"Youtube secrets 2020" |
"Youtube en 2020, le google video.Je vous dvoile comment gagner avec YOUTUBEJe me suis form a youtube US, ES, j'ai lu et suivi d'autres training!Je vais en profondeur, j'ai observ et je vous dvoile mon analyse.Ce contenu gnreux va vous faire grimper votre chaine youtube mais aussi votre stratgie marketing"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Romance Novel" |
"Bliss. Euphoria. Tremendous self-pride. Such terms fail to fully capture the sensation that meets those who accomplish a personal high goal. This is a sensation that many authors know well.Writing a book is difficult; writing romance only multiplies this difficulty. Theres so much more going on within a successful romance novel than readily meets the untrained eye. Average readers would have little to say if asked what factors make a terrific romance novel. Such readers certainly wouldnt go on for hours and hours, as this course does, explaining the vital nuisances of plot, setting, and characterization.It is not the average readers fault, discerning the secrets of a successful tale are not easy to uncover. It requires years of hard work and diligent study to remove the mysteries of what creates a well-crafted tale. Or rather, it use to. This course strives to remove such torment.My name is Peter Simon, and I have spent much of my life studying literature. I have a Bachelors in English, a masters degree in Liberal Arts, and a masters degree in English & Creative Writing. It would be convenient for me to say here that those degrees provided me with everything I needed to know in order to unravel the secrets of crafting fiction. However, to say such a thing would be a lie. The truth is that those degrees only provided me with the means to interpret literature, not to create it. This truth is why this course exists.At an early age I had heard of the bliss that greeted those authors who completed their books. The mentioning of such a sensation perked up my ears. After all, who doesnt like to experience that sense of tremendous self-pride. The mention of bliss isnt the only thing that caught my attention though. What captured me was the discovery of a form of immortality. As long as written words remain, the authors story endures. I perceive this as a form of immortality.This is the notion that pulled me towards a life-long study of words. Admittedly though, many years of this study was practically wasted. I wanted to learn how to create fiction not how to analyze it, and yet thats basically all that the schools taught me. Boring lectures, torturous all-nighters spent on countless assignments, enormous tuition fees, energy wasted to obtain knowledge barely relevant to what I craved. Again, this is why this course exists.I have studied the craft now. I have finally gained the knowledge that the universities would not give me. If your goal is as mine was, to learn how to craft a well-written story, then this is the course for you. Other than feedback on your writing, this course provides everything I believe you need to know in order to create a well-written romance novel.This course offers you a solid foundation and then it builds upon that foundation. Before you can understand the nuances of the romance genre, you must first fully grasp the science and art of writing fiction. Therefore, a generalized understanding of crafting fiction at large is diligently covered in this course. Such lessons should remove the barriers of entry, delivering to all those who wish to write their story the necessary knowledge to achieve this high goal.My objective is to provide the experience that I was denied. Im not going to lie, learning this craft is difficult. However, it doesnt need to be painful as it was for me. Theres an enormous amount of information that must be successfully passed on to you if you are to know exactly what to do and why. As I wish my former professors understood, this information doesnt need to be delivered in a boring and excruciating way. Hence the presentation style of this course.This course was designed to be clear, relatively concise, and entertaining. Ive used every tool at my disposal to make your time with this course the best experience that I can deliver.The following is a generalized list of what is included in this course: An explanation as to why you should write romance novels World Rules as they pertain to the romance novel All things Conflict (internal conflict, external conflict, why have conflict in a story, etc.) An exploration of the emotional story Many sections that explore all things related to the hero and heroine How findings in evolutionary psychology and neurology can aid in writing romance novels Non-main characters Setting Withholding the I Love You Why and How to have flawed characters The Character Story Dialogue Cliffhangers The First Meeting Backstory The Love Triangle The Kiss 4 different novel plotting methodsThe list goes on.Hard work and your chance at experiencing that bliss awaits you should you choose to take the next steps. I sincerely hope that you do. In my mind there is only one thing better than experiencing the sensation that follows the completion of your very own book. This is of course helping others to feel such elation. Please enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"VLSI- Verilog programming" |
"Course contains different modeling styles like Gate level,switch level, data flow and Behavior modeling, Verilog design of Basic gates, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Encoders, Decoders, Flip flop, registers, counters and Finite state machine ( Mealy and Moore machine ) along with its detailed explanation,loops, if-else condition, case structure, arrays, inheritance in object oriented programming."
Price: 1600.00

