"Flutter with Firebase" |
"Welcome to the Flutter App Development with Firebase.By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully-fledged Flutter developer with Firebase.What apps you will learn to build?1. fitness app 2. Task app 3. Advanced wallpaper app 4. ML kit 5. Cloud function 6. Notification 7. Phone, Gmail, Email Auth 8. Cloud Firestore 9. Dynamic Links And moreFirebase is by Google. Firebase allows you to quickly connect your apps with Backend. Firebase gives you many features, such as.Firebase AuthenticationFirebase Firestore (NoSQL Database & Realtime)Firebase StorageFirebase Cloud FunctionsFirebase Cloud Messaging (Notification)Firebase Analytics Firebase Dynamic LinksFirebase AdMobFirebase MLKit (Machine Learning Kit)Firebase HostingSo Flutter and Firebase, both products are built by Google, so this is the ultimate combination for making mobile apps.And with the flutter, you can create iOS, Android, Web App, Desktop App.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, themes and much more.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Data Storage: How to use Firebase Cloud Firestore to act as a backend for your Flutter apps.Firebase Authentication: How to use login and register users for your Flutter apps.Cloud FirestoreCloud FunctionFirebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): For NotificationCloud StorageFirebase AnalyticsFirebase Dynamic LinksSo what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's best Flutter development course with Firebase."
Price: 5440.00

"Angelic Whispers - Connect with the Angelic Realm" |
"Welcome to this Angelic Connection course! I am so excited that you are here and that you will be joining me in learning all the things you need to know about connecting with Angels. Angels are ethereal beings who really want to help us and guide us in our lives. They can however only do this if we ask them to intervene as they will never override our own free will. These amazingly powerful beings not only act as our guardians but can empower us, protect us, guide us and heal us if we allow them to. Connecting with your Angels is actually a very safe and gentle process and this course will provide you with tools and techniques to make your connection with you own guardian angel and also the Archangels. This course will take you on an amazing journey of connection with the Angelic Realm through an easy step by step process to follow and also through powerfully channeled meditations containing powerful activations . Be prepared for transformation!"
Price: 84.99

"Mole Concept, Empirical Formula & Molecular Formula" |
"This course is designed for beginners. With the details of atomic mass, relative atomic mass, molecular mass, relative molecular mass we introduce ""Mole concept"". Application of mole concept to chemical reactions, in finding out the empirical and molecular formula is also discussed.To enable the students to have clarity about the concepts, numerical problems are also added wherever required."
Price: 1280.00

"Javascript para el mundo real!" |
"Aprende a programar en Javascript creando tus propios algoritmos, aplicaciones y programas! Curso prctico de Javascript para aquellos usuarios que tengan inters por aprender un poco ms sobre este potente y popular lenguaje de programacin que domina la web! Este es un curso basado en la creacin de programas, aplicaciones y algoritmos reales desarrollados con Javascript! Es decir, es un curso mayoritariamente prctico! El curso est enfocado hacia personas con un nivel bsico de Javascript...Este curso NO es recomendado para personas que NO tengan ninguna base o ningn conocimiento de Javascript! Si NO sabes nada sobre Javascript, NO te registres en el curso porque no vas a entender la gran mayora de las cosas que se harn en los vdeos que forman parte del curso! Al ser un curso prctico, se van a crear varios proyectos y aplicaciones reales con Javascript. Son programas o aplicaciones bsicas pero que te servirn para poner en prctica lo que ya sabes sobre Javascript! Esta es una buena manera de practicar y mejorar tus conocimientos de Javascript!Si tienes algn tipo de inters por aprender un poco ms sobre Javascript mediante el desarrollo de tus propios proyectos, entonces este curso te vendr bien para practicar con proyectos o programas reales!"
Price: 99.99

"Advanced Reflexology - Acupressure and Foot Reading Skills" |
"Must have Reflexology Training in order to complete this course.You will learn Acupressure points that you can incorporate into your reflexology treatments. You will also learn an fun add on of Foot Reading to your treatments so you can give your client a much better overall treatment that will have you stand out from all other reflexologists.Section 4: Main AcupressurePointsSection 5: Certain MedicalConditionsSection 6: Foot ReadingSection 7: Size of FeetSection 8: Colour of the FeetSection 9: Toe Nail - ProtectionSection 10: Gaps Between ToesSequenceSection 12: Congratulations onCompleting your Course"
Price: 49.99

"Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is the ORA Engineering logical categories?a) integrated development environmentb) Quality managerc) asset managerd) Monitoring and managementQ) Which of the following best describes the concept of test data-driven?a) Computerized testing is a strategy used to perform load testing.b) Testing based on a computer used to perform functional tests busting sets of data in the database.c) Computer testing using a predefined set of data is available for re-testing.d) Computer testing using database triggers to initiate and manage test cases.e) NoneQ) As part of company-wide IT initiatives to simplify and rationalize technology and products used, you are asked to define the enterprise architecture. Enterprise Architecture is used to communicate the desired future states in which excess, unwanted and outdated technology and products have been eliminated. They will include Oracle products. The enterprise architecture will be products from other manufacturers, including products that directly compete with Oracle products.which option describes how the IT strategy from Oracle (ITSO) materials can be used to create an enterprise architecture?a) ITSO materials can not be used as ITSO only applies to Oracle products.b) ITSO materials can be used without any changes, because it has no dependencies of Oracle products.c) ITSO materials can be used as reference material, but will require adjustment for specific products selected company.d) Oracle reference architecture ITSO component is easy to apply, but the rest of ITSO can not, because of product constraints.e) Oracle Reference Architecture ITSO part can not be used due to the pre-dependency, but can use the rest of ITSO.f) The ITSO material is not applicable to rationalization of IT assetQ) Three general information purposes under the name of the CIA triad. CIA means:a) Confidentiality, integrity, and auditingb) Confidentiality, integrity and availabilityc) Confidentiality, integrity, and access controld) Confidentiality, integrity and authenticatione) Confidentiality, integrity and approval"
Price: 159.99

"Rubik's Cube - Record Holder Teaches You How to Solve It" |
"All around course provided by record holder, from beginner to master within an hour.The lecturer is Chi-Lun Hung, the national record holder, in addition to the competitions; he served as a Rubik's Cube tutor and also runs the largest Rubik's Cube teaching website in Taiwan. Through this course, you will have the correct concept of Rubik's Cube, along with simple yet efficient algorithm. Regardless of intelligence or age, anyone can easily solve Rubik's Cube.In addition to basic learning, you can also use this course to improve your solution speed.Joining the course, you will get a ""2-look OLL/PLL algorithms list"" that we personally organize, the most notable list of algorithms that allows beginners to increase their speed. Practice more after learning, and it will be easy to solve in one minute!"
Price: 29.99

"ISC CAP Certified Authorization Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following are included in administrative controls? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) Conducting safety training, awarenessb) Screening of staffc) intrusion monitoringd) Implementation of change control procedurese) Policy developmentQ) In which of the following process steps not DITSCAP Security Test and Evaluation (ST & E) occur?a) Phase 2b) Phase 3c) Phase 1d) Step 4Q) Ben is the project of YHT project manager for his company. Alice, one of the members of his team, is confused about when the project risks will occur in the project. Which of the following is the most accurate when it happens on project risk?a) project risk can happen at any time.b) project risk is uncertain, so no one can predict when the event will happen.c) project risk occurs during the execution of the project.d) Project riskis always in the future.Q) You and your project team is just starting the risk identification activities for a project that is scheduled to last for 18 months. Your project team has already identified a long list of risks that need to be analyzed. How often do you and the project team should do risk identification?a) At least once a monthb) Identify Risks is an iterative process.c) It depends on how many risks are initially identified.d) Several times until the project moves runningQ) Which of the following professional acts as a monitor and participate in the organization's configuration management process?a) Senior Agency Information Security Officerb) authorizing Officialc) Common Control Providerd) Chief Information Officer"
Price: 144.99

"Master CAN protocol completely from Scratch (CAN + CAN-FD)" |
"This course teaches you everything about CAN protocol from an industry expert. The theoretical and practical parts are also covered. It teaches you about CAN FD protocol too. It also gives you a beautiful demonstration of CANALYSER tool used extensively in automotive industry for testing CAN implementation in ECUs. Te most exciting part is it needs no pre-requisites. and teaches the topic from scratch and makes you an expert. After this course you will be equipped to answer any CAN related interview questions easily. Happy Learning."
Price: 6080.00

