"CISM Security Governance Certified Practice Test" |
"139 UNIQUE practice questions for CISM Security Governance Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISM Security Governance Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 139Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (104 of 139)"
Price: 164.99

"Natural language processing with NLTK and python" |
"This course is aimed at people who are new to natural language processing (NLP). The course has two main sections, the first section explains all of the main concepts such as tokenization, parts of speech tagging, named entity extraction and so on with examples and code, the second section looks at ideas like text summarization and sentiment analysis and how we can use the core concepts from part one to solve these problems."
Price: 29.99

"Data Science : Predictive Analytics Theory" |
"PREDICTIVE ANALYTICSThis course gives you an understanding of the application of predictive analytics in your field of interest /domain. As you learn the tools (machine learning, statistics e.t.c) its important to understand the application part. Whether you are a manager, newbie, enthusiast, data scientist or a machine learning professional, this course will bring more light on how you can apply predictive analytics in your domain.PREDICTIVE CUSTOMER ANALYTICSAnalyzing customer behaviourFrom focusing on segments to focusing on the individual customerThis has been made possible through technological advancement & data mining toolsAt the highest level of using customer data is predicting customer behaviourWhy? Lots of data: social media, transaction history, demographic data, e.t.cPREDICTIVE FRAUD ANALYTICSUsing predictive analytics in fraud detection & preventionMove from detecting fraud after we have already made a loss to detecting fraud behaviour and thus prevent it from happening.With tech, were trying to go into improving UX & UI such as fewer authentications but that comes with gaps for digital fraud hence the need for predictive fraud analytics.PREDICTIVE HR ANALYTICSWe are moving to a data-driven HR functionWhy? HR collects lots of data that can be used ( demographics, salary history, empl history, promotions data, churn data e.t.c )Moving from depiction HR dep as a cost function to a strategic partner in the business.Decisions like attracting, retaining and managing talent can be backed with data and to add more applying predictive analytics in those decisions."
Price: 19.99

"Certified performance indicators specialist." |
". . . :- . . . . . . . . . (BSC)."
Price: 49.99

"Canva: Designs e Visuais para Redes Sociais!" |
"Que tal aplicar VISUAIS ESPETACULARES e atrativos para seu perfil e para o seu negcio online?Utilizando uma ferramenta de criao GRATUITA, voc aprender de maneira SIMPLES e RPIDA, como criar designs fantsticos para suas redes sociais. Potencialize o alcance de seu perfil ou de seu negcio, tornando sua comunicao visual muito mais atrativa e competitiva diante de seu pblico-alvo!"
Price: 34.99

"Gana Dinero 24/7 y Deja De Padecer Por El" |
"Genera ingresos residuales que trabajen para ti las 24 horas del da de forma constante y te lleven a generar ingresos adicionales y alcanzar la libertad financiera. Aprende a elaborar y publicar libros en lnea, domina Wordpress y crea blogs, sitios web y tiendas en linea para vender todos tus productos y servicios, elabora cursos y monetiza tus conocimientos."
Price: 495.00

"Jupyter Notebook For Data Science & Machine Learning [Hindi]" |
"Why learn it? Interested in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning? Then this course is first step in that direction for you!Data Science and Machine learning is everywhere. And If you want to learn it, then Jupyter Notebook is First Step in the field of Data Professional.As Data science and data analytics become popular and specialized, Python has exploded in popularityWhy ?because of it Helps analyzing and working with data with very simple ways.In this course, you will learn how Jupyter notebooks incredibly intuitive interactive environment for executing Python programs in most simple but Robust way.First, you will learn how to get up and running with Jupyter notebooks and how best to leverage features such as markdown to enhance the readability of your code.Then, you will understand more advanced features such as magic functions work and as well as JupyterLabAnd Finally We will Perform Data Preprocessing, Visualization and Data Prediction using Machine learning TaskThis course has been designed by team of professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn Tool required to start with Data Science.We will walk you step-by-step into Getting to Know Jupyter Notebook.We Will Start with Understanding everything from History till Latest version of JupyterWe Will Install Installing Anaconda and Jupyter NotebooksWe Will Install Installing Jupyter Notebooks using PipWe Will Install Installing Jupyter Lab using PipWe Will Work with Code Cells and Markdown CellsWe Will Work with Kernel and Understand how it impacts code prototyping as well as Coding flowWe Will Work Keyboard Short cuts to work effortlessly in Jupyter NotebooksWe Will Install Different Kernel so we could use different Programming Language in Jupyter NotebookWe Will Perform Data Analysis Task, in which we will look into topics such as Data Pre processing , Data Visualization and Machine Learning TaskWe Will Perform Data Prediction using RegressionWe Will Understand Widgets and How we can use them to improve flow of Program"
Price: 12800.00

