"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Practice Exam 2020" |
"Planning to attempt ServiceNow Certified Administrator Exam ? Look no further, this course is the key to 100 % success.These practice tests are in accordance with the official Exam Guide from ServiceNow, along with the 12 Knowledge Areas and corresponding weightage for each, so you can approach the actual ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Administrator (CSA) Exam with confidence, not just hoping you are ready, but knowing you are ready.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.You can retake the tests in this course as many times as you need. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. The Explanation contains links for additional study and reference, so you can see for yourself the official word from ServiceNow on a given topic.Topics included as per Exam Blueprint:1. User Interface & Navigation 20%ServiceNow OverviewLists and FiltersForms and TemplatesBranding2. Collaboration 20%User AdministrationTask ManagementNotificationsReporting3. Database Administration 30%Data SchemaCMDBApplication/Access ControlImport Sets4. Self-Service & Process Automation 20%Knowledge ManagementWorkflows/Flow Designer5. Intro to Scripting & Application Tools 10%ScriptingMigration and IntegrationDevelopment"
Price: 1600.00

"Learn To Surf: An Easy, Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners..." |
"For The First Time Ever ... I'm Revealing My Proven System To Improve Your Surfing!""Boost your confidence and propel your surfing to the next level!""Over the last 5 years, the House of Surf has changed the way surfing is taught.Weve identified the many specific skills behind the sport, broken down the mechanisms, and replaced ambiguous surf lingo with clear, concise, systemised coaching.This step-by-step course, spread over 17+ in-depth lessons will take you through my unique tried and tested surfing system - that up until now had remained behind closed doors.Course Includes: Advanced Surfing Foundations formula18+ in-depth step-by-step lessons2 value packed modulesChecklists & PDF'sWorkout recommendationsThe Surf Book DiaryMuch more...This course is taught by former pro surfer who has extensive knowledge teaching women around the would for the last 10 years. In this compact and thorough course, you will learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW in order to surf for the first time (including a full beach and safety lesson)After this course you will be surfing with freedom and flair, with the knowledge and tools to get you out of the doldrums of the complete novice and take your surfing to a new paradigm as an experienced beginner where the real progression can begin. All from the seat that youre currently sitting in.You have a big decision to make. I cant make it for you the only thing I can do is tell you that the The Ultimate Beginners Guide For Women Learning to Surf course works. Its worked for hundreds of my clients.So click the button now and I'll see you in the course"
Price: 39.99

"Registros Akashicos" |
"Este curso presenta un enfoque profundo hacia la Sanacin y el Despertar Espiritual. Aprenders qu son los Registros? Cmo conectarse con el registro? Cmo reconocer la informacin que esta presente y poder aplicarla en el da a da, para lograr una transformacin interior y exterior; ademas aprenders a abrir registros a otras almas, para poder guiarlas hacia su propia sanacin, su propia liberacin. Si estas list@ para iniciar este bello camino de reconocimiento y liberacin, EMPEZAMOS!"
Price: 59.99

"Artificial Intelligence Interview: Hands On" |
"This class has the purpose to teach you how to better your understanding of the job interview questions in Data Science related fields like AI/MLWe will go through 65 diverse interview questions that may appear during a real interview and I will explain why the interviewer asked the question, what does he want to test with it and how an ideal answer would look like."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Farsi (Dari): From Alphabet to Daily Conversation" |
"In this course you will begin learning Farsi (Dari) from the absolute basics; the alphabets. The first part of the course will help you master pronouncing each letter and be able to write it in all its forms. The second part will allow you to build your vocabulary, learn how to form phrases and understand some grammatical concepts. From start to end, each lesson comes with a video based pronunciation and reading practice, as well as a writing exercise. The Part 2 lessons will include the following:GreetingsPronouns and introducing yourselfIntroducing family membersThe 5 W's and using them to ask questionsSeasons and talking about the weatherPrepositions and asking/giving directionsNumbers and shoppingWeekdays and talking about the timeColours and talking about your likes/dislikesFood names and requesting/offering phrasesBody parts and seeing the doctorFuture tense and talking about your tomorrowPast tense and talking about yesterdayMore!!!"
Price: 74.99