"Facebook Groups:cmo crecer grupos de Facebook para empresas" |
"Sigue esta gua avanzada para principiantes paso a paso para ganar dinero en lnea creciendo y moderando un grupo de Facebook.POR QU HACER UN GRUPO DE FACEBOOK?Respuesta corta: para crear un embudo de venta que traiga miles de potenciales clientes cada mes.Cmo funciona el embudo de venta? Facebook te permite hacer tres preguntas de bienvenida a los nuevos miembros. En una de estas preguntas puedes pedir correos electrnicos y as crecer tu lista de correos y vender directamente a los miembros de tu grupo.Adems, puedes utilizar las otras dos preguntas para obtener informacin sobre tu audiencia y as poder customizar tu comunicacin a las necesidades de tu pblico objetivo.CMO ENTR A ENSEAR CMO CRECER GRUPOS?Comenc creando un grupo que termin teniendo 6,000 miembros en 6 meses.Luego apliqu lo que aprend a construir otro grupo que termin consiguiendo 20.000 miembros en 3 meses (hoy en da ya tiene ms de 40,000 miembros).Desde entonces he seguido creando grupos, probando mis tcnicas y desarrollando un mtodo. Ahora quiero compartir contigo mi receta secreta.POR QU TOMAR ESTE CURSO?Este curso te ayudar a crecer de forma rpida tu grupo de Facebook, a convertir los miembros nuevos del grupo en clientes potenciales y aumentar tus ingresos.CMO FUNCIONA ESTE CURSO?Este es un curso prctico. He dividido mi mtodo de conseguir 20.000 miembros en tres meses sin hacer anuncios en 100 pasos fciles de seguir. Tienes que seguir todos los pasos para tener xito.Y SI TENGO PREGUNTAS DURANTE EL CURSO?No dudes en enviarme tus preguntas. Responder a todas ellas.ES ESTO CURSO APTO PARA PRINCIPIANTES""?S, el curso es apto para principiantes y solo necesitas que te guste pasar tiempo en Facebook.OBTENGO ACTUALIZACIONES GRATUITAS PARA EL CURSO?SI! Actualizar el curso con los ltimos trucos para crecer grupos. Siempre obtendrs estas actualizaciones 100% gratis. Te enviar un mensaje cada vez que actualice el curso para que no te pierdas ninguna.***BONUS***Este curso te da acceso a mi grupo secreto de Facebook sobre marketing, donde doy charlas gratuitas y comparto mis experiencias.LO QUE DICEN MIEMBROS DE GRUPOS QUE MANEJO (mi curso te ensear a cmo tener las mismas reacciones):""Amo este grupo. Tanto talento. No he comenzado mi primer proyecto, pero estoy ms motivado por las publicaciones del grupo"".""Creo que esta pgina es genial! Hay mucho que ver y probar"".""Es maravilloso! Estoy aprendiendo mucho! Todos son amables y alentadores""""Fantstico. Uno de mis grupos favoritos!""""Las oportunidades para aprender, crecer y experimentar nuevos emprendimientos son de hecho una bendicin. Gracias a todos los que comparten. Lo que nos parece pequeo es la inspiracin para otro. Como una sonrisa, tocas a los dems, ni siquiera lo sabes. Como el amor , el conocimiento que se da a otros nunca se pierde para el que lo da"".""Me encanta el grupo! Tantos proyectos increbles todos los das. Un montn de inspiracin!""""Talento increble y miembros muy amigables y comprensivos""""Es maravilloso ver un trabajo tan hermoso de tantas personas talentosas de todo el mundo!""""Gran lugar. Con muchos talentos nicos para aprender, ensear, compartir, encontrar la inspiracin, etc., me encanta esto"".""Soy nuevo aqu ... Me encanta porque es muy activo !!"""
Price: 99.99

"Tia Portal ile Siemens S7-1200 PLC Programlama (3)" |
"Bu eitimde, uzun yllar endstriyel otomasyon alannda alan bir mhendis olarak yllarn verdii saha tecrbesi ve birikim ile PLC programlamay anlatyorum. Bu konu hakknda daha nceden bir bilginizin olmamas hi problem deil. nk sfrdan balayarak ileri dzeye doru adm adm gideceiz. Derslerimizi srasyla izleyip ve derslerde anlatlanlar uyguladnzda, PLC programlama konusunda ok iyi bir noktaya geleceinizi size garanti ediyorum.Bu kursun dier kurslarndan fark, PLC programlamann iin temeline konarak btnyle bir endstriyel otomasyon eitimi verilmesi, eitmenin bu konuda uzun yllar boyunca yaad tecrbeleri eitim srecine dahil etmesi ve eitimi bitiren rencilerin eitim sonunda bir vizyon edinmelerini salamasdr. Ayrca bu kursta, renciler sorduklar sorulara annda geri dn almakta ve sanki bu konuda zel bir ders alyormu gibi hissetmektedirler. Kursun bu dinamik yaps, rencilere ksa srede konular anlama ve hedeflerine ulama konusunda yardmc olmaktadr.Bu eitimde; programlama dnda saha ekipmanlarnn seimi, ekipman arzalar ve i grmelerinde PLC programlama konusunda karnza gelebilecek sorulara kadar sizlere faydal olacak bir ok ey bulacaksnz. Kurs boyunca, elinizde herhangi bir PLC olmadan programlama yapabilecek, programlarnz PLC SIM ve Factory IO zerinde simle ederek her eyi kontrol edebilecek ve sistemin sahada gerek ekipmanlar zerinde nasl altn grebildiiniz bir eitim tecrbesi yaayacaksnz. (Factory IO program kursun 2. ksmnda eitime dahil olmaktadr)Eitimin her bir ksm bittikten sonra rendiiniz her eyi pekitirmeniz iin sizlere ok faydal olacak rnek otomasyon projeleri ve uygulamalar yapacam. Bylece bu eitimin sonunda, sizler de benim gibi PLC programlayabilecek, sistem arzalarna mdahale edebilecek ve PLC tabanl otomasyon projeleri yapabileceksiniz.Yukarda sylediim btn her eyi yapabilme amacyla oluturduum PLC programlama eitimi, temelden ileri dzeye doru 3 ksmdan olumaktadr. Kursun nc ksm, birinci ve ikinci ksmda anlatlan konular zerinden gitmekte olup, bu kursa balamadan nce kursun bu ksmlarn bitirmek sizler iin faydal olacaktr. Kursun nc ksmn bitirmekle ileri dzey PLC programcs olarak i ilanlarna bavurabilecek ve sahada profesyonel dzeyde alabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz.Note: Kursumuz her hafta yeni derslerin eklenmesi ile srekli gncellenmektedir."
Price: 399.99

