"Python and MySQL - A Deep Dive" |
"MySQL is a popular open-source RDBMS used extensively in Internet-connected applications, with Facebook as an example of one of its largest users. Python can be used in database applications. One of the most popular databases is MySQL.To be able to experiment with the code examples in this tutorial, you should have MySQL installed on your computer. You can download a free MySQL database at the official Site."
Price: 2880.00

"Mindfulness Based Compassion - Certificate Course - Part 1" |
"This is the first part of our popular certificate course Mindfulness Based Compassion - Certificate Course to enhance self-awareness and activate the power of love and compassion in yourself and to teach others. You will be guided through many layers of identity, down to the deeper levels of yourself, resting in your deep essence without need for outer support. You'll learn to rest in this natural state of being, feeling strong in yourself. In this process you will become happier and more successful, having peace of mind, confidence and health. You will train how to enhance your loving kindness qualities, unleash your full potential and learn specific techniques you can teach others.In this official, DonDam course you'll learn all the wisdom and skills you'll need to be able to teach mindfulness based compassion. It does not matter if you are a beginner or if you have been studying self-development for years. This a simple step-by-step learning course - and it will work!It's easy, fast and fun! This course makes you a much better coach, therapist, health care giver, energy healer or team leader, and even a happier human being.In the end you will get a certificate of completion.This course is the first part of the DonDam Education Program and is highly recommended for everybody -- beginners and experienced alike. In all of our official courses we strive to deliver lectures that quickly give you everything you need to help you manifest an amazing life. You will get deep life-changing meditations, interesting articles and easy entertaining assignments.By the end of this course you'll have learned deep wisdom about mindfulness and love and compassion, and valuable abilities you can use in your everyday life and teach other people.What youll learnYou will learn the basics of mindfulness and learn how to teach it to othersYou will learn the basics of love and compassion and activate your intrinsic qualities of loving-kindness and learn how to teach it to othersYou will become a much better coach, therapist, health care giver, energy healer or team leaderYou will get simple effective techniques you can use in your everyday life and teach other people as well as all the meditation scripts you can use with your studentsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?There are no course requirements for this course.Who this course is for:All coaches, therapists, health care professionals, energy healers, yoga teachers and team leadersAnyone willing to undergo a deep change in their mind and lifeAnyone feeling frustration over not using their full potential and not living the life they deserveAnyone who wants to take self-development to the next level and make a difference in the worldCertificate of CompletionIn the end you will get a certificate of completion.Life-Time AccessYou will get life-time access to this program. Once you get it, it's yours forever. Most people listen to it over and over again for an ever-deepening experience. 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeYou will even get our 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't absolutely love this program you will get all your money back with no questions asked.Enroll now!Instructor: Liisa Vuorinen, Clinical Psychologist, International Speaker"
Price: 129.99

