"Python Game Development with Pygame Zero: Kids & Beginners" |
"Computer programmers are the unsung heroes of the modern world. From smartphones to laptops, traffic systems to bank cards, their hard work touches almost every aspect of our lives. Behind each technological advance is a team of creative coders.Over the past 30 years, computer games have become one of the most exciting and popular areas of the entertainment industry to work in. Becoming a game programmer takes creative talent to help to create the story, graphics, music, and characters you need for your games, and the technical know-how brings them to life. Who knows? This course could be the very first step on your journey from gamer to game maker.This course uses a programming language call Python, a fairly simple text-based language, and is perfect for kids and beginners, or as a step up from Scratch. However, unlike Scratch, it is not a purpose-built language to teach coding. Python is the world's fastest-growing programming language and one of the most widely used professional programming languages in the world among software engineers, mathematicians, data analysts, scientists, accountants, and even kids. In fact, it should be the first programming language to learn.The best way to learn any new language is to get stuck in, and programming languages are no different. Building your own computer games is a fun and immersive way to combine theory and practice. This course is divided into thirteen classes, starting from the basics of Python to building complex games that are enjoyable to learn, and fun to play. In this course, we will use Pygame Zero, a Python library built around the famous and long-lived Python game engine, Pygame for all our game projects. Pygame Zero takes away the complicated interface required by Pygame so that I could focus on the teaching and you could focus on the learning of the gist of Python programming.In total, we will build eleven games in this course, and each of them is treated as a separate game project and is designed in such a way that you will be able to apply and practice the programming concepts and ideas that you have learned in the previous projects into the current one, plus the new techniques in the current project to bring your skills to the next level. So, by the end of this course, you should be able to master the fundamental elements of Python programming.In the last section of the course, there are nine lessons on the introduction to object-oriented programming in Python, the most used programming methodology in the software development world. This section is designed to prepare you for the next level of Python programming.This course will help you start an incredible adventure into the world of programming. Most importantly, have fun while learning, once you have completed the games, you can show them off to your friends and I hope you enjoy playing them as much as I enjoyed creating them for you.This course is intended for purchase by adults."
Price: 19.99

"Manejo Efectivo del Tiempo" |
"Este curso de aprendizaje, est orientado a ofrecerte una experiencia de transformacin personal, pues la teora la puedes encontrar en cualquier lugar, lo que aqu se presenta es el resultado de mi experiencia de 15 aos como psicloga, gestora, coach y facilitadora de acompaamientos grupales e individuales en el contexto empresarial para mejorar la utilizacin de nuestro tiempo y ser ms productivos. Espero que disfrutes de estas clases, preparadas especialmente para que tomes lo mejor para ti, para tu familia y para tu equipo de trabajo. Te ofrezco momentos de autoreflexin y autoconocimiento.Este es un curso reflexivo y de prctica, por lo cual de tu nivel de esfuerzo y compromiso, en el desarrollo de los ejercicios propuestos, depender el xito de tus cambios personales, que impactaran en el balance de tu vida familiar y laboral, el disfrutarlo te ayudara a adaptarte de la manera ms efectiva a los cambios del nuevo mundo."
Price: 19.99

"Mandarin Chinese HSK1-Learn Vocabulary through Phrases" |
"You must memorize vocabulary when you take the HSK test, but what if the vocabulary book is too boring? This set of videos is to help you solve the problem of memorizing vocabulary. In the video, teachers will read the syllabus vocabulary with accurate pronunciation. When you memorize words as a piece of a phrase like ""verb + noun"" instead of memorizing word by word, the words will be stored in your memory.In this course, you will be able to efficiently learn 150 words (HSK-1 Syllabus Vocabulary) with a combination of phrases.Learning MethodsIn this course, you will learn 150 words through 15 units. You will learn 10 words in every unit.The learning flow of each unit is as follows:[Step 1] Learn wordsEach flashcard will have a word and a sentence together, and the teacher will read the word first. Every word will have Pinyin and English translation.[Step 2] Memorize the word you learned through a phraseNow, the word you learned in Step 1 will be shown in the form of a phrase.For example, you will memorize the word goxng (happy) and goxng (happy) through the phrase, -jn tin w ti o xn le (I am so happy today). In this way, you can know how to use these words and learn more words with the sentence.By memorizing the words as a phrase, each word will remain in your head.About the Included VocabularyIn this course, you will learn 150 common Chinese words (HSK-1 Syllabus Vocabulary). The included vocabulary is selected by the following standards.(1) All Syllabus Vocabulary from HSK level 1 (2) In addition to the above, vocabulary that is often used in daily lifeNote: If the same word appears with a different meaning or use, it is counted as a different word.Review at Your Own Pace with a PDF TextbookThe course also comes with a textbook in PDF format, so you can review each word and phrase at your own pace.Order of stroke copybooks to practice these charactersEvery chinese caracters has its own stroke, we write chinese caracters according to stroke order. The order of strokes, we call it will make it easier for you to remember how to write a chinese caracter. The course also comes with order of stroke copybooks in PDF format, and you can download them to write the 150 chinese words.We hope this course will help you in studying Mandarin Chinese."
Price: 24.99

