"3ds max Old School: Hair e Cloth" |
"Argomenti: in questo corso studieremo come realizzare i vestiti di un personaggio femminile ed animarli attraverso dati di motion capture biped inclusi nel corso.Nella seconda parte del corso faremo utilizzo di hair per creare i capelli del nostro personaggio, studieremo inoltre la dinamica di hair per realizzare delle simulazioni e render in mental ray e scanline.Per l'utilizzo di questo corso si consigliano le versioni di 3ds max 8.0 fino alla relase 2017 dove incluso di default il motore di render Mental ray.I concetti di animazione e modellazione sono compatibili con tutte le versioni di 3ds max.Nota: i file di esercizio sono allegati alla lezione: 002 cloth pre impostazioni"
Price: 119.99

"Twinmotion 2020.2 Corso Completo" |
"Questo corso dedicato a tutte quelle persone che vogliono utilizzare il real time facilmente nei loro progetti architettonici e design, senza la necessit di utilizzare procedimenti complessi come in Unreal, in poche ore sarete pienamente operativi per realizzare i vostri progetti, con la stessa tecnologia offerta da Unreal, ma ad un semplicit sorprendente.In questo corso dedicato a Twinmotion Versione 2020.2 e superiore, studieremo come utilizzare il programma in tutte le sue funzioni.Saranno utilizzate sia la versione Trial che la versione commerciale per una panoramica completa, studieremo le preferenze del programma, la gestione dei percorsi animati per personaggi, auto, biciclette e percorsi personalizzati; tutta la gestione della vegetazione; come inserire dati geografici di citt di tutto il mondo all'interno della nostra scena con una semplice cattura 3D dei volumi.Utilizzeremo inoltre i nuovi strumenti di animazione applicati ad oggetti e personaggi; vedremo tutte le librerie dei materiali e le impostazioni PBR degli stessi per una corretta visualizzazione della scena in real time; saranno analizzate tutte le fonti di illuminazioni, sia naturali che artificiali, spaziando dai sistemi solari e localizzazione alle luci fotometriche ies e volumetriche. Nel corso studieremo tutte le librerie di oggetti facenti parte di una corposa flotta di oggetti 3d gi pronti all'uso, sia statici che animati, inoltre vedremo i sistemi particellari e la gestione dei liquidi sempre in real time; nel parco di contenuti saranno disponibili anche effetti audio per aumentare il realismo delle nostre scene; non mancheranno tools per il paint 3d interattivo, lo sculpt di terreni e contenuti sia naturali come piante, fiori, rocce, personaggi animati e statici; oltre a tutti gli oggetti di fornitura domestica come, cucine, soggiorni, bagni; per spaziare poi in veicoli animati e statici quali auto, bici, veicoli industriali, aerei etc.Nella sezione render studieremo come creare sia immagini, che video e presentazioni interattive; studieremo inoltre come codificare i video in modalit 3d per essere fruiti sui social network o piattaforme video youtube; gli ambienti creati saranno navigabili interattivamente con i pi comuni strumenti quali joypad, mouse tastiere o visori.Nel corso saranno analizzate le gestione della scena, relative ai pi comuni state set e ai nuovi Phasing, inoltre vedremo come esportare i contenuti in risoluzioni 2K e 4k sia video che statici, tra le due versioni del programma, Trial e licenza Commerciale Full e l'analisi dei contenuti extra Megascans.Nota: i file di esercizio sono allegati alle lezioni: 002_Preferenze e Qualit - 084_Sky Dome Garage - 086_Sky Dome da 3ds max a Twinmotion"
Price: 119.99

"Interior Design: da 3ds max a Twinmotion." |
"Argomenti: in questo corso studieremo come creare un'animazione di 20 secondi in 4K con pochi passaggi da 3ds max a Twinmotion, in una sola ora sarete in grado di impostare tutti gli aspetti necessari e creare in soli 7 minuti un'animazione d'interni completa di tutto il necessario.Nel dettaglio: preparazione della scena in 3dsmax e Vray; esportazione della scena in Twinmotion; creazione della illuminazione, inquadratura; creazione di tutti i materiali necessari e tools, creazione di render statico e animato.Allegate alle lezioni sono disponibili i file di esercizio compatibili Twinmotion 2020.2 e superiore.Nota: i File di esercizio sono allegati alla lezione: 004_Localizzazione"
Price: 119.99

"World of Computer Networking" |
"Computer Networking is now everywhere and we use Internet, the largest computer network in the world, every single dayLearn fundamental concepts of the Computer Networking together with me in the easy, structured format.You will learn:-TCP/IP and OSI models-MAC addresses and IP addresses-Ethernet protocol-IPv4 and IPv6-Routers, switches, access points and firewallsThis course includes also tons of practice activities in order to make you apply gained knowledge on practice."
Price: 19.99

"Homemade Southern Foods" |
"It is not always easy to prepare all your meals at home due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But most people would love to cook at home so we are here for those peoples help. Are you aware that you can save a lot of money if you eat homemade foods instead of visiting the restaurant or the market processed foods."
Price: 29.99

