"Quit Smoking With Hypnosis, NLP, EFT & meditation" |
"A NEW MULTI METHOD APPROACH TO QUIT SMOKING and ending other unwanted habits or addictions. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that teaches you to communicate with the subconscious mind by bypassing the analytic conscious mind. However, after working with others for many years I discovered that everyone does not learn the same way or at the same rate. The same techniques do not necessarily work for everyone. I was determined to create a program that was more than just hypnosis that would work for anyone and achieve the desired results. As I am trained in what many alternative health experts believe are some of the most effective self-help approaches to alternative health, I decided to combine these programs into a single power-packed approach. By combining- self-hypnosis with the powerful NLP techniques EFT or tapping as it deals with the emotional issues--Mindfulness-it keeps us focused in the here and now--Reiki because it can help the body emotionally heal by working with this vast energy stores in our bodies, --Combined with meditation, and combined with more than 40 years of experience of helping others leave their addictions, I have created the multi-method program for leaving addictions or unwanted habits behind."
Price: 139.99

"Curso REVIT para Arquitetura e Engenharia" |
"-O conhecimento essencial, sabendo disso, ensinamos aqui de forma prtica, rpida e eficiente para que todos aprendam e desenvolvam excelentes projetos com os ensinamentos adquiridos neste curso-O BIM (Building Information Modeling) uma realidade na engenharia nos dias de hoje, e o REVIT a base para que muitos projetos sejam desenvolvidos. Dominando essa ferramenta suas chances de se destacar no mercado aumentam e muito-Aps a finalizao deste curso voc estar apto a realizar projetos arquitetnicos, ter mais facilidade em realizar projetos complexos e ainda ter noes de modelagem de estrutura de um projeto-Aprenda da primeira linha impresso final"
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Photoshop edio de fotografias" |
"Este o curso de photoshop para fotgrafos que foi planejado no objetivo de mudar suas fotos da gua para o vinho.So 11 mdulos de contedo para te levar do bsico ao avanado. Conte com todas as tcnicas de edio de fotografia profissional. Retoques e tratamentos avanados, aqueles utilizados em revista. Domine os ajustes perfeitos de cores, luzes e sombras, e efeitos incrveis. Ajustes corporais, limpeza de cena e remoo de objetos indesejados. Aprenda otimizar o fluxo de trabalho para que voc se torne um Fotgrafo rpido.O Curso direcionado fotgrafos independente do nicho fotogrfico. Aprenda a fazer edies naturais e tambm edies ""mgicas"". Nosso principal objetivo, que voc alavanque sua carreira, transforme a sua fotografia em um trabalho incrvel, para consequentemente, lotar a agenda, independente do seu nicho escolhido."
Price: 219.99

"How to Program a Muscle Building Plan for Skinny Guys" |
"I've had too many clients follow cookie cutter programs from other coaches that didn't cater to their needs. It also teaches you nothing about what to do after your done with their program. What I wanted to do here was taking my years working with skinny clients who have struggled to put on size, and lay out EXACTLY how to program for yourself.This course will cover everything from how many sets, reps, days a week, what type of workout split, how to progress when you get stuck, and common mistakes I see guys make struggling to put on size. By the end of this course you should feel 100% confident knowing you know what goes into making a bodybuilding, or workout program so that you can fine tune and adjust on your own rather then rely on having to search program after program and end up with the same size."
Price: 19.99

"A Complete Guild to Earn Online 2020" |
"In this course, I have discussed three ways to earn online. The course consists of three modules, each explaining a key point to earn money online,Module 1 explains the easy way most people earn money online, while module two explain what I call the swift way. The third and final way is explained in module three as the old way of earning online."
Price: 19.99