"Engels taalgebruik Present Simple vmbo, havo, vwo en mbo." |
"De cursus leert je de Engelse grammatica voor beginners en is gericht op het foutief de theorie en werkwoord vervoegingen toepassen. Het foutief vervoegen van werkwoorden is meestal wat verkeerd kan gaan. De theorie is simpel weergegeven en geeft heldere aanwijzingen hoe je de tegenwoordige tijd kunt gebruiken in de Engelse taal."
Price: 54.99

"Engels voor scholen Past Simple tense de verleden tijd" |
"De Past Simple tense is de Engelse verleden tijd. In deze cursus leer je de verleden tijd te herkennen, toe te passen en fouten te ontdekken, voorkomen en te corrigeren in jou schriftelijke en mondelinge Engelse taalvaardigheden.Dit voorkomt dat je fouten blijft maken bij het verwarren van deze grammaticale tijd met andere grammaticale tijden."
Price: 59.99

"How to get started with RedBubble" |
"This is a course about RedBubble, here I'll tell you how to get started and give you some tips about handling your work and getting sales.I won't talk about how to make your design (so this course is not just for people that draw), but rather how to set up your account, how to write good titles, tags and description and tell you about how I handle my work and make $500+ every month only on RedBubble.This is my first course, and english is not my first language, so I can't assure anything about the video/audio quality, but I think that the content can be of value, and I really hope you'll find it helpful."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems Implementation Guide" |
"This course will explain in detail and in a stepwise manner on how to implement the ISO 50001 energy management systems in any industry including the certification part. This course covers all aspects like Energy policy preparation tips, assistance in defining scope & boundary for implementation, Strategy on designing optimum timeline for executing the standard, Exhaustive templates for different documents required for implementation, Self-assessment detailed checklist before certification audit, criteria for selecting proper certification body, Information about steps involved in pre, surveillance audits. Any relevant individual from any industry can get a fair idea about how to initiate the implementation of ISO 50001 EnMS systems and provides confidence in proceeding further after completing the course."
Price: 19.99

"Financial Accounting" |
" CMA & CertIFR & MOS & CFM & financial modelingConceptual Framework Double-entry account Accounting cycle Cash-Basis Accounting Versus Accrual-Basis Accounting Financial Statement"
Price: 99.99

"Os segredos para aulas incrveis online de fitness e sade!" |
"Um curso completo para voc fortalecer a sua carreira, aumentar a sua renda e aprender algo novo com aulas online. Com dicas de comunicao digital, os segredos da TV, ferramentas de marketing digital e planejamento estratgico de branding.Falaremos sobre como gerar experincias para seus clientes e criar valor para sua marca pessoal. Para se destacar, existem pilares fundamentais: PRESENA, CONEXO e GERAR EXPERINCIAS INESQUECVEIS.No primeiro mdulo: vamos lapidar a comunicao, compreender como gerar mais conexo com o pblico, a importncia da interatividade, cuidados com imagem e comear a ter muito claro quais so seus valores e diferenciais.No segundo mdulo: vamos mergulhar no marketing digital e partir para a construo da sua marca pessoal. Iniciaremos aes planejadas para que o seu negcio digital tenha muito valor e oferea experincias incrveis.Para professores de fitness e bem-estar, educadores fsicos, fisioterapeutas, instrutores de yoga / pilates, professores ou estudantes de outras modalidades. H um mundo imenso no digital, aprenda todos os segredos para deixar as suas aulas incrveis e com baixo custo! Nem pense em contratar uma equipe, aprenda antes a fazer sozinho.So 10 aulas tericas e prticas, mesclando slides, exerccios de coaching e de marketing digital, branding, meditaes, estudos de caso, links, dicas de leitura e de vdeos e muito mais! Tudo muito interativo, repleto de tcnicas e dicas."
Price: 99.99