"Administracin de Hosting HostGator" |
"Te explico a administrar tu servicio de web hosting en HostGator, vamos a ver cada uno de las opciones del men para que le saques el mximo provecho.Primero te explicar el panel en general, vamos a ver como solicitar soporte tcnico y crear cuentas de correo, finalmente, podrs agregar nuevos servicios y nuevos dominios."
Price: 19.99

"Administracin Hosting SiteGround" |
"En este curso te explico desde la contratacin de SiteGround hasta el manejo completo del servicio de hosting. Tambin vemos como sacarle provecho a todas las caractersticas del servidor como son: Instalador de WordPress, Certificado SSL, Migracin de sitio web, Optimizador de velocidad y memora cache.Al final del curso podrs tambin crear cuentas de correo y activar CloudFlare en tu servicio de web hosting."
Price: 19.99

"Perguntas e Respostas do Cdigo de Conduta da INTERFARMA" |
"O cdigo de tica e conduta da INTERFARMA tem como objetivo garantir todas as diretrizes, direcionamentos e regras entre todas as partes envolvidas no tratamento do paciente, um documento valioso para te trazer os limites e diretrizes de conduta, de empresas aderentes ao cdigo e/ou empresas, associaes e empresas do setor de sade, que tratam, cuidam e possuem contato com paciente, mdico ou profissionais da sade em si.A ideia de que todas as partes envolvidas no tratamento de um paciente, incluindo o Governo, trabalhem de forma sincronizada, objetiva, assertiva e dentro da tica e conduta propostas pela INTERFARMA."
Price: 84.99

"Algoritmos e Lgica de Programao + Preparatrio Concurso" |
"O objetivo desse curso projeta-lo no mundo da programao, oferecendo uma base de conhecimentos para concursos pblicos, como por exemplo EAGS e o CAP da Marinha. Alm de aprender a lgica que envolve a programao, voc estar se preparando tambm para esses concursos, j que nossas aulas exclusivas e dinmicas, abordaro com contedos de provas anteriores, alm de diversos exerccios e resolues comentadas que estaro disponveis. Sero disponibilizados desafios que iro motiva-lo a avanar no seu processo de estudo e ajudar na sua aprovao.Ser abordado no curso:Conceitos iniciais sobre lgica de programao;Formas de representao grfica;Fluxogramas e Diagrama de blocos;Portugus estruturado;Variveis;Constantes;Estrutura sequencial;Estrutura condicional (Se e Caso);Estrutura de repetio (Enquanto, Repita e Para);Variveis Compostas Homogneas (Vetores e Matrizes);Variveis Compostas Heterogneas (Registros);Modularizao (Procedimentos e Funes);Listas (Pilha e Fila) - (FIFO e LIFO);Listas Estticas e Encadeadas;rvores Binrias (Insero, Excluso, Pesquisa e ordenao);Mtodos de Ordenao e Busca."
Price: 84.99

"Decoding Confidence" |
"Having trouble trusting in yourself?Knowing when to say yes?Knowing how to reassure yourself of the right decision when you dont feel supported by others?Then this course is for you! In 4 lessons I'll teach you how to become confident when going for all the opportunities you've missed out on as well as how to personalize confidence to your lifestyle with ease. Newest Program AWARENESS BOSS now available ! Message me for your link!"
Price: 19.99

