"Como Programar em Python" |
"Python uma linguagem de programao poderosa, rpida e amigvel, que permite trabalhar rapidamente e integrar sistemas de forma mais eficaz. Python fcil de entender, quer voc seja um programador iniciante ou experiente com outras linguagens. Veja a seguir alguns testemunhos sobre ela:""Python rpido o suficiente para nosso site e nos permite produzir recursos sustentveis em tempos recordes, com um mnimo de desenvolvedores"" (Cuong Do, Arquiteto de Software, YouTube).""Python desempenha um papel fundamental em nossa linha de produo. Sem ele, um projeto do tamanho de Star Wars: Episdio II teria sido muito difcil de realizar. Da renderizao coletiva ao processamento em lote e composio, o Python une todas as coisas"" (Tommy Burnette, Diretor Tcnico, Industrial Light & Magic). ""Python tem sido uma parte importante do Google desde o incio e permanece assim medida que o sistema cresce e evolui. Hoje, dezenas de engenheiros do Google usam Python e estamos procurando mais pessoas com habilidades nessa linguagem."" (Peter Norvig, diretor de qualidade de pesquisa at Google, Inc).Neste curso, voc ter mais de 5 horas de contedo Python de primeira qualidade, com explicaes claras e objetivas abordando os fundamentos da programao. Exerccios tericos e desfios prticos iro complementar seu estudo.Nesse curso, voc ir aprender:- Variveis e Tipos de Dados;- Operadores Aritmticos- Operadores Lgicos- Pseudo-cdigo- Estruturas de controle- Funes- Estruturas de dados- Classes e objetos- Herana e Polimorfismo- E muito mais!No deixe a oportunidade passar. Sua hora de aprender Python chegou!"
Price: 39.99

"Hipopilates (Pilates y Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva)" |
"Este video, va dirigido a personas que se inicien en las clases de Hipopilates y no hayan realizado nunca Pilates ni Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva o para personas que quieran repasar y perfeccionar la tcnica. Os explico cmo hay que realizar los ejercicios con los dos tipos de respiracin, la postura bsica y la contraccin interna que se tiene que realizar durante toda la clase.Podris aprender a hacer los dos tipos de respiraciones que se utilizan en los dos mtodos que combinamos: mtodo Pilates (respiracin costal con la espiracin asociada a una activacin del abdomen y del suelo plvico) y la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva (una apnea que se suele hacer en torno a 10-20 segundos).La mejora de nuestra postura frente a la gravedad.Fortalecimiento y estiramiento de la musculatura corporal.Produccin de dopamina, equilibrado y reconexin cuerpo mente lo que se traduce en bienestar y relajacin.Aumento de la oxigenacin y circulacin."
Price: 179.99

"Identifying & Creating A Profitable Author's Platform" |
"This course is a step-by-step framework of the best practices for authors to connect their brand and readers on a human level. Even if you have no previous branding knowledge and/or experience, at the end of this course, you will learn how to identify and create a professional author platform. You will also be able to create a strategic plan to attract your target audience. The perfect student for this course is a self-published author looking to create and solidify a professional platform that will help them to stand out in the competition, connect with their readers in a personal way, and sell books."
Price: 129.99

"Compressor Anti-Surge Control System" |
"This course starts by describing the surging phenomena of a compressor in detail. Then, the various control scheme of avoiding surge is being discussed. The course ends with a practical industrial example. The control scheme discussed in the course mainly revolves around CCC Series 3, Series 3++, and Series 5. Concepts like Surge Parameter, Safety Limit Line, Surge Control Line, Recycle Trip, Safety On, Interaction between different Anti-Surge Controllers are discussed in detail."
Price: 1600.00

