"Meditation Made Simple" |
"Theres no doubt that meditation is one of the most important practices you can do for your personal development. From reducing stress to enhancing creativity, from delaying aging to cultivating joy, scientific studies are showing how meditation positively benefits what seems like every facet of life.However, the traditional way its taught can make it feel boring and heavy like a chore, and who has time for that? This approach sadly causes many people to miss out on the beautiful benefits of meditation.This class shows how meditation can be enjoyable, simple, and easily enfolded into your day, yet still bring all the benefits and cultivate personal growth. It covers everything that a beginner needs to meditate deeply, from foundational meditation postures to powerful meditation amplifiers that open the inner doors to peace, joy, and clarity.This class brings together the best meditation practices from Dandans decade-long practice of meditation, which has taken her to live in contemplative monasteries for several years. Designed to meet you where you are, all lessons are straight-to-the-point and applicable. A guided meditation library with 10 of Dandans most loved guided meditations is also included to further support your meditation journey. KEY LESSONS COVER:The 9 major myths of meditation that prevent people from enjoying meditation.The 4 foundational elements of meditation.Meditation postures to support relaxation and stability, including postures for those who have back problems or other physical limitations.How to approach breathing to deepen your meditation experience.How to approach unpleasant feelings or thoughts that arise during your meditation.How to transform any act into a mindful, recentering experience, including when youre washing the dishes.Meditation anchoring techniques to settle down your mind when its all over the place.Science-backed benefits of meditation.How to maintain a daily meditation routine thatll bring beauty into your life and help you grow as a human being.INCLUDED GUIDED MEDITATIONS:Melt Away Your Stress 10 Minute MeditationDiving Deep 25 Minute MeditationHealing Body Gratitude MeditationRestoring Nature MeditationGrounding Tree Standing MeditationNourishing Meal MeditationJoyful Sunrise MeditationTherapeutic Dishwashing meditationFreeing Expansion MeditationClarifying Uncertainty MeditationSoothing Heartbreak MeditationUnconditional Listening MeditationWHO THIS CLASS IS FOR:Anyone who wants to learn meditation and cultivate this powerful recentering practice in their daily life.Anyone who wants to bring peace, joy, and clarity into their day with only a few minutes.Anyone who feels lost, sluggish, or stuck.Anyone who wants to learn how to enfold meditation in to their daily, messy life. No prerequisites are necessary."
Price: 19.99

"Histria e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana" |
"Para quem este curso? Este curso para voc que quer se aperfeioar em sua prtica profissional, se atualizar sobre as prescries educacionais para o currculo nacional da educao brasileira. Serve, tambm, a quem est buscando complementar horas com Atividades Acadmico-Cientfico-Culturais em seu curso de graduao. Alm do certificado que ser emitido automaticamente por esta plataforma, voc poder entrar em contato direto comigo para eu lhe emitir um certificado de participao, ou de concluso, contendo no apenas a carga horria das aulas assistidas, e sim levando em conta a carga horria de dedicao s leituras sugeridas no curso. Ento, falando agora do contedo acadmico, de maneira geral, este curso est composto por vdeo aulas e indicaes de leituras para serem baixadas, como: livros, artigos, teses, dissertaes e outros materiais. Saiba que este material, como em todos os meus cursos, eu estou periodicamente atualizando. Pois, como este curso de acesso vitalcio, mesmo depois que voc o concluir, vai continuar recebendo todas as atualizaes que nele eu fizer. Para elaborar este contedo, eu revisei autores nacionais e internacionais para construir uma linha de pensamento que possa levar voc a uma compreenso ampla sobre Histria e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana. Vou falar para voc sobre a determinao legal, para as escolas brasileiras, do tema em questo, e a importncia dos estudos tnicos. Essa importncia est, como eu acredito, em se estabelecer um ambiente propcio para se pensar estratgias que possam melhorar a empatia e o respeito pelo outro. Tambm, vou aproveitar para lhe oferecer oportunidades de reflexo sobre a importncia de se estudar os fatos histricos."
Price: 159.99