"Python 3 - Automao para Amazon AWS" |
"Seja muito bem vindo(a) ao Curso Automao para Amazon AWS com Python 3No curso Automao para Amazon AWS com Python 3 voc vai aprender como automatizar a verificao e configurao de servios dentro da Amazon AWS com a linguagem de programao Python. Automatizar o futuro para quem quer trabalhar com servios inteligentes!Todo o material deste curso focado na linguagem de programao Python 3Se voc sempre quis automatizar tarefas da sua estrutura AWS como, criar novas instancias EC2, criar e gerenciar buckets S3, mas no quer fazer isso de forma manual, agora possvel com Python!Mas voc pode estar pensando... O que o Python?Python uma linguagem de programao criada por Guido van Rossum em 1991. Os objetivos do projeto da linguagem eram: produtividade e legibilidade. Em outras palavras, Python uma linguagem que foi criada para produzir cdigo bom e fcil de manter de maneira rpida. Python tem uma biblioteca padro imensa, que contm classes, mtodos e funes para realizar essencialmente qualquer tarefa, desde acesso a bancos de dados a interfaces grficas com o usurio. E, logicamente, j que esse o objetivo deste grupo, existem muitas ferramentas para lidar com dados cientficos. Essa caracterstica da linguagem comumente chamado baterias inclusas, significando que tudo que voc precisa para rodar um programa est na maior parte das vezes presente na instalao bsica.Entenda que os dias de configurao manual dos Roteadores e Switches da Cisco esto chegando ao seu fim! Automao em Python veio para ficar e colocar no passado toda parte manual das redes que temos hoje em dia.Quais so os 5 (cinco) Scripts abordados no curso Automao para Amazon AWS com Python 3?Criando Instncias EC2 com PythonReduzindo o tamanho de imagens no AWS S3 com PythonBackup Programado de Instncias EC2Desligando e Ligando Instancias EC2 em Tempo Programado com PythonAgendando Backups do DynamoDB com PythonO que est incluso no curso:- Aulas sem slides! 100% prticas!- Videos gravados em HD 1080i de resoluo!- Tira-dvidas pelo Chat!- Certificado de Concluso do curso!- E muito mais...No final do curso Automao para Amazon AWS com Python 3 voc estar apto a aplicar com sucesso uma automao inteligente e precisa na sua estrutura cloud.Te vejo na primeira aula :))"
Price: 249.99

"Sper Humanos - La Ciencia Detrs del Mximo Potencial" |
"Los ltimos avances de la ciencia han determinado que los seres humanos tenemos al rededor de 70.000 pensamientos al da y el 95 % de esos pensamientos son casi los mismos da tras da, es por eso que nos resulta tan difcil cambiar.Los mismos pensamientos producen los mismos sentimientos, los cuales se traducen en las mismas actitudes que posteriormente llevarn a la prctica con los mismos comportamientos obteniendo siempre los mismos resultados, una y otra vez.Lo que en realidad est sucediendo es que en tu vida estn operando verdaderos ""Programas Mentales Inconscientes"" que, sin siquiera darte cuenta, moldean tu vida.En este curso vamos a descubrir, gracias a los ltimos avances de la ciencia y la tecnologa, cmo podemos cambiar esos programas de forma efectiva y definitiva para pasar a ser una mejor versin de nosotros mismos, es decir, desarrollar tanto nuestras capacidades al punto de ser vistos como verdaderos Sper Humanos.Te animas al desafo, si es as, inscrbete y te espero en la primera clase !!!"
Price: 49.99

"Basics of Corporate Banking A Refresher Course" |
"Are you working in a Bank or Financial Institution and interested in developing your knowledge about various Corporate Banking?Then this course will help you!Basics of Corporate Banking A Refresher CourseBanks provide various products and services for their corporate customers. These services helps corporates to support their domestic and international operations. These services are provided in the forms like fund based, non-fund based and cash management services. As a Bank Executive, developing your knowledge on the products and services of Corporate Banking will immensely help you in the service front. In this course, you will learn aboutMeaning and Importance of Corporate BankingCash ManagementFactoring & ForfaitingTrusteeshipCustodial ServicesBusiness Advisory ServicesOffshore ServicesForex ManagementThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Have a note pad and pen along side to take note of key point.For best learning experience, use your headset.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

"Introduccin al uso de DAW's con REAPER" |
"Las Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) o estaciones de trabajo de audio digital, son software que permiten la grabacin, edicin, mezcla y masterizacin de audio y msica de manera profesional. REAPER, es una DAW muy accesible y sumamente potente que puede instalarse en sistemas Windows, Mac y Linux.Con este curso, podrs ingresar al mundo de la produccin musical aprendiendo a usar una herramienta muy completa como REAPER. Pero adems, los conocimientos que obtengas con este curso, te darn una base slida para aprender a usar con facilidad cualquier otra DAW en un futuro! (Por ej: Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, FL Studio, etc.).REAPER es una DAW muy respetada dentro de la industria del audio debido a su solidez, gran versatilidad y potentes funciones disponibles. REAPER es usado por miles de profesionales alrededor del mundo y es una de las mejores herramientas para trabajos como:Grabacin multi-pistaEdicin de audioProduccin musicalDiseo de audio para videojuegos o aplicacionesProduccin de podcastsMezcla estreo, surround (5.1) y audio imersivoMasterizacin de audioPost-produccin de audioSaber usar REAPER te dar nuevas opciones de crecimiento dentro del fascinante mundo del audio profesional.Entre los temas que aprenders con este curso estn:Configuracin del sistema y driverImportacin y exportacin de archivos de audioEdicin y ajuste de audio (limpieza, copiado, etc.)Grabacin y edicin MIDI (cuantizacin, grabacin nota por nota, etc.)Grabacin de audio (uso de metrnomo, manejo de tomas, etc.)Uso de instrumentos virtuales (VSTi)Ajustes para la mezcla (envos, ruteo, etc.)Creacin de tracks, grupos y uso de busesUso de plugins nativos de REAPER para ecualizar, mezclar y agregar efectosUso de automatizacin para pulir tu mezclaAplicacin de procesamiento para finalizar tu proyecto y exportarlo a plataformas de streaming o CDEl contenido de este curso ha sido diseado cuidadosamente, de modo que puedas ir paso a paso y a tu propio ritmo. Cada leccin aborda un tema de manera muy especfica y clara, lo que te permitir ir aprendiendo conceptos y tcnicas cada vez ms complejos y que te ayudarn a hacer realidad tus producciones musicales y dems trabajos de audio.El curso est pensado para partir desde cero, por lo que cualquier persona interesada en el audio puede aprender.*Adems sers guiado por un instructor en audio certificado (Meyer Sound, Yamaha, Steinberg) con ms de 15 aos de experiencia docente en todos los niveles, desde seminarios hasta clases universitarias, por lo que la calidad acadmica est garantizada. nete a los ms de 6,000 alumnos alrededor del mundo que ya han tomado cursos con uno de los mejores instructores en espaol de Udemy!Si te interesa aprender a usar esta herramienta profesional de audio de una manera efectiva, este curso es para ti!*Es recomendable tomar ms adelante otros cursos del mismo autor para profundizar en temas especficos del audio, como: ecualizacin, mezcla, masterizacin, etc."
Price: 89.99