"Azure for SAP Workloads AZ-120 Practice Tests" |
"The Practice Tests Azure Exam AZ-120 helps professionals to prepare for the actual certification exam. You need to pass all practice test questions to fully prepare for the Microsoft Azure Exam AZ-120 certification exam. This will make you confident for the exam and therefore will be able to pass the exam on the first attempt..Who should take the Microsoft Azure AZ-120 Exam?Exam candidates must be architects or engineers with extensive experience and knowledge of the SAP system landscape and specific industry standards for the long-term operation of an SAP solution on Microsoft Azure.Practice Tests AZ-120The Microsoft Azure planning and administration exam for SAP AZ-120 workloads covers the following topics :Migrate SAP workloads to Azure.Design an Azure solution to support SAP workloads.Build and deploy Azure for SAP workloads.Validate the Azure infrastructure for SAP workloads.Operate the Azure SAP architecture.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 34.99

"DP-100 Azure Practice Tests Prep Exam" |
"How about you prepare with DP-100 Azure practice tests with the latest reference.Why become a Data Scientist?Nowadays, every industry is becoming data-driven. Every company whether big or small are looking for people who can very well understand and analyze data. Job as a data scientist is increasing its hype with its growing demand. Blooming in each sector of industries from IT to marketing or retails. Data science is emerging as the most trusted as well as a strategic partner to their management.Since its an evolving field which is adding value to the business, it is flourishing with jobs. The average annual salary of data scientist is 120,000 USD. However this figure may fluctuate depending upon the size of the industry. Not only big companies but new startups are also relying on data scientists.All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam.Who should take the Microsoft DP-100 Azure Exam?Exam candidates must be architects or engineers with extensive experience and knowledge of the SAP system landscape and specific industry standards for the long-term operation of an SAP solution on Microsoft Azure.Practice Tests DP-100 AzureThe DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azures covers the following topics :Set up an Azure Machine Learning workspace.Run experiments and train models.Run experiments and train models.Optimize and manage models.Deploy and consume models.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 29.99

"Negociao da Abordagem ao Fechamento." |
"Negociar uma cincia que deve ser estudada, pensando nisto, dominar esta cincia torna-se decisivo para a nossa vida pessoal e profissional.Neste curso abordaremos os principais erros que te fazem perder a venda, corrigindo e demonstrando as melhores ""armas"" para voc utilizar na batalha com seu cliente.Diferente do que estamos acostumado em treinamentos cujo a teoria o foco, abordaremos em nossas aulas a pratica, o que acontece na realidade ao olhos do cliente e vendedor.Colocamos neste curso, os anos de experiencia que nossa empresa possui, reunimos as principais tcnicas utilizadas pelos melhores vendedores em todo o mundo.Ento pegue um papel e uma caneta, abra sua mente e prepare-se que o melhor est por vir."
Price: 54.99

"OWASP Top 10 - Theoretical and Practical Security Training" |
"This training contains:Identify the OWASP top 10 threats.Principals how to identify security issues and how to mitigate the risk or discovered issues.Practical samples with detailed explanation how the issue can be identified, details about the issues exploitation and recommendation of what approaches or technologies can be used to protect web application against similar attacks.The training is programming language agnostic but it requires basic knowledge of web development like writing simple SQL queries and PHP / JavaScript knowledge."
Price: 199.99

"PostgreSQL v12 Database Administration on Windows and Linux" |
"PostgreSQL is an advanced, enterprise class open source Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS). Its is a relational database that supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying.PostgreSQL possesses robust feature sets including Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), point in time recovery, granular access controls, tablespaces, asynchronous replication, nested transactions, online/hot backups, a refined query planner/optimizer, and write ahead logging. It supports international character sets, multi-byte character encodings, Unicode, and it is locale-aware for sorting, case-sensitivity, and formatting. PostgreSQL is highly scalable both in the quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate.The course provides the learner with an extensive knowledge of PostgreSQL Database Administration with real time examples.Topics covered are:PostgreSQL Process and Memory ArchitectureInstallation of PostgreSQL v12 - Windows and Linux Setup PostgreSQL v12 Environment Variables - Windows and LinuxPostgreSQL Page LayoutDatabase Directory LayoutPostgreSQL Configuration FilesCluster in PostgreSQL (Initdb,Start/Stop,Reload/Restart Cluster)Createdb/Dropdb, Createuser/Dropuser UtilityCreate Schema and Schema Search Path Psql Interface CommandsPg System CatalogsWorking with PostgreSQL ObjectsCRUD OperationsTable Inheritance Table PartitioningTablespace in PostgreSQLBackup, Continuous Archiving and PITR (Point-in-Time-Recovery)Explain plan and Query Execution CostMaintenance (Updating Planner Statistics, Vacuum, Routine Reindex & Cluster)Data FragmentationTransaction ID wraparound, Vacuum freeze, Auto_Vacuum DemonPgadmin 4 Uninstall PostgreSQL v12 on Windows and Linux"
Price: 39.99

