"Salesforce Admin/Administrator Certification Practice Tests" |
"***** I have also now included Salesforce Administrator Certification Exam Discount Code in one of the practice tests. The code should save you 100$ in booking fees for the exam. This code alone will save you more than you would spend money to buy this course. But hurry up, the offer is limited time only.**********Look at these tests like the greatest investment you are making in yourself. So that you can pass the exam in the first attempt. Also, I can't guarantee than some or any of the questions are going to appear in your exam. NO ONE CAN GUARANTEE THAT. However, I have got feedback from some of my friends that some of the questions did appear in the exam. Some of the questions appeared in my exam too.***** ***** Each test has 65 questions, is set to last for 105 minutes and the passing score has been set to 65% to mimic the exam. In the real exam, you would have 5 (included in 65 questions) non-scored questions but for sake of simplicity (and non-availability of functionality in Udemy), all questions in these tests are scored as no one knows which are scored and which aren't. By keeping that way these tests are a bit harder and give you confidence that if you can pass these tests, you will most likely pass the exam too. *****Tests do include the 12 Knowledge Areas Salesforce official exam guide focus on and they are divided among all tests rather than one test to encourage you to complete all tests to better prepare yourself for the exam.I have also taken consideration of your ability to find answers from internet, trailhead and Salesforce Help pages as I have included an explanation about the correct answer in only handful of questions to encourage you to do trailhead modules, projects and superbadges, if you don't know the correct answer and want to dig deeper. If you have done trailhead modules, projects and superbadges, this should be easy.I shall update this course regularly to stay current with the latest release of Salesforce and also provide no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee.I am also looking forward to hearing from you about how much these tests have benefited you in preparing your exam. Please leave your comments and I shall do my best to reply to you at the earliest possible time from me.Best of Luck."
Price: 39.99

"curso de Smokey Eye" |
"la tcnica de ojos ms usada por las celebridades. En este curso aprenders a realizar esta tcnica de ahumado la cual es un arma infalible si quieres que la atencin est en tus ojos. Logra una mirada de impacto y aprende a hacerla como toda una profesional. Incluye un manual con ms ideas y combinaciones para que elijas la que vaya ms acorde a tu personalidad, recuerda que el maquillaje es una herramienta poderosa."
Price: 270.00

"Curso Completo de Teoria Musical Bassmetria" |
"Nesse curso com longa durao voc aprender muitas matrias, contedos ricos sobre Teoria Musical. Matrias como Estruturao musical completa envolvendo vrias Escalas Maiores, Menores, Bachiana, Escala Hexafnica, Pentatnicas Maiores e Menores, Cigana, Octatnica Simtrica, Trades Maiores, Menores, Aumentadas e Diminutas, Inverses de acordes, como escrever Partituras, aprender como achar a Tonalidade das msicas ou quando escreve-las atravs das Armaduras de Claves, aprender sobre Frmulas de Compasso, Claves, sobre as Figuras musicais, Pausas e seus valores. O contedo ainda no para, voc ainda aprender sobre Diatonismo, Cromatismo, Escalas Enarmnicas, Ditados Rtmos e Apreciao musical sobre as Famlias existentes. Tudo foi preparado com muito carinho, dedicao para voc aprender de forma simples, clara e objetiva."
Price: 189.99

"1Y0-200 Citrix Xen Desktop Management Solutions Review Exam" |
"125 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-200 Citrix Xen Desktop Management Solutions Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-200 Citrix Xen Desktop Management Solutions Review ExamTotal Questions : 125Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (93 of 125)"
Price: 149.99

"1Y0-201 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.6 Management Solutions Exam" |
"159 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-201 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.6 Management Solutions ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-201 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.6 Management Solutions ExamTotal Questions : 159Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (119 of 159)"
Price: 164.99

"ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice Test" |
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice TestTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (187 of 250)"
Price: 169.99

"HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice Test" |
"112 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-096 HP-UX Advanced System Administration Practice TestTotal Questions : 112Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (84 of 112)"
Price: 149.99

"C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fundamentals Exam" |
"128 UNIQUE practice questions for C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fundamentals ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fundamentals ExamTotal Questions : 128Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 128)"
Price: 154.99

