"Your complete guide to Agile, Scrum, Kanban" |
"What does this course include?Become a fully fledged Scrum Master and Scrum Product Owner! A 120 page book purposely written for this courseVideos that will describe and explain how to Project Plan and deliver Business valueA thorough explanation on how to apply the Agile principles within your organizationBonus Lectures that will deepen your knowledge about Agile Leadership Several problem solving mechanisms to useWho should take this course?Whether you are a project manager, product manager, business stakeholder or someone who wants to understand and practically apply methods from Scrum, Kanban and Agile, this is the place to start. If you are preparing for a scrum master certification, this class will give you a full walkthrough of what these courses offer so that you are prepared when dedicating time towards it. Course OverviewOverview of Agile - The development methodology behind Agile and why it is important for us to understand the manifesto and how we can apply that in our day to day projects.A complete overview of Scrum and Kanban - This will include all the roles within a scrum team, artifacts, ceremonies and advice on workshops and team exercises you can do with your new Scrum Team or Kanban Team. Project Planning and Project Management from scratch - This course will also take you through how to plan an Agile Project, Estimations, Story Points, Value Points and necessary steps to take within production. Agile Reporting - How do you report back ROI to your organization or stakeholder? Well, theres a full guide in here to help you.Manage Risks and see problems before they appear - This course also includes a guide on how to see problems coming and how to deal with them. What is Scrum? Scrum is a project management method within Agile for managing and completing Projects. With Scrum, you can calculate estimates based on complexity and risk, but also add ROI and business value to your estimations. At the end of this course you will be able to:Students will easily be able to practically apply each 12 steps of the Agile ManifestoLearn to differentiate and understand risks and pitfalls in an Agile environment and how to overcome themStudents will be able to practically apply their new Scrum Master and Kanban knowledge to lead teams through production sprintsStudents will be able to demonstrate a deep knowledge in Project Planning as well as risk mitigationStudents will be able to add value to their organization through learning about Business Value in an Agile environmentWho is teaching this course:The founder Daniel has worked in several industries in the past and was first introduced to Agile 9+ years ago at Electronic Arts where he lead a team of designers and producers through several video game development cycles working on titles such as Battlefield. His experience has taken him around the world where he's actively learnt and also taught Scrum and Agile within large scale organizations in the Airlines Industry, Electronics Industry and Gaming industry. Being an agile veteran, he also coaches and hosts seminars around the world, teaching Agile as well as Digital Transformation."
Price: 24.99

"Ultimate Guide Of InPixio Photo Editing Basic To Advance" |
"Ultimate Guide Of InPixio Photo Editing Basic To Advance.!!InPixio develops simple-to-use allowing users to correct, retouch or improve their photos because: We love photos!InPixio Photo Clip :- Remove background & unwanted objects from photos for free. Use our background eraser photo cutout tool to remove people from images.Remove unwanted objects like magic!Completely remove unwanted objects from your picture. Signs, wires, people, or any image that distracts you from what you are trying to capture.Images against a single colored background can be easily extracted with one click thanks to the automatic color detection function.Cut-out in a few clicks!Cut-out any detail, person, object or landscape element from your photos. Select the shape of the object thanks to the cursor or the background to remove, Photo Clip algorithm runs automatically!Create impressive photomontagesWith Photo Clip you can use these removed objects in other images to create photo-montages or collages.Allowing you to create impressive photo-montages!InPixio Photo Editor:-With our Photo Editor you can take complete control over the look and feel of your images. Use preset effects, adjust contrast, saturation, tint, brightness and much more. Crop or re-size the photo and then dress it up with a texture overlay or picture frame.InPixio Photo Eraser :-Remove people, objects, text, signs, logos, shade. InPixio Photo Eraser for PC is simple and easy to use. Includes clone tool to remove any blemishes.InPixio Photo Focus :-offers the tools to help you create clear, crisp and high-resolution photos.Creative blurring for great results!Enhance image sharpnessFilter effects transform images!Presets for custom effectsInPixio Photo Maximizer:-Enhance the clarity and sharpness, zoom-in on the tiniest of details and create amazing photos!Enlarge the smallest details.Focus on small objects!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Sexy Women & Human Figure Step-by-Step Guide" |
"Even if you are a complete beginner, this course is for you, If you want to learn how to draw The Sexy Figure or Human Development from life .This course is for anyone interested in improving their life drawing skills.What Im going to teach you is a set of techniques and approaches to the figure that will burst open the door to your very own natural and expressive style.You will learn how to draw the Sexy Women & Human Figure Development, in all kinds of poses.How to understand the figure and be able to draw the body in any given poses. The best part of this course is that you will be doing it together with your kids. You may not have much artistic or drawing skill, but you can help your kids develop theirs, and this book and the drawing guides in it will help you get them there. You and your kids are about to have the most amazing creative experience - one that you will talk about for years to come. I am also trusted to you, You can Do ! just trust your self and go head."
Price: 19.99

