"This course provides an overview on aviation law by explaining why there is a need of having it and which are the main documents on which this was built. You will explore the nine freedoms of air, Warsaw System and Chicago Convention. You will be able to distinguish between safety, security, measures to tackle each one and also expand your knowledge on liability in international law."
Price: 19.99

"Biology - zoology of animal 2" |
"This is second version.This is the course to learn the zoology, will obtain the knowledge of how the animal behaviour act and animal structure and others. The course will keep going when the information that i could leak,if is still there.In this course will be podcastingWord, images and videos resources will be combine in video with no face revealance.Note: This is 20th century information."
Price: 29.99

"AutoCAD 2D pour dbutant" |
"Ce cours d'AutoCAD est trs pointu et ncessaire pour vous si vous venez de terminer votre formation initiale ou pour vous rafrachir la mmoire si vous n'utilisez AutoCAD qu'occasionnellement. Si vous tes dbutant et que vous voulez comprendre ce logiciel de dessin, alors vous tes au bon endroit. Vous pouvez commencer ds aujourd'hui. En plus de cette formation pour dbutant, vous pouvez aller plus loin en prenant aussi les niveau Avancs et Expert de cette formation."
Price: 24.99

"Machine Learning for beginners with project" |
"Hello and welcome to this course on Machine learning .My name is Aakash Singh i am instructor of this course .This course is structured in way so that anyone can easily grasp the concept of programming ,fundamentals,concepts of the Machine learning .No prior knowledge is required through this course .we will go through the basics with complete explanation and practical side of this course .This course is completely based on anaconda .we will go through lab section on jupyter notebook terminal .we will go through lots of real life example for increasing practical side knowledge of the programming and we should not neglecting theory section also, which is essential for this course.By the end of this course you will able to code in python language and feel confident with Machine learning and you will also be able to create your own program and implement were you want."
Price: 24.99

"70-764 SQL Server Administration Practice Test" |
"Welcome to our 70-764 SQL Server Administration Practice Test Course. These tests will help you pass the Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this 70-764 SQL Server Administration Practice Test Course155 High Quality practice questions for your 70-764 SQL Server Administration ExamAlways updatedAll Questions & Answers are verified by Experts30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?155 High quality unique questionsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Need Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear 70-764 SQL Server Administration Certification ExamTake our courses. Practice hard. Test your Knowledge. Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 29.99

"My Customer My Promoter - How to make customers loyal" |
"What would our business be if our customers end up referring us, promoting our services and products, they in a way are sticking their neck out for us , they are becoming our extended sales force.The program defined here anchors on the Behaviours, actions, attitude and deliverables to ensure My Customer becomes My Promoter.In order to do that, pre requisite is a Customer focused intent and a series of activities designed to deliver customer satisfaction. The process of providing customer satisfaction is based on an understanding of what customers want and need.Effective businesses aim to anticipate and meet or exceed these needs. It also requires effective communication. A high quality customer experience needs to apply from initial contact through to after-sales care, whether the customer generates a one-off transaction or regular repeat business."
Price: 9920.00

"Design Thinking Practitioner Program" |
"The Design Thinking Practitioner program will deep dive in Design & Exploration journey to look at things from a different perspective. First phase is Education and awareness of Design Thinking principles followed by application and hand holding. In this fast paced Design Thinking lab, you will develop a common language and understanding of design thinking across your workplace or organisation. This flexible experience introduces non-designers to the concepts of the design thinking process and offers designers a tried-and-tested approach to create the NEW. Through the five-step process, you'll walk away with knowledge of how design thinking works and how to apply these tools and processes to your own work. It's the first step in unlocking your creative potential."
Price: 12160.00

"Fa Major Dikteler - Fa Major Dictees (english subtitle)" |
"Klasik Mzik eitimi veren konservatuarda okuyan renciler iin Fa Majr ve Re Minr tonlarnda dikte kaytlar ve partisyonlar. Sekizlik, onaltlk onaltlk triole, sekizlik triole, kk senkop ve bunlarn es deerlerini ierir. Tm diktelerde 4 l vardr ve her l 2 kez alnr. Durdurabilir veya tekrar oynatabilirsiniz, ancak seviyenizi tam olarak anlayabilmeniz iin bunu ok fazla yapmamaya aln.Dictation recordings and partitions in Fa Major ve Re Minor tonality for students studying at the conservatory providing Classical Music education. The content includes eight, sixteened, eight trioles, sencopation and their rest values. All the dictees has 4 bars and is played each bars 2 times. You can stop or replay it, but try not to do this too many times so that you can fully understand your level."
Price: 59.99

