"Mtodo XQ - melhores e maiores notas no curso superior EaD." |
"ATENO ESPECIAL Garantia Exclusiva! A Udemy sendo uma plataforma que preza pela tranquilidade de todos alunos, oferece uma garantia de 30 dias.Mtodo TESTADO e APROVADO, aplicao imediata de ferramentas simples e objetivas.Alunos se depara com novo mtodo de aprendizagem [...] Jusbrasil. Destaque no jornal Correio Brasiliense [...] os alunos de diferentes idades podem recorrer a mtodos que deixem a educao a distncia mais fluida.Certificado de concluso do curso. MTODO QX um acelerador de aprendizagem, curso dinmico que vai ajudar o aluno do curso superior EaD, no processo de aprendizagem e lev-lo a APROVAO com as melhores notas.Curso completo, atualizado com aulas prticas e objetivas que vai ensinar PASSO a PASSO de como tirar as melhores e maiores notas no seu curso superior EaD. Neste curso o nobre aluno (a) vai:Realizar as atividades, questes ou tarefas muito mais RPIDO; Ter acesso a um mtodo de simples aplicao;Aplicar o passo a passo atravs do caminho mais curto com ferramentas prticas;Ser aprovado no seu curso superior da modalidade EaD com as melhores e maiores notas.""Para chegar rpido e seguro a seu destino, deve-se utilizar um veculo mais rpido e seguro.""Aproveita enquanto esta disponvel. SUCESSO!!!"
Price: 339.99

"Concurrency in Go (Golang)" |
"Cost and Performance are critical terms when deploying an application.Questions that comes all Developers is whether they are utilising the available Computing resource efficiently? Is the application capable of running concurrently?In this course we will go through Concurrency features provided by Go Programming Language.we will go through the Whys and Hows.By the end of this course you will be able implement your application with concurrency features provided by Go and you will be able articulate to your colleagues how concurrency can reduce cost and improve performance of the application."
Price: 19.99

"How to win in Executive Search" |
"This Video series will enable those of you who are in internet recruitment companies to add to your skills, which you might find useful in your current role as well as within retained search. And for those of you just beginning in the executive search industry, you can gain a solid understanding of what we do, how we do it and how you can become one of the best in this business.This video training series is not a panacea and will not give you all the answer to every issue that you face on your chosen path, but if you learn the lessons of what and how we do things and you practice the objection handling scripts and using their structure to develop ones of your own, then you should do well, earn a really good living and who knows, you might even become an industry star.What we are going to cover in this video training series, is a brief history of the industry, the different types of recruitment businesses that exist and how each differs from the other. We will cover how fees are charged and what difference that makes to the structure of a recruitment business.That is the basic information that every person in recruitment should know, albeit that many do not, they only get to know their own firm, but if you just cannot wait to get onto knowing what to do and when and how, you can go straight to video 6 and perhaps pop back here for the few minutes that these first videos take to watch..We will then explore the two core disciplines in the recruitment process, the role of the Researcher and that of the Recruiter.These roles are the backbone of any search firm and without which the business just would not exist.These are the first positions that someone will usually do so it is vital to really understand what they cover as responsibilities and how to become great at both. Now, in some smaller firms, these roles are undertaken by the same person, but they are not the same role as they have different functions.But with these skills you will always be able to find yourself a job and from that develop a well-rewarded career."
Price: 49.99

"As 7 Habilidades de um Gestor de Sucesso" |
"Na convivncia com gestores incrveis de pessoas que tive, eu percebi que eles possuam caractersticas em comum, que os levaram ao sucesso. E fui tomando nota delas.Depois, investiguei COMO eles chegaram aos comportamentos, que se tornaram habilidades!A partir , compilei tudo e cheguei em 7 habilidades que todos estes gestores de sucesso tinham.Apliquei com meus prprios times e vi que realmente do resultados incrveis!Ento, tomei a deciso de compartilhar esse conhecimento em forma de curso com outras pessoas que querem ser melhores em seus trabalhos.No curso vou entrar no detalhe de todas elas, atravs de exemplos e alguma dose de humor, abordando questes relevantes que envolvem a gesto como um todo, mas com grande nfase na gesto de pessoas.Veremos desde conceitos bsicos a vises mais analticas de situaes que qualquer pessoa numa posio de liderana passa. Meu convite que voc use o contedo de forma bem prtica, para criar no seu ambiente de trabalho as melhores sinergias e focar em resultados cada vez melhores.Tenho certeza que voc gostar, pois ele foi feito com muita dedicao, especialmente para voc ter sucesso."
Price: 39.99