"Peak Performance Fishing Techniques" |
"Peak Performance Fishing was founded with the goal of bringing quality freshwater fishing instruction videos to the web, enabling Fishing enthusiasts at all levels to enjoy learning (or re-learning) skills, techniques, and tips that will make them the best Anglers they can be. Learn about Fly Fishing, Bass Fishing, Catfish, Reels, Rods, Jigs, Line, Bait Tips and more!"
Price: 44.99

"The Basics of LinkedIn All You Need to GET STARTED!" |
"How do you go from zero to huge daily engagement in just three months on LinkedIn?I did it so I could show you every step.In March 2018, I started my experiment to prove a point: that my strategy could gain a huge amount of engagement and opportunities.So lets look at some results:Three months in and I went from a few hundred followers to over 3,000. A year on and I'd soared through 10,000.Content consistently generates thousands of views, 100+ likes per post and typically 60/70 comments.I receive new DMs every day:job offers,new clients,speaking gigs,influencer marketing deals,consulting calls,collaborationsand a seriously supportive community.Yes within just that three month period. Sound good??But whats the biggest eye opener?Even though I only have a few thousand followers (that makes me pretty small compared with most influencers out there)Im getting far more engagement than many that have 10x (and even for some at 100x) the audience.Want to understand how? I explain literally exactly what I did and give the practical steps, using my THREE Cs APPROACH.Right now is a golden time for LinkedIn because with half a billion active users, comprising a huge amount of decision making power, its very straightforward to make some serious noiseEspecially on a platform that is relatively silent.So jump in and lets start getting you a meaningful response!"
Price: 39.99

"Scrum na prtica, Gesto gil e Alta Performance + 6 Extras" |
"Este curso uma combinao de teoria e prtica para atender tanto aqueles estudantes e profissionais que apreciam o detalhe como aqueles que preferem a parte prtica. Voc ter acesso a modelos de arquivos que podero ser usados e aplicados em seus projetos.A proposta no apenas te capacitar no framework Scrum, mas tambm nos requisitos de gesto e comportamentais que voc precisa desenvolver para se destacar nesse mercado gil e dinmico.Neste curso voc vai aprender o passo a passo como planejar, implementar e gerenciar projetos de forma profissional e com alta performance utilizando a metodologia que mais vem sendo reconhecida pelo mercado o SCRUM (Scrum Agile). um curso exclusivo que acrescenta gratuitamente 6 aulas extras que potencializaro sua performance gil em liderana, treinamento de equipes, conhecimentos sobre os perfis comportamentais para elevar seus resultados somados a parte tcnica.[Aula Extra 01] A importncia em conhecer os perfis comportamentais no Scrum[Aula Extra 02] Treinando o treinador para treinamentos da Equipe Scrum[Aula Extra 03] Gesto de tempo - Guia prtico para ser gil deixando a procastio de lado[Aula Extra 04] Liderana gil e Eficaz[Aula Extra 05] Autorresponsabilidade como fator de sucesso em sua vida e em projetos geis[Aula Extra 06] Validao de sistemas computadorizados na Indstria FarmacuticaReceber gratuitamente *modelos* para comear a usar desde j em seus projetos geisUm certificado digital de concluso entregue para os estudantes que completarem o curso.Este curso segue os conceitos descritos no Guia SBOK dessa forma ele estar te preparando para o seu primeiro exame de certificao, o Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) da ScrumStudy (uma das maiores certificadoras em mtodos geis do mundo). E o melhor de tudo que o exame de certificao gratuito.Alm das vdeo-aulas (que abrangem os tpicos essenciais sobre o framework Scrum), voc tambm receber uma cpia eletrnica do Guia SBOK disponvel para download."
Price: 369.99

