"The real Lay the draw football trading strategy" |
"I am an expert football trader and have been making consistent profits for the last 11 years.With this course I am now offering you the chance to become a proficient and profitable football trader and make some great tax free money. This activity can be done from home or anywhere in the world. Whether you would like to make an extra income or would like to trade full time like a pro, this strategy will help you to do this.This video course is designed to get you up and running as a profitable football trader whether you are a novice or have previous experience in football trading on Betfair Exchange.Anyone can get started in football trading as long as you are over 18 years old and eligible to open a Betfair Exchange Account, an indispensable condition to start being profitable right away."
Price: 49.99

"Stock Market and Investing Hacks : Growth Investing" |
"The COVID-19 situation has presented one of the best opportunities in recent times, even bigger than the 2008 Financial Crisis.Rui Ming will share with you HOW we can capitalize on this once-a-decade opportunity, where you can double or triple your returns in the next bull run.You will learn:-Which type of stocks can give you 5-10x returns-Common investors mistakes you should avoid-How Options can reduce your risk, while maximizing your returns"
Price: 99.99

"Treinamento AutoCAD 2D 2021" |
"O Treinamento AutoCAD 2D 2021 voltado para quem nunca teve contato com o Software ou quem desaprendeu a mexer com o tempo. O contedo do curso far com que voc desenvolva qualquer projeto seja mecnico, arquitetnico, desenho bsico ou isomtrico. As aulas so bem detalhadas e explicativas. No necessrio ter a Verso 2021. Voc pode ter no seu computador as verses 2019 e 2020, que so mais similares a esta mais recente."
Price: 69.99

"Options trading: beginner to expert" |
"This course covers the basic of options, everything is simplified for anybody to be able to understand and get started in their option trading journey. This course will explain what broker to use and how to find stocks to trade, as well as the psychology necessary to improve on your trading skills. By the end of this course you will be have the knowledge to be able to buy and sell your first options contract. and potentially make some money. DISCLAIMER: This videos are for educational purposes only. Before trying options you talk to your Financial Advisor. Options are very risky and you can or will lose your money, this is not a recommendation. Thank you."
Price: 34.99

"Distribution Digitale : les bases !" |
"Ta musique coute dans le monde entier ?En tant qu'artiste indpendant, un de nos premiers rves est de diffuser notre musique. De pouvoir tre visible et cout. Aprs tout, c'est bien pour cela que nous faisons de la musique.Le streaming est un outil puissant pour mettre votre musique entre les oreilles d'une audience mondiale !Rien que sur Spotify, 268 millions d'utilisateurs qui coutent 41 artistes diffrents par semaine. Pourquoi pas vous ?Notre musique n'est pas cre pour rester dans un tiroir. Tu peux la diffuser sur Youtube, sur Facebook, Soundcloud ... et ne rien toucher en retour.Mme si le streaming paye encore peu, il paye vie. Chaque coute est un revenu.La consommation de la musique a chang, et si ta musique n'est pas sur les plateformes de streaming, le public n'ira pas te chercher sur google. Non ... il coutera quelqu'un d'autre.D'ailleurs, Goldman, Adle, et d'autres artistes anti-streaming y sont revenus. Car c'est une sacre visibilit. Cette formation va te permettre de diffuser ta musique sur toutes les plateformes. Et de comprendre ce qu'est un numro ISRC, la diffrence entre un agrgateur et un distributeur, et faire le choix dans cette masse de distributeurs digitaux. Nous parlerons aussi des revenus, de la distribution de covers et d'autres conseils et astuces.Je te montrerai pas pas comment distribuer ta premire musique via Distrokid. Que tu pourras reproduire avec tout autre distributeur. Avec chaque tape, et ce qu'il ne faut pas oublier avant de diffuser.Tu n'y connais rien en distribution, ou tu as commenc t'y intresser et voudrais y voir plus clair. Cette formation est pour toi !"
Price: 59.99

"Las Inteligencias Mltiples en educacin" |
"En este curso conocers las inteligencias mltiples as como el contexto educativo en el que nos encontramos. Aprenders dinmicas y actividades para llevarlas al aula de forma fcil y efectiva. Tambin conocers los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje, los tipos de educacin que coexisten hoy da adems de nociones bsicas sobre cmo evaluar las inteligencias mltiples. Si no eres docente pero quieres ampliar tus conocimientos en educacin, las dinmicas y actividades propuestas se pueden adaptar al mbito particular, e incluso aprovecharlas con adultos en el trabajo."
Price: 74.99

