"How to create an Animated Logo using Power Point" |
"Are you hoping to save money and create your own marketing material for your business? Follow along on this easy to use Marketing Training Video to take your social media to the next level. Create your own Animated Logo using powerpoint. Use it for all your marketing videos and communications. Add to your newsletter, emails, and Youtube channel to increase your branding. "
Price: 24.99

"B2C Lead Generation: What Works Now" |
"Attract more leads within 30 days without spending a ton on advertising, cold calling or chasing prospects.This course is only for business owners who have a clear vision of what product(s) or service(s) they offer to their market. This course doesn't provide business ideas.I have a special talent for helping business owners create competition-crushing marketing. I begin this process by exposing the flaws in marketing that almost all small business owners fall prey to and explain why these flaws are stifling the growth of all business owners today. This course is provided by More Sales More Profits dot com."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo convertirse en un genio de la palabra hablada" |
"Con el Curso de Oratoria de Palabrart vas a aprender los mtodos para tomar la palabra sin nervios, con la seguridad de saber exactamente qu decir, siempre y ante cualquier pblico. En la primera parte del curso los alumnos aprenden y ponen en prctica las tcnicas para improvisar sobre cualquier tema, sin nervios y del modo ms interesante, tanto en pblico como en conversaciones. Asimismo, se aprende a manejar el espacio y los imprevistos con el pblico. En la segunda parte se incorporan tcnicas de oratoria intermedia y avanzada (argumentacin, debate, convencimiento, movilizacin y conduccin). Por ltimo se trabajan los principios de creatividad con la palabra hablada, para diferenciarse inmediatamente de cualquier otro orador.El pblico, ms que aplaudirte, se va a querer sacar las manos para lanzrtelas."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Intensivo De Trading De Opciones Binarias Desde 0" |
"Se un trader exitoso de opciones binarias con este gran curso.La idea principal de este curso no es hacer 10 horas de clase de teoras aburridas que solo explican lo mismo y lo complican todo , la idea principal de este curso es hacerlo lo ms simple y practico posible para que cualquiera pueda aprender a operar correctamente , te ensearemos desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas avanzado de una manera muy clara y eficaz.Con nuestras clases aprenders todo sobre el mercado ; como se mueve , como tener entradas perfectas , patrones de vela , figuras , estrategias , psicologa de un buen trader. Todo lo necesario para ser un trader exitoso esta en este curso. Al finalizar todo el curso prueba todo lo aprendido en cuenta demo por al menos 15 das como mnimo o 30 das como mximo luego comprueba los resultados. Los resultados estn asegurados si aplicas todo lo aprendido en el curso.Que estas esperando para empezar? Se un trader exitoso."
Price: 29.99

"Is a Career in Dog Training Right for You?" |
"Come learn from an expert in the field what it was like to be a trainer. Get a good understanding of what it feels like to own your own business or work as an employee. Hear the ins and outs of teaching group classes, private lessons, and board and trains. See what it is like to train pets in people's homes, to train service dogs, and to work in an animal shelter. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for what a trainer does day to day. As a result, they are able to make a decision on which career path, if any, you might pursue."
Price: 34.99

"Strumn Drum Perkussive Gitarrenbegleitung" |
"Der Kurs ""Strumn Drum"" (also in etwa ""Schlaggitarre & Trommeln"") erklrt Schritt fr Schritt, wie man normale gngige Strumming Begleitungen mit ""Drum Grooves"", die auf der selben Gitarre gespielt werden, kombinieren kann.Dabei werden die bentigten Spieltechniken Schritt fr Schritt erklrt, und anhand von technischen bungen sowie praktischen Songbeispielen demonstriert.Nach Beendigung des Kurses sollte der Spieler in der Lage sein, sein normales Strumming Spiel mit gngigen Schlagzeugrhythmen zu kombinieren."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA A+ 220-1001 Core 1 Lab Based Course - FULL TRAINING" |
"In this course I will be using my 20+ years of experience teaching IT courses to give you a practical hands-on approach to all of the CompTIA A+ Certification Core 1 (220-1001) exam. I will cover all of the exam objectives in details using live actual components in-depth explanations on each topic. I am a best-selling author that have sold over 150,000 books in project management and IT service management. I have helped thousands of students to pass their certification exam over the last 20 years. My method of teaching is engaging and fun. I will review how to build your own lab to follow along with me in this journey so you can gain the practical knowledge needed not only to pass your A+ Core 1 (220-1001) exam but also how to apply it in the real world of being an IT technician. This course will cover the following domains:Mobile DevicesNetworkingHardwareVirtualization and Cloud ComputingHardware and Network TroubleshootingThis course will include:No slide reading, I will never use a slide in this course. Over 130 lectures.Nearly 14 Hours of training. We will only be covering the topics on your exam, no nonsense and personal stories.PDF of the exam objectives from CompTIA for the A+ Certification Core 1 (220-1001) exam. Constantly updated course materialsCertificate of completionLifetime access30-day money-back guaranteeTo become A+ certified you will need to pass this core 1 (220-1001) and core 2 (220-1002) exams, this course will only prepare you to pass the core 1 exam."
Price: 199.99

