AIoTMQTT+SpringBoot2+Emqx |
"ITMQTTMessage Queuing Telemetry TransportIBMTwitterSpringBoot2()Emqx:Mqtt3.x~Mqtt5.xEMQ X BrokerEMQ X EnterpriseEMQX Dashboard"
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning" |
"Hi guys, I hope you're gain the basic knowledge about the refrigeration and air-conditioning. And also I will give some example problems based on the Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. This course is helpful for the engineering students to clear the paper of Heat and Mass Transfer. And also you will know the basic knowledge about the refrigeration methods and its applications."
Price: 19.99

"Linguagem de Programao C para Linux via Raspberry Pi" |
"A definio mais ampla de computador a de uma mquina que realiza uma srie de operaes lgicas ou matemticas sobre um conjunto de dados e devolve o resultado para o usurio. O computador que conhecemos no o nico exemplo disso; podemos citar diversos aparelhos eletrnicos com essas caractersticas, de calculadoras a telefones celulares.Um computador tem um conjunto de instrues que correspondem s operaes que podem ser feitas com ele. Uma sequncia lgica dessas instrues tal qual uma receita de bolo o que conhecemos como programa.Vamos explorar a Engenharia de Software e Cincia da Computao via Programao na Linguagem C para o Linux aplicados aos Computadores Embarcados Risc ARM Raspberry Pi."
Price: 39.99

"Oracle 1Z0-1085-20 OCI Foundations Associate 2020" |
"> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the exam practice questions. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-1085-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Associate ]Review 1Z0-1085-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 55, Passing Score: 68%, Validated Against: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Cloud ConceptsUnderstanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsCore OCI ServicesDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesOCI pricing, support and operationsExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support modelGetting Started with OCIDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCISecuirty and complianceExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structure"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-1084-20 OCI Developer Associate 2020" |
"> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the exam practice questions. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-1084-20 - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Associate ]Review 1Z0-1084-20 Exam Details: Duration: 85 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 55, Passing Score: 70%, Validated Against: Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020Cloud-Native FundamentalsExplain Distributed ComputingExplain Microservices vs. Containers vs. FunctionsDiscuss the Meaning of Serverless ComputingDescribe Service Communication PatternsSecuring Cloud-Native ApplicationsOvercome Security challenges with Cloud NativeUse the Defense-in-depth approachConfigure and Use Secret ManagementUse IAM for authn/authzOperating Cloud-Native ApplicationsManage InfrastructureBuild, Deploy and Release ApplicationsPerform Tasks around Monitoring, Observability, and AlertingDeveloping Cloud-Native ApplicationsDevelop a Serverless Application with Oracle FunctionsDevelop Microservices and Applications for OKEUse Data in Cloud NativeUse OCI APIs, SDKs and CLIupgradeTesting Cloud-Native ApplicationsExplain the Challenges of testing in Cloud Native worldManage multiple environments (dev, test/stage, prod)"
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Read and Write Arabic For Complete Beginners" |
"Learn to Read and Write Arabic For Complete Beginners is the easiest Arabic reading and writing course, that takes learners with absolutely no previous experience or knowledge in the Arabic language on a journey towards reaching reading fluency and writing like a native. The course covers most of the rules a beginner needs to correctly read and pronounce Arabic.Our Course is wonderfully refreshing Arabic reading course that takes learners with absolutely no knowledge in the Arabic language on a path towards reaching reading fluency like a native.High Quality Video Lessons: 33 videos and approximately 1 h 06 min of the highest quality, fully animated with some videos that show the handwriting in Arabic, taught to you by Issam, a professional Arabic teacher, with around 2 years experience of teaching Arabic.A good lecture length 2 - 5 minutes, to keep you interested and help you study in short bursts."
Price: 19.99

