pilatesathome |
Price: 64.99

"Time Management: Make More Money. Be Less Stressed" |
"If you want to be more productive, more successful or be less stressed, then Time Management: Make More Money. Be Less Stressed is the course for you. Guaranteed.Using the tried and tested techniques from this course you will save hours of wasted time, each day, be better organised, manage your diary more effectively and have a better work-life balance.Time is the most precious thing we have our most valuable resource. We all need to take control over the time we have been given and ultimately learn to run our day before our day runs us.The first thing you should understand about managing your time is that it is a very personal issue, no one else can manage your time more effectively than you and there is a chance you may not be as good at it as you should be. This course will help.The benefits from using your time more effectively are as big as you want them to be, but I can pretty much guarantee that after applying the learning from this course, you will achieve more in work or personal life, be less stressed, have better relationships and have more time to do the things that you want to do."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python, The Simplest Way!" |
"I have put detailed explanation for each concept. You can write to me anytime for more elaboration. I have added step - by - step guide for each point and concept. I have designed this course so that you require lesser prerequisites and invest less money before beginning. I have conducted multiple sessions at different colleges and reputed institutes and this course is designed after compilation of all the reviews received. I will add more videos to this course. You can go through all those videos with same subscription.Let the learning begin!"
Price: 1920.00

"curso de maquillaje especializado en ojos glam" |
"Curso de tcnica de ojos glam , es tu momento de aprender a maquillarte, aprenders a realizar una tcnica de ojos utilizando diferentes texturas para darle brillo, aprenders a maquillarte tus ojos para un evento formal, cultiva tu amor propio y proyectar tu belleza Y se una mujer ms segura.Qu aprender?Te explicamos desde ceroAprende con lo que tengas en casaPuedes empezar a aprender con lo que tengas en casaEste curso te preparar para la nueva era que est por venir, desarrollars tus habilidades y proyectars seguridadQu incluye?incluye un ebook donde podrs reforzar tu conocimiento y donde podrs inspirarte para lograr mas looks extravagantes."
Price: 270.00

"The Complete Financial Modeling Course 2020." |
"As a Financier or an individual in the business milieu, Financial Modelling is that skills that will take your career to the next level and enhance your financial analysis skills. A financial model should be build by logically intergrating financial concepts into a given business process, with the aim of telling a story of how that business functions in the real world.A quality financial model is a concise combination of the 3 pillars of financial modelling. Without striking the equilibrium point of these 3 pillars, it will become very difficult to obtain a financial model of good quality. These 3 pillars will include:Having a perfect understanding of Financial Concepts,Having an in-depth mastery of the business process,And Building a logical flow of the financial concepts in step 1 above, into the business processes in step 2 above to give a well-developed conceptual or mathematical financial model, driven by well refined assumptions.In this Financial Modelling Course, we are going to teach you the all abouts of financial modelling, detailing out the 3 pillars of financial modeling in a comprehensive manner, using world class examples to show you how you should approach and build whatever financial model.There exist a wide variety of financial models, ranging from the 3 statement financial model, the company valuation model, LBO models, M & A models, to cost Optimization models. However, there is that model which is considered to be the foundation of all models which is the 3 statement financial model. In this course, we are going to teach you how to build a 4 scenario 3 statement financial model from scratch so that you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to build a top-notch financial model by yourself and for your job.You will learn how to incorporate risks presented by COVID-19 in your financial model.We shall also teach you haw to build a loan Facility agreement model from which You will be thought on how to link this loan agreement model into the 3 statement model to check the flexibility of the 3 statement dynamic model.We at your everyday finance always strive to offer the best return on investment from our courses. After detail considerations, we can nod with pride that this course forms one of those courses that will help take your career to the next level, increase your pay check to between 3 and 6X, change your whole perspective about model development and building and will also provide you with that self-satisfactory worth and confidence you need."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Crash Course for Finance and Business Analysts 2020" |
"In this Excel Crash Course, you will learn how to use different excel functionalities to carry out financial calculations, financial analysis together with business analysis and calculations.This course will help you to be able to use excel functionalities to consolidate and calculate different Profit and Loss statements (income statements).You will learn how to use cell referencing to enhance your usage of excel for financial and business analysis.You will have an understanding of how to use excel to value a project, calculate the NPV of a project and determine if the project is viable or not.You will learn how to use excel functionalities to build dynamic models.You will learn how to carry out professional formatting.You will learn how to use important excel tools such as the WHAT IF analysis to carry out sensitivity analysis for better decision making.You will learn how to use advance excel functionalities such as the V-LOOKUP, THE CHOOSE function, DATA VALIDATION function, CONSOLIDATION function, INDEX AND MATCH function, The IF functionality, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Arogya Jagruti (Course in Marathi)" |
", . , . , . , . . / . , , , ? . , , , ? . , , . . , . . . ."
Price: 5120.00

