"React and Redux for Absolute Beginners" |
"This course wastes no time diving right into interesting topics, and teaches you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components and structure applications with Redux.Mastering React and Redux can get you a position in web development or help you build that personal project you've been dreaming of. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, especially with the release of Redux and ReactNative."
Price: 99.99

"The Power of Focus : Mastery Course" |
"We live in a wonderful time where all the worlds knowledge and entertainment can be accessed with a tap on the phone. While this is great for us, it is causing damage to our ability to concentrate. You see, distraction and concentration are like two ends of a seesaw. Too much of one will affect the other. Here's an analogy I like about our attention. Try to imagine rays of sunlight on a clear day. These rays spread out in all directions. They have the energy to warm your skin and leave you with a nice tan. But take a magnifying glass and see what happens. These rays of sunlight are concentrated and focused into a beam on one spot, giving the beam enough energy to burn through leaf, paper, or even wood!And so it is with your attention.Concentrating and focusing your attention on the task at hand is the key to burning through your goals.The best thing is it's EASY to do and will skyrocket your productivity levels.Here's What I'll Be Sharing With You Exclusively:How To Get Into, And Stay, In A Focused State Of MindHow A Focused Mind Can Help You Solve Problems And Make Decisions Easily By Tapping Into Your IntuitionHow To Differentiate Between Actions That Move You Forward And Time WastersSimple Exercises For Training Your Concentration AnywhereHow Highly Successful People Like Elon Musk Use This State Of Mind And How You Can Do Them Too ...And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!To sum it up, you will:Triple Your Productivity LevelsUnderstand How To Learn Something DeeplyTake Total Control Of Your Time And How You Spend ItRemove Procrastination From Your Life....And that's just the tip of the iceberg!The benefits of concentration grows as you practice it more and more!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn To Master Mindful Meditation" |
"Discover Ancient And Proven Methods To Triple Your Productivity, Vitality & Finally Experience True JoyHey there,You and I have tens of thousands of thoughts a day, of which 98% of thoughts are the same as yesterday and 70% of them are negative thinking.Which means, most of us live our day to day taking down to ourselves! We abuse ourselves with negative thoughts that not only limit our growth in life but also damage our body. When I found out about this fact, I decided to turn my mind from an enemy into a friend. I promised myself that I would never let my mind put down my ambitions, goals, and dreams. Instead, my mind will be the supportive friend that guides me towards those desires. Thats when I started to life coach and improve my relationship with myself and discovered mindful meditation.Heres What Ill Be Sharing With You Exclusively:How mindful meditation can improve your relationships by dissolving negative emotions that are keeping you downHow successful multi-millionaires use mindful meditation as a weapon for success.The meditation technique that will make you joyful just to be alive... and so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!To sum it up, you will:Develop deeper focus and better-thinking abilitiesUnderstand what is keeping you from your goals and overcome themBecome a loving person that everyone enjoys being aroundLive the life youve been dreaming ofManage self-doubt, fears, and anxietiesAnd thats just the tip of the iceberg!You will feel the changes in a day, in your body in a few weeks, and become a completely new person in a month!Mindful meditations effects grow more and more powerful the longer you do it."
Price: 24.99

"Madhubani Painting Beginners Guide : Indian Traditional Art" |
"I'm thrilled to have you are here, Welcome to Folk art Madhubani tutorial.Do you want to learn about a different country's folk art illustration? Do you struggle with painting a variety of folk arts ? Do you want to save folk arts from dying as fewer artists are nowadays doing this?If you agree with all the above this class is for you.In this Beginner level of madhubani painting you will learn the basics of madhubani painting step by step. You will be learning how to paint some beautiful madhubani painting Folk art with the help of watercolors. This is a watercolor based painting.You shall explore a beautiful world of folk illustration with the help of watercolor with me in this class. If you are interested in learning, come join with me in my class. This class is structured for the beginner level.See you in my class.Cheers,Nabojit KarMusic courtesy: Fing Beats"
Price: 19.99