Autoconhecimento |
"Curso para desenvolvimento pessoal segmentado em ferramentas e tcnicas que produzem autoconhecimento.Sem estresse, sem medo, sem vergonha, sem dvida, sem insegurana, sem a sensao de no ser suficiente, sem... posso enumerar quantos sem hoje eu vivo sem. Mas essa foi a minha jornada, a sua comea agora e depende de voc o que permitir de luz entrar, garanto 100% que quanto mais a srio e comprometido estiver seus ganhos pessoais sero imensos. O curso traz temas impactantes e profundos, que iram trabalhar de dentro para fora, seus conceitos e verdades absolutas, tudo que voc sente aprisionar seus pensamentos. De nada vale o conhecimento sem ao. Aprender colocar em prtica, aqui o conhecimento s o complemento, a mudana verdadeira se inicia na execuo das ferramentas e na prtica.Nos encontramos na sala de aula."
Price: 54.99

"Industrial Automation from CIM" |
"Industrial Automation is mainly used to increase productivity, provide the optimum cost of operation, improve product quality, reduce routine checks, and raise the level of safety, for increasing flexibility. Therefore, it is increasingly becoming important to get to know the evolution of this technology, its applications, and usage with actual knowledge where one can apply for wide streams of engineering and others.Course Takeaways:Real-Time Project Development Industrial Automation Projects & DocumentationSoftware Training and ProgrammingTechnical GuidanceFor Whom:This Course is for Students who completed School Education and for Industrial Professionals keen to learn about Automation Technologies in Career Development."
Price: 1600.00

"Javascript Certification practice using HTML5 , HTML, CSS3" |
"Better career opportunitiesJavaScript Certification is very helpful to enhance your strengths and to move your career forward.With certification you will confirm and authenticate your professional skills.You have a good argument when you are applying for a better job or better salary.JavaScript is among the most important programming languages that are being used for web development. This is not limited to web development only, this also being used by individuals on the Internet, within a business network and local programming. As your company grows, you look forward to developing more and more business applications. Due to this, a JavaScript specialist plays an important role in your apps development projects. There is a lot of opportunities available for the developers in the market these days. There is a very high demand for highly skilled professionals who can develop JavaScript-based software. This leads to the increased number of JavaScript developers and cut-throat competition between them. To enhance your chances of becoming successful in this very competitive job market you need to upgrade your qualifications and prove your skills. This is the point where JavaScript certification helps you by giving great opportunities on your way to becoming successful. JavaScript certification validates all the skills that an employer looking in you.Here are the benefits of certification:You will be offered a better pay scaleYou will get better career and job opportunities in the leading IT companiesYou will acquire new skills that will help in obtaining a certificate and increase your knowledge and professional skillsYou will get a clear guideline for what to learn, that means you will not get distracted by thousands of things, making your learning effectiveCareer prospects after getting the JavaScript certification:Web DesignerWeb developerUI/UX DesignerSoftware developerFull-stack developerApplication programmerWe have given you an overview of what JavaScript certification and its benefits. Next is preparing for the JavaScript certification exam. You will require a guidance for that as the JavaScript specialist certification requires work experience with the same language. uCertify brings you a comprehensive JavaScript Specialist v2.0 course. The cert guide provides you knowledge about the basic and advanced concepts of the programming language. It helps you in developing a strong foundation. The study guide helps you pass the cert-exam in your first attempt."
Price: 54.99