"The complete CCNP Routing (300-101) Cert Prep" |
"Earning the Cisco CCNP Routing and Switching certification indicates that you have the skills needed to plan, verify, and troubleshoot enterprise networks. In this course, instructor Greg Sowell prepares you for exam 300-101 ROUTE, Implementing Cisco IP Routinga qualifying exam for the CCNP Routing and Switching certificationby reviewing essential internet connectivity concepts that are covered on the exam. Greg covers how to configure a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client and discusses how Port Address Translation (PAT) is utilized to allow many internal clients to NAT to a single IP address. He also goes over internet routing, discussing iBGP and eBGP concepts.Topics include:DHCP and DNAT configurationBasic commands required to establish an eBGPRedistributing routes into BGPiBGP neighborsiBGP and eBGP groupsCommon IPv6 BGP peerings"
Price: 104.99

"Cisco CCNP ENCOR (350-401)- 2 Network Management, Security" |
"350-401 ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. Youll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN.This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architectureVirtualizationInfrastructureNetwork assuranceSecurityAutomation300-410 ENARSI: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network.This exam tests your knowledge of implementation and troubleshooting for advanced routing technologies and services, including:Layer 3VPN servicesInfrastructure securityInfrastructure servicesInfrastructure automation"
Price: 104.99

"Managing and Configuring Microsoft Hyper-V - Beginner" |
"Learn how to implement, manage, and optimize a virtualization solution with Microsoft Hyper-V. Topics include installing and administering Hyper-V, optimizing Hyper-V performance, using Live Migration Backup and Disaster Recover, building Hyper-V Failover Clusters, implementing Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), and taking a sneak peak at System Center Virtual Machine Manager and running VMs inside Microsoft Azure. Throughout this course, you should gain the knowledge necessary to build complex scenarios including Hyper-V Failover Clusters, Hyper-V Replica, and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure."
Price: 54.99

"Business Networking Part 8 - The Follow Up Plan" |
"Focus on how to follow-up with people. In this course, weve put together a couple of simple follow-up strategies that you can use for your business and other ways of connecting. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions and that you can customize your own plan. The key is actually DOING it. Follow-up. Reaching out. Connecting and building relationships so you can do business down the road.Networking is both a Science and an Art. In this Networking Series, Im going to cover the science of networking including the different types of networking groups, the different type of networking formats, and what to look for in networking groups. Im also going to cover the Art of Networking so you can choose the right groups to spend your precious time at, build long-lasting relationships, and maximize your impact in your ever-growing sphere of influence.Discover:The 30 days to success Minimalist PlanHow to use technology to multiple yourselfThe easiest way to stand out from the crowdWhy smail mail is not dead!And much more!Enroll Today!Bonus! Includes downloadable Audio version to listen to whenever you are away from your computer!"
Price: 199.99

"Deproblemation: Mindful Trauma Protocol" |
"Some have skill for holding others in their difficulty, but few are skilled at holding their own difficult experience in such a way that problems naturally fall away and we find ourselves stronger, easier, more purposeful and having a lot more fun. What if we could learn to meet experience in such a way? How valuable would that be for our lives?Many people dedicated to personal development still find their inner critics attacking them, their dreams delayed and deferred, and their ""problems"" running their lives. Many turn to meditation or spiritual teachings to resolve problems but many experience these approaches not helping and/or making things worse. Positivism (Law of Attraction, prayer, magical/wishful thinking, etc...) can cause us to bypass our problems without resolution and practicing presence (mindfulness, inquiry, feeling in, etc...) can cause us to get enmeshed in victimized perspectives. What is skillful?Deproblemation recognizes that human ""Problems"" are problems only because they are flavored by past experiences. Otherwise they would be experienced as circumstances. How do we remove these painful, confusing and unhelpful traces of the past? How do we hold an attacking inner critic so that it is our better angels next time (this approach is non-religious and non-dogmatic). How do recognize and acknowledge problems and meet them with the medicine that they need to resolve themselves?Deproblemation is a modern approach informed by psychology, hypnotherapy, trauma therapy and the world's spiritual traditions. By understanding the impact of conditioning and learning some specific skills we can cause all ""problems"" to naturally transform themselves into the ""circumstances of our lives.This course is designed to offer a lot of content and understanding and to be taken over a period of 8 weeks so that the students can continually apply these distinctions as life unfolds."
Price: 199.99

