"The expert (professional tutor)" |
"Hi there,this course will serve different purposes. The first purpose will be a course preparation, which is about preparing a student for the next mathematical grade. For example, if the student is in grade 8 and wants to prepare for math grade 9, if the student is in grade 10 I will prepare him for grade 11 math. the second purpose is to help students that need help in a certain unit or lesson, prepare them for an upcoming test or even an exam and give them extra worksheets and assignments if needed. the third and the final purpose is to teach students that need help with a full curriculum, and at this point, we will start as soon as the school starts and I will teach you to step by step lesson by lesson, which also what I am going to do with the course preparation purpose. I will post for the students' tutorial videos and assignments to help them improve their mathematical skills. the course will be divided into groups and each group will be a maximum of 5 people (on the stream) so the students will be to gain a decent amount of knowledge and understanding in the class. The first class will be about discussing the course's timetable, and introducing you online-mates and also discussing the method of payment and sharing with the student a google classroom code, so I can share with the students' extra assignments and evaluations."
Price: 29.99

"Grundkurs Liedbegleitung Gitarre fr Anfnger Teil 1 & 2" |
"Der Grundkurs Liedbegleitung ""Lagerfeuer Gitarre"" richtet sich an Anfnger ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse und vermittelt auf einfache und didaktisch wohlberlegte Art und Weise alle notwendigen Kenntnisse, um Songs auf der Gitarre zu begleiten.Nach dem ber 60 mintigen 1. Teil (inkl. ausfhrlichem PDF) kannst du die 8 elementaren Grundakkorde, sowie einige wichtige Schlagmuster und bist in der Lage, die gngigen ""Lagerfeuerlieder"" angemessen zu begleiten.Um den Praxisbezug so gro wie mglich zu halten, arbeiten wir bereits ab den ersten Akkordgriffen mit konkreten bekannten Songbeispielen.So kannst du bereits mit nur einem einzigen Akkord einige (wenn auch nicht sehr viele) bekannte Lieder begleiten und dazu singen... Im weiteren Verlauf des Kurses betrachten wir dann Songs aus 2, 3, und 4 Akkorden. Dabei sind die Griffe immer so angeordnet, dass du mit mglichst geringem Lern- und beaufwand grtmgliche Fortschritte machst.Im darauf anschlieenden 2. Teil lernst du systematisch neue Anschlagsmuster und Akkorde, sowie den wichtigen gedmpften Perkussionsschlag (X). Abgerundet wird der Kurs wieder mit bekannten Songbeispielen zum Spielen und Singen."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende a realizar transmisiones con pocos recursos" |
"A travs de este curso vas a poder aprender lo necesario para realizar transmisiones por internet para tus seminarios, cursos, webinars, con pocos recursos y al alcance de tu mano.Vas a aprender a utilizar Zoom y Open Broadcaster Software para crear contenidos audiovisuales de muy buena calidadYa sea que seas profesor, tutor, creador de contenido, lder religioso, etc. Es indispensable poder aprovechar al mximo las ventajas que nos brindan las nuevas tecnologas.Espero sea de gran ayuda a tu labor"
Price: 19.99

qhqjrzhl |
Price: 1200.00

"Tableau 2020 Starters Course" |
"The course has been designed keeping the students in mind. This course is mainly for students who wants to learn Tableau from scratch and have no/little prior experience. In parallel, professionals who have prior experience and wants to brush up the skills can also take this course. The course has been made in a comprehensive way explaining the basic concepts through working on datasets and case studies. The course also highlights on some of the advanced analytics concepts. The author would like to request to simultaneously practice while watching the videos which will help in sharpening of the skills. And lastly, have fun while exploring the course and the software."
Price: 1280.00

"Cybersecurity Awareness Training" |
"With more and more people working from home during the COVID-19 era that we are currently living in, digitalisation has grown at an extremely rapid rate amongst large organisations, SMEs and individuals at home. With the higher rate of digitalisation, knowledge about cybersecurity is becoming more and more important so that you can avoid costly and annoying malwares from disrupting your life and business. This is an introductory course for Cybersecurity Awareness Training, in which i have covered an overview of the different types of hackers as well as malwares with some examples where applicable. As such, this course is perfectly suited for beginners and enthusiasts who are interested to start learning about cybersecurity.I am currently working on more in-depth course for more detailed cybersecurity awareness courses so do let me know if there is any specific topic you would like to learn."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty 2020 Practice Test" |
"We prepare best practice tests with updated questions so that you have a chance to pass the first try.Why choose us for the practical certification exam?We are a team of experienced and certified consultants, with over 15 years of experience in the sector. Our experts regularly refine our question bank, ensuring better results and updated questions.Updated certification questions.Based on the analysis of our experts and feedback from candidates, we regularly update our premium question bank. This activity confirms that you have the last set of questions to practice before the certification exam appears. In this way, we carry out 100% updated practice tests to answer questions and we are proud to declare that our practical exam offers guaranteed results!Online Certification Practice ExamWe provide a platform on which you can take a practical exam online (similar to the actual certification exam); You get the following benefits by preparing with our Practical Certification Exam;Progress report with results historyThis is the most important advantage of Udemy online practice to prepare for the certification exam. You can track your progress on a day-to-day basis with a history of results for each practical exam attempt."
Price: 19.99

