"Data Science: R Programming for Beginners" |
"This is a Comprehensive Course to Learn R Programming for Data science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Data Visualization !With this course you will learn R Programming from Very Basic to Advanced Level, Here we will cover almost everything that comes under the umbrella of R ProgrammingMain topics you will learn,1) R Programming Basics : Arithmetic in R, Variables in R, Data Types in R, Vectors in R, Vector Operations, Comparison Operators, Indexing and Slicing in Vectors2) Matrices in R : Creating A Matrix, Arithmetic's in Matrix, Operations in Matrix, Indexing and Selection in Matrix, Factor Function3) Data Frames : Data Frame Basics, Indexing and Selection in Data Frames, Data Frame Operations4) Lists in R5) Working with Files : Working with CSV Files and Excel Files6) Core Programming Concepts in R : Logical Operators, if, else and else if statements, While loop, For loops, Functions in R7) Advanced R Programming : Built in Features, Apply Function, Regular Expressions, Math functions, Date and Timestamps8) Data Manipulation in R : dplyr Package, Pipe Operator, tidyr Package9) Data Visualization with ggplot2In short, this course is designed for all skill levels and even if you have no programming or statistical background you will be successful in this course !Regards,Vijay Gadhave"
Price: 199.99

"Debt to Wealth Investing: Transforming Your Debts to Wealth" |
"This course will equip you with the information needed to make wealth building through the stock market as simple as 1, 2, 3. You can expect to learn accelerated debt elimination strategies and transform the money into wealth investment portfolio.Ill show you how to set-up an account and fund it. Well then dive into finding securities that are selling at its intrinsic value or less, not over-priced. Everything from identifying stocks with strong and consistent appreciation and dividends to buying it at a discount price will be discussed extensively. The characteristics of winning stocks will be provided so youll have the skill needed to successfully buy stocks confidently.Youll learn how to research stocks and then set personal alerts and parameters to mitigate risk of losing big in the even theres an economic downturn. My personal rule of thumb is to avoid any loses greater than 10% and youll be taught how to do the same. This course will walk you through the process choosing the best online brokers in terms of trading platforms ease of use, free account and low expense ratio and support when needed.Screening stocks will be a thing of the past so you dont waste time looking for potential stocks to evaluate, and tools required for seeing a stocks true value. This course will help you avoid loses and continue growing your wealth. There are factors that makes great value and growth stocks and all of this will be covered. I will reveal in totality how to go from not understanding the stock market to becoming a proficient and profiting from it.This training will ensure that you will know important actions that must be done to quickly make a decision when great opportunity reveals itself. Youll essentially know what stocks to hold for long term appreciation and dividends payout and when to sell. By the end of this course, you will be able to open a brokerage account online and purchase your first winning stock or portfolio of stocks using the lessons I teach. By the end of the course, students will be able: To successfully buy and sell stocks To transform your debt into wealth To discover free money for investment Completely get out of debt To get tax breaks with investing To acquire skills reading a companys financial report To buy low and hold for long-term wealth To buy low and sell high To be financially free through stock market investment To know how to evaluate stocks Review passively managed funds To create a plan for your finances"
Price: 199.99

"Server Infrastructure" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Server Infrastructure...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Server Infrastructure!If your goal is to become a user of Server Infrastructure, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Server Infrastructure...Learning Server Infrastructure is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Server Infrastructure, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Server Infrastructure is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Server Infrastructure even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Server Infrastructure.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Server Infrastructure and How to Download Server Infrastructure.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE BY DOING! (LEARN SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Server Infrastructure. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Server InfrastructureB) Be able to Download and Install Server InfrastructureHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Server Infrastructure is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to Server InfrastructureENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE!"
Price: 199.99