"Memory Hacks: Learn How to Increase Memory and Speed Reading" |
"Hi Everyone, In Memory Hacks, I will take you in the right path of learning efficiently and meta-learning (learning how to learn) which provides a plus point for learning anything much faster than learning from the conventional methods (Rote Memorization). This is applicable to learn languages, retain books information, pi contest, and long term memory. For the first 20 people that buy the course I will provide them free 10 sessions of memory training if contacted here: yourmemoryhacker@gmail.comI am 100% sure none of the methods that I present to you will work unless you put action to take this course and practice it. I know some of the things would not feel real but try it to see the results!!!! Benefits of taking my course:Learn languages without hesitation using my methods: Being a person that learn languages open new doors for opportunities such as jobs, relationships and in life generally. Also, learning languages makes you understand other culture and demystifies stereotypes about people. Contact me here to find out more: To learn specific languages: yourmemoryhacker@gmail.comSpeed Read (By my friend Matthew Espinoza: Brain Companion Creator): Have you heard this phrase before A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. - George R. R. Martin. By Speed Reading, you can read 100's of books a year and this what I did for learning about meta-learning and learning about productivity. Also, I have more than 100 summaries of productivity books if you want it contact me here: yourmemoryhacker@gmail.com for free. Retain Information for the Long Term: we often emphasize on learning new content faster but the real method is Review to access long term memory. If you don't know how to schedule your learning anyone can contact me here: yourmemoryhacker@gmail.com for the schedule template which is totally free.Before all of this I have Build Mindset free you can get in the preview!Really Excited to See You Complete Memory Hacks and Let Me Know What Cool Projects You Created Using My Methods. If you have any questions or help please contact here: yourmemoryhacker@gmail.comI will try my best to response within 24 hrs!!!!These will help me to see what works for you and me!!!!"
Price: 44.99

"Workplace Pandemic Survival Training" |
"Course content Module 1 Introduction Module 2 All about Covid 19 Module 3 Packaging, Marking and Labeling Module 4 Safety, Hygiene and Remedy recommendation Module 5 Conclusion After completion of course MCQ examination is there. After successfully completion of examination ""Work place Covid-19 Training certificate"" will be Issued which indicate necessary knowledge for covid 19 infection and prevention you possessed. Hence gain confidence from and become acceptable to your family members with whom you are living and your organisational employees with whom you are working with. Doing so you can save yourself and your family your organisational employees."
Price: 34.99

"Mdulo de Matemtica (UFPR) Concurso Soldado PM/CBM PR 2020" |
"Precisa estudar para passar no concurso de soldado PM/CBM PR para entrar no cargo dos seus sonhos mas tem problema com Matemtica? A soluo est aqui. Neste curso, iremos abordar diversas questes antigas da banca que aplicar a prova, de modo a ensinar os contedos abordados na prtica enquanto o professor d diversas dicas teis para ganhar tempo e raciocinar mais rpido na hora da prova.Esse curso dinmico e mutvel, todas sugestes so aceitas e constantemente poderei atualizar com mais questes de acordo com os pedidos e engajamento :DAbraos do prof. Anderson.No perca tempo! Matricule-se j!"
Price: 19.99

"Quick Start Guide for Beginning Guitarists" |
"In this mini-course, you will learn the four fundamental skills that will get your guitar-playing journey off to the right start. If you're thinking about buying a guitar, have a guitar and are a beginner, or are purchasing a guitar for a beginning guitarist, this course is a necessity! We cover the skills that other on-line guitar teachers take for granted including the names of the parts of the guitar and their functions, how to properly hold the guitar and pick for he best sound possible, and what to look for in a guitar to ensure its playability. At the end of the course, you will be ready to take other courses that dive deeper into the wonderful world of guitar playing."
Price: 29.99

"Law of Attraction for Abundance." |
"Manifesting abundance can sound like a tall order at first, but the truth is that it really doesnt have to be that difficult! While its great if you can read and understand the science behind the Law of Attraction, you can quickly and easily boost your vibration (and thus your manifestation potential) just by connecting with certain simple techniques that help you reshape your perspective.If you want to attract more money, success, or whatever it is you crave, this is the course for you.Following is what you will gain from this course:-Day 01: LEARN WHAT MASTER ALMIGHTY IS AND WHY IS IT CALLED SO?Day 02: POWER OF REPETITION.Day 03: POWER OF BELIEF.Day 04: MAKE A DECISION.Day 05: POWER OF SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.Day 06: PROGRAMMING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.Day 07: WHAT IS PARADIGM?Day 08: CHANGE YOUR PARADIGM.Day 09: HOW TO SPEAK POSITIVELY ABOUT MONEY.Day 10: THE TURNING POINT OF YOUR LIFE.Day 11: FOOTPRINTS.Day 12: THINK AND GROW RICH!Day 13: FAITH.Day 14: EMOTIONAL ALIGNMENT.Day 15: GRATITUDE.Day 16: VISUALIZATION.Day 17: MEDITATION.Day 18: 5 MINUTE BEDTIME ROUTINE.Day 19: HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF FOCUSED?Day 20: ENERGY FLOW.Day 21: IMPORTANT TIPS TO REMEMBER.This could be it. Your golden ticket to abundant wealth. So hurry up and invest in your riches today."
Price: 1600.00