"dynamics of machines" |
"this course covers the fallowing topics,static and dynamic analysis of slider crank mechanism,turning moment diagram and flywheel,gyroscopic couple and its applications ,types of governors types of mechanical brakes,types of brakes and dynamo meters, clutches,balancing of rotatory and balancing of reciprocating masses the concepts of all above topics and related problems."
Price: 3200.00

"Ganar y Ahorrar Dinero con Buenas Decisiones" |
"El curso tiene como objetivo convertir al estudiante, personas principiantes que no tienen conocimiento de cmo se toma una Decisin, en un estratega en toma de decisiones, dotndolo de los conocimientos bsicos, sin necesidad de que ste, a su vez, cuente con grandes conocimientos de otras disciplinas cuantitativas y cualitativas aplicadas en la Direccin de Empresas."
Price: 39.99

"O Encanto da Dana do Ventre" |
"A dana do ventre uma arte milenar que traz para quem pratica diversos benefcios, adquirimos sensibilidade, refina nossa audio atravs da msica, nos traz sensaes, superaes, as tecnicas aplicadas so fundamentais para o sucesso da aprendizagem nesta linda dana. Neste curso voc aprender as posies bsicas de movimentos de busto, mos e braos, suas variaes, ondulaes, twist, a suavidade e delicadeza de cada movimento. Entre neste espao, entregue-se, apaixone-se, se perca e se encontre, esta dana possibilita o relaxamento corporal e mental, ajuda no controle da anciedade, na flexibilidade so diversos beneficos que ela nos traz o que est esperando pra comear!"
Price: 54.99

"Early African History in the Americas 1500s" |
"Learn about early America and the complexities of this continent. History books will not tell you the info you will hear in these videos. You will hear about a slave rebellion as far back as 1526 and about an African Explorer whose adventures led to the Coronado Expedition. This info will shatter your world!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Spanish: Kick-Start course for Beginners Level 1" |
"Learn language in 30 days? Learn language in 10 days? Learn Language in 5 minutes? really? No one's telling you the reality. Who can learn a language in matter of days or months? Just like learning a mother tongue takes time, the second language also needs your patience, your attention, your interest and dedication. It doesn't take as much time as your native language took. If you talk about science, the brain synapses and dendrites have been formed and are hard to replace. LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE AND BECOMING GOOD AT IT TAKES AT LEAST ONE AND A HALF YEARS, MINIMUM. If anyone promises you that with this method or that method, you'll be able to memorise and speak in days or months, don't pay attention. The idea is to START THINKING IN THE NEW LANGUAGE, that's all. Learn slow, enjoy the process, be great at it with time What's the hurry?We at My Lengua never promise you that in this much time, you'd be able learn or speak. Every one has their own capability, dedication, and interest. But we make sure you enjoy the process. WE (bunch of few language enthusiasts) created a step by step digital course to reach millions of people who would love to learn Spanish as a second language. Now I (Chirag, the Spanish instructor) learnt it as a second language, in a country that doesnt speak even a single word of it, and I know how hard it can be to keep in touch, to practice and be proficient in it. If you want to learn a second language, the native language or first language approach will never work.With everyday tasks, a week long courses and 7 days milestones, you will achieve your goals. The videos are easy to grasp and engaging that will keep you hooked and interested throughout. It does get hard sometimes when you dont have exposure to the language in your country. Thats why we have incorporated all the skills/ components i.e reading practice, writing tasks, listening and speaking activities that you could do in order to keep up the level and improve each time.Now Why Spanish?- It's so damn popular! Heard about Shakira? Enrique Iglesias? Ricky Martin? heard the song ""DESPACITO"", I guess everyone did in the whole world. What about ""Casa de papel"" (Money Heist)? Common! You must have watched this epic Netflix season. Need more reasons? SPANISH IS ON THE VERGE OF BECOMING THE SECOND UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD, period!!!!!- Career growth / opportunities - From the experience, let me tell you SPANISH will look amazing on your CV, where you go! It's been a while when people started realising they can't grow, reach millions of people, take good use of the technology, connect globally without learning English, but after English, what can be better than SPANISH????- Being multilingual makes you smarter - You wish to stand out among your competitors, improve your personality, be better at expressing yourself? Studies have shown multilingual tend to be smarter at communication when compared with the one's who know only their mother tongue. So two universal languages (English and then Spanish) of the world makes you even smarterrrrr, isn't it? Now why MY LENGUA?#A week long courses - The idea behind a week long courses is to keep you interest and hooked, not to tell you that you can learn a language in a week. If you have 1 year syllabus in front, you tend to lose interest and become frustrated. Dividing them into small chunks makes much more sense. Now, you don't have to complete the courses in 7 days. I'd suggest, especially for higher levels, take a month. 7 days video lessons, 21 days practice. Without practice, you can't learn anything at all.#Every day tasks - Practice, practice, practice! Unless you start to practice and implement the leaning, no good can come from it. The other reason for everyday tasks is to make you understand HOW TO PRACTICE a particular concept or topic.#7 day milestones - The psychology behind it is to give your mind a sense of achievement, a kind of satisfaction so that the child in you keeps on learning, being curious and cherish the journey.At last, I leave with a gratitude and a heartfelt note:Learn a language from anywhere you wish to, be it one on one teaching, online courses, free resources etc. but please learn a new language. It will help you improve in all the fields, aspects of life. My Lengua and our courses are just one of many mediums for you to improve and succeed in life. If you choose My Lengua, you have our back, and you wont be disappointed.Love, MY LENGUA"
Price: 1920.00