Servlet |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU SERVER SERVLET & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Servlet...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Servlet!If your goal is to become a user of Servlet, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Servlet...Learning Servlet is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Servlet, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Servlet is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Servlet even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Servlet.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Servlet and How to Download Servlet.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN SERVER SERVLET BY DOING! (LEARN SERVER SERVLET FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Servlet. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an ServletB) Be able to Download and Install ServletHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Servlet is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to ServletENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER SERVER SERVLET!"
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Google Jamboard do zero ao estratgico" |
"Ol Pessoal!Aprenda nesse curso a utilizar o Google Jamboard desde o zero at o mtodo estratgico para tornar as suas aulas mais interativas com os alunos nas modalidades online e presencial bem como no ensino hbrido.Nesse curso voc vai aprender diferentes estratgias pedaggicas utilizando a ferramenta desde as suas funcionalidades mais bsicas at a consolidao com jogos de diversos tipos e modelos para que voc tenha aulas mais interessantes com os alunos.A ferramenta Jamboard uma excelente aliada dos professores quando se trabalha com a criatividade e as habilidades de trabalho em grupo dos alunos, pois atravs de seus Frames (pginas em branco) os alunos podem operar de forma colaborativa em muitas das atividades alocadas pelo professor. vlido ressaltar tambm que o Google Jamboard totalmente compatvel com as demais ferramentas do Google for Education e poder integrar ainda mais o uso conjunto dos demais aplicativos tais como Google Classroom, Planilhas e Desenhos.No perca tempo e venha para o curso aprender a aplicar o Google Jamboard de form estratgica em suas aulas!Vejo vocs no curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 114.99

"Forex: CCI Scalping/Day trading strategy (Phone/Tablet/PC)" |
"Intraday trading using both Scalping and Day trading is very profitable if done the right way. It promises fast profits and also gives you more control over your trades. It is the best way to grow a small account.A trading system is a strict set of rules that govern how you enter and exit positions in the markets. It is a well known fact that if you cannot explain your trading system over a single elevator ride, then it is useless and not tradable. So in this course, I will be as straight to the point as possible.In this course, I will be teaching you a trading strategy that can be used to trade on your PC, your phone or your tablet profitably. It is purely based on price action and we shall be using it on the 5 minute charts on currency pairs with the lowest spreads. This course promises competence in a scalping and day trading strategy with very clear entry rules and exit rules. The rules are very easy to follow and promise frequent and high probability trading opportunities.Follow me into this forex trading course as we dive deeper to a state of joyful trading. Join our community and be part of the winning team!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"PNL Sistmica (Nvel 2) - Crenas" |
"O QUE A PNL?A Programao Neurolingstica (PNL) definida como o estudo da estrutura da experincia humana subjetiva. Ela cr que todo o comportamento tem uma estrutura a partir de padres lingsticos. O Dr Richard Bandler e John Grinder (criadores da PNL) construram modelos que podem fazer com que o nosso crebro funcione em um potencial muito mais elevado.De acordo com Bandler: A PNL foi especificamente criada para nos permitir fazer a mgica, criando novas maneiras de entender como a comunicao verbal e no verbal afetam o crebro humano. Desta forma ela se apresenta como uma oportunidade no s de comunicarmo-nos melhor com ns mesmos e com os outros, mas tambm, de aprender como obter maior controle sobre o que ns consideramos funes automticas da nossa prpria neurologia.POR QU APRENDER PNL & HIPNOSE?Porque nem sempre sabemos os reais motivos que limitam nossas aes e nos trazem resultados abaixo do esperado. A Neurocincia com foco dedicado na mudana de comportamento, usa atravs da PNL tcnicas profundas de entendimento da mente humana para saber quais so os bloqueios Travas que possumos. Tais tcnicas visam reconhecer nossas crenas limitantes e promover as mudanas necessrias para que novos comportamentos e novas atitudes possam surgir.A hipnose por sua vez, aliada a PNL, promove um mergulho na mente inconsciente, com o objetivo regressivo em determinados momentos da nossa vida, seja na infncia ou juventude. Tal abordagem promove um despertar de condicionamentos e padres negativos que no trazem resultados frente aos nossos objetivos. Aps o despertar expandimos a nossa Conscincia e assim estamos aptos a realizar curas psquicas e emocionais para transformar nossas vidas.QUAIS OS BENEFCIOS VOU TER COM A PNL & HIPNOSE?Primeiro grande benefcio est na possibilidade de voc aprender a lidar com suas prprias emoes. Voc ser capaz de mudar padres de pensamento reativos que do origem a momentos de fria, ira, stress e nervoso. Ser ainda capaz de refletir sobre emoes ligadas a tristeza e a depresso, de forma a gerar ressignificados nas experincias ocorridas e assim gerar profundo aprendizado com tais emoes.Voc ter ainda como benefcio a possibilidade de aprender a lidar com o medo e a fuga. Poder aprender com suas sombras, seus traumas e suas dvidas de uma forma muito mais consciente, tornando-se mais capaz de realizar tudo aquilo que deseja.O QUE NA PRTICA VOU FAZER COM A PNL?Voc tomar conscincia da sua linguagem (Lingustica) que vem boicotando e sabotando sua vida pessoal, seus relacionamentos, seu bem estar, sua felicidade e sua carreira profissional. Atravs de tcnicas de reprogramao mental, voc far um ajuste desta linguagem. Metaforicamente como um computador (Crebro) com vrus (Lingustica errada), que ir receber um novo programa (Programaes) e assim ir ajustar a sua mente (Neuro).COMO A NOSSA ABORDAGEM?Nossa abordagem est pautada na 3a. Gerao da PNL, idealizada principalmente por Robert Dilts e Judith DeLozier, o qual foi chamada de PNL SISTMICA. Ela inclui elementos relacionados ao campo energtico gerado pela interao entre pessoas, alm de trabalharmos com os campos morfoenergticos e campos psicogeogrficos.Trabalhamos com o conceito prtico da somatic mind a inteligncia presente ao longo das clulas no nosso corpo (seja nos nveis mais baixos como comportamento e habilidades, bem como os mais avanados como crenas e nvel de identidade). Nos baseamos nos conceitos da Psicologia Transpessoal, bem como acessos em nveis de conscincia superiores, envolvendo os estudos de Inconsciente Coletivo e Arqutipos de Jung.Os nossos 4 programas (Nvel 1 ao 4) trabalham com a evoluo da PNL Tradicional para a PNL Sistmica.NOSSA FORMAO COMPLETA EM MASTER PRACTITIONER EM PNLSo 4 mdulos, sendo 4 mdulos online aqui na Udemy e 4 mdulos presenciais na nossa escola em Serra Negra - SP. Todo o curso certificado e homologado pela ABRATH - Associao Brasileira de Terapeutas Holsticos, assim a MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento que lhe oferece dupla certificao: Practitioner em PNL e Master Practitioner em PNL, uma vez que em Serra Negra trabalhamos com tcnicas em nvel Master. Todos os cursos possuem seu registro de RDA - Registro de Direito de Autor na Biblioteca Nacional, onde Marco Meda assina os cursos como Terapeuta Responsvel pelo curso sob o registro CRTH-BR 2704."
Price: 129.99

