"Tesis A+: Eleccin del tema y planteamiento del problema" |
"Con este curso podrs elegir un tema de investigacin ptimo y elaborar el planteamiento del problema para tu tesis de licenciatura, maestra o doctorado.Esta etapa inicial de la tesis es la ms importante y una de las que mayores retos presenta. Por ello, en estas lecciones compartir contigo las tcnicas y estrategias necesarias para que tu tema de tesis comience con un nivel de calidad A+.As tambin, revisaremos cmo desarrollar el primer captulo de la tesis, con lecciones que explican cmo redactar la descripcin del problema, las preguntas, los objetivos, la justificacin de la investigacin, entre otros."
Price: 29.99

"ITIL 4 The Big Picture" |
"The ITIL 4 Big Picture course is brought to you by Dr. Suzanne Van Hove and Doug Tedder. Both are ITIL Experts with each bringing over 20 years experience working, consulting and teaching in the field.In this course Doug and Suzanne will share their personal experiences with you while they bring you up to speed on ITIL 4. The course was created to help IT Service Management Professionals get a handle on ITIL 4 and all it has to offer. Please note that this course introduces ITIL 4 and discusses the differences between ITIL V3 and ITIL 4. If you have studied and passed the ITIL V3 Foundation Exam this is the perfect way to understand the new features of ITIL 4. This course is not designed to prepare you to take and pass the ITIL 4 Foundation exam. If you want to prepare to take and pass the ITIL 4 Foundation exam or are new to ITIL or IT Service Management, then you will want to take the full and accredited ITIL 4 Foundation Training Course from GogoTraining.What is ITIL 4 All About?ITIL 4 combines the best of ITIL V3 and expands it to include the key principals of Digital Transformation providing a larger systems application of ITIL into the enterprise. This brings ITIL into the fast-paced complex world we live in. ITIL 4 is designed to give organizations a comprehensive system for the management of information technology in our modern service economy. In so doing it covers the full delivery and sustenance of tech-enabled products and provides guiding tools to for the interface of IT into the wider business strategy.In This Course You Will Learn:Key concepts of IT service managementThe four dimensions of service managementThe Service Value System The Service Value ChainWe look forward to having you come up to speed on ITIL 4 with Doug and Suzanne. If you have any questions about the Accredited ITIL 4 Curriculum and how to best advance in your ITIL Career, please contact us by emailing customerservice@GogoTraining.com or by calling us at 877.546.4446."
Price: 19.99

"Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Practice Tests-2020" |
"Do you want to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam with a 100% guarantee?Be better prepared to pass the Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam by taking this series of practice tests!This is the perfect course for you to give preparation series of 6 practice tests (One Theory, One Hands-on Practice, One Easy, One Moderate, two difficult Levels) With Detailed Answer Explanations and links to external Tableau resources to understand your preparation levels.****************************************** Study Notes ****************************************We are also offering Study Notes which you can use to revise before sitting for the exam. These study notes cover most of the Theory questions, which will help you in passing the exam.Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam consists of 30 questions out of which approximately 22 questions are theory-based, and approximately 8 questions are hands-on based on given data. You can easily complete these 22 questions with our study notes.************************* My Experience of Exam and Exam Tips and Tricks ************************With study Notes, I will also provide the tips and tricks you can use to pass the exam. My experience will help you to understand the environment of exams and time management.Why you should purchase this course:STUDY NOTES- My Study notes, provided with the course, will help you to easily complete 20-22 questions (Approximately 70%).210 QUESTIONS - Varying difficult levels to give you a real feel of an exam. The focus has been given on multiple-choice, multi-answer, and hands-on questions similar to the actual exam.DETAILED EXPLANATIONS - With Images, text, and reference links to EVERY single question, you absolutely CANNOT find any other practice tests with such in depth-explanations - GUARANTEED.FULLY UPDATED - Most courses out there claim to be up-to-date, but in reality, they're not! These tests are based on the Latest June 2020 update from Tableau, so you don't have to worry about using outdated content EVER.VERSION - Latest Tableau Version used for explanations is TABLEAU 2020.2.2FREE EXAM TIPS GUIDE I will provide the exam tips to easily pass the exam.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeCOURSE UPDATES - Course content is regularly updated. The latest version update date is August 5, 2020.UNLIMITED EXAM ATTEMPTS - Exams can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile.EXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCES - Detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers with images and supporting references/Knowledge areas to understand the concepts behind. This helps to understand the whole concept rather than just that question.INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns, or suggestions.FULL LIFETIME ACCESS - You maintain full lifetime access to these courses, so even if you buy today, you can use them anytime later!MONTHLY UPDATES - New questions will be added every month to keep these tests up to date with the actual Tableau Desktop Specialist certification exam!TEST REPORTS - At the end of each test, you will have the option to view an auto-generated report showing you which areas need improvement so you can study those topics a little more!Tableau is the first choice for data visualization today. Trends show that the average salary of a Tableau Certified Desktop Specialist varies anywhere between $90,000 to $100,000+Enroll now to validate your preparation for Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification and pass your Exam!"
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda a Anunciar no Facebook em 15 Minutos" |
"O que acha de aprender a anunciar na maior plataforma de anncios do mundo em menos de 15 minutos?No sei se voc sabe...Mas o Facebook a maior e melhor plataforma de anncios do mundo.Primeiro porque ela tem mais dados dos usurios do que qualquer outra plataforma.Segundo porque ele tem mais de 2.5 Bilhes de usurios em todo mundo, mais de 170 milhes s no Brasil.Um dado mais importante ainda que esses usurios ficam em mdia 40min por dia conectados no facebook ou instagram.Ento se voc tem um negcio... Por que no promov-lo para essas pessoas?Nesse curso de Facebook Ads ns vamos pegar na sua mo e vamos te ensinar a promover o seu negcio na maior plataforma de anncios do mundo. um curso sem enrolao, direto ao ponto, para que em poucos minutos voc aprenda exatamente tudo o que precisa saber sobre como usar o Facebook ads para promover seu negcio e aumentar as suas vendas.Alem do curo voc ainda vai levar de brinde alguns Modelos de Anncios que foram usados por nossa agncia, a TG7 Marketing Digital. Modelos que foram testados e validados em campanhas de verdade.O que est esperando???Te Vejo no Nosso Curso,"
Price: 294.99

