"Aprende Pro Tools First fcil!" |
"Hola, soy Julio Monroy, productor musical e ingeniero de sonido desde hace mas de 15 aos, sere tu instructor en Pro Tools.En este curso vas a aprender a:Crear plantillas en pro tools firstCrear nuevas sesionesImportar archivos de audioManejar instrumentos virtualesNavegar en Pro tool firstUsar el audio elasticoTrabajar con audio y MIDITerminar una produccion en Pro ToolsComo productor se que el manejo de este software es esencial para desarrollar sus proyectos!Nos vemos en la clase!"
Price: 19.99

"Deep Learning Course with Flutter & Python - Build 6 AI Apps" |
"Join the most comprehensive Flutter & Deep Learning course on Udemy and learn how to build amazing state-of-the-art Deep Learning applications!Do you want to learn about State-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms and how to apply them to IOS/Android apps? Then this course is exactly for you! You will learn how to apply various State-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms such as GAN's, CNN's, & Natural Language Processing. In this course, we will build 6 Deep Learning apps that will demonstrate the tools and skills used in order to build scalable, State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Flutter applications! After completing this course you will be able to:Learn the tools and skills to develop any AI idea you have onto a mobile phone.Have a clear understanding of different types of Neural Networks and how you can use them to your advantage.Build any Neural Networks in Python and then export them into your Flutter application.Use different strategies to get neural networks with 90%+ accuracy.Why should you choose this course?This course covers all the steps that one should take to create a Flutter application that uses State-of-the-Art Deep Learning approaches.It is extremely hard to find good tutorials that teach you how to implement these algorithms, so the instructor, Samuel Boylan-Sajous, who has been programming for years, and has a Computer Science degree at the University of Guelph, has decided to share all of his knowledge with other students that are passionate about Deep Learning and building practical A.I. applications.Here's what's included in the course:Building a neural network on Teachable Machine and exporting it into Flutter projectBuilding a neural network in Keras/Python on Google Collab/Jupyter Notebook and exporting it into Flutter projectUsing API's to perform some Natural Language Processing and implementing those algorithms into our app.Build a GAN in python and implement it into your flutter application.And much more!This course is for you if ...You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and AndroidYou're passionate about Deep Learning/AI or Mobile Development and want to expand your knowledge.You want to expand your Deep Learning/AI portfolio with 6 Cutting Edge Deep Learning apps!Want to learn State-of-the-Art Deep Learning algorithms and how you can use them on a mobile device!Course prerequisites:Knowing mobile development will help a lot but is not a hard requirement (You would be fine if you only knew CSS/HTML & Object-Oriented Programming, just do some research on what Flutter is)Know some theory behind Neural Networks (Know how data is processed in a Neural Network)Our PromiseTeaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message."
Price: 24.99

"HTML5 and CSS3: Beginner to Intermediate in TAMIL" |
"Hi, welcome to HTML5 and CSS3: Beginner to Intermediate in Tamil. This is the only course you need to learn web development from basics. And also this course is in Tamil. Throughout the course, we use various tools and technologies including:HTML5CSS3CSS librariesBOOTSTRAPv4.5.2and more!!This course is well structured. And I have spent more time making this course as easy and also efficient way.The course includes:lecturesarticlescode-alongsprojects Exerciseslides Downloads The course will constantly updated with new contents, with new projects and modules for you .if you have any questions please free to ask because I am here to clear all your doubts and helping you to learn. So sign up today and see how fun is web development."
Price: 3200.00

"Italian Riviera cooking class" |
"Im a home cook, food writer and food blogger born and living in Genoa, the main city of the Italian Riviera. Im a compulsive collector of Liguria traditional recipes and I teach people coming from all over the world how to cook them in my home kitchen in Genoa.With this course you will learn the most iconic Italian Riviera dishes, like the famous basil Pesto, the very same Im used to teach to my guests at home. I teach in this course in the very same way I do at home during my cooking classes in person, so my cooking demonstrations are genuine, spontaneous and approachable: you will feel like you were sitting across from me in my family kitchen.I will show you the recipes step-be-step, sharing from time to time all the tips and tricks I have learned myself repeating these dishes time after time, first with my grandma supervising me and then by myself.I will unlock many of the mysteries of Italian Riviera cuisine, including the famous basil pesto sauce. Whilst cooking I will also tell you stories of the origins of the dishes and their traditional ingredients. This will not only be an Italian cooking class but also a travel in the Italian Riviera food culture.I start the class with a complete Ligurian Menu (starter, pasta dish, main dish, side dish and dessert) suitable for any season, but I will release some more recipes in the future, including the famous Genoese focaccia and the Ligurian savory pies.You can have a look at my food-blog ""A small kitchen in Genoa"" to peep into my cooking world or follow me on Instagram as @asmallkitcheningenoa! I hope you will enjoy this class!"
Price: 29.99