"Arduino Web Control IC Tester" |
">>> This Course will teach you how to use a Web Page to Control anything using Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside this circuit is, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ethernet shield and ending with resistors. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More than 5000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Bobbie Smith says, ""The instructor is thorough and concise. Thank you.""Susi Kumar Prava says, ""Great, Thank you""Kalid Al-ahmadi says, ""I love It very nice""Welcome to this course.You will know what is the actual working principle of Ethernet shield and how to interface and configure it correctly so that you can access your Arduino Powered device from anywhere with an internet connection, and control any device with simple clicks in a webpage.After this course, you will be able to make your own web controlled device and the choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier since all connections are explained in details.We are going to control LEDs from a web page using an Arduino Ethernet module. The Ethernet module will create a server using the router and we will set a web page for this server.We will use the HTML commands to print the data and to make the buttons on the web page.When the button on the web page is pressed, we will get some data on the serial monitor. We will save this data in the string and will use this data to turn the LEDs ON or OFF. Goal From Arduino Web Control Course:- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based. What you will learn in this Course- How to Connect an Ethernet Module to Arduino.- The Right way to Detect Online Actions Using Arduino.- The Working principle of Internet Control.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Ethernet Module.- Choose the right tools to start making amazing projects- Why using Online control with Arduino is better than traditional Control Methods."
Price: 199.99

"Program Arduino Like A Professional with Registers" |
"This course will teach you how to develop your Arduino coding using registers. It will help you Level Up Your Arduino Code with RegistersWelcome to this course.In this course, you will learn registers, how to interact with them in Arduino, and how to control hardware using them.In order to use more advanced features or optimize our code for space and speed, we need to understand how to work with registers directly in microcontrollers.If you're looking to learn more about how your Arduino works, create more advanced projects using things like interrupts, or optimize your code for speed and size, then you'll need to work with registers.Registers are nothing more than storage containers for data inside a processor or microcontroller. A large portion of registers are simply ""general-purpose registers,"" which are just places that the program can use to store results from calculations. However, many microcontrollers have special function registers that have hardware connections and are usually used for setting up timers, toggling pin voltage, reading analog voltages, and so on.Special function registers are really what control microcontrollers in the background. Knowing how to use them allows you to control hardware connected to the microcontroller. Arduino IDE and framework provide easy implementation so you don't need to worry about working with registers, which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time!On one hand, you don't have to dig through a datasheet and learn all the register names for that microcontroller. The abstraction is perfect if you want to make a project or prototype.On the other hand, if you are making a product and need your code to be as small and fast as possible, ditching the Arduino framework is often the way to go. If you can reduce the size of your program so that it fits on a cheaper microcontroller, you might save a few cents for each unit produced. Additionally, if you make your program run more efficiently, that may mean less power used and extended battery time!if you're making a product and you need your code to be as small and fast as possible, learning to deal directly with registers can be very helpful and will help you get rid of the extra code overhead that Arduino introduces.However, if you're making a project or a prototype and you just need something to work that extra development effort can be quite a pain to learn new registers and register names for your architecture in that case the abstraction layer that Arduino introduces is a wonderful blessing being able to call digital right instead of having to figure out which bits to flip in which register is fantastic all that being said if we want to do more advanced things like setting up interrupts then learning how to deal directly with registers is the way to go we'll talk about that next time we look at leveling up your Arduino code see you then A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own."
Price: 199.99

"G Suite Google Docs Introduction Increase Productivity" |
"Do you want to save time and increase your productivity?The class is designed for beginner Docs users, such as new employees being onboarded to G Suite, or students looking to sharpen their Docs productivity skills.If you are a Google G Suite user - don't miss this amazing course - packed full of top tips - resources and how to demos for Google Docs. If you are new to Google Docs or have been using Google Docs for years and want to take your experience to the next level, this course is for YOU!.Use Google docs to the max - with all the options. G Suite Google Docs is designed for collaboration and the end user in mind, making it easy to work seamlessly online, save versions, compare documents, speech to text features, create and add images, allowing the user to make use of all the power of the many G Suite apps.The course will demo the best practices with useful tips on how Multiple people can work at the same time, and every change is saved automatically and more.See edits as others type, communicate through built-in chat and ask questions through including comments. Provide edits and how to handle suggestions. Unlimited revision history, auto save of work.Works with all popular file types learn how to Export your work in all the popular formats - (.docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .txt or .html format.)You decide who accesses the documents and what rights they have. Please note that you must have a G Suite Account in order to use Google Docs. The course provides tips and demos features of G Suite Google Docs.Taught by a Google Developer Expert for G Suite - ready to help you learn and answer any questions you might have.Get started with Google DocsHow to use Google DocsCreate, find, or download a fileShare files from Google DrivePrint or change page setupSwitch to Google Docs from Microsoft WordLearn what's new in Google DocsAmazing tips and demos of how to use G Suite Google Docs - with G Suite Google Docs you can Create and edit documents right in your browser or work across your devices.Perfect for sharing and collaborating - Google Docs offers unparalleled collaboration options. This course is perfect for G Suite Users to become more familiar with Google Docs.Google Docs course will demonstrate some of the top features and functionality you can do with Google Docs.Formatting and settings styles for contentCreating a quick table of contentsAdding footnotes and page numbersCreating hyperlinks and bookmarking between content sectionsHow to use tools to accelerate your docs content, voice typing, translate and so much moreHow to use Docs to collaborate with others, work together online. Sharing of work, comments, chat, suggestions, working at the same time with multiple users, revision history and more.Converting Word to Docs and using MS Word onlineBest practices and suggestions"
Price: 99.99

