"Facebook Ads e Instagram Ads" |
"Esse curso para voc que quer ter sucesso em seus anncios no Facebook e Instagram.Ensino do bsico ao avanado a dominar a ferramenta mais utilizada nas redes sociais para vendas, contando com 18 mdulos ricos em informaes, voc vai poder fazer os seus anncios e entender como funciona a ferramenta, tambm contem no curso 3 Aulas que mostra alm da platafoma do facebook e vai te dar um norte melhor, para que voc trabalhe com ideias de anncios e ideias de novos negcios, ento est esperando o que vamos nessa e te espero no meu novo curso."
Price: 54.99

"Blogging Classic Guide: How to Make a Succesfull Blog" |
"Best Blogging makes you a millionare if you do it as a passion. This course is a masterpiece of how to become a successful blogger. Sill that is required is your commitment to do extra in your life.But why you need to build a blog?It's your digital asset that you are sleeping or go on travel your money is made and you become the richest.If you're thinking of starting a blog this year, there's never been a better time. This course will walk you through the entire processsetting up WordPress, writing stellar content, promoting that content, building an email list, and implementing a revenue model to turn your blog into a business. It's all here."
Price: 24.99

"Mini Indice Estratgia" |
"Curso com o objetivo de melhorar a sua forma de negociar o mini contrato de ndice.Com este tipo de negociao, facilitar sua viso mediante a oportunidades que o grfico pode lhe mostrar.Tudo desenvolvido de claramente e operado em conta real.Voc como Trader de indice vai observar perfeitamente que isso poder lhe ajudar de uma melhor forma.Porm, necessrio que voc faa o backtest ou seja, treine constantemente de preferncia por um determinado perodo de um ms para que possa usar tal estratgia de forma correta."
Price: 69.99

"Basic Business Bookkeeping Course" |
"The BASIC BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Online Course is designed for entrepreneurs, financial and bookkeeping staff who wish to gain a basic understanding of how the books of account are designed and integrate into business, leading ultimately into the Financial Statements.PRACTICAL BASIC BOOKKEEPINGBasic Bookkeeping and Accounting TerminologyDouble Entry System / PrincipleSource DocumentsAccounting CycleChart of AccountsTrial BalanceBalance SheetIncome StatementReconciliationsDepreciationMonth End / Year End ProcessAnnual Financial Statements"
Price: 19.99

"Youtube API using python" |
"Explore how you can build a CLI app that searches YouTube API and returns video data using Python . We will Create 3 Project using Youtube API . We will automated all the Boring Task using python . We Create Bot that auto comments and like to our Youtube channels. This Course is for who want to learn Youtube API using Python ."
Price: 24.99

"dmanda optimal kisalma strategiyalar." |
"Kursda siz dmanda ki kateqoriyalarnn ttbiq edilmsind mqsd.Masir idman v dy nvlrind kisalma problemlri v idmanlarn salamlna tsiri.Tdricn v kskin kisalma metodlarEnerji balansNeqativ enerji balansKskin kiatma strategiyalarBdn mayesinin manipulyasiyasBarsaq mhtviyyatnn manipulyasiyasQlkogen ehtiyatlarnn manipulyasiyasYar zaman kidn sonra brpa olunma strategiyalar.kisalma strategiyasnn seilm alqoritmi il tan olacaq,Hans hallarda idman x edcyi ki drcsini dyimlidir? Hans hallarda idmannn salamlna zrr vurmadan kskin kiatma metodlarndan istifad etmk olar kimi suallara cavab tapacaqsnz."
Price: 19.99