"Como Criar Um Vdeo de Alta Converso Para Anncios em 1min" |
"Nesse curso ns vamos desenvolver um script de um vdeo para anncios em redes sociais.Os anncios que tem maior engajamento sem dvida nenhuma so anncios em vdeo, principalmente para quem vai anunciar em redes sociais como Facebook, Instagram e YouTube.Em alguns casos o engajamento absurdamente maior do que o de imagens. exatamente isso que queremos quando vamos fazer um anncio... mais engajamento e mais converses.Juntos vamos desenvolver uma estratgia de criao de vdeos usando os elementos principais do marketing digital e copywriting.Vou te ensinar a montar um script para voc gravar um vdeo ads que chame a ateno e que aumente seus resultados com anncios.Tambm vou te dar um modelo e exemplos para voc seguir.Aposto que vai adorar!Te vejo no nosso curso."
Price: 579.99

"The Complete Appium Course for iOS and Android + Frameworks" |
"Learning Appium is not the real challenge, it is to find a mentor who can guide you in the right direction and help you master Appium!When I was learning Appium 3 years back, I could not find any good quality material online that could teach me Appium in the right manner. I had to always go through StackOverFlow and other similar forums to extract solutions for the issues I use to face. So I gained the knowledge in bits and pieces. Many online articles/tutorials/videos I found were outdated, be it YouTube or any other well known platform. Even today, I see many popular websites, including YouTube, are having outdated Appium content. I was quite frustrated with this lack of information and eventually after spending 3 years with Appium, I'm now in a position to share all the knowledge I gained with the testing community.I have built this course keeping in mind that you don't have to go through the same challenges I had to face during my learning phase.What the course offers?The main objective of the course is to take you from the beginner level to advanced level so that you can lead the entire mobile automation effort from the planning phase all the way to the CI/CD implementation. The course mainly focuses on teaching you the Appium concepts with live coding examples.Every topic is covered in great detail.This is the only course that covers both iOS and Android side by side.The iOS real device setup is covered in great detail along with Apple's code signing process and various other important concepts.This is the only course in Appium that talks about automation best practices, Appium best practices and the Appium tips and tricks.The course covers building two different automation frameworks from scratch, one using TestNG and another one using Cucumber BDD. Both the frameworks follow many of the industry best practices and are production ready.The course covers CI/CD implementation from scratch and integrates the automation framework with it. Course updatesAppium is constantly changing and so the other open source tools.So the course is always updated with the latest information.If you are stuck and need helpDo not worry if you are stuck somewhere and need my help.Im in the Q&A to help you get unstuck. I'll reply to every question to get you back on track."
Price: 94.99

"Entrenamiento Funcional Postparto" |
"Si deseas cambiar de hbitos , quemar grasa , recuperar tu figura despus del parto ,tonificar tu cuerpo y reducir tu abdomen este curso es para ti .Slo necesitas de 30 a 45 minutos al da 5 das a la semana Cada da de la semana nos centraremos en una zona espesifica del cuerpo. finalizando con una serie para el abdomen .Estiramientos para empezar y acabar la sesin de entrenamientoSoporte por email ,Facebook e Instagram ."
Price: 19.99

