"O Curso Completo de Excel - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Aprenda a utilizar esta poderosa ferramenta para automatizar seus processos. Neste curso voc aprender a utilizar as Frmulas Bsicas e Avanadas, Tabelas Dinmicas, Grficos Comuns e Grficos Dinmicos, Formatao Condicional, Menus, Barra de Progresso, CheckBox, SmartArt, Segmentao de Dados e muito mais.Com 12 mdulos, mais de 90 aulas e com mais de 680 minutos de durao, o curso de Excel do bsico ao avanado vai te trazer todo o conhecimento que voc precisa para chegar ao seu objetivo. Se voc no tem nenhum conhecimento em Excel, no se preocupe, iremos comear do bsico.Vamos falar sobre conceitos bsicos do Excel, Frmulas Bsicas de soma, multiplicao, diviso e subtrao.Vamos estudar sobre formataes onde a gente vai falar sobre tcnicas que vo deixar sua planilha surpreendente.Vamos abordar Atalhos do Excel, o que vai aumentar absurdamente sua produtividade, voc vai conseguir fazer muito mais do que as outras pessoas na metade do tempo.Vamos abordar tcnicas mais avanadas como Formatao Condicional nas suas mais variadas aplicaes.Estudaremos a fundo sobre Frmulas Avanadas como PROC, PROCV e muitas outras.E claro, tudo isso com muitos exerccios e exemplos reais, que voc utilizar na prtica no seu dia a dia!"
Price: 99.99

"Descriptive Statistics For Data Science using Python [Hindi]" |
"Why learn it? Interested in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning? Then this course is 4th step in that direction for you!Data Science and Machine learning is everywhere. And If you want to learn it, then After Gaining Knowledge Of Python & Numpy .... Understanding Statistical Concepts and Applying it using Python to Gain understanding of Data is logical approach .Understanding Statistical Concepts is most important building block in the field of Data Professional. Without this , Data makes no sense.As Data science and data analytics become popular and specialized, Need for working with data array has exploded and without understanding maths behind data science, working and analyzing data makes no sense.Why ?Because Descriptive Statistics Helps analyzing and working with data with very simple ways.In this course, you will learn Descriptive Statistics and Apply its concept over real life data using Python , Pandas And Scipy.We Will Start with Understanding every concept in first half of this course Once we gain in depth understanding of concepts then we will move to apply them on real world data, using Python.We Will start with Introduction to Descriptive Statistics.Then we will find out what are different measures of central tendency .We will then find out what is dispersion and how to measure it .After this we will find out what is Variance .Then we will have a look at Different Distributions and we will find out how they help us gaining understanding of data prediction.We will understand Gaussian Distribution.Then we will know about Sampling distribution.We will then find out what are skewness , Kurotsis and how we can apply them in gaining understanding of our data .Then we will move on to understand Covariance and Correlation.After this its time to apply these concept in practicals and we will do this for rest of our course . We will Apply these concept while simultaneously revising concept and applying them on different datasets .We will start with Understanding Pandas Library .We will then Find out how Mean and Median can be calculated and how we can predict data using them.We will then find out how outlier in data can affect our prediction and ways to deal with such situation in real world.The we will find out about Quantiles and Interquantile .We will find out Variance and Standard deviation of our data.Then we will start interpreting and visualization our data .We will see how Skewness and Kurtosis can help us gain understanding our data.We will find out practical application of Covariance and Correlation.After this we will have a overview of Another great library used in Data Science, which is Scipy.We will Apply all concepts in Python , Pandas And Scipy.We will then apply Interquartile range, Variance and Standard deviation on real world data.we will find out z score of our data and how to interpret data using it .then we will find out skewness and kurtosis on our data.then we will apply our knowledge on univariate data and bivariate data.and Finally we will calculate confidence Interval for our data."
Price: 12800.00