"Strategic Management" |
". :1. .2. .3. . ( ) 4. 5. - - .6. . ."
Price: 59.99

"EU GDPR - Data Protection Self Assessment Exam" |
"General Data Protection Regulation offers a legislative framework to ensure Information Security of consumers. From user consent to data processing, from data controlling to data subject rights, from breach reporting to fines and penalties, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers all and is a binding document for companies working on the data of EU subjects.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why you need this exam?If you are a professional working in the Data Protection or you want to work in Data Protection sector you are supposed to validate your knowledge base. You need to assess your knowledge on EU GDPR which is the latest Regulation in the EU but also applies on companies working outside EU but managing EU personnel user data in European countries.If you are planning to do course on EU GDPR, this practice exam will help you to self-assess your knowledge. This exam is not exactly on the same format as of any official exam; however it gives you a good idea. This practice exam is based on MCQs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam CompositionThe exam will assess you on following:- GDPR Articles- GDPR Sections- GDPR Chapters- User Consent- Data Protection Officer- Personal Data- Privacy by Design- Privacy Impact Assessment- Processing- Records of Processing Activities- Right of Access- Right to be forgotten- Right to be informed- Fines and Penalties----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food for ThoughtIf you think you are an expert in GDPR after taking courses on this subjectYou need to hold on!Join this exam and self-assess yourself!Take the Practice Exam...Be Familiar with GDPR knowledge which you hold...May be you need to learn and learn...Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.Both ways, you are in a win-win situation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Certification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: We will not be sharing any GDPR document. Please download it directly from European Union Law website. Its an OPEN BOOK exam. It means you can refer to the regulation at any time.Good news: We will be adding more content for example case studies to practice tests in the future. If you feel that you lack the knowledge you can re-take GDPR courses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self-Learning Process by examining your answers with explanation: Once you finish GDPR assessment exam, you will be provided with a review option. When you click review, a result sheet will be provided. It includes correct answers as well as the reason or explanation for the correct answer. So this exam is itself a learning process. You can improve your learning by assessing your answers against the explanation provided.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Month Money Back Guarantee: Don't forget One Month 100% Money Back Guarantee without inquiry. This means you have unconditionally no risk when registering to this Exam.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Questions & Report Complaints: Discussion forum on the right side of this course can be used to discuss specific queries and report problems you are facing about the content of the course."
Price: 49.99

"Tm Ynleriyle Yazlm Kursu (From Zero To Hero)" |
"Python poplerliini hz kesmeden srdryor. Farkl bir dilde uzmanlaanlar ve programlama dnyasna yeni katlanlarn aklnda ise ayn soru var: Python renmeli miyim?Elbette, bu soruya farkl kiilerin farkl beklentilerine gre deiik cevaplar verilebilir. Ancak Python renmenin avantajlarn da grmezden gelemeyiz. Gelin Python renmek iin 7 geerli sebebi biz size syleyelim. Siz kendiniz iin uygun olup olmadna karar verin.Programlamada yeniyseniz hzlca renebilirsinizBundan ok ok uzun yllar nce programlama renenlerin karsna kan tm ilevsel seenekler, son derece karmakt. Zaman iinde insan diline yakn diller ortaya kt ve ok daha yaygn hale geldi. Python bunlar arasnda en ok dikkat eken programlama dillerinden biri.Python kolay okunur, kolay yazlr. Bu sayede renmek de ok daha kolaydr. Dier dillerde en sk karlalan hata sebepleri arasnda gelen trnak iareti, parantez gibi detaylar bu dilde karmza kmyor. Bunun dnda da sz dizimi olarak dier dillere gre ok daha sade.Python web gelitirme iin kullanlabilirWeb gelitirme ile ilgilenen yazlmclar, genellikle PHP renir. Tarihi uzun bir gemie dayanan PHP karsnda Python, web developerlar iin son derece avantajl bir alternatiftir. PHPden uzun zaman alan bir kodu yazmak iin Pythonda dakikalar yeterli olabilir.stelik doru kodlarla ok daha hzl alan bir program elde edebilirsiniz. Web gelitirmede PHP hala daha yaygn bir kullanma sahip olsa da bir sre sonra Python ne geebilir.Tekrar tekrar kullanlabilen tasarma sahiptirYazlmclar iin baarl bir kod yazmak, zaman alr. Startuplar iin yazlan kodlardan bir veritaban oluturmak ve bu kodlar tekrar tekrar kullanabilmek nemlidir. Python, bu sre iin son derece ideal bir programlama dili. nk hzla kod yazabilirsiniz ve veritabannz hzla geliir. ok az kodla byk iler baarabilirsiniz. Bu kodlar kolayca farkl projelere uyarlanabilir. Tekrar tekrar kullanlabilen evik tasarm, Python bu adan avantajl hale getirir.Yksek maa almanz salarPython kullanabilen yazlmclar, sektrde en yksek maa kazananlar arasnda yer alyor. Python ile birlikte Swift, Ruby, C++ ve Java da yksek maa getiren diller olarak grlyor. Ancak zellikle yeni balayanlar iin dier dilleri renmek zaman alaca iin Python ksa srede yksek maa anlamna da gelir. Dier taraftan Pythonn ykselite olduu gereini unutmamak gerekir.Siber gvenlik asndan gvenilirdirSiber gvenlik, yazlmclarn en ok dikkat etmesi gereken konular arasnda yer alyor. Ve bu konuda da Python rtn ispat ediyor. Yine hzl olmas bu adan da avantaj salyor. Bir sorun tespit edildiinde byk bir hzla aksiyon alnabiliyor. Ayrca kodlar daha sade olduu iin sorunlu ksmn onarlmas kolaylayor.Yapay zeka ve makine renmesinin geleceinde Python varBilimsel aratrmalarda MATLAB ok nemli bir yer tutsa da Python bu alanda da hzla ykseliyor. Yapay zeka ve makine renmesi, yazlmn tm dnyada en ok nem kazanan alanlaryken, bu alanlarda Python kullanmay tercih eden yazlmclarn says da srekli artyor. Bu sayede sorular cevap bulan forum kullanclar ve yeni balayanlar iin de kolaylk salyor.eitlilik ve esneklik sunuyorYazlm dnyasnda bir programlama dilinin sunabilecei en nemli zelliklerden biri esneklik sunmasdr. Farkl iletim sistemlerinde alan Python, bu adan gl bir alternatif olarak karmza kyor. Ayrca farkl alanlarda almak isteyenler iin Python ok farkl projelerde kullanlabildii iin bu dili kullanarak hem yapay zeka hem web gelitirme ilerinde ansnz deneyebilirsiniz. Yine de bir alanda uzmanlamak sizin iin daha avantajl olabilir."
Price: 399.99

