"Main Concepts of Supply Chain Management" |
"This course will give you all the essentials of supply chain management . It will deal first with essential terminologies one needs to know in this major field. It will explain the difference between horizontal and vertical integration and further explain Japanese terminologies in relation. Then the course will tackle lean manufacturing, the drivers of supply chain , the triple bottom line and the importance of channel coordination."
Price: 19.99

"Performance Coaching Level 2" |
"Coaching people is more of about believing the true potential of an employee compared to traditional management. In this course, aspiring thought leader Stephen Fahey unlocks how you can coach employees anywhere in the organisation. You don`t have to be a coaching expert or work in the HR department. You can take ownership of real good coaching practice right now on this course. Stephen outlines best practices to help build and development you into efficient coaching practitioner. He shares some practical worksheets that can be used to increase organisational performance, and increase employee development. "
Price: 19.99

"Expreso Espaol para Viajar y para Trabajar." |
"Este curso no um curso tradicional focado na gramtica da lngua espanhola e sim, uma ferramenta til que permitir dominar o vocabulrio e as expresses teis na hora de resolver uma situao de viagem ou se voc trabalha em contato com nativos hispanofalantes ou pretende trabalhar.Alm de prover a informao bem estruturada para ter autonomia e agir com eficcia na hora de se comunicar com nativos ao fazer por exemplo: o primeiro contato, uma reserva num restaurante ou em hotis, usar um meio de transporte, e mais..Eu te convido a conhecer o currculo do curso e fazer as aulas gratuitas que estou disponibilizando.Gostaria muito de ser sua facilitadora nesse processo.No fique com dvidas, voc encontrar como falar comigo diretamente no meu perfil de instrutor.Uma vez adquirido o curso ser vitalcio, poder rever as aulas todas as vezes que voc quiser, ter acesso ao material adicional gratuito e a garantia de satisfao da Udemy.Espero te ver dentro do curso!GratidoSilvia"
Price: 219.99

"DevOps Project: Jenkins CI/CD for Kubernetes Deployments" |
"Looking for 100% Real Time Micro Services Architecture for complete Jenkins CI/CD automation solution for application deployments? Then you are at right place!! I am availing this opportunity to feed you Real Time DevOps Tools integration with complete architecture presentation.DevOps tools used to demonstrate hands-On Lab on DevOps Project:GitBit BucketJenkinsSonarQubeJfrogAnsibleDockerKubernetesApache TomcatConcepts used to automate application deployments using Jenkins CI/CD:Source Code ManagementJenkins Pipeline - CI/CDBuild Source CodeCode Quality AnalysisArtifact ManagementContinuous DeliveryContinuous DeploymentsHighlights:Jenkins Integration with top most DevOps Tools listed abovePipeline as CodeContinuous Delivery Continuous DeploymentKubernetes DeploymentsInfrastructure as Code"
Price: 11200.00

"LI Ching: una guida nella vita" |
"LI Ching, chiamato anche Libro dei mutamenti, conosciuto come il pi antico testo di divinazione esistente al mondo, e uno dei pi antichi libri dellumanit. Io studio, e amo, l'I Ching da oltre 40 anni e da qualche anno ho deciso di raccontare e condividere quello che ho imparato. Ho quindi scritto due libri, e ne sto scrivendo un terzo, ne parlo nei miei siti, e ho tenuto diversi corsi. Il mio obiettivo quello di trasferire come l'I Ching pi che un oracolo per ""conoscere il futuro"" sia un fantastico strumento per conoscere se stessi, per crescere, e una splendida guida nella vita quotidiana. Durante il percorso si impara ad affrontare la vita in maniera proattiva, si lavora con lo stato danimo desiderato, si ragiona su cosa chiedere e chiedersi, si affrontano le tematiche degli obiettivi, strategia e tattiche. Si lavora anche sulla consapevolezza e sul superamento delle proprie convinzioni limitanti e dei propri modelli mentali e sulla flessibilit.Nove lezioni, pi l'introduzione:A cosa serve la divinazione Il processo di interrogazione dell'oracoloLe domande per lI ChingIl linguaggio dellI ChingStrategie e tattiche nei responsi dellI ChingLettura delle linee mobili Il primo incontro con gli esagrammiLa gestione delle esperienze con lI ChingLa relazione di aiuto e aiutare con lI ChingIl corso unisce conoscenze antiche e tecniche moderne, prese dalla PNL, dal coaching o da strumenti manageriali"
Price: 119.99