"Weight Loss Course" |
"The aims of the Weight Loss Course are to provide you with a high level of quality training so you can gain the essential knowledge and skills to become aware of your own eating habits; to assess these eating habits; to change these eating habits (if required); and to supplement healthy eating with an appropriate training regime. The course provides practical guidance on the application of healthy eating principles and training.You will engage with me as you instructor on a weekly basis via email, Whatsup or skype to obtain feedback on your food journal and we have a conversation about how you are getting on with changing your eating habits.This is an action-oriented course. You will not just be sitting at home watching and listening to the content that is presented. You will be asked to commit to a number of actions every week."
Price: 199.99

"Herkes in Yazlm - Python 3.8 Dersleri" |
"Programlamaya Python'la balamak isteyenler...Baka bir dil bilip Python' renmek isteyenler...Python' daha nceden renmi olup tekrar etmek isteyenler...Bu kurs tam da size gre.Temel konulardan ileri dzey konulara doru sistemli bir ekilde ilerleyen bu kurs sayesinde Python' iyi bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Eer Python' zaten biliyorsanz o zaman bu kurs sayesinde iyi bir konu tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 99.99

"An Introduction to the Classical Guitar" |
"In this course, you will learn to play your first piece of music on the classical guitar. It will cover all the techniques necessary to play the guitar comfortably. I will guide you through reading the notes for the piece, and advice you on some ways to make your playing more beautiful."
Price: 19.99

"Two Hats" |
"Parents are often asked to step up into the role of coach; its a big step from watching on the side-lines to being responsible for the wellbeing of not only your child but also the rest of the team.In creating this course, CEO of WWPIS Gordon MacLelland has tapped into the world of the parent/coach viewing it from not only his experience but of that of some of the UKs top sports personalities and other coaches involved at grassroots level.Featuring encouragement from some of the worlds leading sports figures including Harry Redknapp, Michael Vaughan, Stuart Lancaster, Liz McColgan and David Leadbetter.'Parents are the bedrock of many sporting communities and we want to play our part in helping to support them on their coaching journey.'In Two Hats we look at mindset, psychology and family challenges ensuring that home life doesnt suffer when becoming a coach. It also offers tips on how to have those crucial conversations with your wider family network, separating the hats, engaging other parents, building an effective communication policy, keeping your head under pressure, managing the car journeys to and from events.In this course there is a variety of media and we hope that it provides a range of tasks and strategies that allow all who complete the course to have practical things that they can use immediately in their role as a parent coach."
Price: 19.99

"Bereavement course - designed by someone who has been there" |
"This is a course designed to help you deal with the loss of a loved one. Dealing with bereavement is actually a skill that is acquired. No one will ever get over a loss, but with time and development and learning and growth, we are able to see grief and loss in a different way..."
Price: 400.00

"Aprender a hacerse un automasaje ayurveda Abyangam . Con videos explicativos del automasaje en cada zona del cuerpo. Elaborar tu propio aceite de masaje. Con explicacin y video prctico de cno elaborarlo. Conocer conceptos bsicos de la medicina ayurveda. Conocer tu dosha Vata, Pitta, Kapha predominante a travs de un test personalizado."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) practice test" |
"For Students/IT Professionals,UPDATED AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals with recent questions based.This Practice Test Bundle contains 6 Practice Tests . Guarantee you will pass the exam after completing this practice test. But make sure please practice multiple times till you are confident.This practice tests which we provided based on latest exam questions. More than 15,000 students passed after completing this practice test in first attempt.What we providing in this practice tests:Latest practice questions ( 6 practice tests)Important instructions before attempting to the exam.Lifetime access.Access anywhere by using your mobile.Imp Note:Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam passing score is 70%. So please practice multiple times in each set until you are confident and comfortable.Who this course for:Students and IT professionals who want to pass the MS Azure AZ-900 exam in first attempt without fail.Complete this practice tests and go to AZ-900 exam without fear."
Price: 19.99