"Due Diligence: Spot Fake Guru Scams And Save Your Cash!" |
"Ever been scammed by a guru? You've got a problem. They've got a solution. You pay thousands for it. But once they get your cash, everything changes. Their product sucks. The results suck. The support sucks. Ultimately, you're left out in the cold to fend for yourself.Gurus are everywhere..And there are good ones and bad ones. In this course I'll show you how to spot fake gurus fast. I'll help you perform due diligence so you can avoid scams that cost you $1,000's of dollars. Inside this course I cover:The Types of Gurus and Who to AvoidCommon Guru Marketing ApproachesQuestions to Help You Avoid Getting ScammedRed Flag Indicators of Bad and Fake GurusShady Guru Sales TacticsDirty Guru Sales Call MethodsOnce you finish this course, you will be able to spot a guru from a mile away. You will be able to figure out if a guru is really an expert who is worth listening to, or if they're a big fat phony who's out to steal your cash.If you're an entrepreneur or even just someone trying to reach the next level in life and you're considering a (coach, mentor, course etc.) then enroll in this program first because it could help you avoid mistakes as small $10 or as big as $10,000!Hopefully, that's enough reason to give this course a go, because it really could save you. If that sounds fair to you, scroll up and enroll in this course now!"
Price: 24.99

"Gesto Emocional com Riso" |
"Neste curso vamos descobrir ferramentas prticas para gerir emoes, lidar com o stress, com a ansiedade e prevermos situaes de depresso, orientando-nos para um quotidiano de paz e felicidade, utilizando o riso e a cincia da risoterapia ou terapia do riso.Durante este percurso de estudos, os contedos iro ajudar a compreender as vrias emoes bsicas, com solues prticas para implementar no dia a dia, de forma muito divertida e eficaz."
Price: 24.99

"Forex Online Course - Beginners / Intermediate 2020" |
"After the huge success and feedback from our previous course over the recent years, we are back with a brand new and improved course on Foreign Exchange Investing (Forex)! This course will enable you to get started on the right path with forex trading, and is a great course for anyone looking to refine their current knowledge and skill set.With multiple hours of content this course covers everything! From finding a broker and analysis website, to providing live trading examples on everything taught throughout the course. Resource is also available such as URLS, and a downloadable cheat sheet on price action. An online exam is also being added in the next update to help students solidify their knowledge and skill set obtained from the course. Money management, risk management and information regarding margins is commonly missed when educating the principles of trading. This course includes in-depth lectures covering all of these topics and more to make sure you are fully aware of the risks involved. If you have any questions, we are ready to reply to your messages and further assist you with any questions that you may have. Enrol onto the course today!"
Price: 199.99