"Medical Coding Inpatient DRG (PCS)" |
"In this course, you will be learning Inpatient DRG in Medical coding with guidelines including practical examples to understand the usage of those PCS procedure codes.There are ways we can learn medical coding skills from the safely of your own home. This course is for Registered Nurse, pharmacy graduate, or any life science graduate with medical coding experience or else I would recommend you to complete a beginners course which helps you to understand the modern technique of organizing your coding skill and one way of taking your coding to next level in your professional life, based on my experience I have created small dose videos to enhance your coding skill and right mindset for better career growth.Medical Coding PCS is converting Procedures, drugs, medical tests, and treatments found in clinical documentation into standard PCS procedure codes which helps for payment purposes and quality improvement purposes in inpatient visits.A new career in medical coding is only months away when you trained by Experts, the worlds leading, and best in the business of healthcare. Take your first step toward a brighter future."
Price: 9920.00

"Medical Coding Inpatient DRG (PCS Practical Lab)" |
"In this course, you will be able to understand the terminology and questions used in Inpatient documentation, you will also practice and apply the guideline which you have learned in my course. Including Inpatient DRG with full practical examples to understand the usage of those PCS procedure codes in different scenarios.There are ways we can learn and practice medical coding skills from the safely of your own home. This course is for Registered Nurse, pharmacy graduate, or any life science graduate with medical coding experience or else I would recommend you to complete a beginners course then IP DRG which helps you to understand the modern technique of organizing your coding skill and one way of taking your coding to next level in your professional life, based on my experience I have created small scenarios to enhance your coding skill and right mindset for better career growth.Medical Coding PCS is converting Procedures, drugs, medical tests, and treatments found in clinical documentation into standard PCS procedure codes which helps for payment purposes and quality improvement purposes in inpatient visits already you have learned the same you need to apply in this practical lab. A new career in medical coding with practical PCS knowledge in IP DRG is only weeks away when you trained by Experts, the worlds leading, and best in the business of healthcare. Take your first step toward a brighter future."
Price: 9600.00

ieltsacademicpro |
". . ."
Price: 99.99

"Edio de vdeo / Davinci Resolve" |
"Neste curso voc aprender tudo que precisa para se tornar um editor de videos, utilizamos a ferramenta DAVINCI RESOLVE, entretanto os conhecimentos passados podem ser utilizados em diversos softwares. Aprendera o bsico sobre edio de udio e correo de cor pra dar uma esttica mais profissional aos seus videos, podendo assim se diferenciar dos outros editores tendo mais qualidade e profissionalismo em sua ps produo."
Price: 114.99

"Introduction to Machine Learning" |
"Goal:Provide an introduction to machine learning focusing on linear and logistic regression and neural network approachesCourse Covers:Underlying mathematics and algorithms in detailDevelopment in Python of a machine learning framework emphasizing how algorithms translate into codeApproaches for improving performance of machine learning systemsApplication to regression, binary and multi-class classification problemsCase studies: house price prediction, spam classification, digits identificationTensorflow examplesCourse ApproachLecture videos with many examples to illustrate the theoryJupyter Notebook demos to complement lecturesWalk through of development of machine learning framework and running of programs50+ exercises (with solutions) including math problems, Jupyter notebook based exercises, and programming problemsGithub site with all course materials (course framework code, Jupyter notebook demos, exercises & solutions, pdf of presentations)"
Price: 134.99

"Landscape Drawing, How to Draw Pine Trees" |
"How to Draw Trees is designed to help students learn the foundational ideas of landscape drawing on how to deal with drawing Trees. We study the approaches and concepts that will help your drawing of trees look natural. Join me and take your drawing to new levels today!This a great course for anyone who needs to improve their understanding of landscape drawing. Beginning, intermediate, and even advanced students will find a little something to help their drawing improve. Having taught drawing and painting for 20 years I know how important drawing is to almost every field in the visual arts.Skills that are TaughtIdentifying ShapesDesigning ShapesIdentifying ProportionRendering FormRendering of TexturesValue RelationshipsDefining Edges"
Price: 24.99

