"Manage your IT Project with Key Templates and Checklists" |
"In this practical Project Management course, we go beyond the theoretical stuff out there to provide you with a selection of templates and checklists that have been tested and still used by this courses instructor with 9 years experience in IT Project Management.Our tools are built with Google Docs and Google Sheets, so you could more easily divide and collaborate over projects, facilitating teamwork. You can also use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel formats which we provided within this course or download other formats such as OpenDocument Format, PDF, etc.Along this course, you will learn how to:Onboard your client effectively.Excel your prospect and kick-off meetings.Present a professionally realized Statement Of Work (SOW).Closely manage stakeholders, communication, and risk.Draft a project plan and preview your sprints.Elaborate an appropriately designed budget calculation and estimation.Execute and monitor work within an Agile environment.Successfully acquire talented resources and manage their onboarding.This course can be your first step towards being the Project Manager you aspire to be; practical, effective, competent, and up to date."
Price: 174.99

"Preparatrio Exame de Suficincia em Contabilidade 2020.2" |
"O curso preparatrio para o EXAME DE SUFICINCIA EM CONTABILIDADE composto pela prova comentada de 2020.1 e por simulados, todos comentados. A ideia de fazer este curso surgiu do sucesso que muitos alunos esto tendo na prova do exame de suficincia apenas estudando pelas minhas provas comentadas. Comentar a prova em vdeos aulas e tambm disponibilizar simulados comentados, aliado a disponibilizao das ltimas provas comentadas em pdf um fator determinante para a sua aprovao.Para fortalecer ainda mais, estou trazendo para vocs questes comentadas da banca CONSULPLAN em pdf, aplicada a concursos pblicos, para voc se familiarizar com ela e no se assustar na hora da prova.Tambm elaborei um e-book com 103 QUESTES COMENTADAS de concursos pblicos, para vocs treinarem modos diferentes de fazer um questionamento.Tambm comentei as questes envolvendo contabilidade na prova do ENADE 2018 de CINCIAS CONTBEIS. muito material para estudo e o principal, sempre atualizado, de modo que a prova de 2020.2 tambm ser toda comentada em vdeo e posta aqui no curso.Antes de cada prova disponibilizarei um simulado para vocs treinarem, ento...Venha comigoForte abraoProfessor Joo Rafael"
Price: 159.99