"Income determination through I-S,L-M model." |
"Economics is the backbone of social science,in Economics income determination through I-S,L-M model is a tool that explain what are the instrument available with the government and with the monetary authority to achieve desired goal.This course give in-depth explanation such that even a layman can understand how economy work.The best part of this course is I-S with different tax system and machanism by which Economy adjust after fiscal or monetary shock."
Price: 1280.00

"Demand Supply and Equilibrium." |
"In microeconomics, supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. It postulates that, holding all else equal, in a competitive market, the unit price for a particular good, or other traded item such as labor or liquid financial assets, will vary until it settles at a point where the quantity demanded (at the current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an economic equilibrium for price and quantity transacted"
Price: 1280.00

"Perfect competition and Monopoly" |
"In Micro Economics, types of market structure occupy central position, in some cases market forces decides what price to be charged whereas in other firm decide how much it should charge so that profit is maximized.Some time firms have to take social issue into consideration and use technology accordingly either due to pressure by the govt or due to social norms. This course explain how firm decide how much to produce and how much to charge. It also explain how government intervene through taxes,subsidy,price ceiling, price flooring,etc.I also explain how firm react when government intervene.By going through this course student will be able to answer for any level of economics course."
Price: 1280.00

"Transcend Anxiety by Looking at Reality" |
"This course is designed to smash the illusion of anxiety and put you in contact with Reality.Anxiety is like an alarm bell telling you that you are not living in Reality. Anxiety only exists in the mind.You dont overcome anxiety by talking about it, but by having a clear perception of reality.You can only overcome anxiety in a natural way, and here youll find the easiest and most effective way.This course is designed to constantly work with your attention, the most powerful tool to transcend all your mental fears.This course is aimed to teach you how to live according to Reality, not in the negative scenarios of your mind."
Price: 189.99

"Go To Rest, Insomnia!" |
"Insomnia is a consequence of your agitated mind state.Your mind is like boiling pot filled with thoughts of any kind. This constant mental chatter keeps you away from a restful sleep, relaxation and joy.The mind and the body are one, therefore an agitated mind implies a tense body. You feel tired, but you cannot rest because your mind is too noisy.The key to overcome insomnia is the Way of reducing the mental noise. This takes practice, of course, and Ill show you how to do it.This course gives you a clear explanation of how insomnia is created that will clarify your understanding about what youll have to do.Ill teach you two simple practices that you can apply anytime during daytime and before going to sleep. These practices are tested and with constant practicing show improvement with sleeping disorders.Dont take any drugs, dont put anymore rules into your mind because it will create more mind-body tension.Clear you mind by living in the present moment and enjoy a restful sleep!"
Price: 179.99

"Mindfulness: A State Where Anxiety Doesn't Exist" |
"Anxiety is a state of fear and confusion when we live in the fog of our mind.Anxiety is only a sign that we live in our mental world rather than in The Reality, which lies right in front of our eyes.This course is created to show you another way of Living Life by becoming more and more aware of each moment.Meditation is not something you practice in specific conditions. Meditation means living in The Present Moment by practicing in your everyday situations.This course is about teaching you a shift in your perception, from your anxious mind to a Mindful State that reveals itself beyond the veil of your foggy-noisy mind.Stay Here, clarify your sight and see for yourself that anxiety doesnt exist."
Price: 159.99

"Mindfulness: Into The Depths Of Meditation" |
"Mindfulness is bliss... everywhere bliss.The more you dive in, the more it will be revealed to you.Mindfulness is right here, right in front of your eyes, as the most intimate part of your life. Yet you cannot see it, you cannot live it, that's why you suffer, you feel confused or feel that something very close to you is missing.This course is an adventure towards yourself. It is about becoming more aware... of what? This could be the greatest surprise of your life.This course is the first from a series, we'll see how long. You need to take this step by step. Mindfulness is a state, but it is also a process. First you need to learn how to get here. That's why practice is the key to dissipate the clouds of your mind and see the beauty of totality.Welcome to the first course, The Present Moment, which is the door to Mindfulness.Stay Here!"
Price: 169.99