"Substance painter 2020 - The complete 3D Texturing course" |
"Welcome to the Substance painter - complete 3d texturing course . In this course you will learn all the tools and trechniques used by artists within substance painter to make detailled and realistic 3d textures on your 3d models . The course is composed of three parts . the first part is dedicated to introducing you to all the tools that you will be using in substance painter, the render engine within the software and the UI etc . While the second and third parts of the course go through the 3d texturing process of two 3d assets provided with the course from start to finish .What you will learn : 3D texturing tools available in substance painter .Creating and using materials in substance painter .Filters , generators and procedural 3D texturing tools .Correct mesh maps baking methods to avoid common issues .rendering your 3D textured model and applying post effects using IRAY render engine inside of substance painter .Enroll now and start learning the industry standard 3d texturing software substance painter ."
Price: 59.99

"Criptomoedas para Advogados" |
"Este um curso que prepara o advogado para resolver problemas jurdicos envolvendo criptomoedas.No tem problema se no sabe nada ou muito pouco sobre Bitcoin, neste curso voc aprende tudo que precisa para entender o ""universo das criptomoedas"" e representar seus clientes.Quando concluir o curso estar apto a prestar consultoria jurdica sobre criptomoedas, participar de reunies e ingressar na justia em favor dos seus clientes.Destaco que este no um curso de investimento como vrios que se encontra por a, um curso feito para juristas, especialmente advogados que desejam aprender como resolver problemas jurdicos envolvendo criptomoedas.O curso composto de trs mdulos, onde o primeiro ir te familiarizar com conceitos tcnicos e prticas importantes na sua futura advocacia de criptomoedas. No segundo mdulo vai aprender tcnicas prticas de segurana pra proteger o saldo de criptomoedas e a importncia de boas prticas de segurana da informao. Isso vai ajudar a proteger seus clientes, afastando teses sobre a ""culpa exclusiva da vtima"", algo muito alegado em contestaes.No terceiro e ltimo mdulo, vamos estudar juntos os principais problemas jurdicos envolvendo criptomoedas e como resolve-los. Nesta parte abordamos legislao, jurisprudncia e dicas prticas para elaborao de suas peties. O curso foi produzido em 2020 e est totalmente atualizado, aproveite e saia na frente, seja um advogado de criptomoedas!"
Price: 294.99

"Dr. K's Complete First Semester General Chemistry I Course" |
"The course presented here is the exact General Chemistry I course that I taught as a university professor in a Chemistry Department that was certified by the American Chemical Society, the professional organization for chemists. All topics that are essential to any General Chemistry I course are covered here in detail. My teaching style for this Udemy course is exactly how I taught in the lecture halls. Each topic is explained in detail, terms are defined and then examples are done to show how the theory is applied in practice.As was the case when I was teaching at the university, students have access to ample supplemental material, all of which will be in the Resource Folders. In addition to the 30+ hours of lectures, I have included a downloadable audio mp3 file of each lecture. For all but three lectures, Ive included a Practice Assignment where you can test your understanding of the material. Also included is a detailed answer key for each Practice Assignment. A total of nearly 100 examples are worked out in the lectures and for each section (except section 8), I have included a list of the problems that you can download and follow along. For learning nomenclature; i. e., the systematic naming of elements, ions and chemical compounds, I have included flash card videos that you can download to drill yourself. Ive also included a number of memory aids (mnemonics) to help you remember the symbols for the commonly used elements and important concepts in chemistry. Any graphs, figures or tables presented in the lectures are also available as downloadable files.This course assumes that you have no prior knowledge or experience with chemistry. In fact, this course is ideal for anyone who needs to take General Chemistry at the college level but did not have it in high school. This course is also well-suited for those who need to refresh their knowledge of General Chemistry before taking it at the college level.Since chemistry is a quantitative science, a working knowledge of high school algebra is needed. If your math skills are weak, this course will show you what types of math calculations are needed and you can hone those skills prior to your taking the course.For this Udemy course, I used the Openstax Chemistry textbook which can be downloaded free of charge in pdf format at their website. A downloadable copy is also available in the Resources Folder for Lecture 1. However, if you already have an old textbook, that may also work for you. Topics may be presented in somewhat different order, however."
Price: 79.99