"Unreal Engine Game Development: Battle Royale with Blueprint" |
"Hi everyone, I'm Big Cat.About the ContentThis course is a complete set of tutorials for the Battle Royale type of game. The features are so huge that they were not shown in the promo video to show all the features. For example, the bullets fired all have a downward effect and reduce the flight speed based on the distance. All features are made as detailed as possible.About the SerialAll courses are now completed, and the promo video is the actual result of running the game. Since I want to give you a high-quality video experience, I'm using continuous updates for the lessons (I'm actually hoping to meet you all sooner rather than later). Each video is carefully edited to eliminate errors, forgetfulness, and other time-wasting content. From time to time, every week, I will go live with new course videos.About BlueprintAll content in this set of courses is implemented using blueprints. You'll see a set of blueprint projects with a clear structure and clean nodes, and it's time to really understand the greatness of blueprints.If you develop in C++ at work, this won't stop you from watching my course in the slightest. Because every function in a blueprint can be found in C++, and learning blueprints can still help you with your C++ development.Write at the endI did all the work on this course by myself, including blueprint development, lecture writing, video recording, audio recording, captioning, video editing, and even the Green-Screen technology at the beginning of the promo. Every detail was tweaked over and over again to give you as perfect an experience as possible. It's tough to produce a go-to course. I know there are still many things I didn't get right, like my English accent, and I hope you can understand more. Of course, you can contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, and I'll get back to you as soon as I see them.I'm Big Cat.Full Course ListSection1: Preparatory Work (4 lessons)Download and install the Unreal Engine. Create game projects and import resources.Section2: Basic Knowledge (4 lessons)A basic understanding of the Unreal Engine.Section3: Project Setting (4 lessons)Gameplay framework build. Complete the input settings.Section4: Animation BlendSpace (10 lessons)Learn what Animation BlendSpace is. Create animated BlendSpace with characters standing, crouching, prone, aiming, and parachuting.Section5: Animation AimOffset (7 lessons)Learn what Animation AimOffset is. Create animated offset aiming for characters standing, crouching, prone, and aiming.Section6: Animation Blueprint (15 lessons)Learn what Animation Blueprint is. Make character animation state machines that contain all the states of the characters.Learn to use an animation graph.Produce logic functions related to animation.Section7: Animation Montage (6 lessons)Learn what Animation Montage is. Create an animated montage of equipment and take-back weapons.Create an animated montage of changing magazines and bullets.Create a montage of shooting animations.Create an animation montage of using objects.Section8: Character base features (14 lessons)Set up character components.Create mouse control functions.Create the character movement function and its effect on the movement speed.Create a pose switch.Section9: Character fashion (6 lessons)Build character fashion skeleton model componentsMaterial masking.Character Avatar system. (Avatar means change of fashion, am I using the right word?)Section10: Item DataTables (5 lessons)Creation of Weapons DataTable, Ammo DataTable, Weapons Accessories DataTable, Equipment DataTable, Medicine DataTable.Section11: Item System (2 lessons)Item System Framework Explained.Creating an item base class.Section12: Pickup Object (8 lessons)Create pickup object base classes.Create pickup objects for items, weapons, Weapons Accessories, ammo, equipment, health items, energy items, and fashion.Section13: Item Object (9 lessons)Create weapon item objects, including skeletal functions, weapon accessories functions, sound components, and particle components.Create ammo, equipment, use type, and fashion item objects.Section14: Item Generation System (9 lessons)Explain item generation rules.Creating probability-related data tables.Making logic for generating items.Calculating where to display items.Section15: Data Storage (2 lessons)Data Storage Frameworks.Create data-related variables.Section16: Pickup and Discard Items (30 lessons)Character Avatar logic made.Pickup and Discard item logic flow explained.Make Pickup and Discard item related functions.Weapon switching functions.Section17: Weapon features (21 lessons)Weapon aiming features, including direct aim and open scope aiming.Fire features, including fire animation, magazine change, bullet change, screen shake, and crosshair deflection.Bullet functions, including bullet drop logic and a bullet hole.Section18: InventroyUI (20 lessons)Basic knowledge of UI production explained.UI construction and logic production.Display 3D characters in the UI, and synchronize all costumes.UI drag and drop function.Section19: MainUI (9 lessons)Making the Crosshairs UI.Making the ActionTips UI.Making the MessageTips UI.Creating the UserInfo UI.Creating the Countdown UI.Creating the Directions UI.Section20: Objects used (6 lessons)Create an inventory UI progress bar.Creating a circular progress bar.Make a usage logic.Making Energy Restoration Logic.Section21: Parachute (9 lessons)Making a skydiving UI.Making the Aircraft Actor.Produced the free fall flight function.Produced the parachute flight function.Section22: Safe Zone (4 lessons)Make the display function.Random position logic explanation.Create a continuous zoom function.Move characters in and out to trigger related functions.Section23: Airdrop (4 lessons)Airdrop plane flight.Airdrop boxes.The items in the airdrop.Section24: Bombing Zone (3 lessons)Blast points.Bombing zones.Execution logic.Section25: Map UI (9 lessons)Big map and small map interface building.Big map move and zoom.Small map movement logic.Map UV creation and interpretation.Display of Safe Zones, Bombing Zones, and Flight Route Maps.Section26: Final Map (2 lessons)Adaptation-related logic to the final map."
Price: 169.99

"Overcome Anxiety & Stress: A Complete Formula (CBT Based)" |
"This is a practical program, giving you a toolkit to lower your anxiety and boost your confidence.The whole class is a complete step-by-step system that walks you through the process of overcoming anxiety and becoming more confident.It's based on tried-and-tested techniques, made super simple and ready to implement.Inside this class you'll discover:How to get rid of anxiety and boost your confidenceHow to find a strong motivation to deal with negative thoughts, face your fears and find the confidence you wantHow to acquire the right mindset and think/feel/act like an anxiety free and confident personHow to understand your anxiety/low self-confidence and the factors that maintain itHow to break the negative cycle of anxiety and low self-confidenceHow to get rid of negative and unhelpful thoughts that increase your fear and lower your confidenceHow to break bad habits and change your behaviour so you feel less anxious and more confidentA complete step-by-step system to overcome anxiety and be more confidentThis course is based on coaching, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), behaviour change techniques, motivational interviewing, positive psychology and other evidence-based approaches."
Price: 199.99

"Latim na Ponta da Lngua - Curso de Latim (Mdulo 2)" |
"Salv, discipule! Salv, discipula! Ut vals?Este curso continuao direta do primeiro mdulo do curso LATIM NA PONTA DA LNGUA, que j conta com mais de 1300 alunos somente na Udemy.Neste mdulo, que tem como base o mtodo ""Aprendendo Latim"", utilizado pelas melhores universidades do Pas, voc aprender todos os conceitos essenciais da gramtica portuguesa e da gramtica latina que lhe permitiro ler, traduzir e verter textos com confiana. Conhecer ainda centenas de palavras, em uma cativante histria que leva em considerao o contexto social e cultural do idioma.Eu garanto que, com este curso, voc ter plenas condies de aprender esta belssima lngua. Matricule-se agora mesmo e confira!"
Price: 144.99