"Holistic Medicine :: Medicinal Mushrooms Certificate" |
"Did you know that mushrooms are some of your best medicine?They are superior longevity tonics keeping you full of vitality and energy. They nourish and revitalize you on all levels. When taken regularly, they keep your health and wellbeing in balance. If your health does become imbalanced, medicinal mushrooms are superior remedies to gently and quite effectively bring you back. They are especially noted for use with those deep, chronic imbalances which can be so challenging. These include immune issues, cancer, heart health and so much more. No wonder the popularity of medicinal mushrooms is rapidly growing, even though they have been used for thousands of years.Learn about them in this course where we cover:Historical and contemporary useScientific researchWhere to find themHow to best use themEasy recipes to make them taste good in your everyday foodsWhile there are hundreds of medicinal mushrooms, it doesnt need to be overwhelming. In this course, we focus on the top mushrooms that are the most well researched, the safest and most widely available. Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant and mushroom medicines. She is Udemys most qualified holistic health instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. With an an extensive background, she knows how to guide you through your holistic health learning journey with ease. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer your questions. Thats incredible value!Why is this course not Accredited?Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. These are simply fake accreditations from real-looking websites used as a marketing scam in order to sell you more courses. Elizabeth teaches with ethics and integrity and absolutely will not be deceitful for marketing sake. Rather, her students are sincerely respected and honored. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited.Join in and start your journey today with these valuable mushroom healers."
Price: 149.99

"The Fundamentals of Addiction - A Family Member's Guide" |
"Do you know some one that struggles with addiction? This is course that will help you help them! This course will teach you the fundamentals through unique and time-tested approaches. Addiction and recovery is an important undertaking and now through the use of technology, students can heal in the space of their own home and you can learn how to help.The course is designed to provide you with the tools you will need to help someone you love kick their addiction for good. You should take this course if you need the expertise of professionals but are unsure about how to get that. I'm here to help! This step by step method teaches you:Everything you need to know about the time being right for you and for themThe importance of them setting a quit dateUnderstanding detox and your role in supporting themThe importance of their physical healthFitnessNutritionSleepThe importance of their psychological healthMental HealthSpiritual HealthHow to help them live intentionallyThe importance of their social healthFamilyFriendsProfessional RelationshipsThe importance of understanding addiction related topicsTriggersRelapseCrisis and Suicide SupportYou can't pour from an empty cupTaking care of your own selfUnderstanding and analyzing your own use of substances and behavioursIf you are ready to take action in multiple areas of your life and their's and are committed to following through then this course is for you. We understand that not everyone can up and leave their friends, family, pets, or work to gain sobriety and it's oftentimes just as difficult for friends and family to be able to commit to such vigorous routines. This is a holistic approach so you will be encouraged to help with their physical health, psychological health and social health. This isn't family or group therapy sessions. These techniques are simple things you can do every day to ensure you are being the best support you can. This course comprises of short lectures, assignments and quizzes as well as additional resources, podcasts, etc. that can help you understand what your loved one is going throughIf you want to feel whole with your loved one and want to understand their holistic needs; body, mind and and external factors you are in the right place. This course also includes exclusive access to a number of free downloadable materials such as podcasts, e-books, checklists, and resources. This course is about 1 hour however, the material will need to be listened to and referred to often as you continue to support the person you love through their difficult moments. You will also get monthly updates as well as continuous instructor support through the Q&A. Live Rehab has numerous podcasts and additional videos with more tips and tricks related to addiction and recovery. Please be sure to listen to all of the additional material as well as forwarding them on to them so they can get the support they need as well. You will also be invited to join our private Facebook group for even further support. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for family members?A: While this course was primarily written for family members to those who are struggling with addiction, other people can benefit from taking this course such as friends who are worried about a love one or Substance Abuse Counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't they need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in helping them fight their addiction, however, they will need to find the motivation within so they can apply the concepts you will learn. This course includes a series of assignments, quizzes, downloadable resources, external links to certain topics related to addiction and recovery and also links to podcasts. Upon completing the final lecture, you will receive a certificate of completion."
Price: 24.99

"Estadstica para Ciencia de Datos y Analtica de Datos" |
"Hola y bienvenidos a este curso de Estadstica.En este curso aprenders desde los conceptos ms bsicos de la estadstica que te permitirn entender tus datos y hasta conceptos ms avanzados que te permitirn tomar decisiones correctas basadas en tu datos.El campo de la estadstica es la ciencia de aprender de los datos. Saber de estadstica te permite utilizar los mtodos adecuados para recopilar datos, hacer anlisis de forma correcta y presentar los datos de forma eficaz.Este curso est diseado para cualquier persona que quiera empezar a meterse en el mundo de la estadstica y los datos. Si quieres convertirte en un cientfico de datos, un analista de datos, un desarrollador de inteligencia de negocios o simplemente quieres revisitar la estadstica y sus conceptos, este es el curso para ti.Empezaremos con una introduccin a la estadstica, entraremos a fondo en la estadstica descriptiva e inferencial y acabaremos con la regresin lineal.Como ves hay mucho temario. Iremos paso a paso explicando primero la teora y despus haciendo casos prcticos.Mi nombre es Sebastian y he trabajado durante muchos aos en diferentes empresas tecnolgicas con el Big Data en Barcelona. He trabajado siempre con datos, desde la extraccin y manipulacin de datos hasta la creacin de dashboards y programacin de modelos de aprendizaje automtico.Te invito a que veas la presentacin completa del curso y las lecciones gratuitas.Cualquier duda que tengas me puedes contactar por mensaje privado dentro de la plataforma.Te espero en el curso, un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 99.99