"Ensambles y dibujos de ingeniera con SolidWorks!" |
"Este curso NO es para aquellos que buscan una descripcin larga y aburrida sobre las caractersticas de SolidWorks. En su lugar, aprenders de la forma que ha demostrado obtener buenos resultados; aprender haciendo. En este contexto, este es un curso gratuito totalmente prctico que te permitir aprender algunas funciones bsicas de SolidWorks mediante la elaboracin de 10 dibujos de detalle y la obtencin de 2 ensamblajes/explotados que permitirn obtener sus correspondientes dibujos de trabajo, ms un pequeo extra sobre diseo de componentes dentro de un contexto de ensamble ... sin mencionar que cada ejercicio estar acompaado por una actividad extraclase (tarea) para que puedas reforzar los conocimientos que haz adquirido en tu da a da. Con esto en mente, el desarrollo del curso ser en dos partes:1er. Parte: Dibujo de detalleEn la primera parte del curso te familiarizars con el entorno de dibujo y exploraras herramientas para obtener diversas vistas que permitan describir adecuadamente un objeto y llevars a cabo su correcto dimensionamiento de cada una de estas vistas, as como la asignacin de lneas, al respecto de alfabeto de lneas, que permitan transmitir informacin correcta sobre su forma.2da. Parte: Ensamble, explosin y dibujo de trabajoEn la segunda parte del curso te familiarizaras con el entorno de ensamblaje y exploraras la forma para colocar componentes en dicho entorno. Asimismo, utilizars ciertas relaciones de posicin para definir el movimiento entre componentes y, una vez que tengas el ensamblaje, llevars a cabo su explosin, es decir, ingresars una ruta correcta de desensamblaje para el dispositivo.Luego, llevaras a cabo la realizacin de los dibujos de trabajo de los dispositivos previamente ensamblados/explotados. Es importante destacar que un dibujo de trabajo esta compuesto por dibujos de ensamble y dibujos de detalle; un dibujo de ensamble, usualmente, muestra el dispositivo en una configuracin de despiece de tal forma que sea fcil identificar los componentes que lo constituyen, as como la manera en que debe ser ensamblado. Importante: Este curso se encuentra estructurado para que puedas explorar diferentes funciones de SolidWorks de tal manera que adquieras las competencias y conocimientos necesarios para manipular dicha herramienta computacional en cualquier circunstancia."
Price: 64.99

"Introduction to Manufacturing Accounting - Standard Costing." |
"This course is an introduction to Accounting in a Manufacturing environment, where you wish to use Standard Costing for accounting for the costs of making the items. Students will learn about: Inputs, Standards, Raw Materials, Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold. We also have a detailed bonus lesson on Overhead Allocation."
Price: 24.99

"Complete 21-Day Meditation Challenge - Daily Meditations" |
"This course is designed to be completed in 21 days, as part of a challenge to begin, or renew, your meditation practice. It features 40 different meditation styles, themes and techniques to get you started on your meditation journey. Each day slowly increasing the time spent in meditation and contemplation, to create a new lasting habit.It is ideal for students new to meditation, as well as anyone who has not yet found a meditation practice that inspires them to practice.These sessions are intended to explore the vast world of meditation, and to learn to be the observer of what is happening, as it is happening. It sets the stage to develop a passion for meditation as well as to awaken awareness of self and others."
Price: 99.99

