Git, et configurer le fichier .gitignore.C'est dans les dernires parties, que nous utiliserons Git avec Gitlab, en crant nos premiers projets, et en apprenant pousser nos modifications locales sur le dpt cr sur Gitlab. Nous aborderons les notions lies aux branches, et comment effectuer une merge request pour fusionner nos branches.Chacune des notions techniques seront associes plusieurs QCMs afin de vrifier que les notions abordes sont correctement matrises.Bien entendu, comme tous les autres cours, celui-ci est remboursable 100% s'il ne vous apporte pas satisfaction. Alors n'hsitez plus, et commencez ds aujourd'hui utilisez les outils et les mthodes pour utiliser Git."
Price: 39.99

"Plotly in R Programming" |
"This course will allow you to learn starting from basics of Plotly in R Programming. Plotly Library is used to develop interactive, publication quality graphs. For example this is used to create Line charts, Scatter charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Tables etc., Once you complete this course, will be in a position to understand concepts of Plotly library and also can write the code on your own. This course will cover Plotly library in R from basics with examples.This course is mainly for those who do not have any programming experience and experienced people can take this course to refresh their knowledge.This course will starts with fundamentals and then slowly will cover required concepts of Plotly in R Programming. In this course for each topic, there will be a lecture and the same content has been attached in ppt format."
Price: 19.99

first-year-courses |
" ( ) :1- 101- - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- 101- - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- 101- - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- 101- - (limit , differentiation, integration and application ) -"
Price: 99.99

"Get Website policies for Free and avoid legal troubles" |
"Over 99% of the websites and blogs are in violation of a state, federal, or global privacy laws because of inadequate Terms and Condition or Privacy Policy on their website.Are you one of them ? People do learn wordpress, android development and so on and so forth , even people do learn Digital marketing, but they fail to know the legal trouble one may face, for not having these 2-3 web pages of terms and conditions on their website or mobile app.Also, people do spend more than huge money for just these website terms, conditions, policies and other pages , which I will teach you how you can have it for FREE or in case you have well setup professional (Commercial) business, you may be required to pay a small fee.So, are you ready to save money and avoid legal troubles ?if Yes... Enroll"
Price: 199.99

"Customer Service Training Get Satisfied & Happy Customers" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Get Happy & Satisfied Customers?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Customer Service Training Get Satisfied & Happy Customers is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting To Learn How To Give Customer Service People Remember, Talk About & Comes Back to.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Get Happy & Satisfied Customers.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToGive Professional Customer SupportConnect to Customers to Give Great ServiceAnswer Emails ProfessionallyWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseIn Demand Customer Service SkillsOnline Customer Service SkillsTo Build Customer RapportBuild Emotional Intelligence to Understand Customers EmotionsImprove Your Active Listening SkillsEffectively Written Communication SkillsKnow What Product Knowledge You NeedTime Management SkillsDealing with Upset CustomersHow to Amaze Your CustomersThis Course Includes Templates & Tools That Will Help to Optimize Your Customer Service!The Majority of The Tools in This Course Are FREE And The Paid Tools Are Only The Very BEST.See You Inside The Customer Service Training Get Satisfied & Happy Customers.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

": TikTok PR" |
"! , , . , , : , . , , ! ? TikTok? ? "" : TikTok"". : 1 , TikTok . , : . ; , , . , . , , , . , - . ! "" : TikTok "" , . , . - . , ? ? ? ? ? : , , , ! "" : TikTok"", ."
Price: 49.99

"Discovering Relationships - Periodical of Allies - A3.1" |
"This is the relationship course you need if you are looking for a relationship in your life. Even while ""relationships"" come in all shapes and sizes, there is one common variable to all of them... You. This is where all of your problems can be solve and if you have trouble with relationships, you have the solution right there within yourself. I, Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne am here to help you learn how to bring it out and become worthy of a beautiful relationship, which you do deserve. As one of Open and Clear, Academy's 2020 season of courses, this course is complete in itself however it is part of a ""Course-Series"" which offers a comprehensive journey of self-discovery of every aspect of Relationships and utilizing Spiritual Principles that will change your life for the better, forever. The whole series consists of ""Discovering Relationships"", ""Intimate Relationships"", ""Friend Relationships"", ""Committed Relationships"", ""Expressive Relationships"", ""Progressive Relationships"", and ""Divinely-Inspired Relationships"".This course, while focusing on relationships is a Spiritual Course. Therefore Practices and Meditations are provided and required for the most benefit of what this course has to offer. We do not discuss dogmas or worshiping deities, strictly personal practice for the best results."
Price: 149.99