"Bonsoir bienvenue sur la page de ce cours ce cours vous a t propos par MD DEPARI COMPANY la socit internationale des dveloppeurscomme vous le savez bien JavaScript es un ancien langage de programmation qui date de pas mal d'anne JavaScript es un langage que aucun dveloppeur ne peut se passer ce un langage d'animation avec ce langage nous pouvons aussi crer des applications mobiles web nous pouvons faire pas mal de choses avec JavaScript le code de Javascript est souvent long et aucun dvelopp ne souhaite cris beaucoup de code c'est framawork jQuery ne pour vous faciliter la tche vous crivez peu et vous raliser des grands projetssi vous ne connaissez pas jQuery ou si vous n'avez jamais essayer suivez ce cours jQuery es le meilleur framawork JavaScript il est compatible avec tous les navigateurs les tlphones mobiles et tout autre appareil il s'adapter sur tous les supports ce cours vous a t propos par MD DEPARI COMPNY"
Price: 19.99

"A to Z Design of Solar Water Heating System" |
"Welcome to your course ""A to Z Design of Solar Water Heating System"" this course is designed for the students who wants to endeavour their knowledge in Solar Water Heating System designing for their projects, for the solar technician who wants to know Thermal Energy generation from the solar thermal Collectors and use the energy for Heating the water for various application, for the job seekers who wants to get jobs in solar industry and solar Thermal industry, for the entrepreneur who wants to make career in solar energy and in Solar Water Heating Sector.This course explains the very basic concept belongs to design and Installation of Solar Water Heating System. The one who is completing the course will able to understand Basic concept of solar heating System and able to do all manual design calculations, which are required for designing any Solar Water Heating System. The learner of course will get scientific idea of each an every components needed for solar Water Heating System."
Price: 49.99

"Commodity Trading with Trading strategies" |
"Basics of commodity Trading and concepts of crude oil Process, steps ,Skills , crude oil details and reports for crude oil tradingTechnical Analysis- Technical Indicators- Candlesticks- Patterns- Pivot points, Fibonacci and Trendlines - Trading with Moving average, RSI and ADX in crude oil- Natural gas basic concepts - Trading in natural gas with Pivot points , RSI and ADX- Gold basic concepts - Trading in Gold with Pivot points , RSI and ADX"
Price: 6080.00

"The subjunctive beyond the English grammar" |
"Course descriptionThis course will help you quickly, effortlessly, and in a short time to master the English language for academic and work purposes. People underestimate the use of the subjunctive, being particularly important if you want to go to university if you want to be promoted if you want to have a good command of the English language. In no time with this teaching method called R.E.A.L, you will notice the positive results in your career.Moreover, the English subjunctive is relatively easy. If we compare this subjunctive with the subjunctive of other Indo-Europeans languages; the use of the subjunctive in British English has been practically reduced to formal or formulaic expressions. Whereas in American English, the practical use of the subjunctive is still on, being amazingly easy.In this course, I show you as well how to get relaxed through conscious breathing and the importance of thoughts on your own daily routine. The more positive we are, the faster we learn. We are human beings, and we need to understand ourselves properly to achieve our outcomes daily.Here, I am giving you all the information and tools you need to master the subjunctive in English, to achieve an excellent command of this Shakespearean language with a lot of exercises and a great deal of consolidation."
Price: 24.99

"C# le Gelecein Yazlmclar" |
" C# le Siyah Ekranda Bir Metin Grerek Balayacaz. Kursa Baladnzda Metni Yazdran Bir Yazlmcyken Zoru Baarp Kursu Bitirdiinizde Pencerelere Renk Veren ve smini mza Olarak Atan Bir Mimar Olacaksanz. Dersleri Kod Yazarak Geirmeyeceiz. Beraber C# Yapsnn Mantn Anlayp Kendi Yorumumuzla Birlikte Uygulamalar Tasarlayacaz. Yazlm Mhendislii Sizin in Kartvizite Yazlan Haval Bir Kelime Deil Bir Dnme Biimi Olacak. Aklmzdaki Grnty Ekranmza Yanstacaz. Basit Bir Hesap Makinesi retiminden Uzak Veri Tabanl rneklere Kadar Birok Projeyi Beraber Tasarlayp, Fikir reteceiz. Yanz veya Eitim Durumunuz nemli Deil. Kendinize Deer Katmak steyin ve Balayn. retmek in Hazr Bir ekilde Bekliyorum"
Price: 49.99

