"Know about Environmental Management System" |
"This course is useful for all of us. Whether you are working or studying. Help you in your organisation if you know about this subject and you can be part of the team of leaders. It will be helpful for you if you are asked to implement Environmental Management System when specifically it is matter for your yearly performance evaluation. You will get value in participating in this course. "
Price: 39.99

flamencoguitar |
"Rumba - Juan Martin () 4 Skills Arpeggio Triplets Guitar Tabs ( ) Udemy ( ) Guitar Tabs"
Price: 19.99

"Physical Experience Design -HCD Brand New Design Process" |
"I have worked and delivered over 150 architectural projects, getting approval for the design proposal was not easy. conceptualize, materials selection, use of the space, ....etc. Design Dilemma.So me and my team we had to break this cycle, we had to be innovative. we had to reinvent our process so we are certain that our designs take us where we want to be.Whether you are a student looking to get the highest mark or a profession that wants to innovate your current process of delivering interior /architectural design projects.This course is for youA brand new methodology that will enable you to get the client's approval, attention & appreciation. That is what happens when you combine the service design process with the architecture development design process.The Course Goal;Is to enable you to fill the gap between client satisfaction and what you believe as a designer.It enables you to gain clients attention towards your knowledge of other business aspects, and how you conclude it all within your proposalIt enables you to deliver a holistic proposal where you dont leave many chances for the client to disagree or argue about the base you have conceptualized your idea.It makes the client think of you as a sophisticated designer with in-depth knowledge of human behaviors and customers experience.This course is designed for architect and interior designer, Its a trademark.I am going to share with you, knowledge of different fields as service design and human-centered design and how these fields offer a methodology that we can leverage to deliver design projects.I will provide you with steps on- How you ideate for an experience through spaces - Journey maps - The full design experience strategy.- I will be showing & explaining real physical experience design projects. Toolkit files available to you ; - Human-centered design process-- The full design experience strategy."
Price: 64.99

"Kommunikations und Sprachpsychologie" |
"Die Kommunikations und Sprachpsychologie richtet sich an Menschen, welche ihre Auftrittskompetenz verbessern mchten. Der Kurs zeigt die Wirkung von Einflussfaktoren innerhalb der selektiven Wahrnehmungsebene auf und zeigt Mglichkeiten, wie diese zum eigenen Nutzen verwendet werden knnen. Was ist Kommunikation? Was bedeutet Selektive Wahrnehmung? Und wie werden Kommunikationsmodelle richtig angewendet? All dies und noch vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in meinem Kurs."
Price: 19.99

"Kommunikations und Sprachpsychologie Teil 2" |
"Die Kommunikations und Sprachpsychologie richtet sich an Menschen, welche ihre Auftrittskompetenz verbessern mchten. Der Kurs zeigt die Wirkung von Einflussfaktoren innerhalb der selektiven Wahrnehmungsebene auf und zeigt Mglichkeiten, wie diese zum eigenen Nutzen verwendet werden knnen. Was ist Kommunikation? Was bedeutet Selektive Wahrnehmung? Und wie werden Kommunikationsmodelle richtig angewendet? All dies und noch vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in meinem Kurs."
Price: 19.99

"IELTS Speaking 7 Puan ve zeri Eitimi" |
"International English Language Testing System yani IELTS, sandnz kadar zor deil. Hem sizlere bunu gstermek hem de snavn speaking (konuma) ksmn beraber amak iin, snavla alakal btn format taktik ve metotlar bulabileceiniz, yzlerce farkl soru tipi ieren bu eitimi hazrladm. imdiden hepinize baarlar, unutmayn ki 'Practice makes perfect!'. Eitimde grmek zere"
Price: 49.99