"Python for Normal People: A practical guide for beginners" |
"This course is a practical introduction to Python. In this course, we will show you a quick way to become a confident intermediate Python user. In the section 1, you will learn a few basic Python commands. In the Section 2 to 4, you will solve real-life problems. This course is not intended to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of Python universe. Rather, you will learn a few important ideas like loops and conditional statements, and get to practice them many times. You will be surprised how much you can do with a handful of Python commands. By the end of this course, you will have learnt how to think like a programmer and how to find answers when you encounter a new programming concept."
Price: 19.99

"SPS programmieren - Siemens TIA Portal + Step7 Classic" |
"Hallo SPS-Newcomer! Mein Name ist Florian und ich mchte dein SPS-Coach werden!In meinem SPS-Grundkurs lernst da alles Ntige, um im Bereich Automatisierungstechnik Fu zu fassen.Wir starten ganz von vorne. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse ntig. Am Ende des Kurses, wirst du in der Lage sein, dein eigenes SPS-Programm im TIA-Portal und in Step7 Classic zu erstellen.Zu Beginn des Kurses starten wir mit den absoluten Basics:Was ist berhaupt eine SPS?Welche Siemens SPS-Software und Hardware gibt es?Woher bekommen ich Software zum ben?Welche SPS eignet sich am besten zum ben?Welche SPS ist am preiswertesten?Danach beschftigen wir uns mit den theoretischen Grundlagen der SPS-Programmierung?Welche Zahlensysteme gibt es?Was sind Datentypen?Welche Programmiersprachen stehen mir zur Verfgung und welche sollte ich als Newcomer verwenden?Wie adressiere ich meine Operanden?Im dritten Kapitel geht es richtig los. Ich zeige dir die wichtigsten Programmierbefehle in Step7.ZuweisungUNDODEREXKLUSIV ODERSetzen/RcksetzenFlankenZeiten (IEC und Simatic)Zhler (IEC und Simatic)Strukturierte Programmierung mit BausteinenIn den folgenden Kapitel, nehmen wir unser erlerntes Wissen und transferieren es auf die Programmiersoftware. Du wirst im Kurs das ""neue"" TIA-Portal kennen lernen, aber auch das ""alte"" Step7 Classic. Als SPS-Profi sollte man beide Systeme beherrschen. Neuanlagen werden fast ausschlielich im TIA-Portal programmiert. Tausende Altanlagen laufen aber noch mit Step7 Classic. Wenn du dich nur fr das TIA-Portal interessierst, lass einfach das Kapitel 4 aus.Wir werden folgende Punkte abarbeiten:- Projekt anlegen- Hardwarekonfiguration- PLC-Variablen anlegen- Bausteine einfgen- Programmieroberflche kennen lernen- Projekt bertragen- Fehlersuche- BeobachtungstabellenIm Anschluss kommt der praktisches Teil. Es erwarten dich 10 bungsaufgaben mit Lsungsvorschlgen.Bei den bungen lasse ich dich aber nicht alleine. Zunchst besprechen wir die Aufgabe gemeinsam. Danach kannst du selbst versuchen die bung zu lsen oder du siehst dir einfach meinen Lsungsvorschlag an.Zum Abschluss erwartet dich noch ein Kapitel mit dem Namen ""Dinge die du wissen solltest"". Dort findest du die Antwort auf folgende Fragen:Was ist das TIA-Selection Tool?Wie speichere ich mein Projekt richtig?Wie genau arbeitet eine SPS?Was sind hufige Anfngerfehler?Wie viel verdient man als SPS-Programmierer?Wie wird man SPS-Programmierer?Ich habe groe Lust darauf, dir die Grundlagen der SPS-Programmierung beizubringen!Ich hoffe ich kann dich bald als einen meiner Schler begren.Viel Erfolg und frohes Programmieren!Gru Florian (Dein SPS-Coach)"
Price: 19.99