"Ignite Your Life With These 24 Powerful Hacks" |
"In this course, you will learn 24 powerful life and career hacks to take your life to a whole new level!You will learn hacks related to: Destroy Your Fears & LimitationsPersuasion & Influence HacksRelationship & Communication Skills HacksConfidence & Self-Esteem HacksGoal Setting & Achievement HacksProductivity & Time Management HacksSuccess HacksThe lectures are short (less than 4 minutes) and are focused on a single hack you can apply to boost your life.This course is for people who want to ignite their life by applying these 24 powerful life hacks. Anyone who is interested in self development and personal transformation should consider taking this course!See you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99

"Top Skill Sets Of The Future" |
"This course gives you broad guideline to the top skill set requirement for 2020 - 21. This will help you to make necessary choices of career line and to get ready with needed skill sets as well as for preparations in the right directions. This course lists out 10 top career lines and skill sets which will bring you fortunes in 2020 -21. The list arrived at based on value of the skill and volume of people needed by the industry."
Price: 19.99

"SAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) Functional" |
"SAP SRM Course Curriculum:Basic SAP GUI NavigationIntroduction to Supplier Relationship ManagementSAP Procurement Portfolio OverviewSRM Architecture OverviewSelf-Service ProcurementService ProcurementDirect/Plan-Driven ProcurementCatalog Content ManagementCentral Sourcing HubRFx/AuctioningSupplier CollaborationContract ManagementIntroduction to Organization StructureIntroduction to Master DataIntroduction to Transactional DataSAP Procurement Portfolio OverviewSRM Architecture OverviewSelf-Service ProcurementService ProcurementDirect/Plan-Driven ProcurementCatalog Content ManagementCentral Sourcing HubRFx/AuctioningSupplier CollaborationContract ManagementFundamentals of Server Management & CustomizationServer Management & ConfigurationSRM Server overviewBackend integration and configurationOrganization and User ManagementWorkflowMaster dataCatalog ManagementSelf-Service ProcurementSourcingService ProcurementPlan-Driven ProcurementBidding EngineSAP Supplier Self-Services ( SUS ) & MDM CatalogSUS ( Supplier Self Services )SAP SRM 7.0 landscape with SUS , PI and ERP on EHP 4SRM-SUS scenarioMM-SUS scenarioService ProcurementMaster dataMM, SRM Server, SUS and XI settingsSRM MDM CatalogRM-MDM Solution Overview and ArchitectureMDM ConsoleMDM Import ManagerMDM Data ManagerMDM Workflow SRM-MDM IntegrationWeb User InterfaceOverview of the Procure to Pay Cycle ( P2P )SAP Procure to Pay ( Part of Material Management )Procuring Goods and ServicesPurchase RequisitionsRequest for QuotationPurchase OrderGoods ReceiptInvoice ProcessingPaying an InvoiceSRM e-SourcingSAP SRM E-SourcingSAP E-Sourcing Overview"
Price: 119.99

"SAP Workflow Development Training for Beginner to Experience" |
"Workflow is a tool for the automation of the business process, consisting of sequence of steps, tasks or event. You can arrange and manage the dependency of tasks. ... Users can be sent notification for the task waiting in the SAP inbox for approval or action SAP Workflow Basic Overview SAP Workflow Customization Business Objects Repository(BOR) Concepts Business Objects Builder Workflow Agents Rules , Attributes , Task User Decision Steps, Container Steps, Email Steps, Condition Steps BOR Delegate SAP WF Triggering Event Concept Triggering Workfolw Programticaly Workflow with Multiple Levels Event Binding & Copying Standard Workflow Copying the Standard BOR to Custom BOR Workflow For HR Get the Agents From SAP Workflow Custom Tables Create a Methods in SAP Workflow SAP Workflow Programming Concept SAP Workflow Function Module Based Rule SAP Workflow With Email & User Decision Step Function Module Based Rule Concept on Responsibility Rules & Other Rules in SAP Workflow"
Price: 129.99

"SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) Training" |
"SAP Plant Maintenance (SAP PM) application component provides an organization with a tool for all maintenance activities to be performed. All the activities that are performed under maintenance are interconnected and hence this module is closely integrated with other modules - Production Planning, Material Management, and Sales and Distribution. Using SAP PM, you can perform automatic repairs and facilitate maintenance requests in an organization. It allows you to record problems in SAP system, plan labor and material activities, and to record and settle the cost.Multiple Counter PlanCalibration PlanCreate Explode BOMCreate and Assign Factory CalendarCreate Notification Directly - General Notification And Breakdown NotificationsExternal Service Delivery ReceiptIntroduction to SAP Plant MaintenanceMaintenance Activities for Object PartsMaintenance Order - Create from NotificationMaintenance Order - Create DirectlyNon Stock Item Issue to a PM OrderRefurbishment OrderSingle Cycle Plan - creationStock Item Issue to a PM OrderStrategy Strategy PlanWork Center CreationSerial Number Managed Stock Item Issue to PM OrderEquipment Task List Creation"
Price: 49.99

"Gradle for java developers" |
"Are you a Java or Spring Boot developer who wants to master Gradle then this course is for you.Are you a developer with Maven background who wants to quickly learn Gradle then this course is for you as well. Gradle is one of the most popular build automation tools in the java world.In this course you will master all the core concepts of Gradle while working hands on to create a various java project.In this course you willUnderstand what Gradle is and why it is so popularYou will create a Standalone Java Project using Gradle command lineCompare gradle settings.gradle with Maven pom.xmlQuickly learn groovy to understand the Gradle build scriptsUnderstand the anatomy of a Gradle build fileCreate a Java Web ApplicationUse the War and Gretty plugins to build and run your web applicationCreate Custom Gradle tasksCreate Multi Module Projects Learn how to add dependencies between modulesLearn how to manage common logic and dependencies for all the modulesWrite and run unit tests using JUnit and Mockito Generate Test Coverage reports configuring the JACOCO code coverage pluginConfigure SonarQube plugin to run static code analysisCreate a Spring Boot Project using GradleMigrate Spring Boot Maven projects to use GradleUnderstand the build.gradle file of the spring boot project, build and run itCreate Custom Gradle Plugins What are the requirements?Gradle, Spring Tool Suite (Installation is covered)A basic understanding of Java and Java Web DevelopmentWhat am I going to get from this course?Apply your understanding of Gradle and your ability to build a project using GradleCreate and build a java web application using GradleMaster all the important concepts of Gradle while working hands onLearn how to create and build Spring Boot Projects using Gradle"
Price: 19.99

"Carrinho de Compras PHP7 PDO" |
"O curso de carrinho de compras com PHP7 PDO e AJax possui 60 aulas, neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um carrinho de compras bem completo para seu projeto e-commerce, super aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes os 5 mdulos anteriores onde criamos passo a passo toda a loja, pois neste mdulo o foco somente no carrinho de compras, acompanhe j nosso treinamento e comece a criar sites e sistemas web de forma profissional!"
Price: 234.99

"Beginner Yoga 30 Day Yoga Challenge Learn Yoga Online Yoga" |
"Beginner Yoga Lessons - Learn Yoga skills, Yoga Tips, Yoga Fundamentals, Yoga Poses, Study Yoga for Beginners#1 BEGINNER YOGA COURSE ONLINEOver 70,000 Enrollments from 179 Countries in Lesson Pros CoursesFeatured in Minnesota Home Health JournalBeginner Yoga Lessons - YOGA FROM THE BEGINNING.Beginner Yoga Course - Start Yoga from Scratch Why take Yoga lessons from this gal?My passion is inspiring others. After practicing Yoga for a few years I decided to move into the teaching aspect of yoga so I could help others live a happier, healthier lifestyle. I hope you will join me on the inside of this Yoga course where you will learn some awesome Yoga poses to get you started on this journey.Building a strong yoga foundation:For the beginner who would like to learn more about YogaLearn your yoga basics - I will teach you a few different Yoga poses with guided instruction so you know exactly how to do each pose.You will learn everything to get you started on your Yoga practice. No experience necessary.Who is the target audience for this Yoga lessons course? Anyone interested in learning how to do yogaFor those who wants to improve their overall healthGreat for all agesQuestionsFeel free to send me any questions you might have on this course. I want to make your learning experience the best that it can be.What students are saying about the courseKaysie is a great instructor. I had never done yoga before and this really helped me get started on the right path. Thank you - Olivia B This yoga instructor is fantastic. I actually tried a few classes before and the poses weren't as broken down. This course is great for someone who is just starting out. - Victor PI have done many different courses for yoga beginners, but absolutely this course is the best! I recommending this course for all the beginners like me ! It's Amazing! Mariglen M. This gal has such a delightful way of teaching her yoga lessons. Like others here I had never done yoga before and I found Kaysie's instruction on how to do the poses was very helpful. I also liked how she explained how to take my time getting into each of the poses and moving in a way that makes sense for my body. She explains everything in detail which really helped me out. Especially if you are a beginner, this course will give you a great jump start. I look forward to yoga every day. - Heather MThanks Thanks for taking the time to look at this Beginner Yoga Course - YOGA FROM THE BEGINNING course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside and teaching you how to get started on your yoga practice today.Enjoy the Journey to better Body, Mind and Soul Kaysie ScottLesson Pros#1 YOGA COURSE ONLINE"
Price: 19.99

