"LPI Linux Essentials LPI" |
"LPISEWebPCLinuxLPILPI Linux EssentialsLPI Linux EssentialsPing-tWEBLinuxEssentialsPing-tPing-tITLPI Linux EssentialsITLPI Linux EssentialsLPI Linux EssentialsLinuxITLPILPI Linux EssentialsLinux ICTLinux LPICLPICLinux Professional Institute Certification1LinuxLPICNPOLPILinux Professional Institute"
Price: 4200.00

"18 keys to balanced life" |
"This course will help you find answers to 18 important questions that will transform your outlook towards life, removing the fear of failure and creating peace, harmony and bliss within. This short course will prepare you from the smallest to the toughest battle of life boosting your confidence and self esteem. So let's start with the course and unravel the greatest secrets of our life."
Price: 19.99

"Learning Yoga made Easy" |
"India is not only the land of mythology, but is also the birthplace of Yoga, Ayurveda, spirituality, tolerance, universal brotherhood and rational thinking. Stories have always caught the imagination of man and have helped make concepts easy to understand. Even the Puranas that came after the Vedas had the chief purpose of explaining the hidden gems of wisdom from the Vedas in the form of stories.Children as well as storytellers around the world have always been fascinated with the Panchatantra series like Aesop fables, attributed to Pandit Vishnu rd Sharma in the 3 century BCE. Through these 44 stories we are going to teach kids complex concepts like the deeper meaning of Yoga, the causes of mental fluctuations, types of mind, attainment of liberation, union of individual and universal consciousness and much more. These thoughts help create a transformation and positive outlook towards life making them a healthy individual with balanced mind. Let's expand the minds of kids beyond traditional asanas and exercises of Yoga!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a ser criativo" |
"Voc ama inovao, certo?Ento provavelmente j deve ter pensado:""Preciso criar algo totalmente inovador""Bom, o que eu vou te falar pode machucar.O segredo do sucesso que no existe um truque mgico, mas sim processos guiados por dados e aprendizado.Mas calma! Eu trouxe algo para voc.Ns montamos um curso chamado ""como inovar"", nele voc ter todo o conhecimento para ser verdadeiramente criativo. confiana e orientao que voc precisa?Pois a busca acabou. ?Esse curso te trar toda a base necessria para planejar e executar, com confiana, ideias inovadoras."
Price: 19.99

"Brilliant StartUp - Liderazgo para jvenes profesionales" |
"Hace dos o tres aos atrs pensaba que me hubiese gustado que me enseen cuando era joven profesional y con eso hubiese potenciado mi carrera como profesional. Como aprenderlos durante el recorrido, cambio mi forma de gestionar, problemas, personas, equipos y transformaciones. Son esas cosas que nos van transformando un poquito todos los das.En el curso vern las 12 herramientas dividas en 4 mdulos, en total son 14 vdeos de entre 7-10 minutos don de le contare, historias, experiencias, conocimientos, tips y consejos... Son momentos de inspiracin, donde reflexionaran, como es su situacin, donde pensaran si alguna de esas soluciones es la que estn necesitandoRecorremos durante casi 2 horas muchsimos temas, tambin hemos incluido videos que son fuente de inspiracin de muchas personas. A lo largo del curso realizaran 3 evaluaciones muy simples pero efectivas para decantar los aprendizajes.Ese curso es el comienzo de su transformacin como profesionales, en caso de querer consultarnos, discutir ideas, compartir sus pensamientos estamos listos para soportarlos!"
Price: 49.99