"La tecnica di narrazione creativa Step by step" |
"La narrazione creativa un ottimo sistema per comunicare le emozioni e liberare le idee. Lobiettivo quello di far acquisire ai partecipanti una tecnica di scrittura creativa semplice, ma molto efficace, che permetter loro di scrivere brevi racconti e di sviluppare quelle conoscenze intuitive che non si avvalgono del ragionamento. Stimolare la vivacit intellettiva importante a tutte le et e in alcuni casi si ha la possibilit di far emergere storie che per tanti anni non si aveva avuto il coraggio di raccontare nemmeno a se stessi. La scrittura creativa rappresenta un momento di crescita personale, aiuta a trovare le risposte che si cercano e ad avere pi fiducia nei propri mezzi.Tutti hanno insite le capacit di scrivere un racconto, in alcuni sono solo pi sviluppate.Molto spesso le persone ritengono che le idee indispensabili a creare una storia si possano incontrare casualmente per strada e passano delle lunghe ore alla finestra in cerca di unispirazione. In realt le storie esistono gi sul fondo delle nostre circonvoluzioni cerebrali. Dobbiamo solo imparare a vederle e a leggerle, poi raccontare una storia diventer assolutamente naturale."
Price: 49.99

"APPRENDRE A APPRENDRE , vous allez voir quapprendre est la porte de tous et que la mmoire sapprivoise grce des techniques de mmorisation.Vous allez ainsi dcouvrir dans la session 1, 2 et 3 : Les 5 mmoires utiles dans votre quotidien et surtout celles ncessaire pour les acquisitions scolaires. Ce sera sans doute la partie la plus rbarbative de cette formation mais elle nen demeure pas moins essentielle pour comprendre les mcanismes de la mmorisation. Vous verrez les 3 outils CPV pour optimiser la mmorisation et trouver votre outil prfr. Le chunk ou regroupement dinformation, le positionnement ou mthode des lieux trs utiliss par les comdiens pour apprendre leur texte et la vocalisation, 3 outils qui facilitent lapprentissage et qui donne des rsultats rapidement.Dans la session 4, vous allez aider votre enfant en lui donnant les cls de ses propres potentiels : A travers les diffrentes images que notre cerveau peut produire pour mmoriser. Et oui, nous napprenons pas tous de la mme manire et il est important de connaitre son mode de fonctionnement et surtout les liens que nous fabriquons partir des informations reues. Ensuite vous verrez limportance des liens et du tri pour apprendre et rviser mais aussi pour rflchir. Pour terminer vous verrez les 6 moyens permettant de retenir facilement et de comprendre rapidement. (Cration dimages, Liens, Tri, Explication, Corps, Carte mentale).Pour terminer dans la session 5, nous vous dirons comment donner votre enfant une mthodologie simple et pratique sans prise de tte : Pour consolider les apprentissages et pour gagner en performance et en srnit. Cette consolidation seffectuera grce au cahier de ractivation pour que la mmorisation sinstalle progressivement. En dcouvrant que loubli est une richesse et permet de faire du tri entre lutile et le superflu. Pour terminer, vous verrez les 3 outils FRR ncessaires une bonne consolidation des apprentissages et gagner en efficacit. Ces 3 outils, bass sur les sciences cognitives sont Fabrication des images, Ractivation, Reprise expanse"
Price: 19.99

"Professional Development for Secondary ELA Teachers" |
"Transform your classroom into an exciting place where all of your students, not just some of them, become immersed in meaningful and exciting projects. Inspire your students to be enthusiastic about solving the worlds problems. See them bring positive energy into your classroom every time they walk in the door. Make teaching feel effortless and make your classroom a place with laughter and fun. Ive developed my methods using extensive feedback from my students provided anonymously at the end of the year. Youll learn proven conventional techniques and new techniques that unlock the imagination and deep thinking about the world we live in. Immerse your students in the world of language that surrounds them, the language of novels, stories, poems, plays, movies, conversations, emails, social media, blogs, television, and songs. Teach students how to think for themselves and appreciate the beauty and power of language.Sometimes professional development works for any teacher in any grade level or subject area. Sometimes it's better to dive deep with teachers in your content area. Go beyond your B.A. or M.A. and get practical training and access to resources you can actually use.You will walk away from this course with many new ideas and materials to inspire creativity and curiosity in your classroom. I will discuss pedagogy, curriculum, and around 100 downloadable resources including a unit on poetry, short fiction, and Hamlet.At the end of the course, you'll get the time to create a new lesson or activity, and receive a certificate of completion for 10 PD credit hours. Individual districts or states approve the PD credit hours.Course Feedback:Overall a great course. The topics covered will be used and implemented this year. All of the curriculum was timely. This means that the curriculum can fit with the modern day student. Scott was articulate and showed that he has a passion for teaching and also has fun. Christopher L""Overall, this course was very useful and relevant to the practices that I conduct in my classroom. It was very helpful in solidifying some of the things that I already teach and in providing additional areas where I can add on to or modify my lessons to make them more engaging and meaningful (just as advertised!). My instructor was very friendly and knowledgeable about the topics he discussed! He was very thorough in his explanations of the topics as well."" - CandaceThe downloads are helpful. Some of the topics are ones that I struggle to make interesting for my students, and the ideas that Scott presents are great to help me engage my students You've touched on most things I teach to my students You're engaging and clearly love what you do. The projects you've created have given me great ideas to use in my own classes for the kids."" - Jacqueline S.Theres a lot I liked about the course Each presentation was clear, easy to follow, and provided concrete examples. As a teacher, your humanity came through as you spoke to your audience. Your voice was inviting To sum up, I would say that your message was clear, well packaged and presented I really enjoyed the course. Deborah A."
Price: 124.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2D/3D" |
"O que voc vai aprender neste curso?Neste curso voc vai aprender como modelar do bsico ao avanado, O Curso de Aperfeioamento Profissional Autodesk Inventor tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de competncias relativas elaborao de modelagem em desenhos de projetos e a modificao dos mesmos, utilizando ferramentas tpicas da rea, visando a alterao das caractersticas do produto e a melhoria de sua funo, de acordo com normas e especificaes tcnicas, considerando princpios da qualidade e produtividade.Carga horria:7h36 minutos de vdeos-aulas corridas, o que equivale um curso presencial de 50 horasObjetivosGerenciamento de arquivos e metodologia de trabalho;Criao de Esboo 2D com restries geomtricas e dimenses no ambiente de projetos;Funes de criao e edio de slidos;Tcnicas e metodologia para criao de WorK Planes, Work Axis e Work Points;Criao e edio de vistas 2D vinculadas ao modelo slido;Criao do formato padro (Templates);Configurao de montagem ;Modelamento Slido;Edio de Esboos e Anlise de Propriedades;Volume, Massa, Centro de Gravidade, Momento de Inrcia;Ferramentas de Dimensionamento;Lista de Material Associativo;Bales;Tolerncias Dimensionais e GeomtricasQuer aprender uma nova profisso, ou at mesmo se especializar nesta ferramenta inovadora? Vem aprender tudo de forma detalhada e sem pressa!"
Price: 39.99

