"Facebook / Instagram Ads for Beginners Proven Approach" |
"Facebook / Instagram Ads course for beginners, covering best practices we recommend and implement at our agency, Rise Marketing Group. This course was created September 2020. This is a 45 minute course, jam packed with best practices and how to videos to setup your Facebook campaigns for success. This course covers the following:Introduction to Facebook AdsSetting up appropriate infrastructure for success through Facebook Business ManagerCreating campaigns that perform (remarketing, look-a-like audiences, and persona based ads)AdsKey metricsConclusion (with a link for FB Support)"
Price: 24.99

"Amazon Virtual Private Cloud" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU AMAZON VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Amazon Virtual Private Cloud...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Amazon Virtual Private Cloud!If your goal is to become a user of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud...Learning Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Amazon Virtual Private Cloud and How to Download Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN AMAZON VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD BY DOING! (LEARN AMAZON VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Amazon Virtual Private CloudB) Be able to Download and Install Amazon Virtual Private CloudHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is, why & how its used.2. Introduce you to Amazon Virtual Private CloudENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER AMAZON VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD!"
Price: 199.99

"2020 Ultimate AWS for DevOps and Developers (All you need)" |
"AWS VPC is the fundamental core component that every AWS Professional should know about.In this course, we are going to explore in depth, with hands-on lectures, all the components of Amazon EC2, including the most recent components such as Application Load Balancer and newer options for Auto Scaling!you will know everything you need to know about EC2 and seamlessly deploy your applications in the best possible way, with the optimal configuration, resiliency, and cost efficiency.Work With Domain Names , DNS Server functionalities, Secure DNS And DNS Routing PoliciesIn this course, we are going to put all the concepts learned into action !"
Price: 99.99

"Ultimate DevSecOps Course" |
"DevSecOps isnt just about development and operations teams. If you want to take full advantage of the agility and responsiveness of a DevSecOps approach, IT security must also play an integrated role in the full life cycle of your apps.DevSecOps is a set of practices that combines software development Security team and IT operations. It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevSecOps is complementary with Agile software development; several DevSecOps aspects came from Agile methodology.In this course you will learn:AWS Docker Ansible ELK SonarQube SSH git Bash Script Let's encrypt most common Cyber Attackshow to think like a hackerAll of those in one course"
Price: 199.99

"Cmo crear t marca desde 0? xito en eCommerce paso a paso" |
"Curso breve donde podrs aprender claves para poder comenzar a emprender con muy poco presupuesto, explicado desde la experiencia y huyendo de falsas promesas que prometen muchos cursos. El xito est en la audiencia, quien escalar tu marca y slo necesitas un valor aadido al cual transferirle su valor con un personaje relacionado."
Price: 19.99

"Educacin Superior y Docencia Universitaria" |
"Hey! Con este curso sobre Educacin Superior y Docencia Universitaria tendrs un panorama completo y bastante slido sobre qu es Educacin, qu teoras y corrientes existen a la actualidad, qu es Didctica, qu Estrategias y Tcnicas Didcticas existen, qu es la Evaluacin, qu Tipos de Evaluacin hay, cmo Evaluar, qu Sistemas de Calificacin puedes utilizar, cmo convertir las notas de un sistema a otro, qu son las llamadas Taxonomas, cmo Gestionar un Aula, cmo Crear o Disear una Asignatura Universitaria, cmo Planificar una Clase, en qu se diferencia la primera clase de las dems, qu mtodos y tcnicas de aprendizaje existen, qu es la llamada ""Aula Invertida"" o ""Flipped Classroom"", qu es un LMS o Learning Management System, qu aplicaciones educativas tienen relevancia actualmente y cmo aplicar tecnologa en el aula, cmo realizar tutoras y asesoras de tesis o proyectos de grado, entre otros muchos temas.Este curso es el equivalente directo a pasar las asignaturas universitarias de ""Didctica"" ""Evaluacin"" ""Diseo Curricular"" o materias similares en sus niveles I y II. Es como tomar un semestre de licenciatura a nivel intermedio/avanzado. O el equivalente a cursar un diplomado (postgrado) en Ciencias de la Educacin."
Price: 99.99