"OH&S management rules" |
" "
Price: 19.99

"Simple Tips to Paint like Gustav Klimt: Beginners and Kids" |
"Painting tricks to draw like Gustav KlimtDo you want to learn how to paint like Gustav Klimt? The world-famous Austrian painter?Esra, Our instructor from London, will show you easy watercolor techniques, and the use of gold color in his paintings. You will be creating masterpieces in no time!You will be creating Tree of life, Mother and child, and an exclusive project Lady in Gold for you to try on your own.Its perfect for beginners and children ages 8+. An amazing course to become like the world-famous Klimt!The primary focus of the course:Ages 8+ and beginners.About Gustav Klimts painting, life, art, and interestsGustav Klimts famous paintingsGet started with world-famous artists and learn their style of painting.3 Projects on Mother and Child, Tree of Life and Lady in GoldA step-by-step tutorial on how to paint Gustav Klimts Mother and Child, Tree of Life, special challenge to paint Klimts Lady in GoldThey can be used for art fairs, school projects, or at-home hands-on painting activities.Understanding how to paint using mixed media: Watercolor, sketch pens, and gold acrylic paints."
Price: 19.99

"Practical C# From scratch for junior .NET developers" |
"The course presents the most important issues of the C# language that are necessary to create web, mobile or desktop applications on the .NET platform.With an organized theory of the C# language and practical tasks, the course is ideal for learning C# for people who are just starting their adventure with programming.The course will familiarize you with the .NET Core platform, which is the latest tool from Microsoft for creating cross-platform applications, including web and web APIs.Due to its high efficiency, open-source code, and the possibility of implementation on various systems, it is becoming more and more popular.During the course, you will learn, among other things:- use C# language to create console applications- create your own classes and use built-in types- control program flow using conditional statements and loops- use collections in programs to store and manipulate data"
Price: 24.99

"Genel Psikoloji Bilgileri" |
"Psikolojiye dair genel bir bak kazanmak. Tarihi adan nasl doduunu ve nasl gelitiini anlamak. Bir bilime dnme aamas iin bilgi sahibi olmaya yardmc olacaktr. Kuramclarnn dnceleri, psikoloji kavramlarnn nasl evrimletii ve bilimcilerin bu kavrama katklar pratik test araclyla anlatlmaya allmtr. Bu test bir terapi veya seans niteliinde deildir. Yalnz size psikoloji bilimine dair genel kapsaml bir bilgi verir."
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading for a Living" |
"In this course, i have revealed how to make a living from day trading stocks. Make regular profits. Also i will be sharing my live trades with the traders to gain confidence in trading. Traders will also learn how to make a proper trading journal. The meaning of "" TRADING IS SIMPLE BUT NOT EASY "". I have also give daily, weekly and monthly procedure on how to start. 2 Strategies have been given with examples. I have personally been using this strategy for over more than 6 years and have been making consistent profits. Good luck ahead and happy earning !!!"
Price: 12800.00

"WordPress Security: Protect your website from being hacked" |
"I often get asked by the WordPress website owners IS WORDPRESS SECURE? Well the simple answer is yes, but you will need to take some basic security measures, or else the stats of WordPress websites getting hacked is quite high but thats for other websites too. Hence, with this course, we will learn to protect your WordPress websites.Many popular websites use WordPress nearly 35% of the market uses WordPress to build their sites. So the platform itself is very strong, the only flaw is when we expose the websites to security vulnerabilities unknowingly and forget to take the basic security measures. But dont worry, this course will guide you on protecting your WordPress website.The tutorial is short and to the point, with very little yet precise explanations. Please feel free to get back to me for any confusion.I really hope you will learn something valuable from this course and protect your WordPress website.Thank you."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Security Evaluation Testing Security Operation Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following tests to check the efficiency of an application without looking into its inner structure, or knowing the details of its innards?a) black box testingb) parallel testc) regression testingd) testinge) NoneQ) Which of the following is not a method used to conduct a penetration test?a) traffic paddingb) scanning and sensingc) war setd) sniffinge) NoneQ) Which of the following is not a valid reason for the use of external services penetration of firms, rather than corporate resources?a) They are more cost-effectiveb) They do not provide any corporate biasc) They use a very talented former hackerd) They provide a full accounte) NoneQ) General criteria are level of assurance against Ouda Ouda 1 to 7 with respect to the depth of development and testing. Which of the following objective software evaluation (or NGOs) methodically designed, tested and analyzed?a) EAL 3b) EAL 4c) EAL 5d) EAL 6e) None"
Price: 164.99