"Excel Dashboard Masterclass for Beginners-From Zero to Hero" |
"This course is for all Excel users who wish to learn how to create powerful interactive dashboards right from the Basics to putting everything together. This course will teach you to turn your Excel data into powerful tables, graphs, visuals and dashboards.Highlights: Learn from Practical Video tutorials and ample of downloadable resources. Understand the goals of data visualization and dashboard building. Learn the basics of conditional formatting and the key aspects of it for dashboard building. Review the Excel logic functions like IF, AND, OR and using them in your dashboards, Start by building bar charts, column charts, pie charts and line charts to display your data. Learn more complex charts like scatter plots, combination charts for data visualization and decision making. Make your dashboards more interactive with the MATCH () and INDEX () functions. Leverage pivot tables within your dashboard to add even more interactivity. All in all learn the art of dashboard creation right from scratch to show off your large cumbersome data in a more meaningful form.So What are you waiting for ? Jump right into the course and Take your Excel Skills to a whole new level."
Price: 129.99

"Listening Masterclass" |
"Did you know that there is a difference between hearing and listening? There is! Have you ever been told that you just don't listen? Most people have at some point in their life, so you probably have experienced it as well. But the problem is that good listening skills are not something we are born with. Nor are we taught it in school. They are habits that we create, starting in our childhood, that are carried with us throughout our adulthood. Your listening skill habits can impact every area of your life, including your personal relationships and your career. Being a good listener can earn you respect, appreciation, and help you build stronger relationships in your social and business dealings.This course explains the ins and outs of what good listening skills consist of, why they are important, and how you can improve them. The course helps you determine what type of listener you are, provides basic skills of listening, barriers to listening, listening habits, body language, and activities to improve listening habits. You will learn the importance of physical attributes, active listening, attitude, perception, bias, language barriers, key gestures, and even how to take good notes.If you have a child or work around children, this course also explains how you can use this information with helping to teach good listening habits to children. By the time you complete this course, whether taking it for personal or professional reasons, you will know the direction you need to follow to improve your listening habits."
Price: 94.99