"DevOps For Beginners: Saving Your Code From The Apocalypse" |
"DevOps is a term every single software developer will stumble upon in his or her career.But what does it actually mean? Do you have to care as a developer? Definitely!Because DevOps will make your developer life easier. Much easier.In essence, DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) which is intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality.In this course, you will learn what these practices are and how they work. Well cover the following phases of DevOps.CommunicationThe crucial part of every software development project. Without the right way and the right tools to communicate with your team, failure is guaranteed. Get to know the best tool to make your project successful.PlanBefore you start implementing any features. You have to plan your project and your tasks. In the past, people used the outdated waterfall model for planning. Nowadays, agile development is the way to go. Learn how to implement the agile software development frameworks Scrum and Kanban and what services you can use for free.BuildHeres where the actual work is happening. But its not only about the right IDE or your particular programming language. Were talking about managing and tracking your code here. Learn how to use the right source control system like Git and how powerful this is.Continuous IntegrationDevOps is all about automation. With continuous integration, youll learn how to automatically build your code, run automated tests - like unit or integration tests - and finally deploy your application to a server. There are wonderful services for that. Once you see how much time you can save, youll never want to go back.DeployYou can deploy your application on a self-hosted server or you can use any of the many platform services out there. Get an overview of what services like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and the Google Cloud Platform can do for you and how you can use them for free.OperateAnother part of DevOps is monitoring your servers and applications. Apart from that you also want to log certain events and send notifications in special cases. Of course, there are services for that or you can do that by yourself. It might be easier than you think.FeedbackAt the end of the DevOps circle, you want your users to give you feedback and also give feedback to them. Its about IT Service Management (ITSM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and, perhaps most important, issue or bug tracking.What are you waiting for? Learn all about DevOps right now.Course Image: Romolo Tavani/Shutterstock"
Price: 29.99

"Kotlin Web MVC com Spring Framework - Hands on" |
"Kotlin Web MVC com Spring Framework - Hands onAprenda a programar Kotlin na Web atravs do desenvolvimento de uma aplicao real Neste curso vamos desemvolver juntos uma aplicao Web com a lingugem Kotlin e o framework Spring.Vamos utilizar recursos do dia-a-dia mesmo do desenvolvimento de uma aplicao Web, como pro exemplo:Padro MVCBootstrapThymeleafFont AwesomeSpring WebSpring DataJPABanco de DadosGradleO curso totalmente Hands on, ou seja:Vamos desenvolver juntos passo-a-passo.Vamos resolver problemas que acontecem no desenvolvimento real juntos.E muito mais."
Price: 69.99

"Fundamentos Linux - Sistemas de arquivos e dispositivos" |
"Nesse curso, apresento o que h de mais fundamental sobre gesto de arquivos e discos em sistemas Linux para que o aluno entenda e aplique no seu cotidiano de administrao de sistemas Linux. Inclui tcnicas desde do planejamento de qual sistema de arquivos adotar (ext4, XFS ou Btrfs), modelo de particionamento a tcnicas mais avanadas, tais como LVM e RAID de software. Tudo buscando a melhor eficincia nos recursos de armazenamento.Por fim, um curso totalmente prtico e mo na massa. Sem enrolao e com casos reais tanto em ambientes locais quanto virtualizados.* Todas as sees possuem mapa mentais e atividades prticas para fixao do contedo!No quesito certificao Linux LPI, esse curso foca nos assuntos da prova LPIC-1 101-500 (tpico 102.1,104) e LPIC-2 201-450 (tpico 203, 204)"
Price: 99.99

"Partner Support For Labor and Birth" |
"The presence and participation of a birth partner can have an enormous impact on a mothers satisfaction with her birth experience. Through partner yoga postures, breathwork, massage, and other comfort techniques, this workshop will give partners tools to confidently support their lovely mommas-to-be. Connecting with our partners during this deeply important transitional time, this hands-on exploration will help to open up a new way of looking at the process of labor. With an emphasis on a practical approach to helping labor progress more smoothly, we will workshop breathing techniques, intuitive touch for partners, as well as positions for labor to help manage pain and cultivate a relaxed state during birth.This workshop is open to pregnant people at any stage of pregnancy and their birth partner. *No experience necessary*"
Price: 39.99