"Deep Learning: Top 4 Python Libraries You Must Learn in 2021" |
"Want To Become A Top-Notch Deep Learning Developer That Big Corporations Will Always Scout?Learn the secrets that helped hundreds of deep learning developers improve their deep learning development skills without sacrificing too much time and money.The demand for deep learning developers is rising. In just a few years, more opportunities will open.Soon, more people will start to pay attention to this trend and many will try to learn and improve as much as they can to become a better Deep learning developer than others.This means that you will have more competitors than ever And if you dont improve your skill, you will be left behind and be stuck in the middle of the pack where youre undervalued and underpaid by companies.So, if youre feeling stuck and dont seem to improve is not because you arent talented and fit in this field.The reason for this is becauseYoure Probably Relying on Free Information Found in Forums and Search Engines!To be honest, this is common practice for most people.After all, you can find tons of information online just by using the right wordsHowever, some information online can be misleading and cause confusion and contradiction.And if you think about it, trade secrets and important information arent just given away by industry experts for free.This is why the free information that you get isnt reliable.Truth be told, Deep learning development is a lucrative career.You can earn tons of money because of your possible contributions to a businesss development.But, if you fail to improve and become better, you wont be able to maximize your growth in this field andYou Will Be Stuck in Mediocrity and Never Be Able to Maximize Your Potential Earnings!Companies like Amazon and Google pay professional Deep learning developers around $160,000 to $240,000 annually.As you can see, this is a lucrative field so it isnt surprising to see that more people are trying to learn deep learning and get hired by some businesses.Your True Journey Toward Improving Your Deep Learning Development Skill Starts HereYou will never have to search every corner of the internet to find your way to improve your Deep learning development skills.This is why we are here to help people like you take the next step and become a top-notch professional.We will share with you tons of information and secrets that only the industry experts know.Our Course is for:ASPIRING DEVELOPERS - who want to improve their skills without wasting so much time searching for answers on internet.BUSINESS ANALYSTS - who want to become better in making data-driven decisions.STARTUP TECHNOPRENEURS - who want to become better in machine learning and data science.If youre any of these, then this course is designed to help you in the easiest and most efficient way possible.Pre-requisite:Basic Python programming experience.Heres What Youll Learn Through Our Course:Introduction to the Top Deep learning modules, APIs and installation:Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch, MXNet and OpenCVPerform Data Pipeline Transformationusing Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch and MXNetBuild Convolutional Neural Network CNN modelsusing Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch and MXNetBuild Recurrent Neural Network RNN modelsusing Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch and MXNetBuild Fully Connected Network FCN modelsusing Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch and MXNetImplement Transfer Learningusing Tensorflow 2.0, PyTorch and MXNetExecute Image Transformation Operations using OpenCVExecute Feature Extraction and Detection using OpenCVAction steps after every module that is similar to real-life projectsAdvanced lessons that are not included in most deep learning courses out thereApply your new-found knowledge through the Capstone projectDownload Jupyter files that contain live codes, simulations and visualizations that experts use.You also get these exciting FREE EXTRAS!EXTRAS#1: Big Insider SecretsThese are industry secrets that most experts dont share without getting paid for thousands of dollars. These include how they successfully debug and fix projects that are usually dead-end, or how they successfully launch a deep-learning program.EXTRAS#2: 5 Advanced LessonsWe will teach you the advanced lessons that are not included in most deep learning courses out there. It contains shortcuts and programming hacks that will make your life as a deep learning developer easier.EXTRAS#3: Solved Capstone ProjectYou will be given access to apply your new-found knowledge through the capstone project. This ensures that both your mind and body will remember all the things that youve learned. After all, experience is the best teacher.EXTRAS#4: 20+ Jupyter Code Notebooks Youll be able to download files that contain live codes, narrative text, numerical simulations, visualizations, and equations that you most experts use to create their own projects. This can help you come up with better codes that you can use to innovate within this industry."
Price: 204.99

"Eye-Yoga Therapy (Best Practice)" |
"In this course, grasp the essentials of the Ancient Indian Eye-Yoga Therapy (Best Practice) for removing Eye- Stress/Strain This well-researched /evidence-based simple technique of Yogic Gazing / Trataka/ Yogic Visualization is a perfect Yogic way to relieve the eye- stress/eye-strain caused by Excessive-Exposure to Electronic Screens This vision improvement technique refreshes the inner passages of the occipital path; and also provides deep relaxation to the nerves and muscles in and around the eyes. Enjoy the great therapeutic results including improved eye-power, increased concentration and forbearance capacity. Experience its amazing benefits in dealing with problems like insomnia - and sleep difficulties. Get relieved of deep-rooted mental stress, depression, anxiety, etc. Enjoy your regular practice of this highly powerful technique so as to sharpen your eyesight and see the refractive errors getting corrected"
Price: 19.99