"Je vous livre un cours complet et simple afin de vous apprendre monter efficacement vos vidos sur iMovie.Dans ce cours nous verrons comment insrer des vidos, les dcouper, manipuler le son, crer des transitions et plus encore.Vous apprendrez toutes les bases pour devenir autonome et monter vos propres vidos en un claquement de doigt."
Price: 19.99

"Quest-ce que Slack ?Slack est une plateforme collaborative qui permet de remplacer les e-mails et de faciliter les changes entre les membres de votre quipe. Elle a t conue pour favoriser la manire naturelle quont les gens de travailler ensemble et rendre la collaboration en ligne aussi facile et efficace que si elle avait lieu en tte--tte.Dans ce cours, je vous explique comment utiliser Slack. Vous apprendrez :crer votre espace Slack,inviter des personnes,communiquer avec les autres,crer des canaux d'changes public et privs,partager des fichiers,personnaliser votre espace,utiliser les outils d'automatisation.Si vous souhaitez vous familiariser avec Slack, vous tes sur le bon cours."
Price: 19.99

"Como Construir uma Imagem Profissional de Sucesso" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para mulheres que desejam construir e solidificar sua imagem profissional. As aulas foram planejadas de forma que a aluna tenha uma excelente compreenso do assunto com linguagem clara e objetiva. O curso para mulheres que atuam em todas as profisses. So apresentados 6 pilares que constroem a imagem profissional no mercado de trabalho. O curso tratar de aspectos relacionados a aparncia, vesturio e comportamento.Vantagens do curso:- Linguagem clara e objetiva- Exerccio aps as aulas- Curso 100% online- Apostila em PDF"
Price: 114.99

success369 |
". (....) () ."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking - Scanning (Escaneamento de Sistemas)" |
"Neste curso o(a) aluno(a) aprender sobre a segunda etapa da atividade de Ethical Hacking: o escaneamento de sistemas (Scanning).O Scanning um conhecimento fundamental para o trabalho e atividade de Ethical Hacking, pois permite o levantamento de informaes valiosas como Live Hosts, Portas, Sistemas Operacionais, Servios em Execuo, Graus de Vulnerabilidade, Firewalls dentre outros.O Curso dividido em 25 aulas, nas quais so abordados os seguintes temas:1) Introduo2) O que Scanning ?3) Tipos de Scan 4) Informaes que podem ser obtidas5) Busca de Live Systems6) Wardialing 7) Ping8) Hping39) Checando o status das Portas10) Full Open Scan11) Half Open Scan12) Xmas Tree Scan13) FIN Scan14) NULL Scan15) Idle Scanning16) ACK Scnning17) FRAGMENTING18) UDP Scanning19) Rastreamento Ativo de Sistemas Operacionais 20) Rastreamento Passivo de Sistemas Operacionais21) Banner Grabbing e Telnet22) Contramedidas de Segurana23) Verificao de Vulnerabilidades24) Mapeamento de Rede25) Proxies"
Price: 579.99

"Communication Skills For Financial and Relationships Mastery" |
"After completion of this course you would be able to manage your personal and work relationships much better. This would lead to a better financial health and thriving relationships.Here is all that and more than we will cover: IntroductionWhat is communication and why learn it at allWhen is your communication brokenBarriers you may not have thought aboutMega communication - power lecturesArt of asking questions and building a conversationPowerful ideas for small talkThink about this?What nobody told you about listeningArt of complimenting to make people love youGolden tips for relationship buildingSpeaking with influenceHow to speak so that people want to listenAcing this part of very importantHow to use your body effectivelyProfessional communicationPower dressingImpressing your leadersTypes of communicatorsKnow your communication style"
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneurship Course - Everything About Starting Up" |
"Entrepreneurship Course - Everything About Starting UpThis course is a must do for everyone aspiring to start their own business.Introduction & overviewIdea generationUnderstanding marketsMarket sizingAnalysing environment & industryHow to have a competitive advantageStarting up pathwayCommon legal mistakesTypes of entities & Other legal aspectsContractsFinancial systems & MISKey Performance IndicatorsBusiness PlanFundingInvestors & ValuationPitching & Term SheetThe most important thing for an entrepreneur to remember"
Price: 19.99