"The Marketing Management Basics Course 2020" |
"Hi there,I am so excited that I am here, able to share with you my new course.The topic of this course is Marketing Management. The point of this topic is to help small companies and those that are starting out in their business to gain the basic knowledge and the basic understanding of the topics that are the core of Marketing Management. We need to be able to segment the market, to be able to forecast the demand for the product or the service. This course will help you start out with the new business and new products that should be more successful in the market. This course should be able to help you work with your market in your local area. Give you information about the possible market opportunities that you can find in your local market. Search for tools that would allow you to This course will give you a basic understanding of the most basic principles of Marketing. We will cover:The Essence of MarketingThe Functions of Marketing Management Marketing EnvironmentMarket OpportunitiesMarket ForecastingMarketing ResearchMarket SegmentationMarket AnalyzesCompetition AnalyzesCompetition StrategyCustomer Relations ManagementProduct Portfolio ManagementProduct Presentation"
Price: 49.99

"Como Ser Mais" |
"O curso tem como objetivo te auxiliar no seu desenvolvimento pessoal, te possibilitar buscar o seu melhor e ser mais. Por meio de ferramentas de coach e conhecimentos da psicologia voc vai identificar o que voc precisa ser MAIS na sua vida, traando um caminho em direo aos seus objetivos."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a leer y escribir en idioma rabe desde cero!" |
"Con este curso sers capaz de leer y escribir cualquier texto en rabe sin tener conocimientos previos. Iremos letra por letra aprendiendo cmo se escriben y cmo se pronuncian. Te sorprenders lo rpido que avanzas en cada clase, sin tecnicismos, sin complicarte. Al finalizar sers capaz de leer y escribir con fluidez cualquier texto.Con este curso conseguirs la base necesaria para afrontar sin problemas clases de rabe en una academia o escuela oficial de idiomas. Ten en cuenta que en esos lugares no van a esperar a que entiendas y asimiles los conceptos y es fcil descolgarse del resto. Con este curso, sers del grupo avanzado de la clase."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501)" |
"Ests a un paso de aprobar el examen de certificacin CompTIA Security + Verifica y ponte a prueba con este curso en Udemy. Cada uno de los 3 exmenes de prctica completos de este conjunto proporciona un examen completo de preguntas, lo que le permite confirmar su dominio de los temas y le brinda la confianza que necesitar para tomar su examen de certificacin CompTIA Security + .Al final de la prueba, recibir un desglose personal de las preguntas que respondi correcta e incorrectamente para mejorar sus conocimientos y prepararlo mejor para aprobar el examen CompTIA real.Los dominio incluidos oficiales son:1. Amenazas, ataques y vulnerabilidades2. Tecnologas y herramientas3. Arquitectura y Diseo4. Gestin de identidad y acceso5. Gestin de riesgos6. Criptografa y PKIPublico objetivo:Este curso de Pruebas de prctica est destinado para cualquier persona que est preparando su exmen CompTIA Security + (SY0-501) y quiera poner a prueba sus conocimientos y asegurarse de que est listo para aprobar el examen CompTIA real."
Price: 29.99

"c# advanced part2 and database" |
" "
Price: 19.99

SpringBoot2+SpringSecurity5+Vue+Druid+Mysql+MyBatis+Antv |
"IT Spring Boot 2+ SpringSecurity5+Element UI+Vue Admin Template+AntV Spring Boot2 MVC Spring Security5 MyBatisPlus3.3.1 MyBatis MyBatisCode MyBatis Jackson JSON Lombok Druid Vue Vue Router Vuex Axios HTTP Element UI UI Vue Element Admin Antv AntVIntelliJ IDEA IDESQLyog Postman HTTP JDK 1.8MySQL 5.7"
Price: 49.99

"AZ-900 practice Tests (MicroSoft Azure Fundamentals)" |
"For Students/IT Professionals,UPDATED AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals with recent questions based.This Practice Test Bundle contains 6 Practice Tests . Guarantee you will pass the exam after completing this practice test. But make sure please practice multiple times till you are confident.This practice tests which we provided based on latest exam questions. More than 15,000 students passed after completing this practice test in first attempt.What we providing in this practice tests:Latest practice questions ( 5 practice tests)Important instructions before attempting to the exam.Lifetime access.Access anywhere by using your mobile.Imp Note:Azure AZ-900 Fundamentals Exam passing score is 70%. So please practice multiple times in each set until you are confident and comfortable.Who this course for:Students and IT professionals who want to pass the MS Azure AZ-900 exam in first attempt without fail.Complete this practice tests and go to AZ-900 exam without fear."
Price: 19.99