"E-Posta ile Etkili letiim Teknikleri Eitimi" |
"Merhaba,Ben zlem zsoylar, 10 yldr kurumsal firmalara iletiim bata olmak zere kiisel geliim eitimleri veriyorum.letiimin byk oranda e-posta zerinden yrd gnmzde yazl olarak kendimizi kar tarafa doru ve ak ekilde ifade edebilmek her zamankinden daha nemli bir hale geldi. Bu anlamda e-postalarmz aslnda bizim kiisel ve kurumsal markamzn vitrini, adeta kartvizitimiz. E-postada yaptnz ufak ve nemsiz gibi grnen bir hatadan dolay kar tarafn gvenini sarsabilir, satn alma kararn negatif ynde etkileyebilir, kiisel ve kurumsal iTBARINIZA zarar verebilirsiniz, daha da nemlisi yanl anlamalar sonucu maddi ve manevi kayplara sebebiyet verebilirsiniz.Bu video eitimimizde;E-posta yazmlarnda lkemizde ve dnyada en sk yaplan hatalar,E-posta yazmnda kabul edilmi genel kurallar,erikte kullanlmas ve kullanlmamas uygun olan kelimeler, kalplar,Kar tarafa mesajmz ksa, z ve organize ekilde iletebilmenin formllerinden bahsederken, rnekler zerinden deerlendirmeler yaparak konuyu pekitireceiz.Bu eitimle artk e-postalarnzda kendinizi ve firmanz kar tarafa daha etkili bir ekilde ifade edebilecek ve daha profesyonel bir izlenim brakabileceksiniz.Eimle ilgili sorularnz cevaplamaktan memnuniyet duyarm."
Price: 139.99

"Learn to fly. Cheap Pilot licence Helicopter X plane 11 VR" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World.Flying and learning to fly fixed wing is expensive helicopters are DOUBLE expensive. Also if you think that is bad Gas turbine Helicopters are DOUBLE DOUBLE expensive. In my day when I got my licences back in the 1990's there was no alternative or you had to join the military but today there is. Today with a Gaming PC controllers and a VR headset you can really learn to fly a helicopter of your choice as cheaply as it is going to get. It takes about 6 hours to crack flying a helicopter and after that you can go on to tour the world and accumulate lots of navigation skills experience and flying hours for almost no cost at all. After that you can evaluate your ability and decide if you are going to go down to a flying school to get yourself a pilots licence. Unlike in my day when it would cost you a fortune to decide it was not for you."
Price: 19.99

"Vintage Classic Avro ""Dam Buster"" Lancaster. X-Plane 11" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. I had an Airfix model of the Avro Lancaster when I was a young boy, I never thought I would ever fly one. But in the 1960's and 1970's we did not have gaming PC's and VR headsets.The Avro Lancaster is a British Second World War heavy bomber. It was designed and manufactured by Avro as a contemporary of the Handley Page Halifax, both bombers having been developed to the same specification, as well as the Short Stirling, all three aircraft being four-engined heavy bombers adopted by the Royal Air Force (RAF) during the same wartime era.The Lancaster has its origins in the twin-engine Avro Manchester which had been developed during the late 1930s in response to the Air Ministry Specification P.13/36 for a capable medium bomber for ""world-wide use"". Originally developed as an evolution of the Manchester (which had proved troublesome in service and was retired in 1942), the Lancaster was designed by Roy Chadwick and powered by four Rolls-Royce Merlins and in one version, Bristol Hercules engines. It first saw service with RAF Bomber Command in 1942 and as the strategic bombing offensive over Europe gathered momentum, it was the main aircraft for the night-time bombing campaigns that followed. As increasing numbers of the type were produced, it became the principal heavy bomber used by the RAF, the RCAF and squadrons from other Commonwealth and European countries serving within the RAF, overshadowing the Halifax and Stirling.A long, unobstructed bomb bay meant that the Lancaster could take the largest bombs used by the RAF, including the 4,000 lb (1,800 kg), 8,000 lb (3,600 kg) and 12,000 lb (5,400 kg) blockbusters, loads often supplemented with smaller bombs or incendiaries. The ""Lanc"", as it was known colloquially, became one of the most heavily used of the Second World War night bombers, ""delivering 608,612 long tons of bombs in 156,000 sorties"". The versatility of the Lancaster was such that it was chosen to equip 617 Squadron and was modified to carry the Upkeep ""Bouncing bomb"" designed by Barnes Wallis for Operation Chastise, the attack on German Ruhr valley dams. Although the Lancaster was primarily a night bomber, it excelled in many other roles, including daylight precision bombing, for which some Lancasters were adapted to carry the 12,000 lb (5,400 kg) Tallboy and then the 22,000 lb (10,000 kg) Grand Slam earthquake bombs (also designed by Wallis). This was the largest payload of any bomber in the war.In 1943, a Lancaster was converted to become an engine test bed for the Metropolitan-Vickers F.2 turbojet. Lancasters were later used to test other engines, including the Armstrong Siddeley Mamba and Rolls-Royce Dart turboprops and the Avro Canada Orenda and STAL Dovern turbojets. Postwar, the Lancaster was supplanted as the main strategic bomber of the RAF by the Avro Lincoln, a larger version of the Lancaster. The Lancaster took on the role of long range anti-submarine patrol aircraft (later supplanted by the Avro Shackleton) and air-sea rescue. It was also used for photo-reconnaissance and aerial mapping, as a flying tanker for aerial refuelling and as the Avro Lancastrian, a long-range, high-speed, transatlantic passenger and postal delivery airliner. In March 1946, a Lancastrian of BSAA flew the first scheduled flight from the new London Heathrow Airport."
Price: 19.99