"Git e GitHub do bsico ao avanado (c/ gist e GitHub Pages)" |
"Git a ferramenta de controle de verso mais utilizada atualmente e GitHub uma aplicao para controlar os seus projetos versionados pelo Git, e tambm extramente utilizada nas empresas que desenvolvem software.Neste curso voc vai aprender Git e GitHub de forma avanada, desde os comandos mais bsicos e fundamentais at as tcnicas mais avanadas para gerenciar a administrar os seus repositrios. A ideia central trazer uma abordagem prtica, onde todos os comandos e recursos sero explicados como so utilizados no dia a dia de um desenvolvedor, ou seja, depois do curso voc estar apto a utilizar o Git profissionalmente!Veja alguns dos recursos que o curso possui:Git aplicado a prtica de um dev, desde os comandos fundamentais aos mais avanados;GitHub completo: Issues, Pull Requests, Code Review, Wiki, Projetos e etc;Criao de gists para compartilhamento de cdigo;Desenvolvimento de um portflio utilizando o GitHub Pages;Criao de documentos de texto incrveis com Markdown;e muito mais!Alm de aprender tudo sobre controle de verso para projetos de desenvolvimento de software, voc vai criar o seu portflio e hospedar nos servidores do GitHub, de forma totalmente gratuita, marcando a sua presena na web.Lembrando tambm que o curso voltado para a prtica, o objetivo fazer voc compreender teoria e prtica do versionamento de projetos utilizando Git e GitHub, explicando cada detalhe e pondo os pingos nos is, no deixando nada nas entrelinhas.Est pronto para dominar versionamento? Te espero ento para explorarmos totalmente o Git e o GitHub!"
Price: 249.99

diatrofiikes-paremvaseis-se-variatrikous-astheneis |
"/ - . . : / . E Y . . , Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders . , ."
Price: 119.99

"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en pratik zm olan Adobe Spark ile, web sayfas tasarm ve sosyal medya ieriklerinizi hzlca hazrlayarak yaynlayabilirsiniz. Etkileyici web sayfalar ve sosyal medyalar iin, postlar ve videolar tasarlayabilirsiniz. Ayrca hazr ablonlardan faydalanabilirsiniz. Dncenizi gerekletirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan tekey Adobe Spark. Dnyann en hzl web sayfas ve sosyaal medya ierik hazrlama uygulamasn renmeye hemen balayn."
Price: 409.99

"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en iyi 2B Animasyon uygulamas olan Animate ile gerekletirebilirsiniz. Oluturduunuz karakterleri veya infografik bilgileri hzlca hareketlendirin. Websiteleri ve sosyal medyalar iin hareketli ierikler retin. Elinizde bir senaryo varsa hemen kendi izgi filminizi oluturun. Dncenizi hareketlendirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan her ey iin Animate yeterlidir. Dnyann en gelimi 2B animasyon arac olan Animate CC'yi renmeye hemen balayn."
Price: 409.99

"Self-Hypnosis Healing For Child Loss and Grief" |
"The use of self-hypnosis can help to ease the symptoms of grief.Hypnosis is the ability to focus your mind intently on a specific area of concentration.By using this attentive behavior, you are able to disconnect from distractions that may be apparent in your external world this includes outside circumstances, situations, or emotional attachments to thoughts or feelings.Hypnosis can be successful in breaking the patterns that make you feel powerless and helpless in the moment and restores a sense of peace during the time you are immersed within the hypnotic trance. These sessions can be used in the privacy of your own home to combat stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil that can stem from a variety of areas of strife. This course focuses on the pain of loss and how hypnotherapy can help ease the overbearing thoughts and emotions stemming from grief.This is the second grief course by this instructor, as she continues to offer alternate resources to her students, who are grappling with the death of a loved one."
Price: 39.99

"Learn to Code and Build Real World Projects-2020" |
"This course is for both beginners and seasoned developers that want to learn how to build responsive websites and user interfaces with modern HTML5 and CSS3+. This course includes hours of both learning & studying sections along with real life projects. Stop having to rely on frameworks like Bootstrap for your user interface and learn how to create your own layouts and utility classes to build custom responsive websites and app UIs.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer what we'll learn is Front End Web Development.Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:How Websites WorkWebsite Deployment to Shared Hosting & With Git.Front-End Web DevelopmentHTML 5CSS 3Git, GitHub and Version ControlBy the end of this course, you will be fluently programming and be ready to make any website you can dream of."
Price: 1280.00