"Video Marketing for Artists" |
"For any creative, marketing can be seen as a necessary evil. I'd say, take out the 'evil' and add in 'process.' Yes, marketing is a process. But it also doesn't have to be as overwhelming as it first seems when you try to figure out which strategy works best for you. In this course, I've tried to take some of the overwhelm out and by creating a system that's quick, cheap, and effective, and that will do the job well enough that you can get back to what you love: creating. Note: This course was originally created for musicians, but the concepts translate just as well to the rest of the arts."
Price: 19.99

"From retrenched to sort after job seeker" |
"Securing the ideal role can be challenging even in the best of times. Having to reset because of a redundancy can be even harder especially in the current global business climate. There is so much information out there. Which way do you pivot?In this program, I show you what exactly I did to secure a new role in the autonomous vehicle industry. An industry which I had no prior experience in, after my present role at the time was made redundant. I will show you, :The way I dealt with the emotional disappointment of my retrenchmentHow I built and shaped my framework for change Tools I used to create the belief that I was best candidate for the role How I created an attention grabbing cover letter and resume that resonated The techniques I used to ace the interview process and make a positive impression This is my personal experience and I will show you techniques that you can easily replicate."
Price: 29.99

"Cum sa construieti un produs digital de la 0" |
"Salut, sunt Claudiu i vreau s vorbes cu cu tine despre cum i poti folosi cunotinele, pasiunea, apoi cum s le conectezi la una dintre cele mai mari oportuniti de business care exist acum i care va exista i in viitor, pentru a transforma pasiunea ta n venituri online.Am petrecut mai bine de zece ani, producnd coninut pentru mediul online. Am creat produse digitale: pentru afacerile mele i ale clienilor mei, i am generat venituri din mediul online.Am descoperit c sunt foarte muli oameni care nu tiu cum s foloseasc cunotinele, pasiunea, abilitile sau resursele pentru a vinde online. nc nu i-au dat seama care este cea mai mare oportunitatea pe care o ofer acest spaiu virtual, pentru a putea transforma pasiunea n venituri online foarte mari.Se spune c dac faci ce i place nu va trebui s muncesti o zi din viata ta. Voi fi foarte direct cu tine. Dac doar faci ceea ce i place fr s nvei, fr s fii ndrumat i fr s conectezi pasiunea ta la marile oportuniti de business din domeniul online, nu vei face profit, aa c v-a trebui s munceti pentru a putea face ceea ce i place.Dac eti hotrt s i transformi pasiunea n venituri online trebuie s faci cteva lucruri:S nvei cum s creezi coninut pentru mediul onlineS nvei cum s identifici marile oportuniti care sunt acum i care vor fi i n viitor, n mediul online.S construieti o conexiune ntre, cunotinele tale, i soluiile pentru care oamenii sau companiile ar plti foarte muli bani.n alte cuvinte, s-i transformi pasiunea i cunotinele ntr-o expertiz valoroas pentru care oamenii ar plti muli bani.Dac nu faci aceste lucruri, n aceast ordine, sunt anse foarte mici ca s poi genera vreodat venituri din mediul online ntr-un mod profesionist.S vorbim despre primul pas. S nvei cum s comunici n mediul online.Fiecare dintre noi comunicm n fiecare zi. Cu membrii familiei, cu prietenii, cu oamenii cu care interacionm de-a lungul zilei.Este o abilitatea pe care am nceput s o dezvoltm nc de cnd ne-am nscut. Fr comunicare i limbaj, noi ca fiine sociabile, ce interacionm i relaionm n cea mai mare parte, sau chiar n totalitate prin intermediul actului comunicrii, viaa noastr pe Terra ar fi inutil.Dar nu este suficient doar s comunici. Trebuie s i dezvoli abilitatea de a comunica eficient in mediul online i nu este suficient s nvei cum s comunici eficient n mediul online, trebuie s identifici cea mai mare oportunitate, pe care o ofer mediul online, pentru a tii cum s-i adaptezi modul de comunicare pentru la aceast oportunitate.Deoarece este o nevoie imens i pentru c am ntlnit att de muli oameni care niciodat nu au gsit timp pentru a nva cum s foloseasc de pasiunea i cunotinele pe care le au, ca s comunice online i apoi s identifice cele mai mari oportuniti din mediul online pentru a profita de ele, am decis s creez un curs detaliat, creat special s te treac prin ntregul proces de a nva cum s i transformi pasiunea, cunotinele pentru a comunica online i pentru a crea un produs digital pentru care oamenii i companiile vor plti muli bani.Cursul se numete: Transform-i pasiunea n venituri online. i a vrea s-i explic ce vei nva i cum i va schimba viaa atunci cnd l vei folosi.Programul este compus din 3 cursuri: Cum s construieti un produs digital de la 0 - te nva cum s creezi un produs digital valoros. Prieten cu tehnologia - te nva cum s foloseti tehnologia online pentru a crea produsul tu digital.Marketing de la A la Z-te nva cum s creezi o strategie de marketing pentru promovarea produsului tu digital.nainte de toate, uite ce vei nva atunci cnd vei parcurge acest curs: Cum s construieti un produs digital de la 0 .Vei nva care sunt obstacolele care i oprete pe oameni s aib succes n mediul online, i cum s le depeti.Mi-a lum muli ani s identific aceste obstacole iar n acest program vei nva exact care sunt pentru a le evita.Vei nva moduri noi de a gndi care-i vor permite s ai succes n lumea afacerilor online. Cei mai muli oameni se autosaboteaz n a avea succes pentru c nici mcar nu tiu cum s se gndeasc la transformarea pasiunii lor n venituri. Noile moduri de a gndi i vor permite s te apropii, s descoperi, i s transformi pasiunea n venituri online.Vei nva cum pasiunea ta poate avea un mare succes n mediul online. Vei avea o hart care s-i spun unde s te duci i ce sa faci i unde oamenii, cu pasiuni ca a ta, sunt la mare cutare i ncaseaz bani din online.i voi arta care este cea mai bine pltit abilitate din mediul online si cum s nvei s-i dezvoli aceast abilitate. Pentru c n cele din urm, companiile i oamenii, pltesc pentru aceste abiliti nu doar pentru talent.n alte cuvinte acesta este un program complet de pregtire care s te ajute s iti foloseti pasiunea, s o conectezi la una dintre cele mai mari oportuniti de business pentru a face venituri online pe termen lung, nu doar acum.Formatul cursului este: Descoperirea niei8 clipuri video Crearea produsului digital informaional ( exemple de produse digitale: curs video, podcast, blog, canal video, website, etc.)11 clipuri videoMarketing i vnzri3 clipuri videoExerciii practice: Va finalul acestui curs, vei pune cap la cap rezolvrile tuturor exerciiilor i vei avea gata structura i coninutul pentru primul tu produs digital."
Price: 99.99