"Marine Short Range Certification Workbook Prep." |
"This course has been designed to prepare you prior to attending a Marine VHF SRC course. The Workbook Prep. includes 5 Chapters each specific to the content of the course itself and is presented via a pre-recorded video by a Facilitator, giving you step by step guidance throughout. You can download each chapter in the applicable resources section so that you can follow through with the presentation and make notes for further study and reference purposes as deemed necessary. Enjoy this specially developed Workbook Prep. "
Price: 19.99

"Seja um Livre-Pensador no YogaMeditao" |
"Buscar definir o Yoga sempre foi uma tarefa difcil. As experincias advindas de suas prticas fundamentam, entretanto, a convico de seus praticantes que o Yoga promove transformaes comportamentais e, por isso, sociais e no esprito tambm. Com a crescente racionalizao do mundo, o Yoga antes apenas circunscrito aos ditames religiosos doutrinrios dos indianos hindustas (convenhamos, uma parcela bem restrita do mundo antes de 1900), ganha a sua fora globalizante. Essa mudana de um Yoga indiano e hindusta para um Yoga global e plural, exigiu mudanas em sua estrutura tanto filosficas, quanto sociais, polticas e, obviamente, religiosas/espirituais. O Yoga, no obstante, ainda promove novas experincias, cria inmeras novas expresses corporais e mentais, alavanca novos lderes e grupos que afirmam representa-lo modernamente (por serem ancestrais). No incomum, neste novo cenrio acelerado de informaes e consumista em que vivemos, algum pular etapas para alcanar (rpido) sua meta. Isso tem ocorrido no mundo yoguico moderno. Ningum se permite o tempo necessrio para ruminar os efeitos da experimentao do Yoga/Meditao em si. Com isso, quem nunca praticou yoga/meditao se torna professor em 3, 5, 8 meses! Este curso se prope a formar praticantes de yoga/meditao e no a capacitar profissionais do yoga/meditao. Entendemos que o encontro do Yoga com a Cincia e outras formas de conhecer, sobretudo dos filsofos ocidentais, no o desencantam no entanto, mas legitimam muitas vezes suas (e infinitas novas) narrativas yoguicas/meditativas na compondo outros corpos/mentes yoguicas como expresso espiritual mundial e no mais apenas nos corpos/mentes indianas. Ao mesmo tempo, o yoga/meditao, como no poderia ser o contrrio, vem sendo anexado/bricolado suas tcnicas corporais/mentais em laboratrios acadmicos das mais renomadas universidades do mundo, mas tambm, nas escrivaninhas de muitos pensadores. Desses inusitados encontros, compreender o yoga/meditao exigem um tempo indispensvel de maturao, de estudo, vivncia para 2 que a sua compreenso (sempre corprea/fisiolgica) se apresente em dialtica com o ser e o (seu) mundo. Convido voc ento, a se aventurar neste curso/seminrios indito e se apaixonar pelo yoga por um prisma novo, mas sem desrespeitar ao antigo. Na verdade, respeitando a essncia do yoga: o equilbrio entre foras que te alegram e os inevitveis encontros de corpos que lhe entristecem, em busca da liberdade do equilbrio que nunca se estabelece sem o olhar atento ao nico mundo/realidade que existe: o aqui e o agora..A seguinte tabela antecipa a descrio detalhada de cada uma das unidades curriculares do curso.[Filosofia]Aula 1: Narrativas de Realidade: Dualismo;Aula 2: Narrativas de Realidade: Monismo (parte 1);Aula 3: Narrativas de Realidade: Monismo (parte 2);Aula 4: Construes sociais da realidade;Aula 5: Processos Sociais Repressivos;Aula 6: Sociedade Capitalista e o Yoga;Aula 7: Corpo (parte 1);Aula 8: Corpo (parte 2);Aula 9: Desejo em Yogi(ni)s No-Duais (monistas ou ""nmades"");Aula 10: A noo do Corpo sem rgos;Aula11: Formas de conhecimento: Instinto, Inteligncia e Intuio;Aula 12: Yogi(ni) Anti-Plenitude;Aula 13: Formas de Viver: Camelo, Leo e Criana; Aula14: No caminho do Criador ou Como retomar o processo criativo de nossas vidas"
Price: 39.99