"COBIT 2019 Foundation - official, accredited" |
"""COBIT is the world-wide accepted de-facto standard for management and governance(rules) of IT organizations or IT departments. It contains all you need to run and manage your IT from Incident Management, Project Management to IT Strategy. In todays agile constantly changing environment the governance (rules) is more important than ever. You don't have to go through painful experiences such as security breaches, major outages, disapointed customers and excesive costs of IT to set your governance - you can learn it in advance in COBIT!This course will guide you through the COBIT terminology and concepts, it will give you all you need to start using COBIT immediately in your organization. The course also contains all you need to prepare for the internationally recognized COBIT 2019 Foundation certificate. Certificate of Course Completion UDEMY will issue a Certificate of Completion upon completion of all the video training modules.COBIT 2019 Foundation Certificate by ISACA IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE COURSEThis is the official ISACA accredited course COBIT 2019 Foundation without exam and certificate. Official exam leading to COBIT 2019 Foundation Certificate can be purchased and taken by anyone on ISACA website for USD 175. This course contains all the resources you need to pass this exam and obtain the COBIT 2019 Foundation Certificate. Plus during the course you will be guided to download your own copy of free COBIT books from ISACA website, which are also required to pass your exam.This course is provided by Ludmila Vrazelova who is the ISACA and APMG accredited COBIT 2019 Independent Instructor. The course materials are accredited by APMG who is the exclusive ISACA partners for COBIT accreditations."
Price: 199.99

"Flatter [Comic Colorist Assistant]" |
"Se voc amante de Histrias em quadrinhos e quer fazer parte deste universo, esse curso para voc!. Nele vamos aprender a preparar pginas aplicando as cores bases para auxiliar os coloristas em seu processo de colorizao. Esse o ponta p inicial para qualquer pessoa pensa um dia em se tornar um colorista profissional, mas claro, isso no uma regra.O flat o primeiro passo para colorir quadrinhos, grande parte dos coloristas contrata algum para separar elementos das pginas em cores. Com isso ele podem selecionar de maneira rpida esses elementos e fazer qualquer alterao.Esse um processo tcnico, requer mais ateno do que criatividade e as cores escolhidas no to importantes quanto a ateno nos detalhes. Agilidade, comprometimento sempre lhe garantir servio.Neste curso voc aprender a utilizar ferramentas de seleo, preenchimento, configuraes no software, macetes e trabalhar com software livre."
Price: 39.99

"Master en Colecciones y estructuras de datos en Java" |
"El manejo de datos es algo sumamente importante en cualquier aplicacin. No entender la manera correcta de manipular estos grupos de datos puede impactar considerablemente en el rendimiento de nuestras aplicaciones. En este curso vas a aprender a utilizar las colecciones en Java que te permitir hacer implementaciones mucho ms eficientes en el manejo de tus datos en Java:Aprenders sobre:ListasConjuntosColas y PilasMapasPara lograr esto, nos valdremos de colecciones como ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeMap, PriorityQueue, HashMap, HashSet y varias ms.En este curso me esfuerzo mucho para que aprendas cmo utilizar cada una de las implementaciones de colecciones que estaremos viendo, pero tambin, estar explicndote lo mejor posible, cmo estas colecciones funcionan en el interior. Entender cmo funciona cada coleccin es sumamente importante. No basta con saber cmo funcionan sus mtodos, es importante tambin saber cmo se manejan internamente para poder elegir la mejor opcin dependiendo el caso de uso.Por lo anterior, dentro del curso tambin incluyo varias explicaciones sobre el funcionamiento de las estructuras de datos tradicionales. Aprenders cmo hacer una lista enlazada simple y tambin aprenders cules son las colecciones que la implementan.Aprenders cules son las diferencias de rendimiento entre una coleccin y otra dependiendo de su implementacin.Otro tema importante que aprenders es sobre la importancia de los mtodos equals y hascode y cules son las colecciones con las cules estn relacionados y porqu estn relacionados con ellas.Sin otra cosa ms por decir, te espero en el curso, no te lo pierdas :)"
Price: 59.99