"Standard Operating Procedures for Retail Business Modul 1" |
"Standard Operating Procedures untuk bisnis retail.Apakah perusahaan Anda dijalankan berdasarkan SOP?Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana cara membuat SOP?Mengapa sebagian besar perusahaan tidak punya SOP?Pada modul ini Pebisnis retail akan belajar:Apa itu pengertian Standard Operating Procedures?Alasan mengapa kita membutuhkan Standard Operating ProceduresBagaimana syarat-syarat Standard Operating Procedures yang ideal?Bagaimana cara membuat Standard Operating Procedures?Akan diberikan beberapa contoh membuat Standard Operating ProceduresDan Praktek membuat SOP dalam hitungan menit."
Price: 910000.00

"Standard Operating Procedures for Retail Business Modul 2" |
"Melanjutkan materi Modul 1 pada modul 2 ini akan fokus pada praktek dan contoh-contoh SOP untuk bisnis retail.Standard Operating Procedures untuk bisnis retail.Apakah perusahaan Anda dijalankan berdasarkan SOP?Apakah Anda tahu bagaimana cara membuat SOP?Mengapa sebagian besar perusahaan tidak punya SOP?Pada modul ini Pebisnis retail akan belajar:Apa itu pengertian Standard Operating Procedures?Alasan mengapa kita membutuhkan Standard Operating ProceduresBagaimana syarat-syarat Standard Operating Procedures yang ideal?Bagaimana cara membuat Standard Operating Procedures?Akan diberikan beberapa contoh membuat Standard Operating ProceduresDan Praktek membuat SOP dalam hitungan menit."
Price: 910000.00

"Cash Flow Statement The Easy Way [Arabic] !" |
":- - .- IFRS GAAPCash Flow Statement :- Preparing Cash flow with no rules to remember anymore - Case study- Reporting differences between IFRS & GAAPTarget Students :- Accountants- Auditors- Who prepare financial statements."
Price: 69.99

"Data Science Hacks - Google Causal Impact" |
"Welcome to our Google Causal Impact Course.This course I'll teach you how to use the google's package Causal Impact in your on job or personal projects.The Causal Impact model developed by Google works by fitting a bayesian structural time series model to observed data which is later used for predicting what the results would be had no intervention happened in a given time period. The idea is to used the predictions of the fitted model (depicted in blue) as a reference to what probably would had been observed with no intervention taking place.After this course you will have a powerful tool, to measure (with statistical significance):* The extra number of sales / app downloads / clicks / web site visits caused by a marketing campaign* The ROI of a Marketing Campaign* The effect of a promotion over demand* Any change of behavior in a series, caused by a known event"
Price: 39.99

"Looking at the infrastructure boom all over the world by Mega-structures and Smart cities and other development projects, there is going to be demand of infrastructure engineers.The exponential increase in the infrastructure in the past years tells the story of demand of potential engineers.From metro's to flyovers, public transits and Hydro power projects, a World will be seeing a change.Why not be the person responsible for that change.Good packages and perks are waiting for you...ALL THESE OPPORTUNITIES AND TECHNICAL ASPECTS FOR IT ARE EXPLAINED IN DETAIL IN THIS COURSE. Do share it with your friends???."
Price: 19.99

"Crea Dashboards con Google Data Studio y Google Analytics" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear unos fantsticos informes o Dashboard utilizando Google Analytics como fuente de datos.Que aprenders?Cmo conectar Data Studio a Google analytics.Crear campos calculados.Aprenda a calcular promedios, valores ms altos, valores ms bajos, calcular promedios.Crear cuadros de mando para mostrar cuadros de datos exportables y tarjetas de resultados.Cree grficos de anlisis de forma sencilla.Funcin CASE.Cree clculos temporales con comparativas.Cree filtros y periodos.Funcin IMAGE.Aprenda cmo combinar diferentes fuentes de datos.Vas a aprender a compartir sus informes y paneles con otros usuarios.Y muchos trucos que te ayudarn a dar una visual mucho ms atractiva a tus informes."
Price: 19.99