"Building Decision making skills through Handwriting traits" |
"Unique method to build in the skill of Decision Making through ""Handwriting!"" Writing combines conscious effort with the Sub-conscious message which is in the form of Frozen Graphic. When you write, you direct your mind to focus on a particular aspect. Handwriting Analysis is all about making your Vision Board into your Bullet Journal. This brings in skills with right Personality traits that are the Essentials to make right ""Decision Making""Please note that the course is intended for purchase by adults. Those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage"
Price: 1280.00

SAP2000 |
"This course introduces the Analysis and design of reinforced concrete by 3d modeling using the CSI SAP2000 software. it explains Beams, Slaps and columns modeling and design. This course illustrate the practical procedure for determination of member Reinforcement. 2000 2020 , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Evaluacin de Desempeo Motivadora y Eficaz" |
"La evaluacin de desempeo es una de las herramientas ms valiosas que puede tener un lder de equipo. Frecuentemente o no se hace, o no se consigue hacer de forma que el empleado lo perciba como algo positivo y constructivo. Puede ser una gran oportunidad tanto para la empresa como para el empleado. Por un lado, para dejar claro los objetivos que son importantes para la empresa y, por otro lado, para que el trabajador tenga muy claro qu es lo que se espera de l, es decir, dnde tiene que poner el foco.Adems marcar objetivos claramente definidos es uno de los pilares fundamentales para conseguir un Equipo de Alto Rendimiento. En este curso veremos de una forma clara, gil y concisa cmo hacer todo esto."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo Marcar Objetivos y Alcanzarlos con tu Equipo" |
"Marcar objetivos claramente definidos es uno de los pilares fundamentales para conseguir un Equipo de Alto Rendimiento. Est demostrado que marcarse objetivos y conseguirlos, tiene un efecto motivador muy potente. Y no slo eso, tambin tiene efecto bola de nieve, si consigues tu objetivo conseguirs energa y motivacin para lanzarte a por el siguiente.Al hacer estos objetivos visibles y transparentes para el el equipo, ste tendr una idea mucho ms clara de cmo puede contribuir al xito de la empresa.Adems, un buen entendimiento de estas metas conduce a un mayor compromiso del equipoInvolucrar al equipo genera compromiso, y ese compromiso lleva a resultadosEn este curso te ensear de una forma concisa y clara como hacerlo."
Price: 19.99

"Liderazgo Sano y Motivador" |
"La forma de liderar un equipo tendr tanto efecto en los resultados como el equipo en s mismo. Encontrar la manera de hacerlo correctamente puede ser la clave del xito. No existe un nico estilo que sea vlido para todas las ocasiones: la clave consiste en adaptar el modelo de Liderazgo a cada situacin y a cada individuo. Cada meta, ya sea individual o colectiva, requiere de la implementacin de tcnicas que permitan potenciar las fortalezas, reducir las debilidades y aumentar las probabilidades de xito. Por otro lado, cuando detectamos en nuestro equipo falta de compromiso y motivacin hay una tcnica especialmente eficaz para conseguir recuperar el inters de nuestro equipo.A qu esperas para perfeccionar tus dotes de liderazgo?"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de mesa de iluminao luz Pilot 2000, Pilot2000 DMX" |
"Curso de mesa de iluminao luz Pilot 2000, Pilot2000 DMXAprenda a programar a mesa de melhor custo beneficio do mercado, saiba todos as informaes: Introduo, quantos canais a mesa suporta, como operar os aparelhos em canais separados ou em grupo, gravar cenas, chases e bancos de cenas, como ligar qualquer aparelho de iluminao com protocolo DMX 512 a mesa de iluminao, modos de execuo de cenas, manuail, automtico e music, como deletar as cenas e zerar a mesa. e informaes extras de como aprender a fazer um patch de qualquer aparelho."
Price: 144.99

"Learn How to Draw 4 Seasons and 1 Outdoor Scenery" |
"Upon completing this class you will be learning how to draw 4 season drawings that you can make post cards/greeting cards and an one outdoor scenery. You will also be able to mix in different mediums of art supplies to get your desired drawing look.In this course you will be learning 5 easy ways to draw sceneries and get your desired look by making it your own. This course is intended for beginner artists who likes to explore and learn how to draw scenery."
Price: 24.99