"Udemy Secrets: Course Creation & Passive Income (Unofficial)" |
"***Enrollment in this course includes access to my private Facebook group with weekly Q&A livestreams.***Get all your questions answered in the group and learn how to grow your online course business when you sign up!________________________Did you know that eLearning market size is projected to exceed $375 BILLION dollars by the year 2026?This industry is huge and the potential profits that can be earned are enormous as the demand for online teaching and training grows exponentially.Publishing courses truly is the next gold rush!But you dont want to just start making courses online without a plan - turning this into your full time job is NOT HARD but it DOES require the right knowledge!Thats why I made this course, to help new course creators jump light-years ahead of everyone else in their niche and start making money and build their business with eLearning!After my experience of gaining over 11,000 students and generating $thousands in course sales, (and even more $$$ in affiliate commissions)...I have developed a framework that will not only give you exact step by step instructions if you are just getting started online.....But will SKYROCKET your success by showing you precisely how to become wildly profitable publishing with your online course business.In this course I will teach you step by step:How you can intelligently leverage Udemy to successfully create your online courseHow to get tons of laser-targeted traffic to your coursesThe best methods to capture leads and build your following and list on autopilotExactly how to generate passive income with course salesSecrets for how to instantly establish yourself as an authority in any nicheAnd a LOT more________________________Now is the time to get into online course creation!Even if you think you dont have anything to make a course about, I am going to be showing you techniques for you to become successful with this business model.In this course I will cover every aspect of profitable course creation, including:The benefits of being an instructor on UdemyHow I went from 0 to 5,000 students in less than a yearThe Big Picture Marketing Strategy you should be using when creating your courseHow to identify profitable topics and keywords for your courseStrategies for creating engaging course contentMarketing tips to turn your course into an irresistible offerPricing your course for maximum exposureHow to use your course to build your email listHow to use your course to grow your Facebook groupHow to use your course to properly promote affiliate productsLeveraging your course to promote your high ticket offersHow to create a bonus video to upsell your other offersUsing the Welcome and Congratulations Course Messages Tool to Engage Your StudentsUsing the Udemy Email Promotion ToolPromote Your Course with Coupons and Referral LinksSecret strategy to instantly DOUBLE your passive income from course sales________________________I'm confident that you will find this course to be the best course on Udemy course creation out there. In this course I show you absolutely everything you need to know to not only create amazing courses, but how to turn it into your full time job by growing your following and monetizing your knowledge in ways that you probably never even thought were possible!Dont wait for someone else to start making courses and profiting in your niche!You dont want to be looking back in a year from now and wondering what your life could be like if you had just learned the skills to establish yourself online.Online learning is not going anywhere any time soon, so the sooner you can start, the more ahead of the game you will be. Its the perfect time to start!I look forward to helping you establish your online course business and become successful online! Hope to see you inside the course!To Your Success,Cheryl A. Spencer"
Price: 29.99

"Flutter Mobile and Web Project in 2 Days (2020 Edition)" |
"How about building a complete Professional E-learning App with Flutter & Firebase on a relaxing weekend ?. This course helps you to do that. It's perfect for developers who are willing to gain professional experience in Flutter Mobile and Web App development. This course does not teach you Flutter and Dart concepts from scratch. It assumes that you have at least very basic knowledge of it and guides you on how to develop the most common features required for a professional application. With this course, you will learn answers to the below questions How Flutter Apps are developed ?.How Flutter In-app Purchases are implemented ?.How the Firebase Authentication flow works ?.How the Firebase Authentication is Implementation ?.How the Firebase Email verification is implemented ?.How the Firebase Reset/Forget Password is implemented ?.How to use Firebase as a backend for Apps and Web apps?.How to do Firebase Web Hosting?.How Flutter Google Authentication is implemented ?.How Flutter Facebook Authentication is implemented ?.How to convert Flutter Mobile App to Flutter Web App ?.How to publish your Flutter App to Google Play Store ?.How to implement Stripe Payments in Flutter Web App ?.How to persist data in Flutter Apps ?.and many more...You will also get a fully working source git repository of an E-learn app that could be used as a reference for your future projects or build your version of the app. All the very best."
Price: 19.99

"Data Visualization with Python and Covid-19 Analysis Project" |
"Data Visualization with Python - course syllabus1. Introduction to Data VisualizationWhat is data visualizationBenefits of data visualizationImportance of data visualizationTop Python Libraries for Data Visualization2. MatplotlibIntroduction to MatplotlibInstall Matplotlib with pipBasic Plotting with MatplotlibPlotting two or more lines on the same plot3. Numpy and PandasWhat is numpy?Why use numpy?Installation of numpyExample of numpyWhat is a panda?Key features of pandasPython Pandas - Environment SetupPandas Data Structure with example4. Data Visualization toolsBar chartHistogramPie Chart5. More Data Visualization toolsScatter PlotArea PlotSTACKED Area PlotBox Plot6. Advanced data Visualization toolsWaffle ChartWord CloudHEAT MAP7. Specialized data Visualization tools (Part-I)Bubble chartsContour plotsQuiver Plot8. Specialized data Visualization tools (Part-II)Three-Dimensional Plotting in Matplotlib3D Line Plot3D Scatter Plot3D Contour Plot3D Wireframe Plot3D Surface Plot9. SeabornIntroduction to seabornSeaborn FunctionalitiesInstalling seabornDifferent categories of plot in SeabornSome basic plots using seaborn10. Data Visualization using SeabornStrip PlotSwarm PlotPlotting Bivariate DistributionScatter plot, Hexbin plot, KDE, RegplotVisualizing Pairwise RelationshipBox plot, Violin Plots, Point Plot11. Project on Data Visualization"
Price: 184.99