"Professional Guide To Bitcoin Trading Using Your Smartphone" |
"Finally, You'll Become a Professional Trader & Start Making a Living Trading !PROFESSIONAL TRAINING GUIDE TO BITCOIN TRADING AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS is a complete course of 17 videos that takes you from the basics of trading to becoming a competent, well-rounded, and successful cryptocurrency trader. We begin by going over the basics of trading and analysis, and how to determine what type of trader you are. Then we dive into technical analysis, learning the ins and outs of trends, chart patterns, and the most important indicators and drawing tools. I share with you my approach to analyzing volume so you can spot price reversals on any time frame. We follow that by learning how to select your targets and stop losses, and I show you my complete thought process throughout the entirety of successful trades. Finally, we discuss risk management and how to calculate your position sizes, and trading psychology so that you can stay level-headed and persevere as a trader. By the end of this course, you will be able to look at a chart of any cryptocurrency and find profitable trades.In this course, you will learn...1) Introduction to Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Technology and Crypto Trading.2) Introduction to Coinbase, Luno , Buycoins and how They Work.3) Introduction to Binance Exchange and how it works.4) How to Buy, Sell, Set Stop Loss Price and OCO Order.5)How to Calculate Your Sell Price (Profits) And Stop loss (Losses).6) Introduction to Spot (Exchange) Trade and How it works.7) Introduction to Margin Trading (Cross Margin) and How It Works.8) Introduction to Margin Trading (Isolated Margin) and How It Works.9) Introduction to Futures Trade and How It Works.10) Introduction to Fundamental Analysis and How It Works.11) Introduction to Technical Analysis and How It Works.12) How to Use Trading View.13) How to Use Ema, Sma, Macd And Rsi , auto fibo retracement and stochastic Indicators.14) How to Identify an Uptrend and Downtrend market And also Identify Support and Resistance of A Coin.15) How to Read Candlestick Patterns and Analyst a Trade.16) Risk Management Technique to Avoid Losing Capital17) Summary"
Price: 99.99

"GD&T - Tolerncias Geomtricas" |
"O curso tem o objetivo de capacitar os alunos na interpretao e notao tcnica das tolerncias geomtricas conforme as normas ABNT: NBR 6409 e NBR 14.646 para profissionais das reas de Engenharia e demais reas que trabalham com desenhos tcnicos.O curso est estruturado com os seguintes contedos:- Conceito e histrico de tolerncias geomtricas;- Elementos de referncia;- Tolerncias de forma;- Tolerncias de posio;- Tolerncias de orientao;- Tolerncias de batimento;- Proncpio e mximo e mnimo material e;- Exerccios."
Price: 99.99

"Prosocial for Beginners" |
"""Prosocial"" is both a scientifically-grounded conceptual perspective and a practical program for increasing collaboration within and between groups. Its purpose is to help all kinds of groups become more effective and more equitable. This course will cover all aspects of Prosocial by explaining everything you need to know to create a prosocial group from scratch, or transform an existing group into a prosocial one. At the moment, ""Prosocial for Beginners"" is under construction, and only the first section has been made available. Your questions, comments, and feedback will help shape the other 11 sections. Once completed, this course will have more than six hours of content."
Price: 39.99

"Zagadnienia oglne kontroli przestrzegania prawa podatkowego" |
"Kurs przyblia regulacj kontroli przestrzegania prawa podatkowego (jej istot, zakres, zasady oraz przesanki), a take skutki naruszenia tych regulacji przez kontrolowanych lub organy waciwe, w tym, kiedy naruszenie prawa przez organy przeprowadzajce kontrol uzasadnia zakwestionowanie zgromadzonego materiau dowodowego oraz caego etapu procedury. Bardziej szczegowo omawiam tematyk kontroli krzyowych, ponownych oraz jednoczesnych."
Price: 69.99

"Upstream Oil and Gas Process automation and Control" |
"The oil & gas industry is broken down into three segments: upstream, midstream, and downstream.Upstream, or exploration and production (E&P) companies, find reservoirs and drill oil and gas wells. Midstream companies are responsible for transportation from the wells to refineries and downstream companies are responsible for refining and the sale of the finished products.Drilling companies contract their services to E&P companies to extract oil and gas.Well-servicing companies conduct related construction and maintenance activities on well sites.In this course we will mainly concentrate on oil & Gas Upstream production facilities automation & control. You will learn about :How is oil and gas processed?What is Oil and Gas process flowWellhead Monitoring & ControlFlowline Monitoring & ControlRemote or Satellite Manifold Monitoring & ControlWater injection System Monitoring & ControlChemical injection Monitoring & ControlProcess inlet facility Monitoring & ControlCrude oil processing plant Monitoring & ControlExport oil storage tank Monitoring & ControlCrude oil Metering and Proving system"
Price: 2560.00