"Numerology Part 1 - Numerology with Akashic Messages" |
"This Numerology course will dive into all the important numbers in your life to help you find life patterns, struggles, missions, purposes and even personality traits. Numerology can help you calculate the best times to do specific things in your life, best times to make needed life changes. Numerology will also help you understand yourself better, your reactions, your emotions and/or fears. You will also find that numerology is a great way to understand those around you better, understanding what drives them, their reactions and shortcomings as well.This tool should be used to help you understand your own life and the lives of those closest to you. Use this tool to gain clarity. The Masters, Guides and Beings of Light recommend that you use this tool to add to your treasure trove of abilities. Adding this analytically driven tool will allow your channel, intuition and your higher-self to become attuned with you in this incarnation.In this course, we channelled information from our Akashic Record Masters for the different numbers to help you gain further insight and information. This information has been sent to us from a high vibrational place and compliments the already insightful information provided in the course and manual. Some of you may already have a psychic, medium and/or clairvoyant connection, and adding tools like astrology and numerology will allow you to see the bigger picture. With this bigger picture, channelling additional details and information becomes easier, especially if you are just beginning on this spiritual path.This course was created to help you easily calculate and understand your life numbers and everything that comes with them. This course was also created to give an additional tool to those truth-seekers and spiritual individuals, using it for their personal lives, their relationships and/ or with their current customers.Numerology will help you understand strong points, positive traits and shortcomings for each number. It can even help you understand repetitive situations and struggles by helping you pinpoint current life karma.What we love most about numerology is that you do not need to go out and heavily invest in tools, you already have exactly what you need in your possession. Pen, pencil, paper and basic adding and subtracting knowledge are all you will need for this course. No need to be a math wizard here, it is the most basic of math and equations, and we will walk you through each of those steps.We hope you join us on this journey if insight, understanding and acceptance through Numerology.x Lorena and Lucia xSoul Tribe Academy"
Price: 34.99

"Revit Architecture-The Complete Beginners Guide With Project" |
"In this course we will go over how to create a 3D house using Revit. We will go over drawing walls, Adding Doors and Windows, Finish Floors, Rooms, Components.We Will go over how to create many of the common elements within a house this includes Adding Finish Floors and Creating Ceilings and Creating a Roof.We Will then move on to learn how to Add Tags, Schedules, LegendsWe Will finish up the course by creating a Site Plan and creating a Section View and Creating 2Dand 3D views.Lastly, We will Render the interior and exterior views and Create Sheets and get them ready to PrintThis course is designed to get you up & running with Revit quickly by teaching you the things you need to know without long-winded explanations of techniques and commands that are no longer used."
Price: 19.99

"Home Office Melhores Prticas para Trabalhar" |
"Ol, voc sabia que muitas empresas que adotaram o home Office no voltaram mais para modelo de trabalho tradicional?Nesse curso voc ir se preparar para ser o Novo Profissional que o Mercado Deseja.Veremos ferramentas, caractersticas e como podemos montar uma estao de trabalho que atenda nossas necessidades.Muitos so os detalhes que devemos observar que antes no faziam diferena e agora so primordiais.A qualquer momento voc pode me deixar uma perguntar.Obrigado e bom curso."
Price: 54.99