"HTML, CSS & Python Django Full Stack for Web Development" |
"Hello there, Welcome to the HTML, CSS & Python Django for Full Stack Web Development course.We will take you from beginner to advance level. This course will be your gateway to learn web design with HTML5, CSS3, and Python Django with a step-by-step approach. We can assure you that only this course will enough for you to learn HTML and CSS from scratch to intermediate and you will learn Django development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. To be able to benefit from this course, all you need is a basic understanding of Python. If you dont have experience with Python or you are totally new, we will start with the basics of Python. Before starting Django we will simply comprehend Python Package Managing ( PIP ) tools and virtual environments. Finally, we are going to start Django models, databases, URLs, views, migrations, authentication, cache, and so onHTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is the biggest markup language used to display web pages on the Internet. In other words, web pages are composed of HTML, which is used to display text, images, or other resources through a web browser.HTML is the basic building block of the web and actually isnt a technical programming language. It is responsible for the structure of the website. Django is an interesting framework for developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework that is already built so you can focus your time on developing your web app instead.In this course, we will start with HTML, which is the basis of web development and then we will continue to learn CSS.This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. You will learn HTML5 and CSS3 step by step with hands-on examples.In this course you will learn;To create static HTML sites,To create a beautiful, responsive landing page for anyone,You will learn to use basic tags which are used commonly,You will be able to prepare lists in different formats,The difference in usage between block-level and inline elements in HTML,The uses of HTML table, and by learning this you will be able to create different designs of your own,To able to create commonly used user login and registration pages by learning the form structure,And improve your knowledge step by step by learning the basics of CSSTo place pages in the easiest way by talking about all layout models in CSS.To prepare web pages with Grid CSS and Flexbox features.Learn modeling your domain and code classes with DjangoBasic Commands for MacUnderstand Django basics like Models, HTTP, ProcessesLearn how to do Django Migrations with codesWhy would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned instructors' expertise. Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now HTML, CSS & Python Django for the Full Stack Web Development course.We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Full Stack Android Development and Mobile App Marketing" |
"Hi there,Welcome to Full Stack Android Development and Mobile App Marketing course.Do you want to improve your career options by learning Android app Development?Do you want to learn Android Development from Scratch?Do you want to be Android Studio master?Do you want to build your first app?How to make money with your Apps?How to put Adds adds into your Apps?How you can turn a non-paying user to a paying user?What can you sell to your subscribers?How can you re-engage with your users?If your answer is yes to these questions and if you want more, you are at the right place!Android is the most used operating system on the planet. In fact, its almost omnipresent in the mobile ecosystem and Android Oreo has become the most popular Android version.This course is specifically designed for the Beginner all the way up to AdvancedYou will learn Android development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. In this course we will learn to build and publish 2 major apps. During the lectures we will also be practicing with more than 10 examples. Who needs to learn how to successfully Market, Promote and Monetize your apps, so that you can actually make a living doing what you enjoy the most! Whats importantTherere a lot of people out there teaching Android 8 who are not developers. Were developers with many years field experience with the Android platform. So you will learn from an expert who has a great knowledge on Android. This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners, right through to professionals as a refresher.Everyone is talking about design, coding but no-one is talking about how to make money with apps. There are a tons of tutorials for how to make game, but everyone is silent about making money with apps and they are keeping it as a secret. We believe the power of sharing. Sharing is caring, any? So we decided to come out and teach you how to actually make money with apps. In this course you will learn;Java Environment SetupJava Development EnvironmentJava SyntaxJava Object Oriented ConceptJava StringsAndroid Environment Setup - Download, install and configure the necessary softwareCreating New ProjectAndroid StudioAndroid ComponentsComponents and Life CyclesKey Metrics ( Revenue Metrics, User Acquisition, Engagement Tracking , etc )App Publishing ProcessApp Monetization TypesAd Monetization ( Ad Networks, Ad Mediation Platforms, Ad Placement Strategies )Ad Placement Strategies ( Banner, Native, Interstitial, Rewarded Video )Ad Monetization TipsIAP MonetizationSubscription ModelRetention Increasing TipsWhy would you want to take this course?Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy's seasoned instructors expertise.Fresh ContentIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, Google updates Android and its crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge. With this course you will always have a chance to follow latest trends.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our contents are created/produced as high quality video/audio to provide you the best learning experience.You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractionsYou'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now!We offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and React JS" |
"Hello there, Welcome to Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS ,Bootstrap and React JS course.This course will be your gateway to learn web design with a step-by-step approach. We can assure you that only this course will enough for you to learn web development from scratch to intermediate.This course will take you from a complete beginner to a master in hours! By the way, you do not need to know any thing for this course.We'll be moving rapidly to give you the quickest, yet most thorough website building experience.In this course, we have created a completely custom HTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an HTML page associated with it and has a start state. With this course, you will improve your Bootstrap experience with HTML5 and CSS3 codesThis course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. You will learn HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4 and React JS step by step with hands-on examples. And then you will be confident in using React JS, and if you ever get stuck, we will be there to help.Learn by doing!So we have made this course as simple as possible in order to take you through step by step so you can feel confident and get a truly good understanding of how to utilize ReactJS. In this course, we will be teaching React by creating various projects.In this course you will learn;Learn to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 to add unique styling to BootstrapLearn and create amazing high-quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratchMaster every single Bootstrap componentLearn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUIGet a crash course of the Bootstrap Grid System with the theme layoutLearn how to add Website Scrolling Animation to any Bootstrap Component or HTML ElementWe will start with local installation and react basics. After that, we will create 5 projects.Project 1 Learn, create react app and Jsx with first-appProject 2 Learn React props system with blog-posts appProject 3 Learn react components, state, lifecycle methods, async operations, and much more... with the hemisphere appProject 4 Handling event handlers, fetching data from an outside API, and showing list of records with image-list appProject 5 - Routing with React Router and using React Portals to render children outside the DOM hierarchy with the react-router appNo prior knowledge is needed!Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy's seasoned instructors' expertise. Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and React JS courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Licitaes Pblicas e Contratos Administrativos [EXPERT]" |
"Curso Licitaes para Obras e Servios de Engenharia [EXPERT]: Neste Curso voc vai aprender tudo sobre Licitaes Pblicas voltado para Obras e Servios de Engenharia, vamos ver o processo de Busca, anlise de editais e montagem de um processo licitatrio passo a passo.Este Curso um Projeto que engloba 3 Cursos:Curso 1 - Licitaes para Obras e Servios de EngenhariaCurso 2 - Licitaes Pblicas - As LeisCurso 3 - Licitaes Pblicas - Recursos e Contratos AdministrativosEste projeto tem o maior contedo sobre Licitaes Pblicas para Engenharia, com acesso vitalcio e tambm com garantia de devoluo do seu Dinheiro.Ao final deste Curso voc vai estar apto a atuar tanto na iniciativa privada como Analista de Licitaes, em comisses de licitaes, caso seja funcionrio pblico ou como empreendedor, caso seja proprietrio de uma empresa de engenharia e queira contratar com a Administrao Pblica. Por que participar?O curso de Licitaes de Obras e Servios de Engenharia tem como foco principal a apresentao detalhada sobre o processo licitatrio em nvel nacional, destacando as previses constitucionais prprias atualizadas.A quem este curso se destina?Todos os profissionais da iniciativa privada que se dispe a contratar obras e servios de engenharia com a Administrao Pblica; dirigentes, engenheiros, arquitetos, profissionais que atuam na rea de oramentos e de elaborao de propostas, profissionais da rea jurdica, administradores, membros de comisses de licitao; equipes de apoio e demais profissionais que tiverem interesse em ingressar nesta rea que muito promissora.DiferenciaisO curso, de linguagem simples, de forma objetiva aplicando a teoria a aplicaes prticas do processo licitatrio. Apresenta os princpios constitucionais em consonncia com os aspectos tcnicos, propiciando aos participantes o entendimento de todos os procedimentos relacionados s licitaes, desde o planejamento at o acompanhamento e assinatura do contrato.Base LegalLei Geral de Licitaes - Lei 8666/93Lei das Estatais - Lei 13303/2016Lei das ME e EPP - Lei Complementar 123/2006Prego Servios Comuns de Engenharia - Decreto 10024/2019Introduo ao Direito Administrativo - Lei n 8.112/90, Lei n 8.429/92 e Lei n 9.784/99.Bnus: Manual de Licitaes, Ebooks, Resumo da Lei 8666/93, Resumo da Lei 13303/2016, Resumo da Lei Complementar 123/2006, Resumo Decreto 10024/2019 e todo material de apoio para Download."
Price: 399.99

