"Dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados rede" |
"Se voc tem curiosidade sobre energia solar, ou j tentou aprender e nunca conseguiu, ou est cheio de dvidas sobre esse assunto, no perca mais tempo e se torne um projetista solar comprando este curso que lhe poupar horas e horas de leitura massiva e solucionar todas as possveis dvidas que voc traga consigo. Com um preo justo e uma didtica clara e concisa, ao final do curso voc saber o passo a passo sobre como dimensionar sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados rede e voc se sentir muito seguro para trabalhar com a fonte de energia renovvel que mais cresce no Brasil e no Mundo."
Price: 54.99

"Chinese I for Kids and Beginners" |
"In this course, students will go through eight basic lessons of Chinese. This level is suitable for children ages 5 and up, and no previous experience with Chinese needed. Content includes rhyming text, new vocabulary, and sentence structures with applicable exercises. Included in the course is a digital copy of our Junior Scholar 1 textbook. At Ni Hao Chinese, we believe in an effective and fun education, so our lessons use a spiral-learning model, where our students can gain new ideas while review previous material simultaneously.This is the first of four courses that introduce the basics of Chinese language. In these first two hours of lessons, students will learn 60+ high-frequency words and at least 15 sentence patterns. This course will build the foundation for Beginning Chinese II for Kids."
Price: 39.99

"Chinese 2 for Kids and Beginners" |
"In this course, students will go through eight additional basic lessons of Chinese. This level is suitable for children ages 5 and up, and no previous experience with Chinese needed. Content includes rhyming text, new vocabulary, and sentence structures with applicable exercises. Included in the course is a digital copy of our Junior Scholar 2 textbook. At Ni Hao Chinese, we believe in an effective and fun education, so our lessons use a spiral-learning model, where our students can gain new ideas while review previous material simultaneously.This is the second of four courses that introduce the basics of Chinese language. In only 2 hours of lessons, students will master an additional 60+ high-frequency words and at least 15 sentence patterns."
Price: 39.99

"1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 Practice Exam" |
"1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 Certification exam prep & Test. Get 110 unique & updated Questions for your certification exam.In this 1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 course there are over 110 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your 1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 examWhy take our Course?Unique & Updated 110 QuestionsAll 1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter ExpertsVerified answers30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:i) Want to pass the 1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 certification.ii) Want to find your weak areas for the 1Z0-932 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2018 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"The Success Brain" |
"Learning how to be successful is a process. This course will guide you in this process. It begins with the development of an effective mindset and concludes with a plan for living the best year of your life.The course can be viewed as a library of strategies and tools to be used in creating a highly successful version of your brain. The 36 lessons are contained within 5 modules. Each lesson concludes with a required task that will help you build momentum from the very first lesson.It all begins with the mindset and learning how to be comfortable with success. Learn to deal with the negative beliefs that stand in your way. Develop a systematic approach to creating and realizing goals. Healthy and unhealthy habits can make or break your success journey.Finally, well put all the information together and create a plan for living the best year youve ever had.In this course, youll learn how to:Create a mindset that pursues success and isnt afraid of failureAttack limiting beliefsEliminate self-limiting thought patternsCreate intentions and goals that match your personal version of successDefeat negative habits and create new, empowering habitsCreate a plan for living the best year of your life"
Price: 194.99

"Ken Tai Ichi Jo: Strategy For Effective Striking" |
"Ken Tai Ichi Jo is defined as the body and weapon are one it is used to describe the biomechanics of Taijutsu practitioners as the deliver strikes. This exposition of KTIJ will cover the anatomy, analogy, and application of Ken Tai Ichi Jo. Youll leave this course with appreciation for breath, depth, and spirit of Ken Tai Ichi Jo."
Price: 19.99

"2020 Complete Backend Web Development" |
"In this course you will:Learn JavaScript basics.Learn PHP basics.Learn to build your own web apps.Learn NodeJS and ExppressJS.Use PHP and MySQL together.Use NodeJS and ExpressJS with MongoDB.Build a chat system with NodeJS and Socket-IO.Build a forum system from scratch using PHP and MySQL.Create a blog system using NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB."
Price: 99.99