"CISA Auditor Information Systems Certified Practice Exam" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for CISA Auditor Information Systems Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISA Auditor Information Systems Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 164.99

"JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security Data Host Security Access Exam" |
"236 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security Data Host Security Access ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security Data Host Security Access ExamTotal Questions : 236Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (177 of 236)"
Price: 169.99

"Vim Unzipped: Practical training program for beginners" |
"Vim, though powerful, can be a confusing text-editor for users who are used to regular text editors such as Word. This course covers the most essential concepts and most frequently used features in vim which allow beginners to use Vim as comfortably as you would with a regular text-editor. This course is a must, if you are a beginner and looking a course which gives you a quick and comprehensive training for the most essential features in vim, regardless of your purpose, be it for code editing or system administration. This course is a training program with goal oriented exercises designed to consolidate the concepts and develop muscle memory. This course is not for you if you are only looking for a command list."
Price: 19.99

"Flamenco Guitar Beginner Rhythms: ""START HERE"" Series #2" |
"Flamenco Guitar Beginner Rhythms: ""Start Here"" Series #2Flamenco Guitar Course for Beginners focusing on the popular flamenco palos (song forms) of Alegrias, Sole por Bulerias AND Bulerias! (Step-by-Step Flamenco Understanding with Technique Development)~I created this course series for Beginner Guitarists that are interested in learning AUTHENTIC FLAMENCO...the RIGHT WAY. We take a tour through the most-played flamenco repertoire...in Course #2, we continue our FLAMENCO TOUR with Alegrias, Sole por Bulerias and BuleriasThis is a fantastic course built just for a guitarist (beginner/intermediate AND even advanced) wanting to get a solid foundation of the palos (song forms) and know how the song is constructed while learning techniques the RIGHT way!You will learn how to execute techniques...my courses aren't SHOWING...they're TEACHING. These are crucial distinctions. A teacher can show you the principles behind the techniques and give you insights as to why something is the way it is so you build a skill-set of which you can take ownership. My ultimate goal is for you to be able to discover your own path to success using my curriculum as a guide to take you step-by-step through each skill and concept. ~Are you interested in learning traditional flamenco guitar?? **This course is a MUST HAVE for anyone serious about starting to play flamenco guitar. **~""Your lessons are so good. The way you break it down, into half a measure at a time and explaining the beats, really I dont think its possible to break it down any further, and it makes it accessible to me. "" - Elaine H.~Upon course completion (and with diligent practice), YOU will know how to play 3 distinct flamenco rhythms and have developed quite a bit of rhythmic understanding as well as strong foundational technique mechanics. You will be able to listen to flamenco with more knowledgeable ears and hear rhythmic accents like never before.~*This is a thoroughly tried and tested method I've created over more than 20 years of performing and teaching flamenco guitar. I take you step-by-step, layering technique upon technique with in-depth and precise technique and rhythmic guidance.*With this 100% Linear Curriculum, YOU CAN play flamenco guitar! I PROMISE! I KNOW you can do this!!!**Aren't you tired of learning random guitar skills and techniques from various online sources and feeling like you're really getting nowhere?I've been teaching guitar for DECADES!. I have multiple fixes for every possible question but one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guitar students make is skipping the absolute fundamentals. That's why I start from the very beginning so I KNOW that you have everything you need to play the guitar well from the very beginning.**""I would recommend Chris Jcome to anyone who wishes to learn Flamenco guitar, or to just experience this beautiful style."" - Wes W.**So, what are you waiting for?If you're at all interested in playing Spanish Flamenco Guitar, this course is FOR YOU!!!Oh...and you will also receive PRINTABLE PDF Lesson Plans of ALL THE MUSIC in the COURSE!!!!!Yep! => 25+ Pages of written music w/ TAB and detailed lesson explanations!!!GET STARTED NOW!I'm looking forward to hearing YOUR success story!!!**""As one of the premiere flamenco guitarists residing in the U.S., Chris' talent and love of the art are unmistakable. Chris comes highly recommended for anyone interested in studying flamenco guitar."" - Michelle A.**This course is a MUST for anyone serious about learning traditional flamenco guitar! Get started today!!!"
Price: 84.99