"Composicin Artstica" |
"A lo largo de la historia del arte, los artistas descubrieron tcnicas para poder organizar y estructurar los elementos de sus composiciones para crear imgenes mas interesantes y que lograran transmitir sus ideas y conceptos al espectador de una manera mas efectiva.A menudo los artistas malinterpretamos la importancia de una composicin ya sea por falta de conocimiento o por querer seguir las reglas al pie de la letra.Sin duda, la composicin es una herramienta muy importante a la hora de crear visualmente. En este curso abordaremos temas relevantes como, elementos y lneas de una composicin, tipos de composicin, principios de composicin, la regla de los tercios, modelos de simetra dinmica, proporcin urea y un ltimo modulo donde me acompaaras a crear una composicin desde cero hasta terminarla aplicando todo este conocimiento.Al termino del curso, tendrs las herramientas necesarias para crear tus propias composiciones de una manera robusta y profesional."
Price: 109.99

"Scales for Piano & Keyboard" |
"Introduction to Scales and Key Signatures and why its important important to to know the theory behind them.Lesson 1. Learn how to play C major 1 octave hands separately and contrary motion.Its a really good idea even if you dont really play piano to learn the scales and key signatures on a piano. The theory behind the scales and key signatures is easier to see using a piano or keyboard - it may even help to draw a keyboard on a scrap of paper so you can see the black notes and see the shape of the scales you are playing.Lesson 2. How to work out the key signature for major scales and how to work out what key a piece of music is in. The theory behind working out key signatures will enable you to quickly figure out what key a piece of music is in from the sharps in the key signature or to name the sharps of any white note key signature in an instant. In this video we cover C major, G major, D major, A major, E major, B major.Lesson 3. Learn how to play all the white note major scales 2 octaves. Here, we put the theory we learnt in lesson 2 to practice and go over the finger passing. Good finger technique is really important and working on a good strong hand position will allow you to immediately recognise a scale in a piece of music and trust your fingers to deliver the correct notes without getting the fingers in a tangle. We cover C major, G major, D major, A major, E major, B majorLesson 4. Learn the key signature rules for the flat keys. The flat key key signatures are F major, Bb major, Eb major, Ab major, Db major & Gb major. These follow a different rule to key signatures with sharps but it is made very simple here and easy to understand. Being familiar with the rules and the order of flats will enable you to immediately identify the key of any piece of music with flats.Lesson 5. Learn the fingerings and how to play the flat major keys. Learn how to play F major, Bb major, Eb major, Ab major, Db major & Gb major going up 2 octaves with the correct fingers.Lesson 6. How to work out the minor key signatures. Minor key signatures are easy to work out by finding the relative major key. Learn how in this video which includes the rules for the natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor."
Price: 19.99

(ccna/ccnp) |
Price: 19.99

"Beginners MongoDB Guide along with Mongoose" |
"MongoDB is a NOSQL database, cross-platform, document oriented database that provides, high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB works on concept of collection and document.Any relational database has a typical schema design that shows number of tables and the relationship between these tables. While in MongoDB, there is no concept of relationship.Advantages of MongoDB over RDBMSSchema less MongoDB is a document database in which one collection holds different documents.No complex joins.Deep query-ability. MongoDB supports dynamic queries using a document-based query language that's nearly as powerful as SQL.Ease of scale-out MongoDB is easy to scale.Conversion/mapping of application objects to database objects not needed.Uses internal memory for storing the (windowed) working set, enabling faster access of data.Why Use MongoDB?Document Oriented Storage Data is stored in the form of JSON style documents.Index on any attributeReplication and high availabilityRich queriesFast in-place updatesProfessional support by MongoDBIn detail, you'll learn:+ how to install and use MongoDB locally and in the cloud (MongoDB Atlas)+ how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on MongoDB databases+ how to filter for data efficiently+ how to work with both the Mongo Shell + how to increase performance by using indexes (and how to use the right indexes!)+ how to use MongoDB Atlas - the cloud solution offered by MongoDB+ and much more!"
Price: 104.99