"Logstica de Produo" |
"A procura de um curso objetivo e de fcil entendimento sobre Logstica de Produo? Ento pode encerrar suas buscas pois este curso tudo aquilo que voc precisa!A Logstica uma rea extremamente rica que est presente at mesmo nas menores organizaes, por isso, importante que os profissionais inseridos no mercado de trabalho possuam conhecimento neste setor o que propiciar a ampliao de sua viso empresarial e de mercado. O curso no destinado apenas a profissionais da rea logstica, mas sim a profissionais de todas as reas, tendo em vista que a logstica de produo o setor responsvel pelo estudo e desenvolvimento de tcnicas de Gesto da Produo de bens ou servios podemos concluir que ela faz parte da funo central das corporaes, gerenciando a produo e consequentemente, incumbindo-se juntamente a ela de alcanar o objetivo principal da empresa, por esse motivo inferimos que o profissional que estuda logstica est adquirindo conhecimento sobre o principal setor responsvel pela existncia de sua organizao.O entendimento destes processos de suma importncia para o desenvolvimento profissional do colaborador, por isso, a necessidade de realizar um curso na rea logstica, com este curso voc aprender sobre a origem da logstica, como identificar erros em sistemas de produo, quais os objetivos do planejamento e controle da produo, os principais indicadores de desempenho dentro do estoque, como funcionam algumas ferramentas de gesto como: 1. Kaizen2. Kanban3. Ciclo PDCA4. Poka Yoke5. Os 10 SensosEntre outros tpicos aprender principalmente como otimizar e at mesmo gerenciar processos logsticos, para isso sero necessrios foco, comprometimento e determinao. O curso de logstica de produo possui 5 horas de aulas com slides alm de uma apostila completa com explicaes de todos os tpicos trabalhados.Ao final do curso de Logstica de Produo, voc no ir se tornar apenas um aluno com um certificado mas um profissional com viso panormica dos processos que ocorrem dentro do setor logstico e com capacidade de introduzir essas ferramentas de gesto em situaes cotidianas dentro de sua organizao de forma consciente."
Price: 39.99

"AI-900 MS Azure AI Fundamental Certification Exam Tests" |
"This course contains latest AI-900 questions which helps you to clear the exam very easily. Each test test set contain certain questions to be solved in a time limit to make you confident about exam. I will keep on adding the latest questions in this course so you will have the latest content always. A detailed explanation about each answer is provided which helps you to build MS Azure Artificial Intelligence cloud concepts while practicing the tests.Practice the tests until you are able to answer all the question correctly before giving the exam. This exam is intended for candidates with both technical and non-technical backgrounds. Data science and software engineering experience are not required; however, some general programming knowledge or experience would be beneficial.Azure AI Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Data Scientist Associate or Azure AI Engineer Associate, but its not a prerequisite for any of them."
Price: 39.99

"Elaboracin de materiales educativos Audio-Visuales" |
"El curso tiene como objetivo brindar las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para que sea capaz de elaborar materiales didcticos, de caractersticas audiovisuales. As mismo, el estudiante podr exportar los videos producidos a la plataforma de You Tube. En cuanto a los softwares que necesitaremos, tambin te ensearemos a cmo instalarlos adecuadamente."
Price: 29.99