"Stratgie de Trading Forex Rentable : Gagnez tous les jours!" |
"Vous avez envie d'apprendre une stratgie de trading simple et rentable qui vous fera gagner en moyenne 10 20% de votre capital par mois? La stratgie de trading que je viens vous prsenter dans ce cours est une stratgie complte que j'utilise maintenant depuis deux ans et demi, qui a dj fait ses preuves et qui m'a vraiment permis de faire du profit.Plusieurs autres traders l'ont utilis avant moi et a a vraiment t une chance pour moi de dcouvrir cette stratgie. Dans ce cours, je compte vous montrer de A Z comment utiliser cette stratgie de trading pour vraiment rentabiliser court, moyen et long terme.Je peux dj ds maintenant vous assurer que si vous prenez ce cours et que vous dmarrez le trading avec cette stratgie de daytrading , vous serez vraiment heureux d'avoir commenc le trading car vous bien de profits. --- En rsum ---Ce cours s'adresse : Tous les traders quelque soit le niveau en tradingVous allez apprendre : Une stratgie de trading simple et rentable qui vous permettra de vraiment gagner de l'argent en bourse et de ne plus jamais avoir de mois ngatifs.Objectif final pour vous: A la fin de cours, vous serez en mesure de prendre des trades gagnants tous les jours le plus simplement possible sans vous compliquer la vie.Dans ce cours, nous verrons les notions suivantes :Les moyennes mobilesComment utiliser les moyennes mobiles pour dterminer la tendance de fondLes diffrentes moyennes mobiles que nous allons utiliser dans cette stratgieComment bien ajouter les moyennes mobiles sur votre graphique L'indicateur TDI et ses diffrentes composantesLa stratgie KMS TDI Optimis : comment a marcheDtermination des point d'entre l'achat avec la stratgie KMS TDI OptimisDtermination des points d'entre la vente avec la stratgie KMS TDI OptimisLa gestion de risque dans l'utilisation de la stratgie KMS TDI OptimisEn plus d'apprendre cette stratgie totalement rentable, vous recevez ds mises jour et des vidos de mes trades afin de voir comment moi mme je prend mes positions.Cette stratgie que vous allez apprendre n'est pas du tout complique. Si vous vous concentrez et que vous respectez vraiment tout ce qui est dit dans le cours, cela vous sera trs facile et vous allez vraiment gagner de l'argent!Alors qu'attendez-vous?Je vous invite commencer cette formation ds aujourd'hui!!NB: Lorsque vous rejoignez cette formation, vous serez ajout notre groupe telegram ou vous allez recevoir tous les jours des analyses et des plans de trading. ;)"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende a pintar bustos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial" |
"INTRODUCCINEste vdeo contiene los fundamentos de pintura de una cara a escala 1/10. Aprenderemoscmo pintar los ojos con un alto nivel de detalle, cmo aplicar luces, sombras y diferentestonos en la piel y tambin a imitar el aspecto de una sombra de barba.Os mostrar tcnicas para pintar el pelo y las cejas y cmo trabajar el gorro para simular latextura de la lana.La ltima parte del vdeo la dedicar a exponer todos los pasos necesarios para representar uncamuflaje tipo splinter utilizando una tcnica mixta de aergrafo y pincel."
Price: 29.99

"Complete A-Level Maths: Statistics in 6 Lectures" |
"Founded by two recent Cambridge graduates, Westbound Maths has been running in-person training for students based in North London since 2018, and now we are online! Our courses are designed for Exam Preparation and Grade Improvement with proven results- 88% of our past students improved their final grades by at least one band from predicted grades!What Complete A-Level Maths: Statistics Course in 6 Lectures teach:The Westbound Maths Complete A-Level Applied Maths: Statistics Course covers the entire A-Level applied Maths: statistcis syllabus which represents 1/6 of the final exam weight for A-Level Mathematics qualification. The course consists of 6 lectures with over 7 hours of class videos, accompanying exam- styled homework and detailed mark scheme for the following topics:Statistical Sampling Methods: random vs. non-random sampling methods, and their respective advantages and disadvantagesStatistical Measures: measures of location including mode, median, mean, quartiles and percentiles; measures of spread including interquartile range (IQR), variance and standard deviationCorrelation, linear and exponential regressionDiscrete Probability Distribution: discrete uniform distribution, discrete non-uniform distribution; and binomial distributionContinuous Probability Distribution: normal distribution, standard normal distribution; approximating binomial distribution using normal distribution.Hypothesis testing and its three applications: 1) testing for the correlation between two variables; 2) testing whether the probability of success in a binomial distribution is of a certain value; 3) testing whether the mean of a normal distribution is of a certain value. Probability: how to find probabilities using a Venn diagram; conditional probability. How to fully utilize the course materials:Class video: we always start with the key concepts and definition within a topic, and then jump straight into a past exam question (sourced across major exam boards) to see how these concepts are tested and applied, then you will be given an exam-styled classroom exercise for practice followed by a detailed step-by-step guide on how to solve it.Handouts: every lecture is accompanied with a handout that summarizes key concepts covered, exam- styled question solving examples, and classroom exercise solutions.Homework with exam-styled questions: for each lecture, the homework contains exam-styled questions which should be completed under exam conditions to help students identify any knowledge gap.Mistake Diagnosis : use the detailed sample solution to diagnose any mistake in homework which is the key to grade improvement."
Price: 24.99