"Adelgazar y perder peso (Cmo perd 40kg)" |
"Soy un chico de 21 aos y a los 18 aos pesaba 103kg, decid hacer un cambio en mi vida y yo mismo, sin la ayuda de nadie he conseguido perder 40kg, actualmente peso 67kg.En este curso te voy a ensear paso a paso como lo hice y podrs seguir mis pasos si realmente quieres hacer, no solamente un cambio fsico, sino un cambio en tu vida.Si Quieres Puedes!"
Price: 19.99

"PayPal For (Beginners): Fast Track Training" |
"PayPal For (Beginners): Fast Track TrainingLooking to grow your business online?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How Start Accepting Payments From Paypal.Everyone knows what PayPal is. Youve probably used it to buy things online and to pay for auctions.Did you know that PayPal can also be used to accept credit cards at your site?You dont need to use an expensive merchant account thats extremely difficult to set up.PayPal has you covered, and you can do more than peer to peer payments.Set Up Your Own Shopping CartHaving a shopping cart on your site is extremely important. You need to make sure that the customers can buy when theyre ready.You dont want them to have to go through unnecessary processes that will make buying too tricky.People want to buy and pay for the item when they see it.If you make them jump through too many hoops, theyll buy from another site.Youd do the same thing, and thats the truth.Sell Digital Products Quickly And EasilyEveryone knows that digital products are big money makers.You need to act when the iron is hot. Instant downloads are so important if a customer has an interest in what you have to sell them.No one wants to wait hours or even days for a download link to be sent to them. They want to download the digital product within moments after paying.Using Paypal will make it happen, and itll all be effortless.The customer will have their product, and youll get paid for it too.Paypal Is A Name Everyone TrustsWhen was the last time you gave your credit card information to a payment processor that seemed sketchy at best?Everyone at some point has done it while hoping nothing bad happens to their card.Customers trust PayPal, and theyre familiar with their services.Your customers will trust the PayPal logo and know theyre protected.PayPal is accepted worldwide and everyone who shops online knows who they are.IntroducingPayPal For (Beginners): Fast Track TrainingHow To Accept Payments With PaypalTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you the how you can easily get started with paypal as a vendor.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.We Take The Confusion Out Of The Entire ProcessTheres a lot to learn when it comes to accepting credit cards on your site using PayPal.No one is going to say that youre going to learn it in a mere matter of minutes.However, our videos explain everything in a very easy to follow format.Youll have your very own e-commerce site up and running accepting PayPal.Customers will be able to pay you using their credit card, and youll receive their payments quickly and efficiently.PayPal makes running a business online easy, and our videos will answer any questions that you have.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.PayPal For (Beginners): Fast Track Training.See The Course Training Videos Below:1 - Overview2 - Account Fees and Account Types3 - Terms of Service4 - Account Opening5 - Profile Account Settings - Part 16 - Proifle Account Settings - Part 27 - Profile Account Settings - Part 38 - Funding Account Set Up9 - Profle Account Settings & Payment Preferences10 - Adding Funds To Your Paypal Account11 - Requesting Funds Through PayPal12 - Transferring Funds Through PayPal13 - Sending Funds With PayPal14 - Mobile App Set Up15 - Making Payments With PayPal16 - Business Set Up - Sending Invoices17 - Business Set Up - Selling on a Marketplace18 - Business Set Up - Selling On Your Website19 - Getting Help From PayPal20 - Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter Training" |
"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter TrainingNow you can break free...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Build Continuity Income With Wishlist Member.Having a membership site where your members can access digital content is the ultimate form of passive income.Every member is charged monthly for access to your content. They will continue to be a member as long as you offer them something of value for their money.This is a business model that has worked since day one of the internet.Today, its much easier to own and operate a membership site. It is thanks to WishList, and thats what were going to talk about right here.Run A Membership Site Using WordPressWishList makes it super simple for you to operate a membership site using WordPress.Youre not going to have to install a complicated content management system that will make you pull out your hair.Everything runs smoothly right from WordPress, and it only involves you using a plugin.WishList makes so easy to run your own membership site and make money from it.The Secret Is In The RebillsWant to know what the secret sauce is when it comes to operating a membership site? Its all about the rebills.Each month your member will be billed for access to the site. This is money in your pocket.They will continue to be rebilled every month for as long as they remain a member.Your customers will keep their membership as long as youre able to offer them something of value. As long as you do, there will be money in your pocket.WishList Is Loaded With FeaturesEverything you need to run a membership