"Charm Casting" |
"In this course, I teach you how to begin your journey into the world of contemporary charm casting. You will learn how to select charms for your own personal charm casting set. You'll also learn what they can mean, how to cast the charms in different ways, and how to interpret them."
Price: 34.99

"Solidcam Eitim Seti" |
"CAD CAM NEDR?Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing ifadelerinin ksaltmas olarak karmza kan CAD / CAM; bilgisayar destei ile tasarm ve imalat anlamna gelmektedir. mal edilecek bir parann teknik resmi / boyutlu modeli bilgisayar kullanlarak kolayca tasarlanr (CAD), tasarm tamamlanm olan bu para bir yazlm ile imalat iin gerek duyulacak parametreler ile programlanr (CAM). Bilgisayar destei ile karmak modellerin tasarm sreci hem kolay bir ekilde hem de ok daha ksa bir zamanda ve gerekli hassasiyetler gzetilerek yaplabilmektedir. Bu ekilde oluabilecek hatalar para daha imal edilmeden fark edilebilir ve gerekli dzeltmeler /revizyonlar rahatlkla yaplabilir. Yine bilgisayar kontrol sayesinde CNC (Computer Numerical Control) tezgahlar ve robotlara oluturulan parametreler aktarlarak, tasarm parasnn imalat salanm olur.Baka bir deyile ham malzemeden istenilen tasarm paras retilinceye kadar olan ki bu srete bize CNC tezgahn okuyaca NC kodlar oluturan programlara CAM programlar denilmektedir."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Adobe Illustrator CC from Zero" |
"This course is suitable for beginners in the world of graphics and they want to improve themselves. The course begins with a journey to get to know the main tools . the course introduces many practical applications that help confirm ideas, it's always the best way to learn and also you will learn how to create your design and most importantly how to choose colors. Enjoy"
Price: 19.99

"Practical Sqoop on cloudera step by step" |
"Learn how to use sqoop step by step on cloudera to transfer data between relational database to hdfs/hive. How to limit data being transferred, how to load quickly in parallel, how to load multiple and single table, what is direct mode of loading and how to export data out for reporting purpose. At the end of this course, one should able to use sqoop tool to transfer data on any big data environment including cloudera. A free tool in a big data landscape . For complicated ETL , one may have to purchase commercial ETL tools."
Price: 19.99

bfcyyenu |
": Google Tag Manager,GTM/GA debug tool Google Optimize Facebook PixelFacebook Pixel Helper extension A/B test Google Merchant Center - .- Google Tag Manager Google Tag Manager ... ."
Price: 19.99

"Python For Beginners Demonstration Course" |
"Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level By DemonstrationsThe course is created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which youll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:* Beginner to Expert Python contents:Installing AnacondaPython OverviewArray implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in PythonDebuggingError HandlingRegular ExpressionsComprehensionsModulesSee you inside the course!"
Price: 104.99

"CDMP - Data Management Fundamentals Exam Questions on DMBOK2" |
"Have you already taken a CDMP (Certified Data Management Professional) Data Management Fundamentals course from a Registered Training Provider?Or Have you self-studied using the DMBOK2?Are you still not quite confident that you are ready to take the certification exam? If so, you've come to the right place!Guideline to get most out of the course:Study the applicable chapter in the DMBOK2.Summarize the most important points in the chapter.Take the quiz for the applicable chapters and check your answers.If there are incorrect answers, refer back to the DMBOK2 and your notes.Retake the quiz on a chapter and try to achieve a higher score (>80%).Finally, when you are ready, take the practice exams at the end.Some rules for the tests:You can pause the test.You can retake the test later, but the time will be reduced accordingly.The question difficulty increases gradually in each chapter.The pass score of each quiz/practice exam is 70%.Some questions may have one correct answer and others may have multiple. Please read questions carefully. Please don't forget to rate the course: 1 star rating is the lowest and 5 stars rating is the highest."
Price: 650.00