"Learn Public Speaking Leadership : Formula to Reach Millions" |
"Learn the Scientifically experimented methods and strategies used by the world leaders over the years to learn Public Speaking for a powerful performance. This course helps you yo minimize the stage fear, nervousness, how to start with a powerful impression, how to connect with the audience easily, how to pursue them to the desired goals you have, etc. Remember, Public Speaking skills help you to exercise The art of making the Audience-The Greatest job in the world.The elite product to sell in the world is either an idea or, your valuable words of wisdom. This course helps you to practice the art of speaking with leadership skills. The art of public speaking helps you to reach thousands of people in a single moment. At the age of Social media, anyone can reach a size of millions of audiences either to sell your products or, to sell your services around the world provided you have the right set of Public Speaking skills."
Price: 24.99

"Konuulan Arapann Ksa Yolu (2020) Temel Kelimeler" |
"Kursumuz 8 blm, 36 ders ve 4 sattan fazla ieriinden olumaktadr. Her blm farkl bir konu ile ilgilidir, her konuyun birka dersleri var, her derste onlarca kelimeler reneceiz hem de bu kelimenin telaffuzu sesli ve yazl olarak alacaz. Ayrca baz kelimeler iin grntler saland, ve son olarak her derste bir atasz ya da deyim alacaz, ayn zamanda her blm iin ek olarak bir ses dosyas var, bu dosyann iinde blmn btn getii kelimeler yer almaktadr, dosyay idirirsiniz bo zamannzda kelimelerin ezberlemesi ve dilin almas iin dinleyebilirsiniz.Bu kurs 1700 tan fazla kelime ierir.Alacamz blmler: Kursa Genel Bir Bak Temeller Gda ve Yemek Ev inde Salk Alveri, Market eitli Konular Ska Sorulan Sorular.yi, Elenceli renmeler,Hayrettin Elali"
Price: 59.99

"Meditation Power: Stress Relief For The Busy & The Beginners" |
"Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice available to everyone. It comes with multiple benefits including stress relief, increasing calmness, enhancing wellness and improving overall happiness levels. This course for beginners and the busy people shows you that learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come quickly and stay with you long term.All the lessons in this course have a specific goal and will give you skills and techniques that you can take away and practice immediately. I've intentionally ensured all these skills are simple and easy to practice, especially if you are a beginner or live a busy life, and never had the chance to experience meditation. Since stress has become a big part of our life in this busy world, it's important we address it first before anything else. That's because stress has a huge impact on our emotional, mental as well as physical wellbeing. As a result, it can bring down our productivity and the overall happiness levels. But, the good news is - there's a number of helpful options to address, reduce and eliminate stress. Meditation is one of the most powerful options to help you with this goal. How to make the most of this course:You can go through the course in 2 ways: Option One - Go through the whole course first without taking any notes. Then, come back and start going through it again, but this time take notes and start practicing the skills. Option Two - Start going through the course and taking notes. And then, pause to start practicing the first skill you come across and that you want to learn or strengthen. And then, continue through the course. I usually recommend Option One - but everyone has a different learning style. So, choose whatever works best for you. Make the most of the resources provided in this course including some guided meditation tracks for you to download and benefit from. When you finish this course, please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or if you need further guidance on any parts. I'll personally respond to you and ensure your needs get addressed. Feedback AppreciationI really hope and believe you will find this course valuable and beneficial. Either way, please leave a review and share your experience.Tell me what you think! Write a review when you can. This will help me improve my courses and give you more value that meets your needs.Im also available for questions - feel free to send me a direct message anytime.Thanks!"
Price: 19.99

