"Mindfulness for Educators" |
"This course is designed for educators or those who are working with students. In this course you will learn what mindfulness is, you will experience an embodied mindfulness practice, you will learn what self compassion is, and complete a self compassion practice. Once you have established your own sense of emotional resiliency through these practices, you will access ways this can be shared with your students in order to foster and support social and emotional learning (SEL). "
Price: 19.99

"Oracle CX Social 2020 Certified Implementation Essentials" |
"1Z0-1036-20 The Oracle CX Social 2020 Implementation Essentials is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation and expertise in selling or implementing the Oracle Marketing Cloud, Oracle Social Cloud Service Solution This certification exam covers topics such as: Guided configuration, Oracle Social Cloud Home Widgets, Social Cloud - Settings, Listen & Analyze, Engage, Publish, Insights, and Social Cloud - Integrations. Up-to-date training and field experience are recommended.Oracle Exam DetailsFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 85 minutesNumber of Questions: 60Passing Score: 62%"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Practice Exams" |
"Salesforce JavaScript Developer 1 certification is a relatively new certification revealed in June 2020. There aren't many resources available to study for this certification exams, hence I am preparing these practice exams to help you guys get prepared and ready for this certification exam! There is nothing more efficient than doing practice exams to pass this certification exam. You will learn all the necessary topics that are covered in this certification exam providing you with reference links and answer explanations. Here's what I guarantee:All the questions are provided with detailed explanations and reference links to the documentation or website.All the questions are carefully picked to test your knowledge of JavaScript.There won't be any repeating questions but there might be similar questions to help you learn and memorize the important concepts. As we all know, Salesforce is the best CRM system that is widely used by companies of any size and around the world. Getting yourself certified in Salesforce will be one of the best investments in your career! So let's get started! "
Price: 59.99

"Essential Wilderness Survival Skills" |
"Ready to transform your experience with the outdoors?Learn the core skills of survival - shelter, water, fire, and food - in a format that allows you to participate at home and at your own pace - with the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills (EWSS) online course.Become competent in taking care of your survival needs in the wilderness. See the outdoors with new eyes such as which plants you can eat and what trees can be turned into a fire kit.Come away with practical life-saving skills, a deeper relationship with nature, greater confidence, and resources to share with your family & friends for fun and in emergencies.In this course you will:Understand the survival mindsetLearn how to build natural shelterExperience how to make fire from frictionLearn how to find and purify waterUnderstand how to safely forage for wild foodsKnow how to better prevent and prepare for emergenciesThroughout the course we guide you through each skill step-by-step with videos in each module and accompanying handout booklets. Core concepts are emphasized and reviewed, with options to explore additional related skills.You can complete the EWSS in as short as a weekend (as a crash course), though most spread it out over a few weeks. There are no tests and no homework (other than suggested projects). We've designed the course to be fun and empowering!The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course includes:Seven Training Modules with Twelve Video LessonsNine Handout eBooklets (over 87 pages!)Lessons on Survival Concepts, Natural Shelter, Water Purification, Friction Fire, Wild Edible Plants, Survival Kits, Navigation & MoreRecognition of Completion document at the end of the courseTake advantage of our years of experience teaching thousands of students to accelerate your own learning!Testimonials about the Course:""Awesome course! I've been a hobbyist survivalist for about 7 years now, but your course brought many new pieces of information to the table! I can't wait to practice what I've learned!"" -Joe Littlehorn""I absolutely love this course on Essential Wilderness Survival Skills. The videos were precise and to the point which help to keep me on track to listen and learn. Thank you!"" -Cheryl M. WyattI am currently a Scout Leader and have spent many years hiking, camping and enjoying the outdoors. The importance of being prepared is priceless. I have taken several wilderness survival courses in the woods and have read books. I highly recommend this course! I learned new stuff. Worth the time and cost! Thank you for sharing! -Luis CuadradoTaught by Alderleaf Wilderness CollegeAlderleaf is one of the leading wilderness schools in the United States, offering training in wilderness survival, wildlife tracking, ethnobotany, permaculture, and outdoor leadership."
Price: 194.99