"Ottimizzazione SEO on page - Come riottimizzare un contenuto" |
"L'ottimizzazione on page viene spesso fatta alla buona e una sola volta, senza considerare una cosa fondamentale come la corrispondenza tra la query da ottimizzare ed il contenuto della pagina. Entrando in una logica di SEO moderna, basata sulla Search Intent (che spiego nel dettaglio in questo mini-corso) avrete la possibilit di dare nuova linfa ai contenuti del vostro sito, e con un po' di fortuna e perizia posizionarvi meglio. Il bello di questa strategia che pu essere applicata pi volte, non richiede troppe conoscenze tecniche e se non funziona la prima volta, si pu provare pi volte anche su altre pagine ed , in genere, poco rischiosa e passibile di penalizzazioni."
Price: 19.99

"Guida pratica alla nuova Search Console di Google" |
"Questo un corso rapido per imparare tutto quello che c' da conoscere sulla Search Console di Google, uno strumento potentissimo ed incredibilmente sottovalutato. Spiego nel dettaglio come funzionano tutte le singoli sezioni della Search Console nuova edizione, e dettaglio come sfruttare i vari tool per la nostra SEO. Ne parliamo nel dettaglio sintetizzando il tutto in poco meno di un'ora di corso: acquistalo per saperne di pi!"
Price: 19.99

"Python For Beginners Course In-Depth" |
"This course is a depth introduction to fundamental python programming concepts.Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level Ive created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which youll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:* Beginner to Expert Python contents:Array implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsMathematical FunctionsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in PythonDebuggingError HandlingRegular ExpressionsComprehensionsModulesSee you inside the course!"
Price: 104.99