"MSP Programme Management - Foundation - Exam Preparation" |
"MSP Programme Management - Foundation - Practice Exams and Exam Preparation300 Questions, equivalent of 4 Test papers of 75 questions each.Extracts from an Accredited Course, Pass with confidence, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive as a member of a project and programme environment.This course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in MSP Programme Management, a best practice for Programme Management.MSP is the worlds most widely-adopted programme management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) guidance explains the programme management principles, governance themes and transformational flow that should be applied to the management of programmes or transformational change in any environment.The purpose of the foundation qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to interact effectively with those involved in the management of a programme or act as an informed member of a programme office, business change team or project delivery team working within an environment supporting MSP. The foundation qualification is also a pre-requisite for the practitioner qualification.The purpose of the practitioner qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to apply the guidance to their own work and, hence, act as an informed member of a programme management team. That is, someone responsible for managing, leading, supporting or advising on work within an MSP environment. Candidates should be capable of applying the MSP guidance in a relatively uncomplicated programme within an environment that uses MSP.Benets of Method: Improve your delivery confidence as everyone understands their role in delivering what the business expects. Terminology that is common in all projects, programmes & portfolios around the world with a methodology that works effectively with knowledge based practices Close your projects well to ensure lessons are captured and project assets are protected Structured approach with controls to provide a delivery methodology that works repeatedly and will enable you to successfully deliver projects Clearly understand your role, governance and responsibilities including the triggers, inputs and expected outputs Start your projects well to ensure successful and consistent delivery to achieve the expected benefits Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This accredited course aims to provide you with a straight forward route to becoming certified at the foundation level in your own time and at your own pace.FAQs1) Are there any prerequisites to take the course?Familiarity with projects, programmes and Project/Programme management is useful but not essential.2) Who should take this course?This course is aimed at project, programme, business change managers, aspiring programme managers and anyone who manages projects and programmes and preparing for a foundation qualification. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects and programmes such as Members of a Programme Office (PO), business change team members, project delivery team members, as well as anyone who needs to understand the terminology and concepts underpinning MSP and those wishing to pursue higher level certifications (e.g. programme managers, business change managers (BCMs) and senior responsible owners (SROs).This is an extract from an accredited course eligible for CPDs/PDUs and prepares you for a foundation qualification in MSP Programme Management3) What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) 300 Questions, equivalent of 4 Test papers of 75 questions each.b) Prepares you for a Foundation level qualification in MSP Programme Management.c) Hints, Tips and reasoning to help pass the official MSP Foundation level qualification Examd) Eligible for 6 PDUs or CPDsNext steps/Course: MSP Programme Management Foundation and PractitionerWhen you are ready to take the Foundation or Practitioner Exam/Qualification, please contact your Learning Service Provider SkillSolve Training (admin@skillsolve.co.uk +44 (0)1202 970910) to arrange your exams."
Price: 99.99

"PRINCE2 Agile Project Management- Foundation-Practice Exams" |
"Extracts from an Accredited Course, Pass with confidence, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive as a member of a agile/project environment.This course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in PRINCE2 Agile Project Management, a best practice for Agile Project Management.PRINCE2 Agile combines agile concepts with the worlds most popular approach to project management. Developed in response to user demand, the PRINCE2 Agile certification teaches you to blend structure, governance and control with agile methods, techniques and approaches.PRINCE2 Agile is a forward-thinking certification blending the flexibility and responsiveness of agile with the defined governance of PRINCE2.It is designed to help professionals tailor management controls when working in an agile environment, this certification will help you to understand PRINCE2 governance requirements, agile concepts and techniques and the interface between them.There are two levels within the PRINCE2 Agile certification scheme Foundation and Practitioner.PRINCE2 Agile Foundation is designed to give candidates an overview of PRINCE2, an overview of agile concepts and techniques and the knowledge they need to apply the two together.PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner is designed to help candidates apply the PRINCE2 Agile method in practice through real-world project management examples.This package covers the exam preparation for Foundation level study and qualification.Benets of Method: Allows you to focus on both management and delivery Works with any established agile approach Helps you to be on time and hit deadlines more consistently A collaboratively-built approach that is corporate friendly Increased stakeholder confidence Tools to manage and react to changing requirements. Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This course aims to provide you with a straight forward route to becoming a certificated at the Foundation level in your own time and at your own pace.FAQs1) Are there any prerequisites to take the course?Familiarity with projects and Project management is useful but not essential. PRINCE2 Agile Foundation has no prerequisites. 2) Who should take this course?This course is aimed at project managers, aspiring project managers and anyone who manages projects.PRINCE2 Agile is suitable for anyone who delivers projects, large or small, in an agile context. It is a valuable training and certification scheme for anyone working within an agile project environment, whether they are a project manager, project support or part of the wider project team. Including, key delivery team staff such as product owners, Scrum Masters and developers. Business professionals with an interest in iterative and incremental project delivery through collaborative working.This is an extract from an accredited course eligible for CPDs/PDUs and prepares you for a foundation qualification in PRINCE2 Agile Project Management3) What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) 120 Questions, equivalent of 2 Test papers of 60 questions each.b) Prepares you for a Foundation level qualification in PRINCE2 Agile Project Management.c) Hints, Tips and reasoning to help pass the official PRINCE2 Agile Foundation level qualification Examd) Eligible for 6 PDUs or CPDsNext steps/course: PRINCE2 Agile Project Management PractitionerWhen you are ready to take the Foundation Exam/Qualification, please contact your Learning Service Provider SkillSolve Training (admin@skillsolve.co.uk +44 (0)1202 970910) to arrange your exams.PRINCE2, PRINCE2 Agile, MSP, ITIL are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, RESILIA and The Swirl logo are trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 99.99