"The Consulting Case Interview: Beginner to Expert" |
"Why should you choose this course?This course contains everything you need to know to get into top management consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG and Bain. I have also made it so busy students will have time to do this course as I have condensed all the information into a complete package so you don't have to spend weeks learning about consulting case interviews.How is the course taught?Interactive lectures with supporting slides to help your learningQuizzes to reinforce learning Interactive business case examples where you can see what it's like in a case interviewWhat you will gain from this courseA solid understanding of consulting as an industryHow to communicate effectively in a case interview How to nail the non-case parts of the interview like competency questionsHow to crack all manner of case studies Knowledge that will help you get into the top management consulting firmsWhy should you learn from me?I prepared for months for case interviews and learnt what is necessary and what isn't necessary. So from my experiences interviewing at BCG (course not affiliated with BCG) and at other big firms, I've collated the most important information for you to land top jobs at the most competitive firms."
Price: 79.99

tptqssgp |
", Elementary, Pre-Intermediate. , , . 11 , , . , ."
Price: 1799.00

"Learn and Speak Bengali for Beginner through English" |
"This Bengali Master Class - Level 1 is designed for English speakers who have the desire to get started in Bengali (Bangla) and are absolute beginners. It is taught by Kaushik, a native Bengali from Kolkata, West Bengal, India and Laury, a native French whos been learning Bengali with Kaushik.The idea is to focus on speaking so you can quickly apply Bengali to your daily conversations instead of spending a lot of time cracking the traditional alphabet.This master class includes 24 thematic lectures in video format and composed of:1or 2 grammar points to get to know the Bengali grammatical secrets1 list of vocabulary and expressions to enrich your conversations1 Bengali dialogue to test your listening skills1 exercise or quiz to keep you engaged in your practice1 downloadable 70+ page activity workbook (PDF) with the concepts, vocabulary, bengali dialogue scripts and english translations and exercises with the correction.We also created a Facebook Group where you will have to share your exercises from time to time. The idea behind is that you can get access to others productions, compare, see other writing styles and improve your understanding skills. You can also drop your questions if anything remains unclear.If you want to set your Bengali learning on the right track by understanding some fundamental concepts behind the language, then this course will help you achieve your goal.Hope to see you there ;)"
Price: 29.99

"Advanced Scrum Master Practice Exams" |
"A SAFe Advanced Scrum Master (SASM) is a servant leader who has a broader, systems view of the Scrum Master role and provides integrated practices for facilitating multiple team, program, and enterprise success in larger programs. Advanced Scrum Masters understand Agile and Scrum anti-patterns and facilitate cross-team interactions to support program execution and relentless improvement. Providing this experience and servant leadership helps teams improve flow and quality of work, resulting in cohesive, high-performing Lean-Agile teams that deliver continuous value.During this course you will learn how to prepare for SAFe 5 Advanced Scrum Master Exam and become a certified SAFe Advanced Scrum Master (SASM)"
Price: 34.99

"Scrum Master Practice Exams -" |
"Becoming a Certified SAFe Scrum Master requires an exceptional range of skills and is a career path for many Scrum Masters.A Certified SAFe Scrum Master (SSM) is a SAFe Scrum Master professional responsible for integrating Scrum practices into an organization.Key areas of competencyUsing Scrum and Kanban to facilitate team eventsSupporting program executionCoaching Agile teamsThe practice tests are designed to be predictive of success on the certification exam,* and it has the same number of questions, level of difficulty, and time duration."
Price: 34.99