"Como abrir uma Empresa de Engenharia - Mini Curso" |
"Voc Quer saber como se tornar um Empreendedor em Obras de Engenharia?O curso Abrir uma Empresa de Engenharia e Participar de Licitaes Pblicas tem o foco principal trazer as noes de como abrir uma empresa de engenharia, mostrando as peculiaridades deste tipo de empresa e tambm como dar os primeiros passos para participar de Licitaes Pblicas.Este um curso rpido e objetivo que vai tirar suas dvidas sobre qual modelo de empresa escolher, o modelo tributrio, jurdico e tambm aprender sobre atestados de capacidade tcnica e algumas estratgias para participar de licitaes pblicas.Abra sua Empresa de Engenharia e d os primeiros Passos em Licitaes PblicasEste Curso formado por 6 mdulos onde voc vai aprender como Montar uma Empresa de Engenharia e como dar os primeiros passos para participar de licitaes pblicas para obras e servios de engenharia.Este um curso rpido e objetivo que vai tirar suas dvidas sobre qual modelo de empresa escolher, o modelo tributrio, jurdico e tambm aprender sobre atestados de capacidade tcnica e algumas estratgias para participar de licitaes pblicas.Ao final deste Curso voc vai adquirir o embasamento necessrio para poder abrir uma empresa de engenharia e comear a participar de licitaes para a Administrao Pblica.A quem este curso se destina?Todas as pessoas que tem interesse em empreender e montar uma empresa de engenharia e realizar obras e prestar servios na rea e tambm contratar obras e servios de engenharia com a Administrao Pblica; engenheiros, arquitetos, agrnomos , e demais profissionais que tiverem interesse em ingressar nesta rea que muito promissora.Conhea os Mdulos do Curso01 Introduo02 Abrindo a Empresa de Engenharia03 Atestados e Iniciando em Licitaes04 Introduo as Licitaes05 Comeando a Participar de Licitaes06 Aulas Bnus"
Price: 129.99

"WPF in VB for Beginners,Windows Presentation Foundation XAML" |
"Hi There!With my 20 years programming skills I'm with you to share my knowledge with you.SoIf you try you will learn using WPF in VB.Net to create VB.Net Apps!If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create WPF App in VB.Net in simplest way!I started from beginning and show you how to :Start creating WPF projects in VB.NetLearn the structure of XAMLUsing WPF Window and it's Common propertiesChange the font, border & title in XAMLUsing Grid , Button, Label, TextBox & ComboBoxMDI and SDI projectsAdvance WPF App design: Tab order, group controls, aligning, layers Project 1: Design App settings formUsing VB.NET code in WPF projectVB.Net code to: Enable/Disable, Show/Hide, Change text ,Change color Using VB. Net to: close window or App and Exit Sub keywordC# code to: Get App folder, Special folders, Run external app Using Image control in XAML and VB.Net codeUsing open file dialogand...Don't hesitate to start learning WPF in VB .Net!Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.Say Hi WPF in VB.Net world and let's go !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Antike Astrologie 2" |
"Dieser Kurs baut auf seiem Vorgnger Antike Astrologie 1 auf und erweitert die erste gelernte Technik mit der Methode der Elementarherrscher. Kannst du mit der Technik des Herrschers des Aszendenten (Kurs 1 ) das Generelle Lebenesthema bestimmen, so geht es hier um eine erste Timing - Technik.Du erfhrst wie du 3 grundlegende Planeten ermittelst und diese anschlieend evaluierst. Dadurch wird das Leben des Horoskopstellers in 2 Hlften geteilt, die jeweils von den 3 Elementarherrscheerplaneten untersttzt werden. Du erfhrst, wann ein Planetenzyklus zu Ende ist und wie sich dadurch die Lebensereignisse verndern knnen.Die Methode der Elementarherrscher eignet sich also um ein Leben grob in 2 Hlften zu teilen und die Qualitt der Ereignisse zu beurteilen, sowie herauszufinden, wann im Leben essentielle Ereignisse auftreten knnen."
Price: 19.99