"bonjour ou bonsoir madame ou Monsieur j'espre que vous allez bien bienvenue sur la page de ce cours vous tes au bon endroit si vous voulez apprendre jQuery dans ce cours vous allez trouver les arguments de base pour devenir un professionnel la programmation JavaScript nous avons chercher l essencier du jQuery pour vous proposer ce cours vous allez trouver beaucoup d'arguments qui vous permettra A apprendre jQuery et vite comprendre nous avons tout mis en pratique pour que vous puissiez mieux comprendre je vous promets que la fin de ce cours vous serez mesure de crer un programme avec jQueryce cours es propose par MD DEPARI COMPANY socit internationale des dveloppeurs web"
Price: 19.99

"Pharmacology for Nurses Practice Test" |
"Wisely selected Exam Questions to help you pass on your first attempt.Full Practice Exam with High Quality Questions and Answer ExplanationsWhen it comes to the Pharmacology Nursing certification, it is important to review Practice test/ Practice Exam questions that are most similar to the ones tested on the actual exam.After months of dedicated research, we have created this High Quality Practice exam to deliver the same experience as that of the Actual exam.This exam contains: The Most Asked Questions Answer Explanations Situation Based Questions Knowledge area specific questions (All knowledge areas have been covered) Concept Definition Based QuestionsEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer choice."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Monsters" |
"In this class, we dive deep into the world of digital monsters. We learn about how storytelling forms online, and what monstrosity can teach us about ourselves and the world around us. If you're interested in finding out more about what the digital environment has to teach us, and harbor a love for monsters, then this is a class for you.We not only explore what monsters may mean, but dive into separate case studies of digital monsters, such as the Rake, the Slender Man and the Momo Challenge. What do these monsters teach us about the world around us, and what can learn about ourselves?"
Price: 24.99

"Certified English Language Wisdom Stories & Dance lessons" |
"Lessons From Books of Great Teachers of India.The course is made on short excerpts of different books of Wise teachers, from Teachers whose books are explained in audio format, for easy understanding of English lessons.The lessons are made with short 3-5 minute video lecture lessons that keep the attention of the student with added captions that will help the students to hear the words pronounciation as well as see the spelling."
Price: 1280.00

"Certified Bharatanatyam Indian Dance Fitness English Course" |
"Various choreography ready to do dance itemsDance steps sets to learn or to put into a song, for learning or performingBharatanatayam lessonsSemi classicalFolkVarious fusion art forms.ChoreographyReady to do lessons for learning and performingMix of different types of steps to see and learn and do, either for private class knowledge or for stage performances."
Price: 1600.00

"Certified English Literature Adults learning Course" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Miscellaneous topics as lessons, are here.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject"
Price: 1280.00

eatintuit |
"6 5-7 , 5-10 . 5 : , : , , ."
Price: 99.99

"MEI e Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Fsica - Cuidados e dicas" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a cuidar do seu CNPJ MEI, com os mnimos recursos legais necessrios. Ficar tambm seguro quanto declarao do imposto de renda da pessoa fsica, no que diz respeito ao MEI. Por fim, te entregamos uma planilha modelo para que anotes receitas e despesas, alm claro da apresentao para que possas consultar em caso de dvidas."
Price: 39.99