"Clean Code with Java: Learn Simple Design, Refactoring & TDD" |
"Learn to Write Clean Code with Java. Get Hands-on with Code Examples involving 4 principles of Simple Design, Refactoring & TDD.Step I : Understand Clarity of Code (Unit Tests)Step II: Focus on 4 Principles of Simple DesignStep III: Get started with RefactoringStep IV : Understand TDD*** Step By Step Details *** Getting Started with Clarity in CodeClean Code with Simple Design, Refactoring and TDD - Getting SetupStep 00 - Clarity in Code - Problem 1 - Gilded Rose - IntroductionStep 01 - Clarity in Code - Problem 1 - Gilded Rose - Refactoring Unit Test 1 - Default ItemStep 02 - Clarity in Code - Problem 1 - Gilded Rose - Refactoring Unit Test 2 - Default ItemStep 03 - Clarity in Code - Problem 1 - Gilded Rose - Refactoring Unit Test 3 - Aged BrieStep 04 - Clarity in Code - Problem 1 - Gilded Rose - Refactoring Unit Test 4 - Backstage PassesStep 05 - Clean Code - Attitude for the courseGetting Started with 4 Principles of Simple DesignStep 01 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - An IntroductionStep 02 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - StudentHelper.isGradeBStep 03 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - StudentHelper.getGradeStep 04 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - StudentHelper.willQualifyForQuizStep 06 - Most difficult challenge in programming - NamingStep 07 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - TextHelper.swapLastTwoCharactersStep 07 - Should you have comments in code?Step 08 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - TextHelper.truncateAInFirst2PositionsStep 09 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - CustomerBOTestStep 10 - 4 Principles of Simple Design - Exercise - CustomerBOTestStep 11 - Attitude towards Unit TestingStep 12 - Unit Testing PrinciplesGetting Started with RefactoringStep 01 - Introduction to RefactoringStep 02 - Refactoring - Exercise - CustomerBOImpl.getCustomerProductsSumStep 03 - Refactoring - Exercise - Movie.isValidRatingStep 04 - Refactoring - Exercise - MenuAccess.setAuthorizationsInEachMenusStep 05 - Refactoring - Exercise - UserLoginChecker.isUserAllowedToLogin - 1Step 06 - Refactoring - Exercise - UserLoginChecker.isUserAllowedToLogin - 2Step 07 - My 10 Tips for Good ProgrammersGetting Started with Test Driven DevelopmentStep 01 - Introduction to Test Driven Development - TDDStep 02 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - StringHelper.replaceAInFirst2PositionsStep 03 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - StringHelper.replaceAInFirst2PositionsStep 04 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - StringHelper.areFirstTwoAndLastTwoCharsTheSameStep 05 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - Bowling Kata - IntroductionStep 06 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - Bowling Kata - Getting StartedStep 07 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - Bowling Kata - SpareStep 08 - Test Driven Development - TDD - Exercise - Bowling Kata - StrikeStep 09 - 3 Tips for Test Driven Development - TDDThank YouClean Code with Simple Design, Refactoring and TDD - Thank You"
Price: 199.99

"FHA Down Payment Assistance" |
"Learn how you can purchase a home with little to no money down using County FHA Down payment assistance (up to $35,000). FHA Down Payment Assistance is county grant money that is available for first-time homebuyers or homebuyers that haven't purchased a home in 3yrs that meet county guidelines. Depending on your household size you can make as much as $110,000 and you still may qualify.Grant money for this program is forgivableCan be used towards your down payment Can be used towards your closing costLearn the ins and outs of the processGet pre-qualified Get credit repair helpBecome a homeownerLearn the guidelinesGet access to other down payment assistance options for higher-income earnersIn this 30min/45min course, you'll learn the ins and outs of the FHA Down Payment Assistance home loan program. If you like what you hear, we are licensed to help get you approved to purchase a home. If you're not ready for that, we'll be around when you are. And at least you'll know exactly what you need to do to access down payment assistance money.This course is being presented by: Douglas R. Thompson #DownPaymentDoug (5star Udemy Instructor - License Mortgage Officer)We look forward to teaching you everything you need to know, so that you can purchase a home with little to no money down. I'll see you inside the course once you enroll. *Future Homeowner"
Price: 24.99

"Ultra-Fast Web Design using Carrd" |
"Web design is important because it impacts how your brand is viewed by your target niche' audience. You can either get them to stay on your page and learn about your company or leave your page and turn to a rival with the impact you make on them. Great web design allows you to keep your leads on your website. Via their online marketing activities, most, if not all, websites have achieved success by adopting the right design strategies and continuously feeding them with the right elements. It does not give you immediate positive results, but it will definitely make progress in due time. As such, it would result in a much higher conversion rate to create a website design that has an excellent user experience, leading to better business and sales. While it will cost you a considerable amount of money, investing in the design of a website will make an excellent profit for your business.You might be wondering how you can create a good looking landing page or a website quick and easy. Say hi to 'Carrd' - the ultimate web design platform and tool. This course created by Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" talks about how you can create a simple and quick one-page website or landing page using the power of the Carrd web builder. Sounds exciting, right? Whether it's a personal profile you are creating, a landing page to capture leads, or a photography slideshow, learning and mastering the Carrd web builder platform will help you get there.Srinidhi has done a ton of research work in web design and development. Along with Saranya, he points out the key facts of whether a career in web design can help you achieve in a fierce and competitive world. This mind-blowing course starts with the theoretical aspects of web design before moving on to the practical part.The practical part is very much fascinating as you will learn how to work on Carrd. We will design a simple landing page, point out the features, sections, or blocks you will have to use in a beautiful drag-and-drop interface. What's more? You will also learn how to change text size, fonts, colors, and images. The result or output will turn out to be incredibly beautiful. What are you waiting for?Enroll now and let's start your new web-design adventure with Carrd."
Price: 19.99