"Mindfulness Based Compassion - Certificate Course - Part 2" |
"This is the second part of our popular certificate course Mindfulness Based Compassion to enhance self-awareness and activate the power of love and compassion in yourself, and to teach others. You will be guided through many layers of identity, down to the deeper levels of yourself, resting in your deep essence without need for outer support. You'll learn to rest in this natural state of being, feeling strong in yourself. In this process you will become happier and more successful, having peace of mind, confidence and health. You will train how to enhance your loving kindness qualities, unleash your full potential and even learn specific techniques you can teach others.In this second part you will contact your deeper essence and create genuine strong self-confidence. You will learn now to deal with negatice emotions and turn them into inner power. In this official, DonDam course you'll learn all the wisdom and skills you'll need to be able to teach mindfulness based compassion. It does not matter if you are a beginner or if you have been studying self-development for years. This a simple step-by-step learning course - and it will work!It's easy, fast and fun! This course makes you a happier human being, and even a much better coach, therapist, health care giver, energy healer or team leader. In the end you will get a certificate of completion.This course is the third part of the DonDam Education Program and is highly recommended for everybody -- beginners and experienced alike. In all of our official courses we strive to deliver lectures that quickly give you everything you need to help you manifest an amazing life. You will get deep life-changing meditations, interesting articles and easy entertaining assignments.By the end of this course you'll have learned deep wisdom about mindfulness and love and compassion, and valuable abilities you can use in your everyday life and teach other people.What youll learnYou will learn the basics of mindfulness and learn how to teach it to othersYou will learn the basics of love and compassion and activate your intrinsic qualities of loving-kindness and learn how to teach it to othersYou will become a much better coach, therapist, health care giver, energy healer or team leaderYou will get simple effective techniques you can use in your everyday life and teach other people as well as all the meditation scripts you can use with your studentsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?This course is for people who have completed Mindfulness Based Compassion - Certificate Course - Part 1.Who this course is for:All coaches, therapists, health care professionals, energy healers, yoga teachers and team leadersAnyone willing to undergo a deep change in their mind and lifeAnyone feeling frustration over not using their full potential and not living the life they deserveAnyone who wants to take self-development to the next level and make a difference in the worldCertificate of CompletionIn the end you will get a certificate of completion.Life-Time AccessYou will get life-time access to this program. Once you get it, it's yours forever. Most people listen to it over and over again for an ever-deepening experience. 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeYou will even get our 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't absolutely love this program you will get all your money back with no questions asked.Enroll now!Instructor: Liisa Vuorinen, Clinical Psychologist, International Speaker"
Price: 129.99

"Apprenez analyser une activit l'aide de Power BI" |
"Le cours sadresse quiconque dtient des aptitudes analytiques minimales et comprend la logique des schmas visuels que sont les rapports, tableaux de bord, visualisations, etc. Les utilisateurs ne possdant pas dexprience en excel ou base de donnes peuvent facilement apprendre se servir de Power BI. Power BI va transformer vos sources de donnes en informations visuelles et les partager avec l'quipe ou au public pour pouvoir les consulter. Power BI est un service d'analyse commerciale de Microsoft qui vous aidera analyser une activit quelconque afin dobtenir des informations et orienter le dveloppement des activits futures. "
Price: 19.99

"Russir sa soutenance haut et fort" |
"Ce cours est destin aux personnes en approche de soutenance de leur travail de recherche ou de mmoire ou de stage, il vous offre les cls pour russir une soutenance de manire plus efficace en vous exerant sur les techniques de prise de parole en public et vaincre sa peur mais aussi les rgles de conception de forme et de fond des supports de prsentation (diapos, transparentes, poster, ...) attirants et impactant."
Price: 19.99

"LPIC-3 (304) - Virtualization and High Availability 09/2020" |
"Course Informations[TOTAL OF 189 UPTATED QUESTIONS]Over 170 Questions and Answers available in UDEMY platform and over other 18 written Questions and Answers sent apart as material in simulations only above 304-200 EXAM!!!Updated questions in 12th September 2020!This course will allow you to assess your knowledge of the following topics in the LPIC-3 304-200 exam:- Virtualization- High Availability Cluster Management- High Availability Cluster StorageI recommend you score at least an 80% on all exams before trying the actual exam.No duplicate questions.No duplicate questions.Only this course isn't enought to obttain approval in the exam. This course is a very powerfull tool, but firstly you have to study the exam subjects to allign the content learned with the format of the questions and so get simillarity with Exam format of questions.Exam Informations Exam Title: LPIC-3 Exam 304: VirtualizationExam Code: 304-200Number of Questions: 60 Questions Duration: 90 minutes Availability: Pearson VUE Testing CenterTest Format: Multiple-choice and Fill-in-the-blank questions Passing Score: A passing score is 500 out of 800 points Language Exam: English, Japanese"
Price: 24.99

"Curso Word 2016 do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Este curso de Word 2016 do bsico ao avanado tem como objetivo capacit-lo para o mercado de trabalho usando os recursos em questo, pois, aprenderemos o conceito do aplicativo, e suas novidades, estudaremos passo a passo cada aba, e cada recursos bem detalhadamente. O aluno aprender como criar um novo arquivo, abri-lo, salvar, imprimir, compartilhar, exportar, fechar entre outras. O Microsoft Word uma das ferramentas mais completas e poderosas para trabalhar com texto, ela traz tudo o que necessrio para criar e editar textos simples ou complexos com imagens, grficos, links, tabelas, entre outros elementos e seus recursos."
Price: 39.99