"Feedback is for Winners" |
"You want me to be honest or nice?Ok. So lets be honest.Instead of showing you How to double your confidence in 60 minutes I will be frank. Its not the longest course. It doesn't even teach you complete A to Z skills on communication. Its not high-end production and it doesn't have fancy video quality. It wont show you any tactics how to trick or treat people.But, it teaches you one thing. I wish I knew it years ago. I could stand out, not get emotional, embarrassed or even afraid to speak. Thats right. I could make more friends, help more clients and keep my relationships together. But I didnt. Back then, when I felt invisible and misunderstood I didn't realised I was hiding from it. Yes, thats not all.Would you agree that people we met in our lives shape who we are today?Some can make big impact.Meet Bruce.Before you ask Who is Bruce? - let me explain.I met Bruce years ago on board cruise ship. Bruce was a skinny guy, in his mid sixties, wearing all gadgets like watches, bracelets and even his t-shirt with Batman logo. A bit odd... But he was a super humble guy, stock broker from Manhattan. Now heres the good part.Bruce asked me Michal, how many people you think here in your gym dont fully understand how body works? How to optimise every workout, every meal, to get best results?Good question, I though. Maybe 80 precent? I replied .He said 80 percent... Same with stock market. Most people don't take time to learn and fully understand what they do.No joke.I had to digest that for a moment.Thats why you always make learning your priority, he added.Wait, theres more.Meet Jim.Jim is a legend. You spend 5 minutes with this guy and you quickly become aware how passionate he is. He lives, eats and breaths hospitality. Jim is a head of Forbes Travel Guide - Gold Standard for top gun luxury hotels, where he said you feel like it the movies, kinda like Michelin Star rating for restaurants, so to speak. They evaluate guest experience... with 900 standards. Emotional intelligence, non-verbal communication and body language - all married together.Jim is the guy who train people how to create memorable moments. So they stick. He said smart people can spend thousands of dollars on advisors, coaches and experts to give them feedback. Feedback is an opportunity. Its like a breakfast of champions. But you dont wanna be eating fruit loops all the time, you want to have some all bran from time to time.My point is, people who made a difference in our life stick - they stay in our heads, often forever. Look, I don't even know how important feedback is to your life. But I can tell you this.If I were to buy a ticket in the national lottery, my chances of winning would be million to one. But if I were to bet that you, as a reader, get uneasy or even emotional when tough feedback is coming, my chances of being correct would be five to one. How do I know that? 80 percent of peopleI was one of them. Like majority of us all I knew about feedback it should be constructive. Just like meals are healthy, right? You see, I didn't make learning my priority, didn't understand it correctly and I have never looked at feedback as an opportunity.Now I know. But you see, difference between really understanding feedback and feeling lost in a maze of reactions, emotions and unspoken problems is the difference between struggling and making real impact.What if you dont find any value in my training?Thats ok. I put together material I've been taught over the years and what I learned from coaching my own clients. How to create experience, how to handle feedback and use it as opportunity. In fact, most people you know that are fully satisfied, accomplished and confident are using some of those strategies without even know it! In the past I found myself being underrated, frustrated, run down and even stepped on. I created this course so that you dont have to. As far as I know, there is nothing else like this out there.What If you dont like my delivery?No problem. I tried my best to be up, energetic and engaging. But if after you see some of my preview samples and you find my energy low, without charisma and enthusiasm, you haven't lost a thing.How much better you could get in 60 minutes?It depends on your commitment. I am not promising that you become overnight champion on communication in just 60minutes. Its like chopping the tree. One cut wont do it. It take few cuts to bring it down. One thing I can tell you. Make notes. This way will help you keep your memory sharp and will stimulate various parts of your brain. It require work but its a fun work. Its like sharpening your feedback, without cutting yourself. Remember? You told me to be honest.Its simple.So heres my message to you. Block an hour of your time, sit back, make a coffee, take note pad and join me on this 60 minutes training course where I pull back the curtain and show you all the trainings, lessons and mistakes I learned over the years. Here are done for you all practical skills to start making progress today. Luckily, you have all the tools you need. Just hit Enroll Now and see you on the other side!PS. When you sign up, I will reach out to say Hi so then you can tell me some of your fantastic stories.Sincerely,Michal"
Price: 79.99

"Archviz in Blender 2.80 / Interior Visualization from DXF" |
"Hello and welcome! In this course you'll learn the steps to achieve photorrealistic interior renders for proffesional and personal projects. We will take a look at different topics such as managing DXF files, placing doors, windows, details, setting PBR materials, realistic lighting, rendering and postproduction. In the first section you'll learn some useful techniques that I apply when I work with DXF files of real clients. I'll provide you the DXF file, so you can follow me if you want during the class.Once we have the walls, floor and ceiling done, we will take a look at the fastest method (with the free version of the Archipack addon) to place doors and windows with some useful techniques. In the third section, you'll learn how to set base lighting to your project using HDRI environment to achieve photorrealistic results and other different methods of lighting your interiors. We will also take a look on how to set up your materials (floor and walls in this case) with proffesional textures, using Color, Roughness/Glossines, Bump, and Normal maps to achieve more realism in a fast and accurate way. As well as some trick for the window glass! On the other hand, you'll learn how to add a background image to the scene to nail the overal realism and sell better the image.Finally, in the last section, we are going to fill the scene with some premade furniture assets and I'll talk just a bit of the importance of have a constantly growing library of assets. Specially if you are into the archviz world. You'll learn about the render settings and we will take a look at the new Intel Open Image Denoiser, which gives incredible results killing the noise of our renders. As well as some basic compositing nodes on blender. After that, time for some postproduction in Photoshop!"
Price: 19.99