"The Web Developers Course For Beginners" |
"The Web Developers Course For Beginners.In this course, Ill teach you all the basics that I think you need to know before choosing your long-term learning path in web development.After taking this course, you will understand how the web works and how you can take part in building it.Well also go over some of the tools and languages necessary for web development including:HTML, CSS,Javascript,Php, MySQL andFrameworks such as bootstrap and jQueryGo from zero-code to an in-demand junior web developer.The introduction to web development courses aims to give you the knowledge and skills to start developing your own websites and web applications. The website development course also effectively focuses on the practical application of the technologies used in web design and development.Further, we teach the best skills you need to kickstart your career as a UI developer, Front-end developer and a web programming expert. From web application development fundamentals to launching full-stack web apps, you'll learn to solve problems with code while applying top industry practices in a collaborative environment.This course Update every month end!30*days money back gurantee!"
Price: 99.99

"The complete Python GUI with PySimpleGUI for 2020" |
"Python is the fastest-growing programming language in the industry, and among the most popular programming languages in the world.It's not a hard language for beginners to pick up and for intermediate or advanced programmers to advance, which is why the need to learn this language has increased exponentially over the past few years.Python is a scripting language which means that you will write a code and run it in a command-line terminal. Running the code in the command line will make it harder for the users to adopt your applications, so what if you want your application to have a fancy user-interface this requires that your applications have a GUI.In simple terms, GUI is a desktop app that provides you with an interface that helps you to interact with the script and enriches the user experience. My name is Yasser Abbass. I'm a software engineer and I will be your instructor for this courseI have been in programming for the past 30 years and specifically in python for the past decade.The Course does not require previous python knowledge so if your a complete beginner or an expert in python you will learn how to create professional python GUI stand-alone applicationsThe course is divided into two sections, each includes several lectures we will be building 3 projects with varying levels of difficulty.Some of the projects we will be building together are:- Calculator Project- Todo List Project- File Backup Project.But don't worry you will be able to create those projects and more as you follow along with the course and with the skills you learned you will be able to apply it to your projects. You will also be able to download all the source code for all the lectures and the projects. During this course, you will learn:- How to install the software on Windows, Mac, and Linux.- An introduction to Jupiter-lab.- Data types, Conditional logic, looping, and collections.- Functions, modules, and built-in functions.- How to install the PySimple GUI.- How to install PyInstaller.- How to create and work with popups.- How to create and work with Elements (buttons, sliders, checkbox, etc).- How to create and work with Windows.- How to create and work with Layouts.- How to create dynamic Layouts.- How to show and hide elements.- How to add and remove elements to the window while it is running.Finally, if you are stuck you can drop a question in the Q&A and me, or one of my teaching assistants will answer you promptly"
Price: 149.99

"Hotel management the food and beverage department" |
"This course, 'The food and beverage department' is based towards students who are new to the hospitality and restaurant industry.If you have little to no experience in restaurant management and want to start your career in a hotel or more specifically in the f&b department, or if you think about opening a hotel or restaurant yourself, then this course is for you.Together we will discuss all the basics of the food and beverage department in a hotel. By the end of this course you will have a solid foundation and basic understanding of; what a food and beverage department is, what outlets there are, what a good f&b manager needs to know and how restaurants are classified. We discuss different jobs in the restaurant and kitchen as well.When you've finished this course you'll be able to calculate and understand different KPI like; revPASH, food cost, beverage cost and Occ%.So jumpstart your career today!"
Price: 39.99