"Curso Bsico Sobre Resduos de Servios de Sade" |
"Neste curso sero apresentados noes bsicas sobre o Gerenciamento de resduos dos Servios de SadeClassificao de resduos.Quais tipos de estabelecimento que devem cumprir a RDCA sua prtica no dia-a-dia.Os riscos sade que esses resduos podem causar e sua importncia.Visa fortalecer os conceitos de Reduzir. reciclar e Reaproveitar, reduzindo tambm os gastos da instituio prestadora do servio de sade.Mostrar a importncia das medidas relativas a segurana do sistema de segurana do gerenciamento de resduos, tanto para o usurio, o trabalhador e o meio ambiente, assim como para a comunidade.Descarte de Clinicas de Esttica e clnicas veterinrias"
Price: 39.99

"Domina el Marketing de Fidelizacion desde cero" |
"Descubre los grandes secretos de para atraer trafico de calidad a tu empresa, con diferentes tcnicas utilizadas por grandes empresas desde hace muchos aos, desde las actuales aplicaciones mviles como Airbnb, instagram o snapchat hasta empresas que llevan mas de cien aos en la industria como coca-cola, y lo mejor es que no necesitas invertir grandes cantidades de presupuesto, solamente actualizar tu empresa, por lo que te he recopilado TODO lo que necesitas para poder disear, implementar y escalar tu estrategia de marketing de fidelizacin de forma exitosa paso a paso"
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a Master of Public Speaking" |
"In this course I will take you from beginning to the fine tuning of the art of Public Speaking. My approach is simple and effective. It comes from years of experience and I melt everything down into easy to understand terminology, helps and techniques. In this way the beginner or the more advanced learner can come in and learn everything or refine their skills. This course is for every level and I would encourage reviewing the material multiple times. That way you can focus on the different parts throughout your career and life. To all that come to this happy subject, Welcome!"
Price: 19.99

"Start a Craft Service business" |
"The Craft Service 101 course will prepare you to run a successful business feeding hungry production crews on the sets of TV Shows, Commercials, and Movies. No experience is necessary. We will cover Craft Service from A-Z! This course also includes lots of handy templates that you won't find anywhere else."
Price: 74.99

"Springboot with Spring Framework" |
"The Spring Framework and Spring Boot enable developers to create high-performing, reusable, easily testable, and loose coupling enterprise Java applications.It can be used to develop any Java application.Knowledge of the Spring framework has a huge demand in the enterprise market and Spring frameworks developers are paid handsomely.Having Spring Framework on your resume will highlight you amongst other Java developers.This course offers hands-on experience building Spring Framework applications using Spring Boot.This course will be interactive and fun as I will code all the projects from scratch.By taking this course you will have the latest skills that you need to build real applications using the Spring Framework.Requirements for this Course:Basic Java knowledge is requiredLearn Spring Boot 2:Spring BootSpring Core - IoCSpring MVCSpring Data JPASpring RESTWho this course is for:The course is for all Java developers: beginners to advanced who want to master Spring framework modules with Spring BootThis learning path is for developers who wish to create their own web applications with Spring 5This course is ideal for developers who wish to use the Spring Frameworks for enterprise application development"
Price: 1280.00

"How to overcome procrastination in 3 weeks?" |
"Do you feel trapped in endless unaccomplished tasks?Wanting to do more, finish tasks, and overcome procrastination forever? ... Then, this mini-course is for you!You can start achieving your dreams and accomplish the steps that will get you closer to success and to the better life that you deserve, while hitting all your duties and responsibilities out of the park."
Price: 89.99

"How African Americans can Relocate to Africa" |
"This course address how you can travel to Africa for the first time and relocate, if that is your plan. You will get many tools on how to best navigate the African continent. You will avoid the pitfalls that many people find themselves in and you will have an easy stay while in Africa. Africa is the motherland, it is calling her children back home."
Price: 19.99