"Money management for teenagers" |
"Are you someone who didn't have a chance to learn about money in school or at home and had to struggle through adulthood?If you would like your children to have a different opportunity than you, then this is the right moment to give them the chance to learn about money management at an early age. This course is designed to help your kids understand better the world of money and what they can do at their age now, so you can help prepare them for the real-life financial challenges.In this course, teenagers will be taken through 11 videos from which they will learn the most important aspects of money management, how to save, spend and earn. Teenagers are taught the importance of early money management and setting financial goals. Every video highlights the significance of building the habit of tracking their expenses, of earning more than spending. They will be given practical tools on how to apply all the knowledge on a daily basis.Starting with the history of money and ending up with showing concrete models of how to record finances, this course was made in a simple way, with terminology easy to understand for the young ones. The short scenes between the instructors will keep the students engaged through the 1 hour of material and also show them examples according to the topics.At the end of each video, the student will play the ''Truth or Dare'' game by choosing to either answer a short quiz or to take the assignment related to what was taught in the respective chapter. Both actions are aimed to help the student verify their knowledge and put into practice what they learned.The instructors, Anastasia and Abdullah assembled the most important information and delivered it in an interactive way to keep your children focused during the whole course. Having a 10 year finance experience, Abdullah made to sure to provide the most reliable insight on money management. Anastasia's experience in public speaking and acting, helped deliver the course's information in a captivating and easy to follow way.Get this course now and see what your kids can learn from it. Offer them the chance you didn't have, that is to build the habit of money management.This course has to be watched under the supervision of an adult or a guardian.Background music of the promo video is offered by ""Royalty Free Music from Bensound""."
Price: 19.99

"Getting Into Oxbridge Maths" |
"In this course, we walk you through the entire Oxford/Cambridge Maths application process, starting from preparing your UCAS application, writing an excellent personal statement, then moving onto Interviews, Admissions Tests, Offers, and Results Day.As Cambridge Maths graduates, we've experienced the process ourselves, as well as tutoring others to interview and admissions test success, many eventually getting an offer/place.We believe that interview preparation can be the most difficult part of the application process, in terms of finding ways to prepare. That's why we have included a series of videos on 'Maths to Know for Interviews'; featuring a series of topics that form the basis of many Maths Interview Questions. So that you can put what you've learnt into practice, each video has a complementary set of Example Interview Questions. These then have hints, and full video solutions, so that you can emulate the interview environment while practicing questions. Finally, there is a full Mock Interview, to give you a chance to observe the style and structure of the interview for yourself; boosting your confidence so you can ace your interview!Admissions tests (such as MAT and STEP) are also challenging, so we provide the key information that you need to kick-start your preparation, including finding helpful resources, maths content to know in advance, and the grades/marks to aim for.We'll also discuss a structure for writing your personal statement, that has helped many students succeed at gaining an offer/place at Oxford and Cambridge. This is backed up by ideas for activities that you can do, so that you look a stellar student to admissions tutors!There are some small (but important) topics that we discuss, such as: International Applications, References, the Oxbridge College System and the Winter/Summer Pools at Cambridge.This course is a comprehensive look at the Oxford/Cambridge Maths application process. However, if you have any specific questions, then you can message us directly inside the course space! We look forward to meeting you there!"
Price: 49.99

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi dell' et avanzata" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi neurocognitivi dell' et avanzata.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione dei problemi psicologici e neurocognitivi dell' invecchiamento, come la demenza e il delirium, mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi neurocognitivi dell' et avanzata.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Psicologia dei disturbi dissociativi e da sintomi somatici" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi dissociativi e disturbi da sintomi somatici.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione seguenti problemi psicologici:(Disturbi dissociativi):Disturbi di depersonalizzazione e derealizzazione;Amnesia dissociativa;Disturbo dissociativo dell identit.(Disturbi da sintomi somatici):Disturbo da sintomi somatici;Disturbo da ansia da malattia;Disturbo di conversionemantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi dissociativi e disturbi da sintomi somatici.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo, PTSD,disturbo da stress acuto" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per tutti questi disturbi:disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo (DOC);PTSD (disturbo da stress post-traumatico);disturbo da stress acuto.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione dei suddetti disturbi mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione del DOC, del PTSD e del disturbo da stress acuto.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi dell' infanzia" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi dell' infanzia.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione di:Disturbo da deficit di attenzione/iperattivit;Il disturbo della condotta;Depressione e ansia nell infanzia e nell adolescenza;Il disturbo specifico dell apprendimento;La disabilit intellettiva;Il disturbo dello spettro dell autismo mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi dell' infanzia.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Mastering Food & Beverage Photography" |
"This online food photography course will teach you how to take amazing food photography with DSLR or Mirrorless Camera.This photography course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of food photography, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help create profitable images that help you stand out from the crowd and sell.Food Photography Techniques to Create Extraordinary Images!While there are plenty of online food photography courses that focus on specific styles or how to use tool or final editing, it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is for beginner to advanced photographers.At the end of the lecture, we have a practical test that must be carried out for a maximum of 2 days. We will also review the results one day each week which we will randomly. Students can also ask questions about the problems encountered during exercise."
Price: 99.99