"Realiza vdeos animados profesionales, sin experiencia" |
"En est curso aprenderas hacer vdeos animados de una forma profesional, podrs ver en estos vdeos una forma ms esplicita para poder realizarlos. Les voy a ensear en este curso, como realizar vdeos de alta calidad utilizando personajes, objetos y msica.Haciendo que los vdeos se vean ms profesional an si tienes poca experiencia. Al terminar este curso podrs utilizar esta aplicacin para publicidad y as incrementar las ventas de tu empresa. Tambin esta aplicacin les es de mucha ayuda a todos los maestros o profesores que quieren dar una explicacin ms entretenida de cualquier tema.*La aplicacin es facil de usar*Sirven para cualquier cosa*Son perfectos para hacer publicidad a empresas. *Realizar contenido ms entretenido "
Price: 19.99

"Theory & Practice to become a profitable Day Trader" |
"My aim is to support you on your way to become a successful day trader by giving you the basics, structure and knowledge to successfully execute trades. I will teach you both, theory and practice of day trading. My online course is made for people having either having no experience with trading at all but also for people how want to strengthen and deepen their understanding of trading.As a former investment and private equity banker I realized, that many online courses do not keep what they promise, so I am starting to share my tools and knowledge to enable everyone becoming a day trader. I will teach my my biggest asset: My trade management process that safeguards you to repeatedly execute winning trades and tremendously enhance your chances for profits! It guides you through a typical trade through analyzing the market as well as planning and managing the trade. My course contains high quality audio and video sessions, fact sheets, detailed explanations, a lot of trading examples and a live trading session based on my trade management process.The course starts small teaching you the basics of day trading, so that you know you the required fundamentals (chart software, products, markets and orders).Once we established the base for you, I will present you my proven trade management process in many deep dive sessions, so that you know how you successfully execute, finish and stop a trade. I will provide with an excel file that automatically calculates a good entry point, stop limits, the perfect amount of money you should use for the trade and the quantities of future, CFDs or Forex you should buy or sell for your trade. The excel file is part of my proven trade management process. Imagine this as list you should check before you enter a trade. Further, I will deeply explain you two money making strategies: The Break-Out-Open-Range-Strategy and the Trend-Strategy. The course will be completed by a chapter explaining trading psychology and how to avoid common mistakes. As a bonus, there will be a one-to-one live Q&A session (30 Minutes) in which you can ask all your questions you have left."
Price: 79.99