"Estatstica para Polcia Federal" |
"Curso de estatstica 100% focado no edital do ltimo concurso da Polcia Federal realizado pela banca Cebraspe (Cespe) em 2018.Agente de Polcia - Escrivo - PapiloscopistaSe voc deseja garantir uma tima pontuao na disciplina de Estatstica, ento este curso para voc!Confira as vanstagem:Tire suas dvidas diretamente com o professor.Teoria e ExercciosMacetes para resolver questes com mais agilidade.Assista os vdeos nas velocidades 1,25x, 1,50x, 1,75x ou 2,00x100% focado no edital da PFAcesso vitalcioAcesso em todos os dispositivos (Mobile e Desktop)App Udemy (Android e iOS)Material de Apoio em PDFSimuladosGarantia de 30 dias.Mesmo que voc no possua nenhuma familiaridade com nmeros, com este curso voc aprender passo a passo a resolver questes envolvendo clculos, grficos e frmulas."
Price: 204.99

"Complete CEH Network Hacking Adv. Reconnaissance Sniffing" |
"In this Sub Course of CEH v10 .... I've discussed about Sniffing and all the advanced Hacking Theories with Real World Implementations. The key feature about this course is all the things and implements are pursued by real world Computers and Real World Scenario. Thus all are the updated Hacking Methods and tools. This is a sub course of CEH v10 that i'm pursuing right now and in future there will be more Professional Hacking Course to make one a Legit mate Hacker and Everything is Classified And Explained in a Very Simple Manner And Language"
Price: 19.99