"Python MasterClass - Data Science & Machine Learning [Hindi]" |
"Why learn it? Interested in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning? Then this course is 2nd step in that direction for you!Data Science and Machine learning is everywhere. And If you want to learn it, then After Gaining Knowledge Of Jupyter Notebook, Python Programming Language is the way forward in the field of Data Professional.As Data science and data analytics become popular and specialized, Python has exploded in popularity.Why ?Because Python Helps analyzing and working with data with very simple ways.In this course, you will learn how Python Programming from Vary Basic So you can execute programs in most simple but Robust way.This course has been designed by team of professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn Tool required to start with Data Science.We Will Start with Understanding Processes involved in Data Analysts.We Will Then know Essential Analytical Building Blocks Required For Data Analysts.Once we gain understanding of these Processes and Building Blocks then we will start Performing Demo/Practical using Jupyter NotebookWe Will Being with Simple Expressions !Then we will work with Logical Operations, Variables, Basic Types and Type Conversions.After that we will understanding Strings , in which we will perform Operations for Simple Strings and Multi-line Strings.Then we will work with Built-in Functions,We will see how String Functions, Return Values, and Nested Function works.Then we will move to work with Lists, in which we will see - List Slicing Operations and List Functions.After Gaining knowledge of Lists , we will focus on Tuples and Dictionaries.Then we will Transactional and Analytical Processing with Business Case Study.Once we are done with understanding theory it, then we will again move back to performing Demos.We will again start with If Statements for Conditional Branching.Then we will Perform If Else Statements.After this we will see how these looping and conditional concepts work with different combination .We will perform if with Lists and Dictionary Elements, If-elif for Multiple Conditional Checks,Iterating over List Elements Using a For Loop.After this we will understand Using For Loops with the Range Function, Iterating over Dictionary Elements Using a For Loop,Conditional Looping Using While Loops.After these tasks we will understand using keyword such as - Break, Continue and Pass.By this time we are all set to understand All about Functions.We will begin with Passing Input Arguments to FunctionsThen we will perform Returning Values from Functions, Reassignment of Variables within Functions,Modification of Complex Types within FunctionsAfter this we will see how we can Invoking Functions with Keyword Arguments , Assigning Default Values for Input Arguments,Once we gain clear understanding of these concept then we will see First Class Functions.And in Final Section of this course we will See how math Module in Python Language can help us perform Math's related tasks without much efforts,We will also get overview of Famous Python Libraries Such as Numpy and Pandas."
Price: 12800.00