"Interviewing skills: ace the job search with best answers" |
"This course is going to teach you how to ace the job search, using best answers to job seekers preparing for a job interview. In order to get a great job, learn these interview strategies.You are going to learn the ins and outs of job interviews, no matter if you are a rookie or already had a few jobs before. It covers all major questions, themes and settings of job interviews in 2020."
Price: 169.99

"Catching the liar: never being lied to again (lie detection)" |
"Today, you have been lied to about ten times already that is what statistics show. Unbelievable? Statistics also show that over 95% of all lies remain undiscovered.And yet, detecting lies is not that difficult, if you know the tools you need to decipher them - body language and tonality.In this course, you are going to learn how to uncover over 80% of all lies. It breaks down all the research done on this topic into simple, practical techniques and examples that you can apply right away from today onwards.Detecting cheating and lying are amongst the number one relationship killers. This course will make sure you discover problems right where they arise, as opposed to way later down the line, when it is too late to rescue private and business relationships.In this course you are going to learnHow to decipher eye movement to read anybody and detect liesWhat microexpressions are and how to uncover what a person is really thinkingWhat a liar typically tries to do to cover his lie and how to uncover the truthTonality and tonal patterns indicating lyingGesture clusters and how to read the signs in its contextHow to come across as open and truthfulUncovering the truth is not only a dream of humans since the dawn of time, it is also a necessity for effective relationships both in business and in the private realm. The irony is, that the science has been made, the results are there, and yet the broad public still knows little about it.However, recently a growing number of especially young people set out to understand this science, to uncover the truth and to improve their lives for good. The course you are about to embark on is a piece of the puzzle to this bigger goal. Instead of covering hours of background info about body language and the science of lying, it cuts straight to the point, presents the latestresearch and science in a practical manner that allows the student to apply the techniques from day one and finally become lie free.Since taking this course something changed for me. People know they cannot fool me, so they stop trying - studentThe confidence that comes from being able to read people like a book has the effect of significantly reducing the amount of lies that people tell you and that is because your confidence speaks for yourself: You cannot fool me any more is written in big letters on your forehead.Embark on a journey to become lie-free. It is one of the best journeys I have personally embarked on and I am proud to be able to share the key learnings in an easy-to digest manner.After taking this course, you will be able toRead people like a bookAnalyze body language of a liarSee through people's deceptionDetect lies and deceitfulnessSpot liars in businessSpot lies in personal relationships, partnerships and your own familyPractical examples around financial fraudsters help you make better decisions in investing decisions not trusting bad companies with fraudulent people like it was uncovered in the recent Wirecard scandal, that led to the destruction of the share price and following insolvency.Had you taken this course before, chances are high you would have never invested in that company, and that you would stay away from similar firms.Everyone lies. But the difference is, I know who does and who doesnt - Student"
Price: 169.99