"Stress Management Blueprint- A Gateway To Health & Happiness" |
"On Lighter noteA friend of Mulla Nasiruddin once asked him Mulla, did your father left much money for you when he died?Mulla Nasiruddin No, not a cent. He lost all his health in pursuit of wealth and then lost his wealth trying to regain his lost health!It is joke but it is true for the most of the people. We all work relentlessly to earn money, get rich but we become so obsessed with name, fame, money that we forget our health, family and when we realize that we have lost our health and disconnected from the family then it is too late.I remember 5 years back; I was struggling with my health. I was putting on weight, stressed out, looking much older than my actual age. I decided to take my health more seriously. With the knowledge acquired by reading hundreds of books and my medical knowledge, I started to follow healthy lifestyle. And within one year, I regained my lost health. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to share with you these various stress management techniques which will completely transform your life.Hi my Name is Dr Sunil Sable. I am Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, Stress Management Consultant and Wellness Coach. I am health enthusiast and conduct seminars, workshops and webinar on Stress Management and Healthy Living. I am on the mission to educate 1 million people about stress, its adverse effect and how to manage it, so as to lead healthy and happy life. To achieve this mission, I have created this online digital course and I am in the process of publishing book on stress management.I will like to share my story with you. I am from rural part of India. My education till 12th happened at Shirdi-Kopargaon part of state of Maharashtra. I belong to lower middle-class family. My father is retired employee of the Saibaba Sansthan Trust and my mother is housewife. With meagre salary, my father was able to educate myself and my brother and sister. After higher secondary school, I got admission at the prestigious B. J. Medical College and Sassoon General hospital, Pune. You all know, how tough a medical education is. You have to read voluminous book, attend practicals and clinic. Being from rural area and got shifted to metropolitan city itself scare the poor guy from rural area and on top of it when there is no social support and you have to live in the hostel away from your family makes matter worse and intimidating. Medical education itself is quite stressful. But I am sure all you might have experienced the kind of stress I have experienced while pursuing your graduation. So, after passing the MBBS exam which is the toughest exam, I joined internship at Sainath Hospital, Shirdi. During internship you have to work in the hospital under the guidance of senior doctors. But as I wanted to pursue post-graduation, I have to prepare for the entrance exam also. So, I had to work in the hospital and with whatever spare time I used to get, I used to prepare for my entrance exam which was quite stressful. Once I finished my internship, I officially became a Doctor. What a happy moment was that! I also cracked the entrance exam and got selected for MD in Pediatrics at prestigious Seth G. S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai. The MD course is one of the toughest courses on the planet. For three year, I have to work as resident doctor. During residency, we used to work relentlessly day and night with complete neglect to health and personal life. You dont know whether you will be able to get time to eat and sleep. While working I have to read voluminous book and do thesis. It took toll on my health and I lost 10 kg of weight started looking very thin person as you have to eat at mess and work day and night. After passing my post-graduation, I did fellowship in Pediatric Neurology at B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai. After finishing the fellowship, I started my practice. Life of Doctor is very tough. The life of patient is in your hand, so one has to work very diligently. Also, there is no time limit when you will get emergency patients. Doctor not only has to see patients but do other formalities like looking after staff, complying government requirement.So, the relentless rat race started showing its ill effect on my health. Now, I started putting on lot of weight, I was started looking much older to my age, I was completely burnt out, stressed out. I decided to pause, introspect; what am I doing. Whether I am just passing a day or leading a more meaningful, fulfilling life? What is meaning of life? Why I am here on this earth? What is purpose of life? I was hounded by these questions. To find answers, I started reading self-help, spiritual books, listening to audios. Slowly I started getting the insight and wisdom of life. I started implementing the good principles which I learned from reading books and my life started to transform. I started doing regular exercise, eating healthy food, doing yoga & mediation, laughing a lot, spending quality and quantity time with family. I lost weight, my body came into healthy shape and I started living peaceful, meaningful life. These changes also positively transformed my professional life.When you are happy, when you are filled with knowledge, you want to share this knowledge with others. I started conducting seminar, workshops on stress management and healthy living, with the help of the knowledge I have acquired by reading hundreds of books and listening thousands of hours of audio book and implementing them in my personal life. Blending knowledge and experience with fusion of science and spirituality, I conducted seminars and workshops for various organization like Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Indian Medical Association, Various colleges. I got excellent feedback from my students. It gives immense sense of happiness and accomplishment when your student comes to you and say Sir, after attending your seminar and by implementing the principles, my life completely changedBut seminars and workshops have its own limitation. I was able to disseminate the knowledge to few thousand people. But my mission is to educate 1 million people to lead healthy and happy life. There is no other better medium than the online digital course to achieve my goal. So, I have started this online digital course. The true purpose of this course is to share the knowledge and wisdom which I have acquired to all of you so that you can lead healthy, peaceful and happy life.I am in unique position. Being a doctor, I know the science, medicine, diseases in and out. And as student of life, I have read hundreds of books on spirituality. We know the wisdom of life was written by our great saint and sages in these spiritual scriptures. So, with the fusion of science and spirituality, I have developed this unique online digital course and explained various stress management techniques with the help of stories and humor, in lucid and easy to understand language. These principles are very easy to implement. I am confident that if you attend this online digital course and follow the principle, you will be completely transformed person.Who will Benefit from this Course? Do you think you are stressed? Do you want to boost your immunity to keep yourself away from infections like corona/ covid19? Do you have chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, mental health disease? And want to revere these diseases. If you do not have these diseases and want to keep yourself away from these diseases? Does any family member have chronic disease? Tired of treating with medicine with its exorbitant cost? Want to lose weight, reverse diabetes? Do you want to age healthy without disease and do not want spend money popping pills? Do you think that you are the most unhappy and unsuccessful person on earth? Do you think that there is other modality of treatment which is health oriented and not diseases oriented? If you are Doctor and want to treat your patient in holistic way? Do you want to succeed in your life, climb the corporate ladder? Want to be successful entrepreneur? Because if you are healthy, you will focus on your professional life and your efficiency will increase exponentially. If you want to have healthy relationship with your partner? Are you hounded by questions like: who am I? Why am I on this earth? What is purpose of life? Do you want to have peace of mind? Want to become healthy and happy?If you have these question in your mind, then attend this course and implement the principles and take your health in your own hand and lead healthy, successful, peaceful and happy life."
Price: 44.99