"Super-Fast Web Design using Weebly" |
"It's easier to build a stellar web design than you would ever imagine. It does take a strategy though. The strategy lies in using the right software platforms and tools and that's where the Weebly Website Builder comes in handy.Weebly is one of the biggest website builders with over 50m of websites created. In comparison to many of its rivals, Weebly has always been more interested in enhancing the technology of its product than in running costly ad campaigns.Did you know that visual appeal and simplicity of a website contribute to 95% of a user's first impression?This first experience is usually thought of as the home page when designing a website, and all users can see without scrolling. You get one chance to attract and inspire users to connect more with the elements in this space. (And in just a few seconds of their time.)The features most consumers are searching for-and forming their first impressions-include:Navigation: Is it easy to find details and see what the website is about?Headline: Is the message really appealing to me?Imagery: Are the photos (or videos) fascinating and captivating?Weebly has all the answers to the above as it can help you create the most attractive websites in a drag-and-drop interface that even a non-coder can make the best use of. Even if you don't have a background in design, anyone can use the weebly builder to build a great website. Simply pick a prototype now and bring the concept plan into live effect. The future of web design is here - thanks to Weebly.The Weebly platform also does things really well when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):URL, Title tags & Meta-Descriptions: You can customise them, along with Alt texts for images. This is especially important to rank your images on search engines.301 Redirects: You can control them to avoid broken links when a page URL or link has been changed. We know that Google deeply dislikes 404 pages.Image Optimisation: Weebly does a fantastic job at compressing the kind of images you upload. This improves speed, that stays as a boon for SEO.Keywords: One can add the site's main meta-keywords or what we call as ""Tags"" from the settings page quick and easy to make your website findable. How is this course different from the rest?This mind-blowing course titled ""Super-Fast Web Design using Weebly"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" and Marketing Expert ""Sai Manoj"" will showcase some of the most interesting ways to build a website with Weebly extremely quick and easy. What's more? We will also look at the various methods for adding pages, maps, videos on your website. Then we will showcase the ways to publish the site and see traffic analytics from your Weebly dashboard.If you have the passion to learn, there is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now and let's start learning this incredible course and change your career as a web-designer forever. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let's begin."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to International Relations" |
"This course will introduce you to the discipline of International Relations. Whether you are a student or just someone interested in what International Relations is about, this course will carefully guide you through the basics of this fascinating academic discipline. The course is ideal for beginners with no prior university education because it allows you to understand the basics of the discipline. Although it is designed for beginners, the course will give you confidence to speak about International Relations with much greater confidence. You will understand the history of International Relations as a discipline as well as the major theories of IR. You will also learn about theory as such - what it is and different kinds of theories. Equipped with this fundamental knowledge, you will then explore the key topics forming the core of International Relations at any university: the evolution of sovereign states states, the causes of war and conflictthe struggle for peace and international organisationsinternational political economySure, there are many other topics which could be covered under the label International Relations, but this course is designed as a complete introduction to give you solid knowledge and understanding of the core elements of this fascinating discipline.What You Will Get in This CourseHere is a summary of what you will learn in this course:Understand what we mean by the subject of International RelationsUnderstand why International Relations is about global organisation of political authorityLearn the history of the International Relations disciplineUnderstand the Great Debates of International RelationsLearn about the key books, magazines and websites on International RelationsUnderstand what theory is aboutRecognise the differences between explanatory, predictive and normative theoriesUnderstand 3 levels of analysisLearn the key tenets of classical liberalism and neoliberalismLearn the key tenets of classical realism and neorealismLearn the key tenets of social constructivism and feminismUnderstand how the system of modern statehood has evolvedLearn about international relations in Medieval EuropeRecognise the importance of the Peace of Augsburg and Peace of Westphalia for modern statehoodUnderstand how International Relations look differently from the Chinese perspectiveLearn about war and the causes of warLearn about different theoretical ideas for international peaceUnderstand the role of League of Nations and United Nations in international peaceUnderstand the role of European integration in international peaceLearn about the International Political Economy and Bretton Woods institutionsUnderstand the differences between Liberalism, Realism and Marxism in Int. Political EconomyLearn about competing theoretical perspectives on globalisationLearn about the impact of COVID-19 on nationalism and globalisationMy Promise to YouI promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course. With the 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is no reason why you should not try the course out right now."
Price: 179.99