"Product Development & Systems Engineering" |
"Product Development & Systems Engineering uses a structured yet flexible approach to provide a holistic, solid foundation to the successful development of complex products or systems.This course will take you step by step through the product life cycle, from conception to design, development, production, deployment, sustainment and disposal. You will learn how the different components of a system interrelate, and how each contributes product accomplishing its missions. Systems engineering terminology, which can so often confuse the newcomer, is presented in an easily digestible form. Video lectures for individual topics will introduce key concepts. This course welcomes anyone who wants to find out how complex products or systems can be developed and implemented successfully. It is relevant to anyone in project management, engineering, quality assurance, product support, operations, management, maintenance and many other areas. No specific background is required, and we welcome learners with all levels of interest and experience.The course is based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 - the same standard used by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). Therefore, students will be armed with the knowledge required to take the INCOSE knowledge exam for Systems Engineering Preparation (SEP) certification. This course covers all of the material from the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook 4th edition - and much more!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete AP Physics Course" |
"MASTER THE AP PHYSICS NOW!This 30+ hours course goes from Newtonian Mechanics, all the way to the mind-blowing world of Quantum Mechanics. It contains crystal clear video explanation of all the AP Physics curriculum, it also includes PHET Simulations so that you don't get bored and fall asleep or you know, curse me on the comment section. You'll also find 300+ practice exercises including MCQs and numerical problems. The solutions to these problems are given in video and PDF forms. And if maybe that's not enough practice, I've also included tons of worked additional problems from various resources. You'll also find a summary as a PDF file taken from my favorite book which I will provide the link to, these summaries are included in the last course lecture of every section as a resource. The exercises PDF files are included in the practice exercises lectures. "
Price: 129.99

"zgemi ile Profesyonel maj" |
"Deniz Feyzan 2017 ylnda OL Danmanlk nsan Kaynaklar ve Koluk Hizmetleri firmasn kurdu. Firma; koluk, eitim ve deerlendirme merkezi hizmetlerini vermeye devam ediyor. Kariyerindeki 13 yln sonunda 8500 kiiyle mlakat yapm, yaklak 1000 saat koluk ve mentorluk hizmeti vermi ve de yzlerce geliim deerlendirme merkezi hizmeti sunmutur. e alm simlasyonu yazarl yapmasnn dnda eitimlerini destekleyen kitaplar yazmaktadr. Bu eitim ile zgemiin sanal dnyada kartvizitimiz olduunu vurgulamtr. Eitim ierii kiisel analiz almas, zgemi oluturma ve mlakatlara n hazrlk zerine teknik bilgileri de iermektedir."
Price: 49.99

"How to Think Differently" |
"Do you wish you could think differently and develop better problem-solving skills for those crucial moments when you need it most?The ability to think differently is one of the most valuable assets any individual could possess, yet it remains one of our most underdeveloped abilities.If you are ready to be that one person who sees the world from a different perspective, this easy to follow 7-step solution to master mental models to make better decisions is the essential guide you need.YOU WILL LEARN: How to become the master of your choices. How to develop your critical thinking abilities. How to think logically and reasonably. How to learn to see the bigger picture. How to become a master strategist by thinking like one. Understanding the abundance and scarcity mindset. Why reflection before action matters.7-Steps is all you need to start bringing about a shift in your mindset for the better. Begin your journey now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Rewire Your Brain" |
"How can you rewire your brain? Is there anything you can do to change the current trajectory of your life?Find the answers of how to get a grasp of your thoughts and gain an understanding of the impact it has on who you are and the choices you make.Learn how to achieve the motivation needed to rewire your brain. Reach that level of consciousness to be able to identify and be aware of your thoughts in just 7 steps!YOU WILL LEARN: What neuroplasticity entails. How to practice your subconscious mind power. How to alter your conscious mind. How to change your outlook with mind hacking. How you find joy in life with practical neuroscience. How you practice meditation. 7 Easy steps to rewire your brain completely.You dont have to make major modifications, but you will learn how to transform how you think which will transform your life.Practice will truly bring positive progression. Changing your mind will change you, start today!"
Price: 199.99