"Grade 5 Music Theory" |
"This course covers music theory material for musicians of all abilities looking to develop their knowledge up to an intermediate standard. We will work through Transposition, Irregular Time Signatures, Chords and Cadences, the Tenor Clef, Intervals, Instruments and voices and Performance Directions.With easy-to-understand concepts, the course is built up of concise videos covering various approaches to topics, with questions at the end of each video to test your knowledge (over 100 questions in total!).Includes BONUS performance directions glossary. *Grade 5 Theory is an intermediate level of theory knowledge and does not relate to any school years or groups.*"
Price: 49.99

"Principled Teaching In Violin Playing (Basic Concepts)" |
"We explore the basics of violin playing in order to get the best out of our instruments! By looking into the Scientific concepts and principles behind playing the violin we get to understand violin playing efficiently! In this course you will be able to tap into the potential of your violin playing quickly and in an informed and fun way!"
Price: 49.99

"El veloz e imparable avance de las tecnologas de la comunicacin ponen los medios impresos ante el gran reto de no slo subsistir, sino tambin elevar su competitividad y sus ingresos. Para lograrlo, se requiere mejorar notoriamente sus contenidos a fin de mantener a sus viejos y fieles lectores, y atraer a otros nuevos.En este curso les ensearemos a pulir los talentos que ya tienen y desarrollar otros que deben contribuir en mucho para atraer a ms lectores. El contenido es la clave, y la adquisicin de nuevas habilidades es el gran reto que deben superar reporteros, editores y jefes de Informacin y de Redaccin, tanto si quieren mantener o mejorar su sitio en la prensa escrita, como si quieren incursionar en la produccin de reportajes en video."
Price: 19.99

"Mahir Membuat Website dari 0 Sampai Jago Dalam 5 Jam" |
"Website adalah entitas digital yang sangat dibutuhkan saat ini dan kedepan nanti, dimana semua sudah serba digital. Artinya, kebutuhan website sudah menjadi prioritas untuk banyak perusahaan. Namun, masih banyak perusahaan yang belum memiliki website, atau yang websitenya harus dilakukan upgrade agar bisa bersaing di kompetisi saat ini. Ini merupakan kesempatan bagi Anda yang ingin menguasai cara pembuatan website, karena telah terbuka peluang karir yang cerah untuk dunia web dan digital. Disamping itu terbuka juga kesempatan bagi Anda yang ingin membangun bisnis jasa pembuatan website.Bagi Anda yang belum paham cara membuat website, untuk inilah kursus online ini saya buat. Dengan metode yang dibuat se-simple mungkin, bahasa yang gampang dipahami, Anda akan lebih mudah paham dan belajar cara membuat website dari 0.Di kursus online ini pun, saya menambahkan beberapa bonus yang sangat berguna untuk mengimplementasikan hasil website Anda langsung LIVE di web server dan dapat diakses dari seluruh dunia.Seluruh modul, referensi dan tutorial yang saya bagikan di video ini bersumber dari pengalaman saya pribadi dalam membuat website selama kurang lebih 22 tahun sejak 1997-1998. Semoga Anda menjadi Website Developer yang handal nantinya!"
Price: 24.99

"Drawing Pencil Portraits - Basic Techniques and More!" |
"This class will teach you how to draw and sketch beautiful pencil portraits.After taking this class, you will gain technical knowledge and you will also know how to apply this knowledge into action! You will be presented with unique exercises that will help you to advance with your skills even further.You will learn:1st part:Which materials you are most likely to need and how to use themThe basics of facial measurements and facial anatomyThe basics on how to see the face as three dimensional with the help of shapes, shading and facial planesHow to construct the eye, nose, and lips from scratchHow to render a portrait using a photo reference from measuring to the last detail2nd part:Construction of the headHead proportion and measuringBasic shadingHand flexibility"
Price: 24.99

"Como conseguir emprego em 30 dias" |
"Este curso online est estruturado de forma a que possa trabalhar num nico tema por dia.Estas so apenas algumas das tarefas que abordo detalhadamente em cada um dos episdios deste desafio de 30 dias:verificar como est a sua presena na Internet (e corrigir);criar um perfil na rede profissional LinkedIn;como utilizar as redes sociais para se destacar;como elaborar o currculo (CV) num modelo esteticamente atrativo;como escrever uma carta de apresentao entusistica;como desenvolver estratgias para evitar as assistentes dos diretores ao telefone;como deve preparar-se e comportar-se numa entrevista de emprego;o que fazer (e evitar) no primeiro dia de trabalho, etc"
Price: 49.99