"Acrylic Landscape Painting for beginners Super Easy to paint" |
"Do you want to learn new simple and easy acrylic technique?And paint joyful and colorful landscapes in acrylics? Then this is the class for you.Welcome in the world of landscape painting. Acrylic paint is the choice for many artists because of the creamy texture, ability to blend smoothly and clean colors, water soluble and of course you can use it in so many forms: on canvas, wood, paper, glass and other materials. Another great thing about acrylic is that they are fast drying paints that can be used straight from a tube, like oil paints, or can be thinned with water, like watercolor. They are extremely versatile and vibrant, offering the artist a wide range of textures, colors and consistencies.Acrylic Landscape Painting for beginners Super Easy to paintAssignmentLearn how to paint landscapes combining different colors: turquoise, neon pink, white, blue, brown and red.By the end of this assignment you will create a landscape with a turquoise sky and pink trees, as well as some mountains and green trees in the distance to give the impression of perspective.In this process, you will discover new abilities that will aid you in creating many more landscapesLearn to paint an easy going cherry blossom landscape using acrylic paintMaterials:1. Acrylic paints (Amsterdam): white, turquoise, blue, yellow, brown, neon pink and red.2. Stretched canvas, bigger is always better.3. Big flat brush, small flat bush, liner brush, fan brush.DeliverableA finished landscape painting with pink trees, and turquoise sky.Dont hesitate to ask any questions if you feel stuck. Looking forward for seeing the results. Share your pictures of your process and in the Project Gallery of this courseThe Acrylic Painting Landscape Techniques Course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to try out acrylics and learn new approaches to the various elements found within a landscape.Using Pink, turquoise and green you will create a beautiful color harmony. every technique learned in this course can be applied in all your future landscapes, from how to keep your colors clean, how to give the illusion of detail and composition.Even if you are a beginner in creating landscapes, by the end of this course you will feel like a real artist! You will be amazed to see how easily you painted, without much work, it will be relaxing.Creating this painting will get you in touch with the nature. By painting very colorful and luxurious vegetation.In this course, you will learn color mixing, brush-handling and mark making. Save the details and smaller brushes for the end.The wonderful thing is that you will learn to paint easily and detailed, leaving the impression of a hard work! This will be our little secret and you will feel amazing showing to your friends your new hobby, and invite them to join this course. Or you can also teach them yourself.Mixing colors and building textures can be so relaxing. You can make your own beautiful colors. Be playful and bold. Make a mark of your originality, there are no limits."
Price: 199.99

"Super Easy Procreate: Illustrate an Intricate Autumn Pattern" |
"After a hot summer, the autumn has come! Prepare yourself to unleash your creativity ! Walking in the park or walking on the streets, they both have something in common: the beautiful colors of the leaves, dark yellow ,brown, red and a touch of green!Super Easy Procreate: Illustrate an Intricate Autumn PatternNature is a real master painter! But you can be the same, discover in this course the artist in you and paint some beautiful leaves, pumpkins gingerbread men. You will learn in easy steps how to make the shapes, use the light and make it look detailed.After admiring the autumn treasures, you will want to delight yourself with some sweets!A cup of coffee and a donut, or a croissant and a cupcake? You can have them all! Take this course and study the tips for making these treats and others more, like a gingerbread man!One of the most expected events of autumn is Halloween! The main part of this festivity is the gorgeous pumpkin! Used like a food in the form of pie or simply baked, or carved to look like a face with a candle inside, to scare the people, the pumpkin is the legendary vegetable of the Irish traditions, spread all over America.Eleven autumn inspired Procreate digital IllustrationsIn this course, you will study how to make a beautiful pumpkin, creating the texture and the form, the highlights and color.Enjoy this amazing adventure in the world of autumn desserts and why not, invite your friends to join the course!For many illustrators and concept artists, Procreate is the go-to program to create mind-blowing art.Procreate is a fantastic mobile app that makes it easy to draw on your iPad. But its really so much more than that. Not only can you create drawings from scratch, but you can also make detailed illustrations, paintings, graphic designs, and more.Designed to be used with Apples tablet and stylus tools, Procreate gives artists all the benefits of working digitally (the ability to easily delete and correct, create art faster, and to share work instantaneously) while recreating the familiar experience of pens, pencils, and paint on paper."
Price: 199.99