"Leading Momentum" |
"I know what I am like after coming back from a long-haul holiday. Lethargic, Demotivated, and feeling a bit of dread for what I need to face at work. The past few months has taken its toll on our energy levels and motivation.The ability to find and cultivate momentum back into our work is not only good for our mental fitness and well being, it is great for our people and clients too. I have collated the principals you can use immediately to create a forward shift you have control of."
Price: 49.99

"Exportao: Primeiros Passos" |
"No curso so apresentados 10 passos que guiaro voc no incio da exportao. 01 - Possibilidade de Exportao02 - Capacidade Exportadora03 - Habilitao para Exportar no Brasil04 - Destinos para a Exportao05 - Impostos no Pas Destino e Exigncias Tcnicas para Entrada06 - Comunicao no Pas-Alvo07 - Preo e Condies08 - Identificao de Importadores e Parceiros09 - Diferenas Culturais10 - Documentos da Operao"
Price: 54.99

Tilda, |
", . . , . . Tilda. ( BF204N, ) . 10 1) - 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) , 7) 8) 9) 10) /"
Price: 1799.00

"Risoto de Camaro e Caldo de Legumes." |
"Rpido e fcil em seu preparo, o risoto uma delicia e agrada sempre. Nesse vdeo, ensinamos a voc todas as tcnicas e os segredos para fazer o risoto perfeito, os camares trazem riqueza e sofisticao ao preparo, sem contar o caldo de legumes que um grande aliado a vrios preparos."
Price: 54.99

"Dog Body Language" |
"This course is designed to teach you how dogs use their bodies to communicate. If you are considering a career with dogs or you are a dog owner, it is important to know dog body language for safety and to help identify stress in dogs. A highly stressed dog is more likely to become aggressive or more fearful. By identifying body language you can help avoid stressful situations. Through a series of photos and videos you will learn to identify body language. By the end of this class, you will have a better idea of what body language a dog uses when relaxed, what subtle things he may display showing you he is uncomfortable and signs that may even lead to aggression. I have taught this material to shelter workers, vet staff, pet enthusiasts and those entering into a career as a dog trainer. No matter how long they have been around dogs those in the class always tell me they learned things they didn't know. Packed with photos and videos of real dogsYou will learn aboutEar positionLip lickingBodies- relaxed and stiffHard and soft eyesTail positionYawningMouth positionand moreEveryone learns best with practicing so the last 30 mins of class is made for you to practice the skills you just learned. The videos have my answers after each one so you can self evaluate how you did."
Price: 29.99

"Learn to Draw Mandala Art Beginner to Advance" |
"About This CourseTo take this course you don't have to be an artist or have any prior knowledge about drawing. If you can hold a pencil or pen and draw a line on a paper, you are good to go!!. You just need a vibe of creativity and positive energy!!Mandala is an ancient, Meditative artform in which we draw repetitive patterns inside concentric circles, often termed to as Sacred Geometry. This art can reduce anxiety, tension and overall stress!What you LearnIntroduction on MandalaMaterials RequiredBasic Designs of MandalaCreating your own PatternsFreehand MandalaCircular MandalaColour Pencil MandalaHalf Mandala using Mixed MediaCreating your own Mandala Masterpiece using WatercolourWhat you will need? (Mentioned in the Second Video)Plain paper/Drawing BookBlack Pen or any pen you havePencilEraserRounderScale/RulerAnd you are good to go!!"
Price: 1280.00

madoricheck_myself |
Price: 8400.00

"Desvendando os clculos da folha de pagamento" |
"Curso prtico limitando-se a apresentar os principais clculos encontrados em uma folha de pagamento. A proposta do curso ser calcular os Adicionais: Noturno, Periculosidade e Insalubridade; Calcular Horas Extras e DSR; Conceitos do Salrio Famlia; FGTS e Vale Transporte; Apurar os descontos do INSS e IRRF sobre o salrio e similar clculos de folha de pagamento contendo as verbas de salrio; adicionais; horas extras; DSR; apurando o salrio lquido e apurando o valor do FGTS. "
Price: 84.99