"Arkadalar Bilek Grei Eitim Setimize Ho Geldiniz.24 Yllk Bilek Grei tecrbemi sizlerle paylamak iin bu eitim setini hazrladm. Birok Trkiye ampiyonu ve milli sporcu altrdm. Profesyonel yada amatr olarak (darda yaplan bilek grei) bu eitim setinden sonra gerekten bilek grei sporuna hakim olucak ve eitim setinde yaplanlar 6 ay almanz durumunda darda yenilmez olabileceksiniz. Setimizi aktif olarak gncelleyip antrenman programlar ve bunlarn uygulama videolarn da eklemeyi dnyoruz.Derecelerim:16 Trkiye birincilii60+ Trkiye genelindeki turnuvalarda birincilikAsya ikincilii"
Price: 139.99

amgmethods |
", : 1) ; 2) ; 3) , ; 4) , ; 5) GPU; 6) . , , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Master Consultative Sales - Online Sales Training Course" |
"""An easy to remember framework"" - The best thing about The 5% Sales Blueprint Sales Training Course is that it's so easy to remember. Everything is process based, so I don't have to remember a hundred different types of sales scripts. It's an easy system, and I love it! - Adele Berger, Business Owner""The best sales training I've ever had!"" - I've been in the real estate industry for over 15 years, and have spent hundreds of hours, and thousands in investment on sales training. This course easily blows them away. - Luke Dent, Real Estate Professional""Just what I needed."" - The 5% Sales Blueprint Sales Training Course is exactly the kind of sales program I was looking for. I've invested in sales programs before - and I wish I found this one sooner. - Marvin Williams, Sales ProfessionalSales is the lifeblood of any business or sales profession and unfortunately for most Business Owners & Sales Professionals, their sales are inconsistent.Its heartbreaking to see Business Owners & Sales Professionals struggle with sales, doubting themselves and questioning whether youll be able to finally crack the code.The problem with having inconsistent sales, is that it gives you uncertainty. When you dont have a road map or framework to follow, sales can difficult.Furthermore; when you dont know how to close consistently, it costs you sales, income & profit in the present as well as the future.People are taught to use sales scripts, & other outdated and cheesy lines that no longer work.Most people who still follow this old school method struggle with sales, because people are a lot smarter than ever before & they simply dont work anymore.All of that, can end right now.Because youre about to discover our state of the art and proven system (no tiring scripts), thatll help you close clients with ease without being pushy or salesy.The 5% Sales Blueprint Sales Training Course is a revolutionary program, which has been created and perfected to take away all the hard work, guessing and hoping.This means you will have an easy to implement that'll help you close more sales, and serve more people.It doesn't matter if you don't have any sales skills or any previous business experience.Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program, and available at your fingertips whenever you sign in.The 5% Sales Blueprint Sales Training Course is successfully used across various countries, industries, and with people from very different backgrounds and levels of experience.Until now, people paid $3997 to access this training because it was only available live. Now you get the opportunity to access the exact same training online, and for a fraction of the investment.""Absolutely incredible"" - Khabeer's skills are absolutely incredible. I attended one of his workshops in Malaysia when he was touring Asia, and what he taught us in one day is more than I've learnt over 8 years in selling. He literally will teach you how to make them sell themselves! You've made selling houses a lot easier, thanks Khabeer. - Matthew John, Sales Professional""If you don't know Khabeer yet - you definitely should!"" - If you don't know Khabeer yet, you definitely should - otherwise you're doing yourself a disservice! Learn his sales skills and techniques, and take your income and potential to the next level! - Zee Pasha, Business Expert & Consultant""He is life changing."" - The way Khabeer teaches, and breaks things down easily to help you understand is excellent. Sales has always been hard for me because I'm naturally shy. Because he teaches a prescriptive and consultative approach, sales is so much easier now because he will teach you how to make them sell themselves. - Eileen Hong, Marketing Specialist"
Price: 199.99