"Movavi pour les dbutants" |
"Durant ce cours vous allez apprendre l'essentiel de Movavi. Pris par beaucoup de youtubeur, ce logiciel vous permet en peu du temps raliser intuitivement un montage vido, montage photo panoramique, enregistrement de son cran et ralisation des clips avec des effets magnifiques.Le cours commence par une introduction au logiciel et une prise en main rapide. On va ensuite parcourir les opration les plus importante et on finira avec un petit projet sympathique ."
Price: 24.99

"Master the Art of Selling" |
"Sales is all about listening to people and prescribing a solution. In every job you'll come across sales moments, whether you're selling yourself in a job interview or selling products to customers - it's an essential skill in all career paths. Sales needn't be slimy, immoral, or complicated - it's simply about getting the best solution for the customer so they are thrilled to buy from you.With this course you can maximize your sales potential in just a few minutes - if you're already working in sales, or looking for a lucrative and enjoyable future career, effective selling is a valuable skill that you definitely need to master.Everyone has a dream goal that they want to achieve but nobody knows exactly what they need to get to where they want.They have no idea what things exactly will help them achieve their goal.That is why it is your job as a business owner,sales leader to show them what they need to achieve their goals.All what you will need to help them achieve their goals are right in this course for you.I have covered the following topics in this course here:.The Art of Selling.Psychology of Sales.Principle of Persuasion in Sales. Generating Leads.Qualifying a Prospect.The Different Type of Buyers,Their Behaviors and How to Respond to Them.Handling Objections from your Prospects.Closing the Sale"
Price: 19.99

"Fature mais de 50 mil por Ms com Dropshipping na Shopify" |
"Aprenda a fazer vendas com as tcnicas do Dropshipping com Shopfy e AliExpress. Voc vai aprender tudo desde escolher os melhores produtos at fazer a converso.Dropshipping uma intermediao entre o cliente e o fornecedor,portanto no necessito de estoque e me preocupar com as entregas.Esse mercado tem crescido no Brasil, a tendencia aumentar."
Price: 159.99

Cypress |
"Cypress. , . , , WEB , API . ."
Price: 29.99

"Javascript Full stack development" |
"In this course you will every thing you need to become a Full stack developer in javascript with React node mongodb and much more everything is explained in functional as well as object oriented programming paradigm along with some ideas about real world programming in this course you will learn about javascript and its object Orient programming React along with object Orient programming in react node.js the javascript module that allows you to get access to the server and mongodb"
Price: 19.99

"Basic block pattern" |
"This course will teach you how to drafting your own basic block and sleeve from scratch, taking your own body measurement correctly and sewing your garment. Other topics covered are constructing facing, zip attachment, neck facing, labeling and notches, drafting front pattern with seams and dart, sewing dart and shoulder seam and many more !"
Price: 34.99

"SDL Trados Studio 2019 Basic" |
"This is a Getting Started Level Course and here you will learn the basic concepts of CAT TOOLS. What are the advantages of using them and what is the TM technology powering them. You will learn how to create and prepare a Single File Project which is one of the simplest project types you can create with SDL Trados Studio 2019. The Studio Project (also known as Standard Project) will be covred in the Intermediate Level Corse."
Price: 49.99

"How schools can reopen safely" |
"A step by step guide to open up our favorite places of learning, our schools. As governments all across the world open up different services and as everyone embraces the ""new normal"", schools are now reopening. With anxiety on everyone's mind regarding the COVID 19 virus, the task looks formidable.The course looks at nitty gritties in opening up schools and steps that the management, at a department and an individual level can take, to keep everyone safe and healthy.It provides specific measurable roles and responsibilities for departments like HR, Academics and Administration and individuals alike which schools can implement in their day to day working. It also provides pre- opening and everyday operational tips which can be practically implemented in every school, no matter the school size.The course can be accessed here and our master instructor for this course is Dr. Ajay Prabhakar, former United Nations Officer and Founder and Chairman of Pioneers Nation."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduo AWS" |
"Este curso ir apresentar para voc o mundo do desenvolvimento de aplicaes em nuvem utilizando a plataforma da AWS. Voc desvendar os principais e mais utilizados recursos dentro da plataforma, alm de como e quando utiliz-los. Por fim, iremos construir uma aplicao serverless juntos, totalmente do zero, onde iremos aplicar todo o conhecimento obtido at ento.O principal objetivo deste curso elevar a sua capacidade e carreira profissional como desenvolvedor para o prximo nvel."
Price: 39.99