"Full Stack Xamarin with C# for Beginners to Build Apps" |
"Hello,Welcome to Full Stack Xamarin with C# for Beginners to Build Apps courseDo you want to learn C# but have no experience at all. This Full Stack Xamarin with C# for Beginners to Build Apps course is the perfect place for you to start. In this course, we designed C# .NET course to give you everything you need to become productive with C#. Code with C# today!After learning about C#, you will be able to easily make your own applications with Xamarin.The best course is right in front of your eyes. This is the most complete course that teaches you how to build Native Cross-Platform Apps with C# Codes.In this course, we will develop cross-platform apps with Xamarin Forms. You do not need to learn Java, Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift, or anything of that. All you need to know is C #, and you will learn it in this course.No prior knowledge is needed!Enroll and master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, because you'll have lots of options waiting in front of you. Either choose to build mobile apps or you can make a job transition and work as a web developer. We want you to know that when you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is easier.That`s why you are at a great place to start with C#. All my students will have a chance to learn not only the whats but also learn the whys and hows. What you will learn?C# Programming and Features of C#Visual Studio IDEConsole Application VariablesPrimitive Types and Non-Primitive TypesFlow Control ExpressionsArrays and ListsError Handling and DebuggingFunctionsReading FileWriting to File Installing Visual Studio and Xamarin librariesCreating a custom EmulatorRunning project on the EmulatorDeveloping native mobile apps for Android, iOS and UWPBuilding user-interfaces with XAML and C# codeUsing Xamarin Forms PreviewerManaging NuGet packagesCreating pages and navigation between themAdding and using elementsDesigning with LayoutsTableView and CellsDisplaying popupsListView and data binding basicGetting platform-specific functions with Dependency ServiceUsing native controls with Custom RenderersBy registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos, and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want. Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the Xamarin and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now!We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Oracle 12C R2 RAC Administration and Data Guard for 12C R2" |
"Hello there,Welcome to the ""Oracle 12C R2 RAC Administration and Data Guard for 12C R2"" online course.Are you a junior Oracle DBA?Are you DBA who is managing other RDBMS and want to immigrate to Oracle?Do you want to become an Oracle DBA at an international company?Do you want to learn Oracle Database Data Guard Administration for Oracle 12C R2?Do you want to manage the Data Guard environment?Do you want to learn the practical side of Oracle Data Guard Administration?Do you want to become a seasoned DBA?If you think so, you are at the right place.This time Ive designed for you ""Oracle 12C R2 RAC Administration and Data Guard for 12C R2 straight-forward course for the Oracle Database 12C Release 2 (12.2). In the course, you will have a down-to-earth way explanations with hands-on examples. With my course, you will learn Oracle Database step-by-step. I made this course simple and easy with real-life examples. This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals ( as a refresher). In the course, you will have a down-to-earth way explanations with hands-on examples on Oracle 12C Release 2 RAC and Oracle Data Guard 12C R2. During the course, we focus more on the practical side of Oracle Database. All my students will have a chance to learn not only the whats but also learn the whys and hows.In this course you will learn;What is RAC ( Real Application Cluster )Installing Oracle VirtualboxSetting Up Oracle Enterprise LinuxInstalling Oracle SoftwareOracle RACCreating Virtual MachinesInstalling Oracle RAC Database to VMsInstalling Grid Infrastructure, Database Software and Creating DatabaseInstalling Database Software and Creating DatabaseCreating Physical Standby DatabaseManaging Physical Standby DatabaseAdminister Database Instances and Cluster DatabasesOracle RAC One NodeHow to Convert RAC Database to RAC One NodeWorkload ManagementMonitoring PerformanceDesign and Deployment TechniquesCloning Oracle RACAdd and Delete Node From ClusterManaging backup, and restoring cluster databaseBasic usage of Data Guard Broker UtilityCreating and managing snapshot databasesSwitchover and failover operations on physical standby database via both SQLPlus and Data Guard BrokerCreating Far Sync InstanceConfiguring primary and standby databases for far sync instanceCreating Logical Standby databaseManaging Logical Standby databaseSwitchover and failover operations on logical standby database via both SQLPlus and Data Guard BrokerWhy would you want to take this course?Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise.This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. If you are a DBA or familiar to the Oracle Database / Oracle SQL or if you want to become an Oracle DBA at an international company oryou are a DBA that manage other RDBMS and want to immigrate Oracle or you are already in the field and active RAC user but you just need a refresher, you are also in the right place. You will learn step by step with hands-on examples. Fresh ContentOracle RAC is a unique technology that provides high availability and scalability for all application types. It prevents the server from being a single point of failure. But DBAs also should aware of the recent development and its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, Oracle updates its system, and its crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge. With this course, you will always have a chance to follow the latest trends.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our content is created/produced as high-quality video/audio to provide you the best learning experience.You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractionsYou'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now!We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Seguridad Contra Incendio para Pymes" |
"La necesidad de comprender los fundamentos bsicos es esencial en el reconocimiento de peligros, la evaluacin, las medidas de control y las normas para garantizar el cumplimiento de los cdigos de incendio requeridos actualmente. Los dueos y directivos de las empresas hoy enfrentan una responsabilidad moral y legal con la comunidad, el lugar de trabajo y el pblico. Es necesario comprender los deberes y responsabilidades de la Seguridad Contra Incendio. Este curso presenta los elementos claves que comprenden un programa efectivo de gestin de seguridad contra incendios.El desarrollo e implementacin de un programa efectivo de gestin de seguridad contra incendios: Reduce las primas de seguro Ayuda a minimizar el impacto financiero de las interrupciones comerciales. Mejora la imagen pblica Fomenta un ambiente de trabajo eficiente Impacta favorablemente en la rentabilidad de una empresa u organizacin.El propsito de este curso es presentar, de manera organizada, cmo desarrollar un programa efectivo de gestin de seguridad contra incendios. Se han publicado numerosos libros y artculos sobre las ciencias del fuego. Sin embargo, la mayora hasta ahora se ha preocupado por los aspectos cientficos de la seguridad contra incendios en comparacin con la gestin real del programa. Esta publicacin proporciona un anlisis de cmo administrar un programa de seguridad contra incendios.Recuerda que el xito de cualquier empresa u organizacin depende de la solidez de su sistema de gestin.(Al finalizar el curso recibirs: la presentacin, las infografias y el Libro Digital Seguridad Contra Incendios)."
Price: 29.99