"Arduino Beginner Kurs - Baue deinen ersten Roboter!" |
"Hey Du, mein Name ist Olli und ich studiere Mechatronik und Informationstechnologie im nun schon 5. Semester am KIT in Karlsruhe.Bist du schon einmal mit dem Arduino-Mikrocontroller in Kontakt gekommen und mchtest dein Knnen nun erweitern bzw. auffrischen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Kurs werde ich dir Stck fr Stck von Grund auf alles beibringen was du wissen musst, um die folgenden zwei Roboter mit mir zu bauen und zu verstehen:Abstands-halte-RoboterLinien-folge-RoboterNach dem Kurs wirst Du ein solides Verstndnis im Bezug auf den Umgang und die Programmierung des Arduino-Mikrocontrollers entwickelt haben, sodass Du mit deinen eigenen Projekten starten kannst. Ich werde dabei aber nicht Deine Zeit mit der Theorie verschwenden, sondern Dich so schnell wie mglich hin zur Praxis fhren. Umsetzung des Kurses:Der Kurs gliedert sich in 5 Teilbereiche:Elektrotechnik Grundlagen - Hier werde ich dir ein intuitives Verstndnis fr die Spannung, Stromstrke und den Widerstand an die Hand geben, sodass diese Dinge nur noch halb so komisch sind :DMikrocontroller Grundlagen - Hier rume ich mit den Mythen rund um den Arduino-Mikrocontroller auf und erklre auf einfach Weise was der Arduino-Mikrocontroller berhaupt ist und warum Du so viel Spa damit haben kannst.Praktisches Erlernen des Umgangs mit dem Arduino-Mikrocontroller - Angefangen damit mit Hilfe des Arduinos eine LED blinken zu lassen tastest Du dich immer weiter an den Bau der Roboter heran. Du lernst hierbei durch praktische Anwendung alles, was Du in den folgenden zwei Sektionen brauchen wirst. Bau des Abstand-halte-Roboters - Endlich ist es soweit! Nach ungefhr 2 1/2 Stunden Videomaterial hast du alles gelernt, was du brauchst um jetzt richtig Spa mit dem Arduino-Mikrocontroller zu haben. Ich zeige Dir wie Du Motoren zum Laufen bringst und vieles mehr. Hierbei wird alles Gelernte angewendet, sodass du richtig gefordert sein wirst! Aber keine Sorge - falls du irgendwann Fragen haben solltest bin ich fr dich da :DBau des Linien-folge-Roboters - Durch eine kleine nderung des Aufbaus des Abstand-halte-Roboters ist es mglich einen ganz neuen, noch cooleren Roboter zu bauen. Lass dich einfach berraschen :)Was Du fr diesen Kurs brauchst:Logisch - Fr einen praxisorientierten Kurs brauchst du auch ein paar Dinge! Ich habe mir aber groe Mhe gegeben keinerlei teure Bauteile fr diesen Einsteiger/Fortgeschrittenen Kurs zu verwenden. Du brauchst also keinen Ltkolben zu kaufen, um dem Kurs folgen zu knnen. Ich liste dir hier, den Udemy-Richtlinien entsprechen, alle bentigten Materialien auf. Weitere Informationen und genaue Kosten, sowie Links kannst du dem ffentlich zugnglichen Video in der Kurs-Vorschau entnehmen! (Der Link ist dort sowohl als Frage vermerkt, als auch als Notiz zu Beginn des Videos angehngt) Grob wirst Du ca. 65 in die Hand nehmen mssen. Das hngt aber stark davon ab, was du schon hast! Schau einfach mal im Video vorbei :DHier also die Auflistung der Materialien (Keine Angst - ich zeige Dir, wo Du alles kaufen kannst):Arduino (von Arduino selbst oder einem gnstigeren Anbieter)Set mit ein paar Widerstnden, einem Taster, einem Breadboard und KabelnRoboter Chassis Set (Dieses beinhaltet sowohl die Elektromotoren, als auch Reifen und alles was Du fr Deinen ersten Roboter brauchst)Eine Spannungsquelle (Vergleiche mein Video fr genauere Informationen)L298N-Motor-Driver (Zum steuern der Motoren)Zwei Infrarot-Sensor-ModuleEin Schraubenzieher, schwarzes Panzerband/Tape (oder hnliches), Sekundenkleber (oder hnliches)Ich bin dein Ansprechpartner!Solltest du whrend des Kurses je Fragen haben, so mchte ich, dass du sie mir stellst. Somit ist die beste Lernerfahrung fr dich gesichert und wir sind beide glcklich.Worauf wartest du?Durch die 30 Tage-Geld-Zurck Garantie von Udemy kannst du nichts verlieren! Schau dir den Kurs an und falls Ich Dir nicht zusagen dann holst du dir dein Geld wieder zurck - so einfach ist das :DKlicke also einfach auf den ""Einschreiben"" - Button und dann sehe ich dich gleich in der ersten Lektion!Ich freue mich auf Dich und deine Fragen,Olli"
Price: 199.99