"Croquizado 2D y modelado 3D con SolidWorks!" |
"Este curso NO es para aquellos que buscan una descripcin larga y aburrida sobre las caractersticas de SolidWorks. En su lugar, aprenders de la forma que ha demostrado obtener buenos resultados; aprender haciendo. En este contexto, este es un curso totalmente prctico que te permitir aprender las funciones esenciales de SolidWorks mediante la construccin de 5 dibujos 2D y 10 objetos en 3D, ms un pequeo extra sobre configuraciones ... sin mencionar que cada ejercicio estar acompaado por una actividad extraclase (tarea) para que puedas reforzar los conocimientos que haz adquirido en tu da a da. Con esto en mente, el desarrollo del curso ser en dos partes:1er. Parte: Croquizado 2DEn la primer parte del curso te familiarizars con ciertas herramientas de croquizado que dispone SolidWorks para generar dibujos 2D. Asimismo, explorars diversas formas para definir tu dibujo. Es decir, llevar a cabo la correcta asignacin de acotaciones y relaciones geomtricas para mantener un alto grado de control sobre todos los elementos geomtricos que constituyen tu dibujo 2D.2da. Parte: Modelado 3DEn la segunda parte del curso te familiarizars con diversas operaciones que dispone SolidWorks para obtener formas 3D. Asimismo, se revisar, de forma breve en cada ejercicio, los planos de detalle con la finalidad de definir estrategias para el modelado del componente en cuestin. Es importante sealar que existen diversos cursos de accin para llegar al resultado final, sin embargo, nos enfocaremos en la trayectoria ms gil y adecuada para el componente que se este modelando.Importante: Este curso se encuentra estructurado para que puedas explorar diferentes funciones de SolidWorks de tal manera que adquieras las competencias y conocimientos necesarios para manipular dicha herramienta computacional en cualquier circunstancia."
Price: 64.99

"Formatao de Desktop e Notebook Pessoal" |
"Esquea os mtodos complicados de formatao e vem conosco, seja voc de qualquer idade, adolescente, jovem, adulto ou idoso no importa!Didtica simples como piscar os olhos. Mas que pode lhe trazer uma renda extra a cada ms j imaginou formatar computadores e ter clientes viciados em seu servio e voc lucrar sempre prestando seu servio?Curso rpido que abrange o necessrio para formatao de computadores pessoais. Preo acessvel. Didtica de fcil compreenso. Investimento com retorno se aplicado como negcio."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Ventosaterapia completo" |
"Com o crescente interesse dos profissionais de sade na tcnica de ventosaterapia e a dificuldade de disponibilidade de tempo e deslocamento para a realizao do curso presencial, elaborei esse curso especialmente pra voc que deseja se aprender sem sair de casa.O curso online de ventosaterapia tem como objetivo demonstrar de maneira prtica e segura a utilizao da tcnica de ventosaterapia nas vrias regies do corpo."
Price: 39.99

"CCNP Switching (300-115) Cert Prep - 1 Layer 2 Technologies" |
"Welcome to CCNP Routing Switching 300-115 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks Exam Simulation Questions course.In this course you will test your knowledge of CCNP Routing Switching exam topics, Route and important and useful subjects for your profession.You want to see whether you are ready for your exam or not without paying too much for a repeat exam. You want to pass CCNP Routing Switching for the first time or you failed and now you want to pass it this time, this course will create the difference between your passing and failing on your next attempt. I wish you the best and want you to join me through different tests to challenge you."
Price: 119.99