"RA: Logistics and Supply chain optimization with Python." |
"if you are working in supply planning, logistics, strategic design, and operational implementation, making full use of open source technologies such as the widely popular Python is a guarantee for supply chain excellence through this era of digital transformation.Top companies manage their supply chain by having a clear focus on planning allocation of suppliers, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and retailers. and as long as a company or an NGO is delivering products, then for sure, there is a supply chain.And in this course, we focus on strategic and operational supply chain planning using optimization which by itself is one of the biggest disciplines used in almost all business, engineering, and data industries.As a supply chain and logistics professional in this modern age, having analytical skills, know-how, and a data science coding language is imperative for the success and progress of one's supply chain career. The course will take you to step by step on understanding optimization problems in supply-chain that can help you make strategic and tactical supply-chain decisions effectively. As always, our courses are highly practical and follows a learn by doing approach.After this course we will be able to:1- Understand the basics of python.2- Understand linear programming.3- Work with python library Pulp for linear programming.4- Maximize the profit of our business given the resources that we have.5- Implement production scheduling to minimize cost in excel and python.6- Decide on the optimal location of facilities.7- Develop Optimization problems Masterfully in excel and python.8- Optimize the flow of the supply chain network.9- Optimize the design of the supply chain network.10- Develop your supply chain network with the service level in mind.11- Understand the sensitivity and the binding constraints of your supply chain decisions.12- Route optimization for logistical Flows with OR tools.Course Designthe course is designed as experiential learning Modules, the first couple of modules are for understanding optimization and python followed by supply chain applications using optimization.Don't worry if you don't know python, there are is a python fundamental section in the course to get you up and running with python.Looking forward to seeing you inside and hope you enjoy the class.Happy Supply Chain mining!HaythamRescale AnalyticsFeedback from Clients and Training:""In Q4 2018, I was fortunate to find an opportunity to learn R in Dubai, after hearing about it from indirect references in UK.I attended a Supply Chain Forecasting & Demand Planning Masterclass conducted by Haitham Omar and the possibilities seemed endless. So, we requested Haitham to conduct a 5-day workshop in our office to train 8 staff members, which opened us up as a team to deeper data analysis. Today, we have gone a step further and retained Haitham, as a consultant, to take our data analysis to the next level and to help us implement inventory guidelines for our business. The above progression of our actions is a clear indication of the capabilities of Haitham as a specialist in R and in data analytics, demand planning, and inventory management.""Shailesh MendoncaCommercial lead-in Adventure AHQ- Sharaf Group Haytham mentored me in my Role of Head of Supply Chain efficiency. He is extremely knowledgebase about the supply concepts, latest trends, and benchmarks in the supply chain world. Haythams analytics-driven approach was very helpful for me to recommend and implement significant changes to our supply chain at Aster groupSaify NaqviHead of Supply Chain EfficiencyI participated in the training session called ""Supply Chain Forecasting & Management"" on December 22nd 2018. This training helped me a lot in my daily work since I am working in Purchase Dpt. Haytham have the pedagogy to explain us very difficult calculations and formula in a simple way. I highly recommend this training.Djamel BOUREMIZPurchasing Manager at Mineral Circles Bearings"
Price: 34.99

"Meditacin Hara DO" |
"Esta meditacin fue desarrollada por Lucila Bello a lo largo de muchos aos y tiene como objetivo central retornar a nuestro Do, o camino de vida, al reconectar con nuestra Esencia y descubrir nuestro propsito de vida, para luego comenzar a desarrollarlo.Para ello la meditacin se enfoca en el desarrollo del Hara, un punto energtico en el cual se basan todas las prcticas religiosas y energticas de Japn.Este centro energtico tiene propiedades nicas entre las que cabe mencionar que alimenta los famosos chakras y otros puntos energticos menos conocidos.A travs de sta meditacin tomamos contacto con nuestra parte ms profunda y vemos como los problemas que tenemos se solucionan con facilidad ya que ahora estamos asentados en el Hara, viviendo, pensado y sintiendo desde una nueva perspectiva donde la INTUICIN es nuestra gua.Los cambios que la Meditacin Hara Do producen en nuestra vida son profundos y significativos pero NUNCA FORZADOS NI DOLOROSOS y ese es el mayor indicador de que hemos retornado a nuestro Do, a nuestra esencia, a nuestro camino, donde las cosas fluyen con naturalidad y nos sentimos plenos."
Price: 104.99

"Unity 2D Temel C# ve Doru Kodlama Eitimi" |
"Arkadalar selamlar bu kursu yapma amacm ve 2D olmasnn amac Unity'i tanmak ve C# ile ezbere dayanmayan retici ve aklayc bir eitim karmaktr. Bu eitimin iinde yaptgmz btn ilemleri kaynaklaryla birlikte aklayp, anlatyorum. Sadece Unity'e odaklanmyoruz C# dili ve prensiplerine OOP(Object Oriented Programming) nedir, Solid prensipleri nedir ne iimize yaryor, srdrlebilir kod nedir, doru kod yazm nedir ve nasl yazlr diye bunlar eitimimin iinde kullanyor ve aklyorum. Umarm yaptm bu eitimden benim kadar keyif alrsnz..."
Price: 409.99