bonerevolution |
"2070/ AggieAggie ( 201997232007FIG"
Price: 4200.00

"Maitriser la loi de l'attraction" |
"Bravo vous ! Oui bravo ! vous d'avoir plac votre confiance dans ce programme de 14 leons, que les lites ont reus et continuent de recevoir l'heure ou vous lisez ce texte ! Vous avez pris une bonne dcision ! Le partage d'information est trs important pour moi, car je souhaite vous dlivrer ce qui m'a permis de comprendre mes checs et mes russites durant toutes ces annes ! Comme j'aime le dire je ne serai pas un coach pour vous mais un simple messager qui vous donnera l'accs l'information que tant souhaiterai obtenir ! Quand je parle ""d'lites"", ce sont des millionnaires et Milliardaires qui ont dcids de vous expliquer comment ils ont russis et ce qu'ils ont fait pour devenir ce qu'ils sont aujourd'hui ! Vous allez recevoir la mthode ainsi que la stratgie comme les lites l'ont reus depuis des sicles grce ces 13 leons enregistrs sous forme d'audio. C'est pourquoi je vous donne aujourd'hui l'unique chance votre tour de profiter de toutes ces connaissances ""secrtes"" que j'ai du payer une petite fortune l'poque ! mais qui aujourd'hui m'ont permis de vivre la vie que j'ai toujours voulu avoir ! Fort de son succs mdiatique et considrablement enrichi, Kevin Trudeau publia en 2009 ""Your Wish is Your Command"" et s'engouffra dans la veine rcente et prolifique de la Loi de l'attraction, ouverte par Rhonda Byrne en 2006. Dans cet ouvrage, Kevin Trudeau revendique l'hritage d'une mystrieuse confrrie secrte (""The Brotherhood"") laquelle auraient appartenu tous les milliardaires et grands hommes amricains de la fin du XIXeme et du XXeme sicle, et dont il aurait dcid de dvoiler les enseignements. Lors du lancement de cet ouvrage, Kevin Trudeau organisa une confrence initiatique sur plusieurs jours, au cours de laquelle il livra un groupe de privilgis ayant dpens 10 000$ pour y assister, les secrets qui lui avait t transmis. Et pour en faire profiter le plus grand nombre, cette confrence fut capte et enregistre sur leons audio afin d'tre commercialise. Au terme de cette confrence marathon de 2 jours, c'est un coffret de pas moins de 13 leons audio qui sont proposs un prix totalement drisoire ! Je vous invite tlcharger tout les fichiers que vous pouvez considrer comme votre matriel pour apprendre ds prsent ces grands secrets mettre en application dans votre vie et en premier lieu dans votre mp3 ou tlphone pour l'avoir toujours avec vous sous la main ! Ces lites ont eux mme reu cet enseignement qui leur a permis de crer leur vie de rve, c'est maintenant votre tour de crer la votre ! Je vous souhaite une bonne coute et je suis sr que vous serez la personne avec le plus fort dsir de russir ! Le messager !"
Price: 64.99

"Un poco de electromagnetismo ;)" |
"Este curso consta de 8 videoclases en las cuales se utiliza pizarra digital, simuladores y otros recursos. En ellas se aborda no slo la teora, sino adems la resolucin de ejercicios y problemas a modo de ejemplo.Como material descargable tendrs tareas correspondientes a cada clase, donde te propongo resolver problemas, ejercicios y responder algunas preguntas. Cada tarea viene acompaada de su correspondiente resolucin.El tiempo recomendado para la visualizacin de cada videoclase ms la realizacin de la tarea correspondiente es de 1 semana. Por supuesto que a veces podr tomarte ms o menos tiempo.En el curso se abordan los siguientes contenidos:Concepto de carga elctrica. Tipos de carga. Propiedades de la carga elctrica. Concepto de campo elctrico, intensidad de campo elctrico, lneas de campo elctrico. Movimiento de cargas en un campo elctrico.Flujo de campo elctrico. 1ra. ecuacin de Maxwell: Ley de Gauss para el campo elctrico. Aplicaciones de la ley de Gauss para el campo elctrico: campo elctrico generado por una partcula cargada y por un plano infinito uniformemente cargado en el vaco. Principio de independencia y superposicin para el campo elctrico.Concepto de campo magntico. Lneas de campo magntico, visualizacin con limaduras de hierro. Flujo de campo magntico. 2da. ecuacin de Maxwell: Ley de Gauss para el campo magntico. Movimiento de cargas en un campo magntico.Relacin entre corrientes elctricas y campos magnticos. Efecto Orsted. Circulacin de campo magntico. 3ra. ecuacin de Maxwell: Ley de Ampre. Aplicaciones de la ley de Ampre: campo magntico generado por un conductor recto y largo y en el interior de una bobina. Principio de independencia y superposicin para el campo magntico.Induccin electromagntica. 4ta. ecuacin de Maxwell: ley de Faraday Lenz. Aplicaciones de la ley de Faraday Lenz."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 39.99

"Drop shipping" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar seu negcio prprio (loja eletrnica) nas plataformas Shopify e CartX utilizando um modelo de negcios conhecido como Drop shipping.No Drop shipping voc permitido em montar uma loja conforme suas necessidades e nicho escolhido (pblico personalizado) com ou sem estoque fsico, permitindo assim o acesso e a compra dos clientes atravs da sua pgina comercial como Amazon, Lojas Americanas....Drop shipping um excelente mtodo para iniciar no comrcio eletrnico (e-Commerce)Voc vai aprender passo a passo como montar e todos os segredos do Drop shipping, mercado que vem conquistando bilhes de clientes em todo o mundo. Voc ir aprender junto ao curso aplicativos que automatizam o servio para voc como: logstica, recuperao de clientes, marketing tudo que uma loja necessita para a captao e fidelizao do cliente.A grande vantagem deste mtodo que permite que voc crie seu prprio negcio sem ter de investir para ter seu estoque prprio, podendo assim comear seu negcio praticamente sem nenhum investimento inicial.Drop shipping um mtodo comprovado: Existem hoje dezenas de milhares de pessoas no mundo que h fazem Drop shipping, seja como renda extra ou seja para gerar uma renda principal em tempo integral.Bnus:* Lista de fornecedores* Lista de produtos* Temas para personalizar sua loja"
Price: 39.99