"Excel for Business Analysts Online Course" |
"In this course, we focus on the specific functions, formulas, and tools that Excel has to help conduct business or data analysis. We take you on a no-nonsense journey to teach you how to use them.We start by looking at how to take raw data and prepare it for analysis. After that, we look at a number of tools and functions that can be used to conduct analysis such as Pivot Tables, before moving onto how to display data in the most meaningful way using charts, Pivot Charts, Slicers and so much more. Finally, we move onto some more advanced techniques designed to aid forecasting and using existing data to predict future trends.This course also includes practice exercises so you can immediately put into practice the new data analysis techniques that you learn.In this course you will learn:How to merge data from different sources using VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, and XLOOKUPHow to use IF, IFS, IFERROR, SUMIF, and COUNTIF to apply logic to your analysisHow to split data using text functions SEARCH, LEFT, RIGHT, MIDHow to standardize and clean data ready for analysisAbout using the PivotTable function to perform data analysisHow to use slicers to draw out informationHow to display your analysis using Pivot ChartsAll about forecasting and using the Forecast SheetsConducting a Linear Forecast and Forecast SmoothingHow to use Conditional Formatting to highlight areas of your dataAll about Histograms and RegressionHow to use Goal Seek, Scenario Manager, and Solver to fill data gapsThis course includes:7+ hours of video tutorials55 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionThis course was recorded using Excel from Office 365. It's also relevant to those using other, recent versions of Microsoft Excel including Excel 2013, 2016, and 2019.Did you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"SAP Fiori and NetWeaver Gateway In Depth Training" |
"SAP Fiori OverviewOverview of SAP Fiori SolutionIntroduction to SAP Fiori Apss (Employee & Manager)SAP UX strategy related to SAP FioriSAP Fiori Architecture and TechnologyApp types and Architecture structureHardware and Software requirementRole of SAP UI5Deployment options of SAP Netweaver GatewayIntroduction to RESTIntroduction to ODataOData query optionsData modeling basicsCreating OData Services with SAP NW GatewayModeling and implementing OData services manuallyBOR/RFC GeneratorRedefining servicesService compositionRegistering and testing a serviceSAP NW Gateway - Miscellaneous topicsSecuritySupport of multiple back-end systemsRouting capabilityMulti Origin compositionInstallation and ConfigurationConfiguration overview of Transnational, Factsheet and Analytic appsInstallation overview and task configure transnational theme designerSAP Fiori LaunchpadLaunchpad OverviewLaunchpad configurationLaunchpad functionsTheme DesignerSAP Fiori SecurityFiori end to end data flowSAP WorkflowSAP Workflow basicsApprove requestWorkflow Builder PracticalHow fork worksFiori ExtensionExtensibility overview (Concept, Skills, Tools)OData extensibility (Task flow and SAP NW Gateway)UI extensibility (Tools, methods, concepts)"
Price: 114.99

"Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro Tutorial" |
"Learn Above Acrobat in 6 easy to follow videos. These tutorials will teach the basics of using Acrobat. Topics include:1. Welcome To Acrobat XIWhat You Will LearnUsing The Sample Files2. Introduction To Acrobat XIAcrobat ComponentsAcrobat InterfaceToolbars And Task PanesNavigating With Zoom ToolsOther Navigation ToolsFinding And Searching In PDFsUpdating And Securing Acrobat3. Creating PDFsPDF Creation SettingsCreating PDFs From FilesCreating PDFs Using The PDF PrinterUsing PDFMaker With Microsoft WordUsing PDFMaker With Microsoft ExcelUsing PDFMaker With Microsoft PowerpointScanning Into A PDF DocumentOCR - Convert Scans To Live TextCreating PDFs From Adobe ApplicationsCreating PDFs From Web PagesConverting Email To PDF With Microsoft Outlook4. Editing PDFsSetting Initial ViewsFull Screen Mode And TransitionsCreating And Editing LinksManaging Text Flow With ArticlesEditing TextTouching Up ObjectsFormatting PDFs With Headers And FootersEnhancing PDFs With Backgrounds And WatermarksAttaching Files To PDFsExporting PDFs To Microsoft OfficeExporting PDF Contents To Files5. Advanced PDF EditingCombining Multiple Files Into PDFsSplitting A PDF Into Multiple FilesMoving, Adding And Removing Pages In A PDFExtracting And Replacing PagesAdding Multimedia Content To PDFsAdding 3D Content To PDFsAdding Buttons To PDFsPDF Optimization6. Adding BookmarksUsing Bookmarks In A PDFCreating BookmarksLinking Bookmarks To ViewsModifying And Organizing BookmarksAssigning Actions To Bookmarks"
Price: 29.99