"Ecuaciones lineal y cuadrtica en la economa y finanzas" |
"NOTA IMPORTANTE: Si llegas a este curso mediante un enlace directo del autor, la mayora del beneficio de la venta del curso ser para el autor. Si llegas a este curso a travs de bsqueda interna en esta plataforma, la mayora del beneficio de la venta del curso ser para la plataforma. Explicado esto si deseas ayudar directamente al autor, vuelve a entrar a este curso desde el enlace que encontrars en la cuenta de Instagram del autor e inscribete. (En el twitter puedes encontrar tambin la cuenta de instagram).Por qu es necesario inscribirse en el curso? El curso ensea los teoremas importantes para la resolucin de ecuaciones, contiene ejercicios en los que se aplican estos teoremas. Adems contiene documentos descargables donde puedes poner en prctica estos teoremas. Adems el curso est compuesto de una manera en la que se ensea en una seccin ecuaciones puras y en la seccin que le sucede, la aplicacin prctica a la microeconoma. En resumen le muestra al estudiante no solo la resolucin de ecuaciones sino su importancia para resolver problemas que surgen en las empresas y en las finanzas personales. Tambin se hace una introduccin a las funciones cuadrticas. Y por si esto fuera poco, en el curso se ensea un modelo matemtico de demanda/precio, que representa una herramienta muy til para todo emprendedor. Que es fcil de manejar y modificar en Geogebra.Extra: En adicin a que aprnderas mediante las lecciones al adquirir este curso, se te conceder tambin el acceso al Grupo Privado en el cual compartirs tus dudas sobre propiedades y/o ejercicios y te sern resueltas con las dudas de los dems alumnos."
Price: 19.99

"DP-900 : Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Test (SEP 2020)" |
"Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of core data concepts and how they are implemented using Microsoft Azure data services.This exam is intended for candidates beginning to work with data in the cloud.Candidates should be familiar with the concepts of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical.Azure Data Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate, but its not a prerequisite for any of them.In this course, there are 4 Practice tests and multiple Case Studies which gives you benefit while doing your real exam.Each Question required a detailed explanation.By Attempting this test you will get good marks in your Real Exam."
Price: 19.99

"Certified classical Indian dance class study online lessons" |
"Various choreography ready to do dance itemsDance steps sets to learn or to put into a song, for learning or performingBharatanatayam lessonsSemi classicalFolkVarious fusion art forms.ChoreographyReady to do lessons for learning and performingMix of different types of steps to see and learn and do, either for private class knowledge or for stage performances."
Price: 1600.00

"Advanced Structure and Bonding in Chemistry" |
"This course covers the theories related to the wave mechanical concept of the covalent bond beyond Lewis concept.It begins with the discussion of the VALENCE BOND THEORY and the more advanced MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY.Construction of the Molecular Orbital Diagrams and Bond Order Calculation for Homonuclear and Heteronuclear molecules are explained in detail.One of the most important implications of the valence bond theory the VSEPR Concept is discussed in detail along with the Molecular Geometries of a series of important molecules."
Price: 174.99