"Crea tus primeros anuncios en Facebook e Instagram" |
"Llevar solo la gestin de redes sociales (orgnico) de tu negocio hoy en da no es suficiente. La tecnologa nos a dado la oportunidad de poder llegar a nuestro pblico objetivo de una manera mucho ms fcil y medible.Al ver la necesidad de tantos emprendedores y empresarios de crecer su negocio, decidimos comenzar a compartir nuestros conocimientos de Marketing digital para que ms negocios tengan a su alcance digitalizar su negocio."
Price: 24.99

"Numerical Integration Techniques, Theory and coding" |
"Numerical integration techniques like Trapezoidal, Simpson's (1/3rd and 3/8th), and Weddle's rule. Each rule has been derived from general integration formula explained in a simple and lucid form. At the same time, one learns how to code into any programming language. Students from the engineering (any stream) & mathematical science background can join."
Price: 24.99

"Home Yoga Toolkit" |
"HOME YOGA TOOLKITIf you have already been practising yoga for a few months and are ready to level up your personal practice, this is the yoga course for you.The premise of the Home Yoga Toolkit is not just to help you get physically healthier. Because health is not only about physical fitness but also about mental and emotional well-being.That means having inner peace, living stress-free, feeling happy and empowered.Many times this means that you would take your practice inwards, and start creating a home practice independently, away from the commercial, group-based studio classes. Doing yoga at home is the most ideal way to live the true spirit of yoga as it teaches you to grow through self-inquiry and self-awareness.A home practice was also how I personally deepened my yoga journey, improved my health markers, and gain balance in my life. This is why I created a deep-dive course into building a home yoga practice, created based on all the learnings I had over the past 10 years. It includes all the foundational resources you need to deepen your yoga journey both on and off the mat.You will learn to:Become physically stronger, get flexible, shape up, destress, and become healthier for life without stepping out of your home or spending on expensive studio memberships.Deepen your yoga practice through a personal journey of self-inquiry, self-awareness and powerful practices.Experience your inner wisdom and become mentally and emotionally stronger.Break limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential in life.Home Yoga Toolkit is a complete program to help you build a long-term home yoga practice EFFECTIVELY. Be confident in your personal practice without wasting time and effort going your own or splurging on expensive studios.WHAT'S INSIDE1) Beginner Yoga Tutorials Build a strong foundation through Sun Salutations before you start practising the routines. Learn the step-by-steps of yoga includingWhat is a vinyasa and how to do itWhat are Sun Salutations and how to do the commonly practised variations (A, B, C)How to modify posesand more2) 7 Empowering Video Classes learn how to build a sustainable practice that is rooted in tradition (this means no fad fitness or diets) and empowers you to connect deeply with your mind, body and soul.You will receive 7 yoga classes, each focusing on different themes for a holistic and powerful program.Every class provides clear directions and options to challenge, or tone down, the workouts.Learn to move your body using your inner wisdom as you start becoming aware of your bodys needs, preferences and limits.Have fun challenging yourself without clinging to any specific outcomes, all the while staying in the present moment.Find liberation as you are free to pause or stop the classes anytime when you need to take a break, practise a pose longer, or fit a class into your busy schedule3) 4 Workout Plans New habits take at least 21 days to become deeply rooted in our minds. Yet many of us live a fast-paced life and do not have the time to structure a well-balanced program from scratch.I feel you! That is why this course includes 4 workout plans, spanning 4 weeks (28 days), to suit different people - from the beginner to the enthusiast to the fat-loss seeker.If you want to go