"Pakistan Stock Exchange - Trading (Level 1) by CreateX" |
"Designed FOR those:1. Who have Zero to Beginner Level Knowledge about Trading in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)2. Who want to Create Multiple Income Streams to enhance their Wealth3. Who want to Earn Halal Money from their Idle Funds4. Who are willing to Learn how to Trade in PSX5. Who are Students / Homemakers / Employed Professionals6. Who want to learn in Urdu / English how to Invest in PSXDesigned to TEACH:1. Basics of Pakistan Stock Exchange2. How to Trade in Equity Stocks in PSX?3. How to Earn in a Halal Manner in PSX?4. Basic Understanding of Stock Market Applications & FeaturesBy taking this Course YOU will be ABLE to:1. Operate a Stock Market Application (Basic Features)2. Observe the Stock Market and Identify Trends3. Trade in PSX Stocks in a Halal Manner"
Price: 199.99

"InfrastructureAsCode Terraform, Azure DevOps CICD pipelines" |
"Learn Infrastructure as Code with Terraform & automation with Azure DevOps on Microsoft Azure Cloud.You will learn all version of Terraform which include v11, v12 and v13 in this course, Apart from that four other DevOps tools which includesVisual Studio code, Git, Azure Cli and Azure DevOps all in one course.Section 1: Introduction and overviewSection 2: Creating Base configuration and First deploymentSection 3: Terraform commands and First deployment Overview.Section 4: Terraform Lab overview and its setup.Section 5: Input, Output Variables and Remote State Storage.Section 6: Creating Terraform Modules and their usage.Section 7: Managing Multiple Environments and DependenciesSection 8: Introduction to Azure DevOps and Pushing code to RepoSection 9: Secret Management with Infrastructure as Code.Section 10: Deploying code using Azure DevOps.Please use Terraform v0.12.29 or earlier version as v0.13 is too new. I have added bonus video on v0.13 so that if you want to use v0.13 for this course then you can use after introducing some changes in the code to make it work with Terraform v0.13. This course covers all version of Terraform.Happy Terraforming."
Price: 34.99

"Definindo o seu Ikigai" |
"O objetivo do curso auxiliar voc a definir o seu Ikigai, ou seja, o seu propsito de vida, a sua razo de viver para que voc possa viver uma vida que realmente valha a pena.Benefcios do Ikigai:- Ter um motivo claro para se levantar todos os dias pela manh;- Ter propsito de vida;- Aplicar melhor seus dons, talentos, habilidades e competncias;- Viver as suas paixes;- Contribuir com o mundo, a coletividade, as pessoas, a natureza;- Alinhar sua profisso ao que voc realmente gosta de fazer;- Motivar-se a ter um estilo de vida mais saudvel e equilibrado;- Ter resilincia para enfrentar os problemas e dificuldades da vida;- Fazer o mximo proveito da vida.Em primeiro lugar, trabalhamos os conceitos de Ikigai e propsito de vida. Em seguida, trabalhamos assuntos importantes de autoconhecimento e as quatro esferas do diagrama do Ikigai para que voc tenha mais clareza de onde canalizar sua energia e seu tempo.Alm disso, trabalhamos diferentes cenrios do Ikigai para que voc possa incorpor-lo sua vida imediatamente e buscar o cenrio ideal. Trabalhamos tambm a relao do Ikigai com uma vida saudvel, feliz e longa para que voc tenha mais qualidade de vida.Por fim, a partir de tudo o que trabalhado no curso, voc define o seu Ikigai de modo simples e objetivo para que ele possa nortear a sua vida.Este curso para quem quer refletir sobre a prpria vida, estabelecer seu propsito e misso de vida, descobrir seus dons, talentos, habilidades, competncias e paixes, criar um estilo de vida mais saudvel e equilibrado, aproveitar sua vida da melhor forma possvel."
Price: 144.99

"The Ultimate Acting Course: Learn to Act With a Pro" |
"When people see my acting experiences, they always ask: how did you get to work on so many varied TV and film projects? Theyre often referring to to my work on Game of Thrones, Universal Pictures Action movies, BBC comedy sitcoms in the UK, and even recurring roles in American shows on CBS.Ive spent the last 10 years growing my career from unpaid short film projects to working on some of the biggest TV shows and with some of the biggest production companies I can think of. Ive travelled around the world for filming, been featured in international press and at the same time, become fascinated with helping other actors achieve a similar trajectory with my one to one coaching.Now Im ready to share the techniques Ive picked up along the way with you. My aim is to show you learn how to master the skills I wish I could have learned when I first started acting. This course unveils the tactics used by the pros to allow them to get deep into their characterisations before they walk on set, the methods to creating rounded, relatable characters as well as focussing on how to prepare believable characters when you have a limited time to prepare.For the contemporary screen world, budgets are tightening and time is often short, especially when preparing for auditions. Ive broken everything Ive learned down into a simple step-by-step system designed to help you understand what it takes to excel in the world of acting.In this acting master class, Ill break down my exact method in order to help you find the right areas to focus on without wasting hours looking in the wrong place.Regardless of what kind of acting work you want to do, now is your time to be seen in a sea of competitions.Im not holding anything back.See you in the first class."
Price: 19.99