"Le cours complet du Scalping S&P500 appliqu en compte rel" |
"Je m'appelle ISSAC Asimov trader depuis plus de 14 ans, spcialis dans l'or, les indices et les actions amricaines.Mon premier cours sur udemy portait sur le trading de lor, dans ce cours j'ai partag avec vous une stratgie simple pour trader de l'or et j'ai dmontr l'efficacit de cette stratgie travers des sessions de trading en direct et en un mois environ, j'ai doubl un compte rel de trading ddi cette stratgie.Si vous tes intress, vous pouvez galement consulter ce cours sur l'or.Ce cours porte sur le scalping, je partagerai avec vous une stratgie trs rentable base sur deux indicateurs, Vwap et MA200, et j'expliquerai la stratgie point par point pour vous donner un aperu clair sur comment entrer et comment clturer chaque transaction.Avant de commencer ce cours, j'ai fait des recherches sur Internet sur des stratgies de trading, et jai trouv que plusieurs de ces stratgies partages par des experts ne sont plus valide tout simplement parce que ces stratgies sont dveloppes il y a plus de 10 ans et les conditions du march ont chang.Permettez-moi de vous donner un exemple, une stratgie base sur l'intersection entre les moyennes mobiles appliques sur le Forex (GBP / USD) en 2000 tait efficace, la mme stratgie ne vaut rien aujourdhui par ce que la dynamique du march a chang et 90% des gros portefeuilles de trading sont gres par des robots, la mme chose sur les diffrents marchs une stratgie peut tre efficace sur l'or mais sans valeur sur le Forex, l'exemple de cela dans mon dernier cours sur l'or, la stratgie partage dans ce cours est une stratgie rentable sur l'or mais sur les indices non ce n'est pas le cas spcifiquement sur les indices volatils comme DAX30.La stratgie que je partagerai avec vous dans ce cours est une stratgie trs rentable, ncessite beaucoup de pratique pour la matriser, dans ce cours nous excutons cette stratgie sur le SP500 et bien sre je partagerai avec vous plus d'informations et je vais rpondre sur les questions pourquoi cette stratgie est adapte au SP500 et comment dtecter les faux signaux au plus tt des signaux avec la meilleure probabilit de russir , tout a dans le cadre des sessions de trading live sur un compte rel. Lobjectif aussi et de vous montrer comment je fais pour grer mes motions face largent rel et des pertes et des gains rels."
Price: 199.99

"T sitio web seguro SSL Instalacin Free" |
"Pgina Web NO SEGURA? Cmo instalar un certificado de Seguridad?, aqu podrs aprender como Instalar el famoso Certificado de Seguridad SSL en un sitio web. -Conceptos bsicos: Certificado de seguridad, HTTPS y Editor de texto - Datos que debe llevar un certificado de seguridad -Qu necesito para crear un certificado de seguridad? -Paso a paso para crear un certificado de seguridad"
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Exam Preparation" |
"TIL 4 Foundation training is the most widely acknowledged entry-level ITIL certification available for IT professionals. This newest training for the ITIL framework is designed to introduce learners to the management of modern IT-enabled services, including key concepts and common language used in the ITIL services lifecycle, how lifecycle stages are linked, processes involved, and best practices for improving the quality of IT services across the IT organization.If you want to be confident before appear in ITIL 4 Foundation certification exams, this is the right course for you.In this exam preparation we mainly cover topic related to exam and how questions may appear from any topics. So we added 200+ quiz end of every lesson to asses your learning and increase regularly based on the change in exam pattern.We have also add two practice test similar to original exam. (More than two is not allowed by udemy)40% of the training content is available for preview, kindly preview all these content before purchase this training. I am a non native English speaker check my accent, teaching style, communication and pronunciation whether you understand it or not. Please purchase the training if you only feel, it is right training for you.For any questions, use UDEMY Q&A. I ready and answer every questions and comment made by you."
Price: 99.99

"PRINCE2 6th Edition Foundation Practice Certification Exam" |
"** Based on the PRINCE2 6th Edition 2020 **Already taken an PRINCE2 Foundation course from a registered Accredited Training Organization (ATO)? Studied using the Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 textbook? These practice exams will fully prepared you and help to get PRINCE2 Certification exam.What you will get1. 360 questions, full set each exam question verified by experts and update regularly based on the feedback from passed participants2. 1 sets has session wise question to help you clarify individual topics. 3. The exams questions are updated periodically based on the latestPRINCE2 Foundation exam syllabus4. More than 2000 students already passed the official PRINCE2 Foundation exam using these practice exams and study materialKind RegardsIbrahim Hossain"
Price: 99.99