"Certified SAFe Practitioner Practice Exams" |
"A Certified SAFe Practitioner (SP) is a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) team member responsible for using Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) in a SAFe environment. Key areas of responsibility include planning Program Increments and Iterations, breaking requirements into stories, developing incrementally with built-in quality, demonstrating value at a team and program level, and problem-solving impediments to drive relentless improvement.The practice test is designed to be predictive of success on the certification exam,* and it has the same number of questions, level of difficulty, and time duration."
Price: 34.99

"Certified Scaled Agilist - CSA Practice Exams" |
"A SAFe Agilist: is a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) enterprise leadership professional who is part of a Lean-Agile transformation.The practice test is designed to be predictive of success on the certification exam and it has the same number of questions, level of difficulty, and time duration.After successfully completing the course, you will need to pass the SAFe Agilist Exam. To attain a passing score, you must correctly answer 34 of the 45 questions. Therefore complete practice exam multiple times till you score 100%."
Price: 34.99

"Scaled Program Consultant Practice Exams - SPC" |
"SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs) are change agents who combine their technical knowledge of SAFe with an intrinsic motivation to improve the company's software and systems development processes. SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs) play a critical role in successfully implementing SAFe.The SAFe 5.0 Program Consultant (SPC) exam is designed to measure knowledge and skills related to the SPC job role.After the official SAFe 5.0 Program Consultant (SPC) training (and certification) you should be able to:Lead an enterprise Lean-Agile transformationImplement the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)Empower with a lean portfolioAlign the organization to a common language and way of workingTrain managers and executives in Leading SAFeAct as a SAFe 5.0 Lean-Agile Leader (SL) certifying agent"
Price: 34.99

"Certified Product Owner / Product Manager - 5 practice exams" |
"To perform the role of a SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager, attendees should be able to:Articulate the Product Owner and Product Manager roleConnect SAFe Lean-Agile principles and values to the PO/PM rolesDecompose Epics into Features and decompose Features into StoriesRefine Features into StoriesManage Program and Team backlogsCollaborate with Agile teams in estimating and forecasting workRepresent Customer needs in Program Increment PlanningExecute the Program Increment and deliver continuous valueDuring this course you will learn how to prepare for Certified SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager Exam and become a certified SAFe Product Owner Prodcut Manager (POPM)"
Price: 39.99

"SAFe DevOps Practitioner Practice Exams" |
"To compete in a disruptive global market, every organization needs to deliver valuable technology solutions at the speed of business. This requires a shared DevOps mindset among all the people needed to define, build, test, deploy, and release software-driven systemsnot just the engineers operating a CI/CD pipeline.Attending the class prepares individuals to take the exam and become a certified SAFe 5 DevOps Practitioners (SDP)."
Price: 29.99

"Moroccan Harcha filled with onions, tuna, black olives-" |
"Moroccan Harcha is Semolina Pan-Fried Flatbread.In this course, were going to prepare moroccan stuffed harcha with tuna, onions and olives.You can choose the filling you want. You can replace tuna with minced meat, smoked turkey or whatever you want. you can also prepare it without stuffing, accompanying it with butter, cheese or jam."
Price: 19.99

"How To Write An Excellent Thesis Or Academic Paper" |
"This course shows you step by step how to write excellent academic texts, regardless of the discipline you're in. You will learn:how to organise your academic paper or thesis logicallyhow to use appropriate academic vocabularyhow to avoid plagiarism and reference correctlyand much, much more!This course is practical and follows a 'how to' principle, dividing the big task of 'how to write academic texts' into smaller, manageable 'how to' tasks.For example, in order to know 'How to express yourself clearly in academic English', you need to learn 'How to identify informal words' and 'How to avoid the most common mistakes'."
Price: 59.99