"Structural Design Patterns in Modern C++" |
"Design Patterns are a way to solve common object oriented design problems. But understanding and learning design patterns is hard and takes time. Looking at a pattern is like looking at a solution without a problem, unless you've encountered the problem in the past.This course aims to help you understand & implement Structural Design Patterns. Each pattern is explained with multiple examples and through modern C++. This helps you understand how the pattern can be implemented efficiently using language features. I provide real-world examples written in Modern C++. These examples will compile & execute on any platform that supports a C++ compiler.This is how the course teaches creational patterns.The intent, structure of the pattern is explained through UML class diagram.Basic implementation details of the pattern are explained.The pattern is implemented in a simple example.You get familiar with the overall implementation of the pattern.Another example is introduced that has design issues the pattern aims to resolve.We examine the issues and refactor the code by applying the design pattern step by step.Alternative scenarios & examples are explained along with differences between them. You also learn how to decide between different alternatives.I discuss the pattern in context of C++ and how to tweak it for performance, reusability & maximum flexibility.Finally, you'll learn when to use the pattern and its pros & cons.This is an intensive discussion that spans multiple lectures. At the end of each section, you'll understand the pattern in depth and can apply it in your code or easily clear any design interview."
Price: 199.99

"Hacks de Copywriting com Estratgias de Marketing Digital" |
"Caro(a) empreendedor, coach ou profissional de Marketing Digital.Sabemos que vender na internet algo extremamente democrtico. Entretanto, seguir a mesma linha de post e anncios no est funcionando mais...Se todas as dicas de post e gatilhos mentais j esto sendo utilizados, como se diferenciar, chamar a ateno do cliente e vender o que ele de fato precisa?A resposta para essa pergunta contm 11 letras.Uma simples palavra: Copywriting.Ou a arte e cincia de desenvolver textos persuasivos em massa.Se voc aplica Hacks de copywriting em seus vdeos e cartas de vendas, ter resultados acima da mdia...# Por exemplo, fazer seus clientes pararem e prestarem ateno no seu feed;# Falar diretamente apenas com o seu cliente ideal, aumentando assim as suas vendas;# Criar desejos ardentes na sua persona para que ela busque saber mais sobre voc e seus produtos e muito mais...Em linhas gerais, copywriting o segredo oculto do marketing digital para transformar texto em dinheiro, frases em lucro no seu negcio digital nas prximas semanas..."
Price: 249.99

"Crea chatbots profesionales para tu pgina de facebook pyme" |
"Aprovechando las ltimas tecnologas que tenemos disponibles de forma gratuita aprenders a crear chatbots para facebook messenger con las mejores funciones disponibles en Manychat, responde mensajes en inbox de forma automtica, inicia conversaciones al detectar palabras clave en comentarios como ""precios"" o ""."".Aprenders a crear secuencias de mensajes automatizados y programables que se enviarn a tus usuarios con contenido promocional o informativo para potenciar el incremento de ventas o leads en tu negocio.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de automatizar la respuesta y el servicio al cliente en el chat de tu pgina de facebook de manera muy inteligente y creativa, respondiendo a los usuarios y guindolos en todo el camino hasta que se logre el objetivo que t buscas, tambin podrs hacer uso de palabras clave que el chatbot detectar y posteriormente detonar acciones que nosotros programemos, ya sea en el inbox o en los comentarios de publicaciones, o sea que podrs usar cada comentario en una publicacin para que el chatbot inicie solito una conversacin con el usuario y que posiblemente nos lleve a cerrar una venta ms.Podrs segmentar a tus usuarios a tu gusto con etiquetas personalizadas para mejorar la eficiencia de tus campaas o tu marketing en general, vas a crear secuencias informativas o promocionales que se enviarn de forma automatizada conforme pase un tiempo especificado, similar a las campaas de correo.Aprenders a crear secuencias de mensajes para cualquier objetivo que te imagines, con imgenes, con links, botones, galeras, la leyenda que aparece cuando alguien escribe en messenger y mucho mucho ms, incluso podrs hacer que la conversacin parezca que es con una persona real y no un chatbot, lo que mejorar la percepcin de la empresa en la mente de nuestros seguidores.Sabrs como crear pginas de aterrizaje para aumentar tu lista de seguidores o suscriptores de forma rpida y sencilla en el mismo lugar, adems de otras herramientas potentes disponibles.Se harn recomendaciones generales de marketing digital y de algunas ideas prcticas para implementar el chatbot y obtener los mejores resultados posibles."
Price: 495.00