"The Power of the Breath - Deano Gladstone" |
"What if you could save your life by simply changing the way you breathe??World Famous Lifeguard Deano Gladstone from Bondi Rescue has saved thousands of lives with the Power of the Breath and is an expert in teaching adults and children how to optimise and recognise breathing patterns which demonstrate dramatic changes in their lives. It is key to good health, wellbeing, high performance and helps prevent illnesses including asthma. He has used breathwork to heal his own asthma and also to improve his cold water tolerance which has helped with his immunity and circulation.When we breathe well, allergies and sleep disruption can be alleviated and we can avoid common respiratory dysfunctions. In this course, we aim to improve your optimal breathing habits and also show you how to use breathing techniques to enhance all aspects of your life.Dean is a Wim Hof Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Fitness Trainer and Lifeguard. Breathing well and optimally is key for all aspects of life but the focus on the breath is the main connection between these modalities. He is joined in this course by Katy Graczer who is his assistant.This course will guide you through a range of modalities featuring breathing techniques from many different teachers. It is not specifically a Wim Hof Method course but will support any existing or future breathing practice and will help you understand the fundamentals of functional and energetic breathing."
Price: 79.99

"Thai Language Read & Write: Level 1 Part 1" |
"Sawassdee kha!Thai Language Read & Write: Level 1 Part 1 is designed for the beginner who has never learned Thai language before or has learned but want to review again.In this course you will learn:-The overview of Thai language.-How to pronounce Thai consonants correctly.-The Romanising transcription system.-Writing 44 consonants, worksheets are provided.-Exercises are at the end of each lesson with clear and slow explanation.-Review and Test are at the end of the course.-Printable 90 PDF pages and provided in each lecture separately.Ready? Lets get started!Kitiya"
Price: 19.99

"Simple Bhangra" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to do bhangra, but you're too shy or busy to join classes? Tired of being a wallflower at parties? Introducing Simple Bhangra, a complete online course for beginners! Learn the Simple Bhangra ""hacks"" to boost your bhangra skills and decrease your learning time significantly. Your family and friends will be shocked the next time they see you on the dance floor."
Price: 24.99

"Couples Counseling - Improve Communication with your Partner" |
"Hello and welcome to my Couples Counseling Course!In this course, you will learn how to effectively communicate with your partner. We all need to improve our communication skills in any relationship. Communication is something that we always work on getting better at.When we improve communication with our partner, we are able to prevent small issues from becoming big issues.In this course, you will learn:The origin of communication.Types of communication patterns.Metacommunication (communication about communication).""I "" statements.Reflective listening.Weekly meetings and daily check-insMy name is Dr. Sola Togun Butler and I have over 15 years of experience providing individual, couples, adolescent, and group counseling.Join me today! See you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99

"React JS Full Tutorial in Tamil" |
"React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.Its V in MVC (Model View Controller ) . ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application.React is created by Facebook.React is used to build single page applications.A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or website that interacts with the web browser by dynamically rewriting the current web page with new data from the web server.Instead of the default method of the browser loading entire new pages.The goal is faster transitions that make the website feel more like a native app.React creates a VIRTUAL DOM in memory.Manipulating Real DOM is much slower than manipulating virtual DOM because nothing gets drawn on the screen.When the state of an object changes, Virtual DOM changes only that object in the real DOM instead of updating all the objects. Virtual DOM makes React extremely powerful and efficient.React only changes what needs to be changed!In this course we will learn about all the React JS concepts in TamilReact IntroCreate React AppReact ES6React JSXClass ComponentsFunctional ComponentsReact StateReact PropsReact ListReact KeyReact LifecycleReact EventsReact CSSReact SassReact FormsReact HooksReact RouterReact FluxReact ReduxSample Project"
Price: 1280.00