"Azure Administrator - AZ-104 + 100 Plus Practice Questions" |
"This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.This course also includes more than 100 practice questions to help you prepare and find the topics you need to study more and grant you success passing the exam AZ-104#####################################################################################All the topics, classes and topics are totally updated with the most recent Azure updates !!!#####################################################################################"
Price: 59.99

"Project Management - How to Write a Great Project Charter" |
"This course will delve into the topic that baffled even the most experienced project managers: how to write project charters? You will learn the role of the Project Charter in both project management and project portfolio management processes. In addition, you will discover the best ways of writing problem/opportunity statements, high-level scope, ROM budget and schedule, project feasibility and project risks. All of the subsections of the course will be supplied with real-life examples taken from Jamals past projects."
Price: 199.99

"Estatstica para Cincia de Dados e Machine Learning" |
"A Estatstica proporciona os meios e as ferramentas para encontrar estrutura em dados com o objetivo de fornecer insights sobre as informaes mais profundas ali escondidas. Medidas estatsticas como mdia, mediana, moda, desvio padro e distribuio servem para descrever o comportamento das variveis de uma base de dados, assim como identificar anomalias. Em outras palavras, preciso conhecer a matria-prima com que se est trabalhando por meio de caractersticas que nos servem de resumo sobre sua natureza. Esse o objetivo da Estatstica! Se os algoritmos de machine learning so as ferramentas que os cientistas de dados operam, a Estatstica o conhecimento sobre como e porqu essas ferramentas funcionam, permitindo escolher as ferramentas mais adequadas para tirar o melhor proveito delas.Existe um ditado atribudo a Josh Wills, ex-funcionrio do Google e do Cloudera e atualmente presidente de Engenharia de Dados do Slack: um cientista de dados um programador melhor do que qualquer estatstico e um estatstico melhor do que qualquer programador. Sem um bom conhecimento estatstico, o cientista de dados como um soldado cego com um arsenal poderoso. O domnio estatstico torna seu trabalho mais direcionado, eficiente e robusto, e permite uma utilizao mais ativa dos modelos de machine learning j estabelecidos, uma vez que ele tem o conhecimento necessrio para investigar as bases tericas que fundamentam esses modelos.Baseado nisso, neste curso voc ter uma viso terica e principalmente prtica passo a passo sobre os principais conceitos de Estatstica, bem como sua ligao com a Cincia de Dados e a Aprendizagem de Mquina (Machine Learning). Voc aprender a teoria, os clculos passo a passo, implementar os clculos utilizando a linguagem de programao Python e tambm utilizar bibliotecas prontas! O diferencial deste curso que alm de aprender estatstica, voc aprender como utiliz-la em aprendizagem de mquina. O contedo est dividido em seis partes: populao e amostra, dados relativos e absolutos, distribuio de frequncia, medidas de posio e disperso, distribuies estatsticas e probabilidade. Confira abaixo alguns dos tpicos que voc aprender, integrando os conceitos estatsticos com aprendizagem de mquina e cincia de dados:Uso de amostragem para trabalhar com dados desbalanceados em classificao ou regressoClculos de distribuio de frequncia para aplicao de regras de associaoAvaliao de algoritmos de classificao utilizando medidas de posio e dispersoSeleo de atributos utilizando clculos de varinciaPreenchimento de valores faltantes em bases de dados utilizando medidas de posioClculo de padronizao (z-score) aplicado em machine learningTratamento de dados enviesados em machine learningUso de distribuies estatsticas para inicializao de pesos em redes neurais artificiaisAlgoritmo Nave Bayes utilizando distribuies de Bernoulli e MultinomialPrevises com probabilidade em machine learningEste o curso ideal caso voc queira aumentar significativamente seus conhecimentos em Estatstica, Cincia de Dados e Machine Learning!"
Price: 39.99

"Lean Startup Crash Course 101 Introductory MasterClass" |
"This Lean Startup 101 Course is designed for those of you who want to start their own startup or have been struggling with running one. You will learn what a startup is, how it is different from a small business, what stages of development it goes through, what the lean startup method implies. Even if you are already familiar with these concepts, you will get the opportunity to test your knowledge.You will also understand what characteristics a startup idea should have and test whether your idea is suitable for a startup.The course provides you with such useful tools as Lean Canvas and HADI algorithms to visualize and structure your startup idea and test various hypotheses to understand how to make your startup more efficient and ready to scale.The class will also teach you the Unit Economics to understand how different metrics affect the overall performance, and what needs to be done to improve the contribution margin of your business.The course will be regularly updated with new lectures on the topic."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate ClickFunnels Dropshipping Mastery Course 2020!" |
"If youve been wanting to start and grow your own online Ecommerce dropshipping business using ClickFunnels, then today is the day to start!Ecommerce Empire Builders First Funnel Blueprint 5 Week Course is a proven, step-by-step system for starting or growing a successful online business using the massive power of eCommerce Subscription Funnels!In just 6.5 hours, Pete will show you in SIMPLE terms how to start, build, & grow your very own eCommerce dropshipping business using ClickFunnels!Dont believe us? Check out these reviews! Ecommerce Empire Builders have been great so far. Great guidance on ecommerce dropshipping especially using clickfunnels and sales funnels. - Tom B. This is a good course for beginners. The information is very thorough, but presented in small, digestible segments that are easy to understand. Each section has great information on what to do and it also has fantastic real world suggestions on vendors, suppliers, marketing avenues, etc. All around an outstanding course. Tracy Nicholas I love Peter's enthusiasm and inspiration to get us MOVING into ACTION. - Raya WasserThe Ultimate ClickFunnels Dropshipping Mastery Course 2020! Is For EVERY Level!This course is your fast track to Ecommerce Dropshipping success and will provide you everything you need to get your new business off the ground!Join now and youll learn how to: Researching & validate the perfect ecommerce dropshipping niche for you Picking winning products & crafting unbeatable offers for your niche Building & optimizing your Clickfunnels sales funnel (FREE Templates included!) Generating sales using influencers across multiple platforms Generating sales using Facebook Advertising Scaling & optimizing your sales funnel to the $10,000+ per month mark Plus many free bonuses such as sales funnel, email templates, & additional trainings!No experience or past business required. We'll cover strategies to grow from the ground up even if you are on a low budgetOnline Entrepreneurs Have Already Created Massive Success With Ecommerce Empire Builders:For the students who take action, follow this course to the letter, and WIN as a result, we award them our Empire Builder trophies for hitting over $10,000, $50,000, and 7-Figures in their eCommerce businesses!Your Empire Starts Now!"
Price: 24.99