"Formation sur la gestion des approvisionnements" |
"Ce cour contient cinq chapitres.Dans la premire chapitre on va parler de la fonction et les cots d'un stock avec des exercices qui vont aider bien comprendre ses cots .Dans la deuxime chapitre on va voir le principe de fonctionnement de stock et sa relation avec la quantit conomique dans ce cas la , on va voir en dtail une tude graphique et mathmatique de la quantit conomique avec plusieurs tudes de cas et on va voir aussi le taux de service et le taux de rotation et le calcul de stock moyen lors de cas sans rupture et avec rupture de stock.Dans la troisime chapitre on va dcouvrir la mthode ABC avec plusieurs exemple qui vont vraiment aider lors de la prise d'une dcision au sein de votre entreprise.Dans la quatrime chapitre on va voir les mthodes d'approvisionnements , avec la dcouverte de plusieurs mthodes d'approvisionnements avec plusieurs tudes de cas aussi.Dans la dernire chapitre on va voir ensemble les mthodes de valorisation de stock et on va traiter aussi le sujet de l'inventaire."
Price: 19.99

"CFS - The Road to Recovery" |
"This eight week course for people diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME is created by an experienced educator and life coach, who was diagnosed with CFS/ME in 2001. Using a range of holistic techniques and practices, this course brings you daily videos with a different topic each week that will help you to build your own path to recovery and support your own personal health needs. You will learn how to incorporate body awareness with improvements in sleep, relaxation, diet, gentle exercise and lifestyle changes to create a fully balanced programme that will gradually increase your energy levels and mental wellbeing."
Price: 199.99

"Diploma In Naturopathy - Foundation Course" |
"The Naturopathy Diploma Course provides the information you need to take a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to health. Youll deepen your knowledge of numerous holistic therapies and learn how to follow a constitutional approach to healing, along with how to gain health benefits from your diet.This course will provide you with the information you need to follow a naturopath approach to health safely and confidently. So, whether youre completely new to holistic therapies, wanting to expand your knowledge or have studied nutrition and are looking for a way to enhance your diet with holistic therapies to improve your health further, theres something for you here.As it is a foundation course, it is an introduction to Naturopathy on a professional level as it provides important information relating to the types of qualifications achievable should you wish to continue your training to a professional level thereafter.This course can also be used to help you gain further understanding of the therapies to explore for your own self-healing and well-being.The body has an amazing way of healing itself and those qualified in naturopathy take a holistic approach to health considering the obstacles that prevent healing, removing them and identifying treatments that would start the healing process.Where mainstream medical treatment looks at the symptoms of any condition, in naturopathy the underlying cause is important and must be established with the belief that symptoms are just manifestations of an inner imbalance. This imbalance may be due to emotional, physical or mental causes. Treatment plans are gentle and the primary role of any professional naturopath is to educate, enabling patients to take responsibility for their own health by embracing a healthier way of life.Using a range of alternative methods of diagnosis, a Naturopath can often successfully pin-point a predisposition in the body, before the onset of acute disease, and treat the patient with specific therapies and changes in the patients lifestyle.The principles of Naturopathy were first used by the Hippocratic School of Medicine in about 400 BC. The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed in viewing the whole person in regards to finding a cause of disease, and using the laws of nature to induce cure. It was from this original school of thought that Naturopathy takes its principles.The healing power of nature nature has the innate ability to healIdentify and treat the cause there is always an underlying cause, be it physical or emotionalDo no harm a Naturopath will never use treatments that may create other conditionsTreat the whole person when preparing a treatment plan, all aspects of a persons being are taken into considerationThe Naturopath as a teacher a Naturopath empowers the patient to take responsibility for his/her own health by teaching self-carePrevention is better than cure a Naturopath may remove toxic substances and situations from a patients lifestyle to prevent the onset of further disease."
Price: 199.99