"Java Oracle Certification : OCP (1Z0-809) Exam Programmer II" |
"The Oracle Java Programmer certification certifies programmers on skills and knowledge related to the Java Programming language. When you become certified, Oracle verifies that you have a base set of knowledge and skills that enables you to develop software using Java.The certification is a good benchmark of knowledge and expertise. What better way to show your Java skills that having them validated by the company which develops the Java language itself?There are two levels for the Oracle Java Programmer certification:Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) builds upon the fundamental OCA skills and demonstrates a high level of knowledge and skills. It deals with more advanced topics like design patterns, generics, File I/O (NIO.2), JDBC, threads and concurrency. While you can get the OCA even having little or no previous experience working with Java, in my opinion getting the OCP needs to be backed up by some hands-on experience.You can think of a Java Certification as a way to invest in your career and to help boost its potential."
Price: 109.99

"Coohom for Interior Designers Advanced Office Space" |
"In this course Students will learn how to work with Coohom software in the creation of an office space.At the end of the course the Student will be able to create layout, renderings and 360 panoramic view ready to present to clients or colegues.The course if focus on the creation of office spaces but the fundamental comcepts can be applied to other disciplines such as retail or residential design."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Market Color Lamp in Python" |
"This quick-fun course will allow you to build a lamp that changes its color based on the market prices of your selected stocks. Impress friends and visitor with this super cool project and learn how to use the basics of a financial library for Python. The code is simple and intuitive and can run as a service and send the color change to the lamp. Track your stocks and never misses a drop in price again."
Price: 19.99

"Negcios Na Prtica" |
"O Treinamento Negcios Na Prtica mostra de forma clara a maneira certa como uma empresa deve ser estruturada e deve funcionar, mostrando no apenas a teoria, mas na prtica a constituio de uma empresa, e tambm na prtica como outras empresas foram criadas e montadas, explicando os aspectos do negcio que devem sempre ser cuidados para construir uma empresa slida.Neste Treinamento voc vai:Adquirir ideias de negcios para voc para comear sua prpria empresa.Receber o passo a passo para abrir uma empresa com o menor investimento possvel.Aprender a elaborar um Plano de Negcios perfeito para conseguir investidores.Economizar MUITO dinheiro evitando erros que muitos empresrios cometem ao abrir suas empresas.Ter suporte total em qualquer dvida que tiver, no importando a dvida, todas perguntas so validas.Ter acesso ao melhor treinamento do mercado e que comprovadamente funciona para qualquer tipo de negcio.Ter uma comunidade de empresrios que j passaram pelas mesmas dificuldades que voc, pessoas simples que estruturaram negcios extraordinrios.Aprender com a METODOLOGIA MAIS UTILIZADA NO MUNDO e que comprovadamente reduz a taxa de mortalidade de qualquer empresa.Ser capaz de FATURAR MAIS logo nas primeiras semanas atravs das mesmas ferramentas utilizadas pelas maiores empresas do mundo.Perceber o MUNDO EMPRESARIAL de uma maneira diferente, e entender o que separa as empresas bem sucedidas das que lutam para se manterem abertas."
Price: 189.99

"Chega de Timidez!" |
"Ol! Voc vai descobrir aqui que deixar de ser tmido fcil, desde que se use as ferramentas certas. O diferencial desse curso a utilizao de reprogramao mental para limpar todos os bloqueadores que faz voc permanecer em antigos padres lhe impedindo de agir e ser a pessoa autoconfiante que voc sempre quis. Alm de que ter um grupo especialmente com o intuito de o ajudar a evoluir ainda mais, com pessoas que tm o mesmo objetivo que voc. Se encontramos daqui a pouco, espero voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Mejora continua en las organizaciones usando Lean Six Sigma" |
"Los ""Belt"" en Lean Six Sigma, son el corazn de un buen desarrollo de la metodologa. Por ende, el objetivo de este entrenamiento es proveerle al estudiante un abordaje sistemtico del entendimiento de las etapas de resolucin de problemas basados en el ciclo DMAIC.Empezaremos por la historia, ya que hablamos de dos metodologas que nacieron en industrias diferentes, en momentos diferentes del tiempo, bajo necesidades diferentes que luego se unieron para crear una super metodologa. Luego abordaremos los conceptos bsicos de cada una de ellas y cerraremos con el uso del ciclo DMAIC as como los niveles de competencia."
Price: 19.99