"Schreiben Lernen Bootcamp Texte schreiben leicht gemacht" |
"Wrdest du gerne lernen, fesselnde, aussagekrftige Texte zu schreiben? Dann bist du hier goldrichtig.In diesem Kurs lernst du alles rund um das Thema Texte schreiben. Dabei geht es nicht nur um das Schreiben selbst. Es fngt schon bei der Vorbereitung an. Die Basis eines guten Textes liegt nmlich in der Planung und Strukturierung. Schreiben ist ein Handwerk und mit gengend bung kann es jeder erlernen. Und das solltest du auch, denn ein guter Schreibstil bringt dir zwei groe Vorteile:Du kannst leichter das vermitteln, was du tatschlich ausdrcken willstDeine Leser sind empfnglicher fr deine Gedanken Da sich Schreiben, wie die meisten Fhigkeiten, nicht ber Nacht lernen lsst, findest du in diesem Kurs neben interessanten, komprimierten Theorievideos auch zahlreiche bungsaufgaben, Quizzes und andere Praxisbungen, die dir das Lernen von Tag 1 erleichtern.Dieser Kurs soll dich wirklich weiter bringen! Daher ist die gesamte Struktur auf maximalen Lernerfolg ausgerichtet. Ziel ist es, dich tatschlich zum Schreiben zu bekommen, d.h. von der Planungsebene schnell in die Handlungsebene berzugehen. Dafr ist es wichtig, dass du dir nicht nur die Theorievideos anschaust, sondern auch aktiv die bungen und Praxisaufgaben durchfhrst - daher meine Bitte an dich: Mache so viele der bungsaufgaben wie mglich und gebe dir wirklich Mhe dabei!Wenn du das beherzigst, kann ich dir guten Gewissens versprechen, dass du am Ende des Kurses bereits deutliche Fortschritte bei deinem Schreibstil erkennen wirst und es dir sprbach einfacher fallen wird, Texte zu planen und Ideen zu generieren._________Dieser Kurs ist fr dich, wenn DU:gerne lernen mchtest, wie du deinen Schreibstil verbessern kannst Ideen fr Texte generieren mchtest und lernen willst, sie tatschlich umzusetzenkurze, prgnante Kurse magst, die schnell zum Punkt kommen, ohne Stunden deiner Zeit zu verplemperneher praxisorientiert bist und mglichst das Gelernte auch gerne in der Praxis umsetzen mchtestdeine Leser mit denen Texten fesseln mchtest_______Freue dich auf:Full-HD VideolektionenZahlreiche bungsaufgaben und QuizzesTipps und Tricks zum rund um das Thema SchreibenPraktische ChecklistsLebenslangen Zugriff30 Tage Geld-zurck-GarantieUnd vieles mehr!_______Gehen wir es gemeinsam an!Dein Luca"
Price: 49.99

"How to start your online work" |
"This course is mainly made for those who think outside the box, who want to reach success through their dream. Who have passion in something and want to grow it.As a person who is working in social media and my career is only online, I decided to make that course so I can help others in the very first steps in their journey. And I can say, this online work is really creative and amazing.So here I am giving you the steps to first decide to start because it's not an easy decision at all you have to study it well, I will tell you how to do that so you don't have any regrets later.Also I will help to choose your niche or the area the you can work on so you don't feel lost.And finally, I will lead you in the very first step because it is always the hardest.So take your first decision to take this course and leave the rest to me."
Price: 19.99

"Managing Diverse Student Behavior" |
"Have you as as a teacher, ever been concerned about : A. frequent disruptions in class B. disinterest by certain section of students C. undesirable body language of students D. yourself feeling uncomfortable in a class or E. lacking the confidence to deal with a particular set of students?Well, if you have experienced any one or more of these situations, then you are at the right place. After doing this course, you are more likely to enjoy going back to your class room equipped with necessary tools and renewed self confidence, to deal with such situations.Three key statements in Behavior Management.A. Pro-active approach encourages behavior modification whereas reactive approach leads to resentment""B. Consistency in your own behavior is the key to success in classroom""C. Lively classroom promotes good learning environment. In this course I share with you, interesting and exiting techniques that I have developed and practiced successfully over 30 years to achieve conducive learning environment in class. I will also cover techniques that have been suitably modified for the millennium generation ""The Gen-X"". The techniques you will learn are reformative and reinforcing rather than corrective and compelling. Many of the principles and techniques used are the similar to good behavior modification practices, yet these are delivered in a less intense and consistent fashion. Usually, behavior management is applied at the group level by a classroom teacher as a form of behavioral engineering to produce high rates of student work completion and minimize classroom disruption. In addition, greater focus has been placed on building self-control. While behavior management programs can come from a variety of behavioral change theories , the most common practices rely on the use of applied behavior analysis principles such as positive reinforcement and mild punishments (such as response cost and child time out). Behavioral practices such as differential reinforcements are commonly used. Sometimes these are delivered in a token economy or a level system .As you go through the course will be happy to interact with you though my webinars in Demio (Coach Balasaraswathy) and blog. In fact, as you make good progress I will share good resources with you for assisting you in classroom. You post your queries on the my Course Board in Udemy.Lastly, but not the least, the post Coronavirus world is going to be different form what is existing today. We can expect some disruption in education industry. Students and children may go through palpable behavioral changes owing to prolonged lock down periods and exposure to online learning. As a resultant, the unpredictability factor in classroom behavior is likely to be high. Hence, this course on Behavior Management will come to you handy in addressing such unpredictable patterns of behavior. At this stage, I am not be in a position to predict new patterns of student behavior hence haven't specifically covered it in my lectures. However, me and my team of psychologists are working on it. We shall attempt share our findings and possible solutions/techniques in due course with you on individual basis in future.Best wishes for the course. Hope you will enjoy doing this course as much as enjoyed creating it for you. Balasaraswathy Nair"
Price: 1280.00