"Achieve Excellence in English Grammar Part-1" |
"Achieve Excellence in English Grammar Part-1 course is a must have for anyone who wants to learn English Grammar, learn English from the basics and use English in everyday life. Why is this course important?In the path of learning English, it's essential to understand and comprehend all the lessons because one lesson is linked with the other one. In fact, all English Grammar topics are interconnected. Therefore, it becomes necessary to know about each one of them.We often find that even after learning Grammar, we are unable to use it in everyday life. But I promise you that in this Part-1 of English Grammar series, I will make the given concepts clear in less than 3 hours.I believe in Quality, not in Quantity.What does this course include?I am beginning from the basic topics Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Comparison of Adjectives, Determiner and Adverb which are explained in detail along with 275+ Worksheets Questions and 250+ Sentence Examples in whole course. I will keep providing the courses in the sequence in this series. What is the level of this course?The course is designed for School/College students, (Intermediate and Advanced level). Those who want to prepare for TOFEL and IELTS or any competitive exam, must opt this course to clear their English Grammar concepts.What will the learners achieve at the end?After completing this course, the learners will become expert in picking, using and identifying these Parts of Speech with ease. Grammar helps in Spoken English also. The learners will find the course the best for them as all the lectures are explained with Excellent Presentation using Best Examples. Your friend and coach:Kanchan JunejaAchievers English Coaching"
Price: 4160.00

"HTML & HTML5" |
" css javascript ,"
Price: 29.99

"Motivation Abnehmen - Das System fr Figurerfolg der bleibt" |
"Wrdest Du gerne Deine Fitness- und Figurziele ohne Ditenwahn und JoJo-Effekt erreichen und auch dauerhaft halten?Dann bist Du hier richtig. Ich zeige Dir Schritt fr Schritt wie Du es schaffst klare Ziele zu entwickeln und darauf aufbauend einen Plan zu erstellen, der Dich motiviert zum Ziel fhrt. Abnehmen mit Motivation ist das Ziel.Crashditen und wundersame Trainingsplne bringen auf Dauer meist keinen Erfolg, denn es muss darum gehen ein Lebenskonzept zu entwickeln, statt von Dit zu Dit zu springen.Zu Beginn arbeiten wir sehr intensiv daran Deine wahren Ziele zu entdecken, denn nur abnehmen ist es in aller Regel nicht.Wenn wir diese klaren Ziele erkannt haben stelle ich Dir Mglichkeiten vor um wirklich dauerhaft dranzubleiben.Zum Ende des Kurses erstellen wir Deinen persnlichen Erfolgsplan und das ganz ohne Crashditen, Wunderpillen oder fragwrdige Trainingsprogramme.Motivation Abnehmen ist der Schlssel um Figurziele zu erreichen und dauerhaft zu halten.Im Bonusteil bekommst Du noch tolle Workouts, welche Du zuhause oder sogar unterwegs mit wenig Zeitaufwand durchfhren kannst.Meine Quickie Workouts kannst Du sogar mit nur 4 Minuten Zeitaufwand pro Training absolvieren. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ziele des Kurses:Ich mchte Dir dabei helfen raus aus dem Ditenwahn und JoJo-Effekt zu kommen und einen Lifestyle zu erschaffen der Dich begeistert.Nach dem Kurs hast Du eine klare Vision davon, was Du genau erreichen willst, warum das so wichtig fr Dich ist und vor allem auch, mit welchen Bausteinen Du Deine Ziele erreichen wirst.Ergnzend dazu hast Du auch eine einfache Formel gelernt, mit der Du eigene Erfolgsplne erstellst, die Dich begeistern.Das wirst Du nach Abschluss der Kurses erreicht habenErkenne Deine wahren ZieleDu hast zahlreiche Bausteine um Dein Ziel zu erreichen gesammeltDu kennst die Formel um Deinen Erfolgsplan zu erschaffenDu weit was Du brauchst um dauerhaft am Ball zu bleibenKlare Wege zum Abnehmen mit Motivation und Spa-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schreibe Dich noch heute in den Kurs ein und starte Deinen neuen Lifestyle.Ich freue mich auf Dich.Dein Personal TrainerJens Kaner"
Price: 94.99