"Vintage Classic Vickers Wellington Bomber X-Plane 11" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. The Vickers Wellington is a British twin-engined, long-range medium bomber. It was designed during the mid-1930s at Brooklands in Weybridge, Surrey. Led by Vickers-Armstrongs' chief designer Rex Pierson; a key feature of the aircraft is its geodetic airframe fuselage structure, which was principally designed by Barnes Wallis. Development had been started in response to Air Ministry Specification B.9/32, issued in the middle of 1932, for a bomber for the Royal Air Force.This specification called for a twin-engined day bomber capable of delivering higher performance than any previous design. Other aircraft developed to the same specification include the Armstrong Whitworth Whitley and the Handley Page Hampden. During the development process, performance requirements such as for the tare weight changed substantially, and the engine used was not the one originally intended.The Wellington was used as a night bomber in the early years of the Second World War, performing as one of the principal bombers used by Bomber Command. During 1943, it started to be superseded as a bomber by the larger four-engined ""heavies"" such as the Avro Lancaster. The Wellington continued to serve throughout the war in other duties, particularly as an anti-submarine aircraft.It holds the distinction of having been the only British bomber that was produced for the duration of the war, and of having been produced in a greater quantity than any other British-built bomber. The Wellington remained as first-line equipment when the war ended, although it had been increasingly relegated to secondary roles. The Wellington was one of two bombers named after Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, the other being the Vickers Wellesley.A larger heavy bomber aircraft designed to Specification B.1/35, the Vickers Warwick, was developed in parallel with the Wellington; the two aircraft shared around 85% of their structural components. Many elements of the Wellington were also re-used in a civil derivative, the Vickers VC.1 Viking."
Price: 19.99

"Can a Cessna 172 pilot fly the Boeing C-17 Globemaster 111 ?" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. The McDonnell Douglas/Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a large military transport aircraft that was developed for the United States Air Force (USAF) from the 1980s to the early 1990s by McDonnell Douglas. The C-17 carries forward the name of two previous piston-engined military cargo aircraft, the Douglas C-74 Globemaster and the Douglas C-124 Globemaster II. The C-17 commonly performs tactical and strategic airlift missions, transporting troops and cargo throughout the world; additional roles include medical evacuation and airdrop duties. It was designed to replace the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter, and also fulfill some of the duties of the Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, freeing the C-5 fleet for outsize cargo.Boeing, which merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997, continued to manufacture C-17 aircraft after the merger. The transport is in service with the U.S. Air Force along with air arms of India, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, NATO Heavy Airlift Wing, and Kuwait. The final C-17 was completed at the Long Beach, California plant and flown on 29 November 2015."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Fast Track" |
"This course is intended to help the new user get up to speed quickly. Even some seasoned users of Excel will fill some gaps. The self correcting quiz, written in Excel, corrected by Excel formulae and macros, is a good way to practice and master Excel skills. Many sample files are included to work along with the instructor or review after taking the course. The most useful one page tip sheet of crucial shortcuts is included and reviewed in a section of the course. The Quiz is also worked through and explained, so you have a chance to get 100% if you complete the procedures along with the instructor."
Price: 74.99