your own, just use the printable template and fill in your workouts accordingly.4) 7 Accompanying Workout Cards Feel ready to step away from the video classes but need some guidance on how to sequence a class?Use the 7 yoga cards with pictures and poses written down based on the core routines. These yoga cards will help you deepen your practice becauseYou are learning to become your own teacher, letting your inner wisdom and body awareness guide you.At the same time, you do not need to spend time sequencing a class from scratch as you have ready-made sequences to refer to.5) 3 eBooks to deepen your yoga journey We know that the asana practice (physical yoga postures) is only one small component to yoga. Real yoga involves various other practices such as meditation, pranayama, and others.To get you started, three eBooks have been created to provide deep-dives into theoretical and practical aspects of meditation, breathing (or pranayama) and the bandhas.Use these to complement and boost the experience of your asana practice.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Those who like a structured, step-by-step system with clear directions to maximise your learning.People who want to be more confident practising yoga independently. This program helps you become more in tune with your body and deepen your self-awareness.Those who like to challenge themselves but have fun at the same time.Those who want total transformation in their lives, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.WHO IS THIS COURSE NOT FOR?People who want a quick fix and are not willing to put in the hours to experience transformation.Those who are not willing to challenge any limiting mindsets and would rather stay in their comfort zone.Those who only want to learn fancy yoga poses this program is rooted in the tradition of yoga which goes beyond the physical postures.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs)1) Whats included in the Home Yoga Toolkit?Its a lot of information here, so to recap, you will get7 Yoga routines covering cardio, strength, flexibility, stress-relief and more4 workout plans7 yoga sequence cards3 in-depth guides on meditation, breathwork, bandhasBonus yoga video classes and guidesWe update this course regularly. Expect new resources, classes and content to be added over time at no additional charges!2) How much experience do I need to start the Home Yoga Toolkit?There is no real requirement to start the course. However, if you want to get the most out of this course, I would recommend having a few months of practice prior.3) How much time will I need to do this course?The Home Yoga Toolkit doesnt have a fixed schedule and you can go as fast or as slow as you need. Yes, the classes are all 30-60 minutes long, but you do not need to complete each class at one go if your schedule doesnt allow.You can also use any of my 4 recommended workout plans, or simply go your own (we have a template for that too!).4) Is this worth my investment?The value of the course contents is actually more than $300, and this will only increase further as we update it with new classes and resources.You are getting the full course at a fraction of this value!5) Can I find any of this information free online?Nope, not really. 90% of the free information on yoga is highly fragmented and incomplete. This is the nature of the internet. Of course, you can try to hunt for all the information in the Home Yoga Toolkit on your own, but you will be spending hundreds or thousands of house like I did while trying to build my home yoga practice.This is the course I wish I had when I started out. It would have saved me so much time, money and effort!6) How is the content delivered?The yoga classes are video files that can be streamed on any device. The books, guides, workout plans and yoga sequence cards are PDF documents which can be downloaded and printed for offline use.7) Do you ever update the course?Yes! In fact every time there is a valuable piece of content or a class that would benefit our students home practice, we will not hesitate to include it in the course.Every NEW video and PDF content is also downloadable for your reference anywhere and anytime."
Price: 89.99