"Pixel 2.5D Unity [ 2020 ]" |
"Course TOP-DOWN Mobile Pixel Game - Mobile Pixel"
Price: 1400.00

"Astrologia Para Iniciantes: Aprenda A Ler Seu Mapa Astral" |
"Esse curso um guia bsico, intuitivo e obrigatrio pra quem ama astrologia mas no tem ideia de como ler um mapa astral. Com ele, voc vai aprender a criar o seu mapa, identificar signos, planetas, casas e elementos astrolgicos, alm de saber como interpretar as principais caractersticas que eles representam na sua vida pessoal, profissional e interpessoal. Tudo isso de forma rpida, leve e descomplicada, ideal para quem quer aprender mais sobre si mesmo, mas ainda no tem muita familiaridade com o assunto."
Price: 129.99

"Identity and Access Management : Forgerock OpenAM [Part 2]" |
"This is the 2nd part of the course, and mainly designed for them who had successfully implemented the first part and made there basics string from there.Here the complete focus will be learning advanced features of Access Manager like Web Protection, MFA, REST APIs, Access Controls, Authorization etc.The training program assumes that candidate have all prerequisite already setup to learn this part , as discussed in previous part of the course. Also please go through per session until you are not clear with the implementations before proceeding further.Wish you all the best."
Price: 99.99

mctewwsd |
"This course for someone who just started to learn Russian language. Russian alphabet was derived from the Cyrillic one and includes 33 letters: 10 vowels, 21 consonants and 2 letters that are neither one or the other. It will take you some time to get used to the Cyrillic letters, but fortunately, many of the letters will be familiar to you as an English speaker.The introductory course in the Russian language includedLecture 1: The Russian AlphabetLecture 2: Practice PronunciationLecture 3: Gender of NounsLecture 4: Simple Words and PhrasesListen careful me and repeat after me. As we say in Russia ""Keep putting one foot in front of the other"". Step by step you will reach the goalI wish you all the best , . 33- : 10- , 21- 2- , , . , , , . 1 : 2: 3: 4: . "" "". ."
Price: 19.99

"Spielideen fr den Sprachunterricht" |
"Kennen Sie Das Einhorn oder Stuhlkreuz und wissen Sie, warum diese das Lernen so optimieren? Klagen Ihre Kursteilnehmenden auch darber, dass sie sich Vokabeln immer weniger merken knnen? Dann sollten wir darauf hren, was die moderne Gehirnforschung sagt und unsere Unterrichtsmethoden ndern, mehr Bewegung integrieren und Emotionen mit ins SPIEL bringen. Machen Sie alles schon? Um so besser. Aber spielen wir nicht immer die gleichen Spiele? Wenn wir neue Varianten hren, wollen wir das unbedingt gleich ausprobieren und scheitern meist schon an der Spielbeschreibung. Videos sind da praktischer - vor allem, wenn sie gleich nach Themen (Grammatik, Phonetik, Fertigkeiten, Auflockerung etc.) sortiert sind. Ich plane meinen Unterricht, suche ein passendes Spiel in den Kategorien und schaue oder/ und lese die Anleitung. Dann habe ich es auch garantiert verstanden und bin nicht unsicher, es auszuprobieren. Dieser Online-Kurs will beides liefern: Altbekanntes und Neues, den berblick, was man berhaupt alles spielen kann und konkrete Methoden. Wir jonglieren Verbendungen, malen Phonetik, werfen mit Wrtern und Bllen und lernen, wie viel Freude auch Menschen haben knnen, die im ersten Moment Spielen skeptisch gegenberstehen - egal, welchen Alters. Freuen Sie sich auf einen energiegeladenen, praxisorientierten und informativen Online-Kurs, der Ihnen in allen Niveaustufen und Sprachen sowohl in der Schule als auch in der Erwachsenenbildung weiterhilft."
Price: 49.99