"Learn CCNA Cert Prep - ICND2" |
"This course helps you prepare for the exam and gain the confidence to pass the exam!There are many topologies and many labs in this course!Networks are all around us and you are using one right now to access this course.Imagine for a moment, how different your life would be without access to Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Whatsapp or any of the other websites on the Internet? How would you live with no Internet?The Internet is extremely important in modern life today and all websites and Internet communication relies on networking. This reliance is only predicted to continue with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years.Without routers, switches, network cabling and protocols like BGP there would be no Internet!This course will teach you how networks actually work and how you are able to connect to websites like Facebook, Google, and YouTube.Companies throughout the world (from the smallest to the largest) rely on networks designed, installed and maintained by networking engineers. Join this in demand industry!Start your journey today learning about networking."
Price: 99.99

"Learn CCNP Routing (300-101) Cert Prep : The Complete Course" |
"The CCNP Route 300-101 certification is the next step in your professional Cisco Career.When you complete this course you should be well prepared to take your certification exam and begin to join the professional world of Cisco Systems.This certification is but one of three needed to obtain the highly sought after CCNP Routing & Switching cert. Not only will this be a mile stone in your IT career but it is also sought after by companies around the world that require a higher level of routing; the Professional Level.DISCLAIMER: Please note that the simulators/emulators used in this course are not part of the course. It is the students responsibility to have these to practice with. The Cisco Packet Tracer and/or VIRAL (Virtual Internet Routing Lab) are Cisco proprietary software and can only be obtained through Cisco. It is up to each student to obtain the simulator/emulator or live equipment of their choice to study along with this course.This course will teach you the advance topics needed for IP's among many others.How to configure Security using Time Based Access-list, Infrastructure Access-lists and IPsec.You will learn how to filter routes, create prefix lists and so much more.This course will give the knowledge required, no only to pass the CCNP Route exam, but it will give guidance in real world scenarios as well."
Price: 114.99

"Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced" |
"Is it accurate to say that you are keen on CCNA accreditation? On the off chance that indeed, at that point this is the ideal course for you. Here you get all the fundamental to propel ideas of Networking. What's more, toward the part of the arrangement you get enough certainty to clear CCNA 200-125 Exam. Here we clear every one of the points well ordered. In the event that you don't have any past learning in systems administration that is totally OK.In this Course Ms. Pinki Chavra Teach you CCNA Course Step by step. She has 12+ Years of involvement in Computer Network.The substance are completely invigorated and we include and update new video content every single week.In this course you get hands on understanding on, for example, VLAN's, VTP, STP, PortFast, EtherChannel, Inter-VLAN and so on. We talk about a ton of Key subject of systems administration like IPv4, IPv6 and so forth.On the off chance that you are a freshers or have some understanding yet need to fabricate your bearer in the field of Networking then this is the ideal course for you !"
Price: 124.99

"The Complete Networking Foundations- Network Media (WANs)" |
"Welcome to the Complete Network Fundamentals Course! In this course, you will learn the technologies that keep the world as you know today connected and running. We cover both the fundamentals of networking as well as the topics in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam.Networks are all around us and you are using one right now to access this course.Imagine for a moment, how different your life would be without access to Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Whatsapp or any of the other websites on the Internet? How would you live with no Internet?The Internet is extremely important in modern life today and all websites and Internet communication relies on networking. This reliance is only predicted to continue with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years.Without routers, switches, network cabling and protocols like BGP there would be no Internet!This course will teach you how networks actually work and how you are able to connect to websites like Facebook, Google, and YouTube.Companies throughout the world (from the smallest to the largest) rely on networks designed, installed and maintained by networking engineers. Join this in demand industry!Start your journey today learning about networking.Content in this course can be used towards your CCNA. Topics such as IP addressing, subnetting and many others can be applied directly to passing your CCNA certification."
Price: 74.99