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi della nutrizione" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi dell' alimentazione.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione dell' anoressia nervosa, della bulimia nervosa e del disturbo da binge eating mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione della schizofrenia.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi da uso di sostanze" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi da uso di sostanze.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione del disturbo da uso di alcol, di tabacco, marijuana e altre sostanze mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione della schizofrenia.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Corso di psicologia generale: introduzione alla psicologia" |
"Che cos' la psicologia? Come funziona la nostra mente? Quali sono le scuole di pensiero che hanno fatto la storia di questa scienza? Questo corso introduttivo di Psicologia Generale risponder a queste e molte altre domande, fornendoti una panoramica generale sulla splendida scienza del comportamento.I temi trattati in questo corso si basano sui curriculum degli studi universitari di Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche, in particolare il corso di Psicologia Generale.A grandi linee, i macroargomenti di questo percorso di apprendimento sono:1) cenni introduttivi alla psicologia2) cenni storici e orientamenti (sviluppo e scuole di pensiero)3) la psicologia oggi (approcci moderni).Capire cosa si nasconde dietro comportamenti apparentemente inspiegabili, questo a mio parere uno degli aspetti pi affascinanti della psicologia."
Price: 119.99

"Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Moderno en Python" |
"El curso de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Moderno est diseado para cualquiera que quiera crecer o empezar una nueva carrera y obtener una slida formacin en el campo del NLP.Hoy en da, la industria est cada vez ms necesitada de soluciones de NLP. Chatbots y automatizacin en lnea, modelado de lenguaje, extraccin de eventos, deteccin de fraude en contratos enormes son slo algunos ejemplos de lo que se demandan hoy en da. Aprender NLP es clave para aportar soluciones reales a las necesidades presentes y futuras.A lo largo de este curso, aprovecharemos la enorme cantidad de datos de voz y texto disponibles en lnea, y exploraremos las 3 principales y ms poderosas aplicaciones del NLP, que te darn el poder de abordar con xito cualquier desafo del mundo real.Primero, nos sumergiremos en las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales para crear una aplicacin de anlisis de sentimiento.Luego iremos a Transformers, reemplazando las Redes Neuronales Recurrentes para crear un sistema de traduccin de idiomas.El curso es fcil de usar y sobretodo muy eficiente: nuestro curso Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Moderno aprovecha las ltimas tecnologas - Tensorflow 2.0 y Google Colab - asegurndote que no tendrs ningn problema de compatibilidad con tu ordenador, con la instalacin o la versin del software y que ests usando las herramientas ms actualizadas y avanzadas."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende BERT, el algoritmo de NLP ms avanzado de Google" |
"Profundiza en la teora y la puesta en prctica del algoritmo BERT y sus aplicaciones:Apto para todos: Nos sumergiremos en la historia del algoritmo BERT desde sus orgenes, detallando cualquier concepto para que cualquiera pueda seguir y terminar el curso dominando este algoritmo de NLP de ltima generacin incluso si eres nuevo en el tema. Potente y disruptivo: Aprende los conceptos detrs del nuevo BERT, que deja atrs las RNR, RNC y otros modelos pesados de aprendizaje profundo para implementar de una forma ms intuitiva el procesado de lenguajes naturales que se adaptar a una amplia gama de propsitos de NLP, incluido el tuyo, por supuesto!Fcil de usar y eficiente: hemos diseado el curso utilizando las ltimas tecnologas, utilizando Tensorflow 2.0 y Google Colab, asegurando que no tendrs ningn problema de compatibilidad / versin de software / mquina local / sistema operativo y que ests utilizando las herramientas ms avanzadas hasta la fecha."
Price: 199.99