"Primavera P6 ile Planlama ve Proje Kontrol Ynetimi" |
"Birlikte baladmz bu Gezide, mr boyu Desteklerimizden faydalanmak zere Dubleks Villa'nn analiz ve takibinin yan sra eksiksiz bir alma plann temelden ileri seviyeye kadar Primavera P6'da hazrlamay reneceksiniz:Temel1. Planlama ne ise yarar?2. Neden Primavera?3. Primavera Kurulumu4. Genel Gorunum5. Portfoy6. OBS7. EPS8. Takvim9. ProjeOrta10. WBS11. Aktivite12. Iliskiler13. nemli Notlar ( Schedule, Log, Float)14. Duration % Complete15. Physical % Complete16. Kaynaklar17. Unit % Complete18. Aktivite Kodlar19. Veri Taban - Baselineleri20. Guncelleme - Update21. Takip Etmek - Tracking22. Analiz A (Kazanlan Deer Ynetimi) EVM23. Analiz B (Filtreleme Ynetimi)24. Raporlama25. VisualizerAdd-ons26. Nakit Ak - Cash Flow (Advance payment and Retention)27. Szlemeler28. Admin Sekmesi29. Masraflar - Expenses30. Group & Sort31. Filter Layout32. Roller33. Riskler34. WPs & Docs35. Kaynak Seviyelendirme - Resource Levelling & Resource Curve36. WBS ve Aktivite Elde Etmek - WBS Cooking37. Mali Dnem - Financial Period38. kt Almak"
Price: 39.99

"Regreso al trabajo seguro despus del Covid" |
"La forma como hemos trabajado estos ltimos aos esta cambiando radicalmente a consecuencia de la pandemia de COVID-19, con el regreso inminente de todas las actividades econmicas, debemos encontrar la forma de volver a los centros de trabajo de la forma mas segura posible.Durante este curso rpido conoce las medidas necesarias a tomar para reducir el riesgo de contagio de COVID 19 durante tus operaciones al regresar a laborar durante esta pandemia."
Price: 19.99

"Money Markets - Concept & Instruments" |
"This course will be highly useful for students who are undergoing courses of Chartered Accountancy, CFA, or FRM. This course will take the students through the various instruments and how to calculate price / yield of money market instruments, role of money markets and various players in the money markets. Students will learn various terms associated with money markets and also learn how to calculate yield price etc."
Price: 1280.00

"Sparkol VideoScribe Mastery: Zero To Hero In VideoScribe" |
"Hello, Welcome To Sparkol VideoScribe Mastery: Zero To Hero In VideoScribe course.In this course, I am going to take you from beginning to advanced and make you a master of VideoScribe software. This course is one of the latest VideoScribe course in which you're going to LEARN THE LATEST VERSION OF VIDEOSCRIBE. On top of that, we are also going to make one sample video which is going to be Elon musk's biography so that will get to know the practical use of all tools and features of VideoScribe.In this course you will learn how to:Use Sparkol Videoscribe softwareCreate whiteboard animations from scratchImport your own images into VideoscribeUse thousands of already created images that come with VideoscribeDevelop your creative storytelling abilitiesHow to incorporate music into your animationsStep by step instructions on how to create your own video animationThis is the perfect course for those who want to create an amazing eye-catching whiteboard animation videos and share your story & thoughts with your audience.So what are you waiting for? Enroll This Course Right Now And Your Journey To Master Sparkol VideoScribe"
Price: 1280.00

"Grade10 Math / Math10 /Mathematics10(Math / Mathematics Ten)" |
"I have made an introduction video in each chapter. I have made videos on different questions in each chapter with a few similar questions and answers. I have explained each topic thoroughly in my video lecture, given examples, and provided similar exercises to be done. This video tutorials are very effective in remembering because it is audio-visual. Each video is about 9 minutes long or less. You can access each video on your cell, computer or tv online. This course is a one-time purchase and provides life-time access to all of the course contents. You can watch the video and read the text written on the slides at the same time or you can stop the video and read the text and try to understand whichever is easier for you. This course contains System of Linear Equations, Analytic Geometry, Quadratic Expressions, Quadratic Relations and Quadratic Equations, Right Triangles, Acute Triangles, and Geometric Properties."
Price: 19.99