"Cooking Flutter - Jago Flutter (Seri III)" |
"Cooking Flutter - Jago Flutter (Seri III) Membuat Aplikasi Flutter dengan MudahMateri yang dipelajari dari basic hingga ExpertBasic DartWidget LayoutFlutter DevelopmentListview & GridviewMenu Pada FlutterAkses device KameraCRUD aplikasi pegawai client server Hingga... Database Client Server dengan Mysql dan Webserver, Database offline (SQFLITE) dan Database dengan Firebase.Selain itu juga mempelajari tentang Chart & AdmobTrainer :Rizki SyaputraSyahrizal Akbar"
Price: 59.99

"SeismoSignal reniyorum" |
"Selamlar Sevgiler. SeismoSignal program Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi yani Deprem verilerini ilemeye yarayan bir programdr. Eitimin banda Deprem Mhendislii ile ilgili temel bilgiler verildikten sonra farkl 2 veri tabanndan alnan 2 farkl deprem kaydnn ilenmesi ilemi retilecektir.Bu eitimi bitirdikten sonra Deprem verilerini ilemeyi tamamen renmi olacaksnz. Hepinize imdiden iyi almalar. Sorularnz ve Dier dersler ile ilgili indirim talepleriniz iin Mesaj atabilirsiniz :)"
Price: 49.99

"Vous tes coach, professionnel de laccompagnement, Freelanceur ou formateur, vous avez un savoir-faire, un savoir-tre, une expertise. Vous souhaitez partager votre contenu avec le plus grand nombre et gagner en libert en ajoutant des ventes rcurrentes vos revenus. Vous voulez lancer votre formation en ligne mais vous vous posez 1000 questions : Quel contenu partager, Sous quel format, A quel prix ?Quelle plateforme choisir ? Vous avez bien une ide mais vous ntes pas sr davoir identifi le bon sujet, celui qui va marcher.Confrences en ligne, vidos, tunnels de vente les outils sont multiples et pour la plupart extrmement accessibles, que ce soit financirement ou techniquement, mais encore faut-il savoir par quoi commencer pour crer une formation qui trouve son public. Dans cette formation, vous trouverez la mthode pour :Crer votre formation de A ZVous assurer de la satisfaction de vos clientsVendre votre formation rgulirementCette formation est illustr par des exemples concrets et ponctu dactions raliser au fur et mesure de votre lecture. Suivez chaque tape et la fin, vous aurez cr votre premire formation en ligne ! Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 18/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 19.99

"The ASANA - Task and Project Management course is guided by good project management practices and relies on the concepts that I have used in more than 30 projects that I have managed throughout my career.This course will enable students to use all ASANA resources and will certainly add a lot to their personal and professional lives in all areas of expertise."
Price: 19.99

"Disaster Recovery 101 - Business Continuity Planning (BCP)" |
"Over this course, we'll be covering the basics surrounding DR and BCP planning, as well as some different types of disasters and the best ways to mitigate against them.Topics on this course are as follows:* Overview of DR and BCP Planning* Mitigating against different types of disasters* Common issues than can occur during a DR test or real world disaster* Assessing the impact of a DR test or disaster on your business* Maintaining data protection compliance during a disaster situation* Implications of allowing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)* Security considerationsAlso included on the course are some examples of how a DR plan would be implemented in the real world, for example having key members of staff available throughout testing and having a way to contact them quickly should a real world disaster occur."
Price: 19.99

"Remember 1,000 law cases for an exam" |
"How to organise and remember 1,000 law cases using mobile technology. This works for any type of law for any jurisdiction.First results in 10 minutes.You will learn:How to translate a case/statute from a book into a memorable format.How to get the case in to your head in a strong way.When to recall the case at the most efficient time for your brain - to push the impression further in to the future.How to organise dozens of cases on-the-go at any one time.How to link several cases in to a time line of case law.Also:How to use Google to enhance memory.How to use YouTube to enhance memory.How to use the accompanying App."
Price: 39.99

"Totalny VBA - Programowanie VBA od podstaw" |
"Arkusz kalkulacyjny jest podstawowym narzdziem pracy wszdzie tam, gdzie istniej jakie dane. Posiada wiele niesamowitych funkcjonalnoci, ktre pozwalaj wykonywa skomplikowane analizy. Czsto jest to jedyne tak skuteczne narzdzie w firmie, poniewa jego obsuga jest intuicyjna, a dostpno naprawd dua.Wic po co Ci to programowanie VBA? Makra w Excelu s potrzebne wszdzie tam, gdzie potrzebna jest automatyzacja pracy. Czy samodzielnie obrabiasz dane w arkuszach i zajmuje Ci to duo czasu? Przecie czas jest cenny i nie da si go odzyska. A co powiesz na to, aby Excel sam pracowa? Sam generowa raporty, tworzy nowe skoroszyty, wykonywa obliczenia...Moesz to uzyska podejmujc nauk programowania w jzyku Visual Basic for Applications i piszc wasne makra na swoje potrzeby, a take potrzeby caej firmy.Sprbuj swoich si w VBA i przekonaj si, e jest to droga to wolnoci."
Price: 399.99