"Numpy Masterclass - Data Science & Machine Learning [Hindi]" |
"Why learn it? Interested in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning? Then this course is 3nd step in that direction for you!Data Science and Machine learning is everywhere. And If you want to learn it, then After Gaining Knowledge Of Python Programming, Numpy Programming Language is the One of the Basic but important building block in the field of Data Professional.As Data science and data analytics become popular and specialized, Need for working with data array has exploded and Numpy Makes it easy to work with it.Why ?Because Numpy Helps analyzing and working with data with very simple ways.In this course, you will learn how Numpy Library from Vary Basic So you can execute programs in most simple but Robust way.This course has been designed by team of professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn Tool required to start with Data Science.We Will Start with Understanding what are arrays !We Will Then know how to print array in efficient ways.Once we gain understanding of these basics then we will start performing more Operation in upcoming Demo/Practical .We Will move on with Basic Array Operations !Then we will find out what are Universal Functions !we will also see how to perform Indexing and Slicing Arrays. alone with it we will perform Iterating Over Array,Reshaping Arrays.Then we will perform Splitting Arrays Horizontally and Vertically.Once we gain understanding how array operations are performed then we will Manipulate Image .After this we will start looking at Advanced Concepts.We will perform Shallow Copies Of Arrays using View,Then we will perform Deep Copies of Arrays.After this we will perform Indexing Arrays Using Arrays, along with Real world Data set. We will perform Fancy Indexing with GDP Data.then we will move on to understand Indexing with Boolean Arrays and Arrays with Structured Data.After this we will understand most important concept called Broadcasting . We will visually see how arrays are Broadcasting happens in memory.Once we gain understanding using animation, then we will perform Broadcasting Scalars and Arrays , Automatic Reshaping , Stacking Arrays.After this we will see how visually see our arrays/data using Histogram.We will also discover Miscellaneous Operations performed in Data Science world.We will see get overview of Pandas Library along with Scipy Library.and Finally we will find out what is Vectorization ?"
Price: 12800.00

"Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine: Introduction to Design" |
"The design of vehicles especially their powertrain systems have evolved continuously. Decades of research and development led engineers to extract maximum possible efficiency (50% by Mercedes F1 engine) for well-established internal combustion engines, or propose new technologies such as the rise of electric vehicles and fuel cell introduction to consumer markets. Alternative fuels, hybridisation and electrification of vehicles have become extremely important in both public and private transport sectors in recent years due to the rise of air pollution, global warming and unsustainable energy exploitation. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in order to limit average global temperature increases to 2C by 2050, 21% of carbon reductions must come from the transport sector. Around 50% of diesel compression engines are subject to extinction by 2020, through policies implemented by governments and agencies such as new Euro 7 emission standards. This forces industry and manufactures to develop new solutions in order to comply with stricter environment regulations and be able to offer technology to the market.You will learn:How a Internal Combustion Engine worksFundamental engine components and operation cycleThe difference between gasoline, diesel and hydrogen enginesEngine systems (Ignition, Fuel, etc.)Engine terminology (BDC, TDC, etc.)Hydrogen propertiesHydrogen air/fuel mixing, combustion and storageRequired hardware modifications to existing enginesEngine simulation and laptime software solutionsThis course is designed to take you from zero to inspired engineer concerning future hydrogen combustion engine knowledge. Whether you have previous engineering background or not, this course will serve you to refresh, learn and understand where the industry is heading, what are the solutions and how you can further build your knowledge, gained from this course. This course will provide answers to questions that are often answered at industry or high university level. For example:How do you start an engine design process?What software is used for the design process?Are there alternative fuel solutions that are feasible right now, to reduce emissions?It provides an amazing introduction if you are a student thinking about or going into a university or college.Why this course?Because it provides solutions to real problems that are occurring now with emissions, shows you how to start a engine simulation, and most importantly exposes you to a completely up and rising field of hydrogen fuel for internal combustion engines. This is expected to be one of the most applicable engine solutions for marine, motorsport, power generation and public road vehicles. The course includes with 2D images, 2D animations and 3D animations.Software tools used by industry and universities on engine design and full vehicle simulationsContent has been read clearly so you can confidently 'learn on the go' without needing to watch the screen constantly.Don't waste more time reading this course description, check-out the free preview videos and the curriculum, then make an informed decision.Hope to see you on the course and start inspiring your imagination!Who this course is for:Anyone who wishes to know how an internal combustion engine works.Anyone eager to learn about alternative fuel solutions for the transport industryParticular benefit is for anyone working or training in a mechanical engineering related industry (marine, HVAC, power engineering, industrial engineering etc.).Particular benefit is for anyone working or training in an automotive engineering or automobile engineering related industry (maintenance, design, operation etc.)"
Price: 39.99