"Curso de Google Analytics - do Bsico at o Avanado" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender: - Usar o Google Analytics para anlises de negcio, marketing e vendas. - Configuraes bsicas de relatrios - Configuraes Avanadas de relatrios e anlises - Como gerenciar Canais de Marketing - Como criar um evento de converso e um evento de engajamento. - Configuraes avanadas de Google Analytics - Noes bsicas do Google Enchanced for E-commerce - Noes Bsicas de Google Tag Manager - Como integrar o Google Analytics com o Google Ads - Como taguear sua mdia e aplicar o correto uso de UTMs - Metologias de Anlises - Uso de Caso Real de uma empresa para anlises de e-commerce e sites de contedo."
Price: 429.99

"5G RF Planning" |
"5G NR is far more complex than previous generations of mobile networks and will still need to work together with current 4G LTE and WiFi radio access technologies (RATs), leading to challenges in network planning.So we are going to learn about Introduction to 5G Air Interface, 5G Link Budget, Propagation Model Tuning, Concepts of 5G coverage simulations, Initial Parameter Planning (PRACH Planning) terms in our 5G planning course."
Price: 94.99

"Hyper Influencer Marketing- Instagram, YouTube and TikTok" |
"This course will teach you everything you need to know to become an influencer in the digital world. It covers Instagram, Youtube and TikTok platforms. You will learn how to choose the right niche for you and how to concentrate on a single audience. The course will cover the following:Instagram-Instagram fundamentals-How Instagram algorithm works and how to use it to your advantage-The differences between business and creator accounts-Creating an impactful Instagram Bio-The importance of hashtags and how to use them-The importance of captions-Strategies to be more effective-Instagram metrics -How to analyse your audience-How to configure branded content ads-Connecting with other Influencers-How to contact brandsYouTube-How to create YouTube account-What do you need to become a YouTuber-How to define the theme of the channel-How to set your goals-The importance of consistency-How to analyse your data-Metrics to be reviewed in your channel-Strategies to contact and work with different brands-How to prepare the ground for a great conquestTikTok-The fundamentals of TikTok-How does TikTok work-Getting a Pro account-What videos you should create for best conversions-Developing different strategies for TikTok-How to get more followers-Tips for better use of hashtags-Followers hack-How to analyse your data-When and how to contact brands"
Price: 19.99

"[NEW] AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 6 Practice Exams 2020" |
"Hemos comprobado que tener que completar muchas preguntas puede resultar cansado y muchas veces no se ve reflejado el avance, es por esto que utilizamos el mtodo Pomodoro. El mtodo se basa en la idea de que las pausas regulares pueden mejorar la agilidad mental, y nos motiva a ofrecer una respuesta eficiente frente al tiempo y tener un sentimiento de logro , en lugar del estado de ansiedad que suele provocar el ""devenir"" del tiempo.NO DOMINO INGLSNuestra estrategia de estudio har que apruebes el examen sin problemas ya que aunque no domines ingls la explicacin de las respuestas la detallamos en espaol, esta metodologa dejar claro los conceptos que necesitas para poder aprobar el examen oficial.NO SOY BUENO DANDO EXMENESOtro detalle que resaltamos del curso es que a pesar de explicar la alternativa correcta, tambin explicamos el Por qu? no debemos elegir las otras alternativas, esto es muy importante porque consideramos que es una forma efectiva de retener mayor informacin.Los exmenes estn en constante cambioTe ofrecemos 120 preguntas distribuidas en 6 exmenes seleccionadas estratgicamente por profesionales con certificaciones AWS Professional y Speciality con una amplia experiencia en AWS, considerando los porcentajes oficiales de cada tema evaluado por AWS.Te garantizamos actualizaciones semanales!Estamos en constante revisin de toda la documentacin de Amazon Web Services, por lo cual, semanalmente editaremos los exmenes con nuevas preguntas.Sobre la certificacin AWS Certified Cloud PractitionerEl examen AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner est destinado a personas que tengan las habilidades y el conocimiento necesarios para demostrar efectivamente una comprensin general del funcionamiento de la nube de AWS.El examen se puede rendir en un centro examinador o desde la comodidad y la conveniencia del hogar o la oficina como un examen supervisado en lnea.Conseguir esta certificacin es un paso recomendado para alcanzar una certificacin de nivel Associate o Specialty.Plan de estudio recomendadoAWS Business Professional - 3.5h AWS Economics - 3.5hAWS Foundations - 3.5hAWS Cloud Practitioner - 6hAWS Cuestionarios - 6h"
Price: 24.99