"MicroStrategy Desktop 2020" |
" Business Intelligence domain is booming. Many BI tools are available in the market. We have MicroStrategy one of the leading and fastest growing tool. This course is will take you through basics of MicroStrategy Desktop Application right from downloading and installation to creating beautiful dashboards. Also you will learn how to get data from Excel, create various types of visualization available and convey the right message . Different charts , filters and unique features to any BI tools like Keep Only, View data, Export would be covered. This course will help you with Training Material, MCQ's and exercise files. So that you follow along with the videos. After completing this training, you would receive a course completion certificate. "
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC - Der groe Foto- & Bildbearbeitungskurs." |
"Mit diesem Kurs lernst du Adobe Photoshop in der einfachsten und entspanntesten Art und Weise!Du wolltest schon immer mal wissen, wie man man Portraits retouchiert, Fotos bearbeitet und eigene Bildkompositionen erstellt? Mit diesem Kurs lernst du es und das natrlich ohne Vorkenntnisse! Das Einzige was du brauchst ist ein PC oder Mac mit einem Adobe Creative Cloud Abo und dann kann es hier schon losgehen. Umfangreicher Grundkurs und zahlreiche Praxis-Beispiele mit kostenlosen Projekt-Downloads!In diesem Kurs wirst du Schritt fr Schritt in die Welt von Photoshop eingefhrt. Im Grundkurs werden dir in aller Ruhe und in vielen kurzen und verstndlichen Lektionen viele Details, zahlreiche Fenster und allerhand Werkzeuge vorgestellt. Du lernst die Techniken von Ebenen, Ebenenstilen, Masken und Filtern kennen. Alle darauf folgenden Praxisbeispiele, sind so konzipiert, dass sie neugierig und Spa machen. Je nach Lernkurve steigt der Schwierigkeitsgrad - so wirst du nahezu unbemerkt zum Photoshop-Profi. Zu fast allen Grafikbeispielen gibt es zudem die passenden PSD-Dateien zum Download kostenlos dazu, so dass du den Erklrweg vom Dozenten ganz easy nachvollziehen kannst. Fotos freistellen und retouchieren, Personen optisch verndern, optimieren und manipulieren.Personen vom Hintergrund freistellen? Pickel und unschne Details entfernen? Personen schlanker oder dicker machen? Haare umfrben? Mit diesem Kurs ist das alles kein Problem mehr. Jede der angesprochenen Fragen wird in diesem Kurs verstndlich und einfach im Praxis-Beispiel beantwortet. So kannst du es direkt selbst ausprobieren und nachmachen. Zustzlicher Pluspunkt: Du kannst schlechte Bildbearbeitungen anderer gut erkennen und es selbst besser machen!Atemberaubende und kreative Bild-Kompositionen (Composings)Mache aus zwei Baseball-Spielern einen spannenden Kampf mit Laserschwertern. Lass ein parkendes Auto pltzlich fahren. Mache aus langweiligen Portraits welche mit WOW-Effekt und zaubere aus einer langweiligen Straenszene eine atemberaubende Teleportierungs-Szene wie aus Science-Fiction Filmen. Das alles erstellen wir aus einer oder mehreren Bildquellen und machen daraus tolle Ergebnisse, die auffallen. Mache dich so zum unschlagbaren Bildprofi.Erstelle eigene Grafiken!Mit Photoshop kannst du auch eigene fotorealistische Grafiken erstellen. Wie wre es mit der Erstellung einer eigenen Kamera-Objektiv-Linse oder einer sehr realistisch aussehenden 3D-Software-Box? In vielen kleinen Einzellektionen wird dir der Entstehungsprozess Schritt fr Schritt erklrt. Inkl. aller Downloads zum nachmachen und nachvollziehen. Mockups: Realistische Produktabbildungen Wie knnte eine Visitenkarte aussehen, ohne dass man sie drucken lsst? Wie macht sich mein Logo auf einem T-Shirt? Und wie sieht mein Lieblingsbild an meiner Wunschwand im Bilderrahmen aus? Mit den Mockup-Beispielen im Kurs, werden alle Fragen spielend einfach beantwortet. Es wird nicht nur erklrt, wie man das Mockup einsetzt, sondern auch wie man eigene Mockups fr eigene Produktabbildungen selbst erstellt. Und natrlich gibt es auch hier die PSD-Dateien gratis dazu! Ein Kurs mit Mehrwert - hier sind die Grnde:Alle Praxis-Beispiele, Methoden, Tipps und Tricks werden in kurzen Lektionen erklrt Der komplette Kurs ist in deutscher Sprache. Verstndlich und mit deutscher Software.Zu fast jedem Praxis-Beispiel gibt es passende PSD-Dateien zum nachvollziehen und ausprobierenKostenlose Mockups fr die eigene Verwendung (die sonst bei Bilddatenbanken teuer erkauft werden mssen)Tipps vom ausgebildeten Medienprofi mit langjhriger ErfahrungKein Kursabo. Einmal kaufen - lebenslang behalten.Kurs wird regelmig aktualisiert und erweitert*.*) Bis Software-Updates seitens Photoshop einen neuen Kurs erforderlich machen.Hinweis: Dieser Kurs ist kein Fotografie-Kurs. Es behandelt ausschlielich die nachtrgliche Foto- und Bildbearbeitung."
Price: 199.99