"How to write and sell your own TV show" |
"Television is a dynamic sector, large and, above all, very fun. Thanks to platforms such as Netflix or Amazon, television has finished globalizing. Today, tv formats are bought and sold all over the world. You may not know, but surely many of the shows you watch were created in Israel, Holland, Japan, or Spain. Anyone can become a creator of television shows.Manuel F. Aragn has created more than 200 tv formats, many of them sold internationally. In this course, Manuel will give you the keys so that you learn to create a professional tv project, as well as the keys to be able to market it.In this course you will learn:.- What genres exist in the world of television..- How the projects are developed..- What can you expect from a negotiation with a production company or a channel..- How to protect your project from possible ""copiers"".Likewise, the course includes real experiences on formats that Manuel has sold as ""freelance"", both to tiny television channels ... and to Netflix!If you have an idea for a television show and you would like to make it come true, or you just want to know how this world works, this is your course.Ah! And no previous experience is required! Welcome!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Criar Cursos Online de Sucesso 2020 - 3 Cursos em 1" |
"Um curso para quem sempre sonhou em criar seus prprios cursos online, mas nunca tocou em uma cmera sequer.Eu sou o professor John e desde 2009 transmito meu conhecimento de programao de Jogos, Sites e Aplicativos pela internet ajudando pessoas no mundo todo.Eu transformo meu conhecimento em Cursos Online e vendo eles na internet atravs da escola One Day Code, depois dou suporte aos alunos que tm dvidas e essa minha renda principal h mais de 4 anos e acredito que sou a pessoa ideal para te ajudar a criar seu primeiro Curso Online!Aqui esto alguns dos meus nmeros totais: 265 846 Alunos,147 Pases, 31 Cursos LanadosNesse curso voc aprender :Pesquisa de MercadoPesquisa de MercadoPlanejamento de ProduoFrmula dos Cursos de SucessoPblico Alvo e PersonaComo Validar seu CursoCriao de Grade CurricularGerenciamento de Produo com KanbanProduo AudiovisualEquipamentos de udioEquipamentos de VdeoGravao e EdioCriao de CapasProduo de Slides DidticosProduo de EbooksComo ser Bem Avaliado pelos ClientesPublicaoDefinindo os Melhores TtulosFormas de MonetizaoGanhar Dinheiro antes do Curso CompletoDivulgao de Contedo GrtisYoutube e AdsenseCriao de Pginas de VendasPlataformas para vender CursosComo cobrar por aulas particularesD para viver de cursos online?***Publicidade e Marketing Digital (Sees Novas)AnnciosInbound e Outbound MarketingFunil de VendasGatilhos de VendaO Vdeo de Vendas PerfeitoCapas Para YoutubeFormatao de TextosCriao de Artes para AnnciosAnncios no FacebookAnncios no InstagramGanhar Seguidores ReaisWhatsapp BusinessLista de E-mailsComo Criar PromoesPs VendasComo dar suporteComo evitar SpamComo lidar com Crticas ConstrutivasComo lidar com HatersComo Fazer Parcerias***Curso de Criao de Sites com Wordpress e Elementor CompletoIntroduo ao WordPressComo Usar Domnio PrprioComo Escolher HospedagemE-mail ProfissionalHospedagem de SitesInstalao do WordPressCriao De Sites Com Elementor (Editor Visual)Criao de Posts com SEOInstalao de TemasPersonalizar SitesGoogle AnalyticsGoogle AdsenseHello BarChat ao VivoCertificado de Segurana (SSL)Capturar E-mailsPixel FacebookGerenciamento de UsuriosAlgumas Motivaes:Autoridade: Assim como quando algum escreve um livro, quando voc cria um bom curso online, ser de conhecimento geral que voc domina aquele assunto que estar sendo ensinado e sua opinio ser mais valorizada tanto no meio cientfico quanto comercial.Renda Extra: Sabe aquele dinheirinho que falta no final do ms e voc no tem como ganhar simplesmente ""Trabalhando mais""? Depois que voc criar sua mquina de vendas, voc ter uma renda extra todos os meses que com o tempo pode se tornar at mesmo sua renda principal.Ajudar Pessoas De Qualquer Lugar: Dizem que a felicidade gerada quando ajudamos o prximo. As pessoas vo te dar dinheiro de vrios lugares do mundo para que voc as ajude e ainda vo agradecer por isso, pois compartilhar conhecimento uma das aes mais nobres que podemos ter, voc vai crescer ajudando os outros a crescerem!Diferencial: Quando voc fica mais conhecido, mais pessoas sabero o quo bom o seu trabalho, aumentando a chance de voc conseguir mais trabalhos como freelancer, mais pacientes e mais clientes de acordo com a rea que voc atua.Tambm pode entrar no seu currculo como um diferencial para uma vaga de emprego!O objetivo do curso te ajudar a alcanar as 3 liberdades:Liberdade Financeira: Quando voc cria cursos para a internet, eles podem ser acessados por qualquer pessoa que comprar o curso. como se em vez de voc ter que ensinar novos professores e ter que ficar dando a mesma aula vrias vezes, voc criasse clones seus que vo estar trabalhando para voc enquanto voc est dormindo. Voc vai ganhar dinheiro mensalmente e quanto mais cursos, maior a renda.Liberdade de Tempo: Defina seus prprios horrios, no se prenda ao horrio comercial. J pensou que maravilhoso seria no precisar acordar cedo todos os dias? Poder ir ao cinema no meio da semana, passar mais tempo com a sua famlia, no enfrentar filas no cartrio e ainda tirar frias pagando mais barato em baixas temporadas?Liberdade de Local: Voc pode gravar seus cursos sem sair da sua casa, comeando com equipamentos mais bsicos e depois ir evoluindo com o tempo. Depois de gravar, editar e publicar seus cursos, voc s precisar dar suporte aos seus alunos e trabalhar no seu funil de vendas para melhorar sua renda, sem sair de casa. Trabalha longe de onde voc mora? Esquea o trnsito e trabalhe de onde quiser."
Price: 99.99

"c++ programming language video tutorial in Hindi" |
"C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of operating system , such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This C++ tutorial adopts a simple and practical approach to describe the concepts of C++ for beginners to advanced .C++ - developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell . C++ on operating system such as Windows , Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This C++ adopts a to describe the of C++ to Object Oriented Concepts C++ OOPs Concepts C++ OOPs Object ,Class , User-Defined function - Constructor Copy Constructor Destructor this Pointer this static variables and function Structs, Enumeration , Enumeration Friend Function Inheritance Polymorphism Overloading Overriding Virtual Function Abstraction Interfaces Data Abstraction Namespaces Strings Exception Handling C++ try/catch C++ try/catch Templates File & Stream & File & Stream ,getline() function & ,getline()"
Price: 3520.00

"Feasibility, Design & Proposal Report for Solar Power Plant" |
"The course consist of major 3 Segments out of first segment covers the technique of writing the feasibility study report. Second segment consist of method of writing the final design report and Third segment consist of technique for writing a good proposal for client for solar power plant installation. For a solar technician, Solar Sales Person as well as solar PV Designer it is very important to know the method of writing the all 3 report and convince the client about the Solar Installation. I hope this course is useful for the reason. Best of luck."
Price: 49.99