"21 Stress Reduction Tips from Neuroscience during COVID-19" |
"This class features a unique combination of stress reduction exercises and informative science to improve your health during the Coronavirus. Who doesn't want to learn while also relaxing and having fun? Voted my best neuroscience lecture because you learn while lowering your stress. This also means that you will retain the material better, (since ""affect-loaded experiences have a greater likelihood of being retained by the brain than cognitive based material,"" [Beaudoin and Zimmerman, 2011, p.12]).The class demonstrates 21 exercises to improve mood and immunity, (with the bonus exercise and handouts [located in the ""Settling in"" and ""Tip #4"" sections] the course includes a total of 40 exercises). The free preview ends discussing the definition of integration which is high differentiation and high linkage. In the relational neuroscience framework being taught, integration equals health and is what you need in order to become more resilient to stress. Every exercise you practice during this class involves differentiating (separating from) and linking in various ways. The more you differentiate and link, the more integrated you become; the higher the level of your integration, the more you experience positive emotions. This class is intending to both teach and give an experience of integration.Many of these exercises highlight the breath because it is a tool to help merge the sympathetic nervous system (breathing in) and the parasympathetic nervous system (which comes more strongly online with long exhales). You're taught both practical exercises, (a more left hemispheric focus,) and visualization methods especially focused on kindness and self-compassion, (based on compassion researchers and educators like Dr. Kelly McGonical, Tara Brach, and Dr. Kristin Neff). Immediately after the explanation on integration, you learn about how to widen what's called your ""window of tolerance"" or ""optimal arousal zone,"" and how a wider window means an increased capacity to tolerate and manage stress. Since this is not intended to be a more in-depth class on relational neuroscience (interpersonal neurobiology,) the explanation is brief and quickly moves into more relaxation exercises. (Additional handouts are included for those who want more information.) The class focus is cultivating that rest and digest, parasympathetic state, then also educating the listener on the quickest and easiest ways according to science to get there and stay there.Highlights: Getting you into a relaxed state, practicing together as you learn exercises that you can use throughout your life, an explanation for Dr. Dan Siegel's 3 Pillars of Mind Training especially kind intention and why kindness is the quickest path to achieving your brain's capacity for excellent executive function, a breathing technique from an ER physician to prepare for or fight COVID-19, a scientist's guided light meditation evoking the endorphin-producing capacities of the periaqueductal gray."
Price: 24.99

"Learn to make a portrait sculpture out of clay" |
"In this course, I would like to present the process of patterning a portrait sculpture from the making of the frame, through the patterning to the casting the sculpture with gypsum. During the video course, I will focus on visual communication, so the presentation will be interpretable with less English language skills. Instead of language, it is mainly my hands that will communicate the knowledge I want to pass on. I use few tools during patterning, almost exclusively my hand. It is important that the artist's unique handprint and gestures remain on the work. The goal is not slavish reproduction, but personal contact with matterial, the joy of discovery and creation.I present the process of patterning with my son, he will be my modell. Student can choose a modell or modell themselves or work based on photo. In any case, I would suggest that we choose a model, whom you can walk around first, because patterning based on photos is a bit more complicated, which also means self-portrait too. For a stand-alone model, contours, shapes, and shape relationships can be thoroughly examined from all sides.The point is that the processes and techniques I present can be applied by students in the patterning of any other person.I recommend this course to all those who have never made sculpture before but would try and develop their observation and focusing skills and creativity. Furthermore, the course can be useful for students studying at an art school, as well as for already trained artists who are interested in figural art and lifelike representation."
Price: 19.99

"Interior Design Specialisation" |
"The CourseFollowing JD Campuses teaching philosophy, our e-learning course is highly interactive with assignments and video lectures which are so good, that you will hardly miss the classroom experience of our traditional courses. Our responsive e-learning hub gives you the freedom of studying on your tablet, PC or smart phone. This course includes 22 modules of study and research and it includes working with limited space, developing styles and choosing the right fixtures and fittings. Modules come with associated assignments for the student's self-evaluation. Upon course completion, learners are awarded with a certificate of completion from JD Campus.HighlightsInterior Design Specialisation Course taught by experienced tutor & Member of the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID)Blended online course made up of study and research assignments.Learn online, on any device and browser over a 12 month period.Every successful student will receive a certificate of completion."
Price: 69.99