"c#programming fundementals part1" |
" inheritance,polymorphism composition,encapsulation public,private,protected"
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a 6 Figure Freelancer on Upwork" |
"Watch the promo video to see How to Become a 6 Figure Freelancer on Upwork! Key Pro Tips for Writing Winning Proposals That Will Get You Clients! How to Reach Top Search Results On Upwork With Your Profile Even If Youre New to Upwork!Then this course is for you! Click ""Take This Course Now"" For Instant Life-Time Access!Hi, my name is Brian Roisentul and I will take your Freelancing Knowledge and understanding to a whole new level though a series of video tutorial lectures.Students that take and complete the course will learn how to get started in, and become very successful freelancing.Here is what you will learn throughout our entire course:What its like to be a successful freelancer on UpworkYour ProfileKey Success FactorsFinding Your First JobsWriting Winning ProposalsPicking the Right JobsJobs to AvoidProposalsFirst MeetingPresentationWinning the JobStarting WorkEnding the ContractNext Milestones Ahead_________________________________________________________________________Are you getting started as a freelancer and youre struggling with getting clients?Its not your fault! As in your full-time job, Im sure there were: a sales team, account managers, HR department, administrative people, and then you, doing what you know how to do best. But now, as a freelancer, youre covering all those roles and you dont know how to get started. And I know that, because Ive been there.So unless you do something about it, its a matter of time before you give up and want to go back to your full-time job.Thats why I created this course just for people like you, in which Ill cover the key factors to succeed as a freelancer on Upwork.__________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.__________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Brian Roisentul"
Price: 49.99

"DP-200 Implementing an Azure Data Solution Practice Tests" |
"How about you prepare yourself with DP-200 practice tests with the latest references.This DP-200 practical test assesses the ability to perform technical tasks such as implementing data storage solutions; management and development of data processing; and monitor and optimize data solutions. Candidates who attend the Microsoft Azure AZ-200 exam must be able to implement data solutions that use Azure services, such as Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure Blob storage ..Who should take the Microsoft Azure AZ-200 Exam?Candidates who attend the Microsoft Azure DP-200 exam are Microsoft Azure data engineers who collaborate with business stakeholders to identify and meet data requirements to implement data solutions using Azure data services. Azure data engineers are primarily responsible for data-related tasks that include provisioning data storage services, ingesting batch data and streaming, transforming data, implementing security requirements, implementing retention policies data, identifying performance bottlenecks and accessing external data sources.Practice Tests DP-200The Exam DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam covers the following topics :Implement data storage solution.Manage and develop data processing.Monitor and optimize data solutions.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 104.99

"Desarrollo Web Desde Cero Hasta Produccin - MEAN" |
"Este curso esta enfocado para todos aquellos que quieran entrar al mundo del desarrollo web, para as tener el conocimiento y conocer el camino que se lleva acabo para la elaboracin de una pagina desde cero hasta publicarla en Internet. Todo se ensea desde cero, ademas de que hacemos muchos ejercicios de los temas que se estn viendo."
Price: 270.00

"SQL Server Database Performance Monitoring and Tuning" |
"This course equips you with the skills required to manage the SQL Server database efficiently. The course mainly focuses on performance monitoring and tuning and how to automate the monitoring process. The most valuable gift of this course is to have ready to implement scripts including schema and other required objects at the end of the course. Students can directly deploy the code and start generating SQL Server database performance metrics.Note: It is recommended to run the code on a test environment before deploying on production."
Price: 10880.00