"Schnell verkaufen lernen" |
"Schnell verkaufen lernenDie besten Tipps und Tricks zum Thema Verkaufen inklusive der 11 Schlssel fr den Verkaufserfolg.Vollkommen egal, ob Du Anfnger im Bereich des Verkaufens bist oder erste Erfahrungen in der Praxis als Verkufer/Berater gesammelt hast, in diesem Videokurs erhltst Du einen Blick hinter die Kulissen eines Verkaufsgesprches.Angefangen bei dem Mindset des Verkaufs bis hin zum konkreten Verkaufsgesprch und Tipps fr die Praxis.Erfahre in diesem Kurs: Die 7 Phasen des Verkaufsgesprches Wie Du mit Problemen und Ablehnung im Verkaufsgesprch umgehen kannst. Warum die Beziehungsebene zum Kunden ausschlaggebend fr den Verkauf ist. Wie viel Du mit Deiner eigenen Einstellung und Persnlichkeit bewirken kannst. Welche Tipps und Tricks Dir dabei helfen, den Zielfokus zu behalten und den maximalen Verkaufserfolg zu erzielen.Starte jetzt durch und baue Dein Verkaufstalent durch eine professionelle Anleitung und Tipps aus. Nutze den Kurs Schnell verkaufen lernen als Sprungbrett fr Deine Karriere."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Redao do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso de redao do bsico ao avanado para voc aprender na prtica a redigir excelentes redaes. O curso conta com aulas tericas em que voc aprender os conceitos e como redigir os textos; alm disso h aulas em exerccios para voc colocar na prtica. Ainda ter acesso a apostilas com teoria e exerccios."
Price: 54.99

"CIE/CAIE (unofficial) IGCSE Geography Paper 1 masterclass" |
"Taught by a qualified teacher with 10 years of experience. The method to answer each question is taught first. The student then has a chance to write the answer and compare it to a model answer. They will also gain an understanding of how the questions are graded, giving them a complete understanding of Paper 1.This course also includes 4 essential study tips that students should get into the habit of doing if they have not already."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentos da Eletricidade Bsica" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de Eletricidade Bsica - Fundamentos. Esse curso eu preparei 9 mdulos com aulas que voc aprender o bsico da eletricidade, como diferenciar as principais grandezas eltricas, como tambm analisar circuitos mais complexos. Este curso voltado para voc que deseja se aprimorar nas reas de automao, eletrnica, eletrotcnica, eletromecnica ou mecatrnica. Tambm voltado para voc que est com dificuldades nas disciplinas de eletricidade na sua escola ou faculdade, pois de uma forma simples, explico passo a passo de como entender todo o contedo."
Price: 99.99

superanimatorcourse |
"30 DUIK Joystick Auto lipsync auto lipsync"
Price: 99.99

"Python Scripting for Blender Introduction" |
"This course will teach you Python from the ground up.No previous knowledge on Blender nor Python is required to follow along.We will start slow, by discussing all utilities and tools that Blender has to offer. This way, you know exactly what is available and how to use it.Using these features we will build a proficient workflow that allows us to work very effeciently.From the beginning we start coding. This course is very applied, so be prepared to write some code!But do not be afraid. We tackle every step and problem together.During this course we will create 5 scripts from scratch, covering multiple topics including:Overview of all tools and utilities Blender has to offerUsing the console and tooltips efficientlyClose look at how to structure and group your codeConverting and Applying Best Practices in Programming / ScriptingData Structures in Python ( List, Dictionary, Float, String, Int )Generating Objects through CodeGenerating and Modifying Curves through CodeCreating and Assigning Materials through CodeControlled RandomizationWorking with existing modules to generate interesting geometryReading and Visualizing Data from .csv and .txt files in Blender using PythonMany Many MoreIf at any point you are completely lost, don't be afraid to reach out to me. I will be very pleased to help you get through whatever issue you encounter. You are not alone in this process.Let's start together."
Price: 149.99

"Raj Yoga for Health and Happiness" |
"Do you want to experience the real essence of yoga, of what it was meant to be practiced? Yoga is beyond a physical workout, in fact it's much more than the body.In this course, you'll learn how to perform various vital yoga poses and some of the most unique breathing techniques that can recharge your existence for the day."
Price: 94.99