"Making Animated Movies" |
"This course is aimed at those with a passion for animation and an interest in making animated movies. This course looks into: the core principles of storytelling, how lighting and music can help you to tell your story, and the various challenges of learning to make animated movies, and the challenges that come with producing animated movies.This course also provides a brief, but not exhaustive guide to promoting your work, and what to expect while you're promoting your work.Finally the course looks into what's involved in working in this industry, whether you're talking about setting up your own company, or working for an existing company."
Price: 19.99

"55 Key Poses of Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga" |
"Join our faculty members, Juan Villegas( ERYT500) and Mark Atherton (ERYT500) as they guide your through this comprehensive Asana program. It will help you refine, support, and build your yoga practice. Learn how to do ~ and teach ~ each pose, using clear step-by-step instructions, while providing contraindications and making the postures accessible for everyone, with modifications and variations.The 55 Key Poses of Yoga is a great refresher and a fabulous primer. In our high quality video tutorials, our teachers go into each of the postures in great depth, offering: multiple modifications and variations muscles involved in the shape which conditions and injuries might make the pose inappropriate for practiceThis program gives you the knowledge and guidance you need to teach these essential postures with confidence and ease.It qualifies for 40 CE Credits with Yoga Alliance. Upon completion, you will need to provide us with your full name and email to provide you with the certification that Yoga Alliance will approve for CE credits under our Registered Yoga School, Your Yoga Flow."
Price: 74.99

"Huerto Orgnico en casa" |
"En este curso aprenders desde cmo montar tu huerto en casa, qu contenedores debes de utilizar, a germinar, trasplantar, a conocer las necesidades de tus cultivos y cmo atacar plagas y enfermedades que puedan afectarlos. Mi manera de ensearte es sencilla, prctica y accesible, por lo que cualquier persona puede tomar ste curso."
Price: 270.00

"How to Make Wordpress Website load faster and rank higher." |
"About this Class.Why Speeding up your site is important?Does your website take a while to load?Do you get a lot of traffic but ranks low?Are your visitors clicking off of your site without reading your content?A slow page is nothing to brag about. It can affect your overall user experience as well how your web page ranks on Google for SEO. Thankfully I can ensure that your website is optimized to spring instead of crawl after this class.What will you get after the optimization:An optimized site with caching, database optimization, and reduce page size/page load time.Reports of before & after of GTMetrix & PageSpeed Insights.Everything improves when your site loads faster.Google ranks you higher.Users are happier.Bounce rates decrease.Conversion rates increase.You make more money.if it takes more than 3 to 4 seconds* to load, most people are gone, lost before you even had a chance."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Ilustrador CC nivel bsico - desde cero" |
"ste curso est diseado para personas que desean aprender las herramientas bsicas del programa Adobe Ilustrador CC, un programa muy potente al momento de realizar grficos vectoriales para diversos usos, desde el mundo del diseo grfico aplicado a la publicidad, hasta la realizacin de diapositivas interesantes con los que puedes exponer tus ideas en una clase independiente t de la disciplina, Adobe Ilustrador es un programa multifactico, por que puedes adaptarlo a cualquier campo acadmico en el cual desarrollars contenido grfico interesante y podrs mejorar las presentaciones de todos tus trabajos o si bien, en niveles mas avanzados puedes aprender ilustracin digital, desarrollo de artes digitales y comics."
Price: 19.99