"Python interview questions. (Crack interview)" |
"Python interview questions is for Who learned Python Who want To Go and Crack Interview and get job Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.[28]Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly, procedural), object-oriented, and functional programming. Python is often described as a ""batteries included"" language due to its comprehensive standard library.[29]Python was created in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC language. Python 2.0, released in 2000, introduced features like list comprehensions and a garbage collection system with reference counting.Python 3.0, released in 2008, was a major revision of the language that is not completely backward-compatible, and much Python 2 code does not run unmodified on Python 3.The Python 2 language was officially discontinued in 2020 (first planned for 2015), and ""Python 2.7.18 is the last Python 2.7 release and therefore the last Python 2 release.""[30] No more security patches or other improvements will be released for it.[31][32] With Python 2's end-of-life, only Python 3.5.x[33] and later are supported.Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. A global community of programmers develops and maintains CPython, a free and open-source[34] reference implementation. A non-profit organization, the Python Software Foundation, manages and directs resources for Python and CPython development."
Price: 1280.00

"Ethical Hacking : Become a Cyber Security Expert (2020)" |
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a qualification obtained by demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems by looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems, using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. This knowledge is assessed by answering multiple choice questions regarding various ethical hacking techniques and tools. The code for the CEH exam is 312-50. This certification has now been made a baseline with a progression to the CEH (Practical), launched in March 2018, a test of penetration testing skills in a lab environment where the candidate must demonstrate the ability to apply techniques and use penetration testing tools to compromise various simulated systems within a virtual environment."
Price: 1280.00

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 390 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions!When I was reviewing for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam, I had a hard time finding comprehensive practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions. This is why I created these AWS practice tests to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CSA-Associate exam. And we don't need to trash or slander other AWS practice test courses here on Udemy just to make a sale because we are confident that our AWS practice tests are simply the BEST."
Price: 1280.00

"Bharat Stage 6 Emission Norms." |
"This course will take you from the basics of Bharat stage 6 to a high level. Which you should know as an industry expert or as an academic student. This course is all about Bharat stage 6 technology how they are contributing in reducing the emission from exhaust gases. If you will take this course you will learn: - What is Bharat stage 6 norms?Why and what we are doing in Bharat Stage 6 norms?Changes in Bharat stage 6 fuel?Can we use BS-6 fuel in BS-4 Vehicle?Component of Bharat stage 6 vehicle?Ad-Blue technology in BS-6 vehicle.Dos and Dont for BS-6 vehicle.How to Test AdBlue quality."
Price: 1280.00