"How to set up as a Virtual Assistant - The Essentials" |
"Through this course I am going to teach you what I consider to be the essential steps in becoming a freelance Virtual Assistant working from home, steps that I have taken myself to set up and function in what I would consider to be a successful way over the past five years.This course is ideal for those, who like me, want to earn a flexible income from home around existing commitments.I will cover how to analyse your skills, how to build credibility, find clients, market yourself and manage your workload and by the end of this course you will have the tools and confidence to get started on your journey towards becoming a Virtual Assistant."
Price: 19.99

"All about 3D printing" |
"In this course u will learn about the technology that hs been evolved so fast and bring a revolutionary change into the world of manufacturing .3D printing is used to manufacture moulds for making jewelry, and even the jewelry itself. 3D printing is becoming popular in the customisable gifts industry, with products such as personalized models of art and dolls, in many shapes: in metal or plastic, or as consumable art, such as 3D printed chocolate."
Price: 24.99

"Molecular Biologist certification exam practice test" |
"The Practice tests for the Molecular Biology certification exam preparation gives the opportunity to tests the current level of preparation for the certification exam as Molecular Biology professional. The questions were created based on the personal experience of preparing for the molecular Biology certification exam and Molecular Biology professional backgroundThe questions of genomics are included in Practice test 1 and other related area questions are included in Practice test 2."
Price: 29.99

"Be good at solving equations and inequalities Algebra" |
"Do you feel math is difficult? Then this course will suit you.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSEIn this course you will mainly learn about how to solve basic linear equations and inequalities.THE FEATURE OF THIS COURSE.-- Almost All the Questions are Explained in Videos.This course is not just a course but is your workbook with video solutions (and frogs!). That means almost all of the questions in this course are explained in the videos. That will help you to understand the questions and the concepts easily, and those who think ""Oh! math looks very difficult!"" will easily understand the solutions.-- The Flow to Understand Each QuestionYou will learn each content of this lecture as following:Explanation: Solution: Quiz:In Explanation part (lectures named ""e_...""), you will get some knowledge needed to understand the questions. Then, in the Solution part (lectures named ""q_...""), you will watch the questions and their video solutions. Finally in Quiz part, you will try your understandings by solving the questions by yourself.--- Firstly watch the solution, then solve the questionUsually you will firstly try to solve a question, and then you will watch the solution. However, in this course, you firstly watch the solution, and then solve the question. To be good at solving math questions, it's important to firstly understand the points of the question.-- About Solutions and Questions in this courseYou will be able to download the explanations for the important concepts, questions and solutions. The files has bookmarks in them, so you can easily jump from one page to another page.-- Data SheetMoreover, you will get Data Sheet and fill in it throughout this course. This sheet will help you to find out the questions you need to try again.(The captions of the videos are based on automatic captioning so they may contain mistakes.)*** Let's study math with us, frogs! ***"
Price: 29.99

"Curso PROFESIONAL de Bolsa: Armado de Portafolio Personal" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Curso de Armado de Cartera / Portafolio ProfesionalCuando un inversor empieza a profesionalizarse, se da cuenta que no es suficiente con ser acertado en sus anlisis para ganar dinero. Requiere constancia, administracin de riesgo y capital, entre otras cualidades. En este curso veremos como crear una cartera de inversin diversificada profesional completamente adaptada a cada inversor. El objetivo de este curso es que al finalizarlo, tengas un portafolio completamente listo para salir al Mercado."
Price: 54.99

"Become A Professional Tarot Reader In Hindi" |
"Learn to read tarot cards meanings in the most easiest way. Interpret them without memorising lengthy meanings of the card. Learn to create your own customised spread. Also, with this course you will easily read tarot for yourselves and others just like a Professional Tarot Reader. You will also find, three secrets to unleash tarot card meanings during a reading. Please note, that this course is explained in Hindi language but a little knowledge of English language is required."
Price: 24.99