"KIFFEN AUFHREN - Befreie dich endlich von deiner SUCHT!" |
"Wenn du endgltig die Schnauze voll hast vom Kiffen und du endlich wieder die Kontrolle ber dein Leben zurckerlangen mchtest, ist dieser Master-Videokurs genau das Richtige fr dich.Mein Name ist Dimitrij Emrich und ich war selbst 5 Jahre lang Hardcore Kiffer.Ich habe in dieser Zeit viele schmerzliche & intensive Erfahrung machen mssen, bis es mir irgendwann endgltig gereicht hat. Ich musste mich allein, durch einen langen Prozess aus dem Loch rausholen, dass ich selbst gegraben habe.Seit ber 4 Jahren bin ich als Life- & Suchtcoach ttig. Durch meine Vortrge & Coachings konnte ich viele Menschen dabei untersttzen, ihre Schte endlich zu besiegen! Ich mchte, dass du es einfacher auf deinem Weg hast, deshalb teile ich mein umfangreiches Wissen mit Dir und erklre Dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du dich, aus den Ketten der Sucht befreist und glcklich wirst!""Dieser Videokurs hat mich in meinen Leben in einigen wichtigen Schritten weitergebracht und mir viele AHA Erlebnisse bereitet. Ich habe das geschafft was ich niemals fr mglich gehalten habe: Ich habe aufgehrt zu kiffen, endgltig! Danke!Mein Ziel ist es das du eine Nachhaltige Vernderung erreichst. Dafr mssen wir in die Tiefe: an die Ursache des Problems. Du lernst alles, was du ber deine Sucht/Abhngigkeit wissen musste & wie du sie lsen kannst und noch mehr:Sucht ganzheitlich verstehenDie Grnde, warum man Schtig nach Cannabis istDie Konsequenzen vom Kiffen, ber die niemand spricht.Wie sich Glaubensstze auf dein Leben auswirkenWie du dich neuprogrammieren kannst. (Glaubensstze verndern)Viele praktische Erfolgstipps & Strategien, um mit dem Kiffen aufzuhrenUmgang mit Personen die einen vom Ziel abhaltenUmgang mit Angehrigen die selbst kiffenEntzugserscheinungen verstehenDie Fallen beim Kiffen aufhren Darum scheitern die meistenBonus: Selbstbewusstsein steigern & Mindset strkenEs wird Zeit etwas zu verndern!Aufgeben ist keine Option!Dein Dimitrij Emrich"
Price: 99.99

"Auto Cad 2D complete beginners course in tamil" |
"its a complete beginner course and this course will teach you the entire AutoCAD 2D drafting and concepts. the main thing is this course full and full Tamil audio. This course is aimed at those with absolutely no prior experience in AutoCAD. It is also helpful to those who may have learned the software in the past but forgotten how to use it.The course is designed to get you up & running with AutoCAD quickly by teaching you the things you need to know without long-winded explanations of techniques and commands that are no longer used.AutoCAD can have a reputation of being complicated but much of this is down to the fact that so many are teaching out of date techniques. Also, many of the teaching materials insist on beginning the course by explaining what every single button and command does which is unnecessary and tedious. Other courses like to start each chapter with a new example and this constant restarting means the student never produces anything substantial and easily gets bored.Over the years I have refined my method of teaching CAD software so that I only teach the techniques that are required and none of the outdated methods that you will never need. My method of teaching is not just to describe each command separately but to get the student up and running early in the course creating a realistic project. This project will grow as different commands are introduced and in this way the student can see clearly how the different techniques are actually used rather than just copying small examples.You will begin the course with a description of a project and learn how to create your own building layout which will be added to and refined as your knowledge grows and new commands are introduced. By the end of this course, you will have produced a fully complete 2D drawing to a standard that would be acceptable in any workplace."
Price: 1280.00

"In deze cursus leer je de theorie voor de present continuous en je leert hoe je deze juist en correct toepast. Aan het einde van de cursus ben je bewuster van je taalgebruik en kun je beter Engels schrijven terwijl je deze grammaticale tijd correct toepast en foutief schrijven niet meer doet."
Price: 59.99

"Formation Copywritting : le ""pscycopathe"" de la propagande" |
"Le copywritting est la 3me comptence la plus enseigne au monde. Des centaines de milliers de personnes apprennent le copywritting pour des raisons varies (tudes, entrepreneuriat , association...).Beaucoup de ces lves rvent de pratiquer avec un expriment (quelqu'un qui parle sur le cerveau humain sans perte de temps).Pour les coursVous devez simplement disposer d'un crayon et d'une feuille de papier,not soigneusement les informations dites sur les cours et bien sr mettez en pratique avec le travail."
Price: 39.99