"Disminuye tu estrs y aprende a cantar" |
"El proceso de descubrir nuestra propia voz, est muy relacionado con nuestro crecimiento personal.Desde mi experiencia, puedo decirte que una vez que aplicamos los principios con los que vamos a trabajar aqu, el estudio se convierte en algo fascinante y afecta positivamente muchas reas de nuestra vida.Al trabajar conscientemente la respiracin, estamos centrando nuestra atencin en el momento presente. Esto contribuye a disminuir nuestros niveles de ansiedad y estrs cotidianos.El proceso de aceptacin y mejora continua de nuestra voz verdadera, est muy relacionado con nuestra autoestima.Podra enumerar muchas ms bondades del trabajo vocal, pero en vez de eso te invito a experimentarlo en persona. No importa que nunca hayas cantado, o que hayas recibido comentarios negativos, o que en estos momentos no te guste tu voz. En este curso vamos a trabajar ejercicios que te van a ayudar a mejorar tu voz hablada y cantada para que no solo suene mejor, sino que est ms sana.Vas a sentir y a escuchar la diferencia!"
Price: 19.99

"Winning Badminton Vol. 1" |
"Are you ready to take your game to the next level? In this comprehensive video, coach Hendry Winarto provides numerous tips, techniques and drills that will develop the skills and consistency necessary to play competitive badminton. Among the topics covered are: Warming Up, Reaction Footwork, Badminton Footwork, The Serve, Net Shots, Drop Shots, The Smash, The Backhand, Defense, Attacking Doubles and Rotation. This program will help you to improve your game and play like a champion!About the coach: Hendry Winarto started his badminton training at nine years old and eventually became one of the brightest stars on the Indonesian Junior National Team, winning multiple domestic and international junior tournaments. At the age of 20, he decided to move to Spain and become a coach. Hendry has helped multiple players become National Champions and compete in the International Tour and in the Olympics. In 2013, Hendry Winarto became the Head Badminton Coach of ClearOne Sports Centre in Orlando, Florida."
Price: 24.99

"PHP WebServices" |
"I am Ashu Bajpai. I possess knowledge in various programming languages for web and mobile app. I also teach students via live webinars. I already taught several students using online and offline mode.Teaching is my passion and I love sharing knowledge.In this course you will learn basics of PHP programming along with database (MySQL) as well as how to develop REST Web Services (JSON) which will be very helpful for Web Developers and Mobile App developers. At the end of the course you will be having enough knowledge of developing Web Services in PHP. Its great for Mobile App developers to learn this which will help to be a back-end developer as well."
Price: 19.99

"RESTful Web Service Fastify (Node.js+TypeScript)" |
"Fastify web framework Framework Node.js Express, Koa Hapi CRUD + RESTful Web Service Fastify TypeScript Fastify , WebSocket server, SocketIO Server JWT Login"
Price: 600.00

"Ol a todos! Com novas atualizaes no processo educacional e tendo em vista as mudanas j inseridas no nosso cotidiano, esta formao tem o objetivo de capacitar o profissional/estudante para melhor uso de ferramentas tecnolgicas - utilizando-as de apoio para o processo de aprendizagem e capacitao profissional. Nesse curso voc vai aprender a trabalhar melhor com aplicativos e programas que iro te ajudar nas tarefas dirias, seja no trabalho ou em casa. O curso aborda de forma direta e objetiva os ensinamentos sobre Office 2019, manipulao e armazenagem de arquivos na Nuvem (Cloud) e etc. Como tambm: - Elaborao de melhores documentos e formulrios inteligentes para preenchimento; - Clculo de situaes usando dados do cotidiano; - Como fazer apresentaes de slides do zero ao avanado; - Baixar vdeos diretamente do Youtube;- Manipular arquivos na Nuvem com o Google Drive e muito mais.Tudo isso em um curso de pouco menos de 04 horas de durao. Contedo atualizado e aulas 100% prticas."
Price: 49.99

"Desenvolvimento em Scratch Para Aprendizagem de Lnguas" |
"Nesse curso ser ensinado desde o bsico de Scratch at o mais avanado, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio, e ensinado sobre como utilizar a ferramenta, explicando a lgica dos blocos, mostrando a lgica dos condicionais, e tudo isso aplicado no desenvolvimento de algumas aplicaes com o foco voltado para o ensino de lnguas. ideal para professores, tutores, pais e responsveis que desejam desenvolver habilidades nas crianas as quais esto em contato direto com tecnologia, alm disso, busca desenvolver a investigao cientfica e criatividade dos alunos. Pode tambm ser utilizado por professores que querem incrementar suas aulas utilizando o Scratch."
Price: 39.99

"Programao Node JS para Iniciantes" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender Node Java Script.Se voc quer ingressar na carreira de programador, essa a linguagem que eu recomendo para iniciar. uma boa porta de entrada para o mercado de trabalho e tambm outras linguagens. aprender e trabalhar usando um computador simples, que no precisa ser muito poderoso."
Price: 579.99