"A to Z Design of 50kW Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant" |
"Welcome to your course ""A to Z Design of 50kW Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant"" this course is designed for the students who wants to endeavour their knowledge in Ground Mounted solar power plant designing for their projects, for the solar technician who wants to know optimum power generation from the solar power plant, for the job seekers who wants to get jobs in solar industry, for the entrepreneur who wants to make career in solar energy.This course is the explains the very basic concept belongs to solar installation design. The one who is completing the course will able to do all manual design calculation which are required for designing any solar power plant. The learner of course will get scientific idea of each an every components needed for solar power plant."
Price: 49.99

"Certified Bharatanatyam Indian Dance Fitness Newest Workshop" |
"Various choreography ready to do dance itemsDance steps sets to learn or to put into a song, for learning or performingBharatanatayam lessonsSemi classicalFolkVarious fusion art forms.ChoreographyReady to do Lessons for learning and performingMix of different types of steps to see and learn and do, either for private class knowledge or for stage performances"
Price: 1600.00

"Certified English Language with Play Script lessons" |
"Plays as a way of education, according to ancient wisdom is part and parcel of learning English.No study about this amazing language, with a rich heritage and culture that goes back to centuries ago is complete without a study about Plays as an English learning system.In this Introduction to the plays, as English lessons for you, a student gets to know something about various dialogue conversation sentences, with the characters."
Price: 1280.00

"Chinas Bewegungsschatz ist ein unendlicher, seit mindestens 2500 Jahren existieren dort bungen um Krper, Geist und Energie miteinander zu verbinden. Die bungen spiegeln die tiefe Weisheit der drei Schtze Chinas, des Daoismus, Buddhismus und Konfuzianismus wieder. Sie lassen den Praktizierenden die unvernderlichen Grundgesetze des Lebens am eigenen Krper erfahren. Leichte und Schwere, Entspannung und Anspannung und all die anderen Aspekte der Philosophie von Yin und Yang ussern sich in dieser Kunst. Die Meridianbahnen der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin werden erfahrbar und die Energiezentren der daoistischen inneren Alchemie beginnen sich im Krper zu regen. Zu allerletzt gesellt sich noch die buddhistische Kunst des Loslassens hinzu. All das bietet dieser Kurs, ganz ohne dogmatisch zu sein. 'Shifu' Dominic mchte dich ein Stck auf dem Weg zu mehr Freiheit, Gesundheit und Glck begleiten - lass dich von seinem achtsamen und meditativen Ansatz begeistern.Was dich erwartet: ber 4 Stunden Videomaterial, intensive theoretische Einfhrung in jede bung, gemeinsame bungseinheiten, bungsdarstellung aus 2 Perspektiven, jeder Aspekt (Geist, Krper, Energie) wird in jeder bung separat erklrt, uvm."
Price: 99.99

"Train and deploy deep learning models" |
"This course will take you through the steps that a machine learning engineer would take to train and deploy a deep learning model. We will start the course by defining an end goal that we want to achieve. Then, we will download a dataset that will help us achieve that goal. We will build a Convolutional Neural Network using Tensorflow with Keras and then we will train this network on Google AI-Platform. After saving the best trained model, we will deploy it as a web app using Flask and Google Cloud Run. Throughout the course, we will be using Docker to containerize our code."
Price: 99.99