"KiCad - Aprende a disear y fabricar PCB `s + Proyecto Final" |
"En este curso obtendrs unas bases slidas sobre el software libre y gratuito, KiCad, con el que podrs disear PCB con acabados tcnicos y estticos profesionales.Obtendrs conocimientos de diseo de placas y veremos todas las herramientas del software Kicad: Crear y descargar smbolos y footprints, trabajar con libreras, asignar y crear elementos 3d para los componentes, como hacer rutado manual y AUTO-RUTADO con Kicad.... y como podemos fabricar nuestras pcb de forma rpida y econmica con JLCPCB.La mejor forma de hacer realidad tus ideas de circuitos electrnicos !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Reticulate: R + Python Bsico" |
"Utilize scripts, mdulos e linha de comando do Python no RStudio.Tambm utilize script do Python no RMarkdown!Alm disso, panorama geral do RStudio e de seus 4 painis, mudana do tema (aparncia da IDE) e como desativar a gravao dos dados quando vc fechar o RStudio.Finalmente, melhores prticas como a criao de um novo projeto, estrutura de pastas sugeridas e outros."
Price: 39.99

"Romeo and Juliet Made Clear" |
"This simplified, academic examination of ""Romeo and Juliet"" is excellent for GCSEs, Commonwealth exams/essays, and high school or university assignments in English-speaking countries. Read the annotated play with an accompanying voice-narration and modern translation, watch the video analyses that include clarifying film and audio clips, and learn the play thoroughly to excel at assignments and exams. This collection of material was written and curated by me, a professor with 30 years of teaching experience, both of English Literature and English as a Second Language (TEFL and TESOL). I've taught in universities, colleges, high schools and adult-education institutions. I've watched students struggle with Shakespeare and designed this course with their struggles in mind."
Price: 24.99

"Eletrnica Industrial" |
"Gerao de tenso alternada.Gerao de tenso contnua.Resistores.Trimpot e potencimetro.LDR - Light Dependent Resistor.Fusveis de proteo.Capacitores.Termistores.Varistores.Diodos semicondutores.LDR - Diodo emissor de luz.Diodo Zener.Reguladores de tenso.Pontes Retificadoras.Transistores bipolar.DIAC - Diodo de corrente alternada.SCR - Retificador controlado de silcio.TRIAC.Optoacopladores.Indutores.Transformadores.IGBT's.Anlise de 14 circuitos eletrnicos gravados no simulador. (Resistores em srie, resistores em paralelo, divisor de tenso, carga e descarga de capacitores, polarizao de diodos, pontes retificadoras, Transistores como amplificador, disparo de SCR, disparo de Triac etc).Como montar um mini Laboratrio.Mltiplos e SubmltiplosSinais Digitais e analgicos."
Price: 114.99

"Prince2 French" |
"PRINCE2 est l'une des mthodes les plus populaires de gestion de projets. PRINCE2 est bas sur les expriences et les meilleures pratiques de milliers de projets. Il est utilis l'chelle mondiale par les projets, les gestionnaires de projets et de portefeuilles et dans les grands programmes.PRINCE2 est gnrique et peut tre appliqu n'importe quel projet quel que soit son environnement, sa taille, son type, son organisationPRINCE2 est facile apprendre pour tous les nouveaux chefs de projet et un excellent ajout pour les chefs de projet dj certifis avec les certificats de gestion de projet IPMA ou PMI."
Price: 34.99

"Neste curso, voc ingressar em uma jornada rumo ao aprimoramento pessoal e profissional. Atravs de dicas fundamentais e exemplos prticos, este meio te proporcionar a aventura de olhar para dentro de si, organizar-se, reconhecer a si mesmo, deixando que os resultados obtidos reflitam em uma vida laboral muito mais eficaz. Assim, voc ser capaz de oferecer ao seu cliente, o diferencial em atendimento, a excelncia!!!Afinal, melhores pessoas tornam-se profissionais excepcionais."
Price: 39.99