"Teknoloji Okur Yazarl" |
"Bu kurs ile gnmz teknolojik aletlerinin nasl alt, aralarndaki iliki ve birbirleriyle kullanm hakknda bilgi sahibi olacak ve neyi nasl yapmanz gerektii ile ilgili eitli ipular alacaksnz. Kursun zaman ierisinde sizin talepleriniz dorultusunda ierii geniletilip byyecek. Ancak bu geni ierik gznz korkutmasn baz temel bilgiler haricinde dier reneceiniz bilgileri zamana yayabilirsiniz. Nihayetinde bu kurs sayesinde hayatnz boyunca karlatnz teknolojik aletlerin zorluklaryla ihtiyalarnz dahilinde baa kabileceksiniz. Her eye ramen kursun tamamn bitirmeniz size bir ey kaybettirmeyecek. Zira bu kursta birka nemli konu haricinde ar teknik bilgiler ieren videolar yer almamakta."
Price: 69.99

InDesign |
"Word () () ()-----------------------------------------------------------------------------InDesign Menu..----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photoshop, Illustrator ( PowerPoint ) Word ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photoshop Illustrator InDesign InDesign InDesign"
Price: 1000.00

"Curso Conhecendo meu Linux" |
"Voc que est saindo de um sistema operacional Windows vai aprender a utilizar o melhor do seu S. O. Linux de sua escolha na forma correta organizado.Vai aprenda como realizar migrao de suas informaes para seu S.O. Linux tanto do windows como do macbook e outros sistema operacional.Vai aprender a tirar o melhor e o mximo de todos os recursos que seu produto que seu S.O. Linux lhe oferece.Uma observao importante que dou: que o investimento do produto e valido."
Price: 19.99

"Learn guitar from Scratch to the Advanced level" |
"In this course you'll learn everything about guitar and more lessons will be added to ensure the updated and fulfill the wishes of students, please share it your friend and leave a review don't hesitate to leave a commentWe are about to learn guitarfirst you'll understand what is a guitarPart of guitarName of stringCombination of chordsSoukousSolo Chordsadvanced soukous songsarpeggios and fingerstyle"
Price: 29.99

"Time Management for Project Managers" |
"With 3 hours of content, this is the most comprehensive course on how Project Managers can manage their time leading to stress management. Gain hands-on knowledge in all the areas of Time Management techniques - from managing your email inbox to managing your meetings more effectively. Information gathered is from specific past job experience - I'll teach you the same techniques that have helped me over the years to manage my time more effectively. Gain real-world knowledge of time management as we work through sample scenarios project managers experience every day such as managing email, managing meetings, leveraging artifacts to stay organized, and much more. Your project management toolkit is not complete without detailed knowledge of how to manage your time more effectively. This online training course will give you the background to complete your toolkit.Bonuses - A ""resources"" area so that you can download bonus materials and templates based on the content presented in the course. How long will it take?With over 25 lectures and 3 hours of content, if you budget just 30 minutes a day, you can complete this course in approximately a week. Is it for me?This course is for you if you want to learn how to manage your time to get the most important things done during the course of your projects. Not only will the skills you learn here be applied to your projects but they can be applied to your personal life. What if I don't understand a topic?As you move through the course, I will provide prompts where you can reach out to me on my website with questions or feedback. I will PERSONALLY get back to you to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to answering any question you may have and sharing information with you. What youll learnStep-by-step instructions on how to manage your inbox so that it is more organized and you get through all your emails.How organizing your personal space and office environment can reduce stress and make you more productive. Techniques on leveraging project management artifacts to keep you organized and understand what exactly to work on next. These artifacts include the risk register and action item document (AID). An examination as to how monthly planning can lead to a clear direction for you to manage tasks relating to your projects. You'll identify what to focus on so that you can manage your time better. How to manage effective meetings so that effective outcomes can be realized. We'll go everything from planning the meeting and inviting the right resources to executing the meeting effectively. We'll even discuss selecting the right type of planner for you to help manage your projects and use your time wisely. Online as well as bound planners will be explored. Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to understand how to manage their time more effectively. Project Managers, Program Managers, or any Management looking to understand how to execute on highest priority tasks without falling behind on their overall work. Those of you who feel like you can never catch up with your work during the day and leave the office exhausted."
Price: 49.99