"How to Ace that Job Interview" |
"Preparing for interviews can be a daunting task. Besides having anxiety, many candidates are not quite sure on what are the necessary preparations that they need to have before going for a job interview. In this course, learn step by step on what you need to be prepared with before going for a job interview. These tips and exercises and based on my years of experience conducting mock interview for fresh graduates and training them to prepare for employment."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write and Publish a Novel" |
"This course teaches students all the skills needed to write, workshop, revise, and submit a novel for traditional publication. Whatever your skill level beginner or experienced you should be able to learn and apply these concepts and improve your novel writing skills.During the year, you will:learn about the basic elements of story: character, setting, plot, conflict, dialogue, and subplots.use a variation of The Snowflake Method to develop story structure and a novel synopsis.plan, outline, and draft a 50,000 word novel.opt in to a virtual writers group to give and receive feedback on your writing.complete at least one set of revisions on your novel.become familiar with the publication process and the business aspect of writing.prepare your manuscript to be submitted to literary agents.plan a virtual or live launch party to share your work with your family and friends!Bring to class:1. All notes, creative work, and drafts.2. Pens or pencils.3. Journal.4. TextbookAssigned Work designed to help you complete your novel:1. Complete the required reading and exercises in the course text WRITING FICTION FOR DUMMIES, by: Randy Ingermanson and Peter Economy (2010 edition) and the course workbook NaNoWriMo High School Novelist Workbook.2. Complete the required homework assignments.3. Write a 50K+ novel according to the schedule. Determine to put in the work. You can do this!4. Consider joining a virtual critique group to give and receive feedback on your written work.5. Journal at least 15 minutes and read at least 30 minutes in a Twaddle-free book five days each week."
Price: 124.99

"""Good Enough"" Homeschool Planning Course" |
"These videos will empower you to identify your personalized educational goals for the year and design a flexible homeschooling schedule to help you achieve them. The videos include focused subject area discussions for Math, Language Arts, Science, Music, Art, and Electives as well as Booklists for Literature, History/Social studies, and Reading. Youll also learn how to formulate a homeschooling schedule to suit your familys needs and receive tips for how to incorporate multi-age lessons, avoid common homeschooling pitfalls, and re-evaluate evaluation and grading. 6.5 hours"
Price: 19.99

"Elektrik Pano Projesini Okuma,Takip Etme ve Arzasn Bulma" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Sizlere bu kursumda Elektrik ve Kumanda Pano projelerini okuyarak takibini yapabilmeyi ve bu sayede sistemin arzasn zebilmeyi anlattm.Panoda kullanlan malzemelerin nasl altn hangi durumlarda hangi tepkileri verdini anlattm ve bu sayede mantn kolayca anlayabileceksiniz.Jeneratr ve ebeke beslemesinin rle ile nasl yaldn,amandral sistemli motorun nasl altn ve bunun gibi bir ok projesini okudumuz ve takibini yaptmz ayn zamanda uygulamal olarak pano zerinde de takibini yaparak nasl altn grdmz bir kurs hazrladm.Umarm sizde ilgi grrsnz.TeekkrlerSayglarmla"
Price: 49.99

"Basics of Permaculture" |
"In this course, you will learn the main principles & techniques of permaculture. Through 8 clear topics, you will be shown concrete steps towards the creation of a self-regulating natural system. With both practical advice and insight in the mindset of permaculture design, this Basics of Permaculture course is a great way of starting your permaculture journey."
Price: 19.99

"React.js shopping cart" |
"Hello everybody! In this course you will learn howto create an easy shopping cart with the top technology which is react.js. We are going to use html, css, javascript and react.js in order to complete this amazing project. We have many cool functionalities and i am sure that you will love this course because it will help you create different kind of projects. We use locale storage for saving data and context API for state management."
Price: 19.99