"Certified English Language Latest Audio Book Narration Class" |
"Mortal Bonds is a book of short stories by Vatsala Warrier. She is a retired teacher and has done her BEd and holds an MA in literature from the University of South Florida. These are book video lecture lessons for your course.The first half is the narration with the introduction of two others in the team as the narrator, characters etc and the second half of the course is the explanation of it, as a lesson and it's relevance in today's world, as an important topic to dwell upon.The story being done here is YOU PEOPLE! It talks of the class differences that exist in our society and how the poor are often exploited. Their sacrifices are depicted very well here by Mrs. Warrier.The narrators are the instructor of the course Ms. Sarita Wariyer along with Mr. P. Balachandran and Mrs. Vatsala Warrier, the author herself."
Price: 1280.00

"Adobe Lightroom Classic: 15 Tips to improve your photography" |
"Learn 15 amazing Tips and Tricks to improve the workflow and efficiency of your photography. At the end of this course, you will have learned 15 great tips to make your life as a photographer easier, you may even learn a few things about Lightroom that you never knew before!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you to learn about ""Adobe Lightroom Classic: 15 Tips To Improve Your Photography Today!"" This class is designed for those starting out in photography or for those who may already be established and want to learn a few new tips to improve their workflow and efficiency because in our industry, time is money and the more time you are able to save, the more clients you can get, the more work you can do, and the more money you can make. This course is in depth enough for those familiar with Lightroom, but also beginner friendly as I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped me improve my own workflow and the quality of my edits.This course is made using the classic version of Lightroom, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Lightroom from the adobe websiteIn this course you will learn:How to improve your workflowHow to become more efficient at editing photosNew techniques for editing photosTips about Lightroom that you may not have known before!Shortcuts that can save you hours!* All stock images in this course were provided by Signature Edits, Feel free to check out their website for more awesome free raw images to practice your photo editing skills! You can check them out on their website"
Price: 29.99

"Troubled Skin; The Beauticians Dilemma (CERTIFICATE COURSE)" |
"All it takes is that ONE BAD REVIEW and that could mean DISASTER for your job or business in the beauty industry. Nevertheless, it is truly a COMMON CHALLENGE that most of you, if not all you beauticians will have to face through at your work.1. How confident are you in handling flared up skin?2. Do your clients really trust you?3. Can you afford the price of a bad review? Register for this course now and be genuinely certified to handle Troubled Skin!(CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY EUROPEAN WELLNESS AESTHETIC ACADEMY)What does this workshop cover?- Evaluation Steps of troubled skin at spa level- Key questions and understand how to conclude, group or categorize each case- Understanding Troubled Skin Protocols (without underlying medical conditions)- Customizing Solutions/ Mixtures for easily flared up & sore skin"
Price: 19.99

"Object Detection Web App with TensorFlow, OpenCV and Flask" |
"Detecting Objects and finding out their names from images is a very challenging and interesting field of Computer Vision.The core science behind Self Driving Cars, Image Captioning and Robotics lies in Object Detection.In this course, you are going to build a Object Detection Model from Scratch using Python's OpenCV library using Pre-Trained Coco Dataset.The model will be deployed as an Web App using Flask Framework of Python.TECHNOLOGIES & TOOLS USEDPythonMachine LearningDeep LearningTransfer LearningTensorflowOpenCVFlask"
Price: 8000.00

"Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination & Practice Prep" |
"The scope of practice of the nurse practitioner is wide, encompassing the care of the young, the old, the sick, and the well.This Practice Test has been developed to help the nurse practitioner .develop the knowledge and skills to successfully enter nursepractitioner (NP) practice and earn certification, an importantlandmark in professional achievement .This Practice Test represents a perspective on learning and practice ."
Price: 19.99

"Corso di informatica base, impara da zero." |
"Il corso svolge le basi di Windows 10, come muoversi all'interno del Sistema Operativo, quali sono le funzioni che posso svolgere appena comprato un computer classico cercando di non entrare nel tecnicismo ma con termini adatti a tutte le persone.Si utilizzeranno strumenti gi presenti in Windows 10, riuscendo cos a capire le funzioni base.ATTENZIONE: non indispensabile avere un computer che svolga potenti prestazioni, l'importante che sia presente Windows 10, quindi l'ultima versione del software di Microsoft."
Price: 39.99