"(Practical Guide Beginner- Pro) Cyber & IT Auditing- Part 1" |
"Are you interested in kick starting a career in IT auditing? Tired of learning IT auditing through theory and books? Well search no more! This is a condensed course to go over the basics and advanced concepts in IT auditing. The course is one of the first of its kind to not only cover concepts but to also walk you through practical examples and know-hows to conduct an audit during the planning stages. The course will also introduce technical knowledge of IT processes and IT systems to prepare you to become a knowledgeable auditor.**Side note: The English Caption will be updated with grammar and correct words. It is auto generated at the moment. Good captions should be ready before mid-Oct 2020. In addition, additional new /updatedmaterial will also be uploaded in this course going-forward** Note: This is Part One of the series and this lesson will cover all the topics related to planning an IT audit. Other parts of the series will cover IT audit execution/fieldwork and reporting. This course WILL NOT cover all the ISACA CISA domains as this is a practical course. However, concepts and material in this course may cover some concepts in those domains. The objective of this course is to prepare and enable individuals for on-the job success and practical knowledge/skills.Topics covered in this course include:1) Introduction to IT auditing (what, how and why)2) Basic auditing concepts (risk, control, audit, design vs operating effectiveness, key parties in audit, ethics and independence etc)3) IT standards and frameworks4) Career paths with IT audit background5) Audit activities and Audit lifecycle6) Planning activities7) Preplanning activities (Planning activities)8) Understanding the client (Planning activities)9) Defining scope and objectives (Planning activities)10) Planning documentations (Planning activities)11) Communication (Planning activities)12) Intro to Cybersecurity (Technicals)13) IT and Cyber Processes (Technicals)14) IT and Cyber Risk and Controls (Technicals)Benefits to you-30+ practice questions for IT planning, processes, risk/controls -10+ downloadable course templates and detailed information for your learning/practice-1 assignment to test and practice your learning with step by step answer breakdown."
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Ancient and Medieval African History" |
"The study of African history affords the learner a better understanding of global history. In this course you will learn about African history from ancient times to the era prior to the Atlantic Slave Trade, while focusing on the realities and complexities that defined the era. The course is divided into 8 sections with 27 lectures. Each section comes with a multiple choice based practice activity, and resources for further reading. The Course is outlined as follows: Section 1: African Origins of Modern ManDid you know that Africa is the oldest inhabited continent on Earth? Yes, every human being on the face of the earth, without exception, can be traced to African ancestors. By nature we are all Africans and the descendants of one African woman.Section 2 : Ancient EgyptEgypt was a great civilization that was geographically located within the continent of Africa. In addition to looking into the richness of the Egyptian civilization, the section will examine the works of scholars who postulated that ancient Egypt was a black African civilization. The section will further explore the assertion by some scholars that when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, the Greeks had access to all the libraries of Egypt and thus was born the origins of modern Western civilization. Section 3: Bantu MigrationAbout 2,000 years ago, waves of people migrated massively in Africa. This migration, known as the Bantu migration is the most important migration to have occurred in the world since the first modern human ancestors moved away from Africa to other continents, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Section 4: Africas Medieval Kingdoms: Aksum, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Mali and GhanaThis section discusses the kingdoms of Aksum, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Mali and Ghana. The Kingdom of Aksum was a great empire, which occupied the areas now known as Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. The Songhai Empire was one of the largest empires in Africa's medieval history. The Great Zimbabwe kingdom was full of buildings that has been described as ""one of the most impressive monuments in sub-Saharan Africa."" The greatness of the kingdoms of Mali and Ghana is also discussed.Section Five: TransSaharan trade:This section discusses the TransSaharan, which flourished greatly between the 8th and 16th centuries, connecting Mediterranean countries and subSaharan Africa via the Sahara desert. Gold and salt were the major objects of trade between the two continents.Section Six : Iron Age Societies in AfricaThis section discusses The Nok Civilization, which is the oldest known iron based culture in subSaharan Africa. The Igbo ukwu bronze objects, Ife Art and Benin Art are also discussed. Attention is further paid to the the diffusion versus independent discovery debate surrounding iron smelting in Africa and reasons for the fall of the industry. Section 7: Development of the Swahili Coast and Swahili City StatesThis section discusses the coastal region of East Africa, which was first built by Bantu settlers.Section 8: Religion in African HistoryA. African Traditional ReligionB. Early History of Christianity in AfricaC. Early History of Islam in Africa"
Price: 24.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Training" |
"ITIL 4 enables candidates to look at IT Service Management through an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of tech-enabled products and services..If you want to pass the ITIL 4 Foundation Certification in first attempt and want to learn about ITIL 4, it is right training for you.What you get from this ITIL 4 Foundation Training:Discussion on a holistic approach to the facilitation of co-creation of value with customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and servicesDiscussion on The guiding principles of ITIL 4 Foundation Discussion on the ITIL 4 four dimensions of Service ManagementDiscount on ITIL 4 Service Value System and its components Discount on ITIL 4 Service Value Chain and its componentDiscussion on 7 ITIL 4 practices in Details Discussion on purpose of 15 ITIL PracticesQuiz end of every lessons and every conceptTwo Certification practice exam at the end of course.This is training is specially design to build a solid baseline so that you can always explain all the the concepts for ITIl 4 foundation level and no matter from where the questions appear in final exam, you will be to answer them correctly. This ITIL 4 Foundation Training will create baseline for your all future ITIL 4 advance study.50% of this training content is available for preview, kindly preview all these content, check my accent, teach style, communication and pronouncication before purchase this training. I want YOU to be very happy with this training . Please purchase the training only if you feel it is right training for you.We added 300+ quiz end of every lesson to asses your learning. We have also add two practice test similar to original exam. (More than two is not allowed by Udemy)You can ask me any questions using Udemy Q&A, I answer every question.Kind RegardsIbrahim Hossain"
Price: 109.99

"Investieren in REIT-Aktien & ETF's Masterclass von A-Z" |
"Der Ultimative REITs-Aktien-Investing-Meisterkurs fr Anfnger!Lerne erfolgreich investieren an der Brse. Dieser Kurs lehrt alles ber Brse, Aktien, ETFs und Unternehmensbewertung. Du lernst, wie du schnell und einfach ein Wertpapier-Depot an der Brse aufbaust und in dieses investierst. Wir zeigen dir alle relevanten Kennzahlen der Unternehmensbewertung. Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Brse/ Aktien und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld verdienen und erfolgreich anlegen kannst. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien und Bewertungskennzahlen im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Plattformen, Tools und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Wir zeigen dir auch anderweitige Anlagemglichkeiten, sowie das richtige Mindset, das Investoren haben sollten. Auerdem gibt es eine Schritt- fr- Schritt Anleitung fr die Depoterffnung und den Kauf von ersten Aktien.Es gibt auch einen kleinen Exkurs in Richtung des passives Investieren mit ETF'S!BONUS: Es gibt eine eigene, kostenlose Sektion passend zur aktuellen Krisenlage!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Brsen- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 109.99