"Antibiotics Masterclass: Comprehensive Course Of Antibiotics" |
"Over 90 years ago with the discovery of the first effective and safe antibiotic, everyone expected life is going to be easier, the microbes that once used to threaten us, Cause us lifelong terrible injuries and take the lives of the people we love are finally becoming simply beatable. So Antibiotics indeed saved our lives big time, But our enemies were not any less of smart, they fought us back and didnt just surrender, and honestly thanks to us, weve helped.The unwise & Unjustifiable use of antibiotics together with the rapid continues genetic mutations bacteria undergoes have led to evolution of resistant strains that continues to Mercilessly destroy our bodies.Every year, more & more reported cases of infections caused by bacteria found to be resistant to every antibiotic we know are growing everywhere in the world. And more over, no new antibiotics are being developed, The growing question now is: are we heading for a post antibiotics era where common infections and minor injuries that have been treatable for decades are going kill us again?Thats exactly why this course is being published, I believe more health care professionals have to have a solid understanding of Antibiotics, their chemistry and pharmacology, uses, side effects, and wise treatment regimens for different infections and conditions."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo Excel, Power BI, Python - Todo en Uno" |
"A travs de ejemplos prcticos aprenders todas las funcionalidades de Excel, Power BI y Python desde las ms bsicas como formatos hasta las ms avanzadas como el uso de formulas, tablas dinmicas, grficos, paneles de control, clculos en Excel, tambin revisaremos modelo de datos, visualizacin de datos y dashboards en Power BI y desarrollos de Scripts, programas y APIs REST en Python.En poco ms de 10 horas vers como tu nivel de Excel, Power BI y Python mejora de forma espectacular y aprenders a ser ms productivo utilizando este grupo de softwares lideres en el mercado todo en uno.En este curso tambin encontrars como anexos los ejercicios de los vdeos para que puedas probar por tu cuenta y pongas en prctica lo aprendido.Hemos complementado el curso con ejemplos avanzados del nuevo modelo de datos de Excel, centrndonos en el desarrollo de Power BI con bases de datos relacionales y Python con scripts para generacin de formatos JSON y programas para desarrollar API REST con MySQL."
Price: 19.99

"C# Adm Adm Katmanl Mimari: OOP,EntityFramework,WinForms" |
"Bu kursta size sfrdan balayarak katmanl mimariyi anlatacam, katmanl mimari uanda birok yazlm projesinde kullanlmaktadr. Bu kursta ayrca nesneye ynelik programlama bilginizi de gelitirmi olacaksnz. Katmanl mimariyle ilgili temel konular anlattm. Katmanl mimari nedir? Ne iin Kullanlr? Nerede Kullanlr? Bu sorularn hepsinin yantn bu kursta verdim. Kursta katmanl mimari ile ilgili bilgileri rendikten sonra rnek bir proje hazrlyoruz. Bu proje ile katmanl mimariyi uygulayacak ve daha iyi bir ekilde anlam olacaksnz. Katmanl mimari ve OOP bir arada bir kurs sundum. C# bilginizi de ezber yapmadan iyi bir ekilde gelitireceinize inanyorum."
Price: 49.99

"In this course, you will cover the most latest questions of the CGSS (Certified Global Sanctions Specialist) examination. We have created the practice exam course in a way to cater all your need to achieve success in the exam. The Chapter-wise MCQs will help you to test your knowledge & progress and ensure that you won't move forward until you have understood all the key topics."
Price: 39.99

"CBDH (BTA Certified Block-chain Developer Hyperledger) EXAM" |
"In this course, you will cover the most latest questions of the CBDH (BTA Certified Block-chain Developer Hyperledger) examination. We have created the practice exam course in a way to cater all your need to achieve success in the exam. The Chapter-wise MCQs will help you to test your knowledge & progress and ensure that you won't move forward until you have understood all the key topics."
Price: 19.99

"Clean Code na Prtica (Cdigo Limpo)" |
"Esta curso apresenta o contedo do livro ""Clean Code"" a partir de exemplos prticos em cdigos Java e Kotlin de forma a mostrar como os conceitos podem ser aplicados em um software. Se voc j sabe a sintaxe de uma linguagem, talves seja a hora de realmente aprender a desenvolver, pois qualquer um pode fazer um cdigo que o computador entenda, mas difcil faezr um cdigo que seres humanos entendam."
Price: 39.99