"Faites le bon choix pour votre premier emploi !" |
"Nous sommes entrs dans une nouvelle re, le march de lemploi connu de nos parents nexiste plus.La machine infernale du travail moderne tourne 100 lheure et nous demande de prendre des dcisions complexes de plus en plus rapides.Face cela, nous pouvons nous sentir paralyss face des choix et nous aimerions simplement reprendre notre respiration avant de dcider.Peut tre que vous vous sentez anxieux face aux possibilits de choix dans votre dmarrage de carrire.Peut-tre que vous avez peur de regretter, lavenir, vos dcisions professionnellesPeut-tre que vous vous sentez stress de ne pas avoir un travail la hauteur de vos ambitions par angoisse de manquer de qualifications, dexpriences ou de comptences.Dans labsolu si vous narrivez pas prendre une dcision justeVous allez, chaque jour, traner les pieds pour aller votre travail car vous ne vous sentez pas pleinement panoui.De ce fait, vos performances vont tre en berne, votre volution professionnelle va stagner et va se finir irrmdiablement soit par un burn-out ou soit par une rorientation de carrire.Mais tout ce temps perdu peut tre vit, voici comment.Face ce problme majeur, en tant quingnieur pdagogique, jai dcid de crer une formation vous permettant de crer pas--pas votre plan de carrire afin que vous soyez sr de faire le bon choix dans votre premier emploi.Pour atteindre ce rsultat, cette formation a t divise en 3 parties avec pour chacune :un objectif clair et atteignableun cours en vido complet et digeste (avec son script en pdf).des exercices spcifiques et pertinentsNous allons :Partie 1 : Raliser votre capital de comptences afin de les mettre en valeur et de pouvoir les comparer celles de votre carrire cible (session 1 4).Partie 2 : Crer votre propre plan de carrire grce la mthode de mindmapping 4-step afin dorganiser vos ides et dexplorer vos opportunits (session 5 8)Partie 3 : Confronter votre plan de carrire au march du travail actuel afin daffiner vos recherches demploi et tre sr de prendre la bonne dcision (session 9 11)A la fin de ce cours, vous ne vous sentirez plus paralys face votre choix demploi.Vous aurez avec vous un document personnel et rflchi qui vous vitera de perdre votre temps avec de mauvaises dcisions.Jai mis tout mon coeur dans la cration de ce cours, cest pourquoi je serais trs heureux de vous avoir parmi mes super tudiants.A prsent, commenons ! :)"
Price: 199.99

"How I Booked 4 Commercials In 1 Year, Including a National!" |
"Learn from a CURRENT WORKING ACTRESS with multiple commercials who is auditioning and working NOW. I am a USC theater graduate, UCB improv student, Commercial and audition class graduate and I can give you the tips and real answers of how to book work as an actor. I'm proof it works! I will give you the tools that you need to build your acting career. I'll show you what you have control over as your job as an actor and the easy tips that will keep you focused and having fun. Acting is a combination of ""CRAFT"" and ""BUSINESS"" for success and you need both to work consistently. Your headshot, resume, and reels are your ""MARKETING MATERIALS"" that get you in the room. You can also build yourself from small jobs to an Agent booking you big-time Nationals! I'll also give you tips to conduct yourself professionally in the room that leaves you free, confident, and able to have a fantastic time! Commercials are an absolute blast, you can make money from having fun! It's crazy!Remember! I booked 4 commercials in a year! (2 myself, 1 with a Manager, and 1 with a new Agent!)I made my yearly salary in less than a weeks worth of working On Set! This is so weird to write this out! LOL it seems nutty right?!What makes me different from other teachers is I am currently auditioning, working and living as working actress, so take it from me! This info is fresh. I also am a University Graduate from the USC School of Theater and have attended countless workshops and schools, and they don't teach you the tips and tricks to be a working actress. Of course I loved my training in the craft and experience, but you can't book work on talent and craft alone. I'm saving you $100,000's of dollars.In addition to Utemy's 30 day gaurantee, I can give my word that you will be giving yourself an edge to booking and working in commercials. The longer you wait, the more auditions and opportunities you will be missing. This course can give you an edge over other actors. Annnnnd it's actually fun!"
Price: 29.99