physiology |
" . . . ."
Price: 59.99

"Industriemeister (Print) IHK - Printmedienproduktion" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Industriemeister erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Medienfachwirt Print (IHK) - Printmedienproduktion" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99

"Medienfachwirt - Digital (IHK) Digitalmedienproduktion" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst."
Price: 199.99

"Flutter workshop: (Quick Orders)" |
"Workshop Flutter Flutter PWA (Progrressive Web Application) Cloud Firestore Native QR Code QR Code Chat"
Price: 3400.00

"Controle de Despesas/Finanas Pessoais no Excel - Express" |
"""O que no medido no pode ser gerenciado!"" (William Edwards Deming)Devido ao cenrio que estamos vivendo hoje em 2020 com o Covid, resolvi compartilhar um projeto que uso a muito tempo, que um controle de despesas pessoais em planilha, tendo em vista que muitas pessoas hoje esto na situao de ter que cortar gastos e planejar bem o uso do dinheiro!De tanto procurar algo fcil, visual e dinmico acabei desenvolvendo minha prpria metodologia de controle e ferramenta de controle.Pode parecer pouco para algumas pessoas mas para outras pode ajudar muito!Fora isso aprender a treinar com o Excel ou google planilhas(sheets).Nota sobre este curso, ele comeou gratuito, mas migramos para o menor valor da Udemy, no teve o engajamento esperado apesar de ser um tema to importante.Obs: No nos responsabilizados pelo mau uso e analise errada das suas finanas!"
Price: 39.99

"Near Field Communication and Contactless Digital Payments" |
"People will prefer contactless over contact payment due to increasing penetration of smartphones, speed of transaction and COVID-19. Contactless payments are safer because it's tough to copy the data as compared to cloning a physical card. In this Business-Oriented course, learn about;Contactless payments, Near Field Communication, Host Card Emulation, RFID based Digital Payments. Difference between embedded Secure Element (eSE) and HCE, Bluetooth payment, Android Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, MST Magnetic Secure Transmission, risk and mitigation, a light touch with technology and backend process. FinTech, Mobile Payment System, Payment Processing, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based Payments, PayPal Video on beacon-based payment.Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""We are excited to simplify this most talked about contactless digital payment method in the FinTech and digital banking industry, NFC and HCE in this course.See you there.. Happy Learning."
Price: 9920.00

"Las 1001 confusiones del Ingls. Mejora tu Ingls" |
"En este curso coloco por lo general pares de palabras en ingles, ya sean verbos, sustantivos, adjetivos etc. El objetivo es subrayar y enfatizar como se puede fcilmente confundir palabras y decir o escribir en un email o mensaje la forma incorrecta de lo que en realidad se quiere decir. Durante el entrenamiento les cuento situaciones que he mirado o me han pasado par que las tomen en cuenta y no comentan el mismo error que yo o otros veo comenten.Espero de verdad les sirva de mucha ayuda.El curso usa unos sitios web que yo normalmente uso a diario para descifrar el significado de palabras, usos y pronunciaciones."
Price: 24.99

"Easy Watercolor Paintings; The Ultimate Beginner Course" |
"Welcome to easy watercolor paintings; the absolute best beginner course for learning basic fundamentals and developing quality techniques.This watercolor course is designed to start you at the very beginning and ease our way into a series of easy watercolor projects that will make you grin from ear-to-ear. You will be amazed at your results so make room on the fridge for the new artwork!Lessons are grouped into three sections; getting started, basic techniques and projects.Getting started: we will go over materials, affordable brushes, paper quality, color mixing basics, prepping paper, resizing paper and good palette management.Basic techniques: you will learn the three common mixtures, layering basics, explore brushwork techniques, managing water, working with wet washes and various skills.Easy painting projects: you will put your skills to the test and complete a series of paintings. Each project is designed to use certain techniques and skills. It's a great way to bring all the lessons together and create some easy, approachable artwork."
Price: 89.99