"Cisco Router Implementation" |
"This course is all about How to Install a Cisco Router Fast and Easy and everything you need to master your knowledge to become a Cisco network engineer.I have explained all commands in detail so that you can easily get a grab on that feature. If you cannot find a feature or command, this means either it is obsolete and a better feature replaces that or I have forgotten to include it. In the latter case, I will be more than happy if you let me know what you want and I will add it to the curriculum.I have used GNS3 and packet tracer for the simulation. However, you can execute all commands on a real gear without any change."
Price: 19.99

"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Advanced Training" |
"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Advanced TrainingUpgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Advanced Video TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so many more...Now you can break free...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Build Continuity Income With Wishlist Member.Having a membership site where your members can access digital content is the ultimate form of passive income.Every member is charged monthly for access to your content. They will continue to be a member as long as you offer them something of value for their money.This is a business model that has worked since day one of the internet.Today, its much easier to own and operate a membership site. It is thanks to WishList, and thats what were going to talk about right here.Run A Membership Site Using WordPressWishList makes it super simple for you to operate a membership site using WordPress.Youre not going to have to install a complicated content management system that will make you pull out your hair.Everything runs smoothly right from WordPress, and it only involves you using a plugin.WishList makes so easy to run your own membership site and make money from it.The Secret Is In The RebillsWant to know what the secret sauce is when it comes to operating a membership site? Its all about the rebills.Each month your member will be billed for access to the site. This is money in your pocket.They will continue to be rebilled every month for as long as they remain a member.Your customers will keep their membership as long as youre able to offer them something of value. As long as you do, there will be money in your pocket.WishList Is Loaded With FeaturesEverything you need to run a membership site is right here. It can seem confusing at first.All those features can take some time to learn how to use. How do you know if youre making the most out of them?Youre not going to know at first.There are seasoned WishList users who are missing out on features that could improve their member's experiences.Youve got to continually be on the ball to make the most out of a site like WishList.You could use it every day for a year and still not learn everything that it has to offer.IntroducingBuild Continuity With WishList MemberSeeing WishList In Action Is A Game ChangerYou can read tutorials until your eyes hurt. Seeing someone do it is a whole different ball game.Its far more easy to learn something by watching someone else do it. You can do just that by watching our over the shoulder videos of experts using WishList.Youll quickly learn all the tips and tricks of running a membership site. You may be someone who uses WishList every day, and its still possible to learn while watching our videos.You cant possibly learn everything there is to know on your own. Those who believe they can are going to miss out on key features that will help retain and grow their membership base.Get The Most Out Of WishListTaking advantage of all the features that WishList has to offer will improve your membership site by leaps and bounds.The way you do that is by watching our video series. Youll gain insightful information that can be put into action.Everything you see in our videos has real-world uses, and they will help you maintain and grow the number of members your site has.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Advanced TrainingSee the course subjects below:1 - Overview2 - Importing Members3 - Exporting Members4 - Member Research and Service5 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 16 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 27 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 38 - Chron Jobs9 - Broadcast E-Mails10 - Blacklisting Customers11 - Data Privacy - Part 112 - Data Privacy - Part 213 - Logins and Passwords14 - Creating Custom Registrations15 - Category Protection16 - Live Example - JVZoo17 - Live Example - Thrivecart18 - Warrior Plus - Part 119 - Warrior Plus - Part 220 - Conclusion------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Recruiter / Headhunter Lean Six Sigma certificate" |
"With this training program I strongly want to help you become an efficient recruiter or headhunter working in corporate or manpower companies. You will learn about the whole Lean Six Sigma recruitment lifecycle that will help you deliver outstanding results using our templates.I have over a decade of work experience in roles as: organizational psychologist, Human Resources Manager and Headhunter/Recruiter. I was in charge of hundreds of recruitment processes over time for Fortune 500 companies in various domains.I have successfully recruited and coached many recruiters and headhunters and I want to extend this help through this training program as my professional mission is to help companies attract the best talents. And you will be a best talent attracting best talents! I have experience in process mapping various kinds of recruitment processes and I know the risks and what may break a recruitment process and I am going to tell you all the risk avoidance solutions. How to attract, select, evaluate and hire the best talents in a short time. Is not only important to have the skills to be a good recruiter or head hunter is about being efficient so you dont miss the hire and this is where Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodology will help. I have experience with hundreds of interviews and psychological testing candidates. I am certified in various testing methods and I have tested hundreds of candidates.With this course I aim to help you become a great recruiter and headhunter and avoid mistakes that put you in a inefficiency state and do bad hires resulted from broken recruitment processes.You will get scientifically proven tools and methods LEAN SIX SIGMA to help you become a highly respected professional in recruitment.This is not just a course this is a program that is designed to transform the way you approach not only recruitment but also other types of processes.Below I am describing how I am planning to help you on your journey to success:In the first section you will learn about Employer branding that is a,, must have and must know strategy to have in place before starting any recruitment process. You will learn how to build an employer branding strategy, the Employee value proposition and how to evaluate and improve your recruitment efforts through employer branding.The second section is helping you building a recruitment strategy, the recruitment lifecycle, the employee life cycle, talent management, build a recruitment plan, calculate cost per hire. We will provide you with templates ready to use for your efficiency.The third section is designed to help you learn about becoming a professional recruiter, the role, the code of conduct, the interviewer skills, how to make an assessment plan and how to make evidence-based recruitment, how to hold an optimized interview and how to do head hunting. We will provide templates ready to use so that you can be empowered in your recruitment role.In the fourth section you will learn how to do Recruitment Lean Six Sigma in VUCA world ( The Processes )Here you will learn how to use Lean Six Sigma methods to improve performance. I will teach you different tools to improve the recruitment process and built your reputation as a professional recruiter / headhunter. We will provide templates ready to use that will help you be an efficient recruiter / headhunter.Join me on this discovery journey and become a great recruiter / headhunter for any kind and size organization!"
Price: 199.99