"Java/Spring Boot for Web development The complete course" |
"Spring Boot is one of the most popular topics in the programming world. In this course you will master all the core concepts of Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, MySQL, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Swagger Docker and a bit of HTML and CSS while working hands on creating easy to follow Web projects. Java is the most popular programming language in use since its the only language that works across all computer platforms + android without needing to compile again new changes. Write once, and the JVM does all the work in making sure your program can run on any platform like Windows, Mac, Linux or Android. This complete Java clean course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, and of course, have fun whilst doing it.User Case Diagram!Getting Started!Register Customer!Admin Page!Refactoring!User Interface!Testing!PDF Generation!Exceptions Handling!Airplane Model && RepositoryAirplane ServiceAirplane ControllerAdd Thymeleaf baseRefactoring the ViewsHibernate Bidirectional MappingHibernate One To One MappingRepository QueryRefactoring Airplane ServiceRefactoring Customer ControllerRefactoring User AuthorizationFront EndSwaggerDockerize + All the projects available on github!This course is not for everyone.This is not a get rich quick course where you copy other peoples code, make low-quality software and hope to have contracts rich clients. This course takes work. There is a lot to learn with Java/Spring Boot/Thymeleaf Full Stack : The complete course, but with the right guidance, information, tutoring and tests, it doesnt have to be as difficult or time-intensive as doing it by yourself.You literally cant lose. You either end up with advanced Java/Spring Boot/Thymeleaf Full Stack : skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itReady to get started, programmer?Enroll now using the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to start Java/Spring Boot/Thymeleaf Full Stack : The complete course. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you are certain this course is for you.Hurry up, class is waiting!"
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin : Devenez Crypto Investisseur" |
"Il est absolument possible pour n'importe qui d'investir surles crypto-monnaies aujourd'hui mais il faut quand mme faire attention une chose qui va en fait guider tes actions et surtout viter de t'embourber dans la tonne d'informationssur le sujet, car tu sauras exactement quoi faire sans perdre du temps. Dans cette formation, nous allons traiter de la Stratgie qui va consister investir sur le long terme en bon pre de famille, avec moins de risque mais en tout casbeaucoup plus de gain que si tu plaais ton argent dans un livret A en France ou tout autresupport d'pargne bancaire classique dans ton pays, si tu n'es pas en France.J'ai dcid de crer cette formation parceque je voit tellement tellement de gens qui galre investir correctement dans les cryptomonnaie.Pourtant ce n'est pas si compliqu en fin de compte. Il suffit de savoir comment si prendre et n'importe qui, qui a pris conscience del'opportunit que represente les crypto monnaies peut le faire. Car il suffira de suivant un simple guide, pas pas.Avec cette formation, je vais te donner toutes les cls pour devenir crypto investiseur pro.C'est une formation Complte, qui couvre tous les aspects de A Z;Sans aucun prrequis technique;Dans un langage extrmement simplifi;C'est une formation sous forme Tutorielle simple qui est tout fait Adapte pour le particulier dbutant, mais aussi initi qui veut une approche structure, solide et perenne dans le temps;Qui ne ncessite surtout pas de sixime sens.Donc, travers cette formation, tu vas avoir un accs illimit des vidosqui reprennes tout, depuis le dbut, t'explique tout, tape par tape et que tu pourras voir et revoir ton rythme.----------------------Concrtement, il y a 5 + 1 modules que je vais dtailler ici afin que tu te rendes comptes rellement des bnfices que tu vas en tirer.Module 1 : Les FondamentauxC'est l'incontournable partie thorique qui va te permettre de bien comprendre ceque c'est qu'une cryptomonnaie, une blockchain, un mineur, les principales crypto sur le marchBrf que tout cela devienne familier pour toi afin que tu agisses en toute connaissance et sans complexe.Tu verras notamment les 5 principales raisons pour lesquelles tu dois considrer srieusement les crypto comme une vritable solution pour investir sur la dure. Module 2 : Ce qu'il faut absolument faire avant mme de commencerJe te livre ici, les vritables secrets d'investisseurs rguliers qui vont te permettrede d'agir comme un pro, mme si tu es un vritable dbutant.Module 3 : Stratgie d'investissementIci, tu vas dcouvrir les 2 seules approches et surtout celle qui te permettra de maximiser tes gains tout en limitant les risques, voire les anantir. Module 4 : Combien investir Comment savoir quel est la somme idale investir ?Tu verras la technique dite de la fourmi qui minimise tes risques sur toutes des positions unitaireset te garantisse une rentabilit positive sur la dure.Nous traiterons notament de l'effet de levier et comment l'utiliser ton avantage.Tu vas donc enfin Comprendre comment fonctionne cet outil extrmement puissant mais trs dangereux si tu l'utilises sans le connaitre.Module 5 : Comment investir concrtementC'est un module pratico pratique. Je te prends par la main depuisle choix du broker en toute scurit, jusqu' passer tes ordres d'achat de crypto monnaies.Et surtout je te montre aussiComment t'assurer une protection 100% efficace si le cours venait chuter ou si tu te trompe ?Comment prendre tes bnfices automatiquement mme si tu n'tes pas prsent devant ton cran ?Et aussi la rgle obligatoire mais simple respecter quand tu interviens en bourse. Attention, ne pas en tenir compte peut te faire perdre compltement ta mise. Je te montrerai alors l'astuce pour t'entrainer et te tester d'abord, sans dpenser le moindre centime, histoire de bien rder le systme avant de commencer investir pour de vrai.Et donc viter de perdre ton argent simplement cause de ton inexprience.C'est un vritable tuto guid, avec des vido courtes, pour que tu puisse retrouverles information rapidement. Tu n'as qu' me suivre Et la fin de se module tu es compltement autonome pour acheter et vendre des bitcoins comme si tu n'as fait que a toute ta vie.MOdule bonus : Rponses aux Questions ImportantesPour finir et tre sur que tu as vraiment tout pour investir avec susccs sur les crypto, je vais rpondre aux questions frquentes que me posentles gens qui se lancent dans l'investissement sur les crypto.Il est fort probable que tu te pose les mmes questions et donc j'ai fait ce module pour clarifier.Tu l'auras compris, on reprend tout depuis zro jusqu' ce que tu sois compltement l'aisepour investir en toute connaissance et donc sans risque incontrol!Ce programme unique t'offre toutes les cls pour tre autonome la fin de la formation."
Price: 99.99