"How to create thumbnail for youtube" |
"Learn how to create a thumbnail for free. How to install thumbnail application, creating a simple thumbnail, adding text/title, beautifying the thumbnail, adding additional images, saving for upload and how to upload onto you tube. Thumbnails are an important part of any youtube video being the gateway to your videos. An attractive thumbnail will help in getting more viewers to the channel."
Price: 19.99

"Identify Your Passion" |
"Mr. Ankit Vijay Indias no 1 Risingpreur & Global Pride award winner Motivational Speaker, Leadership- Sales Exert & Relationship Consultant.He has changed more than 20 thousand people's lives through his amazingly design output-oriented Training program.His Mission 2030 which is 10 lakh Risningpreneur(Trainer) in 10 years for the betterment of India through his properly design RISINGPRENEUR TTT Program.He has also a vision to transform 10 Crore families & 40 Crore individual life from his Training Program.He has uncountable achievement & Awards for his exceptional way of delivery & Counselling skills.Mr. Ankit Vijay master in -RisingpreneurLEADERSHIP MASTERY,SALES MASTERY &SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP, SUCCESSFUL PARENTINGStart-Up Mentorship & Business mastery Motivation & Mentorship"
Price: 1280.00

"Kick-Start your Fitness Journey" |
"Mr. ROHIL DHAKA Indias no 1 RISINGPRENEUR - Lifestyle & Health Coach. He lost 26 Kg in Just 3 months thought Healthy Eating (Nutrition) & ExerciseHe has changed more than 10 thousand people's lives through his amazingly design output-oriented Training program. His Mission 2030 which is 10 lakh coaches in 10 years for the betterment of India through his properly design RISINGPRENEUR TTT Program...He has also a vision to transform 5 Crore families & 20 Crore individual life from his Training Program. He has uncountable achievement & Awards for his exceptional way of delivery & Counselling skillsMr. ROHIL DHAKA master in TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH PROGRAM, LIFESTYLE CHANGES, NUTRITION & EXERCISEAbout His Transformation -I understand the value of health when I gain so much of weight & I become 108 kgs, then I started facing so many physical as well as mental challenges,One day I did my BMI test then I come to know that my biological age is 55 years & visceral fat is 18%, it was quite shocking for me, then I decided it's enough I need to do something for my health.Then I consult with so many Nutritionists then I came to know it's all about Diet & Exercise. Nothing else the basic key is to make some lifestyle changes that make you fit day by day.Then I started my journey, then I lost 24 kgs in 4 months, all this happens because I managed to change my diet & learn how to eat? & what to eat? & yes dont forget the important factor, Exercise. Yes, Exercise is very important if you want good & sustainable Health.Now I am working as a Lifestyle & Health Coach, my mission is to help those who are struggling to achieve their fitness goals."
Price: 1280.00

0-15-wpx |
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Price: 29.99

"How To Get Gigs As A Professional Magician" |
"In this course you will learn my three main areas to get gigs as a professional magician. You will come away with an understanding of how to correctly market yourself in order to get paid gigs as a professional performer. There are no tricks taught on this course this is about the best way to win clients and get paid for something you love doing. Its taken me many years to figure this out. This is the course I wish I had when I started out in magic.How to find clients."
Price: 199.99

"Basic Mixed Media Design" |
"Mixed Media Techniques are NOT MEANT to be SECRET!This lesson includes basic information about supplies and what they do, as well as a step-by-step lesson, other examples, and two prompts meant to encourage you to experiment in new ways! This lesson is perfect for those who have an interest in mixed media but don't know where to start!"
Price: 19.99

"Photobiomodulation : Another Aspects to Know" |
"The aim of Photobiomodulation to accelerate tissue healing, reduce inflammation and relief the pain; regarding these points we will discuss the clinical targets and trigger points. Also we will show the clinical application step by step as the diagnosis, protocol ,setting and safety. The effective dose and the amount of energy to get the best dose for the treatment. We will assess different handpieces that used in the treatment . New Application to calculate Parameters for all types of lasers for all medical and dental fields in a professional way as it depends on distance of the tissue to the tip , Gaussian and top hat profile, also there is a specific way to calculate parameters of photobiomodulation."
Price: 19.99

"JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security + Cryptography Certified Exam" |
"291 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security + Cryptography Certified ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-022 CompTIA E2C Security + Cryptography Certified ExamTotal Questions : 291Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (218 of 291)"
Price: 179.99