rqdnnilx |
Price: 6000.00

"PMI-ACP Exam Preparation 2020" |
"This course is a Full Preparation for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) with details Explanation (Latest Version).Agile is a topic of growing importance in project management.The marketplace reflects this importance, as project management practitioners increasingly embrace agile as a technique for managing successful projects. The PMI-ACP certification recognizes an individuals expertise in using agile practices in their projects, while demonstrating their increased professional versatility through agile tools and techniques. In addition, the PMI-ACP certification carries a higher level of professional credibility as it requires a combination of agile training, experience working on agile projects, and examination on agile principles, practices, tools, and techniques.This global certification also supports individuals in meeting the needs of organizations that rely on project practitioners to apply a diversity of methods to their project management.The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. It will make you shine even brighter to your employers, stakeholders and peers.The PMI-ACP is the fastest growing certification, and its no wonder. Organizations that are highly agile and responsive to market dynamics complete more of their projects successfully than their slower-moving counterparts 75 percent versus 56 percent as shown in the PMI Pulse of the Profession report.The PMI-ACP spans many approaches to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD.) So it will increase your versatility, wherever your projects may take you.Gain and Maintain Your PMI-ACPThe certification exam has 120 multiple-choice questions and you have three hours to complete it. The PMI-ACP examination will consist of 100 scored items and 20 unscored (pre-test) items. The unscored items will not be identified and will be randomly distributed throughout the exam.Who Should Apply?If you work on agile teams or if your organization is adopting agile practices, the PMI-ACP is a good choice for you. Compared with other agile certifications based solely on training and exams, the PMI-ACP is evidence of your real-world, hands-on experience and skill.Prerequisites:2,000 hours of general project experience working on teams.1,500 hours working on agile project teams or with agile methodologies. This requirement is in addition to the 2,000 hours of general project experience.21 contact hours of training in agile practices.Who this course is for:Students who wants to pass their PMI-ACP Exam from the first try.People who works on agile teams or if their organization is adopting agile practices.people who are interested in entering the field of project management.Engineers.Business Development Managers.Project managers responsible for all aspects of leading, project delivery and directing teams and needs to qualify for the PMP examination.All people interested in project management Knowledge and International Certification.The allocation of questions will be as follows:Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset (16%)Domain II. Value-driven Delivery (20%) Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement (17%)Domain IV. Team Performance (16%)Domain V. Adaptive Planning (12%)Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution (10%)Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) (9%)Have a great preparation!"
Price: 79.99

"Core Happiness Course Level-1" |
"Core Happiness Course level-1 gives you the outline and concept to achieve freedom from mind made self generated suffering and misery scientifically step by step in just 1hr43mins both on conceptual level and eventually on experiential level. Most of the personal development just give conceptual knowledge which works only on psychological level and vanishes after some time ,core happiness course is the perfect blend of concepts and experience at level-1 and level-2 respectively."
Price: 199.99

"Core Happiness Course , Level-2" |
"Core Happiness Course Level-2 gives you an experiential wisdom scientifically and step by step to achieve freedom from mind made self inflicted suffering and misery . Core Happiness course Level-1 was all about setting up an environment and giving you an outline introducing you with all the relevant concepts required to go through the course whereas Level -2 is all about experiential on an advanced stage. Going through the course with absolute love and sincerity has a potential to turnaround everything for you."
Price: 199.99

"Animate a Professional Looking Walk in Autodesk Maya" |
"Walks are the base of human locomotion, and the foundation for advanced animation. Mastering walk cycles in 3D animation gives you the confidence and skills to control your human characters in more articulated acted scenes.Learn professional 3D animation workflows while animating a high quality female walk. You only need a trial copy of Maya!At the end of this course you will be able to confidently animate walk cycles, interpret reference footage for animation, and adopt the same techniques professionals employ to produce industry standard animations.You will learn about:Working with video referencesIdentifying and designing the key poses of a walkTroubleshooting posingMirroring poses both manually and employing easy to use custom toolsUnderstanding weight shifts in locomotionControlling the strideFixing sliding feetSetting up priorities for spliningAnimation splining and polishing workflowsWorking with animation layers to add details and variationsFixing knee pops and intersectionsMaking the character move through spaceThe course will employ industry standard software Autodesk Maya, but the same workflows can be applied to any 3D package.Check out the course preview!"
Price: 24.99