"Core Java Mock Preparation" |
"Hi everyone :)Having you stop here simply means you are either preparing for a core java interview or want to know the most widely asked questions in the room. This course is intended for you folks, perfectly.The course basically aims at providing an in-depth explanation to most continuously asked questions through very engaging animated PPTs. Whether it's string, or exceptions, or multi-threading, I have got your back on most asked questions from these topics. The much important thing is the clear and concise clarity in explanations that you will get from this course.Note: 1. The course is not intended for complete beginners! You need to have at least basic to intermediate knowledge of core java.2. I will keep on adding brand new most asked questions regularly. So, this course is not just limited to a fixed number of questions!Rest assured, you will enjoy this awesome Bootcamp with me.See you in the course...Over n Out :)"
Price: 19.99

trening-uverennosti |
". , , . . . , - . , . ., , - , . ."
Price: 1799.00

attraction |
", , , , . , . . , . ."
Price: 19.99

"Mind Coaching Academy Not CBT, NLP but PRT that set me free." |
"Are you controlling your mind? Let's see. Don't think of an elephant. Okay, maybe that caught you unaware so I'll give you another go. Now you are prepared, ready, you are the master of you're thoughts. Don't think of an orange.We could play this all day. Our minds race ahead to find solutions, we crave questions to answer. What color is the elephant. You answered that too didn't you?Understanding and using, these simple mechanical principals opens doors to personal mastery, that you may previously have believed was available only to Monks and Yogi's.95% of our reactions to life happen in this way, that is a way that is triggered by a stimulus. Like the question, your mechanical mind is set in motion and your conscious mind has very little or no control over the process. You see we are habits, a big fleshy bag of programs, these habits are virtually impossible to remove, but surprisingly easy to replace.That is what The P.R.T Method does.We have developed system that is so beautifully simple and effective that is works for everyone who uses it, regardless of education or social background.It is never what a person says that offends us, it is our interpretation of what they say. How our mind processes it, so while we cannot change the information that we are receiving, we can change how it is processed instantly, and live free of excessive emotional responses to people to ourselves and to the world around usTry it out. Find a person who speaks a language that you do not, ask them to hurl insults at you, guess what, you wont feel a thing.The words have no power over us until we assign our own understanding and importance to them.Join the growing Tribe who have earned the key-ring, and now live with a clearer understanding of emotions and have a powerful and simple system that allows them to be in control of mood swings, negative thinking, fear, anger, stress, anxiety and know how to build deeper and stronger relationships.The one that saysP.R.T, Has set me free."
Price: 174.99

"Quantum Transformation - Self-Empowerment Course" |
"""What is the nature of reality? Well the nature of your reality, is that you create it.This course has been designed to help you understand the vibrational nature of the universe in relation to the nature of reality.Empowerment Course OutlineSelf-identification processThis is to help you identify where you truly ""think"" and ""feel"" you are in life right now.- Identify current perceived position (outer world)- Identify current feelings (inner world)- Identify higher self (View the viewer)Finding your purposeThis is where the journey truly begins. One small step in the right direction could be the biggest step of your life- What is success (Outer world)- Identify your purpose- Identify perceived desired feelings (inner world)- Goal SettingAlignmentLearn various tecniques on how to align yourself and the importance of it.- Chakra balancing/ emotional alignment- Brain alignment/ energy alignment/ Giving and receiving- State alignmentTranscending paradigmsTranscend your paradigm and you transcend your reality- Understanding paradigms- Understanding YOUR Paradigm and How to transcend paradigms- Taking the Quantum leapMaintaining a higher vibrationFocus on the energy you hold and watch the universe grant you miracles- Power of Affirmations- Difference between faith and belief- Maintaining a higher vibrationUnderstanding the law of attractionIn my perception science is the ability to create and reconstruct an experiment concluding in the same or similar results. The law of attraction is a science.- What is the Law?- 12 Universal laws- Applying the Universal lawsManifesting miraclesLife itself is a miracle, but learning to flow how with life can really be a game changer.- Undertsanding Manifesting- Resistance- Manifestation toolsWhat will I learn from this course?- Strong sense of direction, purpose and clarity- Strong sense of confidence, motivation and inspiration- Various perception transcendent, manifestation, meditation, balancing and alignment techniques- Reduction in stress, anxiety and worry- Goal setting strategies- Philosophy and Affirmation creation strategies- Vibrational Alignment with your goalsOne of the most important aspects of this course and the questions in it, is to be brutally honest. Not just with anyone else, but with yourself."
Price: 199.99

"Manifestation Masterclass" |
"Dylan Cameron, Founder of Innerplus and co-founder of the Conscious Awakening Phenemenon will be presenting his insights into the world of Manifesting and explaining his UNIVERSAL MANIFESTATION FORMULA.I will be covering the following;What is manifestingQuick Quantum MechanicsOrigins of the Manifestation FormulaManifestation Formula Part 1Application of the formulaManifestation Formula Part 2Application of Perception3 A's of Manifesting"
Price: 29.99