"The German Method of Playing Card Divination" |
"This course will cover some of the basic history of the use of playing cards for divination. Then we dive into the German style of playing card divination covering the traditional system, including meanings and spreads. We'll also cover how to make some of the antiquated or outdated aspects of older cartomancy systems more modern and appropriate for today's querents."
Price: 34.99

"Curso de Trading en Acciones - Estrategia 70% Aciertos" |
"Este es un curso donde aprenders una estrategia simple pero muy robusta para invertir en la bolsa desde cero.Hacemos foco en una tcnica puntual la que ha demostrado un 70% de aciertos y la que hemos mejorado y se detalla en el curso, como as tambin te brinda las herramientas para que tu mismo verifiques los resultados en cualquier mercado.La ventaja principal de este curso es que analizaremos ejemplos concretos y reales donde aprenders a aplicar la tcnica de forma simple para obtener resultados concretos y ganadores.Este curso ser actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder cualquier duda que tengas.Espero verte pronto en las clases.Atentamente,Lic. Marcelo Andreotti"
Price: 49.99

"So You Think You Want to Start a Business" |
"In this course, I will reveal and explain the things you need to know BEFORE you sign a lease, BEFORE you purchase or lease tools and equipment, and BEFORE you purchase or create inventory. Here's what I will cover:Business Start-up Myths and RealitiesFive Critical Success FactorsQualifying Your Idea - 3 Questions to Ask and Answer Before You Go Any FurtherShould Your Business be In a Brick & Mortar Storefront or Shop, Online, or BothHow Much Money Will You Need? Here I provide a downloadable start-up budget formThe 10 Things a Lender Looks ForFunding SourcesHome Based BusinessBuying a Business or Starting a New OneThe Ins and Outs of a FranchiseBusiness StructuresSole ProprietorshipsPartnerships - Why and Why NotAre You the Business Partner Type?3 Things to Do BEFORE Entering Into a Business Partnership6 Things to Consider Before You Become a Business PartnerThe 3 Types of Corporations for Your BusinessWhy You Don't Need a Business Plan Yet...and What you Do Need InsteadWhat to Do Now - Should You Start a Business or Not?"
Price: 29.99

"9 Secrets to Success" |
"I've seen so many people succeed in life and business...and too many fail. Like you I also receive regular offers to gain special insight into the keys to success but I am here to insist that those who succeed all possess certain traits and insights but they are not exotic, rare, or unusual. Indeed, here is what you will discover in this course:The very 1st and most important secret to accomplishment.The 1 thing that every successful person does consistently.Of 4 brothers in the same family, one succeeded far more than the others because of this one secret. Heres what it is?The 1 thing every motivational speaker has told you that is absolutely the wrong thing to do.The 1 thing every motivational speaker has told you that is absolutely the wrong thing to do.Successful people know that the secret to success is an appreciation of this one secret.That we dont arrive at success, we do this instead.Why money, which most of us equate with success, is the easiest to acquire and the least important.That achieving often means leaving and Ill show you why. As critical as is starting the race, this is even more so."
Price: 19.99

"Shell programming for big data" |
"Learn shell programming using bash shell on linux. Same commands and scripts should work with little or no changes on other shells. With an introductory knowledge of linux and hadoop commands, this course will teach step by step on what is a program, what is logic in a program, what is a shell script and how to write it and how to write shell scripts for hadoop big data. This course will help in automating some daily routines on linux or big data platforms based on requirements at different organizations. Examples in this course will teach how we can automate a beeline task and moving files into HDFS directories, same concepts can be extended to include more lengthy requirements. Please learn linux fundamentals in my other linux course to learn about basics of linux."
Price: 19.99