"Realistic Watercolor Painting: From Beginner to Pro Hindi" |
"Join 1,300+ students in the highest-rated watercolor painting course in Hindi/Urdu on Udemy!This course will take you right from the very basics to creating your own watercolor masterpiece! It has over 5.5 hours of lectures in total which includes assignments(optional) so that you can truly learn and grasp the concepts of watercolor painting! REVIEWS""I love the course and the way she taught the course. I like how she used simple Hindi to teach us."" - Rushabh Khattri ""This is the best course, I have ever done. Very happy and I personally suggest you join."" - ShubhamLearn By Doing This is a highly interactive course to make learning fun and easy! You have to follow along with me and do as I do to get the real experience and feel of watercolors.Since this is not an ordinary live class, a lot has been done to make your learning as interactive and fun as possible! After each painting you make, you can show it to me through a direct message, and I will personally give you proper feedback on it. After each section, there are assignments. There I have attached a few paintings that you can try to replicate using the methods taught in the lectures. This will really help you with practicing the methods. You can then direct message me your work for the feedback! If you have any doubt in any of the lectures, or any general doubt about watercolor, you can ask me in the Q&A section or direct message me. I will try my best to respond to you within 12 hours.Get Your Basics ClearedA lot of students do common mistakes in the way they hold the brush, mix the colors, or they choose the wrong amount of water. I will be clearing all of these doubts and common mistakes and will teach you the correct methods. Using my tips and tricks, watercolor will become a lot easier and fun! Then you will learn all the core fundamental techniques of watercolor such as wet on wet, wet on dry, and glazing that are the foundations of every watercolor painting. This course will bring out the artist in you. Using these basic watercolor techniques and tips you will be able to paint anything with ease! Learn Through 14 Real-Time Paintings DemonstrationI will demonstrate by making 14 different paintings of easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels from start to finish in a step by step manner. Through these paintings, you will learn to create things like flowers, birds, butterflies, fruits, still life objects, and much more! No other online course will demonstrate and teach by using so many examples. Once you try and make these 14 paintings on your own, your painting skills will surely improve drastically. The Benefits of a Pre-Recorded Online Class Over a Live Online ClassLearn anytime: One of the biggest advantages of enrolling in a pre-recorded class is that you can learn from it anytime! A lot of times we get involved with certain tasks or are not available at a specific time when the live class is scheduled, this interrupts the learning process. Through a pre-recorded lecture, you can learn at your time of comfort. Be it at 6 am or 11 pm, there is no time restriction to learning!Fewer technical issues: Let's be honest, in a live class we all have to face network problems at some point. It could be audio issues, video quality issues, or anything. This really ruins the whole experience of learning. With a pre-recorded course, most of these issues do not exist. If you have a slow network connection, you can download the whole course and watch it offline! Watch it again: In a live class, you can only watch a lecture once. Whereas in a recorded class, you can watch it any number of times. So in case if you missed some points, couldn't understand certain things, or wanted to do a quick recap, you could always watch the lecture again. Watch at your own pace: Quite literally, you can watch a recorded lecture at your own pace by changing the speed. Some of us like to watch videos at 1.5x or 2x speed. This does save time and sometimes makes slow lectures fun to listen to. In case you are not able to keep up and are finding it a bit fast, you can always slow down the speed to match your pace. Yours for a lifetime: Once you enroll in this course, it becomes yours forever. You can revisit any of the lectures anytime to get a recap or revision of the concepts. You can learn repeatedly and always get personal support from me, anytime you need it. Always Stay up to DateThis course will always be up to date with better techniques, more assignments, more painting demonstrations, and everything required to make it as relevant and useful as per the latest trends and methods. You will never miss out on anything and will become a life long learner. With one time investment, get a lifetime of learning. Why Should I Learn Watercolor Painting?Art is not just about having fun and enjoying a hobby. Art is a therapy that relaxes your mind, helps you cope with stress, and boosts self-esteem. Multiple studies show that creating artworks helps with the development of:motor skillslanguage skillssocial skillsdecision-making skillsproblem-solving skillscritical thinking skillsThough watercolor may be a challenging medium to master, it is one of the most accessible mediums to explore art. Through practice and learning the right techniques, you will get really good at it. You will really start to enjoy creating such a beautiful work of art. The feeling you get when you share your incredible artworks with your friends and family is truly unique! You will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.Do not miss this golden opportunity to invest in yourself, and make yourself more capable and skillful. Don't Just Wait for the Perfect Time, Take Action Now!I am looking forward to having you as my student, and I am sure you will enjoy learning from me as much as I enjoyed teaching you!"
Price: 2880.00

"Fit fr SEO" |
"Lektion 1: Die Onsite-Optimierung.Oder auch: Das 11 der Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Was geschieht bei einer Suchanfrage? Wie kommen Webseiten bei Google auf Seite 1? Und ein Use Case Von nirgends auf Seite 1 auf Google!Lektion 2: Einfhrung in die Google Search Console, ein Einblick in die einzelnen Menpunkte und darin, wie man die Reports liest, auswertet und analysiert.Lektion 3: Die Webseiten-Struktur. Wie muss eine Webseite suchmaschinenrelevant aufgebaut werden? Welches sind die relevanten Stellen, die einen Suchmaschinen-Crawler interessieren?Lektion 4: Technische Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Welche Tools sind unabdingbar? Welche Stellschrauben sind ntig? Was sind interne Verlinkungen, warum sind sie wichtig und worauf muss man achten? Wie generiert man Backlinks?Lektion 5: Schluss mit Theorie hinein in die Praxis! In Lektion 5 knnt ihr mit einem Schulterblick dabei zuschauen, wie Keywords Analysiert und recherchiert werden - fr die optimalen Keywords fr deine Auffindbarkeit!Mach dich und deine Webseite fit fr SEO Damit die Klicks auf DEINE Seite kommen!"
Price: 99.99