"Make Life-Changing Income Selling Used Books on Amazon FBA" |
"This is not another private labeling course. Private labeling is a capital heavy venture and very risky. If you have money to play with, then go for it. If you don't, then you're in the right place to learn how to create massive amounts of cash flow so that you can one day launch your own private label products.Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a store on the biggest E-commerce platform in the world?In this course you'll learn how beginners can start an Amazon business. There are many ways to do it. Wholesale, retail arb, and private label are just a few examples of the different ways sellers have leveraged the rise of Amazon and have managed to build life changing income for themselves. Each option has its pros and cons which I won't go into here.Books are a great way to start because the inventory is cheap and plentiful, the demand is high, and the margins are great!This is a home based business and selling your books through the Amazon FBA program gives you the freedom to travel while Amazon fulfills your orders for you.Books are a great way to get started on your journey into the world of selling on Amazon and we've created this step by step guide to teach you everything you need to know to get started in this business and how to thrive.*This is a business, and like any other business, it has overhead. Students will need to have capital to invest in tools, supplies, and monthly subscriptions to follow the system I teach."
Price: 34.99

"The Cell Phone Music Video" |
"Making a music video doesn't have to be daunting. And it doesn't have to be done with a super expensive team of professionals. You can do it yourself with only your cell phone and a few basic tools. This course covers the practical, technical, creative, and strategic aspects of creating this kind of project, from planning to filming to editing. I have structured the course around the creation of a music video, so this is a great course for those who prefer to learn through context."
Price: 29.99

"CI vi Selenium Webdriver" |
"Chng ta s hc:* To framework t ng ha bng Selenium trong Java* Hiu cc khi nim c bn v hot ng ca Selenium* Hiu cc khi nim c bn v framework ng ha* Bit cch lm vic vi Browser Stack, v Xc thc trc quan nh th no* V cui cng l chng ta s s dng jenkins a d n ca chng ta ln ."
Price: 19.99

"Cultivando Sade Emocional" |
"Cultivando Sade Emocional um programa estruturado para te apoiar a desenvolver inteligncia emocional de forma assertiva. Voc vai aprender de forma prtica e acessvel o manejo das emoes atravs de ferramentas e intervenes eficazes, incluindo gerenciamento de estresse, aceitao, reestruturao cognitiva, entre outros.O curso est dividido em trs pilares: conhecendo as emoes, os componentes fundamentais da sade emocional e regulao emocional na prtica.Ao final deste curso, voc vai ter maior conscincia sobre seus estados emocionais, saber como gerenciar melhor suas emoes em situaes de tenso, desenvolver sua capacidade emptica e usar suas expertise para se tornar mais assertivo e produtivo."
Price: 129.99

"How to Crowdfund Your Book Project" |
"Welcome to Crowdfunding 101!Crowdfunding is an amazing option for many indie authors looking to create awareness and excitement around their book, not to mention fund part or all of the publishing process.But with so many options for crowdfunding nowadays, what is the best option for you?In this course, well discuss the various platforms, how to choose the right one for you, and the elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Well also go over what to do while your campaign is live to generate attention for your campaign and help you meet (and maybe even exceed!) your crowdfunding goals."
Price: 19.99

"E_S4HCON2020_SAP S/4HANA Conversion Practice test" |
"These are practice test questions which will help you prepare for the certification exam E_S4HCON2020. There are no prerequisite to the courses but it is good to have knowledge about SAP OS DB migration(TADM70). The answer has been verified by consultant who have given the above exam.In the exam there will be 40 question to be completed in 90mins. All question will be objective questions.The study guide required for the exam is ADM328."
Price: 1280.00