"build your own online t-shirts business on top websites" |
" a course that worth 50 dollars that shows you the right way to start a business t-shirt, is available now for as low as the price of a t-shirt in amazon. this course is the course that will let you make some few dollars as a start-up toward your success. the road to success and change is a long road. and this course is the nicest place to start with. nonetheless, I'm not promising to start making millions just by watching this course. but, what I'm promising is that this course will help you in your journey towards your dreams. if anyone else is promising you to change your life from a single day. or by watching a single course, he is just scamming you. but this course is honest with you. designing t-shirts designs is the nicest and yet the most fun way to start your journey toward success. and that's exactly what you will learn. you'll learn how to make passive income as a t-shirts designer. You will learn how to design a T-shirt design using canva. And you will learn how to sell these designs on websites that have a lot of traffic every single day that are looking to buy t-shirts designs, just like the one you will learn how to create it. you can get this course now, and when finishing studying the course you can start selling T-shirts design and get the money that you spend on this course and even more."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook ads & Instagram ads & Snapchat ads in one course" |
" this course will cover Facebook ads as well as Instagram ads and Snapchat ads.however, the explanation is in a very easy English so any student from any part of the world can understand it. moreover, this course facilitates everything as it teaches you how to advertise on the most powerful social media platforms. this course will be very helpful and a priceless investment in yourself that will surely help you in the long run and in your journey toward success. Facebook and Instagram along with Snapchat are the top three most used social media on the net, that are full of people who are ready to buy from your website if you offer some amazing products or services. learn how to turn some of these people, to new customers, and go visit your website and even buy from it. this course is only a few hours long, but its knowledge will last in your mind for a lifetime. and help you along the way."
Price: 19.99

"TDD in 3 Hours : Test Driven Development Complete Guide" |
"Test Driven Development (TDD) is one of the cornerstones of Extreme Programming. It teaches us how tests can be used to drive intuitive design, readable code, and develop good quality software. Agile and Extreme Programming are both built on the philosophy of short, iterative feedback loops, and TDD covers the shortest version of this iterative cycle - writing a test and making it pass."
Price: 19.99

"Affinity publisher the complete course" |
"Affinity PublisherAffinity Publisher is a design software specializing in layouts, but also in the creation of graphic documents. It thus has advanced tools for managing pages, the use of models, or even advanced text modifications. Affinity Publisher has the same type of functionalities as InDesign software, offering an extremely ergonomic interface. If you want to do layouts with text and images, if you want to create books, requiring advanced page management, then Affinity Publisher is the tool for you. But it does not stop there, you can of course work on graphic documents such as cover, flyer, business card, photo montage. It also has layer effects as well as photo editing settings.The main features- Layer system- Advanced layout- Model- Shape design tools- Filters- Text management- And moreTrainingIn this training you will learn the Affinity Publisher software in its entirety. You will quickly obtain a good level which will allow you to make layouts, designs of brochures, magazines, and other types of graphic documents. All the features of the software will be seen in the course. By acting step by step, interface mode of operation, principle of layers, operation of pages, use of different design tools, application of filters, you will be able to progress quickly in learning. Training will also allow you to see all the features seen in the course."
Price: 99.99

"A biblical understanding of the two resurrections" |
"This course looks at the subject of the first and second resurrections that will take place at the end of the age, and the events that will take place between those two resurrections. This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about this subject of end time events.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject of the end time events, so that the saint can have a clear understanding of this doctrine in the Christian faith.This course focuses on explaining the biblical view of the events in the two resurrections. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book, Resurrection of the Dead.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99