"Want to Learn UKULELE ??WE GOT YOU COVEREDProblem with other Sources is that they are Not structured in this we got everything you need to know about ukulele.BASIC MUSIC THEORYCHORDSSTRUMMINGPOPULAR SONGSBONUSCourse Consist step by step process with quiz and free books to learn from.FREE Resources available for LeaningFREE SONG PDF (from which you can practice)"
Price: 1280.00

"Designing Apple Charging Stands On iPad For 3D Printing" |
"iPad + Pencil/Stylus + Shapr3D App = 3D Models for PrintingNO more PC or Computer required for 3D Modelling or Designing.Design 3D Solid objects right from the comfort of your iPad.The real magic in 3D printing happens when you are able to create your own designs. We will learn how to use SHAPR3D App to design five products that can be 3D printed. Each lesson will build on the prior to introduce design concepts and best practices when when designing for 3D printers. SHAPR3D App is free for students and hobbyists and is a very powerful designing tool. By the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence to begin creating your own designs and start turning your ideas into physical objects."
Price: 19.99

"iPhone Filmmaking with iMovie 2020- Edit Like A Pro" |
"You are in luck! This is why; we decided to offer people a quick and simple training program of iPhone filmmaking.Our simple, super intuitive course will help you learn everything about editing videos. You do not need any experience or qualification to register; nor do you need a huge investment.This course is for those who have always wanted try and those who do not know how to make an amazing video by themselves, without the need to hire professional video editor. Your audience will never believe you made your videos on a mobile device.With our straight to the point course, you can learn everything professionals know, within no time. Once you have completed this course, you can make amazing videos and edit videos to perfection, and all of this on your iPhone/iPad/iMac.It gives you a head start at becoming a professional video making professional."
Price: 19.99

"MS Excel Nie daj si zaskoczy na rozmowie o prac" |
"Szukasz pracy albo planujesz jej zmian ? Czsto podczas rozmowy o prac trzeba przej egzamin z obsugi programu MS Excel. W moim kursie poznasz najczciej pojawiajce si tematy na takim egzaminie i poznasz zadania, ktre mog si na nim pojawi. Nie daj si zaskoczy i sprawd o co moesz zosta zapytany/a na tecie z programu Excel. W sposb jasny i prosty tumacz rne zagadnienia w oparciu o wasne pliki i zadania."
Price: 69.99

"Relative Strength index (RSI) Technical Analysis Indicator" |
"Relative Strength Index (or RSI) is a momentum oscillator, which measures both the speed as well as the rise or fall of price movements of a stock or forex Pairs.Relative Strength Index (or RSI) is one of the top Technical Analysis Indicator. In this Course Relative Strength Index is not shown as merely a indicator but a Complete System for trading.RSI is used by professional to identify the trend, Selling or Buying conditions through Reversal, divergences or simple Buy and sell techniques.This perfectly designed course will enable the participants to gain a thorough knowledge on the basics of RSI indicator.I will give you the simplest way to trade using RSI with complete buy sell entry points using advance techniques that form a advance indicator. You can use it on day trading or use it within a specific time frame i.e daily or weekly."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership Fundamental" |
"Leadership fundamental akan menjab pertanyaan kenapa anak buah anda tidak ikut terlibat dalam tim? Mengapa kinerja devisi atau biro atau bagian yang anda pimpin tidak mencapai target? Permasalahan seorang leader seringkali dalam mempengaruhi anak buah menggunakan pendekatan transaksional sehingga ketika ada sesuatu yang mengganggu proses cenderung akan menarik diri. Pelatihan ini memberikan bekal kepada Anda bagaimana mempengaruhi anak buah dari power dan trust yang Anda miliki dengan landasan inner motivation. Sesuatu yang sangat menarik untuk Anda pelajari agar Anda happy anak buah happy dan kinerja tercapaiTrainer:DR. AYI TEJANINGRUM SE.,MTLecturer, Trainer & Motivator"
Price: 2030000.00