"Sertifikal Kiisel Geliim Seti Sen Dei Dnyan Deisin" |
"Bu eitim setinde size;- ""Mthi"" sfatyla kitaplar nerip - Ezber sunumlar yapp- Ezber cmlelerle bitirebileceimiz bir set hazrlamadk.Ne YaptkKitaplardan aldmz pf noktalarn grselletirerek,Bir okuldan mezun olma, Dil renme gibi standart geliim tavsiyelerinin dna karak i hayatnda en ok ihtiyacnz olacak- Etkili zgemi (CV) Oluturabilme- Farkl ve Yaratc Fikirler retebilme- zm Odakl Dnebilme- Zaman Etkili Ynetebilme- Stres ve fke Kontrol Yapabilme- Etkili Not Tutabilme- Uzaktan Etkili ve Verimli ekilde alabilme konularnn zerinde durduk."
Price: 299.99

"AZ-300 : Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies : Prc. Tests" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-300) practice test course. This course will help you test your knowledge on the Microsoft AZ-300 exam and will help you prepare for the final exam. With our practice tests, you will be able to pass the official exam pretty much easier and in the first attempt.What you get?110 latest practice questions A thorough explanation for each questionReference links to the official MS documentation30 days money-back guaranteeThe tests cover the following AZ-300 exam domains:Deploy and configure infrastructure (25-30%)Implement workloads and security (20-25%)Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (20-25%)See you on the course."
Price: 84.99

"AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design : Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-301) practice test course. This course will help you test your knowledge on the Microsoft AZ-300 exam and will help you prepare for the final exam. With our practice tests, you will be able to pass the official exam pretty much easier and in the first attempt.What you get?155 latest practice questions 2 Case StudiesThorough explanation for each questionReference links to the official MS documentation30 days money-back guaranteeThe tests cover the following AZ-301 exam domains:Determine workload requirements (10-15%)Design for identity and security (20-25%)Design a data platform solution (15-20%)Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)Design for deployment, migration, and integration (10-15%)Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)See you on the course."
Price: 84.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) - Practice Tests" |
"Practice tests updated as per the September'2020 update. Our student's pass the official AZ-900 exam in the first attempt. This is a proven fact. See it for yourself. Took the exam 8/10/20. Got a perfect 1000/1000. Was only 28 questions. 25/28 questions I saw before from these practice questions. Highly recommend you practice until you achieve 90%+ on all tests. I just passed the exam. I bought this course two days before the exam and it helped me a lot. The questions are very similar in structure compared to the actual exam. I wish I bought this course one week before. Thanks for very good material. Passed first try with a 930 test score. This 100% is the reason I passed. The questions were similar in style and when I was taking the test I couldn't believe how easy it was. Make sure you review the answers you got wrong thoroughly when using this guide so you can learn what you missed. YOU! WILL! PASS! Hey, I took The Test on 17th on this month. 969/1000 . All question including the Options were from the paper. Was a Great Help I just completed taking up the actual exam and I am very impressed. Almost 26-28 question came and I passed the exam with 1000/1000 marks. Thanks!! I passed my exam with 980 score(34 questions) on first attempt. All the questions are from these practice tests only :) I strongly recommend these practice tests. Thank you. Most of the questions in these exams are very similar to the actual test, I got my certification today and I would not achieve without this material, I really recommend it. This practice test is all it takes to pass the fundamental exam. I scored 900. Make sure you understand each question in this practice test.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) practice test course. This course will help you test your knowledge on Microsoft AZ-900 exam and will help you prepare for the final exam. With our practice tests you will be able to pass the official exam pretty much easily and in the first attempt.What you get?204 latest practice questions We update our question bank twice, every month. You will always find the latest and unique questions across 6 practice tests.Mimics the official exam formatOur tests are similar to the official exam in terms of the exam format as well as the questions asked. The questions are 95-100% similar to what is been asked on the official exam and the time to answer each test as well as the number of questions asked has also been kept the same. You get 60 mins to answer 34 questions, which is what you will find on the official AZ-900 exam.Thorough explanation to each questionEach question has detailed explanation to why an answer is correct and more importantly why other options are incorrect in the context of the question. Such exhaustive explanations will help you understand what the question asks and why/why-not an answer option is correct/incorrect. Reference links to the official MS documentationOur explanations are backed by official MS documentation. There are reference links available for you to read more about the topic/concept asked on the question.ScreenshotsWherever applicable, we have also included screenshots from the official documentation so as to help you read more about the concept questioned so that you don't have to visit an external link. Screenshots from the Azure Portal are also available for some questions where it's needed. 30 days money back guaranteeWhen you buy our course, you get a 30-days no question asked refund window. If you don't like the course, you can take a FULL REFUND without even talking to anybody. So, give it a try and if you don't like it somehow, you can always go for a refund (which we are sure that you won't ever be disappointed).Full instructor supportWe respond to and resolve user queries/questions within 24 hours. Ask us anything and we are here to help.Active learner communityOur learners are actively involved with the tests. They post questions and share their exam experiences which helps other learners to prepare even better.The 6 tests cover the following official AZ-900 exam domains:Describe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)See you on the course."
Price: 89.99