site is right here. It can seem confusing at first.All those features can take some time to learn how to use. How do you know if youre making the most out of them?Youre not going to know at first.There are seasoned WishList users who are missing out on features that could improve their member's experiences.Youve got to continually be on the ball to make the most out of a site like WishList.You could use it every day for a year and still not learn everything that it has to offer.IntroducingBuild Continuity With WishList MemberSeeing WishList In Action Is A Game ChangerYou can read tutorials until your eyes hurt. Seeing someone do it is a whole different ball game.Its far more easy to learn something by watching someone else do it. You can do just that by watching our over the shoulder videos of experts using WishList.Youll quickly learn all the tips and tricks of running a membership site. You may be someone who uses WishList every day, and its still possible to learn while watching our videos.You cant possibly learn everything there is to know on your own. Those who believe they can are going to miss out on key features that will help retain and grow their membership base.Get The Most Out Of WishListTaking advantage of all the features that WishList has to offer will improve your membership site by leaps and bounds.The way you do that is by watching our video series. Youll gain insightful information that can be put into action.Everything you see in our videos has real-world uses, and they will help you maintain and grow the number of members your site has.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter TrainingSee the course subjects below:1 - Overview2 - Pricing and Purchase3 - WordPress Installation4 - Wishlist Member Installation5 - Powered By Wishlist Member Affiliate Program6 - Integrations - Payment Gateway7 - Should I Integrate PayPal8 - Integrations With JVZoo9 - Integrations - E-Mail Providers10 - Integrations - Zapier11 - Setting Up Levels12 - Setting Up Levels - Part 213 - Configuring Error Messages14 - Other Administration Settings15 - File Protection16 - Folder Protection17 - Protected Pages18 - Payment and E-Mail Connection19 - Testing Logins and Redirects20 - Conclusion - Page Access for Members Only-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Golang Programming Inside Out : A Total Reference" |
"Go is a general purpose programming language .Go is open source. Go is a compiled language. It compiles fast. Go has in-built concurrency support. Go was designed and developed at Google Inc. Go has a feature called Goroutines. Goroutines are lightweight processes . Communication between Goroutines is managed through what is called channels.Sending and receiving data through channels is done with simple syntax like <- left arrow operator . Golang has got built in support for JSON. JSON is nothing but Java Script Object Notation. Go has so many features like Slice and arrays. Go functions are capable of returning multiple values , unlike most other languages. Go has functions and methods , but Go method is not function. A method can return a receiver which functions are not able to. Strictly speaking Go is not an Object oriented language. Because Go does not have the concept of classes. In spite of that Go is capable of managing polymorphism and data encapsulation etc. This is facilitated through what is called an interface. Go interface is fundamentally different from interfaces in other languages In short Go is one of the most advanced modern programming languages specifically designed for systems programming in mind. The Map data structure in Go is an elegant and ingenious mechanism for quick retrieval of data based on the the key-value pairs. Thus Go is a powerful, concise, and elegant language worth learning. This course is a detailed account of the Go programming language covering everything in Golang."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Admin Certification Exam" |
"It contains 2 practice tests totalling 75 questions.Topics referred to build the practice questions are from:InstallationManaged PackagesCCAdminAccount Groups and ContactsUser LoginsProduct Types, Categories and SpecsPricing StrategiesTiered PricingAttribute Driven CommerceContract PricingComplex ConfigurationsEffective AccountsLine Level IndependenceProduct CompareStorefront AssociationsCoupons.... etcI have given more emphasis on Products and Pricing stuffs as it carries more questions in actual exam.Many people are of the opinion that it is very difficult to find ""certification"" oriented documentation, information, mock exams, etc about B2B. When i took the exam, even i felt the same even after working on this product for years. So after passing my exam, thought of creating practice tests which may help others who are planning to take this certification. I have spent hours preparing this tests, I have gone through each and every topic of the functional documentation, and took tons of notes, just like I did when preparing for my certification.If you can answer all the 75 questions without seeing the answers before you take up the exam, am sure you will pass in the first attempt.About the Exam:50 multiple choice/multi select questions.Time allotted to complete the exam : 90 minutes.Passing score : 70%.Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as per local law.Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as per local law.Delivery mode: Online, Proctored exam.References: No online material or hard copy can be referenced during the exam.Prerequisite: None required."
Price: 19.99