"Impara a creare velocemente Siti Web, App e Campagne Social" |
"Attraverso le 21 lezioni di questo corso scoprirai come:Creare un sito internet in mezza giornata, spendendo pochissimo.Creare un'app Android in pochi passaggi e senza avere conoscenze di programmazione.Pubblicizzare il tuo servizio su Facebook e Instagram per attirare clienti.Imparerai ad utilizzare un CMS (Content Management System), uno strumento che ti permette di creare siti internet senza scrivere una sola riga di codice.Avrai accesso esclusivo e gratuito ad un software che, tramite semplici configurazioni, permette di creare una vera app Android, partendo da un sito web.Imparerai a gestire gli strumenti necessari per creare campagne di marketing sui principali social network.L'autore del corso un software engineer che lavora da anni come consulente per Startup e PMI che operano nel settore digital.Il corso stesso basato sulla creazione da zero di un servizio digitale e vi porter a percorrere tutti i passaggi pratici richiesti per raggiungere l'obiettivo finale: generare ricavi."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Magic and Mind Reading" |
"Are You ready to learn the Art of Magic? Well, you have come to the right place. This course provides you all the basic knowledge and resources that you need to have to master this art. Imagine yourself being the star of the group. Imagine yourself doing something that looks seemingly Impossible. With a bit of dedication and practice, with everything provided in this course, you will always have something up your sleeve wherever you go.This knowledge that you will gain from this course will also help you to build your personality and confidence. You will have the confidence to face a huge gathering and audience.So Congratulation on taking the very first step to becoming an Illusionist. Practice well and it will surely reward you with all the appreciation and applause that You deserve. All the Best."
Price: 4160.00

"Triumph After Narcissistic Abuse" |
"If you have been mentally and emotionally abused and manipulated by a narcissist or other toxic person and have had enough of the gas-lighting, the flying monkeys, the love-bombing and the hoovering, you are in the right place. I am not a mental health professional. I was a victim too and I know how overwhelming it is, but I also know there is a way out!! I have dedicated years to studying and understanding the narcissist and now work as a professional transformational coach helping my clients achieve the lives and businesses of their dreams. I want to lend my skills to this brave community of survivors to help them thrive and prosper. I know you might not feel very brave, you might feel like you have been hit by a truck. I assure you, educating yourself and reaching out for help is very brave. I want to make that road shorter.You might feel like you are going crazy but you're not. And you dont have to accept the life your narcissist has defined for you. Learn how to redefine yourself and take control of your life again, stop the craziness and start healing. Narcissists leave a trail of pain and destruction behind them wherever they go and leave you to pick up the pieces and rebuild. The goal of this class is for you to gain the tools to achieve peace around the events that led you here and move forward in your life without regret, pain or mistreatment."
Price: 19.99

"eBay Selling Masterclass: Complete Beginner to Advanced 2020" |
"eBay Selling Masterclass: Complete Course for Beginners and Advanced Resellers in 2020. Learn first hand what it takes to succeed on eBay as a Reseller in 2020. This course was created in September 2020.Learn from the ground up what it takes to go from beginner to full time seller with this course, taught by 20 year eBay reseller Kyle Davies. Offers an insider's guide to starting a successful small business selling items, with insider tips on how to succeed in 2020.Many sellers have been making money on eBay since it's inception in 1995. With hard work, focus and dedication, you can master the skills needed to make your sole income from reselling on eBay.This course is a must-have for current and aspiring eBay sellers and anyone who wants to tap into the 175,000,000 member marketplace. In this course you will learn:How to setup your eBay account to start selling (with full walkthrough)How to list your items fasteBay listing foundational lessons on item descriptions, photographs and more20 major mistakes to avoid from 20 years in the ebay reselling trenchesHow to make profit when you buyTechniques that could 5x your sales on eBayThis course also includes how to take your business to the next level with:Best places to source (find) items to resell for a profitCheapskates guide to shipping supplies5 Tips to increase salesExercises to help uncover profitable best practicesThis course is easy to follow with many full live demos and walkthroughs of exactly what to do. You will receive the 30,000 foot view of how to improve your business while also diving deeper into tactical, easy-to-implement strategies.Who this course is for:Beginners who have never sold on eBay beforeResellers who want to start a side hustle on eBay part-timeResellers who want to grow their side hustle into full-timeResellers who want to take their full-time reselling to the next level by hiring others"
Price: 194.99