"Designing On iPad For 3D Printing" |
"iPad + Pencil/Stylus + Shapr3D App = 3D Models for PrintingNO more PC or Computer required for 3D Modelling or Designing.Design 3D Solid objects right from the comfort of your iPad.The real magic in 3D printing happens when you are able to create your own designs. We will learn how to use SHAPR3D App to design five products that can be 3D printed. Each lesson will build on the prior to introduce design concepts and best practices when when designing for 3D printers. SHAPR3D App is free for students and hobbyists and is a very powerful designing tool. By the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence to begin creating your own designs and start turning your ideas into physical objects."
Price: 19.99

"How to Focus Your Mind" |
"Do you wish you could learn to better focus your mind during those crucial moments when you need to?Paying attention in a world filled with distractions today is a constant challenge that many are faced with.Yet, there is a solution to the problem: An easy to follow 7-step solution to master concentration techniques and enhance your powers of focus today!YOU WILL LEARN: Why goals matter to build a foundation for focus. The way your environment impacts your ability to concentrate. How to enhance your mental prowess. Why it is energy management, not time, that matters. How to shut down distractions, enhance your attention, and more.No matter what stage in life you are or where you aim to be, better focus is the way to get you to every goal youve ever set for yourself.The power of focus and concentration doesnt have to be an elusive superpower reserved only for the few who have mastered the secret to success.Youve got the opportunity to do the same right now!"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Agile & Scrum: From Beginner to Expert" |
"Most detailed Agile and Scrum Learning course on Udemy. We will start on this journey with the most basic concepts and then learn each & every detail related to Agile & Scrum.7 great reasons that make this the best Agile & Scrum course:1: This course is designed to teach you everything about Agile & Scrum and in an interactive way.2: We will talk about the core concepts, terminologies and best practices as used in companies.3: All learning will be supplemented with practical examples, as we will do a 40 minutes session to setup a project in Scrum from scratch.4: Quiz at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge.5: The course comes with a Certificate that will establish your learning of Agile & Scrum.6: Tips for the CSM exam. 7: Common Interview Questions and tips to get your dream job.Added advantages of this course:1: This course is created by Aakriti E-Learning, a premium name in online and institutional training. On Udemy, we have 10,000+ students with an average rating of 4.5*2: We offer life-time query support facility for any topic related to the course. Drop an email with your questions, including those specific to your work environment, and get immediate reply.3: This course comes with Udemy's 30 day money-back guarantee - no questions asked. So if you are unhappy with the course for any reason, you don't lose money.What you will learn in this course?- Traditional approach and its drawback- Agile Manifesto - values & principles- Agile & Scrum and their difference- Scrum Life Cycle- MVP and Incremental Approach- Scrum Roles - product owner, scrum master, development team- Backlog Grooming- Sprint Planning- Estimation- Story Points- How to accurately estimate user stories- Planning Poker- Epics- User Stories- How to write great user stories- Sprint Demo- Retrospective- Team Capacity- Velocity- Scrum Board- Burn-Down Chart- Burn-Up Chart- JIRA& Practical Learning to supplement all thisEnroll today and start your journey into the wonderful world of Agile.Thank you and wish you all the best!!"
Price: 2560.00

"Terapias con ventosas y moxibustin para aparato locomotor" |
"El curso describe de forma sistemtica y comprensiva los trastorno ms comunes del aparato locomotor que pueden ser tratados con ventosas y moxibustin, a consolidar el conocimiento, el terapeuta Andrea Beneventi incluye fundamentos de kinesioterapia y consejo prctico para destacar en estas fascinantes y milenaria tcnicas de sanacion de la medicina tradicional china"
Price: 19.99

"Estratgias e Tcnicas de Vendas" |
"Aumente suas vendas usando palavras especficas e mtodos de persuaso. Existem vrias tcnicas de vendas que so muito eficazes quando aplicadas da maneira correta e na situao adequada. Aprenda de forma efetiva, melhorando as estratgias de equipes, incentivando melhorias nos procedimentos j adotados e na conquista e manuteno de clientes."
Price: 144.99