"Create full parametric wardrobe in Revit Family from scratch" |
"Hi guys,if you want to know how to create something great in Revit Families, you can try this course.I dont want to tell just general thoughts and tips and describing how it should works. I want to show you, all creation process of my biggest Revit Family model, which is sliding wardrobe (similar to Ikea wardrobe) from beginning to the final end. At start we will create 6 nested Revit Families from scratch with every adjustable parameter. After that, we will combine everything together like hangers, multiple types of drawers, shoe holders and sliding doors. This will guide you to final price and it will be fully parametric wardrobe, which you can fit anywhere you want according your ideas. As we will working on models, i will try to describe all things around our creation process for better undestanding.Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"The complete Cisco CLI Router Configuration course" |
"CISCO is the leading Networking equipment provider with a large product portfolio ranging from small Enterprises to large Data Centers. CCNA (R&S) certification is one of the fundamental certifications that will help you in realizing the computer networking concepts and its implementations in real world.This course has been designed for beginner level IT Engineers. It will take you through the physical installation of the CISCO devices to the very epitome of configuring them and make amazing network topologies. This course will ensure that you understand the dreaded concepts of subnetting and spanning tree protocols. You will observe actual packets as they move through the wires and make those dots connect. While configuring the devices you will feel as if you are doing it yourself, its that close and personal. By following this course you will not only be able achieve your CCNA (R&S) certification but it will pave the foundation for your CCIE certification as well."
Price: 94.99

"Public Speaking - or how to make a perfect presentation" |
"Some of the greatest speeches through history has actually changed the world. The reasons for this, among others, were how the speeches were performed. A memorable presentation is not just words coming out of your mouth - it is how you perform your speech. Body language, emotions, facial expressions, narratives and visual aids are all things which will contribute to the presentation and its outcome.Making a presentation works pretty much in the exact same way as making a speech. So this course - even though it is called Public speaking - can be used for making memorable and informative presentations.When your're giving a speech or making a presentation your goal is to make the audience convey and understand the message the way you intend. In this course we will take a look at all the parts that the presentation-building process is built up from.You will find the following chapters:1. Audience analysis.This is where it all starts. You need to know what kind of audience you are giving your speech to in order to adapt the message.2. The Purpose of the speechAll speeches fall under three different categories: informative, entertaining and persuasive. They all have different speech patterns and work in different ways3. ContentIn this chapter we will learn how to use emotions to engage the audience. The importance of clarity and using narratives are also discussed. In the end we talk about the speech outline - the blueprint- for your speech4. Stage frightWe discuss the symptoms, how to deal with it and what to do to easen the effect of it in the long run.5. Non-verbal communicationGiving a speech is more than just the words you're saying. It is also how you move yourself around on stage, how you use your facial expressions to show feelings.6. Visual presentationNot all speeches needs a visual presentation, but many will be better with them. We give you the do's and don'ts when creating powerpoint-slides7. RehearsalFor many of you out there, rehearsal is plain boring. But it is the most important (almost) part of the speech building process. The more you rehearse the more freedom with your speech performance you will get.8. Famous speechesWe sum this course up with some inspirational and memorable historic speeches."
Price: 99.99