"2020/21 CFA Level 1 Fixed Income - Learn by Practice" |
"Our unique Learn By Practice approach will help you master the CFA Level 1 Fixed Income material.This course provides a general overview of the different readings within the Fixed Income topic in addition to 150 practice questions with step-by-step video explanations. The PDF resources also represent a summary sheet for the core Fixed Income concepts and formulas.The readings covered in this course are the following:Reading 42: Fixed Income Securities: Defining ElementsReading 43: Fixed Income Markets: Issuance, Trading & FundingReading 44: Introduction to Fixed Income ValuationReading 45: Introduction to Asset-Backed SecuritiesReading 46: Understanding Fixed Income Risk & ReturnReading 47: Fundamentals of Credit AnalysisThe course material will always remain up-to-date to reflect all CFA level 1 curriculum changes.REQUIRED DISCLOSURE: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offered by Elephant Resources or Udemy. The CFA Institute Logo, CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are just a few of the trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 19.99

"Mainframe - COBOL DB2 - Basic to Advance Level" |
"First I would like to thank you! on landing on to this Course and Congratulations for opting this course.Here I'm going to explain the IBM Mainframe classes in a very simple way with a practical oriented Sessions. I have tried my best! to cover all different topics that are being used in the Real time which makes you a feel like a class room session and I hope you will enjoy this journey on learning of the Mainframe Course with in a couple of days .This course is intended for all the levels that can be starting from a Student or Fresher who is just passed out from his graduation or the people who have joined their carrier as Mainframe Developer or people who want to refresh or Upgrade there skill set on mainframe.Yes, you are in a right! place on selecting this course and I will be available to address all your queries, support and guide in all the ways that i can during this course of journey.One and only motive is to teach the Mainframe in a Very simple way.Course Covers with the following Topics.Introduction to MainframeDB2 From Scratch to AdvancedSQL Queries QMF ToolCobol DB2 ProgrammingReal Time ExamplesPractical OrientedHappy Learning!!"
Price: 6400.00

"Cut-Over Management Training" |
"ON-POINT has developed over the last years a specific Cut-Over Methodology for complex IT transformation projectsON-POINT has seen the need for a dedicated Cut-Over methodology, due to increasing regulations followed by the increasing need for transparancy and risk management especially for the final step of a project the Cut-OverNowadays the Cut-Overs of complex IT transformation projects must be very well prepared, carefully tested and trained with all project team members but also the overall organisation and perfectly documented regarding the decision process but also towards issues occured and risks accepted. This is required to fullfil the increasing need for an accurate audit trail for all stake-holders, regulators and audit companies"
Price: 29.99

"Paper Engineering 101" |
"In the Paper Engineering online course, you will explore paper folding, geometry and structures over 3-4 hours of video lectures.A great way to develop your spatial skills as well as math and lateral thinking, all while making art and sculptures. The workshop will teach you the basic concepts that go into making pop up structures and paper models. By the end of the course, you will be able to make your own pop up books and animations.Suggested Age Group - 10+Please note - The course is intended for purchase by adults. Learners below the age of 18, please ensure that a parent or guardian helps you log in to access the class."
Price: 1280.00