"Anatomia Cardiovascular" |
"O mundo evoluiu bastante, e hoje em dia conseguimos ver o corao perfeitamente atravs de exames. Mas o qu adianta ver sem conhecer a anatomia cardiovascular?Entenda como se estrutura o funcionamento do corao, suas cmaras, valvas, vascularizao e inervao. Com nossas videoaulas recheadas de casos reais e imagens de exames, voc certamente vai acabar dominando o assunto. Quer saber mais sobre a Anatomia do Sistema Cardiovascular? Vem com a gente! Vista seu Jaleko. O curso apresentado por Dr. Marco Aurlio R F Passos e por Dr Lucas Cottini. Dr. Marco Aurlio R F PassosProfessor e Chefe do Departamento de Anatomia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.Graduao em Medicina pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJMestrado em Anatomia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro- UFRJDoutorado em Cincias pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJRevisor tcnico dos seguintes livros:Kapandji - Anatomia Funcional e Fisiologia Articular - Volumes 1, 2 e 3 - 4a edio Sobotta - Atlas de Anatomia Humana - 24a edio Prometheus - Atlas de Anatomia - 4a edioMoore - Anatomia Orientada para a clnica - 5a, 6a, 7a e 8a edio Gilroy - Atlas de Anatomia - 3a edioTortora - Princpios de Anatomia Humana -12a edioDugani - Anatomia Clnica Integrada ao Exame Clnico e Tcnicas de Imagem - 1a edioTortora - Princpios de Anatomia e Fisiologia - 14a edio.Dr Lucas CottiniProfessor e Curador do grupo Jaleko. Graduao em medicina pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ( UFRJ)Residncia em Anestesiologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)Especilaista titulado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia (SBA).Aperfeioamento em Anesthsiologie em Chirurgie digestive/ ambulatoire no Hpital Saint Antoine, Paris, Frana."
Price: 159.99

"Oratria - Perca o medo e se d bem em apresentaes!" |
"Voc fica desesperado quando chamado na frente de uma sala cheia? Morre de medo de falar em pblico?Ento vem com a gente, no curso de oratria do Jaleko. O Dr. Felipe Barreto vai te ensinar a controlar seus medos, criar e dar uma palestra ou aula acima da mdia! Alm disso, temos vrias dicas de como deixar seus textos, palestras e aulas muito mais impactantes. Este e outros cursos esto tambm disponveis na plataforma oficial do Jaleko. Esse curso apresentado por:Felipe BarretoGraduao em Medicina pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro- Ultrassonografista pela Escola de Ultrassonografia do Rio de Janeiro- Advanced Teaching Skills for Medical Teachers pela Harvard Medical School- Healthcare Communication Course pela Academy of Communication in Healthcare."
Price: 189.99

"Aprenda tudo sobre o novo Coronavrus (COVID-19)" |
"Domine o coronavrus com esse curso exclusivo do Jaleko! Videoaulas, casos clnicos e resumos com tudo para voc, estudante e profissionais da sade, saberem lidar com diagnstico e tratamento desta doena que desde causa desde um resfriado comum, a doenas de maior gravidade como a Sndrome Respiratria Aguda Grave (SARS-CoV). Assista outros cursos no site oficial da plataforma.Este curso apresentado por:Felipe de Andrade MagalhesProfessor e Coordenador das disciplinas de Medicina Interna do JALEKO.Graduao em Medicina pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).Residncia em Clnica Mdica no Hospital Adventista Silvestre (HAS).Residncia em Nefrologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).Mdico Nefrologista do Hospital Federal da Lagoa e da Rien Servios Mdicos.Coordenador da Residncia em Clnica Mdica do Hospital Federal da Lagoa.Preceptor do Internato em Clnica Mdica da Universidade Estcio de S.Kelly MontesoGraduao em Medicina pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) Residncia Mdica em Pediatria pela Universidade Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) Hematologista Peditrica pelo Instituto Nacional do Cancer (INCA)Lucas R. CamposGraduado em Medicina pela Universidade Estcio de S - UNESAEspecializao em Clnica Mdica - UNIRIOPlantonista em centro de Hemoterapia - Hematologistas Associados Membro oficial do ToastMasters - Oratria & LideranaProfessor de neurossemiologia e clnica mdica - JalekoCoordenador de novos projetos - JalekoNathalia FortinsGraduao em Medicina pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Terapia Intensiva pelo Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein"
Price: 159.99