"Aviatrix ACE - Multi-Cloud Network Associate Practice+Notes" |
"Our Well Designed Result Oriented Self Study Practice Test Bundle includes ""3 Tests + Study Notes"". This Practice Course is designed to cover all the aspects to prepare and crack Aviatrix ACE Exam. To Follow our ""Notes + Practice Test"" simultaneoulsy is 100% Result Gaurantee to PASS Aviatrix ACE Exam($895).Skills Measured: Public Cloud Networking (AWS, GCP, Azure, OCI) Multi-Cloud Networking Architecture (MCNA) Aviatrix Platform & Features Operations, Visibility, and Troubleshooting Customer Deployment Case-Study Miscellaneous PerksEnrollment Objectives: 24/7 QA Support + Updates To build the Multi-Cloud Networking and Security Skills To advance career by passing Aviatrix ACE - Multi-Cloud Network Associate Exam. To get your Doubt Clearing in real-time by Author. To gain the knowledge needed to take the Aviatrix ACE - Multi-Cloud Network Associate Certification Exam. To gain the knowledge to network architecture and design patterns in order to meet customer requirements. To transform your business through studying Multi-Cloud Networking and Security Skills. To develop advanced competency in native cloud capabilities"
Price: 199.99

"All about Look Up Formulas - Complete Tutorials." |
"Hello there !Welcome to this free course on All about Look Up Formulas - Complete Tutorials.Learn the 6 highly important Look Up Formulas in 30 minIn this course we will cover :1. Choose Formula.2.Column Formula.3. Hlook Up Formula4. Index Formula5. Match Formula6. Vlook Up FormulaIn the future more videos will be added , this will include other formulas and practice exercise.Please watch the videos and use this in your office environment.This course will definitely increase your office productivity.Happy Learning !Learners Academy."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso bsico de produo musical no Ableton live" |
"Este curso de produo musical no Ableton live 10, tem como objetivo ajud-los a produzir sua track. Muito produtores iniciantes e avanados no conseguem sair do loop de 32, ou seja, no terminam suas tracks. Neste curso me preocupei na parte de estrutura da msica. Muitos cursos disponvel ensinam a usar o programa de produo, mas o que muitos reclamam que na hora de produzir no sabem o que fazer com o conhecimento que adquiriram. Por isso considero que este curso diferente dos outros cursos. Se voc seguir meus passos, garanto que terminar o curso junto com sua primeira track, pois ensino passo a passo cada etapa da produo, desde a construo da bateria at a masterizao bsica de sua track. Ento o que est esperando? Junte a mim e comea a produzir e finalizar todas as suas tracks."
Price: 39.99