"Corel Draw + Photoshop Focado em Serigrafia" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso Corel Draw + Photoshop Focado em Serigrafia, meu nome Lucas Alvarenga de Souza, tenho 30 anos e comecei minha carreira de Designer Grfico aos 14 anos em uma grfica no sul de Minas Gerais. Desde ento trabalhei em diversos lugares, estamparias de camisetas, agncias de publicidade, grficas de adesivos, fotolitos e em 2012 abri minha prpria empresa, uma confeco de camisetas, trabalho na administrao e fao as artes finais, pois sou apaixonado pelo designer grfico.Se voc trabalha ou deseja trabalhar com camisetas, brindes, copos, ou qualquer outra personalizao que envolva o silkscreen, voc est no lugar certo! Neste curso voc aprender tudo que necessrio para trabalhar como arte finalista.O curso ser composto da seguinte forma:Mdulo 1 - Ferramentas do Corel DrawAqui voc vai aprender todas as ferramentas relevantes para trabalhar com silkscreenMdulo 2 - Ferramentas do PhotoshopAqui voc vai aprender as ferramentas do Photoshop necessrias para trabalhar com silkscreenMdulo 3 - Criao de LayoutNeste mdulo vamos praticar as criaes rpidas de layout, para que voc possa atender clientes com seguranaMdulo 4 - Arte FinalNesta parte do curso faremos artes finais no Corel que iro direto para as telasMdulo 5 - PhotoshopNo ltimo mdulo do curso aprenderemos alguns recursos importantes do photoshop que todo arte finalista deve saber, tambm veremos quadricromia e simuladoMdulo 6 - Recursos para downloadNesta seo vou disponibilizar moldes, vetores, softwares que iro te ajudar na sua jornada de sucesso como arte finalistaSempre adicionarei aulas novas com servios reais feitos em minha estamparia, para que voc aprenda no somente artes com imagens super perfeitas, mais que aprenda a transformar imagens de baixa qualidade em arte final pronta para ser estampada!Inscreva-se agora e torne-se um Arte Finalista Master!"
Price: 129.99

"PRINCE 2 Foundation 6th Edition Prfungsvorbereitung/ Test" |
"Aktuelle neue Prfungsfragen nach den letzten aktuellen Version PRINCE 2 (2017)Du besuchst gerade den Kurs ""PRINCE 2 Foundation"" und bereitest dich fr die Prfung vor?Du bist motiviert und mchtest du dein Wissen prfen?Du hast das offizielle Buch ""Erfolgreiche Projekte managen mit PRINCE 2"" von Axelos durchgearbeitet? Du suchst die Prfungsfragen auf Deutsche Sprache? Du bist noch nicht ganz sicher, ob du bist in PRINCE 2? Dann bist du richtig hier.Ich habe letzte Woche die Prfung ""PRINCE 2 Foundation"" gut bestanden und das offizielle Zertifikat bekommen. Die Prfung ist sehr anspruchsvoll. Du darfst keine Hilfsmitteln benutzen, dein Handy wird abgeschaltet, im deinen Computer wird nur die Prfung Software angezeigt, den Rest wird herunterfahren. Das heit, kein Google Suche, keine elektronische Hilfsmittel, gar nichts. Du solltest nur mit deinem Wissen die Prfung ""PRINCE 2 Foundation"" bestehen. Deswegen eine gute Vorbereitung lohnt sich auf jeden Fall und ich mchte dir helfen, indem ich fr Dich die hnlichen Fragen vorbereitet habe. Bitte beachte, dass originale Fragen nicht im Internet zu finden sind. Die haben Copyright Rechte und werden von Axelos geschtzt.In diesem Kurs bekommst du die 300 Fragen, die nach PRINCE 2 in verschiedenen Teilen aufgeteilt sind. Dieser Kurs ist fr die Prfungsvorbereitung geeignet und wird dir helfen, um offizielle Prfung gut zu bestehen. Die Fragen sind auf Basis das offizielle Buch von Axelos ""Erfolgreiche Projekte managen mit PRINCE 2"" aufgebaut und zwar in folgenden Bereichen:Das Projektmanagement nach PRINCE 2Die Grundprinzipien nach PRINCE 2Die Themen nach PRINCE 2 Die Prozesse nach PRINCE 2Diese Aufteilung findest du spter in deinem Zertifikat auch. Deswegen ist es eben wichtig, dass du in jeder Aufteilung richtig gut bist. Dafr solltest du alle Fragen richtig beantworten und 100% bestehen.Jede Frage hat nur eine richtige Antwort. Wenn du auf eine Frage falsch beantwortest, dann wei du, wo deine Schwcher liegen. Die richtige Antwort hilft dir genau in diesem Bereich sich besser vorzubereiten. Dieser Kurs spart dir die Zeit und die Kosten. Der Kurs wird stndig aktualisiert und jede Frage wird beantwortet.Wenn du Fragen hast, gerne schreib in Q&A Sektion mir. Ich versuche auf alle Fragen zu beantworten. Ich wnsche dir viel Erfolg, dass du bald das Zertifikat ""Prince 2 Foundation"" in deiner Tasche hast!Beste Gre"
Price: 89.99