"Python Gui - Software development in python" |
"Gui's are what are missing from most programmer's toolkit, they cannot find it in addition to their wealth of knowledge. Not many years ago, I researched by God's help and found to my utmost pleasure how programming knowledge is applied in the real world both for UI's and Core-code (Both are scripted by the way).Qt has powered the world of UI's and still powers it. Adobe, VLC, Oracle are a few notable institutions that use Qt for both UI and also for functional code (for functional code, we will use python). But here is the catch, not so recent though, Qt released Qt Quick Markup language (Qml), that is not written in python, but rather in CSS style scripting language. This will help the advanced team-work desire to separate UI from core-code functionality.Also, there is another problem here, you can't seem to find many resources on it online. So here is it, an introduction and a quick practical hands-on, on building a complete Python app with a modern trendy Gui."
Price: 19.99

"Ce cours est destin tout le monde, mais surtout aux tudiants en architecture, qui ont du mal apprendre ces programmes d'architectures, Archicad et Lumion sachant que lorsqu'ils le font, ils ne peuvent pas trouver ce qu'ils veulent ailleurs, le but de ce cours est d'apprendre les bases du programme, Reconnaissez ensuite les icnes du clavier pour une excution rapide. En ce moment, nous avons commenc un projet o nous saurons: plan du rez-de-chausse, amlioration de la faade, plans de stationnement, 3 dimensions,construction muse ,rez de chausse ,Mur rideaux , vitrage et portes vitr encastre, rendage archicad ,parking , arbres et objets, Comment insrer un projet d'Archicad sur le programme Lumion ? Prsentation Lumion: Terrains, sections, Nature, transport,Mto...Modifier les matriaux de construction,Render les imagespar Lumion photos ralistes,Dcouvrir toutes les fonctionalits de Lumions ,3D.et plus. Pour que vous puissiez imprimer votre projet et le redimensionner sur le papier de votre choixSi vous manquez ce cours, il vous manquera beaucoup d'informations"
Price: 19.99

"Learning about Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE)" |
"ECCE is a framework towards quality breeding. Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. The module encapsulates the guidelines by the National Education Policy of India."
Price: 19.99

"What & Why of Coding In Schools?" |
"The module encapsulates ideas and strategies of how to explore coding in schools to encapsulate Quality Learning. Coding puts children in control of the computer and through experimentation builds mastery in sequencing skills, counting, problem solving, logical thinking, cause and effect, and critical thinking. The module very well re-visits on the narration in a manner for the educators in particular."
Price: 19.99

"How to become an Academic Auditor?" |
"As a priority towards excellence, the Schools that are committed to the quality conduct of an annual Academic audit for some important reasons. These include meeting bank requirements for loan covenants, assuring donors of full accountability and maintaining board confidence that the finances are in proper order to minimize their liability and risks. The opportunity has to dwell via senior teacher educators towards excellence."
Price: 19.99

"Learning about Data Science: What & Why?" |
"The module explores the concept of Data Science as a stand alone initiative. It reflects how Data science provides meaningful information based on large amounts of complex data or big data. The module defines how Data science, or data-driven science, combines different fields of work in statistics and computation to interpret data for decision-making purposes. A delightful learning module for the beginners in particular."
Price: 19.99