"Ferramentas, Filosofias e Metodologias de Gesto!" |
"Neste curso vamos conhecer algumas metodologias e ferramentas utilizadas pelas empresas no seu dia a dia, so ferramentas que facilitam os trabalhos de gesto, garantia da qualidade das atividades de produo e manuteno por exemplo.Neste curso:So vrios vdeos aulas + materiais extras;Suporte; Vrias ferramentas como: 5s, 5W2H, 5 porqus, PDCA, BPMN, 6 sigma, etc.Ferramentas para melhoria, organizao e planejamento.Vamos conhecer algumas ferramentas e metodologias e como elas podem nos ajudar.Ferramentas e metodologias para auxiliar as empresas e as pessoas nas suas atividades dirias."
Price: 39.99

"[Practice Exams] Internet Of Things" |
"This is a quiz of IoT which will give testify IoT(Internet Of Things) of Students. Students will test IoT Gateway, IoT Protocol and necessary basic by using quiz. The learners can know the protocols of CoAP,MQTT which is used in IoT by participating in quiz.The questions are updated in Sep 2020.The participants can testify basic knowledge and prepare for next step."
Price: 19.99

"E-commerce Dropshipping Beginners Ultimate Course" |
"What will you will learn in : "" E-COM DROPSHIPPING BEGINNERS ULTIMATE COURSE?E-C0M DROPSHIPPING BEGINNERS ULTIMATE COURSE is full live training course where you're going to learn effectivelly on video series how to build your online home based business with E-commerce dropshipping from A to Z whether you have no prior experience in the online marketing.This course is special and ideal perfectly for newbies who wiling to start their first online business and they have no idea where to start; this course will help you launch your business with E-com dropshipping as a pro."
Price: 49.99