"Windows Active Directory for IT Security Adepts" |
"Active Directory is the most critical application for the majority of enterprises. It allows its administrators to manage easily and centrally the entire set of users, define their access to network resources and configure the computers they work on. Unfortunately, this powerful tool, being called the keys to the kingdom, is a very attractive target of cyber-attacks. This is the reason why IT security specialists should take into account this directory service.Gain hands-on knowledge that is applicable to real-world environments about threats, methods of detecting attacks and how to prevent them.Learn how Active Directory works and what possibilities it offers, and how Kerberos worksBe aware what is the attackers perspective and how attackers utilize Active Directory features to take advantage over IT security specialistsDiscern opportunities of reconnaissance of the infrastructure that Active Directory creates to attackers and what you can do to improve securityConfigure Active Directory policies related to user accounts to hinder attacksDetect and limit password sprayingIdentify a Kerberoast attack and what threats it carriesLearn what countermeasures you can take to prevent a Kerberoast attackUnderstand how LAPS works and how it can help you with secure password managementIncreasingly desirable cyber security skills at your fingertipsDespite the existence of many good sources of knowledge about Active Directory security, most of them take the perspective of offensive security representatives, mainly pentesters and red team members. We noticed the gap regarding materials created for blue teamers and decided to fill it with a course fully oriented towards people responsible for recognizing and counteracting cyber-attacks, and maintaining the availability and security of core services.As defense security adept you play a significant role in maintaining company IT security undistorted. Being aware of it, we provide you comprehensive knowledge of the Active Directory from a security perspective, with particular emphasis on detecting and preventing attacks.WHAT MAKES OUR COURSE UNIQUE?What distinguishes our course is its extensive practical value, thanks to the use of CDeX Cyber Range as an illustration of the discussed content. It is an advanced cybernetic training platform allowing for practical training in the area of security of any scale and level of complexity, and containing infrastructure prepared especially for the Active Directory security training scenario.So, our course won't be limited only to delivering information. For the vast majority of time, you can see practical actions involving the use of vulnerabilities, detecting attacks and counteracting them. You can immerse in realistic attack situation thanks to many practical examples, which strengthen your position in the fight against threats!No matter whether you want to level up your career and get a well-paid job, to become more skillful in the IT defensive security field, or you are at the beginning of your professional way as cybersecurity specialist, or are just passionate about it. This course creates an opportunity for you to gain practical skills and fill in the knowledge gaps, and finally achieve the intended career goals.In order to provide you an optimal way of learning, we used the following structure for most of our lessons:discussing the theory behind the threat, showing what the problem is and what attackers can achieve with itshowing what the attack path looks like from the perspective of the attacker, using the training scenario launched on cybernetic training rangepresenting practical ways of detecting a given attack also using our platformdiscussing how to implement mechanisms that will make the execution of a given attack difficult or impossibleAt the end of the course you will also receive a bonus lesson!RememberYou have a 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so theres absolutely nothing to worry about. Do not hesitate.It is time to stop thinking what if the attack happens. It is time to start preparing to face an attack!Thank you for taking the time to review the course. It is the result of our joint work as a team of specialists, in which we put a lot of heart and experience. We hope until next time!"
Price: 99.99

"Salesforce Business Analyst Interviews Questions & Answers" |
"Salesforce is the worlds number 1 CRM solution in the market and has become one of the fastest growing cloud-based software companies in the world. Almost all industries are starting to use this powerful technology and that is the reason why the demand for Salesforce business analysts had sky rocked over the last few years: In this training, we will be covering the most common Salesforce business analyst interview questions and we will tell you exactly how to answer them. We have divided this training into 6 sections: Introduction Questions Generic Business Analyst Questions Situational Business Analyst Questions Salesforce Knowledge Salesforce Cultural Fit Salesforce Practical ExperienceWhether its overwhelming job ads or the pressure to create the perfect resume, the job application and interview process can be somewhat daunting. This is why preparation is key, as while you cant necessarily control your nerves, you can always control the amount of preparation you do."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a cria UPC no ERP TOTVS Datasul" |
"Curso destinado a voc profissional de TI que deseja aprender sobre como realizar um customizao no ERP TOTVS Datasul, ou para Supervisores e Gerentes de Projetos a ter noo de como so criados e definidos esse tipo de programao. O curso vai desde a parte bsica de analise, passando pelos conceitos e funcionamento da UPC, bem como a criao da tabela especfica e a programao."
Price: 69.99