"PMP Practice Test Exam 2019-PMBOK6" |
"Practicing mock is M/C phase of PMP Exam preparation for a PMP aspirant. Any aspirant should be very careful in selection of right mock. There is myth in the market, if you don't score 80% in your mock exam, your success rate decreases in the real exam. I always condemn this thought, as there is a great variance in the degree of Mocks available in the market from quality point of view.My message to all Aspirants1) Read PMBOK thoroughly. Hardly you get questions outside PMBOK.2) Take the print out of 5-10-49 (5 process groups, 10 Knowledge Areas, 49 processes) from PMBOK-6 and read it on daily basis.3) Download PMBOK outline document from PMI website and make a habit of reading on daily basis.4) Know the functionality of all 33 project documents and its reference in project life cycle. If you need help here I can guide you.5) Smartly learn Tools and Techniques. There are 9 Data gathering tools, 27 Data analysis tool, and so on. Check its reference and usage in Project life cycle.6) Practice my set of 463 questions, which has been broken down to six sets- First one having 200 questions( Full mock) with 4 hour time duration , Second one having 100 questions with two-hour time duration, the third one has 50 questions with a duration of 1 hour, 4th one having 33 scenario based questions typically closest to real exam, 5th one has 30 Agile questions,6th one is an 50 questions set, that consists of ITTO based questions. Most of the ITTO questions are situation based, keeping real exam in mind. I have thoughtfully broken my set of questions in to four parts, and I guarantee this will boost the learning efficiency of the aspirants.7) Don't forget to review those questions which you have answered wrongly, this set contain detailed explanation of all correct answers with PMBOK reference. When you are reviewing, you can review Knowledge Area wise, this is an added functionality of my exam sets.8) Retake the test, if you score less than 75 percent. I would recommend to continue practicing until you get 90 percent.I have covered all important topics, if u do all my questions with proper understanding, your probability of passing the real exam with flying colors will be higher.7) Practice my 200 Question mock at least twice to assess your speed and readiness.8) Practice my ITTO set of 50 questions, as many times as possible. I would say until you score above 90%.8) Remember the age old saying: - God helps those who helps themselves. This practice tests doesn't guarantee your success in the PMP exam, but it will certain increase your confidence level.Good Luck All!!!Tridib Roy, MBA -IT, PMP, CSM, CSPO, ITIL V4"
Price: 1600.00

"Copywriting Para Quem tem Pressa" |
"Estratgias de Copywriting o que vem diferenciando produtos e servios do mercado quando falamos de estratgias digitais, nos EUA copywriter uma profisso reconhecida e valorizada, aqui no Brasil algo novo no qual o mercado est conhecendo agora.Se voc empresrio, profissional liberal, produtor digital, afiliado ou consultor de marketing e tem dificuldade em estar escrevendo copy para videos, anncios, carta de vendas, artigos, post etc... este produto para voc.Este um curso rpido que vai trazer conceitos e modelos de copy que capacitar qualquer pessoa escrever Copy em 15 minutos ou menos.Chega de sacrificar seus resultados por no saber estratgias de Copywriter. Voc esta a um passo do SUCESSO."
Price: 39.99

"Personal Branding Boot Camp for Black Women" |
"Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and own your brand. Learners will: Understand what personal branding means for themLearn pricing strategies for branding success Learn about the best social media platforms for business and product brandingCreate a 30 second elevator pitch incorporating their mission statementDiscover the formula used in marketing themselves or their product Join instructor Alana Fenton M.S., M.A. as she provides a thorough review of topics in the course in which learners are encouraged to intensively explore themselves in order to create a personal brand that authentically and effectively communicates their values and personal and professional mission. Learn your brand personality and stand out from the crowd."
Price: 99.99

Proxmox: |
"Proxmox VE 5. : Proxmox - :) heartbeat () -"
Price: 24.99

"Kubernetes = rancher + ceph" |
"kubernetes RKE, Rancher, Certmanager Ceph , kubernetes, - , Rancher k8s ."
Price: 24.99