"Internetul pentru atehnici" |
"i voi oferi o nou perspectiv asupra aplicaiilor i resurselor din domeniul online. Dei sunt nconjurat i utilizez zilnic tehnologie de ultim or crede-m c sunt o persoan atehnic. Niciodat nu am fost pasionat de tehnologie ns tot timpul am fost fascinat de rezultatele obinute cu ajutorul tehnologiei.Te voi ajuta s nelegi ct este de uor s construieti produse digitale cu ajutorul tehnologiei chiar dac nu ai mai fcut asta niciodat pn acum.i voi oferi o serie de instrumente care i vor permite s creezi singur un sistem de vnzare i de promovare online fr a fi nevoit s urmezi vre-un curs tehnic din domeniu i chiar dac nu eti o persoan atras de tehnologie, n general.Mi-am petrecut mult timp i bani testnd i folosind multe aplicaii pentru a construi aceast list din care tu s poi nva repede i uor cum poi construi sisteme de vnzri i marketing fr s apelezi la specialiti.Asta i va salva foarte mult timp i foarte muli bani pe care in mod normal i-ai fi cheltuit pe ntlniri i discuii cu tot felul de specialiti. Majoritatea dintre ei nu ar fi neles ce le ceri sau nu ar fi livrat conform ateptrilor ceea ce te-ar fi frustrat i poate chiar oprit din continuarea proiectului tu.Vei nva care sunt i cum s utilizezi instrumentele necesare pentru conectarea pasiunii la una dintre cele mai mari oportuniti de business din domeniul online pentru a transforma pasiunea ta in venituri online.mpreun cu celelalte dou cursuri din serie: Cum s construieti un produs digital de la zero i Marketing online de la A la Z, vei avea toate resursele necesare pentru crearea, vnzarea i promovarea unui produs digital."
Price: 49.99