"MB-500 Practice Tests Prep Exam" |
"Welcome to the Practice Test: MB-500: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps DeveloperI.Questions asked with the most recent update of official exam references.Benefits:Lifetime access to practice tests, meaning you will have access to all new updates at no extra cost.This practice tests measures your ability to perform the following technical tasks: plan architecture and solution design; apply developer tools; design and develop AOT elements; develop and test code; implement reports; integrate and manage data solutions; and implement security and optimize performance.How about you prepare with MB-500 practice tests with the latest reference.Plan architecture and solution design.)Apply developer tools.Design and develop AOT elements .Develop and test code.Implement reporting .Integrate and manage data solutions.Implement security and optimize performance.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 34.99

"DP-300 Practice Test Prep Exam" |
"The result of your exam is directly related to the DP-300 learning materials you choose.Today I am offering our DP-300 Practice Tests with up-to-date questions where you can know if you are really ready to test your results.Benefits:Lifetime access to practice tests, meaning you will have access to all new updates at no extra cost.Questions asked with the most recent update of official exam references.This DP-300 practice tests measures your ability to perform the following technical tasks: plan and implement data platform resources; implement a safe environment; monitor and optimize operational resources; optimize query performance; perform task automation; plan and implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment; and perform administration using T-SQL.How about you prepare with DP-300 practice tests with the latest reference.Plan and implement data platform resources .Implement a secure environment .Monitor and optimize operational resources. Optimize query performance.Perform automation of tasks.Plan and implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment .)Perform administration by using T-SQL .The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 84.99

"AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"We know that highly efficient practice tests play crucial roles in your review of the preparedness for the AI-900 examBenefits:Lifetime access to practice tests, meaning you will have access to all new updates at no extra cost.Questions asked with the most recent update of official exam references.This AI-900 practice test measures your ability to perform the following technical tasks: AI workloads and considerations; fundamental machine learning principles in Azure; computer vision workload capabilities in Azure; natural language processing (NLP) workload capabilities in Azure; and conversational AI workload capabilities in Azure.How about you prepare with AI-900 practice tests with the latest reference.Describe AI workloads and considerations.Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure .Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure .Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure .Describe features of conversational AI workloads on Azure .The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 64.99

"Thai Language Read & Write Level 1 Part 3" |
"Sawasdee kha! Welcome back to Learn THAI with Kitiya!Now we are at Level 1 Part 3: Basic Thai Words. We are stepping to Learn how to compound the consonant with vowel to make a word. In this level, we are focusing on 8 vowels to compound the new vocabularies. Tips to Learn successfully 1. Pronunciation- Listen my pronunciation carefully- Read my mouth and follow my pronunciation. - Roman transcription may help but please write the sound of each word in your own language.2. Spelling- In each chapter, after leaning vocabularies then spelling. Please spell out loud even you stay alone. 3. Writing- Print out the PDF handout, full text with 130 pages, is attached at the Lecture 1 and all the rest are attached in each lecture separately. - Try to follow my handwriting slowly.- Dot line may help you to write easier then write with your own without dot line.- If you want to practice more, print more, write more! 4. Doing Exercises- Try to do all exercises, they will help you to understand more and ensure what you have learned.- Don't miss the Listening part, it will test and show your competency. Ready? Let's continue!Kitiya"
Price: 24.99

"(CFA) :" |
"CFA( : ) """" """" 105:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : () ()CFA !!"
Price: 600.00

"Beginners guide to fitness for good health" |
"This is a Basic Fitness Course for working Individuals both Gents and ladies, or Elderly People. The Workouts provided in the course are simple home workouts without using any Gym Equipment's. By following the Course you can Improve your Heart Health, Prevent Diabetes, Improve Muscle Strength, Increase Flexibility, Improve Digestion, Improve Oxygen Intake,Better Joint Functioning, Improve Balance and Posture."
Price: 54.99

"You Are In The Middle Of Your Purpose" |
"Are you feeling lost and uncertain? Have you wasted time, energy, and resources trying to find clarity and meaning in your life? In the times we live, it's vital to know who you are, why you are here, and what you should be doing.In the course, ""You Are In The Middle Of Your Purpose"", you will learn:The Importance Of Fulfilling Your Life's PurposeFinding Your Way Through The Fog of Following Others GuidanceHow To Connect To Your Internal Guidance System and never be lost again...and more"
Price: 19.99