"How to create Python Project?" |
"This course promotes the approach of creating a Python project on the base of interactions between Python scripts. It explains what is necessary to be organized in a way to create a successful end product on the base of Python code. Also, there is example of real Python project, that allows the use of Object-Oriented Programming and ZODB database. In this example through the created menu with instructions, a user is able to store, check for stored data, to edit or delete data in the ZODB database. Code in this example later can be used as a base for similar projects, with small modifications of the code."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA A+ Core1 220-1001" |
"CompTIA A+ Core1 220-1001 Practice Test500 Questions with Accurate AnswersCompTIA A+ certified professionals are proven problem solvers. They support todays core technologies from security to cloud to data management and more. CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for launching IT careers into todays digital world.- The only credential with performance-based items to prove pros can think on their feet to perform critical IT support tasks in the moment- Trusted by employers around the world to identify the go-to person in end point management & technical support roles- Regularly re-invented by IT experts to ensure that it validates core skills and abilities demanded in the workplaceThe CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) covering the following new content:- Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionals- Configure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) software- Troubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scripting- Support basic IT infrastructure and networking- Configure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardware- Implement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practicesCompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de Ingeniera geotcnica/Mecnica de suelos SUCS" |
"El curso de Fundamentos de Ingeniera geotcnica/Mecnica de suelos en base al SUCS tiene como objetivo proporcionar un espectro de conocimiento amplio sobre la Ingeniera geotcnica y la mecnica de suelo de los temas mencionados, esto para que se tenga un alcance en conocimiento suficiente para el desarrollo de problemas aplicados a la vida real, conocimiento sobre las pruebas ndice que se realizan en los laboratorios y la comprensin de todos los conceptos y significados."
Price: 59.99

"Integrales Indefinidas, mtodos de integracin desde cero" |
"Este es un curso diseado para desarrollar paso a paso la mayor cantidad de mtodos de integracin. Resolveremos ejercicios sobre cada mtodo de integracin y se te proporcionarn ejercicios para que puedas aplicar lo aprendido. No todos aprendemos de la misma forma ni con la misma rapidezNos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 29.99

"Teoria Elementar Aplicada ao Violo e a Guitarra" |
"O curso Teoria Elementar Aplicada ao Violo e a Guitarra abarca a teoria musical mais primordial, passando por diversos assuntos cronologicamente divididos em nvel de complexidade, at aos mais avanados. Os tpicos abordados visam prover tudo aquilo que algum precisa saber para poder dominar a guitarra e/ou violo. Com a bagagem adquirida no curso, o aluno(a) ter completo domnio do brao do instrumento, sendo capaz de montar acordes, arpejos e escalas, montar o campo harmnico maior e menor de cada um dos 12 tons, transpor progresses harmnicas e executar msicas em qualquer tom. O aluno tambm adquirir uma formidvel base de teoria musical, o que torna o curso interessante no apenas para violonistas/guitarristas, mas para msicos e estudantes de msica de uma forma geral."
Price: 69.99

"How to become the best salesperson - Buying Selling Bitcoin" |
"If you've ever asked yourself, how can I sell better? This is the course for you.If you have ever asked what are the most advanced sales methods today? This is the course for you!If you thought to yourself, is there a way to convince everybody to purchase my product or service?This course is especially for you!This is the course for the Bitcoin consultant, who wants to advance in helping customers buy Bitcoin with his help.Yes, there are many methods for effective selling nowadays, and they are getting better over the years.This is the course for the Bitcoin consultant, who wants to advance in helping customers buy Bitcoin with his guidance, and profit from it.This is a great course not only for the Bitcoin Advisor but also for anyone who wants to learn how to convince costumers to buy.This course will make you be a Sharp Salesperson that can sell almost anything to anyone.Here you will learn:What are the most advanced sales methods nowadays?How do you respond to objections most effectively?What are the 6 most effective persuasion steps available?What is allowed to say in order to sell and what is forbidden?How can you figure out how much Bitcoin a customer in front of you should buy?What are the 10 rules for successful negotiation?What is the connection between abundance to successful selling?Your dreams for your own successful business are waiting for you behind a lot of successful deals!Don't wait any longer, register now, and watch your future changing for the better immediately!What are you waiting for? Sign up now"
Price: 74.99