"Layer Cake From Scratch: Ultimate Beginners Guide" |
"Have you ever seen a gorgeous layer cake, and wondered how the layers are so perfect, or how beautifully smooth the buttercream is?In this course I'll be breaking down the process of making a professional layer cake step-by-step, so that you can confidently take on the challenge of making your own layer cake! :)You'll learn:- How to bake a delicious and moist cake- How to make swiss meringue buttercream- How to apply a crumb coat and final coat of buttercream- How to apply a chocolate ganache drip to a cake- How to safely apply fresh flowers to a cakeI have also carefully crafted detailed notes of each step for you to use with extra tips and recipes, so that you can always have something to refer to.Though this is considered a beginner's course, the course does get progressively more difficult, with some techniques towards the end of the course being relevant to more advanced students as well.So what are you waiting for! Come join me in my course where I cannot wait to share my passion with you, and see what beautiful cakes you create :)"
Price: 19.99

"Programacin Funcional con JavaScript desde CERO" |
"Has escuchado de la programacin funcional pero no te dicen exactamente como usarla?Buscas recursos por internet que no entiendes completamente como pueden ayudarte?La complejidad y ambigedad de otros que intentan explicarte no ayuda en nada a dejarte con el conocimiento en tu cabeza?Pues despus de no encontrar una buena respuesta a las preguntas anteriores, vine a entregarte los conocimientos de la programacin funcional de manera rpida y sencilla, para que puedas comprender como utilizarla realmente en proyectos reales, con explicaciones simples y ejercicios didcticos que puedas realizar con explicacin despus de cada uno.No solo te podrs manejar en tus proyectos con la programacin funcional usando JavaScript sino que te darn una ventaja extra en las entrevistas de trabajo.Acrcate y inscrbete a este curso libre de compromisos."
Price: 19.99