"Productive Self Confidence/ A Recipe 4 Freedom(Crash Course)" |
"No matter what you do in life, Self Confidence is absolutely the Most Essential Skill that you need to succeed. Because with Self-Confidence, you can do whatever you want. Without worrying about what other people say or think about you. If you gain Real Self-Confidence which we call, Productive Self-Confidence you will be able to have the Courage to see and face your fears, & take Action despite your fears & finally Overcome Your Fears. At the same time, Self-Confidence will help you in your social life. You will be able to expand your social circle, talk to other people in a more confident and comfortable way, & establish new relationships and friendship. With Self-Confidence you will be able to shine in your professional life as well. You will have the power to do the things that will help you promote to higher positions in your career & become more successful as an employee or even start your own business, and do all the things that you wish to do in your life. That's why we call this kind of Confidence, The Productive Confidence. Because The Productive Confidence will help you Produce & Get the Results that you wish.So no matter what you do in life, you need to be Gain Productive Confidence.In The Productive Confidence Crash Course, you are going to learn the following things:The Fear Triangle (The reason behind your fears and a Step by Step Proven Way to Overcome Your Fears).7+1 myths and mental traps That keep you from becoming Confident And The Way You Can Free your mind from them.The Three Pillars of Confidence (3 things that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to activate, in order to gain confidence + practical steps to activate these three pillars).Three phases of Confidence & Competence and how to go through each one of them.The Action / Inaction Matrix and the best way to use it to boost your self-confidence. How to take massive action despite your fears, hardship, and pain.Three steps to overcome neediness and become a bold, independent, and self reliant person.Overcome Social Anxiety and the fear of saying NO to other people.Deal with your past experiences and use them in a constructive and useful way.Use Confident Body Language to look and act like a confident person in social situations.Be like an extrovert when you want.Perceive and use each one of your failures as a driving force towards your GOAL.The C & C formula that guarantees you success in anything, including becoming Confident and Productive.And several bonus files about confident language, body language, confidence killers, confident voice, confidence communication and so on, that you will get each and every month."
Price: 199.99

"BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board) Practice Exam" |
"With this BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board) practice exams containing 250 Questions each , I have carefully handcrafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the BACB Certification Exam.Why Choose the Course?1.This course is designed around the official Exam Guide from BACB exam2.Cover questions from all the areas that you need to pass the Exam in the First Try!3.Save you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to Pass on the first attempt and avoid costly rescheduling fees."
Price: 19.99

"COMPTIA 1000-1001 Certification Practice Exam" |
"With this COMPTIA 1000-1001 Certification practice exams containing 100 Questions each , I have carefully handcrafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the COMPTIA 1000-1001 Certification Exam.Why Choose the Course?1.This course is designed around the official Exam Guide from COMPTIA 1000-1001 exam2.Cover questions from all the areas that you need to pass the Exam in the First Try!3.Save you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to Pass on the first attempt and avoid costly rescheduling fees."
Price: 19.99

"Typescript: Para todos" |
"Este curso tiene como misin llevarte desde nivel bsico hasta un excelente nivel de TypeScript.En este curso no solo veremos lo bsico, nos adentraremos en lo profundo de TypeScript para tener la posibilidad de poder implementarlo con libreras y frameworks. El cual te dejara una posicin donde podrs implementarlo tanto en tus proyectos o cualquier Framework/librera de tu eleccin, ya sea : Angular, React, Vue, o Svelte de lado del cliente, y tambin podrs usarlo de lado del servidor con Node.js o Deno.TypeScript nos da la facilidad de tener un cdigo ms robusto y ms preparado, debido que al usar javascript que es un lenguaje dinmico. Puede resultar en ms errores, porqu te da mucha libertar, y eso hace que lo errores sean ms difcil de detectar a la hora de una compilacin. Y ah es donde entra TypeScript cmo el hroe que es, a salvanos de esos errores, porque: incluso mucho antes de compilar el cdigo ya nos dice donde tenemos el error. y eso nos evita tantos dolores de cabeza.Con este lenguaje, puedes construir grandes aplicaciones y s estas acostumbrado a otros lenguajes de tipado fuerte, TypeScript no es la excepcin, este viene siendo un javascript pero con sper poderes.TypeScript es un lenguaje que esta Avalado por Microsoft, y diferente empresa de gran renombre, es decir que lo usan para crear aplicaciones de mundo real y facilitar la rapidez del desarrollo y la implementaciones con proyectos empresariales/personales.Qu vamos a aprender en este curso?Buena pregunta!Tipos de datos y cmo funcionan Cmo funciona el compilador de typescript.Novedades de ES6 en TypescriptClases TypescriptNamespaces MdulosInterfacesGenricosDecoradores Angular NodeDenoPractica lo que aprendesVer videos es una excelente manera de aprender. Y para muchos estudiantes, es la mejor manera. Si tambin desea practicar las cosas que aprende, este curso le ofrece ejercicios (y soluciones) en muchos de los mdulos del curso.Tanto contenido!No soy fantico de estos cursos que te ensean los conceptos bsicos y luego te dejan en paz. En este curso obtendrs informacin y actualizaciones."
Price: 19.99

"How to develop a productive HTTP client in Golang (Go)" |
"Have you ever called a REST API from your Go program? Did you implemented your own HTTP client or did you ended up using some of the thousand libraries out there? Do you know what your HTTP client is doing in the background?In this course we're starting from scratch! We're going to remember how a basic HTTP call looks like by digging into the request & response objects. We're going to write a basic HTTP client to perform HTTP requests and then use it in productive applications. What issues do we have? Can we scale our applications by following this approach? Of course not! That's why we're creating an HTTP client library that provides:Fast, reliable and friction-free HTTP connections.Support for all HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH and more!A Concurrency-Safe HTTP client that you can use without worrying about performance.Content type management and optimization.Mocking features out of the box.A clean interface in case you want to unit test your code without relying on integration testing features.A robust implementation so you won't need any external dependency whatsoever.Completely customizable interface: timeouts, transport layer, custom HTTP client and lots of useful features.A library that is PRODUCTION-READY!If you're looking to integrate a 3rd party REST APIs in your code, you'll need to perform an HTTP call to it. Make sure you take a look at this course before even considering alternatives out there that will force you to use different dependencies for running, testing and extending your code! As Robert Pike says: ""A little copying is much better than a little dependency"". In this course we're not only getting rid of the dependencies but we're also getting rid of the copying. We're not using anything more than the Go's standard library to design & develop our own HTTP client.This client will the baseline for all of the applications we're going to build later, making our business scale and grow as fast as we can Go.Take a look at the preview lessons you have available to have an idea about the structure and content of the course. I know you're going to enjoy it! If you have any doubt, take a look at my other courses and see what my students have to say!See you on the other side!"
Price: 34.99