"5 Ferramentas de gesto + Lego" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender num processo de cinco dias utilizando vrias ferramentas de gesto e negcio aplicadas a exerccios com blocos LEGO criando conexes e aprendizados inovadores.O processo vem sendo testado em grupos e inspirada tambm na metodologia LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.A criatividade uma tima ferramenta na resoluo de problemas, na elaborao de alternativas, na comunicao com ideias e percepo de situaes e variveis complexas realizao atravs de conexes.A jornada conduzida pelo mtodo busca direcionar os participantes a refletir sobre a pergunta-problema a partir de um mindset voltado para a resoluo. Dessa forma, a dificuldade vista como um desafio e no como problema.Este curso foi planejado com atividades prticas intercaladas com drops de conhecimento terico, dividido entre momentos de instruo, construo e reflexo.Sugerimos que voc assista ao curso, parando quando for solicitado, para criar suas construes, tomar notas e fazer suas reflexes."
Price: 54.99

"5 Management tools + Lego" |
"In this course in a five-day programme, you will learn how to use various management and business tools. Practice using LEGO blocks creating innovative connections and learning.The process has been tested in groups and is also inspired by the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology.Creativity is a great tool in solving problems, in the elaboration of alternatives, in communication with ideas and perception of situations and complex variables ... realization through connections.The method-driven journey seeks to direct the participants to reflect on the problem-question from a resolution-oriented mindset. In this way, difficulty is seen as a challenge and not as a problem.This course was planned with practical activities interspersed with drops of theoretical knowledge, divided between moments of instruction, construction and reflection.We suggest that you attend the course, stopping when you are asked, to create your constructions, take notes, and do your reflections."
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda Excel para melhorar sua vida financeira" |
"Minha proposta para o curso te ensinar a investir, que voc descubra onde voc esta gastando dinheiro, com o que, onde pode melhorar, saber quanto voc vai ter daqui a um ano ou mais, como preferir.*Voc entendera sobre investimentos;*Voc entendera sobre Excel bsico e avanado*Voc ira elaborar uma planilha financeira que te mostrara quanto vai ter daqui a alguns meses ou anos.*Conseguira um controle financeiro muito melhor para a sua vidaJ pensou em ver o dinheiro sobrar em sua conta ao invs de faltar? que tal comear hoje?Te espero na aula!"
Price: 39.99

"Affiliate Marketing Strategico 2020" |
"In questo video corso ho raccolto le nozioni base di una strategia di online marketing applicate alla vendita di prodotti in affiliazione.Dopo aver studiato dai migliori Online Marketers e formatori internazionali e italiani, e soprattuto dopo aver messo in pratica le nozioni imparate, ti metto a disposizione le informazioni e la formazione che ti serve per iniziare il tuo business di Affiliate Marketing, anche partendo da 0, avendo alle tue spalle una strategia ed evitando gli errori banali commessi dalla maggioranza degli inesperti.Questo video corso, abbinato a tanto impegno, dedizione e lavoro, ti metter nelle condizioni di avviare il tuo business di Affiliate Marketing di successo."
Price: 69.99

"Russir sa premire prise de poste" |
"Ce cours est plutt rserv aux jeunes diplms ou ceux qui ont une courte exprience et veulent se rappeler les fondamentaux pour russir leur prise de poste. Il y a une premire partie consacre la prparation avant le premier jour de prise de poste, la deuxime partie est consacre au droulement des premires semaines d'intgration."
Price: 19.99

"Dirigez vos runions efficacement" |
"La runion doit tre un outil de travail collaboratif, un espace dchange et de confrontation dides aboutissant la ralisation dun objectif oprationnel commun. Ce cours tudie brivement pourquoi ce nest pas le cas et propose surtout les meilleures pratiques concrtes pour rendre vos runions productives et efficaces.La formation se veut avant tout pragmatique et va faire participer lapprenant ds le dbut. Celui-ci, par lalternance de contenus pdagogiques et dapplications pratiques va tre capable de :-Prparer efficacement ses runions-Rdiger un ordre du jour mobilisateur-Grer la runion damont en aval-Trouver son style danimation et sadapter aux diffrents profils de participants-Identifier des ides cratives pour une alternative aux runions classiques."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics" |
"This course introduces and discusses the concepts and fundamentals of temperature and thermometry, equations of state for fluids and solids, work, heat, the first law, internal energy, enthalpy, specific heats, energy equations for flow, change of phase, the second law, reversibility, entropy; combined first and second laws. It analyzes applications to a wide range of processes and devices."
Price: 199.99