landshaftschool |
", , , . , : ; , ; , ; ;"
Price: 24.99

"Physics: Advanced Kinematics" |
"This course primarily aims towards a comprehensive understanding of kinematics where one gets to learn the critical problems with elaborate applications in the form of 17 numerical problems with varied degrees of difficulty. This course primarily aims to cover concepts of string, pulley and wedge constraints in kinematics which are often found difficult to interpret."
Price: 1280.00

"Finanas Pessoais e Familiar" |
"Neste Mtodo voc vai aprender a sair das dividas para a criao do que eu chamo de Ciclo da Prosperidade, na sua vida e da sua famlia. Para isso, vou te ensinar a criar o Ba dos Sonhos, Ba do Ouro e o Ba de Emergncia.Elaborei este contedo de forma objetiva, com um direcionamento financeiro prtico e aplicvel a qualquer Pessoa. Para que voc tenha condies de sair do piloto automtico da suas finaas pessoais e familiar, a gerao de riquezas!Aqui voc vai encontrar o conhecimento necessrio para suas FINANAS, de forma prtica, sem redundncias conceituais, com um Direcionamento Emprico que, alm de te ajudar no desenvolvimento Pessoal financeiro, vai te auxliar com o Mindset necessrio em relao as suas finanas, de maneira que voc tenha condies de criar seu prprio Cclo da Prosperidade, na sua vida e da sua Famlia. Atravs de uma metodologia simples, clara e objetiva.Este mtodo de Finanas Pessoais ser aplicado em duas sees de conhecimentos prticos, experimentados no Campo de Batalha da vida - necessrios para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal em relao as suas Finanas Pessoais e Familiar. A saber, ser assim: 1 Seo 01 No Pule02 Riqueza X Dinheiro03 Mindset - Mentalidade04 Esforo fsico X Riqueza05 Controle e Alinhamento Financeiro06 Conhecendo seus Gastos07 Gastando 100% do seu Dinheiro08 Nveis de riqueza09 Dinheiro uma Ferramenta10 autossabotagem - Q.P.P.A11 Dvidas menor para a maior 2 Seo 11 Dia Mau e Reserva de emergncia12 Reserva, bancos e Corretoras13 Vivendo Cinco sonhos14 Ba de Emergncia, ba do ouro, Ba dos Sonhos15 Dinheiro a representao da riqueza16 No pague as dvidas17 Concluso e consideraes 3 Seo - Over Delivery16 Trabalhe pela Experincia e no Pelo Dinheiro17 Casamento Investimento e no Dividas"
Price: 189.99

"Digital Marketing Strategy: PPC, Paid Social, Display, Video" |
"This course will help you gain deep understanding of the main digital advertising channels and implement the most suitable digital strategy based on your needs: PPC, Paid Social Media, Display, Video. You will learn what to focus on, how to prioritize, what to avoid and how to determine the role of each channel towards the wider marketing and business goal. Add the highly-demanded combination of Paid Search, Paid Social, Digital Display and Video to your digital resume/portfolio, increase your pay rate and be able to TAKE ON HIGHER PAYING CLIENTS right away Fast track your training and CUT THROUGH THE CONFUSION INCREASE AWARENESS AND REVENUE immediately by adding Programmatic and Cross-device buying to your digital strategy Focus on BEST PRACTICES to increase awareness and sales online Structure implement and evaluate their DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Integrate tailored CROSS-DEVICE Display and Video campaigns into the overall BUSINESS STRATEGY that address all potential concerns or challenges INTERPRET ad performance METRICS for all the ad types and develop measurement plans for a business given an objective STOP WASTING your budget and INVEST ONLY ON HIGHLY PROFITABLE STRATEGIES TARGET your audience EFFECTIVELY at the right time and place, AVOID BUDGET WASTE and pick the strategy that will take the business straight to its goals efficiently Leverage your digital marketing strategy to GAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE for your business and brand"
Price: 199.99

"Arapa YDS-YKDL-YDT Soru Analizleri (ZME GEL / PAKET-1)" |
"""zme Gel"" adn verdiimiz bu dil eitim videolar serisi, Arapa YDS- YDT ve YKDL snavlarnda ilk 15-20 soruyu tekil eden ve adaylarn en ok zorland ""cmledeki boluu doldurma"" tipi sorularla ilgili detayl analitik zmlemeler yapmaktadr. Bu kurs sayesinde adaylar belirtilen modeldeki sorular daha pratik yntemlerle zmleme becerisi kazanacaktr. Bu ilk pakette yer alan 50 soruyu, dier modeldeki soru tiplerini tahlil eden yeni paketler takip edecektir."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Massagem Relaxante" |
"A vida se tornou corrida demais nos dias de hoje. Quando reservamos um tempo para ns mesmos, refreando um pouco a vida agitada que levamos, conseguimos buscar mais equilbrio, que essencial para a sade fsica, mental e espiritual.Uma das formas para relaxar, aliviar as tenses e tambm cuidar da beleza atravs das massagens, tcnica milenar que atravs de seus efeitos de ativar o sistema circulatrio, melhorar a oxigenao das clulas e tecidos, diminuir a reteno de lquidos, eliminar toxinas, diminuir as taxas de cortisol (hormnio relacionado a quadros de estresse), promover o relaxamento muscular, fortalecer o sistema imunolgico, melhorar a qualidade do sono, renovar as energias... entre outros efeitos, nos permitem atravs do toque uma vida com mais qualidade.Mesmo com a evoluo em tecnologias e aparelhos o tratamento manual continua em alta no mercado... aproveite esse recurso !Este curso aborda os princpios para se realizar uma boa massagem relaxante, bem como seus benefcios, contraindicaes e reviso dos principais msculos envolvidos. O diferencial so os vdeos das manobras da massagem de forma fcil e simples de aprender."
Price: 39.99