"Swimming for Babies 4 to 8 Months" |
"I'm going to show you how to introduce your baby to the water with my gentle teaching approach. This proven method is the best way to develop a love of the water in your baby. With early exposure to water, your baby will never develop a fear; instead, they will learn to love and respect it.A child who respects the water understands the dangers that lie within. With this knowledge, they're less likely to put themselves in danger. Instill this crucial message in your child today.I understand, however, if you feel a little nervous. Not to worry, your confidence will grow as you see how easy it is to learn this gentle teaching method.Several years before I became a swim instructor, and I was a new mother, I felt a little nervous being around water with my baby. But then my husband, Ross, quickly turned that around for me when we gave our son one of his first baths. At one point, Ross poured the water over our son's head, and I was taken aback by the dumping of the water over his head and down his face, covering his eyes, nose, and mouth for what seemed like an eternity, but probably lasted two seconds, to be honest.Ross said, ""don't worry, it doesn't hurt him.""He seemed very confident in his statement, and I trusted him. I was right to trust him. Our son never developed a fear of water on the face. So, learning how to swim was second nature to him.This course is broken down into easily digestible bite-sized chunks. The structure follows a natural order and provides you with everything you need to teach your baby to swim, including but not limited to...Prepared lesson plans. You will also have access to a lesson plan template if you want to create your own.Skills at a glance PDF for easy lesson planning.Clearly written instructions. Each skill is broken down into an easy to follow step by step guide.Video tutorials with demonstrations of each skill captured from actual classes.A video library of songs. Each video tutorial shows you exactly how to present the songs in your classes.A quiz is presented at the end of each unit to test your knowledge.Certificate of completion and Online Swim Academy member badges for your website(s) and other platforms.List of equipment. A complete inventory of every item required and links for easy access.Support. Got a question? Just ask via email at tessa@tessarhodes.com or you can also use the discussion board.More curriculum coming...If you do this for your baby, they will never develop a fear of water on the face, and swimming lessons will be a breeze.I originally introduced this course to the public when I launched my Online Swim Academy in June 2020. Here're a couple of reviews from students who took the course.""Kira is holding her breath using the cup technique and assisted submersions. Your videos are helping so much! I was making the mistake of hesitating before I took her under, so I was so glad you emphasized that. We are making some progress with back floating too, but it is challenging. I am definitely not forcing it though. She giggles when she allows herself to relax and feels the floating feeling."" - Concetta L""All the information Tessa has given in this course is so valuable. I have put it into practice and have been very useful. Thank you Tessa !!!"" - Marianela MWhy Early Exposure to Water is Important for Your BabyIt's easier to introduce a baby to water than an older childIt's easy to teach babies to develop love and respect for water. And that's just it. It's about love and respect, not fear. Babies must be exposed to water from the day they enter this world. It's much easier to introduce an infant to the water than an older child. Babies don't know to fear anything yet and especially not water. In the first nine months of their lives, they were immersed in liquid, and it is for this reason that you must continue to expose them to it since they're already used to it.With early exposure, your child will never develop a fear of waterAs I mentioned earlier, due to early exposure, my son never developed a fear of water on the face, so learning how to swim was second nature to him. Not only will early exposure prevent a fear of water, but it also teaches respect for the water. Babies and children learn through exploration, and when you allow your child to explore, while strictly supervising, they realize their boundaries and limitations and thereby gain an understanding of the dangers that water possesses, thus respect for the water.Without early exposure, your child will likely need to overcome their water anxiety before learning to swimMost of my new students, between the ages of two and even as old as nine years, spend several to many lessons with me just getting comfortable holding their breath and putting their faces in the water. These kids didn't have early exposure to water and were possibly even told to fear it or their parents unwittingly passed on their fears.Swimming lessons make your baby smarterBabies learn through their senses, and swimming lessons provide a multitude of opportunities for sensory play. This sensory stimulation supports healthy brain growth and development. It causes synapse formation and the strengthening of existing synaptic connections. On the other hand, the child who receives less sensory stimuli receives reduced synapse formation, and therefore fewer connections are made in the brain.Also, the bonding in a parent/child swim program increases cognitive and social development.By the end of this course, you will feel your confidence grow when handling your baby around water and understand the benefits of early water exposure. I will walk you through the entire process step by step."
Price: 34.99

"The 1-2-3 Easy Lead Generation Course" |
"This course is specially designed to give massive knowledge of lead generation with easy learning techniques. This course is for anyone who wants to generate leads and inquiries online by using various tools & methods. This course has everything, right from tools, tricks, hack, method, and everything which is required for lead generation."
Price: 1280.00