"Pathways to Green Schooling" |
"The module encapsulates the Green Initiatives in schools as a priority. It defines how a green school is about more than curriculum, more than programming and more than bricks and mortar and how in reality it supports and explores the global sustainability in every way in particular. It activates, the reduce energy by developing a shut down routine and policy for classrooms. The measures define holding a competition to create a switch off poster that goes up on every door and other quality initiatives."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Digital Body Language" |
"The module activates learning about the online traits, experiences and behaviour of individuals of how and why? The spectrum showcases the very utility to gaze and learn about others in particular. The module encapsulates various measures and identities towards knowing about self and others of routes and deliveries about taste, tongue and vibrations one manipulates for self and others looking at the traits of individuals online. The spectrum is towards making identity as a trait through analytic measure and observation."
Price: 19.99

"Coaching com PNL (Certificao Completa - Bsico/avan.) NLP" |
"Este curso completo de Coaching com Programao Neurolingustica (PNL) foi desenvolvido para te levar toda efetividade dos conhecimentos do Coaching com a profundidade da PNL. Com este curso voc ser capaz de compreender o ser humano e ajud-lo nos mais diversos nveis, seja de forma pessoal ou profissional.Aqui voc ter tudo para se tornar um Coach que utiliza a PNL como pano de fundo para ajudar pessoas a serem cada vez melhores. O que isso significa? Que as ferramentas da PNL vo te ajudar a compreender o inconsciente das pessoas, ou seja, o que est por trs de cada pensamento, fala ou ao que no percebida nem pela prpria pessoa. Alm de auxiliar seu cliente a sugerir para o prprio inconsciente recursos mais favorveis, quebrando objees inconscientes que o impedem de ter uma vida plena.O Coaching tem sido nos ltimos anos uma das profisses que mais cresce, principalmente devido s exigncias cada vez maiores da sociedade, onde se faz necessrio ter uma viso mais abrangente da vida, aliando propsito e organizao.A Programao Neurolingustica (PNL) ou Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( NLP em ingls), criada nos anos 70 por Richard Bandler e John Grinder, tem sido uma das principais ferramentas para a compreenso do ser humano neste sculo. Atravs das suas pressuposies, padres e modelos possvel compreender o que se passa dentro da mente, de forma a utilizar as ferramentas da prpria mente ao seu favor, ao invs de deixar esses padres alimentarem sentimentos de medo, ansiedade, procrastinao e outros.Nossos mdulos do curso sero:IntroduoPressuposiesSucesso, fracasso e crenasO modo CoachMetas e objetivosLinguagem na PNLModalidades e submodalidadesModelagemRapportTcnicas e ferramentasErros comuns no coachingNeste curso ns vamos do bsico ao avanado, em mais de 100 aulas em vdeo com mais de 10 horas de contedo. E ao final voc ter disponvel o certificado de concluso.Seja bem vindo ao mundo do Coaching com PNL! Vamos comear?"
Price: 459.99

"Apache Web Server" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU APACHE WEB SERVER & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Apache Web Server...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Apache Web Server!If your goal is to become a user of Apache Web Server, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Apache Web Server...Learning Apache Web Server is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Apache Web Server, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Apache Web Server is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Apache Web Server even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Apache Web Server.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Apache Web Server and How to Download Apache Web Server.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN APACHE WEB SERVER BY DOING! (LEARN APACHE WEB SERVER FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Apache Web Server. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Apache Web ServerB) Be able to Download and Install Apache Web ServerHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Apache Web Server is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to Apache Web ServerENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER APACHE WEB SERVER!"
Price: 199.99

"Apache Tomcat" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU APACHE TOMCAT & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Apache Tomcat...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Apache Tomcat!If your goal is to become a user of Apache Tomcat, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Apache Tomcat...Learning Apache Tomcat is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Apache Tomcat, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Apache Tomcat is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Apache Tomcat even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Apache Tomcat.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Apache Tomcat and How to Download Apache Tomcat.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN APACHE TOMCAT BY DOING! (LEARN APACHE TOMCAT FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Apache Tomcat. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Apache TomcatB) Be able to Download and Install Apache TomcatHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Apache Tomcat is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to Apache TomcatENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER APACHE TOMCAT!"
Price: 199.99

"Computao em Nuvem (Cloud Computing): Essencial" |
"A computao em nuvem est entre ns j h algum tempo.Neste curso, ns da Geek University, trazemos uma viso geral e ampla no somente dos conceitos mas tambm das principais empresase servios que esto atuando com computao em nuvem (Cloud Computing).Fazendo uso dos servios de nuvem as empresas, sistemas e aplicaes adquirem benefcios extraordinrios como:Facilidade de UsoFlexibilidadeSeguranaEconmicaEscalvelAprenda de forma simples, direta e prtica, os benefcios e servios de computao de nuvem neste curso introdutrio onde iremos conheceros 4 principais provedores de computao em nuvem (cloud computing) do momento:- Amazon Web Services (AWS);- Google Cloud Computing (GCC);- Microsoft Azure;- Alibaba Cloud;Conhea tambm as certificaes destes provedores para os profissionais da nova gerao!Evolua seu lado geek!"
Price: 24.99