"Make Money from YouTube with No Marketing and No Filming!" |
"If you want to make money with YouTube - but dont know how, then this is for YOU...Fortunes have been made using Other Peoples Money and now theres a smart way to make money from other peoples videos on YouTube with just 30 minute weekly updates generating monthly payments from YouTube, wired directly to your bank account - STARTING TODAY!Hello... my name is Mike Williams, and Ive cracked the code to making passive, six-figure income with YouTube. Ill show you exactly how I make over $10,000 per month with just a few minutes of work each week. Again this involves zero filming and no technical knowledge whatsoever. Ive created a simple program so you can look over my shoulder and see exactly how I initially set up my YouTube channel to achieve maximum views and engagement and how roughly 30 minutes a week is all it takes to make serious cash from youtube!My course covers everything! From beginners who have no knowledge about creating their own channels to monetizing and expert tips to scaling your youtube business empire!With years of learning everything there is to know about youtube, I've already done all the legwork for you... I've made all the costly mistakes, so you don't have to and figured out what works and what doesn't.My course makes it possible for you to skip failure and years of learning so you can jump start your success and begin making money from youtube immediately!Here's just a few lessons you'll learn inside the course:How to access between five and 25 MILLION YouTube videos for free (no copyright problems and nothing to pay ever! ).How to make money on every video paid direct into your bank account every month, like clockwork.Clever ways to repurpose these videos for your own use yes, its completely legal and entirely within YouTubes TOS (they even provide a built-in video editor).How you save countless hours creating your own videos because you simply dont have to do any of that.The awesome power of the YouTube editing suite (plus the little known trick to have YouTube make videos for you, using your own still photos).How to access thousands of hours of free music (no royalties no copyright issues no hassle).The street-wise way to get good keyword ideas.When NOT to use the free music facility on YouTube dont miss this, because it will avoid you losing money!Reverse engineering one of my top ranking videos. Watch over my shoulder as I show you the various reasons why this video is ranked so high, having already received 543,271 views and counting.Whats in a title? In a word everything! So Ill show you the simple, yet highly effective, way to craft the perfect eye-ball-grabbing title that ALSO gets you high up in the search results.How to get your video on the first page of the searches (all it takes is this three second trick).The FATAL errors people make with their video descriptions and how you wont make them anymore once you know the secrets.The ideal number of words for your main keyword phrase (plus the perfect place to put them).The vital addition to your description few people even know about - yet it gives an enormous boost to your rankings.How to avoid being penalized by YouTube for setting up your keywords and tags incorrectly (ignore this at your peril).How to communicate with your channel subscribers its all about correct timing.The smart way to greatly increase your YouTube income.The vital art of creating the right tags (its very important you get this right, so you boost your rankings and also keep on the right side of YouTube).How to increase your views without resorting to those black hat shenanigans which will, eventually, get you BANNED.How to easily spy on your competitors videos by reverse engineering them (and stealing valuable intel to boost your own rankings).How to get YouTube to advertise your site for FREE.Getting more subscribers (because the more subscribers you have the better you will be ranked).Thumbnail mastery (you get the inside track on creating and controlling this vital viewer magnet).Where do your views come from? All over the world!Features (and how to use your own customized thumbnail).Devices these hand you an enormous amount of detail you can use to make some crucial adjustments that increase your income.The free web site exposing the staggering amounts of money being made by regular folks on YouTube.The crafty but simple way to ensure you OWN the first four or five hot spots on the right hand side (dramatically increasing your overall views).Playlists and how to use them to your full advantage.Audience retention absolutely VITAL, because its the main way YouTube judges how good your video is (and whether its worth their while promoting it).Engagement Another key metric YouTube uses to decide the worth of your video.Comments and comment settings (and how they keep you in control and increase your reach and engagement).Analytics. Why these should never be ignored (and why its never too soon to start).Demographics: absolutely vital. Because you need to know who your viewers are, so you can give them what they want.How to write amazing descriptions it doesnt get much easier than this!The biggest FATAL mistake youll ever make with YouTube. (Yes. everyone does it but that wont cut any ice, if you get caught.And, much, MUCH more P.S. The only way you can find out how great all of this can be is to get started today. We promise you a 100% Money Back Guarantee! That's how confident we are of this AMAZING system.So what are you waiting for? Signup NOW and start making serious money with youtube today!"
Price: 19.99

"Infinite Banking with a Macro-economic plan" |
"This course teaches you about the biggest financial problems we face in the world today. You will learn how money flows through your hands, and the importance of keeping control of your money. It is not only the rate at which you pay away interest but also the volume, how many of your dollars are going away from you each month."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Acrylic Painting - Practise and Theory" |
"What is special about our course and why you should choose us? It's simple, we mixed together into one course theory and practise, so you learn theory during working on your own amazing artworks! It's not another borring theory lesson, it's professional painting course which will quarant you 4 amazing art works on your walls or sold in the internet to someone so probably if you make our course carefully you can even earn on this! Why to choose me?Hi, I'm Eliza Dudek-Wjcicka, professional art teacher, I'm principal of artistic Academy of Art in Poland - Canaletto Art. I have a master degree from art University, 30 years practise and a lot of knowledge, but knowledge is not enough - Also I'm a teacher - I know how to tell you all of these stuff in very warm, easy and simple way - with me you will get needed experience in just 15 hours. - 15 hours it's almost 50% of one day! - Can you even imagine how easy it can be to become the painter? If someone could tell me all of these things in the past in that simple way probably I would learn this 1000 times faster, so here I am. I gathered all of my long years practise into these 4 simple paintings and you are going to learn these stuff in very easy way! So don't waste your time and start this new life episode with me!"
Price: 519.99