"Memory Management in Linux Kernel" |
"What will you learn from this course?Physical Address space of processor and how to view it in LinuxVirtual Address space of processorKernel and User space virtual address spacePages and Page FaultHow to convert virtual address into physical address and the format specifiers used to printLow Memory and High MemoryMemory Allocation Mechanism - Buddy AllocatorZones - /proc/buddyinfoDynamic Memory Allocation in Linux KernelVarious flags used in kmalloc - GFP_KERNEL, GFP_ATOMIC, GFP_DMADifferences between kmalloc and vmallocWhat happens when you pass 0 in kmalloc and vmallocKernel StackAPI's covered in this course:virt_to_physphys_to_virtkmallockfreekreallocksizevmallocvfreeCommands used in this course:qemu-system-x86"
Price: 34.99

"Solidworks Para ve Montaj Uygulamalar" |
"Temel solidworks bilgisine sahip kiilere uygulama rnekleri ile farkl paralar en ksa srede nasl izebileceklerini anlatan bir eitim seti.Bu eitim sayesinde solidworks para ve montaj pratikleri yaparak kendinizi gelitirebilir,renmi olduunuz komutlar nerede kullanacanz kavrayabilirsiniz.Ayrca eitim boyunca izdiimiz paralar makine sektrnde ve sanayide kullanlan paralar olduundan uygulamann kullanm alanlarn daha iyi kavrayabileceksiniz.Solidworks (2014,2015,2016 ,2017,2018,2019,2020) srmlerine uygun anlatm."
Price: 24.99

"Practical SQL Masterclass - Learn MySQL - Beginner to Guru" |
"Every lesson comes with downloadable narration transcript in .pdf format to supplement & reinforce your learning. Not just superficial study, it is learning with experience.First have a look at what two of the first enrolling students have to say about this course on giving 5* rating - ""I am a Linux system admin, also teach the same. I needed to take a database course to expand my skills. Initially with the promo of this course, I did not think, the course would go so much long way to impress me. By far this is the best course so far I purchased on Udemy. The instructor talks in clear & understadable way at perfect pace. Each lesson so concise yet full. I have purchased it for a coupon, but I feel I paid too little for such a stellar course. This is the perfect SQL course for anyone, to recommend with pleasure. - by Madan Tiwari""""This is the course what every online course should be like. Amazing contents and explanations. It goes beyond just teaching syntax. The logical sequence of sections and topics is amazing, imparts solid base of knowledge. There is so much more to learn in SQL, I never knew until I started learning from this course. I strongly endorse this course as the best to learn SQL. - by Ashlesha""You are at the right place for learning SQL. Learning SQL is the fastest way to improve your career prospects as it is the highest sought after tech-skill. SQL tops all of the computer languages in demand - not only core database related professionals need it, but also, even if you aspire to work in any other programming / front end language, you need thorough base in SQL. However, this course does not envisage any technical background. Let us start right from scratch.Learning SQL opens a wide range of future career options with an unlimited growth potential apart from it being on its own a quick career launcher. SQL is universal to all the major databases - Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Amazon Redshift, and of course the MySQL. MySQL is the second largest databases system in terms of number of installations as it's open source.SQL is one of the most in-demand skills for business analysts, data scientists, and anyone who finds him/herself working or aspires to work with data! Upgrade your skill set quickly and add SQL to your resume by joining today!I invite you to watch the free preview videos in this course as well as go through the curriculum. I am sure, you will love to learn SQL.Remember that this course is under continuous evolution. 3-4 lessons are being added every week to keep pace with ever increasing expectations of the IT employer.See you get associated with the course!"
Price: 12800.00

"Video Game Design for Kids" |
"How would you like to help your child (Ages 7-10) create their own original video game? This course helps kids learn to make games via a simple visual programming language. This program is a great entry into design and programming skills. Students will follow a kid-friendly process similar to real video game designers who create the games they play at home! Students learn programming logic to code characters behaviors and reactions to events in their games. All programming in Kodu is WHEN/DO (similar to IF/THEN statements).Students learn to use the tools available in Kodu to create land, water, mountains, buildings, and more.Students learn more advanced coding to give their characters power-ups. This involves creating parallel programming that changes the behavior of their characters based on a specific event.Students complete game design planning prior to starting their final projects to create the best video game possible. Important: Kodu currently only runs on Windows. Please test running Kodu prior to signing up for the class. Kodu is a free download. Simply Google ""Kodu."" This course is designed for parents that want to introduce their kids (Ages 7-10) to coding and video game design."
Price: 39.99