"Learn Indian Classical Dance, Bharathanatyam online" |
"About Natya Shastra:Natya Shastra is an educator of Indian classical dance, Bharathanatyam. We teach Bharathanatyam from basics to expert level. We also teach few exercises and relaxation techniques to improve one's physical and mental health. You will be learning this unique art with Sara- Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Dance.In her own words:I am a multidisciplinary dance artist (Bharathanatyam, Mohiniyattam and Contemporary) from India. I am an independent choreographer, educator, researcher and have broad range of modern dance skills. I have 20 years of experience as a performing artist and have performed more than 350 stage shows, nationally and internationally. As a dance educator I have proven myself as composed, focused and diligent. In course number 02 you will be continuing to learn next three lessons. This course also offers you to learn basic theory parts."
Price: 19.99

"Islamic Geometric 6 & 8 Fold Patterns The Basics" |
"Instructor: Saeid ShakouriAppendix: Neda JavaheriIslamic geometric designs have developed throughout history and are one of the amazing patterns used in architectural design and patterns. In this course, you will have the chance to understand and learn about these patterns especially 2 of the basic forms of this art the six and eight fold patterns. All of the patterns you will learn in this video are circle base patterns so knowing how to divide it into equal parts plays a crucial role in understanding how to draw a full pattern. Learning how to do so in this video will let you create some new patterns of your own as well."
Price: 74.99

"Data Analytics Real-World Projects using python" |
"This is the first course that gives hands-on Data Analysis Projects using Python..Can you start right now?A frequently asked question of Python Beginners is: ""Do I need to become an expert in Python coding before I can start working on Data Analysis Projects?""The clear answer is: ""No!You require some Python Basics like data types, simple operations/operators, lists and numpy arrays that you can learn from my Free Python course 'Basics Of Python'As a Summary, if you primarily want to use Python for Data Science or as a replacement for Excel, then this course is a perfect match!Why should you take this Course?It explains Projects on real Data and real-world Problems. No toy data! This is the simplest & best way to become a Data Analyst/Data ScientistIt shows and explains the full real-world Data. Starting with importing messy data, cleaning data, merging and concatenating data, grouping and aggregating data, Exploratory Data Analysis through to preparing and processing data for Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Presentation.It gives you plenty of opportunities to practice and code on your own. Learning by doing.In real-world projects, coding and the business side of things are equally important. This is probably the only course that teaches both: in-depth Python Coding and Big-Picture Thinking like How you can come up with a conclusionGuaranteed Satisfaction: Otherwise, get your money back with 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee."
Price: 1280.00

"Puppy workshop: Learn how to exercise your puppy safely." |
"The course will outline a case study of a puppy with a limb deformity who received physiotherapy advice and treatment to support recovery after surgery. You will also gain an understanding of enrichment and learn suitable enrichment activities for a puppy as an alternative to exercise. You will gain an insight into complementary therapy that can support veterinary treatment for the young or old dog alike learn how exercising a puppy correctly and appropriately for their age can help to build healthy and happy puppies!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Soccer Parent" |
"The Complete Soccer Parent allows for an insight into how young players can be supported through their football journeys by their parents. Understand how parents can influence and positively impact the development of their children through football. This course covers areas such as ""Mental health"", ""Asking questions"", ""Dealing with failure"" and ""Match day conduct"""
Price: 19.99

"Projection Mapping for beginners using MadMapper 4" |
"During this course you will learn video mapping using MadMapper 4 (the latest version). You will be able to import and edit media and Digital art. You will understand Quads, Masks, Scenes and Cues, FX, Light and much more. Once you have done this course you will be one step closer to creating visually stunning video mapping. Once complete you will be familiar with the MadMapper 4 infrastructure and ready to begin video mapping as a stand along programme or in conjunction with others."
Price: 39.99