"Oracle 1Z0-931, 1Z0-1072, 1Z0-1067 & 1Z0-997 (OCI 2019)" |
"This course is intended for all applicants including developers, technical professionals, architects, students, and professors who are responsible for architecting using Cloud Infrastructure and Autonomous Database Services. This course includes the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure so you just have to buy this one course to get all the Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Exam Practice Tests in it.> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the practice exam questions of the following courses. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-931 - Oracle Autonomous Database 2019 Certified Specialist ]Review 1Z0-931 Exam Details: Duration: 120 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 60, Passing Score: 63%, Validated Against: Exam has been validated against Oracle Autonomous Database 20191: Autonomous Database Technical Overview Describe the architectural components of the Autonomous Database (ADB) Describe how ADB integrates with the Oracle Cloud Platform Articulate the key features of Autonomous Database Describe a typical workflow for using ADB Understand the OCI Infrastructure Describe how database security is leveraged in ADB2: Migration and Data Loading into Autonomous Database Describe the options and considerations for migrating to ADB Using SQL Developer to test data loading scenarios Migrate to ADB using Data Pump Migrate to ADB using Golden Gate Supporting business users with Data Sync Load data using DBMS_CLOUD3: Monitoring Autonomous Database Monitor ADB performance Use services in ADB4: Provisioning and Connectivity Provision an Autonomous Database service Find and download database credentials Connect to an ADB service Navigate the OCI console5: Managing and Maintaining Autonomous Database Manage users and user privileges in ADB Start, stop, and scale ADB Use rest APIs to manage ADB Use the OCI command line to manage ADB Manage ADB Backups and Restores Explore ADB using SQL Developer Understand ADB for Experienced Users6:Tools, Reporting, and Analytics using Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) Describe how to use ADW with 3rd party software Describe how to use Machine Learning algorithms with ADW Describe how to build analytic views Explain how to use Oracle Machine Learning notebooks with ADW Explain how to use the Oracle Analytics Cloud with ADW Explain how to use Data Visualization Desktop with ADW Build visualizations using Data Visualization Desktop and ADW[ 1Z0-1072 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Associate ]Review 1Z0-1072 Exam Details: Duration: 105 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 66, Passing Score: 65%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against OCI 20191: Identity and Access Management Apply core Identity and Access Management components Explain resource locations Design federation with various identity providers Apply IAM, governance, and security best practices2: Networking Apply design concepts related to VCN components Describe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICs Apply VCN connectivity options Understand remote network connectivity Apply OCI Load Balancer concepts Understand OCI Edge services Apply OCI networking best practices3: Advanced networking conceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple vNICs, IP addresses4:Instantiating a Load BalancerSetting up a Load Balancer5: Compute Understand compute and sizing Troubleshoot options using console connections and boot volume Architect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions Describe image options6: Storage Understand OCI Storage options Design storage solutions for applications and database7: Launching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom images8: Architecting Best PracticesDesign for Security using OCI9: Database Describe OCI Database options Explain OCI Database Operations Architect HA and DR solutions Manage Autonomous Database10: Advanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Data Guard, BYOL, Data encryption, RAC, and EXADATA.[ 1Z0-1067 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations Associate ]Review 1Z0-1067 Exam Details: Duration: 105 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 60, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against OCI 20191: Automating Cloud Tasks Use the OCI CLI to simplify repetitive tasks. Utilize configuration management tools to control infrastructure. Manage infrastructure as code. Explain user resource manager processes to implement infrastructure as code.2: Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting Explain Troubleshooting resource availability and accessibility. Validate OCI performance.3: Managing Cost Utilize billing tags to track costs. Explain how to implement billing alerts. Leverage automation to control cost.4: Security and Compliance Create secure access control policies. Leverage compartments for resource isolation. Audit cloud access.5: Monitoring and Alerting Understand Metric Query Language (MQL). Create and manage alarms. Implement automated notifications.6: Data Retention and Archival Use Object Storage Lifecycle policies for tiered data storage. Manage automated block storage and database backups. Implement cross-region data copy strategies.7: Designing for cloud-scale agility Utilize edge services for automated failover/recovery. Implement hybrid network environments.[ 1Z0-997 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Professional ]Review 1Z0-997 Exam Details: Duration: 120 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 50, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: This exam has been validated against OCI version 20191: Plan and design solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Plan and design solutions to meet business and technical requirements. Create architecture patterns including N-tier applications, microservices, and serverless architectures. Design scalable and elastic solutions for high availability and disaster recovery.2: Implement and operate solutions in OCI Implement solutions to meet business and technical requirements. Operate and troubleshoot solutions on OCI.3: Design, implement and operate databases in OCI Evaluate and implement databases. Operate and troubleshoot databases.4: Design for hybrid cloud architecture Design and implement hybrid network architectures to meet high availability, bandwidth, and latency requirements. Evaluate multi-cloud solution architectures.5: Migrate on-premises workloads to OCI Design strategy for migrating on-premises workloads to OCI. Implement and troubleshoot database migrations.6:Design for Security and Compliance Design, implement, and operate solutions for security and governance. Design, implement and operate solutions to meet compliance requirements."
Price: 19.99

"Hackeando os Pblicos do Facebook Ads" |
"Como Escolher os pblicos certos no facebook ads o segredo para ter mais resultados nos seus anncios.O facebook ads a melhor plataforma de anncios do mundo, mas a maioria das pessoas no tem bons resultados com anncios no Facebook porque no sabe escolher os pblicos e nesse curso falaremos exatamente sobre isso.Esse curso vai tratar de como escolher os pblicos certos dentro do Facebook Ads.Saiba como escolher os pblicos certos para o seu anncio.Compre Agora e Comece a Anunciar do jeito Certo"
Price: 399.99