"COBIT 5 Foundation Certification Practice Exam" |
"COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a framework created by ISACA for information technology (IT) management and IT governance. The framework defines a set of generic processes for the management of IT, with each process defined together with process inputs and outputs, key process-activities, process objectives, performance measures and an elementary maturity model. These question will help you pass your COBIT 5 Foundation exam from peoplecert in your first attempt."
Price: 44.99

"CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice Exam" |
"128 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 128Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 128)"
Price: 149.99

"Powerpoint ile sfrdan etkili sunumlara" |
"Eitim iin herhangi bir n art yok. renmeyi istemeniz yeterli. Eitim ierisinde temel iletiim kurallar ile temel tasarm kurallarndan, dncelerimizi Powerpoint kullanarak nasl aktaracamza kadar geni bir perspektifi kapsayan bilgiler yer alyor. Ayrca egzersizler ve rnek aklarla i hayatnda ska karlabileceiniz problemlere ynelik zmlere bu eitim ierisinde eriebileceksiniz.Eer siz de hazrsanz hemen almaya balayalm!Grmek zere!"
Price: 49.99

"Online Teaching Tools How to Record Your Lectures At Home" |
"If you want to deliver your lectures virtually but you DO NOT want to go LIVE, rather you want to RECORD your lectures first. Make sure that they look PERFECT before you share them with your students. This is the right course for you. I am going to teach you in step-by-step approach various platforms available to do the following:Download the free audio recording softwareRecord Audios of your lecturesEdit it to remove inconsistencies and convert it in an audio file, then share it with your studentsDownload many video recording softwareHow to use these video/ screen recording software to record your lecturesLearn basic editing and then convert it into a video file and share it with your studentsHow to use Google Drive to share audio and video lectures with your studentsHow to upload videos on YouTubeI am confident that after completing this course, you will be able to just start recording your lectures. Just enrol and enjoy!Don't forget to complete the course and leave your valuable feedback/ review. Thanks. Dr. Jan"
Price: 19.99

"Instalaciones elctricas en viviendas. Electricidad" |
"En este curso podrs aprender:Conceptos bsicos que todo electricista debe de conocer para lograr hacer una instalacin de manera adecuadaLa electricidad es peligrosa, llegaras a conocer los dispositivos de proteccin que tiene que tener una instalacin elctrica, su funcionamiento y parmetros para seleccionarlos.A travs de dos secciones tipo TALLER podrs con mi ayuda en tu propia casa realizar las practicas necesarias que te ayudaran a conocer la manera correcta de hacer mediciones elctricas bsicas aplicables a las instalaciones elctricas; como tambin conocer los distintos dispositivos para realizar la instalacin de una vivienda cmo ser: interruptores, conmutadores, inversores, sensores, temporizadores; aplicables a las viviendas.Llegaras a conocer los distintos planos que tiene que tener una instalacin elctrica y tener la capacidad de interpretarlos.Conocers lo que es una acometida elctrica y los criterios necesarios para realizar la instalacin de ello; as como conocer como esta estructurado los tableros de distribucin principal donde por cierto estarn todas las protecciones necesarias para una instalacin.Llegaras a conocer una serie de herramientas necesarias para realizar una instalacin elctrica y adems como llegar a trabajar de manera segura en una obra."
Price: 29.99