"Create games with Unity using bolt visual scripting" |
"By the end of this course, you will be able to speed up your game development process and create your own game in Unity using Bolt package. Bolt brings complete visual scripting to Unity, empowering artists, designers, and programmers to create gameplay mechanics and interactive systems without writing a single line of code simply by using Flow Graphs which are powerful flow control graphs for low-level logic.If you want to create your own games in a fun way which doesn't take a lot of time - start this course now!"
Price: 24.99

"CPA C++""" |
"C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) is a professional certificate that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the C++ language and the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the following concepts: the universal concepts of computer programming; the syntax and semantics of the C++ language as well as basic data types offered by the language; the principles of the object-oriented model and its implementation in the C++ language; the means useful in resolving typical implementation problems with the help of standard C++ language libraries."
Price: 24.99

"Grape and Fig Cake Masterclass" |
"Learn how to make a delicious Grape and Fig Tall cake. Instructed by the renowned Jeyadra VijayselvanThis class will have 8 modules and one combined recipe card. The recipe card for this class is an advanced recipe card to make your life easy. I have spent 12+ hours only to work on the recipe card. I hope you all like it. This is the format that we use in our kitchen for all our other recipes :)"
Price: 2560.00

"(CV0-002 ) CompTIA Cloud+ Exam Preparation Tests New" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Cloud+ certification exam ?Cloud computing is a disruptive force impacting the general climate of the IT world .CompTIA Cloud+ reflects an emphasis on incorporating and managing cloud technologies as part of broader systems operations. It assumes a candidate will weave together solutions that meet specific business needs and work in a variety of different industries. CompTIA Cloud+ is for IT practitioners looking to advance their cloud career with IT networking, storage or data center technology.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : Configurations & DeploymentManagementMaintenanceSecurityTroubleshooting"
Price: 19.99

"Ingls de negocios: Cmo crear un currculum en ingls" |
"Ests pensando en mudarte a un pas de habla inglesa? Quieres trabajar para una compaa extranjera o una multinacional en tu pas? Hoy en da, cada vez es ms comn que las personas busquen trabajo en otros pases con ms oportunidades a nivel laboral. Tener un currculum en ingls de calidad nos abrir las puertas para lograr ese puesto de trabajo que tanto deseamos.En este curso te ayudar a hacer un currculum en ingls.Hablaremos sobre:Las diferencias entre los currculums para pases angloparlantes.Las diferentes secciones que debe tener nuestro currculum.Las palabras clave que debemos utilizar para llamar la atencin del reclutador.Qu debemos evitar poner en el currculum.Dado que cada puesto de trabajo y cada compaa son diferentes, hablaremos de cmo saber qu es lo que est buscando esa compaa en particular. Te dar las herramientas necesarias para averiguar cul es el vocabulario que debes usar al escribir tu currculum. Hablaremos sobre algunas equivalencias internacionales a nivel de educacin, ya que cada pas tiene un sistema educativo diferente y no siempre es posible hacer una traduccin directa de los ttulos universitarios. Tambin hablaremos sobre cmo organizar y describir tu experiencia laboral, incluyendo casos en los que hayas tenido muchos trabajos cortos, puestos de trabajo no relacionados, o hayas trabajado por cuenta propia.Siguiendo los pasos indicados, al finalizar este curso tendrs un currculum listo para enviar."
Price: 19.99