"SAP S/4HANA EWM 1909 Certification Training" |
"SAP S/4HANA EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) is a module built on SAP S/4HANA infrastructure and allows customers to take advantage of the higher processing power of SAP HANA and lower the total cost of ownership compared to using standalone or decentralized EWM.SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) module is used to efficiently & effectively manage the inventory in a warehouse. It is also used for supporting the processing of goods movement. SAP EWM allows the company to control its warehouses' inbound and outbound processes and movement of goods in the warehouse. The main process in a warehouse is to manage the incoming and outgoing materials, goods receipt and goods issue, fulfill customer orders, and distribution of goods. SAP EWM application module is one of the leading warehousing applications available worldwide for enterprises both large and small in size.With the help of SAP EWM, all the goods movements are controlled by a warehouse management system and provides the warehouse managers/supervisors the tools to monitor warehouse activities. Additional functions in the warehouse can also be managed through SAP S/4HANA EWM and these are for e.g. creating a serial number, batch number, vendor management inventory, resource optimization, and value-added services. SAP Extended Warehouse Management allows you to not only monitor the quantity of goods in warehouse but to manage other critical functions and delivery of goods efficiently.The basic embedded EWM functionality is available to anyone with an SAP S/4HANA license, with advanced features available via an additional license. In Q4/2016, SAP EWM became an embedded application component within SAP S/4HANA.As SAP S/4HANA is the next generation of ERP to modernize for digital businesses, SAP's business solutions are consumed as part of the SAP S/4HANA giving more choice to customers, allowing true hybrid scenarios and incremental deployments. With the release of EWM over S/4HANA platform, both basic warehousing and extended warehouse management are running on a common code base embedded in SAP S/4HANA. Thus in essence, the SAP EWM is now available as an embedded application in SAP S/4HANA and combines best-in-class proven warehouse management capabilities with the benefits of S/4 HANA.S4HANA EWM comes with a set of new features for warehouse management in different deployment options. These include new and improved Fiori apps for picking, packing and warehouse KPIs, as well as improved stock consolidation and physical inventory. With the powerful new release, you can now extend your visibility immensely and provide employees and customers with real-time insights into your operations. Technically, the simplified integration of the embedded EWM within the on-premise edition of S/4HANA is reached by the adoption of a unified data model (that is, new product code line). The goal is to simplify the data model as much as possible. The primary simplifications include the following:Core Interface is not used any more for master data including a business partner, material master and batch.Redundant customizing tables are eliminated.Direct read of actual data in SAP S/4HANA is realized instead of replication, for example, material values, accounting objects, purchaseorders, production orders, etc.Advantages of SAP S/4HANA Embedded EWMThe organizations may choose embedded EWM for a number of reasons. For small to mid-size customers, the basic functionality may be enough for their needs. For those with more advanced needs, the application of functionality to their specific business processes should be considered when choosing a license. But no matter which option is picked, those running embedded EWM benefit from ease of deployment and the lowered total cost of ownership, primarily because they only need to maintain and use a single physical system rather than multiple physical systems as in case of standalone EWM.A good number of embedded EWM implementations are being done worldwide and the organizations implementing the same are very much satisfied with the outcomes. Benefits listed by these clients include reduction in master data duplication, removal of additional transactional documents, and the use of advanced SAP Fiori apps available out of box.By embedding EWM on SAP S/4HANA, clients could take advantage of the SAP HANA in-memory database and execute high-speed transactions for their warehousing operations. With each new version of SAP S/4HANA, more functionality was added to embedded EWM, including an ever-growing list of innovative SAP Fiori apps and a stripped-down version called stock room management.SAP S/4HANA Embedded EWM is the functionality that SAP offers for the management of warehouse inside the new release S/4 HANA. In terms of inventory management, SAP EWM helps to subdivide SAP Inventory Management Storage Locations in different specific bins and at the same time it offers all related functionality for the placement in Warehouses (Putaway processes) and the removal from them (Stock Removal processes).It is a functionality every logistics consultant or practitioner should be aware of it.The latest version i.e. SAP S/4HANA EWM 1909 provides a lot of flexibility to the users to define and manage a variety of warehousing landscapes.Uplatz provides this extensive SAP S/4HANA EWM training covering both business and technical processes for embedded and decentralized EWM for version 1909.The purpose of this training is to provide you a clear understanding of basic concepts and functionalities of SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) on S/4HANA infrastructure. This training provides building and executing end-to-end scenarios in the system.Join this webinar to get a look into what is new in 1909 and learn how you can bring your supply chain to the next level with a fully integrated real-time supply chain suite.Course ObjectivesUnderstand Warehousing Structures and Master DataBasic Processes in SAP S/4HANA EWMUnderstand key functionalities in EWMWarehouse Monitoring and Processing with Mobile DevicesAdditional Functions in SAP EWMWarehouse OrganizationBasic Customizing ProcessOptimization of ResourcesWarehouse ExtensionsSAP EWM Rapid-Deployment SolutionCombined Inbound and Outbound ProcessesBuild and execute multiple end-to-end EWM scenariosAt the end of the course, the participants will be able to:Describe the SAP Logistics Execution ProcessDefine the SAP S4H EWM Organization Structure and their relevance within the SAP EWM processCreate, change, display different Organization, Master and Transactional data for relevant SAP S4H EWMCreate, change and display SAP EWM-IM Stock splittingUnderstand SAP IM-EWM InterfaceCreate, change and display SAP EWM transactionsSAP EWM End to End Scenarios independently!SAP S/4HANA EWM - Course Syllabus1. SAP IntroductionOverview of SAP R/3Overview of SAP ECCOverview of SAP SCMOverview SAP S/4 HANAComparison of SAP R/3, SAP ECC, and SAP S/4 HANASAP ECC & SAP S/4 HANA system landscapes, deployments and databasesDelta Changes & new features2. Introduction to SAP HANASAP In-Memory StrategyArchitecture OverviewRow StoreColumn StoreAttribute ViewsCalculation Views3. Introduction to SAP S/4 HANAS/4HANA RoadmapBenefits of S/4 HANA from business perspectiveWays from Business Suite to S/4 HANADeployment Options (On Premise, Cloud and Hybrid)4. Introduction to SAP Activate MethodologySystem conversionLandscape transformationNew Implementation5. Overview of SAP HANA Cloud SolutionsSAP Strategy for Cloud and SAP HANASAP Cloud Data CentersSAP HANA Enterprise CloudSAP HANA Enterprise Cloud Use CasesExamples of On-Premise to Cloud Integration6. Key InnovationsBusiness PartnerOrder Management BillingCredit ManagementInventory ManagementMaterial Requirement PlanningArchitectural Changes / Configurations related to Sales7. Overview of Fiori AppsOverview of SAP Fiori Apps related to Logistics / Supply Chain8. SAP S/4 HANA Deployment Options in EWMOrganizational Units in EWM in S/4EWM Landscape - Existing & NewPlanned EWM Road Map for S/4HANAEmbedded EWM - Business Benefits9. Master Data in S/4 HANA SystemMaster Data creationCore Interface (CIF) existing and New10. Integration in S/4HANA SystemBasic ERP and EWM IntegrationDelivery Document Integration11. Structural Elements and Master Data in S/4HANA SystemEWM Structural ElementsEWM Master Data12. Radio Frequency (RF) Frame WorkHow to use RF FrameworkDeveloping new screens in RFLayout Oriented Storage ControlITS Mobile and how to create templates for different mobile devices13. Goods Receipt and Inbound ProcessGoods Receipt Process OverviewGoods Receipt using EWMERP and EWM documentsAvailability Groups for Inventory ManagementGoods Receipt Process OverviewPut-away Rules & StrategiesProcess Oriented Storage ControlPacking HU management Pack SpecificationDeconsolidationValue Added Services (VAS)Counting in EWM14. Goods Issue and Outbound ProcessGoods Issue ProcessOutbound Delivery ProcessingEWM DocumentsStorage Control in Outbound ProcessingStock / Storage Removal StrategiesPick Denial / Handling Differences in PickingBatch ManagementUsing Pack Specification Condition records managementWave processingReplenishment15. Storage ControlStorage Control ConceptsProcess-Oriented Storage ControlLayout-Oriented Storage Control16. Warehouse Order CreationWarehouse Order Creation17. Posting Changes, Stock Transfers and ReplenishmentPosting Changes and Stock TransfersAd-Hoc Movements and Replenishment18. Physical InventoryThe Physical Inventory ProcessEWM Physical Inventory Procedures19. Slotting and RearrangementSlotting and Rearrangement20. Post Processing Framework (PPF)Overview of Post Processing Framework (PPF)PPF in Delivery ProcessingProcess & Layout Oriented SCPPF & Printing Conditions Records in EWM21. Yard ManagementIntroduction to Yard Management and Usage22. Serial Management in SAP EWM SystemInventory LevelBin LevelWarehouse Level23. Cross Docking in SAP EWM SystemOpportunistic Cross DockingTransportation Cross Docking24. Kitting in SAP EWM SystemKit to orderKit to stockReverse Kitting25. SAP EWM integration with other modulesIntegration of EWM with MM (IM)Integration of EWM with PPIntegration of EWM with SDIntegration of EWM with TM26. SAP S/4 HANA InterfacesSAP to SAP InterfaceSAP to non-SAP InterfaceAppendix - SAP S/4HANA EWM Terms DefinitionWarehouse Number: Define an entire physical warehouse complex applying a single warehouse numberStorage Type: Sub-division of entire warehouse complex is defined to type of storage area/ ""storage type"" on the basis of its spatial, technical, and organizational characteristicsStorage Section: Every storage type is divided into storage sections. A storage section involves certain characteristics in common like ""fast-moving items"" or slow-moving items"" near a goods issue area in the warehouse complexStorage Bin: Each storage type and storage section contains various rows and columns of storage spaces that are known as storage bins. The three-dimensional coordinates of the bin indicate the exact position in the warehouse complex where the product can be stored or removed.Quant: The quant is defined as existence of the product in the storage bin. It serves to perform stock management function of a product at the storage bin level."
Price: 199.99