"Espagnol pour dbutants" |
"Bienvenue, Ce cours est une introduction la langue espagnole, si vous ne savez rien sur la langue ce cours vous fournira les bases ncessaires pour vous aider dans votre apprentissage. Nous apprendrons les conjugaisons des verbes essentiels, des abjectifs, des salutations, des pronoms et du vocabulaire, ce qui vous sera d'une grande aide dans vos premiers pas dans cette belle langue."
Price: 19.99

"C++ Sfrdan Komple Uygulamal Nesneye Ynelik Programlama" |
"Bu kursta balang seviyesinden itibaren C++ Programlama Diliyle Nesneye Ynelik Programlama temellerini ve mantn reneceiz. Kurs leniiKurs boyunca siz de bunu fark edecekseniz ki 1.Blmle ilgili tm temel bilgileri derinlemesine, mantklaryla birlikte reneceiz. 2.Blmde rendiimiz bilgilerin daha anlalr ve kalc olmas iin kodlama egzersizleri yapacaz. 3.Blmde rendiimiz tm konular kapsayan dev sorular ile nce sizin zmeniz hedeflenecek sonra benim zmlerim ile kafanzdaki tm soru iaretleri ortadan kalkacak. 4.Blmn sonunda sizlere sunulan testler ile kendinizi test edebilecek ve yanl yaptnz zaman neyin eksik olduunu soru aklamalaryla birlikte grebileceksiniz.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca aadaki konular grmeye ve renmeye alacaz.Nesneye Ynelik Programlamaya GiriKaltm-Miras(Inheritance)Dinamik Bellek Ynetimi(Dynamic Memory Allocation)Upcasting & Downcasting & Virtual Function & Soyut Snf (Abstract Class) KavramlarOperatrlerin Ar Yklenmesi(Operator Overloading)Template KavramHata Yakalama(Exception Handling)Yukarda belirtilen konularn alt balklarna, yaptmz kodlama rneklerine ve dev balklarna kurs ierii ksmndan eriebilirsiniz.Bunlarn dnda en byk avantajnz soru-cevap ksmlarnda sorduunuz sorulara en ksa srede, ayrntl ekilde cevap alabileceksiniz."
Price: 199.99

"Figma: kick-off your project" |
"With this beginner tutorial, you will go through all the basics of Figma for starting your first project. Figma already became a reference in the world UX/UI design. It gives you so much freedom while being team-friendly by default. You will learn to build your first frame and UI components, get introduced to the collaboration tools, and run your first demo prototype."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to App Development & Game Development" |
"This course is divided into two sections: App Development & Game Development.App Development will enable you to learn about the history, the present, and the future of App Development. It will also take you through the sequential process of creating an application. You will also learn the categories of Apps and the benefits of App Development. The second section will help you learn about the history, the present, and the future of Game Development. You will learn the process of creating a Game. This section will enable you to differentiate between Game Designing and Game Development.This course will help you understand the critical elements required to pursue a career in App and Game Development."
Price: 19.99

"Vipassana Meditation Course: Buddhas Meditation" |
"Vipassana Buddhas Meditation also called as Mindfulness Meditation is undoubtedly the best meditation on the earth. In this course you will understand about the four noble truth and eight-fold path of buddha. Four Noble truth and eight-fold path are the basis of this meditation. However one can practice vipassana without following Four noble truth and Eight-fold path.You will be guided for Anapana and Vipassana Meditation. Vipassana meditation is very powerful. Practicing vipassana will put you on a path of freedom from all suffering. You will be able to purify your body and mind and will experience a new truth if you practice daily.First you will get bodily benefit. You will feel more healthy and fresh at bodily level after which vipassana will purify your mind and will make your mid very-very strong. This will than lead you to freedom or nirvana."
Price: 1600.00

"Performance Anxiety Cure" |
"This program was created to help athletes, artists, performers, and presenters remove the pre-performance jitters, nervousness, and doubt. The method I developed has been used by over 100,000 people over the last 10 years or so. The program works by using techniques to calm your body, mind, and emotions. If you are interested in more mental training after this, please check out the rest of our Genius Life programs."
Price: 19.99