"Landing on Flamenco Guitar" |
"Hello everyone and welcome to the complete flamenco guitar course.If you are here it is because you have been captivated by the magic of flamenco. And it is that flamenco is a music with an amazing capacity to express and transmit emotions. Crying, joy, love ...I think we can all agree on this, but what happens when you try to get a little deeper into flamenco and learn how it works. The most normal thing is that you feel lost and do not know where to start.That is why I have designed this course as a journey that will transform your understanding of music and flamenco guitar. Through the different sections you will learn in a natural and progressive way the different techniques and how they are used in each style.You can also download the scores and tabs for each exercise and falseta that we see.Flamenco is a tremendously powerful and attractive music with an impressive emotional charge capable of captivating and fascinating any type of listener. It is a root music that for many years has remained away from schools and academies. Music that was learned with family and friends' gatherings. It is also a very complex and nuanced music that clearly differentiates it from any other musical style. "
Price: 59.99

"CompTIA CDIA + CD0-001 Certification Practice Exam" |
"253 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA CDIA + CD0-001 Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA CDIA + CD0-001 Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 253Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (189 of 253)"
Price: 179.99

"Linux Kernel Development Model and Compilation" |
"What will you learn from this course:Development process in Linux KernelVarious roles in development - Developer, Maintainer, sub-maintainerVarious Linux Kernel TreesThings to know when sending patchesLinux Kernel Release CycleTypes of Kernel Releases - Mainline, stable, Long-TermConfiguring, Compiling, Installing Your own Linux KernelVarious Linux Kernel Configuration Techniques - oldconfig, defconfig, savedefconfig, xconfig, menuconfigHow to cross compile Linux KernelHow to build only portion of Linux Kernel"
Price: 19.99

"Building iOS Question Answering App with BERT" |
"This course teaches you step by step on how tp build iOS question answering application. It explores the world of machine learning from application developer's perspective. It explains the world of word embeddings which is fundamental technology behind text processing. As Andrew Ng has said ""AI is new electricity"". The course highlight difference among AI (Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and deep learning. It also teaches few embedding technologies like glove, word2vec and BERT.BERT is state of art transformer model developed by Google and has proven to be equivalent of CNN in computer vision technology. This course uses pretrained BERT model and explains how to use it in IOS question answering app.The students once armed with this knowledge will be able to demonstrate their command on machine learning and can use this technology for several different apps. The author assumes that the student does not have any background in machine learning.The course is structured as followsApp Preview : Shows preview of app that we are going to buildEmbeddings : Explains what word embeddings are and why are they importantDeep Neural Network : It covers fundamentals of deep learning, and multi layer perceptronBERT, Glove, Word2Vec : Popular word embedding technologiesBuild UI from scratch : Shows how to build UI by using basic controls in iOS swiftStep by Step Coding : Each function is explained in details with step by step walkthrough of the codeText to Speech and Speech to text : This sections explains how to use test to speech and speech top text conversion libraries in iOS app so that user can speak question into the app and hear the answer . This is extremely useful for physically challenged users who can not type using keyboardRun the app on iPhone : Shows the flow of the app on the phone."
Price: 24.99