"Sevgili renciler, ncelikle nceki kurslarmza gsterdiiniz ilgiye teekkr ederiz. Sizlerin istekleri dorultusunda 1001 Hzl Konuma Altrmalar kursumuzu hazrladk. Bu kursun iinde takip edeceiniz altrmalarda gncel hayatta karnza kabilecek her konuda soru-cevap ve genel konuma yaplarn bulacak ve bunlar okuyarak, dinleyerek, Trkesini anlayarak ve konuarak gncel hayatnzda uygulama frsatna sahip olacaksnz. ngilizce konumann vitamin hap imek kadar kolay olduunu fark edeceksiniz. Bu konuma tabletlerinde gncel hayatnzda, i hayatnzda, gezilerinizde, okul hayatnzda, havaalannda, yurt dnda, ksacas hayatnzn her alannda karnza kabilecek konularda ok hzl genel ve pratik konuma yapma becerisini kazanacaksnz. Bunlar youn bir ekilde tekrar ederken, ayn zamanda gramer bilgilerinizi de pekitireceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Practice Reiki and Color Therapy Together 2 in 1 Course" |
"Practice Reiki and Color Therapy TogetherThis is a course which will enlighten you with two beautiful therapies that will have a great impact on your lives in a very positive manner Color therapy and Reiki. You will be able to perform reiki on yourself and others and will learn how to use colors around you to bring a balance and healthy environment around you.Learn to practice the powerful practices of Color Therapy & Reiki to improve your and lifestyle, energize your body balance your mind.Build a great routine with these two marvelous therapies Reiki and Color Therapy to Support You Solve your daily life problems, Increase Your Awareness and gain balance in your life.Reiki Level I is the first exciting step of this wonderful healing energy of Reiki. To be able to work with Reiki you will receive a distant attunement from a Reiki Master and I am more than happy to attune you as a qualified Reiki Master myself. Reiki is about working with the powerful energies that have always been widespread and is as old as the Universe itself. By being attuned you agree to become a channel for Pure Universal Energy. Reiki will indeed have an extraordinary effect on your life for the better.Reiki is complete; it works on the body mind and spirit by stimulating a persons own natural healing abilities. The blocked emotional and physical elements that lead to disease and ailment are cleared.Reiki I is your first step along the reiki path. The reiki attunement connects you to the source of healing energy which you can then start to channel. You can use this to help heal yourself and others around you.WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER YOUR REIKI I ATTUNEMENT? Your Chakras will be opened and you are connected to the Reiki Source You will be able to channel Reiki through your hands to yourself or others You will become gradually aware of what you need to do in regards to your healing You may become more intuitive and psychicThe course is easy to follow covering Reiki Level I in shortest time possible with the absolute beginner in mind. The course covers all aspects of the Reiki Level 1 plus special video, which will escort you through the distance Attunement process. On completion of this level you will receive a distant Attunement from your Reiki Master.So what are you waiting for? Lets explore this beautiful energy and start practicing Reiki for the betterment of ourselves and our loved ones.The Reiki understanding you will achieve from this course will allow not only help yourself but also all people around you including your friends, family and relatives. What are you waiting for ? Lets start learning about this beautiful healing energy ReikiPractice power of color in your life to promote health & wellbeing, color therapy for self-healing explorationLet me welcome you in this color therapy course where you will explore all about Color Therapy and its effects on you and your surroundings. So use Color Therapy to Solve Problems, Increase Clarity and Increase Your awareness. Learning the energies of the different Colors as a means for healing disease in body, mind, and spirit is very fascinating. Using Color to restore balance and harmony is an amazingly easy thing you can do for yourself. Benefits of Colored Light Meanings of Individual Colors The Power of Color Color and their effects on human body and surroundings Cure diseases by using color therapy How to use color therapy for your wellbeing? Become a Color therapist and help other individuals How to uplift your mood and energy by using colorThis course has a very practical approach towards color therapy so you can start practicing it immediately after going through the lectures. Learn how you can begin enjoying the freedom found through a higher awareness of energy. Colors have already been used to heal and shelter mankind throughout the centuries. White, for example, has been used in hospitals and churches for its purity and cleanliness. Black has been used for mourning our deceased. Learn about the energy of each Color and how to use them in your life. Color is an important tool that we can use to complement healing. We all are surrounded by colors and using Color is an important element in your healing or in some other aspect of your life. You will be able to use color therapy to treat diseases, empower yourself and will feel much more relaxed and calm.Use colors and Color Therapy to your benefit and explore the wonderful world of colors through this course. Now, lets start exploring the wonderful world of colors. See you in the course lectures.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99