"Cambridge Exams - Essay Writing" |
"In this course I will be revealing a process of steps to help you to be IN CONTROL of the essay you are writing.The course is split into two sections:Learning the strategies to help you understand essay planning, to take your essays to the next levelBreaking down the exam essay formats into manageable sizesBy the end of this course, you are going to know:How to brainstorm, and use this for Essay PlanningHow to organise and sequence your ideas, and subsequently, how to structure your essayHow to map your Time and Words in an essayWhat style of Essay Planning suits you!The most important thing is that you can understand WHY things are done, WHAT their purpose is, HOW you can use them to your advantage.PDF file:a whole collection of linking words and phrasesstrong adjectives and adverbsmost frequently made mistakes between British English and American EnglishSo, what are you waiting for!Enrol* in the course today!* Enrol = British English, Enroll = American English"
Price: 104.99

musiceat |
Price: 24000.00

"Anlise de regresso em R" |
"Ol!Esse curso foi desenvolvido com o objectivo de fazer a apresentao da metodologia da anlise de regresso linear simples seguindo uma abordagem que englobe exposio oral para a apresentao dos conceitos, suportados por aplicao prtica no R em ambiente de desenvolvimento R Studio. Enfoque ser dado na explicao do outcome das anlises, dessa forma o curso prover ao estudante de capacidade para aplicar a metodologia da anlise de regresso e efectuar a interpretao dos resultados obtidos."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Professional Technical Writer" |
"We have structured a perfect technical writing course only for you.This course will cover everything you need to become a professional technical writer.Introduction to technical writingBasic English knowledgeTerminologies and methodologiesSkills required for a technical writerTools required for a technical writerTechnical writers role in the organizationTechnical writers personalityInterview preparation for technical writers roleCareer goal for a technical writer We have also included the best website links for the technical writer's reference, the best recommendation for the tool, and career advice from experts."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduccin a Enterprise Architect (EAiNTRO)" |
"En este curso te enseamos como usar Enterprise Architect para comprender su entorno, estructuras y cmo hacer un uso eficaz y eficiente de las principales funcionalidades necesarias para gestionar modelos robustos y colaborativos.El curso Introduccin a Enterprise Architect te permitir ganar las siguientes habilidades en el uso de la herramienta:Conocer las caractersticas generales de la herramienta y su entorno de trabajo.Identificar las estructuras bsicas y esenciales de Enterprise Architect.Conocer conceptos bsicos de modelado.Realizar bsquedas y filtros en el modelo.Aplicar aspectos de seguridad en tus repositorios.Configurar las condiciones para el trabajo colaborativo.Generar grficos y reportes bsicos de tus modelos.Si te sientes identificado con algunas de estas frases:Tiene demasiadas funcionalidades, me pierdo, Nunca pude personalizar la herramienta de manera de acotarla slo a lo que necesitaba; hay tantas cajas de herramientas y tantos tipos de diagramas; cmo hacer una estructura de paquetes eficiente?; etc.Entonces este curso es el punto de partida ideal.Dirigido a los analistas, diseadores, arquitectos, desarrolladores, lderes de proyecto y todos los miembros de un equipo de proyecto que quieran dominar una herramienta CASE que les brinde soporte a los planos de software de sus sistemas."
Price: 89.99

"Mastering Tableau Design- The ART of Creating Dashboards" |
"For Tableau Developers, learning how to navigate the tool is the easy part. When it comes to creating your own dashboard, where do you start? How do you organize your data? What are the best charts to use? What is the best way to assemble the charts into a dashboard? What layout containers should you use? And most importantly, how do you make sure your dashboard looks great and performs well for the users?There is an art to creating a great dashboard and often inspiration can come from viewing the work of other Tableau users. Even if the dataset does not apply to your environment, you can reverse engineer great dashboards to fit your requirements. In this course, we will show you how to gain inspiration from expert dashboards you find and then recreate those design concepts on your own dashboard. Taking the best parts of the dashboards you find and still allowing room for your own creative design to meet the needs of your audience. We will cover various chart types and provide design tips throughout the course to make your dashboards stand out visually and increase their performance. "
Price: 79.99

"Aprende grafologia para recursos humanos" |
"Con la grafologia para la seleccin de personal, aprenders a descubrir que dicen las letras y sus formas entre otros rasgos, de la personalidad.Los aspectos bsicos que muestran las diferentes escrituras, nos aportan de los futuros candidatos, situaciones y rasgos ocultos que en una simple entrevista no se podran ver."
Price: 49.99