"Romeo y Julieta para Estudiantes Espaoles (Romeo & Juliet)" |
"Diseado especficamente para estudiantes espaoles.Este estudio acadmico simplificado de Romeo y Julieta es excelente para los exmenes GCSE, los exmenes/ensayos de la Commonwealth y las asignaciones de escuelas secundarias o universitarias en pases de habla inglesa. Lea la obra anotada con una narracin de voz y traduccin moderna, vea los anlisis de video que incluyen clips de pelcula y audio claros, y aprenda la obra a fondo para sobresalir en tareas y exmenes. Esta coleccin de material fue escrita y comisariada por m, un profesor con 30 aos de experiencia docente, tanto de Literatura Inglesa como de Ingls como de Segunda Lengua (TEFL y TESOL). He enseado en universidades, colegios, escuelas secundarias e instituciones de educacin para adultos. He visto a estudiantes de ingls de segunda lengua luchar con Shakespeare y dise este curso pensando en ellos.This simplified, academic examination of ""Romeo and Juliet"" is excellent for GCSEs, Commonwealth exams/essays, and high school or university assignments in English-speaking countries. Read the annotated play with an accompanying voice-narration and modern translation, watch the video analyses that include clarifying film and audio clips, and learn the play thoroughly to excel at assignments and exams. This collection of material was written and curated by me, a professor with 30 years of teaching experience, both of English Literature and English as a Second Language (TEFL and TESOL). I've taught in universities, colleges, high schools and adult-education institutions. I've watched English-Second-Language students struggle with Shakespeare and designed this course with them in mind."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Numpy: Beginners to Advanced" |
"Numerical Python or Numpy is an important library when it comes to performing complex computation. In this course, we deep dive into Numpy starting with basic concepts, explaining what , why and motivations for creating such library to advanced concepts. This course can be a pathway towards becoming a data scientist."
Price: 19.99

"Nutricin Fitness Para Prdida de Peso y/o Ganancia Muscular" |
"A lo largo este curso te ensear todo lo necesario y me convertir en tu entrenador personal (personal trainer) para que puedas comenzar con un estilo de vida fitness, desde la dieta y nutricin deportiva, hasta el entrenamiento, e inclusive tips y farmacologa deportiva para hacerte este camino mucho ms fcil y lograr el fsico que siempre has deseado. Todo esto sin la necesidad de atiborrarte la cabeza de un montn de informacin innecesaria y confusa que slo lograr desmotivarte. Recuerda que adems de esto, tienes mi asesora como entrenador personal fitness una vez que hayas comprado el curso puesto que me puedes contactar para cualquier consulta ya sea por la seccin de preguntas de Udemy o por mis redes sociales sin pena alguna, con mucho gusto te ayudar. Qu esperas? Usa la nutricin deportiva para as lograr tu objetivo de convertirte en una persona fitness usndome a mi como tu entrenador personal. Descubrirs que ser fitness y tener una buena nutricin deportiva es bueno para ti y para tu cuerpo."
Price: 19.99

"(Python, JavaScript)" |
"2020/9/27""DISCRETEMATH""300!!! Python JavaScript () !:1. 2. 3. Coding Interview4. !5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Python JavaScript !"
Price: 94.99

"Learn Java Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Boot JPA, Security" |
"This course covers below Topics in detail, with practical examples, downloadable Maven projects included in this course, for Learner's practicing purposeSpring, Autowiring, REST API, AOP, Dependency Injection, Spring Boot JPA, JpaRepository, CrudRepository, Entity Relationships(One to One, One to Many/Many to One, Many to Many)Spring Security, WebSecuirtyConfigurerAdapter, Authentication, Authorization Method Level SecurityGET, POST, PUT, DELETE with Path Parameters and Query ParametersSending JSON data using Postman tool to test REST APIsRestControllers, Services, RepositoriesYou will be able to develop enterprise applications using Spring Boot FrameworkMore topics will be added shortly"
Price: 19.99