"Influence in Asset Management & High Finance" |
"Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite influence and persuasion techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching of top fund managers and asset managers in all different types of institutional sales and investor relations situations. I'm a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned executive coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this is course is for you if you're one of these.Who This Course is For- Billion-dollar AuM hedge fund managers trying to raise capital from allocators;- Fund managers trying to lead their team better (convince analysts and PMs to do things they don't want to);- Any investment professional that aims to become a fund manager in the future, manage investment and research teams, and manage institutional capital;This course is going to help you optimize your influence capability throughout all the five stages of influence:- Pre-Framing (establishing your positioning, reputation and authority before the person even comes to you);- Priming (qualifying and filtering your targets so they become more influenceable);- Contact (truly connecting and understanding the other side);- Disarmament (provoking, weakening an destroying objections the other side may have);- Constriction (providing final incentives to close the person);Throughout this process, I've compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for influence, and I'll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.These techniques use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini's, Chris Voss's and/or Grant Cardone's, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don't be scared by the ""general"" - we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these, for example for raising capital from allocators, negotiating a side letter provision or getting that PM to size up on high-conviction trades). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.Not only will you know about each one of the 56 techniques presented, I will walk you through specific applications of these, and even how to counternegotiate when others use them against you.What This Course IS- An advanced, deep compendium of elite influence techniques that can be applied in multiple contexts, explained in-depth and with examples;- An encapsulated, flexible reference course. Although the techniques gel well together and make up a bigger picture, you can watch any module - or even any specific technique - without knowledge of the others, and it will stand on its own. You can consider it a buffet of techniques. You can go through the whole thing start to finish, or pick and choose here and there. It's all up to you.What This Course IS NOT- A technical sales course. I will NOT tell you about the types of money management fees, HR structures, or others. This course is about person-to-person persuasion principles. Sure, applied in technical situations, but still about the persuasion principles themselves;BEFORE YOU BUY:- IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: There are multiple influence course for different verticals. Make sure that you purchase the right one for your specific vertical! If necessary, to to my profile and make sure that you are selecting the most correct course;- Make sure to make use of the ""preview"" feature to watch a couple of videos and tell whether this is really what you're looking for;- Instead of being persuaded by how I'm selling the course, ask yourself what your influence goals are, and only then check if this course really is what you want or not (although you always have the possibility of a refund under Udemy's terms, I don't want you to potentially waste your money on something that won't be a fit);Do you want to up your influence and persuasion skills? Does this seem like a good course to assist you? I'd be delighted to have you. Let's meet on the inside."
Price: 199.99

"Influence in Executive Relations/Talent Management" |
"Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite influence and persuasion techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching of top CEOs and executives in all different types of initiatives and talent management stiatuions. I'm a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned executive coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this is course is for you if you're one of these.Who This Course is For- Top CEOs seeking to gain board support for their initiatives and ideas;- Executives trying to improve their relationships with their talent and/or other executives and board members;- Any senior professional looking to improve their influence skills;This course is going to help you optimize your influence capability throughout all the five stages of influence:- Pre-Framing (establishing your positioning, reputation and authority before the person even comes to you);- Priming (qualifying and filtering your targets so they become more influenceable);- Contact (truly connecting and understanding the other side);- Disarmament (provoking, weakening an destroying objections the other side may have);- Constriction (providing final incentives to close the person);Throughout this process, I've compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for influence, and I'll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.These techniques use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini's, Chris Voss's and/or Grant Cardone's, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don't be scared by the ""general"" - we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these, for example for obtaining support for initiatives by board members, getting talent to work overtime on onboard them on a project they don't like... yet). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.Not only will you know about each one of the 56 techniques presented, I will walk you through specific applications of these, and even how to counternegotiate when others use them against you.What This Course IS- An advanced, deep compendium of elite influence techniques that can be applied in multiple contexts, explained in-depth and with examples;- An encapsulated, flexible reference course. Although the techniques gel well together and make up a bigger picture, you can watch any module - or even any specific technique - without knowledge of the others, and it will stand on its own. You can consider it a buffet of techniques. You can go through the whole thing start to finish, or pick and choose here and there. It's all up to you.What This Course IS NOT- A technical HR course. I will not teach you about HR fundamentals, 1-on-1 meetings, performance management and others. The focus of this course is interpersonal influence;BEFORE YOU BUY:- IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: There are multiple influence course for different verticals. Make sure that you purchase the right one for your specific vertical! If necessary, to to my profile and make sure that you are selecting the most correct course;- Make sure to make use of the ""preview"" feature to watch a couple of videos and tell whether this is really what you're looking for;- Instead of being persuaded by how I'm selling the course, ask yourself what your influence goals are, and only then check if this course really is what you want or not (although you always have the possibility of a refund under Udemy's terms, I don't want you to potentially waste your money on something that won't be a fit);Do you want to up your influence and persuasion skills? Does this seem like a good course to assist you? I'd be delighted to have you. Let's meet on the inside."
Price: 139.99

"Design of Steel structures, Part 2 of 3" |
"Design of the different elements of a steel structure. Design of both cold formed and hot rolled steel elements. Design of both welded and bolted connections. Design of the tension and compression members. Design of eccentric connections. Showing details of steel trusses. Design of beams and columns. Design of purlins. Design of bracing systems."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Azure AZ 103 Exam Lab Questions" |
"Many of my students have purchased the brain dumps and guess what they complain about!? Still it has been considered to be difficult to answer the Lab simulation questions as its arguable and confusing to follow the answers given on dumps. Unless you are ready to waste your exam cost and time, Please allow me to help you solve this issue. Trust me ""Microsoft"" ultimately rich enough, so you don't have to feed them extra money for the same exams by re attempts. Now it's time for us to get RICH, Therefore I have designed this course to help you with proper guidance and show you how to learn it simply by organizing the labs in the way they should be learned according to the difficulty level and similarity levels."
Price: 69.99