"historia de la msica" |
"Una gua definitiva para ti que buscas conocer cmo evolucion la msica. Como soporte para tus estudios profesionales o para quitarte las dudas que no te permiten disfrutar en plenitud de la msica de distintos gneros y pocas. Es ideal si quieres conocer de manera amplia la evolucin de la msica o puede ser una base muy slida para adentrarte en la msica a nivel profesional"
Price: 1470.00

"Conoce un sistema de enseanza musical basado en una secuencia de aprendizaje progresivo. adems de obtener un compendio de mi autora consistente en canciones que puedes usar para dar clases de msica. No importa si no ests trabajando frente a grupo. si eres un msico y quieres ensear a tus hijos, es una buena inversin. obtendrs tambin algunas referencias importantes a figuras rtmicas, organizacin de las canciones con base en su contenido pedaggico."
Price: 495.00

"Microsoft AZ-900: Prparation complte - Version Franaise" |
"Bienvenue dans le cours Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900). Ce cours vous aidera tester vos connaissances sur l'examen Microsoft AZ-900 et vous aidera vous prparer l'examen final. Avec nos tests pratiques, vous pourrez passer l'examen officiel assez facilement et ds la premire tentative.Ce que vous obtenez?Plus de 100 dernires questions pratiquesExplication approfondie de chaque questionLes questions couvrent les domaines d'examen AZ-900 suivants:Comprendre les concepts du cloud (15-20%)Comprendre les services Azure de base (30 35%)Comprendre la scurit, la confidentialit, la conformit et la confiance (25-30%)Comprendre la tarification et le support Azure (20-25%) plus."
Price: 79.99

"AVR microcontrollers: programming C language. Practical work" |
"This course is for beginner electronics engineers who want to gain experience in developing embedded systems on AVR microcontrollers. After completing the course, the student will receive the necessary knowledge about I/O ports, ADC, PWM, EEPROM, etc. Programming AVR microcontroller on C language. Business projects. The course shows complete programs and videos of working devices. The course also includes homework. This training course is constantly expanding"
Price: 19.99

"Learn C Language from Scratch in Hindi (for beginners)" |
"Why learn C ?C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages ever created. Considering it was created over 50 years ago and it is still used heavily and is usually in the top 5 or 10 most popular and most widely programming languages in the world.After C you can start learning any other programming languageWhat will yo get in this course?C programming is the first level of learning language, after you can learn any other higher level languageYou will learn here from basics level to highPrepare for machine test roundPrepare for technical interview round150+ practice programs availableA complete package and all topics are coveredEach topics are explained deeplyThis program language series is available in hindi language"
Price: 1280.00

"World of Chess 1: Foundation" |
"WORLD OF CHESS 1 IS SET UP TO MAKE CHESS ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE!This course is designed to make chess as easy as possible. By making the video's short and with tons of exercises you will learn to play chess. Enjoy the beauties of chess today and start your journey with this course.My name is Tom Meurs. I am a chess player from the Netherlands, playing for almost 20 years. I love the game, not only is it intellectually challenging, it is at times beautiful and asks a lot of creativity. Every time I think I resolved the chess mysteries, I get in some strange position with some very unexpected turns. This keeps chess very exciting. Now, I love to share my passion about chess, and I think Udemy is a great platform to give people a taste of the world of chess. That's basically what I try to do in this course: there is everything to get a good foundation for playing and studying chess on your own, with friends or at the club.This course is different then other courses about learning the game of chess:1) I try to keep the video's as short as possible, without skipping any important topics. This makes the course easy and fun to watch.2) After (almost) every video, there is a quiz to test your knowledge and understanding. Do you just know the concepts? Or can you apply them to new positions? This is the true goal of learning: acquiring knowledge which results in better decision making. This course aims at understanding, not just knowledge. 3) 'Formula' sheets to remind you of the most important rules.WITHIN THIS COURSE YOU GET:Video's: During this course I will guide you step-by-step to play chess and play it well with the help of video's. I will shortly explain a new concept, why it is important and then try to present situations in which this concept can be applied.Quizzes: Chess is all about skill. Not only do you need to know something (=knowledge), but you also need to know when and how to apply it in your games (=skill). This course was especially designed to test your knowledge, so every chess video is coupled with a quiz.Formula sheet: To keep all the information sorted, a formula sheet will remind you of the key concepts and rules. Bonus lectures: in the bonus lectures I focus on covering some different chess formats, to spice up your game and show you how to play chess online for free.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to World of Chess 1Friendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeEnroll Today!I Would love to welcome you to the world of chess.- Tom"
Price: 29.99