"Marketing online de la A la Z" |
"Cele mai importante 6 lecii pe care le vei nva din acest curs: Vei nelege principiile de funcionare care guverneaz activitatea online.Vei descoperi un nou mod de gndire care i va permite s construieti i s dezvoli o reputaie online.Vei nva cum s foloseti instrumentele de promovare disponibile online, pentru a atrage clieni noi i pentru a genera vnzri.i vei dezvolta abilitatea de a construi campanii de marketing eficiente i creative pentru tine sau pentru clienii ti.Vei descoperi care este cea mai eficient metod de a promova online, un produs sau un serviciu, acum dar i n viitor.Vei cum s construieti o strategie de marketing coerent care s poat fi uor implementat.Cursul face parte din seria: Transform-i pasiunea n venituri online.01. Cum s construieti un produs digital de la zero.02. Aplicaii i resurse online 03. Marketing online de la A la Z."
Price: 94.99

"Curso Tempero Para Todo Mundo!" |
"Voc ir aprender a harmonizar os mais diversos tipos de temperos com as receitas do dia a dia. Falaremos dos temperos mais tradicionais, aos menos convencionais, te trazendo segurana na hora de se aventurar pelo mundo das especiarias. Independente se voc est comeando agora, ou j um cozinheiro experiente, desvende comigo o tesouro guardado em cada folha de ervas aromticas, em cada gro de pimenta, ou em cada pitadinha que ir transformar o seu prato do dia a dia."
Price: 189.99

"Aprende a hacer Pan Sin Gluten en Casa" |
"Te han dicho alguna vez que deberas dejar el pan o que deberas limitarlo casi en su totalidad? Se te vino el mundo abajo de solo pensarlo?Si te sientes identificada o identificado con esto que te cuento, este curso definitivamente es para ti!Te presento el curso de Panes Caseros Sin Gluten, totalmente online, en el que aprenders a preparar la comida ms popular del mundo, pero en una versin distinta, realmente saludable (libre de ingredientes procesados, industriales y aditivos) y con mucho sabor. En otras palabras, hars del pan, un verdadero alimento."
Price: 59.99

"An Introduction To Drumming" |
"Welcome to 'An Introduction to Drumming'!This is the most complete and in-depth course you will find on learning to play drums at a beginner level.The lectures provide step by step instructions and there are practical play-along example videos for every exercise.What you'll get in this course:12 Hours of video lessons, covering everything a beginner drummer needs to knowA 97-page companion book (in PDF format) to aid your practicingDownloadable music backing tracks for you to play along withContent equivalent to one year's worth of private lessons.After this course, you will be able to:Read and write basic drum notationPlay drum grooves and fills comfortably at a variety of temposPlay rock & pop songs along with backing musicCount rhythms correctly and practice effectivelyConfidently enter for a Rockschool/Rock & Pop Initial examMy name is Stefan Nel and I am a professional musician and teacher with more than 10 years of experience. This beginner course contains everything I teach students in their first year of drum lessons. The aim of this course is not to make you a pro drummer, but rather, to give you a solid foundation on which to build your drumming career!"
Price: 69.99

"Consultoria de auto-maquiagem online" |
"Com este curso, meu objetivo ajudar voc a descobrir a sua melhor verso! Aqui temos vdeo aulas , onde eu mostro a melhor forma de cuidar do seu acervo de maquiagem, diferentes tcnicas de preparao de pele e de olhos. Com um material visual que ir facilitar o seu aprendizado, alm de um contato direto comigo para tirar suas dvidas."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende expresin oral y puesta en escena" |
"Un seminario en el que trabajaremos los aspectos fundamentales a tener en cuenta a la hora de expresarse ante 1 o ms personas. Cualquier orador que pretenda despertar inters en sus oyentes debe velar fundamentalmente, por que el contenido y las maneras sean precisos, directos y concretos. La importancia del contenido del discurso es equiparable a la de la manera de transmitirlo: cmo captar a tus oyentes utilizando una modulacin vocal y expresiva adecuada. La idea es crear un puente entre concepto y su correcta expresin. Ayudar a transmitir tus ideas con seguridad para lograr objetivos.Aspectos a desarrollar en el seminario:EL CONTENIDO DEL DISCURSOLA VOZLA MIRADALA GESTUALIDADEL ENTORNO EN EL QUE SE DESARROLLA LA PRESENTACINLA PUESTA EN ESCENAMetodologa a seguir:-Trabajar la voz a travs del mtodo Estill Voice Training.-Tcnicas de relajacin y respiracin.-Modulacin vocal.-La improvisacin como herramienta ante imprevistos.-Tcnicas de expresin corporal.Un conocimiento profundo de uno mismo con una adecuada tcnica oral y expresiva facilita el destino de tus palabras. Tus primeras palabras pueden ser el inicio del mejor de los acuerdos.Este seminario est dirigido a todos aquellos que tienen en la palabra una herramienta importante para su vida profesional: Global Business Managers, Key Account Managers, conferenciantes, etc.En el seminario, el trabajo de los participantes ser registrado. El material audiovisual obtenido facilitar el anlisis de la evolucin del aprendizaje de cada participante y ser entregado para afianzar los progresos obtenidos ."
Price: 19.99