"Optimizacin de Procesos de Gestin" |
"Este curso buscar presentar al alumno una herramienta, un mtodo, mediante el cual de una manera simple y prctica, puede revisar crticamente su trabajo y el de su Organizacin, determinar el deber ser de cada tarea, de proceso y detectar oportunidades de mejora existentes, explicitas o implcitas. Este planteo se basa en el hecho verificable de que al implementarse esas mejoras, se eleva significativamente su performance tanto en trminos de resultados, de satisfaccin personal y de la conformidad del destinatario de nuestro trabajo, como en el desempeo de la Organizacin en la que estamos insertos.Es as que, de llevar a cabo con los pasos propuestos en forma meticulosa y sistemtica, se podr contar al final con un documento, un manual, donde consten los procesos y procedimientos normatizados, con las ventajas de puesta en comn interna y externa que esto significa y por el otro, un cmulo de medidas a adoptar que mejorarn la performance de la Organizacin y de sus partes."
Price: 29.99

"Python 3 programmieren - Einsteigerkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache Python.Der Kurs ist rein praktisch orientiert und zeigt Schritt fr Schritt, wie man die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Programmiertechnik nutzen kann. Die Inhalte in den Abschnitten bauen aufeinander auf.In 7 Programmierbungen wirst du ben, das Gelernte selbst einsetzen zu knnen, um eigene Programme erstellen zu knnen. Die Lsungen zu den Programmieraufgaben werden anschlieend natrlich auch besprochen.Die Codes der einzelnen Abschnitte gibt es auch zum Download als pdf-Dateien. Wenn du Anfnger bist, bringt es jedoch mehr, die Codes aus den Videos selbst mitzuschreiben, um ein eigenes Gefhl fr das Programmieren zu entwickeln und diese vielleicht auch an eigenen Ideen anwenden zu knnen. Denn Programmieren lernt man meiner Erfahrung nach nur durchs Programmieren.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa und viel Erfolg beim Coden!"
Price: 54.99

"Create Your Own Realistic 3D Proof" |
"Hi there, my name is Kumar, Im a Ui & Ux designer, web developer & full-time freelancer.in this video we are going to learn how to create realistic box design in cinema 4d. This concept has given more clients to me. That's the only reason I'm sharing this information now.There are so many products available in the market. Box designing job is always special in designing field. Most of the designers simply sending their proof in PDF or JPG. This will not give you better response from your customer, even you have a good result. Because its just 2D.Every designer using mock-up for better presentation including myself. Because even a simple design will look more creative in mock-up. There are so many mock-up available in internet except box design. Because every boxes contain different sizes. This is the major difficulty in box design.In this concept, we are going create our own mock-up for box design. And we can add mirror shadow, we can make our own super viewing angle, lighting, floor, wall and more stuff.We are going to follow just five easy steps to do this!Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Kumar"
Price: 34.99

"A Hands-on Course to SOLIDWORKS" |
"This course is specially designed for individuals to learn the parametric modelling techniques provided in SOLIDWORKS. These techniques and tools are very important when you want to reach your design goals in a faster and in a systematic way. The students will not only learn the Basic and Advanced modelling tools but also know some key aspects of Mechanical Engineering such as Design Tables, Parametric Equations, GDnT, Tolerancing, Significance of Standards, Weldments and much more. These topics are equally important to learn as an Engineering Professional and hence are included into this course. The Students can rest assured that after the completion of this course they can become very well versed with the advanced modelling techniques along with some core engineering knowlege."
Price: 3200.00

"Ingls Britnico Completo - Cambridge" |
"SEJA BEM-VINDO (A) AO NOSSO CURSO INGLS BRITNICOEste curso vai te mostrar de um jeito simples e rpido de como falar ingls em at 8 MESES!Aplicaremos a metodologia Espaada, Callan, Programao Neurolingustica e Tcnicas de Memorizao de forma objetiva. Alm de receber um plano de estudo para controlar e monitorar seus resultados.Nvel do curso parte do Absoluto ZERO e chega ao AVANADO.No perca essa oportunidade, aprenda Ingls ainda este ANO.EU VOU TE DAR MAIS 13 FERRAMENTAS INCRVEIS, SE VIRAR NOSSO ALUNO HOJE AINDA!I see you soon mate!Cheers :)"
Price: 564.99