"MySQL8.0SQL #1" |
Price: 3000.00

"Learn Economics from scratch, ECO05" |
"Learn Economics from the scratch, ECO05 is the last of my five course series of Economics.Economics is the study of how societies, governments, businesses, households, and individuals allocate their scarce resources and how they interact with each other in producing and maintaining livelihoods. The subject Economics is intellectually fascinating and challenging. The discipline of economics has mainly two important features. First, economists develop conceptual models of behaviour to predict responses to changes in policy and market conditions. Second, they often perform statistical analysis to investigate these changes. Early economists like Physiocrats and Mercantilists were advisors to the rulers of their time. In the present time, economists are everywhere from performing advisory functions to policy formulations. They also contribute to the development of many other public policies traversing across a wide dimension of subjects including health care, climate change, social welfare, school reforms, labour market dynamics, economic development and efforts to reduce inequality, poverty, unemployment, regional disparity, pollution etc. Technology, economic institutions, peoples preferences and biology are some of the important determinants of economic outcomes. Economists aspire for a better world where their subject will secure conditions in which all the people flourish and live with happiness.Historically, economic theory emerged from the political economy. The crisis in the Great Depression in 1930s triggered a fertile period of scientific ferment and revolution in economic theory. Keynesian school recommended that the problems of underdevelopment can be solved by extension of government activities. Thereafter many economic theories came to the fore to explain the real world. For example, we may take the theory of general equilibrium which concerns the way in which apparent economic disorder gives rise to an orderly system and how it is that seemingly independently made decisions, all motivated by self interest, can become coordinated and lead to something which can reasonably be called for. The 2008 global financial crisis led to the emergence of new economic theories like heterodox economics to offer better insights into the real world.Every country has its own historical experiences and economic peculiarities. Economics helps us identify the policy measures for attaining sustainable growth path with which the countries like China, South Korea and Singapore in Asia and Botswana in Sub-Saharan Africa have made economic progress. The economic analysis helps us to find that major sources of growth of low income countries are capital accumulation, increases in the size and quality of labour force, technological improvement and management of natural resources. The economic theory and economic tools help us to address many questions like causes of concentration of innovation in Silicon Valley or causes of economic and financial instability or how to value the non marketed goods like environmental goods or ecosystem services.Study of economics helps a person in understanding of human behaviour and in cultivating analytical and argumentative skills that are crucial for winning job in the present day job market. With the drastic transformation of the economy in the recent decades, there is a growing demand for trained economists from diverse fields such as government, finance and banking, social sector, management, business, policy making and teaching.In the mundane world, we are forced to make economic choices in our daily lives. Economics teaches us many things like how to make choices under scarcity, how the aggregate economy works, how to interact in society, how to interpret events, how to participate in a democracy as a responsible citizen etc. Studying economics equips individuals to take better decisions leading to increasing the economic security and well being of the people and society."
Price: 19.99

"Comment passer de l'ide au projet !" |
"Contenu de la formation :- Une formation complte et une mthodologie cl en main - Une sance de coaching individuel - Un suivi individualis tout au long de la formation avec un accs ddi un groupe dans lequel tu pourras poser toutes tes questions - Ton carnet de route - Tes supports de formations pour prendre des notes Objectifs pdagogiques :A la fin de cette formation, tu seras en mesure de comprendre et d'utiliser la mthodologie "" Core"" afin de/ d':- Avoir une meilleure PRISE DE DCISON, un meilleur ARBITRAGE- Amliorer ton ORGANISATION au quotidien- Dvelopper ton EFFICACIT et ton EFFICIENCE- CONCRTISER tes ides en un projet- FINALISER tes actions et VAINCRE ta peur de lchec- PRIORISER tes ides de manire claire- IDENTIFIER clairement les moyens mettre en uvre pour raliser tes OBJECTIFSPour prvoir ta sance de coaching, il te suffit la fin de la formation de me contacter en indiquant les crneaux qui te conviennent.Au plaisir de nos futurs changes ! Loubna"
Price: 199.99