"Administrao financeira do comeo ao fim" |
"Juros SimplesClculo de datasJuros compostos, valor futuro, valor presentetaxa, perodoComparao entre juros simples e compostosTaxas equivalentesEmprstimosplanilha de emprstimosOperaes de descontosClculo de descontoEmprstimos com nota promissriaEmprstimos em conta correnteSistema de amortizao americanoSistema de amortizao francsTabela priceCalculo de prestao de financiamentosAnlise de investimentosValor presente lquidoTaxa interna de retornoGrau de alavancagem operacionalFluxo de caixa"
Price: 19.99

"Electron & React JS: Build a Native Chat App with Javascript" |
"Electron:If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your application.React JS:React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.Firebase:Firebase gives you functionality like analytics, databases, messaging, and crash reporting so you can move quickly and focus on your users.--- Course Overview ---In the first section, you are going to learn what Electron JS is and what features it offers. We will learn basic concepts like the main and renderer process among many others. The UI part of the application will be handled by React Library, we will install React and we will prepare Webpack which will be responsible for bundling of our source files.In the second section, we will create multiple views like Home, Chat, Settings views, and many others. We will integrate the routing system so we can navigate between the views. State management of the application will be handled by redux architecture and the data will be stored in the Firestore database. I will show you how to use Firestore queries, how to fetch and manipulate data.The third section will be dedicated to authentication. We will create a login and register form and I will teach you how to handle errors coming from Firestore. Only logged in users will have full access to our application.In the fourth section, we will explain redux middleware and we will work on the Notification feature. The application will be able to detect whether the user is offline or online. Connection changes will be displayed by the Notification system.In the fifth section, we will be working on chat management features. The first one will be chat create functionality. After the chat will be created it will be displayed in the list of available chats. Upon clicking on the join button chat will be joined and added into the list of joined ones. The online status of a user will be displayed when the user will be joined in the chat. A green dot will indicate that the user is online, the gray dot will be reserved for offline status.In the sixth section, we will be working on the messaging feature. Users will be able to write a message and send it out to our Firestore database. Our Application will be able to detect new messages and display them in the current active chat. Messages will be synchronized amongst many active clients.Next, we will work on the settings view. Users will be able to change the global settings of our application. Settings will affect mostly the theme of our application and the way how Notifications work. We will store settings in local storage so we are able to retrieve them in the next load of our application.In the seventh section, we will work on small adjustments in the Electron environment. We will create an application menu with multiple settings. We will add a tray icon to the top or bottom menu of our operating system. We will change the icon of our application and we will start working on the splash screen. The splash screen will be displayed before our main application will be fully loaded. In the last lectures, we will prepare the build configuration and will build up our application into executable files that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.Thats it from the preview. There is much more covered in the lectures. I hope you like the application we are going to work on and I hope to see you in the course."
Price: 179.99

"Russell Potter How to Motivate & Manage Difficult People" |
"Best selling course from the Russell Potter Academy, now on Udemy too!_____________________________________________________________________________________Managing and motivating difficult people can be both draining and frustrating and always stressful. Low motivation and difficult (sometimes toxic) people can hold you and your team back but it doesn't have to be that way.There is a 3 step formula that I've developed over 25 years of working with global brands in over 10 countries. Each step has a highly specific skillset to match the approach for each step and, on this course, you will master those skills.Proven Template for Leaders Seeking Highly Productive and Motivated Teams In this course, I share the template which I have used to great success with clients around the world over the past 20 years, both global brands as well as small to medium-sized businesses. Fascinating Insights I share insights from my book ""New Energized You"" co-authored with Dr. Maite Balda, on the neuroscience and psychology of human energy and vitality. The book cites over 200 research papers and has interviews with world champion athletes. Many of the insights are included in the course.You will learn:How to manage difficult (sometimes toxic) people once and for all with role play demonstrations and exactly what to do and say.How to develop a high motivation cultureHow to maintain your own motivation with advanced self-motivation techniquesHow to manage your own stress into a zone of productivityHow to motivate individual team members using their unique motivatorsHow to manage the stress of your team in times of crisis.The course has a certified option. Simply watch 100% of the course and answer the assignments to receive a certificate and credential that you can use on your CV and Linked-in profile. Each submitted assignment comes with personal coaching from me.This course was designed as a practical guide, but also as a deeply fascinating story of success to make happier and more productive leaders and teams around the world.Case studies and roleplay examplesThe techniques you will learn are backed up with case studies and role-play demonstrations as well as downloadable resources along the way."
Price: 49.99