"Funes (Pr-Clculo) - Curso Completo" |
"Neste curso abordaremos um estudo completo sobre funes reais de uma varivel real, tais como funes do primeiro grau, funes do segundo grau, funes modulares, funes exponenciais, funes logartmicas e funes trigonomtricas. Comearemos trabalhando com conjuntos e iremos avanando com conceitos de funes, obtendo um curso completo ao final. Esse curso essencialmente um curso de pr clculo mas tambm serve para todos os estudantes que queiram relembrar ou aprender mais sobre funes."
Price: 39.99

"Mathematics for Everyone" |
"This course is based on the UK GCSE syllabus, which covers numerous maths topics and skills.This course is the on going version, that I will be adding Lectures to on a weekly basis. At least one section will be added per week, which usually covers 2-5 videos with exercises.So please sign up, engage and complete the exercises and comment what you liked about the course and any things you think could improve the course or your experience with the materials."
Price: 19.99

"Contabilidade Financeira avanada" |
"Esse curso no somente para horas complementares, voc vai aprender de verdade.Quais os motivos de eu fazer esse curso?Resposta: Esse curso vai ajudar voc a entender melhor a contabilidade de uma empresa, vai ajudar a interpretar a situao financeira, e opinar sobre a tomada de decises. Se voc trabalha em um escritrio de contabilidade ou empresa, voc vai est capacitado a entender mais a situao dos clientes.Vou aprender de verdade?Resposta: Vai sim.Posso fazer perguntas ao professor?Resposta: Pode sim, quantas quiser.Tem certificado?Resposta: Tem sim.Quanto tempo posso acessar o curso?Resposta: O acesso vitalcio.Tem material para baixar?Resposta: Tem sim, deixarei alguns materiais para leitura.Qual a metodologia?Resposta: Eu uso apresentao de slides, fao a leitura, comentrios, explicaes, clculos etc.A contabilidade fonte fundamental de informaes para uma organizao em nvel econmico e financeiro. O curso Contabilidade Financeira proporciona a voc interpretar melhor os relatrios que compem as demonstraes contbeis e analis-las com a aplicao dos principais critrios de anlise fundamentalista: anlise vertical, anlise horizontal e indicadores econmico-financeiros.Voc ir adquirir:Competncia para interpretar e analisar relatrios financeirosConhecimento para aplicar critrios de anliseAmplo conhecimento sobre indicadores econmico-financeirosO curso Contabilidade Financeira recomendado para profissionais, graduados ou no, que atuam na rea de economia e finanas e buscam aprimorar seus conhecimentos em demonstraes contbeis, sistema de informao contbil e anlise econmico-financeira. voltado para quem deseja compartilhar conhecimentos, trocar experincias e expandir seu networking, alm, de uma aplicao mais rpida e prtica."
Price: 54.99

"Complete Python : For Absolute Beginners" |
"This course is basically for beginners in Python. Starting from basics all programming concepts are taken in this course.This course do not require any prior knowledge of programming. All of the topics are discussed with suitable examples. This is a perfect course to begin with to become professional professional.By the end of this course you will be able to create Python scripts with ease. You'll learn how to take tedious and repetitious tasks and turn them into programs that will save you time.Who this course is for:People interested in programming who have no prior programming experienceNewer Python programmers who need a refresher on PythonStudents taking a Python class in school who want a supplementary learning resourceProgramming hobbyistsAnyone else who is interested in learning Python"
Price: 8320.00

"Discover Your Life's Purpose Masterclass Dr. Casper" |
"Are you ready to launch your Brand, Business and Vision Goals? Then this is the Masterclass you have been looking for! Learn the strategies and techniques that will help you move from Frozen to Finish in Purpose, Vision, and Goals. Straight to the point content designed to fit your busy schedule.The Law of Discovering Purpose in ProcessThe Law of Consistency and Persistence The Law of Systematically Goal SettingThe Law of Discovering Life's Purpose to Prosper"
Price: 29.99