"Certified Scrum Master (CSM)" |
"Certified Scrum Master (CSM) is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values.With your CSM, you can:Expand your career opportunities Demonstrate your achievement of core Scrum knowledgeLearn the foundation of ScrumRequirements to appear for CSM:To appear for CSM exam, you should obtain 14 hours of live online or 16 hours of in-person training To pass the test, you should score 37 out of the 50 questionsTime duration is 1 hour Online exam"
Price: 19.99

"PMP - CAPM Project Management Professional - SIMULADOS" |
"Esse simulado foi desenvolvido para quem est se preparando para o exame PMP ou CAPM.Quem fez o meu curso Mini-MBA Gesto de Projetos e certificao PMP est completamente preparado para fazer esse simulado.Novas simulados sero includos.O simulado 1 - Nivel de Dificuldade - FCILTotal de 105 questes.2 horas para responder todas as questes.Para ser aprovado no mnino 80%.Esse simulado inclui questes envolvendo:1 - Seleo de Projetos2 - Mtodos de Seleo de Projetos3 - Estruturas Organizacionais4 - Conhecimentos gerais sobre projetos5 - Questes situacionais: o que voc faria em determinada situao6 - Papis e Responsabilidades7 - Grupo de Processos de Iniciao8 - Fatores para seleo de projetos9 - Termo de Abertura de Projeto10 - O que o gerente de projetos faz na iniciao11 - Papel das partes interessadas12 - Porque antitico fazer um projeto sem termo de abertura13 - Papel do patrocinador do projeto14 - Escritrio de Gerenciamento de ProjetosMAIS 4 SIMULADOS CONTENDO 15 QUESTES"
Price: 39.99

"Computer Vision: Python Face Swap & Quick Deepfake in Colab" |
"Hello and welcome to my new course 'Python Face Swap & Quick Deepfake using Google Colab'You know, there is is an old phrase that says 'seeing is believing'. But in the world of 'Deepfake' what we see is not always true. Let's define deep fake with the help of an example video. Here is it.I used only a single stamp size photos of these people to create these videos. Yes, you heard it right. With only a single face image and few minutes of time with a normal computer, you can create deepfake of anyone. You an even make dead people talk or even sing for you.Yes! Be prepared to be amazed. Before we proceed any further, let me explain the list of contents that are included in this course. This course is divided exactly into two halves.In the first half, we will be creating a basic python based face swap application. Before we proceed, we will have an introduction to the deep fake technique, its applications, advantages and disadvantages. Then we have to prepare our computer with all the dependencies installed. We will be installing Anaconda, the platform and IDE for our python programming. Later there are few optional sessions for those who want to learn the basics of python programming language basics.Later we will install the rest of dependences required to built our custom python face swap application. After that we will writing the python code line by line to complete the whole program with more than 300 lines. Alternatively you may also download the complete code from the google drive link provided in the last session of this course. At first we will be doing the face swap using two static images. One as the source image and other as the target image. Later we will try it for realtime video from our computer's web camera. And then we will modify it to make it work with a pre-saved video saved in our computer.From the examples, you can see that this was just a basic face swap program and is not at all perfect. We were doing it just to learn how things works behind the scenes.Later we will proceed with implementing deepfake based on a paper called First Order Motion Model for Image Animation Submitted to Cornell University by Aliaksandr Siarohin, Stphane Lathuilire, Sergey Tulyakov, Elisa Ricci and Nicu Sebe Since training a deepfake involve expensive GPUs, we have an alternate plan to use the google Colab's free GPU. We will be preparing our google drive by creating folders and uploading the sample driving video, based on which the target image needs to be animated and also the target images or source images.Also we will be downloading a copy the demo google colab notebook and connect with google drive. Then we will clone the first order motion model repository from google drive. Later we will also proceed with cloning the face-alignment repository. We will install and set it up in our google colab. Then we will move the files into corresponding folders and start with cropping the driving video using a built in python program.After that we will download the frozen inference graph of the already trained model to our google drive. And now its all set to proceed with the animation of the source images based on the driving video. Once completed we will download the animated video. We will also do the same for few of the other source images too.The animated video will not be having audio. So we have to mix the audio to it using any free or opensource video editing tool available online. We will do that in our next session and finally we have all the deepfake animated videos with audio included.As the final session, we will also discuss how we can save the limited free GPU time offered by google and the workaround if the GPU time is exceeded.Just another word before I conclude. Please please make use of the contents and techniques mentioned in this tutorial very responsibly. Its intended only for learning and research purpose. Me as an instructor or the platform in which I host this course will not be liable for any illegal or irresponsible use of this technique.That's all about the topics which are currently included in this quick course. The code, images and weights used in this course has been uploaded and shared in a folder. I will include the link to download them in the last session or the resource section of this course. You are free to use the code in your projects with no questions asked.Also after completing this course, you will be provided with a course completion certificate which will add value to your portfolio.So that's all for now, see you soon in the class room. Happy learning and have a great time.Bibliographies and Reference CreditsNIPS Proceedings - First Order Motion Model for Image Animation - Aliaksandr Siarohin, Stphane Lathuilire, Sergey Tulyakov, Elisa Ricci, Nicu SebeCornell University - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - First Order Motion Model for Image AnimationGithub - AliaksandrSiarohin - first-order-modelGithub Pages - First Order Motion Model for Image AnimationLearn OpenCV - Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram using OpenCVLearn OpenCV - Face Swap using OpenCV - Satya Mallickpysource - Face swapping - Sergio Canu"
Price: 124.99