"Road to Nirvana: Building Blocks of Mindfulness Meditation" |
"Hi,Welcome to Road to Nirvana.This course is an amalgamation of my research efforts, that I undertook to understand the power of mindfulness meditation as a tool to boost my creativity, primarily to help me innovate better in my professional life.It's in my inherent nature not to trust what I read or think is correct, and thus always make it a point to get it validated by the experts at ""thinkingpsychologist"" podcast.All my primary and secondary research learnings have been validated by a group of thinkers and practitioners incl. Evolutionary Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Life Coaches, Authors, Corporate Trainers, Healers, and Buddhist Monks.I have been able to divide this complete course into 3 Dimensions for easy understanding:1. Understand the Origins/Past: Delving deeper into spirituality and religion of various religions across the globe to unearth the meaning of Nirvana and further try to find similarities in their teachings.2. How far has science reached: Exploring the progress that science has made to date in terms of understanding the human mind and the impact of mindfulness meditation on the human brain. Further trying to understand the definition of Nirvana from the scientific angle.3. Experiencing it Ourself: Once we had drawn a parallel between religion and science in order to best use mindfulness meditation to our advantage. We undertake some small meditation practices that have been recommended by the experts and validated by me for the best and fastest utilization of this practice for life-changing transformation.Pick up this course if you wish to: Listen to your thoughts and validate its authenticity Boost your creativity Change the way you perceive the world around you Find the correct way that best suits your meditation practice Calm the incessant chatter Increase in concentration Discover the power of being in the present Enrich your knowledge Transform your life Earn a certificate and help others transform their life"
Price: 19.99

"Turismo prctico aprendizaje eficaz casos reales" |
"Turismo prctico aprendizaje eficaz casos reales es el curso ideal para iniciarte y, en menos de 20 das, contar con la habilidad necesaria para desarrollar experiencias concretas de un destino turstico, el desarrollo y administracin del contenido, logrando la presentacin de tus ofertas a travs de itinerarios profesionales y redactando tu primer Blog de viajes. Este es el primer paso de tu camino para transformarte en experto en turismo prctico, profundizando el aprendizaje a travs del curso de Turismo prctico vivencial en el cual conoceremos las herramientas del SEO; palabras clave, y herramientas fundamentales para desarrollar una gua del viajero y del destino. Siguiendo con el curso de Turismo prctico avanzado, donde profundizamos los conocimientos estratgicos para alcanzar tu pblico objetivo, aprendemos a definir el precio justo realizando los anlisis requeridos de costos y gastos, para finalmente contar con todas las herramientas necesaria y el conocimiento suficiente para generar una oferta turstica exitosa."
Price: 19.99

"30 Day Business Growth Guide" |
"16 World-Class Business Coaches and Experts teaching you how to scale your business and increase wealth. Proven Strategies to Grow your Business or Career From Top 15+ Business Coaches and Experts. Learn Finance, Sales, Networking, Automation, Technology, Digital Marketing, Personal Branding, AI in marketing, winning business strategies. Business Growth Meet is a platform conducting online webinars with top business coaches, keynote speakers, leaders, authors, founders, experts, and leading influencers."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda Excel VBA criando um controle de estoque do zero" |
"Aprenda Excel VBA com um mtodo fcil e prtico!Learning by doing - Aprender FazendoNada melhor do que ser destaque em sua empresa porque conhece muito de Excel, no mesmo?Porm, alm do Excel, aprender a linguagem de programao VBA vai te ajudar a elevar seu conhecimento ao mximo!Neste curso voc aprender as principais ferramentas do VBA no Excel, do bsico ao avanado, passando pela teoria at a parte prtica, na qual construiremos passo a passo um lindo controle de estoque..- Voc conhecer o ambiente de trabalho VBA, como funciona e gravamos as Macros e suas principais propriedades.- Vou mostrar como criar seus prprios cdigos VBA sem precisar gravar macros.- Mostrarei como fazer rotinas bsicas e complexas de preenchimento de formulrios e voc conhecer os principais eventos, controles, propriedades, mtodos e objetos do VBA.- Vou compartilhar meus conhecimentos de mais de 16 anos de experincia em VBA com voc e mostrarei os principais segredos e os macetes desta ferramenta para deixar seus formulrios com uma cara mais profissional.Eu no vou s ensinar como fazer. Eu vou mostrar como se faz corretamente sem enrolao e voc ser meu aluno nesta empreitada!Vamos nessa?"
Price: 39.99