"Die Kunst Tiere zu zeichnen - Zeichnen fr Beginner" |
"In diesem Tiere Zeichenkurs lernst du, wie du tolle, realistische Tiere zeichnen kannst, die deine Kreativitt auf Papier bringen.Das Einzigartige an diesem Kurs ist, dass er das komplexe Thema des Tiere Zeichnens in berschaubare Konzepte und Schritt-fr-Schritt-bungen zerlegt. Du beginnst damit, einfache Konzepte zu lernen und grundlegende Zeichenbungen zu ben. Je mehr sich deine Handfertigkeit und dein Verstndnis verbessern, desto schwieriger werden die Lektionen nach und nach, bis du am Ende des Kurses jedes einzelne Tier gezeichnet hast. Selbst wenn du ein Anfnger ohne Zeichenerfahrung bist, werden dir die Lektionen und bungen leicht verstndlich und unterhaltsam sein, whrend du gleichzeitig kritische Zeichenfhigkeiten erlernst. Wichtige Dinge wirst du lernen:Tiere aus dem Kopf zeichnenRealistisches Zeichnen von Licht und SchattenDie Grundlagen des Zeichnens von Tieren verstehenTiere perspektivisch zeichnenForm und Anatomie verstehenProportionsbestimmungAllgemeine Zeichenfhigkeit verbessernWie du Spa beim Zeichnen hastVerstndlich an einfachen BeispielenUnd eine ganze Menge mehr!Fr wen ist dieser Kurs gedacht?Wie der Name schon sagt, ist dieser Kurs sehr einsteigerfreundlich. Ich habe ihn entworfen, um Anfngern zu helfen, das Portrtzeichnen so schnell und effektiv wie mglich zu erlernen. Wir fangen damit an, dass wir zuerst die einfachsten Fertigkeiten entwickeln und dann allmhlich darauf aufbauen, damit du dich nicht berfordert fhlst. Alle Konzepte und Techniken werden durchgehend erklrt und ich gehe nie einfach von irgendwelchen Kenntnissen auf Seiten des Schlers aus. Auerdem wei ich, dass das Zeichnen aus der freien Hand fr einige Anfnger etwas herausfordernd sein kann, deshalb biete ich in einigen der Zeichenbungen zustzliche Anstze an, die du als Anleitung verwenden kannst. Also, ja, wenn du ein beginnender Knstler bist, der das Zeichnen von Tieren lernen mchte, dann ist dieser Kurs definitiv fr dich. Auf der anderen Seite, wenn du erwartest in 10 Minuten riesen Erfolge zu sehen, dann bist du wahrscheinlich falsch hier. Die Fhigkeit toll zu Zeichnen erfordert viel bung. 30-Tage 100% Geld-zurck-GarantieDenk daran, es gibt eine 30-tgige 100%ige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Es gibt keinen Grund zu zgern. Melde dich jetzt an, schau, ob dir der Kurs gefllt, und fang noch heute an, schne Portraits zu zeichnen!"
Price: 189.99

"Exam MB-230 & MB-240 Microsoft Dynamics 365 : Practice Exams" |
"Exam MB-230 & MB-240 Microsoft Dynamics 365 : Practice ExamsMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service MB-230 exam candidates are responsible for implementing omnichannel solutions that focus upon service, quality, efficiency, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Candidates design and implement service management visualizations and reports provided by and in collaboration with the Solution Architect. Candidates collaborate with the Dynamics 365 administrator to implement and upgrade Power platform components, including knowledge base and Forms Pro. MB-230 exam candidates must have strong applied knowledge meeting user needs through the Dynamics 365 Customer Service, including in-depth understanding of cases, knowledge base, queues, entitlements, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), visualizations, and Unified Service Desk.MB-230 Exam Topics including as per below :Manage cases and Knowledge Management (20-25%)Manage queues, entitlements, and service-level agreements (SLAs) (15-20%)Implement scheduling (10-15%)Implement Omnichannel for Customer Service (30-35%)Manage analytics (10-15%)Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service MB-240 exam candidates implement the field service processes designed in collaboration with internal and external teams. This collaboration includes configuring the default administration areas of the Field Service application, deploying the Connected Field Service (IoT) solution and the mobile application, and implementing any additional needed customizations. Candidates are responsible for the configuration and deployment of the Field Service application in conjunction with the core customer service application.MB-240 Exam Topics including as per below :Configure field service applications Manage work orders Schedule and dispatch work orders Manage field service mobility Manage inventory and purchasing Implement Connected Field Service"
Price: 24.99

"Yoga stretches for the workplace" |
"Anyone who works at a desk or in the arts knows that the upper body can get pretty tense. This course will teach you some simple yoga movement and stretches that will help you unwind your body after sitting in a chair all day, at an easel, piano, or computer. You will learn ways to take small breaks and make these movements a normal part of your day."
Price: 19.99