"A,B,C of MySQL - An In-depth guide" |
"Relational database management systems (RDBMS) have held mindshare among application developers as the most appropriate way to store critical data for several decades. In recent years the realities of scaling database systems in the Internet age have made customized solutions more practical than attempting to fit general-purpose RDBMSs to diverse application needsMySQL is a popular open-source RDBMS used extensively in Internet-connected applications, with Facebook as an example of one of its largest users"
Price: 2240.00

"ANSYS Workbench Tutorials" |
"This course is a tutorial on ANSYS Workbench. It takes you through various modules of ANSYS Workbench like Static Structural, Modal, and Steady-State Thermal Analysis. Various numerical are solved to explain various concepts and features of the software. Various assignments are given for practice so that expertise can be gained in handling the software."
Price: 29.99

"READ in SPANISH today!" |
"The Clapping Method is the best way to learn to read in Spanish today!This course takes just one hour to finish it, and after you practice a little bit with me, you are going to be ready to improve your pronunciation in Spanish.The method that you are about to learn is the one that teachers all around Latin America apply to teach children to read, now it is available for you! Don't lose this opportunity and be one more of the happy students who are already reading in Spanish with almost no accent.I have been teaching this Clapping Program for 3 years to my students and all of them are reading and pronouncing incredibly well, that is why I made the decision to make an online course so it is easier to get all around the world.This course is going to be very helpful if you are on your way to learn Spanish, it doesnt matter if you are a beginner or if you have been taking Spanish classes, the pronunciation is one of the biggest problems to solve with students who are learning Spanish.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Tekla Structural Designer Professional Course 2020" |
"Tekla Structural Designer is a Structural Design software with the help of this you can easily Model , Analyze and Design you Concrete and Steel Structures.This software will tell you which member is passing or not.This software can also generate the Detailing of the Members and you can also export it to the Autocad.In this Course we will focus on the Residential Building and we will learn everything about it !!Tekla Structural Designer seamlessly combines design & analysis into one easy and efficient single model based task. The simple, integrated design & analysis software enables engineers to deliver safe, effective and rationalized design more quickly, regardless of structural material.What are you waiting for ? I Can assure you that after enrolling in Tekla Structures Designer Course you will get the Complete knowledge of Tekla Structures Designer of RCC Element.Enroll in this course and explore the World of Tekla Structures Designer with 30 days Money Back Guarantee !!"
Price: 12800.00

Neuroeducao |
"Como entender sobre o crebro te ajuda a aprender melhor, melhorar sua prtica pedaggica ou ainda a guiar o desenvolvimento de seus filhos?Neste curso, voc aprender o que o crebro faz que o torna to especial. Vamos falar de sua estrutura, seu funcionamento, de forma muito simples, rpida e direta. Sempre pensando no dia a dia, vamos examinar como so geradas as percepes, como elas formam a base para o comportamento e como podemos aproveitar as experincias extraindo delas um melhor aprendizado. Vamos navegar tambm pelas influncias inconscientes produzidas no crebro que guiam o nosso comportamento e a nossa relao com o mundo desde a infncia. Por fim, tambm vamos falar sobre o desenvolvimento das capacidades cognitivas de nossas crianas, sobre como motiv-las para o processo de aprendizagem (que dura por boa parte de suas vidas) e como lidar com as possveis dificuldades de aprendizagem que podem aparecer no meio deste lindo caminho, que a infncia."
Price: 39.99

"O curso foi elaborado pensando em voc que sente vontade de ter uma experincia com essa parte da cincia a ""ELETRNICA"". Quer iniciar uma carreira profissional. Te afirmo! criei e formei meus filhos com essa to maravilhosa profisso. Os conhecimentos apresentados neste curso, servir tambm para o aperfeioamento dos que j trabalha no setor de manuteno eletrnica e no tem a teoria inicial. Pessoas que consertam celular, fazem manuteno eltrica em motos, carros etc..."
Price: 84.99

"8 Derste Photoshop Orta Seviye" |
"ncelikle 5 Derste Photoshop Temel Seviye kursumuza gsterdiiniz ilgiden dolay teekkr ederim. Memnuniyetin yksek olmas ve devamnn da talep edilmesi sonucu bu kursu hazrlam bulunuyorum. Amacm yine ezberden ziyade mantn kavratabilmek ve bamsz olarak devam edebilmenize n ayak olmak. Temel seviyenin ardndan kesinlikle bilinmesi gereken maskeleme, yansma ve glge efektlerine zellikle yer verdim. Bu efektler dorultusunda kendi derlemelerinizi yapmakta zorlanmayacaksnz ve ufak ipular sayesinde mantk hatalarna dmeyeceksiniz.Frsat bulduka eitim setinin sonuna uygulama videolar ekleyeceim. Srekli gncellenen bir kurs olacak yani. Hepinize iyi almalar, salkl gnler diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