"30-day Business Blast" |
"Womxn entrepreneurs - do you have a goal to grow your business income quickly? Combine proven marketing strategy with epic mindset tools to set and achieve your income goal in just 30 days.With daily step-by-step videos that guide you through a 30-day marketing and mindset makeover, the 30-day Business Blast is Tash Corbin's premier Udemy program. Set your stretch income goalClarify your value proposition and messagingLearn mindset tools and techniquesEmbed money-making habitsUse the Law of Attraction to your advantage... and build your brilliant business!Specifically designed for womxn entrepreneurs who sell services, mentoring or digital products, this program is super-practical and rich with marketing, sales and mindset training to help you achieve that big income leap. This program includes access to a private Facebook community for additional support and connection with Tash Corbin and the other students of this and other Tash Corbin Udemy programs."
Price: 99.99

"Solar Automobiles and Business - Insights + Free ebook" |
"Solar automobiles and Start-up?Are you looking for more insights on solar Automobiles?Do you want to know why solar cars are going to bloom in near future?So, here we bring before you a comprehensive insights report on solar cars, start-up and business info where you can gain an estimate about the position of solar cars in near future.Knowing about renewable energy and its positive effect on environment is also covered in the video series.Also, by various statistics and figures, it will help to know much more about the solar energy market and its development in coming near future.This short video series will help you also know about working of solar cars and its effect on automobile sector in coming years.A brief idea about solar automobiles and the consideration by different businesses and start-up will be conveyed.A free resource and guide related to hybrid cars is also includedSo, if you wish to know more about solar automobiles and the market it will have in near future.Just hover over to enrol button and click on to get this short report on solar automobiles."
Price: 19.99

"Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): The Complete Course" |
"What Are The Benefits Of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)? DBT Improves Your Relationships, Improves Quality Of Life, helps with depression and improves mental health and well-being. This is a course for anyone interested in personal development and improving quality of your life with techniques such as Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness."
Price: 149.99

"Organic acid-base reactions" |
"In this course you will learn about the organic acids and how to solve the problem related to to the topic. The course is starting from basic fundamentals, so only prerequisite is the enthusiasm to learn organic chemistry. You will learn about Strength of organic acids and bases, Organic acids-base reactions, organic acids-base reactions."
Price: 19.99

"Software Engineering Fundamentals Tests" |
"If you preparing for your software engineering exam,I can guarantee you that this is the best investment you can make to score Ace your exam.This test course will revise all the fundamental concepts of software engineering whether it is activity diagrams or UI or UX design or use case diagram or class diagram.Also, you will revise different pattern designs such as adapter and abstract factory design. Moreover, the incremental and waterfall model will be revised."
Price: 19.99

"Epidemiology 101: Measures of Disease Frequency & Morbidity" |
"Morbidity refers to the presence of a disease in a population. Epidemiologists are keen to study morbidity and how it affects the population by analyzing data and interpreting them accurately to stakeholders across private and public sectors. They compute for disease impact by scrutinizing incidence rates and prevalence rates so that better interventions and health policies can be spurred into action. In this course, I will be introducing you to these important epidemiologic measures, where data can be collected and gathered, as well as what to look out for when validating the legitimacy of the numbers. We will be looking at some real-world statistics and solve example practice problems so you can have a better grasp of the relationship of the variables that determine the burden of disease in a community.Upon enrollment to the course all materials such as lecture videos, practice quizzes, and downloadable resources will always be available should you wish to go back to the material to study and review. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion which you can use to boost your resume, curriculum vitae, or LinkedIn profile. Start learning and increasing your knowledge today!"
Price: 29.99