"CompTIA A+ 220-1001 & 220-1002 Cert. Practice Test" |
"This CompTIA A+ Practice Questions and Answers help you with CompTIA A+ 220-1001 & 220-1002 Test Preparation 2020. If you are planning to take CompTIA A+ Core Series Exam (220-1001 & 220-1002) in 2020 and want to see what kind of questions are coming in the CompTIA A+ Real Exam, these CompTIA A+ practice questions are the best for you.The CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) covering the following new content:Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionalsConfigure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) softwareTroubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scriptingSupport basic IT infrastructure and networkingConfigure and support PC, mobile, and IoT device hardwareImplement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practicesNumber of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam.Test Duration:90 Minutes per exam.Type of Questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple responses), drag and drops, and performance-based.Passing Score:220-1001: 675 (on a scale of 100-900).220-1002: 700 (on a scale of 100-900).Although to pass the CompTIA A+ Certification you have to score around 80%, but by taking this test multiple times until you score 95%+ you consider your self as ready to pass the CompTIA A+ certification and you can save costly re-schedule fees. "
Price: 4160.00

"Introduction to Business/Entrepreneurship" |
"This course is divided into two sections: Market Study and Entrepreneurship.The market study will enable you to learn the process of researching a product on Amazon and understand customer sentiments. You will go through the reviews and try to understand the loopholes in the existing product and prepare a template for rebuilding a product. The second section will help you learn about the Business and Entrepreneurship. You will learn about the critical characteristics of an Entrepreneur."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Arduino/Raspberry Pi, Sensors, & Home Automation" |
"This course is divided into three sections: Arduino/Raspberry Pi, Sensors, & Home Automation.Section 1 will provide you the fundamentals of Arduino & Raspberry Pi. You will also understand the difference between Arduino & Raspberry Pi. This section also elaborates on the types of both Arduino & Raspberry Pi. Section 2 will provide you the basics of sensors. You will also know the most common types of sensors. Section 3 will broadly cover history, future and career in Hoe Automation. You will also learn how to make home automation products using a simple arduino controller."
Price: 19.99

"TOPIK 1 Exam Preparation Course" |
"Korean 1, 2, 3Korean 1, 2, 3 is a course created specifically for all students who want to learn elementary Korean. This curriculum is made for beginners who don't know or know a little Hangul. The main purpose of our course is to help students:1. Understand Korean and Korean culture2. Hold simple conversations daily3. Achieve a high score on the TOPIK1 examExisting online lectures lack in clarity when teaching vocabulary and grammar components. To supplement these factors we made our lectures as if it was an offline class. Each lecture gives time for students to speak out loud and practice their speaking skills with the instructors.Another main component we implemented in the curriculum is ""Korean Culture"". Through this course, we envision teaching our students to not only be able to speak the language but to also be able to live and adapt to Korea's society. 1, 2, 3' 1, 2, 3' . TOPIK . :, . . , , , () . , TOPIK . . 3 . What you should expect from this courseOur course is made up of 10 units (66 high-quality online lectures). There is no textbook for this course, but there is a downloadable worksheet provided for each lecture. Not only does the worksheet allow students to improve their writing skills but it also helps students become self-directed learners. Our curriculum is taught by two instructors:Professor Hyeran Park (Korean)Ph.D. at Konkuk UniversityKorean Language Instructor at Konkuk University's Language InstituteTho Linh (Vietnamese)Vietnamese student studying in KoreaPassed the TOPIK II examWith the combination of these two instructors, students will be able to learn Korean easily from scratch. There is little Vietnamese description in the introduction, but about 95 percent of all learning content is led by a native Korean instructor, allowing all learners to learn Korean through the videos. If students have any inquiries, there is a Q&A board where students can post questions. 10( 66) . . II . 2 . Introducing the team that produced this courseOpen Cyber University of Korea Keunyoung Lee (honorary professor of Korean literature at Daejin University)Hyeran Park (Korean Language Instructor at Konkuk University's Language Institute)Yeonhee Kim (Professor of Korean Literature at Daejin University). : ( ). : ( ) ( )"
Price: 199.99