"How to Maximize Your Money on DoorDash" |
"This is a course that teaches drivers to earn the maximum they can. Learn how to become a more profitable dasher so you can actually be your own boss. We cover all stages of dashing: preparation, selection, and execution. Don't be an ordinary dasher making $15 an hour, take this course and give yourself a raise."
Price: 19.99

"Redaccin del Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19." |
"Necesitas ayuda con la redaccin del Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19? Ahorra tiempo, dinero, frustraciones con este curso. Este curso te ayudar a redactar tu plan de una manera estructurada siguiendo las recomendaciones del CDC, OSHA, OMS, EPA.Qu incluye el curso? Accede a 7 clases en video para capacitacin. 22 elementos que debe tener el Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19. Mas de 9 plantillas editables para realizar tu Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19. Plantilla editable del Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19. Recursos y materiales en formato Microsoft Word y Microsoft Excel. Actualizaciones que se realicen al Plan y a los Recursos y Materiales.Adems... Al comprar el curso te llevas todos estos BONUS: Gua como implementar un AMEF (Anlisis de Riesgo). Plantilla de Excel AMEF editable para realizar el anlisis de riesgo Ejemplo de un AMEF para referencia.TemarioEste Protocolo es creado para una implantacin simplificada y fcil en tu negocio.1. Bienvenida al curso.2. Informacin sobre el COVID-19.3. Guas y Recomendaciones.4. Formato de redaccin del procedimiento Operativo Estndar (SOP, por sus siglas en ingles)5. 22 Elementos Esenciales que debe incluir el Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19.6. Redaccin del Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19 paso a paso con ejemplos para que puedas evaluar cuales aplican a tu negocio.7. Explicacin de las plantillas y sus usos.8. Anlisis de Riesgo con la metodologa AMEF Anlisis modal de fallos y efectos.Plantillas y Recursos PCE-01-01 Forma Acuse de Recibo Gua Cuando y Como Lavarse las manos CDC. PCE-01-02 Forma Acuse de Recibo PCE-01 Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19. PCE-01-03 Forma Acuse de Recibo Gua Siete pasos para usar mascarilla correctamente. PCE-01-04 Forma Declaracin de Salud del Visitante -Empleado. PCE-01-05 Gua Cuando y Como Lavarse las manos CDC. PCE-01-06 Gua Siete Pasos para Usar Mascarilla Correctamente. PCE-01-07 Elementos Esenciales del Plan de Control de Exposicin. PCE-01-08 Registro de Visitas Protocolo COVID-19. PCE-01-09 Gua para llenar el AMEF. PCE-01-10 AMEF- Anlisis de Modo y Efecto. PEC-01 Plan de Control de Exposicin al COVID-19Preguntas ComunesQu Normativa Cumple este Protocolo?Este protocolo ha sido creado cumpliendo los lineamientos de la OSHA, CDC, EPA y OMS.Este Protocolo es aplicable para mi Pas?Este protocolo ha sido creado cumpliendo los lineamientos de Organizaciones Internacionales como la International Standard Organization (ISO), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Center of Disease Control (CDC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) y Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS), por lo que es aplicable en cualquier pas del mundo.En qu formato estn las plantillas? Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel"
Price: 19.99

"Tenha Energia Eletrica Grtis com Gerao de Energia Solar" |
"ESTE CONHECIMENTO DEVERIA SER OBRIGATRIO A TODOS QUE exercem atividade que usa Eletricidade, e manuteno de todo e qualquer equipamento Eletrnico, costumo afirmar por convico de certeza, que o aprender vem de aplicar na prtica toda teoria, gerando experincia, que s se aprende de verdade vendo, realizando, fazendo, vendo funcionar, no acredito no saber de prancheta, de livro, de apostila, no papel, todo conhecimento deve sair destes itens descritos para bancada, para mesa, para o campo, sair do mundo da imaginao para o mundo da realizao, montar seu sistema para gerao de Energia com base na energia solar, buscando uma forma mais acessvel na esfera do preo, com sistema exclusivo de aluguel dos painis que geram eletricidade a partir da luz do sol, esse nosso foco."
Price: 99.99