"Freelancing on Fiverr 2020 - From Zero to Top Rated Seller" |
"How To Get Started Freelancing on Fiverr 2020 Tips, Tricks & Growth Secrets - Zero to Top Rated SellerFiverr is the world's largest freelance marketplace to offer services and skills for digital entrepreneurs. It's a great way to build your freelance business and this class is all about teaching you those skills to grow.In this masterclass, you will learn from a top rated seller who has been working on Fiverr since 2011 to understand how to optimise your services on Fiverr using your skills to build a side business & freelance side-hustle.You'll learn everything you need to get started on Fiverr, an online platform where you can offer your services or skills to people all over the world. In an ever-increasing digital world, having a side-hustle and building an additional freelance income can give you extra security as well build out your entrepreneurial flare. This is also the formula I follow on my journey to becoming a Top Rated Seller and grow my own business.At the end of the class, youll have your FIRST gig set up and perfectly optimised after learning how to tweak titles for SEO, writing the perfect description and getting yourself ranked in Fiverr search so buyers see what you have to offer.This course breaks successful Fiverr selling into 4 key areasAttracting Visitors Well go into detail about things you can learn from top-rated sellers, choosing the right niche and how to optimise your gig for SEO by finding the right keywords and understanding Fiverr SEO.Engaging Prospects Next youll learn about creating a killer gig description, why gig images are so important and some great conversion tips to get your prospects interested in your business.Converting Leads Here we explore how you should set your rates, the art of up-selling and turning those visitors who look at your gig, into happy, buying customers who look at your upsells to improve the growth of your services.Fulfilling Orders Youve put all the hard work in to create an awesome profile and gig when your first order comes through how do you handle the new order? This section explores unhappy customers, growing your business by scaling and automation, getting reviews as well as the pros and cons of Fiverr as a platform.If youre looking to find out a great way to build a freelance business, Ill ease you in with the basics before getting into more detail on optimising and creating the perfect gig on Fiverr.This is the course I wish I had when I was starting out, it's perfect for beginners but also useful for advance sellers who are looking to optimise and spruce up their gigs.Topics CoveredGetting started on FiverrHow to sell on FiverrCreating an optimised Fiverr profileCreating your first gig - the right wayWriting a kick-ass converting descriptionCrafting a high converting titleUnderstanding Fiverr search ranking & visibilityThe art of up-sellingWho am I?My name is Matt - I'm a designer working in the UK, and on the side, I provide graphic design, SEO and other creative services to digital entrepreneurs and small businesses. I have now completed over 1000+ gigs on Fiverr and before taking a multi-year break was a top-rated seller. It's been a great side business for me.I often get messages on the platform asking how I do so well, or if I can help other people with their gigs, so I thought I'd put this course together to show the start-to-finish anatomy of putting the perfect gig together and selling on Fiverr."
Price: 19.99

"Planeacin Prospectiva Estratgica: Disea el futuro" |
"La prospectiva es la ciencia que estudia el futuro, dentro de sus muchos mtodos cientficos se ha seleccionado y desarrollado un mtodo que es el adeacuado para el diseo futuro de pequeas organizaciones. El presente curso es el fruto de un trabajo de investigacin en estudios de posgrado aplicado a la creacin y crecimiento de un negocio del sector hortofrutcola, cuyo resultados fueron presentados en congresos internacionales y caso de negocio que actualmente est operando, sirviendo como ejemplo para su implementacin a varios sectores. Una de las causas ms comunes por las que fracasan los negocio en latinoamrica es por una planeacin deficiente y problemas para su ejecucin por lo que Startups y Pymes necesitan ayuda para evitar su quiebra e impulsar su crecimiento.Hoy ms que nunca las pequeas organizaciones necesitan consolidar el puesto de gerente del futuro dentro de su estructura organizacional para lograr la permanencia, competitividad y crecimiento. No se debe dejar a la ligera la visualizacin del futuro organizacional pues el ecosistema empresarial es cada vez ms multidimensional y complejo en donde la sostenibilidad de la organizacin y la anticipacin operativa en mercados disruptivos se construye en horizontes de largo plazo, por lo que es prioritario tomar accin ahora. Planeacin Prospectiva Estratgica: Conviertete en consultor de la organizacin del futuro, es un curso que te brinda conocimientos y herramientas de vanguardia para que puedas liderar a las organizaciones hacia su futuro ideal. Analizaremos los fundamentos de la ciencia prospectiva para posteriormente ensearte paso a paso el mtodo prospectivo para Pymes de una manera prctica con la cual podras definir un rumbo slido y robusto, listo para aplicarlo a tu organizacin y alcanzar sus propsitos. Con este curso podras comprender el entorno global como local del sector en el que te desenvuelves de una manera estructurada, asi como identificar las condiciones actuales en las que se encuentra tu organizacin para poder asignar y medir objetivos alineados al largo, mediano y corto plazo con lo cual podrs conducir a tu organizacin hacia mejores horizontes.La prospectiva va un paso ms all de la planeacin estratgica, este grado de planeacin aplicado a pequeas organizaciones es el adecuado para las condiciones econmicas de incertidumbre que se viven actualmente, enfoque que han aplicado varias organizaciones con resultados exitosos.Buscas ser un elemento de cambio anticipndote al futuro? Si tu respuesta es si es momento de que profundices en el saber de la planeacin prospectiva estratgica con este curso. Comienza a disear el futuro ideal de tu organizacin y lideralo."
Price: 570.00

"Basic Personal Finance Masterclass" |
"Everyone wants to be savvier and smarter with their money, but we arent taught in our younger years how to effectively manage our finances. The financial literacy 101 course does just that: it helps teenagers, young adults, and adults understand the fundamentals of finances and how to effectively use money. This course was built with modules that will help young kids and adults understand money principles while also helping adults get a basic understand of how they can work on things like debt reduction and repairing their credit. The tips, strategies, and principles in this course have been put into practice and use real-world examples."
Price: 19.99