"Google Forms" |
"Google Forms Add-on Marketplace "
Price: 600.00

"Science of programming your child in pregnancy-Garbh Sanskar" |
"This course is divided into 5 sections. First section gives background of how mother's physical, emotional and spiritual bodies influence the development of foetus in her womb. The second section explains you the interventions to use to program your foetus. The third, fourth and fifth section gives you information about which interventions to use when during 9 months of pregnancy and afterwards upto 5 years of age of child."
Price: 12800.00

"AWS Certified Database - Specialty Practice Questions" |
"The AWS Certified Database Specialty ( DBS-C01 ) exam is intended for individuals who perform in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Certified Database Specialty certification!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Thrive in Male Dominated Industries" |
"This course will equip women with useful resources to step out in power and confidence, knowing that resigning from their job is not the ONLY solution when they encounter the effects of male dominance in their workplace. For the men, this course will highlight the effects male dominance has on women in the workplace so that they too can be a part of the change. Women will get information on what male dominance is and the indicators of its presence. By knowing what male dominance is, women are better equipped to know how to handle it in their workplaces and their lives."
Price: 19.99

"TOP PARTY - Disea y cose tu top corazn + Patrn Pdf" |
"En este curso aprenders a confeccionar de inicio a fin este Cuerpo de costadillos, a marcar el tejido en la tela, dar mrgenes de costura y trucos para cortar la tela, cmo seleccionar tu talla en el patrn, tomar medidas, realizar ojales y botones y todo el proceso de confeccin de un top ... Adems, te ensear truquitos para darle el acabado final con la plancha."
Price: 34.99

"Figma 101 - Learning the basics quickly" |
"Allow me to show you the basics of Figma. Listen to me teach you while patiently showing you how it's done. We'll start off by making a Figma account, then learn some basic tools. I'll show you how to make a wireframe, high-fidelity design, and prototype. I'm confident that we'll have lots of fun together in this very short class. Let's go!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a crear tus propias secuencias de YOGA" |
"En este curso propongo ir a lo concreto. Nos enfocaremos en tipos de asana y como se deben articular entre s para obtener mejores resultados que los que obtenemos en una sala de yoga. El que mejor sabe lo que necesita cada da es uno mismo. Por eso lo ms completo es realizar una secuencia en base al sentir y al explorar. Te propongo el camino para una prctica creativa, espontanea y coherente con tu sensacin. No hay prcticas correctas o incorrectas, solo hay necesidades y objetivos. La prctica de yoga puede ser tan maleable como vos lo decidas. Te animas a convertirte en un practicante 100% independiente?"
Price: 24.99

"A practical guide to business change management" |
"70% of projects that fail to consider people and the impact of change on them, fail. This is a horrible statistic that highlights how much emphasis should be placed on change management and people in particular.This course aims to give you an overview as to what business change management is, and why it is essential to use it in projects to ensure your target audience knows about a change, understands why it is happening and what's in it for them, and has the skills and competence to use a new IT product or change successfully.Business change management is a key component of project management which is often overlooked. This course aims to fill the gap for project managers and other project participants so they understand why it's crucial to implement a thorough and well-defined business change management plan.Embedding this process into your project will help ensure you meet your ROI and deliver your projects successfully."
Price: 24.99