"Mindful Art Journaling for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create and maintain an art journal. You will learn techniques, materials, and even a bit of art theory. I will provide you with all the tools you need to continue on your own and to make mindful art journaling a regular part of your self-care routine."
Price: 94.99

"Video Editing With Davinci Resolve 16 for Beginners" |
"Hello lovely creative people, do you want to learn how to make professional edits in DaVinci Resolve 16?If yes, trust me you will not find any better course than this one with all due humbleness.My name is Adam Chraibi. Im a professional video editor and designer, and now I spend the whole day setting in front of my computer creating the best awesome courses YOU can find on the internet.In this course you will learn all the video editing techniques that will take you from a beginner in DaVinci Resolve to an intermediate user of the program. The reason why I didnt say expert because to be expert in anything it takes some time you cant become expert just after finishing a course.I will be focusing mostly in video editing and different editing tips and tricks which means I will not be wasting your time in fusion tab and fairlight audio tab because those are not the main focus of the course, we will only talk about those tabs briefly, and also because I really feel like Black magic should put in more effort in the fusion tab its not it strongest point.Also, were not going to do color grading because I have already published the ultimate color grading crash course for beginners, but we will explain how nodes work and create a cinematic look for our short movie that we will create from a script that I wrote.Now if you are ready to upgrade you video editing skills in Resolve this course is for you.Enroll NOW"
Price: 69.99

"American Accent" |
"As learners of English as a second language, we should aim for the accent that is easy on the ears. That is, when we speak in English, people understand us easily and find our ideas interesting instead of being jarred by our accent. Achieving this goal isnt easy since the accent that is easy on the ears implies the reduction of foreign accent and approximation of the local, in our case, the American accent.To help you master pronunciation, this course employs the methods of phonetic comparison and phonetic consistency, as used by school teachers, speech therapists and speech-language pathologists in the US. Phonetic consistency means listening and repeating the same sounds in many different linguistic environments. Phonetic comparison means comparing phonemes that sound similar to the ears of ESL speakers. These vowel pairs and consonant clusters can sound similar to many ESL speakers./i/ - //,// - //,// - /u/,/b/ - /v/ - /f/ - /p/,/d/ - // - // - /t//s/ - /z/ - // - /d/ - // - /t//r/ - /l/To produce these sounds correctly, you first have to hear the sameness of the same phonemes and the difference of different phonemes. And thats what we will do in this course.This course is co-taught by Dr. Nanhee Byrnes (ESL speaker) and Dr. John Byrnes (native speaker). "
Price: 29.99

"Neuro-linguistic Programming - Orientation Course" |
"The new science for Necessary Change!Rather now it is no more new. But it is not even known to many. Still people are searching for easy ways to Change whatever they want to Change in their lives to make it the life they want to live. NLP is a revolutionary technique that embeds change into your Neurological Programming. Something that is done without our conscious involvement most of the times. As we grow, as we learn, as we experience, as we develop our beliefs. Thus is influenced by agencies that promote socialization.This programming is not always Universally true. You often find a way of changing the things Our way. So NLP is one such revolutionary technology to help you with this programming.This course will give you a glimpse about the basics of NLP.In this Orientation course you will be learning the basic fundamentals about NLP- What is NLP?- What is Mindset or State?-Anchors that keep you tagged and how they are created-How do we perceive the world?-What is the communication model of NLP?- How can you exactly formulate your Outcome for life.- How NLP can be helpful for getting What you exactly want in your life."
Price: 1280.00

"Start with Google Earth Engine & Spatial Analysis #Beginners" |
"Start with Google Earth Engine & Spatial Analysis #BeginnersThis course is designed to take users who use GIS for basic geospatial data/GIS/Remote Sensing analysis to perform geospatial analysis tasks with Big Data on the cloud! This course provides you with all the necessary knowledge to start with Remote Sensing and Geospatial analysis in Google Earth Engine. We will start with a thorough introduction to the Earth Engine Platform, then move to the basics of satellite image and image analysis (which is essential to understand when you would like to work with Earth Engine) and then move to a comprehensive overview of JavaScript basics for spatial analysis. We will cover essential blocks to equip you with the background knowledge and get you started with your analysis on the cloud.Please, note: this is an introductory course with the main focus on Google Earth Engine. I do explain some basics of Remote Sensing, but it is not the main topic of this course.By the end of the course, you will feel confident and understand the basics of JavaScript for spatial analysis with Big Data on Google Earth Engine cloud. This course will also prepare you for using geospatial analysis with open source and free software tools."
Price: 19.99

"Mental arithmetic. Addition and subtraction on the soroban" |
"On the first block of the course of mental arithmetic for teachers, you will learn the definition of ""mental arithmetic"", the purpose of the course, learn to count two-three-four-digit examples on soroban, using all the formulas, get acquainted with the concept of mental counting. The course is suitable for those who want to develop their abilities for themselves, and for those who want to teach this course. But beginning teachers need to pass all three blocks. In order to learn multiplication and division in soroban, go through the second block of the course. For those who want to get knowledge on the method of teaching the course of mental arithmetic, you should pass the third block of the course."
Price: 19.99