"All Aspects of Low Poly Blender 2.8" |
"Want to learn fundamentals of 3D modeling and do it fast? This course is your way to go. Beginning Courses are generally slow paced and sometimes boring and too complicated but with this course you can easily burn your tires and go beyond your expectations.In this course you will get this different than others:How to look real world objects and how to replicate them.How to follow a blueprint and complete hollows with reference images.Simple tricks about materials, not just assign some color.Workflow to keep things simple.How to fix your geometry without struggle.Pitfalls waiting you ahead and how to notice them.Low poly models which really look nice, not just like cubes.Using noises to create small terrain while creating scene.An instructor always shows you where model can fail and how to fix it.After you complete this course you can create any model you want in low poly. I really guarantee it. While recording this course no video deleted, every possible mistake shown and fixed within record intentionally so there will be no ""This doesn't happen like this"". Because as a learner you will mix every possible option to create your own models and this is normal. An instructor should know you can do this things and have to show you what is different in a good workflow.Sections:Learn the basicsGo with some low poly models like a cottage, tree and stoneCreate an hatchback car from a blueprint found on internet(I will show you where to find, not just share you)Create a pick-up from a real world blueprint.Create a scene.Two cars made in this course are real cars, so there is no made up things to give a direction to design. This is very important, so you know where to look in real world applications."
Price: 19.99

"30 minutes only for Whiteboard Animation" |
"This course is about Doodle videos,If you make a normal video it doesn't look good, and If you are creating doodle videos, it looks good.I will not waste your time, and I will complete this course only in 30 minutes.I will take every topic in detail.In whiteboard animation we can change background color ,and we get several options"
Price: 19.99

biblia01 |
Price: 19.99

"*NEW* Amazon Cloud Practitioner CLF-001: Practice Exam Q&A" |
"FULLY UPDATED 2020 to the new CLF-C01 - AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01)We cover the following domains:Domain 1: Cloud Concepts1.1 Define the AWS Cloud and its value proposition1.2 Identify aspects of AWS Cloud economics1.3 List the different cloud architecture design principlesDomain 2: Security and Compliance2.1 Define the AWS shared responsibility model2.2 Define AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts2.3 Identify AWS access management capabilities2.4 Identify resources for security supportDomain 3: Technology3.1 Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud3.2 Define the AWS global infrastructure3.3 Identify the core AWS services3.4 Identify resources for technology supportDomain 4: Billing and Pricing4.1 Compare and contrast the various pricing models for AWS4.2 Recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing4.3 Identify resources available for billing supportKEY FEATURES OF OUR PRACTICE EXAMS115+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams (with 25 Questions each) available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Examsdigest with a pool of 100+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions askedACCESS ON OUR PLATFORM: After purchasing the practice exam from Udemy you can request access on our platform examsdigest[dot]com"
Price: 19.99

"Text Recognizer in Android using ML Kit" |
"Within this course, we'll discuss the functionality of the Firebase ML Kit for Android. We'll start by learning about the Firebase ML Kit and the features it provides. Then we'll see how to incorporate ML Kit in your Android app with Android Studio. Before that, we'll explore the functionality of the ML Kit and build Android application on Text Recognizer.Machine Learning is not a new subject in this age. Everyone is choosing machine learning. Machine Learning can be applied to Android apps as well as market requirements. Google Firebase offers an ML Package that helps us to recognize text in pictures. It can be helpful or quick to read text from an picture in today's life. It can help you to achieve your goal."
Price: 19.99