"Coreano Basico 1 (TOPIK 1.1) Aprende coreano con Mitoyo" |
"Te has sentido frustrado al haber intentado aprender coreano? En este curso te acompaaremos en tu aprendizaje de coreano, para que puedas aprender poco a poco el idioma y as ms adelante si lo deseas, presentarte al examen oficial TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean). Flavio, nuestro profesor de coreano, te guiar cuidadosamente para que entender cada gramatica y concepto cultural del idioma sea ms fcil que nunca. Existen 2 niveles de TOPIK: El TOPIK 1 corresponde al nivel bsico y se divide a su vez en dos subniveles ""Grado 1"" y ""Grado 2"" El TOPIK 2 que se divide en cuatro subniveles ""Grado 3"" ""Grado 4"" ""Grado 5"" y ""Grado 6"". Este curso es el primero de dos cursos para la preparacin del examen TOPIK 1, pero ms importante que el examen, para aprender las bases del coreano de una forma correcta y completa y poder adquirir el conocimiento necesario para darle uso al idioma en el mundo real, sea un un viaje a Corea, en el trabajo o bien con tus amigos coreanos. Con este curso, seguirs el mismo programa que con un curso presencial del Instituto Mitoyo, el centro de referencia de enseanza coreana en Espaa. Para este curso, hemos creado un total de 30 videos explicativos en los cuales el profesor explicara con detalle cada tema y para que puedas practicar lo aprendido y reforzarlo, los hemos acompaado de ejercicios y leccionesEl mejor curso Online para aprender Coreano. El contenido est dividido en niveles estructurados, y cada tema esta apoyado en el anterior para que puedas ir dominando todo el temario poco a poco y sin Unidad 1Fontica - vocales & consonantes bsicasFontica - + + + pronunciacin / escribirLeer hangulSaludosVerbo ser (nombre) / no ser Pronombres personalesPresentarse (I) + Partculas de sujetoPresentarse (II) + Particulas auxiliaresPracticar presentarsePases + expresiones (idioma / persona)Expresiones en la clase (Extra) 3 niveles de honorficoUso honorificoUnidad 2Pronombres demostrativosPronombres posesivosNmeros coreanos Contadores + edadTener / no tener Pronombre interrogativo cuntoUbicacin (I) Tener, estar, haberDnde est?Preposiciones mesa, silla, tv, etc.Unidad 3Verbo hacerProfesionesDnde trabajas? + preposicin enVerbo ir / venir + / Nmeros chinos + n telfonoUsos de los nmeros chinosFechas (I) (meses) Fechas (II) (Das de la semana) Cumpleaos AnimalesDatos de contacto y repaso de la unidadUnidad 4Familia (I)Familia (II) (expresiones)Expresiones estado civil. (marido, esposa, soltero)Dnde vivesPartcula de C.D.Gustar / no gustarConjugacin presenteUsos del presenteGustar + verbo (hobbies)Qu haces en el fin de semana?Me gusta hacer... + Deportes (, , )Querer hacer algoQuerer hacer algo (practicar)Horas + maana, tardeParticula y el usoA hora haces __ ? (Desde->hasta)Tambin adverbios de frecuenciaAhora Mitoyo est en UDEMY para ofrecerte un aprendizaje cmodo, de calidad y econmico."
Price: 49.99

"Evaluacin Financiera de Proyectos de Inversin" |
"En este curso aprenders a evaluar financieramente proyectos de inversin. El curso est dividido en tres secciones. En la primera, aprenderemos herramientas de evaluacin financiera que tienen en cuenta el valor del dinero en el tiempo: la tasa interna de retorno y el valor actual neto. En la segunda parte, aprenderemos a calcular el flujo de efectivo del proyecto a partir del estado de resultados proyectado. En la tercera parte, aprenderemos a calcular el costo medio ponderado de capital, el costo del capital accionario y el costo de la deuda. Como colofn del curso, se aborda el problema de circularidad en el clculo del costo del capital accionario. El curso se basa en videos con diapositivas, tutoriales en excel con ejercicios resueltos y exmenes."
Price: 199.99

"IELTS Speaking for Success" |
"This course is aimed at giving you knowledge of the exam format, common mistakes people make and how to to avoid them, as well as what's expected from the candidates. We will be specifically looking at all three parts of the exams, as well four of the exam criteria. This all should give you confidence when taking your own exam."
Price: 19.99