"The Totonacas and the Flyers of Papantla" |
"Welcome to this course on the Totonacas and the Flyers of Papantla. The Totonacas are a culture that flourished in Pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica. Though they were a large and prosperous culture for hundreds of years, very little is known about their origins and early history. In this course we will explore, visit and study the Totonaca people and the impressive cities, civic and religious centers they developed. Everything in this course is first hand knowledge conveyed directly to you. In addition, the sources used for references are the original ancient codices and the writings of the first European explorers to this region. Enjoy discovering the wonderful, forgotten culture of the Totonak!."
Price: 189.99

"Intimate Relationships - Periodical of Allies - A3.2" |
"This is the relationship course you need if you are ready for true intimacy in your relationship. Even while ""relationships"" come in all shapes and sizes, there is one common variable to all of them... You. This is where all of your problems can be solve and if you have trouble with relationships, you have the solution right there within yourself. I, Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne am here to help you learn how to bring it out and become worthy of the beautiful intimate relationship, which you do deserve. As one of Open and Clear, Academy's 2020 season of courses, this course is complete in itself however it is part of a ""Course-Series"" which offers a comprehensive journey of self-discovery of every aspect of Relationships and utilizing Spiritual Principles that will change your life for the better, forever. The whole series consists of ""Discovering Relationships"", ""Intimate Relationships"", ""Friend Relationships"", ""Committed Relationships"", ""Expressive Relationships"", ""Progressive Relationships"", and ""Divinely-Inspired Relationships"".This course, while focusing on relationships is a Spiritual Course. Therefore Practices and Meditations are provided and required for the most benefit of what this course has to offer. We do not discuss dogmas or worshiping deities, strictly personal practice for the best results."
Price: 149.99

"International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)" |
"International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) set common rules to be followed by companies so that financial statements can be consistent, transparent and comparable around the world. IFRS are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They specify how companies must maintain their accounts and report them. IFRS was established to create a common accounting language.IAS 16 on Property Plant and Equipment is the most important and a popular accounting standard that specifies when to recognise an item as a PPE, how to measure the cost of PPE and how to account for items recognized as a PPE. It also specifies various depreciation methods to be followed by companies around the world.IAS 16 on Property Plant and Equipment is also tested quite often in examinations like ACCA, CPA and CA and should be mandatorily known by accountants working in companies if their entity follows IFRS.IAS 36 on Impairment of Assets is one more popular and complex accounting standard which specifies some common indicators of impairment and guides us on how to test for impairment and to account for it.IAS 36 is one more commonly tested topic in examinations and commonly encountered issues by entities."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA Security+ :Viruses,Threats and Compromise Indicators" |
"You will discover and understand what viruses and worms are and how they can infect Systems and Networks. Youll study their nature, how they function, and their impact. You will also spend time going through discussions on varieties of each, along with some real life examples. Refine your understanding of viruses and worms to better your system. The knowledge you gain here will prepare you to be a more effective network administrator. Furthermore, the topics covered here will help with preparing you for security certification exams offered by EC-Council, CompTIA Security+, and Linux."
Price: 139.99

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Price: 19.99

"Lumion 10 Realistic Render Tutorial For Commercial building" |
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Price: 99.99

"Curso Essencial de Linux e Shell Linux" |
"Muitas pessoas ficam reticentes quando o assunto utilizar o sistema operacional Linux. No entanto, elas mesmas no fazem ideia do quo presente o kernel Linux est em suas vidas. Smartphones Android, Internet das Coisas, televisores, videogames, relgios de pulso, geladeiras entre outros eletrodomsticos, super computadores, computadores da Nasa e at em aceleradores de partculas.O termo Linux, vai muito alm do que meramente estar ligado sua utilizao como sistema operacional alternativo para o desktop em nossos computadores. Ele possui uma filosofia de desenvolvimento muito frente de seu tempo, amplamente ligada a solues em tecnologia da informao.Abrir-se para a utilizao de sistemas operacionais Linux estar totalmente antenado com o futuro e a um padro de desenvolvimento que rompe barreiras com o status quo."
Price: 39.99