"AZ-204 : Developing Solutions for MS Azure : Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the Developing Solutions for MS Azure (AZ-204) practice test course. This course will help you test your knowledge on Microsoft AZ-204 exam and will help you prepare for the final exam. With our practice tests you will be able to pass the official exam pretty much easily and in the first attempt.What you get?103 latest practice questions (more questions on the way)Thorough explanation to each questionReference links to the official MS documentation30 days money back guaranteeThe questions cover the following AZ-204 exam domains:Develop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)Develop for Azure storage (10-15%)Implement Azure security (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (10-15%)Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (25-30%)See you on the course."
Price: 84.99

"AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) - Original Practice Tests" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is intended for individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to demonstrate basic knowledge of the AWS platform, including available services and their common use cases, AWS Cloud architectural principles (at the conceptual level), account security, and compliance. The candidate will demonstrate an understanding of AWS Cloud economics including costs, billing, and analysis, and the value proposition of the AWS Cloud.What you get?260 latest practice questions (real questions)Thorough explanations to each questionReference links to the official AWS documentation30 days money-back guaranteeThe questions cover the following CLF-C01 exam domains:Domain 1: Cloud Concepts 26% Domain 2: Security and Compliance 25% Domain 3: Technology 33% Domain 4: Billing and Pricing 16% TOTAL 100%Sample questions with answers and detailed explanations-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QuestionWhich tool is used to forecast AWS spending?AWS Trusted AdvisorAWS OrganisationsAWS Cost ExplorerAmazon InspectorCorrect Answer(s): CExplanation:Option C is CORRECT AWS Cost Explorer is used to get a forecast of AWS spending. Using AWS Cost Explorer you can manage your AWS costs and usage over time.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/aws-cost-management/aws-cost-explorer/Option A is INCORRECT because AWS Trusted Advisor gives recommendations on Cost Optimization, Performance, Security, Fault Tolerance and Service limits.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/premiumsupport/technology/trusted-advisor/Option B is INCORRECT because using AWS Organization you can manage multiple AWS accounts and it is an account management service. You can avail of consolidated billing service using AWS Organizations.Reference: docs.aws.amazon[dot]com/organizations/latest/userguide/organizations-userguide.pdfOption D is INCORRECT because Amazon Inspector is a security and vulnerability assessment service. You can evaluate your security configuration using Amazon Inspector and it has common security standards.Reference: docs.aws.amazon[dot]com/inspector/latest/userguide/inspector-ug.pdf----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **********-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QuestionA company wants to use the most cost-effective pricing model to run its end-of-month financial reporting. The report must run for 24 hours on the last day of each month.Which pricing model will meet these requirements?Spot InstancesReserved InstancesScheduled Reserved InstancesOn-Demand InstancesCorrect Answer(s): CExplanation:Option C is CORRECT because Schedule Reserved Instances provide the most cost-effective way to run a report if the time of a report or a workload is known.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/ec2/pricing/reserved-instances/Option A is INCORRECT because Spot instances are used for workloads that can be stopped and started at any time. There are chances that the spot instances might not be available when needed.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/ec2/spot/Option B is INCORRECT because the Standard Reserved Instances are also cost-effective, but it would be still cheaper to use the Scheduled Reserved Instances for the given scenario.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/ec2/pricing/reserved-instances/Option D is INCORRECT because even though you pay only for the resources used when you use the on-demand instances, they are not cost-effective when compared to scheduled reserved instances.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **********-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QuestionWhich AWS service provides a customized view of the health of specific AWS services that power a customer's workloads running on AWS?AWS Service Health DashboardAWS X-RayAWS Personal Health DashboardAmazon CloudWatchCorrect Answer(s): DExplanation:Option D is CORRECT because both Amazon CloudWatch provides a customized view of the health of specific AWS services. CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events, providing you with a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers.Reference: docs.aws.amazon[dot]com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/acw-ug.pdfOption A is INCORRECT because Service Health Dashboard displays the general status of AWS services. This will not provide any customized view of the health of AWS services.Reference: status.aws.amazon[dot]com/Option B is INCORRECT because AWS X-Ray makes it easy for developers to analyze the behavior of their distributed applications by providing request tracing, exception collection, and profiling capabilities. This will not provide any customized view of the health of AWS services.Reference: docs.aws.amazon[dot]com/xray/Option C is INCORRECT because AWS Personal Health Dashboard provides alerts and remediation guidance when AWS is experiencing events that may impact you. This will not provide any customized view of the health of AWS services.Reference: aws.amazon[dot]/premiumsupport/technology/personal-health-dashboard/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you on the course."
Price: 84.99

SEC560 |
"A penetration test, colloquially known as a pen test, pentest or ethical hacking, is an authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system.Not to be confused with a vulnerability assessment.The test is performed to identify both weaknesses (also referred to as vulnerabilities), including the potential for unauthorized parties to gain access to the system's features and data,as well as strengths, enabling a full risk assessment to be completed."
Price: 19.99