"Python Basics for Software Development" |
"Bored with long lectures but want to learn something quickly! Here we go! This is a kind of course that you'll get to know the essential concepts in python with interesting coding exercises to enrich your knowledge with strong foundation in python in just 1.5 hours, Yes! you heard it right and this course will be a great kickstarter course for you all and I hope this will help you learn python in an easy way! All levels of students can take this course, for beginner this will be like a kickstarter course and for others this will be like a refresher course. And you can also gain access to an exciting article contains tools for machine learning, data science and software development at the end of this course!"
Price: 1280.00

"Como Gerenciar o Reajuste dos Contratos Administrativos" |
"O dia a dia das empresas que vendem para o Poder Pblico premido de enormes desafios. Buscar editais de licitao do seu segmento; reunir a documentao adequada; formular uma proposta competitiva; defender seus interesses nas licitaes e, principalmente, obter sucesso vencendo os certames que disputa.Para tais desafios necessrio que a empresa tenha em seus quadros profissionais devidamente preparados para seu enfrentamento.Mas vencer a licitao no esgota o rol de desafios a serem enfrentados, pois a partir da convocao se inicia a fase de execuo do contrato, que exigir tambm adequado preparo por parte do representante da empresa.No art. 67 da Lei 8.888/1993, est definida a obrigao da Administrao contratante em indicar o fiscal do contrato, que ser o representante da Administrao e principal interlocutor com a empresa contratada; e no art. 68 da referida lei, o dever de a empresa contratada indicar o seu representante, ou seja, o seu preposto.O preposto, em verdade, se torna um gerente do contrato, pois, passar a ser o responsvel por todas as negociaes com a fiscalizao do contrato, bem como por ser o canal de interlocuo entre a empresa e a Administrao contratante.Dever, esse mesmo profissional, conhecer bem as clusulas do contrato, entender e saber gerenciar alteraes de projetos, de especificaes ou de quantidades; dominar os temas relacionados manuteno do equilbrio financeiro do contrato. O acompanhamento preciso dos contratos, por seu gerente, fundamental para garantir no s a qualidade da execuo, como tambm os direitos das empresas, no raro usurpados por agentes pblicos despreparados.Por isso, necessrio que os profissionais da iniciativa privada desenvolvam as competncias e possam dotar-se de instrumentos gerenciais adequados, alm de conhecimentos tcnicos, para bem desempenhar suas funes.O presente programa, cumpre a necessidade de formar profissionalmente profissionais da iniciativa privada nas competncias necessrias que lhe permitam bem exercer a funo de Gerente de Contratos Pblicos"
Price: 279.99

"DA-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI Practice Test" |
"Have you thought about getting a Microsoft certification in Power BI?Discover the DA-100 practice tests by analyzing data with Microsoft Power BI.Questions asked with the latest update of official exam references.These practice tests measure your ability to perform the following technical tasks: prepare the data; model the data; visualize the data; analyze the data; and deploy and maintain the results.How about you prepare yourself with the DA-100 practice tests with the latest references reinforcing your skills? The chances are greater that you will pass the exam.Benefits:Lifetime access.Refund 30 days.Chance to analyze your performance at each practice test result.How about you prepare with DA-100 practice tests with the latest reference.Prepare the data .Model the data .Visualize the data .Analyze the data .Deploy and maintain deliverables.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 34.99

"Systematic Haircutting - The Long-Bob" |
"A cut-stressed hairstyle, even without cutting off the hair completely! The compromise between hair length and haircut is the long bob, or ""Lob"" for short. By definition, any length between chin and shoulder height is a long bob. What is new is that the lengths at the front now end at the level of the clavicle, a little longer than before. For a perfect shape, the hair is cut shorter at the neck, the cut line runs diagonally forward with a solid basic length and a graduation in the nape."
Price: 29.99

"Creacin de Materiales Tradicionales 1-El adobe" |
"En este curso podrs aprender sobre los beneficios de la construccin con adobe, una de las tcnicas tradicionales ms antiguas del mundo, as como las ventajas y aplicaciones del sistema constructivo, aprenders a reconocer las propiedades de la tierra adecuada para su fabricacin y de la misma manera al concluir el curso podrs realizar el proceso de elaboracin de una pieza de adobe, con tus propias manos."
Price: 345.00

"How to Survive Nursing School" |
"Nursing school can be both challenging and exciting . The challenge is caused by the pressure of completing your assignments. You are expected to pass your exams highly, complete your assignments on time, attend your practicals and do lots of research.It can get overwhelming. In this course, we will cover the following areas:1. Introduction2. Motivation3.Time Management & Decluttering4. Avoid Distractions5. Effective Study Habits6. Study Partners7. Recover form a Failed Exam8. Getting Support"
Price: 24.99