"Tarot Basics & More" |
"This course will go over the everything you need to know about reading the tarot. We will discuss a lot of information from setting up the space, care of cards, building a relationship with them, learning about each card and to doing spreads with the cards. I will be using the Rider Waite tarot deck to teach this course. It is best to use the Rider Waite to learn on and then you can read any deck since all tarot is based off of the Rider Waite deck. "
Price: 29.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.Skills measuredThe content of this exam will be updated on September 24, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what will be changing.Implement the IoT solution infrastructure (15-20%)Provision and manage devices (20-25%)Implement Edge (15-20%)Process and manage data (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize IoT solutions (15-20%)Implement security (15-20%)"
Price: 29.99

"Learn C language Project" |
"1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Employee management system / Employee record system 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: This main objective of the system is to computerize the maintenance of the employee details and salary section in the company. 3. PROJECT CATEGORY: RDBMS,File Handling 4. LANGUAGE AND SOFTWARE TOOL USED: C language Operating System: Windows 10,8,7 5. FUTURE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT :This project will enhance the employee and the company to serve more quickly and efficiently. This software is developed in order to computerize the activities which take more time, if done manually. Employee management system will enable the employee and company staff to make things faster and can get information quickly. If we want any information about employee, we can access it quickly.Language Used - C language Concept Used - File Handling Software Used - Dev C++, Turbo C Database Used - File Handling"
Price: 1280.00

"Construccin Con Tierra Compactada" |
"En este curso prctico vamos a construir con la tcnica de tierra compactada dos bancas y un rea para el fuego. Primero daremos un repaso a la teora para conocer conceptos fundamentales como la definicin de la tcnica, los tipos de suelos (tierras) y veremos algunos ejemplos de construcciones edificadas con esta tcnica.Aprenderemos cmo identificar y analizar la tierra, tambin cmo aplicar un conjunto de pruebas que nos permitirn tener una tierra lista para hacer construcciones bellas y resistentes. Conoceremos los agregados necesarios para la mezcla de tierra as como los pigmentos que nos ayudarn a darle un color personalizado a la tierra.Ya que es un curso prctico veremos cmo hacer moldes de madera donde se compactar la tierra para la construccin, tambin veremos cmo se hace una cimentacin que ser la base para nuestras creaciones de tierra.Paso a paso a travs de este curso prctico iremos conociendo las ventajas de construir con tierra, as como las aportaciones sustentables (ecolgicas y econmicas) de estas edificaciones."
Price: 345.00