phqmtdol |
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Price: 54.99

"20 prcticas Mindfulness para el aula de infantil (3-6 aos)" |
"Mindfulness fundamentalmente supone una actitud ante la vida, un estilo global de afrontamiento que impulsa las fortalezas personales y la gestin emocional.La prctica de Mindfulness permite aprender a diferenciarnos de nuestros pensamientos y emociones, a des identificarnos de ellos y, por tanto, a no dejarnos arrastrar; aprendemos de forma sencilla a estar con lo que se presenta, tanto fuera como dentro de nosotros, lo que repercute en una mejor relacin con los dems y con uno mismo.Este curso de ""20 prcticas Mindfulness para el aula de infantil (nios de 3 a 6 aos)"", es un curso muy ameno y experiencial, con muchas prcticas, tanto para que el educador pueda incorporar en su vida, como para la incorporacin de mindfulness para nios en el aula.Qu vas a aprender con este curso?Qu es Mindfulness y los beneficios tanto en adultos como en niosLa importancia de Mindfulness en educacinCmo incorporar Mindfulness para nios en el aula de infantil, con 20 prcticas explicadas detalladamente con objetivos de aprendizaje, materiales necesarios y recomendaciones para que su incorporacin sea fcil y divertida Cmo crear una sesin de Mindfulness para nios en el aula de infantilLa importancia de la prctica Mindfulness en el educador, incorporando un hbito diario con prcticas semanales guiadas y perfectamente explicadas para que puedas disfrutar de ellasTambin aprenders a mirar hacia dentro y empezar a conocerte mejor ""Educamos por lo que somos, aunque le demos tanta importancia a lo que decimos"".Los mejores profesores son los plenamente atentos, conscientes de s mismos y conectados con sus alumnos. Cuando introducimos la atencin plena en la enseanza estamos fomentando una comunidad educativa donde los alumnos se desarrollan de un modo integral, a la vez que los profesores crecen en lo personal y en lo profesional. Cuando un docente ensea atencin plena a sus alumnos, est trabajando tambin para desarrollar su propia presencia.Este curso de ""20 prcticas Mindfulness para el aula de infantil (3 a 6 aos)"" es un programa compuesto de una serie de prcticas de Mindfulness centrado en cuatro pasos interconectados y unidos en la prctica de la Atencin Consciente:CalmaEnfoqueComprensinResponsabilidadEste curso se propone como una intervencin participativa e integral, ya que tiene como principal objetivo desarrollar la atencin plena y consciente junto con los componentes de calma, enfoque, comprensin y responsabilidad, a travs de:- El cuerpo, propiciando el desarrollo de la conciencia corporal y postural desde la experimentacin. Se favorece el desarrollo de memorias sensoriales de estados de relajacin y calma, as como de concentracin, con el objetivo de que los participantes puedan acceder cada vez con mayor rapidez a estos estados.- La respiracin, como elemento clave en el equilibrio psquico. Comenzar a tomar conciencia de la propia respiracin y aprender a anclar la atencin en ella y controlarla con el fin de inducir estados de relajacin y calma. stos son pasos indispensables para desarrollar la propia autorregulacin emocional.- Las emociones, partiendo del reconocimiento y la expresin asertiva y respetuosa de una emocin, desarrollando la capacidad de atender las sensaciones fsicas propias de cada emocin. Se presta especial atencin al momento de transformacin de la emocin, con el objetivo de dotar a los participantes de herramientas concretas para trasmutar la emocin contractiva (rabia, miedo o tristeza) en emocin expansiva (esperanza, alegra, compasin).- Los pensamientos, como punto de partida para el desarrollo de una mente feliz. Se entrena la capacidad de observar de forma neutra los procesos mentales, lo cual facilita la desidentificacin de stos.La metodologa que subyace a la prctica, parte de la certeza de que el camino es la auto investigacin y la experimentacin, no la imposicin.Cmo introducir Mindfulness en el aula?La mejor manera de incorporar Mindfulness en el aula radica en que el profesorado encarne las actitudes y componentes bsicos de la Atencin Plena. Para ello, ha de estar formado en este enfoque y ser un practicante habitual.La presencia del educador es primordial. El profesorado formado en Mindfulness debe mantener un ptimo nivel de conciencia plena, de tal forma que lo incorpore como una forma de vida. Se convierte as, en un enfoque integrado para transitar por cualquier experiencia: cualquier evento que pueda surgir ser una oportunidad para practicar Mindfulness, como la mejor manera de educar en su prctica.El educador Mindfulness se sentir relajado y cmodo, pero a la vez alerta, discriminar sus pensamientos, emociones, sensaciones.y podr regularlas respondiendo adecuadamente a las demandas cambiantes del contexto, momento a momento, con una actitud amorosa y compasiva hacia s mismos y hacia los dems.Una parte importante de este proceso es lograr verse a uno mismo con bondad y compasin. Esto incluye ver y aceptar las propias limitaciones y cegueras, la propia humanidad y capacidad para cometer errores, y trabajar todo ello con consciencia plena.El verdadero amor est en la bondad y en la comprensin que mostramos cada da en el aula y en la aceptacin sincera de los nios con los que trabajamos. No lo conseguiremos a menos que logremos ser autnticos en nuestras propias vidas y consigamos estar en contacto con toda la gama de sentimientos que experimentamos.Los objetivos que buscamos son:- Compartir las claves Mindfulness para nios como prctica en la vida cotidiana del aula.- Practicar breves ejercicios Mindfulness para nios para incorporar en la actividad del aula.- Fomentar la integracin de estas prcticas en la vida diaria del profesorado y del centro.- Reflexionar sobre la importancia del educar por lo que somos, haciendo hincapi en el acompaamiento desde la presencia.- Desarrollar una mirada ms afectiva del educador hacia sus alumnos."
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