"Gymnastics Fundamentals Basic Acrobatics For Beginners" |
"Do you want to learn gymnastics and perform cool flips and kicks? But....You struggle with the fear of falling and hurting yourself?You do not feel confident and you think the difficulty of the skills is too high for you anyways? You have no clear progressions and you do not know where to start?In this 4 Week Training Program you will learn the basics of acrobatics and gymnastics fundamentals!Wether you are already doing gymnastics or acrobatics and you simply want to widen your skillset or a beginner starting out - you will be able to progress at your own pace at home following clear and efficient step by step progressions. Master the 4 Week Acrobatic Flips & Kick Challenge and get the solid foundation to become your own teacher!While there are plenty of tutorials out there that show how to learn gymnastics, martial arts acrobatics and tricking, it is difficult to find a comprehensive beginner course like this one. Particularly for those with little time and experience it is hard because there are so many different methods but no consistent progression line.This course offers slow but clear and efficient progressions to learn gymnastics step by step without the fear of injury and hurting yourself. In addition to the main technical aspects of gymnastics, martial arts tricking or acrobatics, it covers a lot interesting background information about how to train in general.Course BonusesDetailed 4 Week Training Schedule and training plan for each day1 Training Guide (50 page downloadable PDF Document)3 Nutrition Guides (150 pages downloadable PDF Document)All the tutorials, chapters and lessons are built upon each other and everything comes from one sourceDirect feedback and help from me your instructor...you can ask me and we will solve any problem togetherThis course follows the same methodology as all my previous courses and is a perfect additionFilmed in HD quality and a cool design makes course a nice source to work withSpecial combinations to test your skills makes it even more fun to learnThe key things you will learnFundamentals of gymnastics and acrobaticsHow to flip into the three main directions Knowing how to learn acrobatic flips and kicks by following clear and efficient progressionsKnowing how to train safely and without the fear of falling and hurting yourselfMastering all 9 acrobatic skillsMastering the 3 flipping directionsKnowing how to combine single moves into ""combos"" and have fun moving aroundMaster all 9 Moves CartwheelButterfly KickAerialKip UpFrontheadspringFronthandspringMacacoJumping MacacoBackhandspringMaster all 3 Flipping DirectionsForward Flipping MotionsBackward Flipping MotionsSideward Flipping MotionContents and OverviewThis course starts with a welcoming section. First you will get an overview about the course. I will shortly introduce myself with one of my newest videos so that you know which whom you will work over the duration of this course. After that you will get introduced to the training methodology, course structure and how to follow the sections and lectures.Before diving into the gymnastics training you will have to study your 4 week training plan. This one is very detailed and tells you what to do for each day over the period of one month. It will provide you with all the knowledge you need to get the most out of this four week challenge. In there you will also find links to a warm up and flexibility routine which you need to do for each training session. Once you know your schedule can head start into the main part of this course - the moves! You have the possibility to choose your level between beginner, intermediate or advanced. You will start by learning beginner acrobatics like Cartwheel, Kip Up or the Macaco. Then you continue to intermediate and learn the Butterfly Kick, Frontheadspring or the Jumping Macaco. And once you feel comfortable doing them you can go to the more advanced section and learn the Aerial, Fronthandspring and the Backhandspring. Step by step and with slow but efficient progressions you will go through 9 moves which will take you from beginner to advanced level. As a natural side effect you will significantly increase your body control, balance and agility. You will get into better shape than ever and widen your range of abilities.Aside from working on the moves you can also implement the knowledge from the Training & Nutrition Guide and experiment with that.At the end when you have mastered all the moves and feel confident about them - there will be a last section for you. In this section you will learn how to combine all the flips and create really interesting combinations. By no later than that, flips and kicks will have become incredibly easy and fun for you! You have regained your confidence, have full control over your body and your abilities and you can be totally creative in movement!If you want to learn gymnastics and create a solid foundation for acrobatics in a variety of disciplines like martial arts, tricking , parkour, calisthenics, tumbling or just increase your fitness, health and happiness...then this course is exactly right for you!All my fee-based courses have a 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. That means you are able to check it out, make sure it`s the right course for you, and get a refund if it`s not.Are you ready to start learning?Do not hesitate and start your training now! With this online course you can take it at your own pace. Even though you might be too busy right now you can enrol today and take the course at your own pace.Try it out and and have fun. Thank you so much for your interest in my course ""Gymnastics Fundamentals Basic Acrobatics For Beginners"".See you inside and .... train smart! Tom Inauen / TOMTRICKS(Disclaimer Notice: In order to perform the exercises effectively and safely you should be in good physical condition prior to beginning the course. By registering for the course or performing these exercises you understand that exercising can lead to physical injury. If you engage in any exercise suggested by Thomas Inauen, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Thomas Inauen from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown arising out of Thomas Inauen`s negligence.)"
Price: 59.99