"Oracle Exadata X5 Administration 1Z0-070" |
"Exadata Database Machine OverviewIdentify the benefits of using Database Machine for different application classesDescribe the key capacity and performance specifications for Database MachineKey Capabilities of Exadata Database MachineDescribe the key capabilities of Exadata Database MachineDescribe the Exadata Smart Scan capabilitiesDescribe the capabilities of hybrid columnar compressionDescribe the capabilities and uses of the Smart Flash CacheDescribe t he capabilities of Columnar Flash CachingDescribe the capabilities of the Smart Flash LogDescribe the purpose and benefits of Storage IndexesDescribe the capabilities and uses of Exadata Snapshot databasesDescribe Cell to Cell Data Transfer and Exadata Network Resource ManagementConfigure Exadata Storage ServerConfigure Exadata software and resources using Cellcli or other toolsCreate and configure ASM disk groups using ExadataUse the CellCLI, ExaCLI, DCLI and ExaDCLI Exadata administration toolsConfigure Exadata Storage Server securityRecommendations for Optimizing Database PerformanceOptimize database performance in conjunction with Exadata Database MachineOptimize Cell performance for Flash Cache and latency cappingConsolidation Options and RecommendationsDescribe the options for consolidating multiple databases on Database MachineDescribe the benefits and costs associated with different optionsIdentify the most appropriate approach for consolidation in different circumstancesBulk Data LoadingConfigure the Database File System (DBFS) feature for staging input data filesUse external tables based on input data files stored in DBFS to perform high-performance data loadsConfiguring Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c to Monitor Exadata Database MachineDescribe the Enterprise Manager cloud Control architecture as it specifically applies to Exadata Database MachineDescribe the discovery process and post discovery configurationsMonitoring Exadata Database Machine Database ServersDescribe the monitoring recommendations for Exadata Database Machine database serversUse Cloud Control or DBMCLI to monitor Exadata Database Machine Database ServersMonitoring other Exadata Database Machine ComponentsMonitor Exadata Database Machine components: Cisco Switch, Power Distribution UnitsBackup and Recovery for Exadata Database MachinesDescribe how RMAN backups are optimized using Exadata Storage ServerDescribe the recommended approaches for disk-based and tape-based backups of databases on Database MachinePerform backup and recoveryConnect a media server to the Database Machine InfiniBand networkPatching Exadata Database MachineDescribe how software is maintained on different Database Machine componentsExadata Database Machine ArchitectureDescribe the Database Machine network architecture and requirementsDescribe the Database Machine software architectureDescribe the Exadata Storage Server storage entities and their relationshipsDescribe how multiple Database Machines can be interconnected and scaled upExadata Database Machine Initial ConfigurationDescribe site planning requirements for Database MachineDescribe the installation and configuration process with the Exadata Deployment AssistantDescribe the default configuration for Database MachineDescribe supported and unsupported customizations for Database MachineI/O Resource ManagementUse Exadata Storage Server I/O Resource Management to manage workloads within a database and across multiple databasesConfigure database resource management plans and profilesConfigure category plansConfigure inter-database plansDescribe and configure the I/O resource manager objectivesMonitor I/O using I/O MetricsUsing Smart ScanDescribe Smart Scan and the query processing that can be offloaded to Exadata Storage ServerDescribe the requirements for Smart ScanDescribe the circumstances that prevent using Smart ScanIdentify Smart Scan in SQL execution plans including smart joinsUse database statistics and wait events to confirm how queries are processedMigrating Databases to Exadata Database MachineDescribe the steps to migrate your database to Database MachineExplain the main approaches for migrating your database to Database MachineIdentify the most appropriate approach for migration in different circumstancesExadata Database Machine Platform MonitoringDescribe the purpose and uses of SNMP for the Database MachineDescribe the purpose and uses of IPMI for the Database MachineDescribe the purpose and uses of ILOM for the Database MachineMonitoring Exadata Storage ServersDescribe Exadata Storage Server metrics, alerts, Thresholds and active requestsDescribe and use Exedata Storage Server Quarantines, Disk Scrubbing and repairMonitor Exadata Storage Server using Command line or Cloud controlMonitoring the InfiniBand NetworkMonitor InfiniBand switches With Cloud Control or CLIMonitor InfiniBand switch portsMonitor InfiniBand ports on the database servers ajd Cells with LIST IBPORT commandMonitoring ToolsUse monitoring tools: Exachk, ExaWatcher, TFA Collector DiagTools, ADRCI, Imageinfo and Imagehistory, OSWatcherDatabase Machine Maintenance tasksPower Database Machine on and offSafely shut down a single Exadata Storage ServerReplace a damaged physical disk on a cellReplace a damaged flash card on a cellMove all disks from one cell to anotherUse the Exadata Cell Software Rescure ProcedureDatabase Machine Automated Support EcosystemDescribe the Auto Service Request (ASR) function and how it relates to Exadata Database MachineDescribe the implementation requirements for ASRDescribe the ASR configuration processDescribe Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) and how it relates to Exadata Database Machine"
Price: 19.99

"Fun with Vedic Math" |
"This course teaches you how to have fun with math. You will do magic with math and learn tips and tricks in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisions. For every technique, there is a quiz available so you can practice the technique you learned. We will also add more videos on different techniques as well.This course is intended for students who want to learn the tips and tricks in Math for faster mental calculations. This section will have four sections with Additions, Subtractions, Multiplications, and Divisions. In each section, we taught the faster way to calculate and play with the numbers. Every trick will have a corresponding quiz so that the students can practice and become experts in the tricks. The intent of the quizzes is to calculate the answer in your mind. You will have fun with the numbers and eventually fall in love with Math. > The prerequisites and requirements are that the students should have a basic understanding of traditional methods for additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions. > This course will provide a fun way of teaching the tricks for faster calculations. > This course is probably not for you if you already had experienced in Vedic math and mental math techniques.> The classes will cover many examples and in the quiz, you will be able to answer without any pen and paper."
Price: 99.99

"How to Draw and Sketch figure drawing for Beginners" |
"This course may be just what you are looking for to explore the human figure, and help you start as an artist! Designed with beginners in mind, this drawing course is perfect for children ages 17+. With a total of 10 fun and unique art projects, from drawing old men and women to mastering the figure of young children you will learn the skills and techniques to draw and create masterpieces of your own long after the course is complete."
Price: 19.99