7_way_to_earn_money_on_internet |
"fiver upwork"
Price: 19.99

"How To Build A Content Site That Makes You Passive Ethereum" |
"RequirementsWeb browser that supports Ethereum wallet, preferably Brave browserNo prior knowledge or experience with blockchain is needed.DescriptionHi there, my name is Dan Plants. I am a blockchain investor and entrepreneur.Are you wanting to integrate blockchain into one of your own websites? This course will show you how to integrate an already existing smart contract content locker on blockchain into youre website. You will be able to sell a house, music, videos or any digital content on the blockchain.In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with your own blockchain content locker website. You'll learn how to build a content lock on the Ethereum blockchain. You will create your very own Wordpress site where you can sell your content on the blockchain.This course is recommended for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of blockchain or coding. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step.You will learn the blockchain content future market whereby we will learn the future of online content monetization. Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to sell their digital content online for Ethereum.Newbie's, amateurs, entrepreneurs, website developers, tech enthusiasts, and any digital content creators who want to sell their products per-to-per without needing Stripe or PayPal."
Price: 139.99

"Windows Server 2019" |
"2019 Windows Server ! Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Windows Server ( 2018). ( ) ! : / Windows Server 2019 Windows Windows Server 2019 DHCP (DNS) Windows Server (DC)() Windows 10 Windows Windows 10 Windows Server Active Directory Users & Computers (GPOs) Powershell Windows ! Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Windows Server 2019 Core Edition Windows Server 2019 Active Directory... ! 100 ! VirtualBox (180 ) Windows Server 2019. VirtualBox - . !"
Price: 99.99

"React Masterclass Untuk Semua" |
"Hay !Selamat datang kursus React js bahasa Indonesia terbaik dan terlengkap di Udemy Apa aja sih yang akan kamu pelajari di kursus ini ?Berikut daftarnya :Belajar menggunakan git dan menyimpan source code ke githubES6Dasar - dasar react(fitur dasar dan syntaxnya)Bagaimana cara membuat reuseable komponentReact routerContext APIReduxRedux SagaIntegrasi APIAuthentication dan AuthorizationTesting APIMembaca documentasi API di Postman dan ApiarySASSStyled componentAntd designMaterial UIdllTentu saja kamu gak bakalan belajar teori doang.Di sepanjang kursus ini kamu akan membuat real projek yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai portofolio.Dan untuk memastikan kamu benar - benar paham setiap topik yang di pejalari, di ahir setiap topik akan ada tugas untuk kamu kerjakan.Lalu gimana kalau misalkan stuck atau bingung ?Gak usah kwatir.Aku akan selalu ada buat kamu.Gak kayak pacar kamu itu.Kamu udah ngirim pesan panjang - panjang, dibalasnya cumah satu kata...Hmmm.... Kalau aku gak.Aku akan memastikan setiap yang join di kursus ini bisa benar - benar paham.Kamu juga akan bergabung ke group telegram, disana kamu bebas berdiskusi atau bertanya langsung ke saya.Join courseJika teman - teman tertarik, silahkan join course ini.Oh iya, silahkan check juga youtube channel Kodeakademia untuk mendapatkan kupon potongan harga untuk join course ini.Sampai ketemu di coursenya.Terima kasih banyak"
Price: 19.99