"Autodesk Revit Elektrik" |
"Uzun yllardr proje tasarmlarnda kullanlan Autodesk Autocad program teknolojini gelimesi ile yetersiz kalmaya balamt. Bu gereksinimi gren Autodesk firmas alternatif olarak Revit programn piyasaya srmtr. Bu program sayesinde tm projeleri ve disiplinlerini boyutlu olarak tasarlamak mmkndr.Bu eitimde Revit program ile bir elektrik projesinin balang safhasndan teslim safhasna kadar olan btn aamalar reneceiz. Bu eitimi baaryla tamamladnzda i grmelerinizde veya CVnizde Revit programn kullanabildiinizi gnl rahatlyla beyan edebilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99

moofiytvflutterbasiccourse |
" :"
Price: 19.99

"AZ 900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Validated Practice Set" |
"This contain 4 Practice sets with latest pattern are designed for students who want to attend AZ-900 Microsoft Azure fundamental exam. This is a basic level exam for Azure and can be taken by both Technical and non-Technical person.This course is getting updated on regular basis with latest change and New questions."
Price: 1920.00

"Docker Certified Associate - DCA Practice Tests 2020" |
"This Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Exam course is your one-stop self-assessment. Find the domain areas to improve on your path to obtain the Docker Certification.July 2020 Update Our practice tests contain the new Kubernetes topics such as Kubernetes pods and deployments, configMaps and secrets, ClusterIP and NodePort services, etc. Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deep understanding of the Docker container technologies. The explanation provides an overview of the topic, reference links to Docker official docs, and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrect."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Opes de Aes" |
"Quando o assunto investimentos, bolsa um dos temas mais falados, sendo geralmente sobre compra e venda de aes. Porm, existe uma outra maneira de se ganhar dinheiro na bolsa, atravs das estratgias com opes de aes. Nesse mercado, possvel multiplicar seus investimentos em 2, 5, 10 vezes rapidamente.Apesar de parecer um mercado difcil de dominar, mais fcil do que se imagina, e com um risco calculado. Podendo comear no mercado de opes com muito pouco dinheiro se comparado ao mercado de aes.Esse curso vai te ensinar exatamente como ganhar no mercado de opes, com aulas na prtica e dinmicas, utilizando as estratgias mais utilizadas no mercado de Opes.Animado para comear a investir na bolsa de valore e ter os melhores rendimentos do mercado? Ento se inscreva e bons estudos!*Os resultados podem variar de pessoa a pessoa. *Empresas apresentadas, no so uma recomendao, apenas exemplos de estratgias."
Price: 39.99

"Pipeline de Ventas B2B" |
"El objetivo del curso es crear, desarrollar y administrar un Pipeline de ventas B2B adecuado a las necesidades del negocio o compaa, que permita al estudiante lograr incrementar el volumen total de negocios con venta, su tamao y los ingresos, lo que se traduce en una mayor efectividad de ventas y de rentabilidad. "
Price: 99.99

"Neuroanatomy for medical students" |
"At the end of this course the student should be able to:Recognize the anatomy of the nervous system; the spinal cord and its meninges, the cerebellum and cerebrum structure and function, the brain stem, the diencephalon, the basal nuclei, the sensory and motor tracts, the blood supply of brain and the spinal cord."
Price: 39.99