"This course is designed to assist and support mothers on their journey of motherhood. There is no definitive formula or solution on how to get rid of postpartum depression but with the right steps, you can achieve the best outcome.Every circumstance or challenge that we face is a reflection of our mindset.This course Is filled with different steps that can help and contribute to get out of a depressive state of mind. The first step is making the decision to want to be happy.Being happy or getting out of a depressive state boils down to a decision. Your will-power has to be stronger than your circumstances If your struggling to adjust or come to terms of with being a mother or need extra support this is the right course for you The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 24.99

"AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the AZ-500 Practice Tests Course by Suresh M!This practice test course contains 4 complete timed practice tests. Each test contains 50+ questions, that's 200+ unique questions to test how well prepared you are for the real exam. These tests also has case study.This practice test course is designed to cover every topic, with a difficulty level like a real exam.You can take the practice tests as many times as you like. You will get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. I strongly recommend to take practice tests to validate your learning before attempting the real AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Exam.Every question has a detailed answer with the links back to the official Microsoft docs.These practice tests are designed and formatted just like the real exam questions. Unfortunately, we cannot create every type of question that appear in real exam due to limited type of questions we can offer. However, I tried my best to format questions like the real exam.Microsoft's AZ-500 Azure Security Technologies exam is one of the way to prove that you have a deep and thorough understanding & experience in Microsoft Azure Security implementation. This practice test course covers every topic in AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam curriculum: Manage identity and access (30-35%) *Manage Azure Active Directory identities *Configure secure access by using Azure AD *Manage application access *Manage access controlImplement platform protection (15-20%) *Implement advanced network security *Configure advanced security for computeManage security operations (25-30%) *Monitor security by using Azure Monitor *Monitor security by using Azure Security Center *Monitor security by using Azure Sentinel *Configure security policiesSecure data and applications (20-25%) *Configure security for storage *Configure security for databases *Configure and manage Key VaultI wish you all the best for your learning and exam. See you inside the course.Please feel free to drop a message on LinkedIn if you have any queries."
Price: 24.99

"The Art of Dividend Investing - Complete course" |
"Investing in the stock exchange and specifically dividend paying stocks can be mastered by a lot of people. As Warren Buffett said, you do not need a PhD to be a successful investor. Investing in the stock master requires a minimum of good practices and to act as a business owner and not a speculator.In this course you will learn all about:the benefits of dividend paying stocks vs growth stockshow to build up a portfolio of stocks to develop a passive stream of revenuesunderstanding if a company is giving a good or bad return to its shareholders through dividendsif the dividends the company is paying out are sustainable in the long run in order to protect your investmentkey action steps & a dividend investing checklist to get startedInvesting in dividend paying stocks can be a life-changing experience.Learn from my 20 years experience as an investor running my own investment fund and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL WITH DIVIDEND STOCKS & HOW TO BUILD A PASSIVE INCOME STREAM.Many thanks and I appreciate your interest in my course!-Candi Carrera"
Price: 129.99

"Cincia da Felicidade" |
"O curso ""Cincia da Felicidade - Seja mais feliz ainda hoje!"" apresenta a voc a teoria bsica da Psicologia Positiva e prticas para voc ser mais feliz. - Voc aprender como incluir mais emoes positivas em seu dia-a-dia.- Saber o que engajamento, estado de flow e como entrar nesse estado pode te ajudar a ser mais feliz.- Entender porque ter relacionamentos saudveis to importante para sua felicidade e como, com aes simples, pode fortalecer os seus.- Vai aprender a encontrar seu propsito por meio da filosofia japonesa ikigai.- Finalmente, saber o que possvel fazer para alcanar suas metas e objetivos e assim ter mais realizaes na sua vida. Todas as prticas so baseadas na Psicologia Positiva e tem como objetivo aumentar seu nvel de felicidade."
Price: 69.99

"Come Imparare efficacemente QUALSIASI lingua (da soli)" |
"Questo corso ti dar tutte le conoscenze e gli strumenti necessari per imparare in modo efficace e permanente la lingua che vuoi o devi imparare. Basta passare ore e ore sui libri di grammatica! Basta pagare montagne di soldi per scuole di lingue e tutor! Qui imparerai tutto quello che ti serve per raggiungere autonomamente un ottimo livello della lingua che vuoi imparare.Imparerai a organizzare lo studio, quali materiali usare e dove trovarli, un trucco per imparare efficacemente verbi e coniugazioni, come trovare sempre del tempo da dedicare allo studio e molto, molto altro ancora."
Price: 24.99

"Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to our Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam. This practice test has 164 High Quality Questions to prepare for your Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam. What Special About This (Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam )1.High Quality Question to crack your Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam on your first attempt.2.Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam.3.Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5.Current & always Updated.6.These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7 .30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Practice Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99