"Differentiation has got a lot of Application in our Real World. In this Course, we tried to explain the basic idea and concept of Differentiation through our simple way of teaching and thus making stuffs look easy. We focused on Theory, Formulae, Examples and Problems which make this course a complete package for anyone who wants to learn this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Healthy Nutrition Diet Weight Loss System" |
"Hi, I'm Zakaria Nazih health and fitness coach. This course is designed for anyone who wants to lose weight, be healthy, and to be motivated as well as feeling great. Throughout this course, you will learn about weight loss mistakes so that you could avoid them during your journey, and you will know some effective tips that will help you to lose weight, as you will recognize the important causes that lead to obesity in order to be aware of them, and how you can get over them, also you will get to know some advice and solutions for both men and women, In addition to that, you will understand the golden rule which is Will and determination + dynamic activity + healthy nutrition = Proper health and happy life, as for this rule, I promote it for you to apply it through your journey it will help you to be motivated, and to know what you are eating and what you are exercising, and finally, you will recognize some healthy nutrients, as you will learn to prepare some approved and guaranteed recipes for weight loss. I included PDF files in the first videos of each section that will help you to schedule your exercising, and plan your goals easily, as for the ""Healthy Nutrition Diet Weight Loss System"" Ebook, contain a few useful plans and strategies for your weight loss journey, I liked you to discover them by yourself. This course includes six sections which are:A general overview of obesity and weight lossThe definition of overweight and obesityThe biggest weight loss mistakesThe six facts on obesityWeight loss and body fat loss The eight most effective ways to lose weightCauses that may lead to obesityObesity and its causes The causes of belly fat Calories The negative effects of white sugar on health The positive effects of white sugar on health Disadvantages of fried foodsObesity instructions and the benefits of weight lossIf you like to be obese do these instructions If you like to lose weight do these instructions The biggest benefits of weight lossProper bits of advice for good and guaranteed solutionsProper ways to lose belly weight The importance of sport The best possible ways for women to lose weight The best possible way for men to lose weight Habits of healthy peopleThe golden ruleWill and determination Dynamic or physical activities Healthy nutritionProper Nutrition serves the body to be healthyMacronutrientsMicronutrientsNine Recipes for weight lossThe importance of drinking waterNote! My Advice To You Dont take all of the advice and strategies at once, take them slowly and step by step each day with one strategy, and focus on achieving the long term goals to do so you have to go through short term goals one by one until you will rich your ideal body. Great success can only be achieved by accomplishing small successes, and Adopt them throughout your life as habits, even if you achieve your ideal body. As you can not drop weight in a short time as there is no magical recipe to make you lose weight within 10 days or so you can only lose weight by time and that comes with proper nutrition, exercises, passion, motivation, determination, strategy, and step by step. The Course Includes Over 26 Lessons On Healthy Nutrition, Weight Loss, And Successful DietingSo If You Want To Lose Weight, Live & growth Healthily, Enjoying Your Life. This Is The Right Course For You."
Price: 19.99

"Protractor - end to end testing for Angular" |
"Ogni giorno sempre pi applicazioni web sono sviluppate utilizzando Angular, e allo stesso tempo aumentata la necessit di automatizzare i test su questo tipo di applicazioni. Protractor lo strumento ideale per svolgere questo lavoro. Con questo corso imparerai in poco tempo ad automatizzare i tuoi test, leggere il report, e tanto altro ancora.Ma cosa pi importante risparmierai il tuo tempo."
Price: 19.99