"IA na PRTICA: PRIMEIRO MODELO na comunidade Mundial-Kaggle" |
"Aps nossa introduo no curso ""Anlise Preditiva: A base da IA, Uma Introduo"", chegou a hora de implementarmos um modelo real na comunidade mundial de Cincia de Dados chamada Kaggle.Vamos passar por toda metodologia, explorar a metodologia oficial da Cincia de Dados (CRISP-DM) alm de explicar linha a linha o nosso primeiro modelo na comunidade. No percam!"
Price: 204.99

"Excel sem segredos" |
"Este curso ir te mostrar que aprender Excel mais fcil do que voc imaginava, assim voc ter um melhor desempenho na realizao das suas tarefas.No trabalho voc atender com facilidade as principais demandas e certamente se destacar devido o conhecimento adquirido.*Peo a voc que assista cada aula com muita ateno, d uma pausa antes de comear um novo assunto, estude com um computador ligado e praticando cada tarefa at dominar cada etapa do curso."
Price: 54.99

"Linux Shell Scripting" |
"If you want to learn new things and you are Linux enthusiast ,then you are at the right place.This course is designed to give basic to advanced knowledge about Linux shell scripting where you will learn how you can use multiple commands in a file to automate your tasks.By the end of this course you will be able to create your own shell scripts. You'll learn how to create the programs based on the commands which you were using on command line to perform complicated tasks.You will learn following things after enrolling into this course1)Step wise approach to write your scripts.2)Different types of the shells.3)user variables and the system variables.4)command line arguments.5)Various control statements like if,if-else,for loop,while loop,select loop,until loop etc.6)you will become pro in performing operations on the strings.7)You will learn function prototyping ,function calling,passing arguments to functions.8)You will learn about various signals available in Linux and how to handle them.9)Most important thing in shell scripting i.e, debugging of your script will be taught in this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Gst , banking , shares and dividend, Linear equation 10 ETC" |
"This course contains video material on topic Chapter 1 - GST [Goods and Services Tax] Chapter 2 - Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Chapter 3 - Shares and Dividends Chapter 4 - Linear Inequations (in one variable) Chapter 5 - Quadratic Equations Chapter 6 - Solving (simple) Problmes (Based on Quadratic Equations) Chapter 7 - Ratio and Proportion (Including Properties and Uses) Chapter 8 - Remainder And Factor Theorems Chapter 9 - Matrices Chapter 10 - Arithmetic Progression Chapter 11 - Geometric Progression Chapter 12 - Reflection (In x-axis, y-axis, x=a, y=a and the origin ; Invariant Points) Chapter 13 - Section and Mid-Point Formula Chapter 14 - Equation of a Line Chapter 15 - Similarity (With Applications to Maps and Models) Chapter 16 - Loci (Locus and its Constructions) Chapter 17 - Circles Chapter 18 - Tangents and Intersecting Chords Chapter 19 - Constructions (Circles) Chapter 20 - Cylinder, Cone and Sphere (Surface Area and Volume) Chapter 21 - Trigonometrical Identities (Including Trigonometrical Ratios of Complementary Angles and Use of Four Figure Trigonometrical Tables) Chapter 22 - Heights and Distances Chapter 23 - Graphical Representation (Histograms and Ogives) Chapter 24 - Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Quartiles and Mode) Chapter 25 - ProbabilityThis course has been authored by Junaid Navaz the founder of SUCCESS MATHS ACADEMY India, which contains examples presented in detail and the methods explained beautifully. The methods have been explained in different examples through white board demonstrations and computer presentationsThe course will help you to realize your hidden potential, develop your mathematical Skills and improve your academic performance drastically. Most students around the globe after going through the course tell us why aren't they got it earlier.For further details you can go to website or email provided inside the course and also ask if any of the topic is missing or yiu are unable to understand. we are happy to help you as we understand the problem during this pandemic and this course i especially designed keeping in mind the reduced syllabus during pendemic.cheers"
Price: 1280.00

"GRE - GMAT Advanced Learners Math Marathon" |
"This course is a final preparation for your GRE & GMAT test day. Not all questions in this course are difficult and not all questions are easy, but this course includes all those tricky concepts which are often tested on quantitative part of these tests. This course is not designed for beginners. You only purchase it if you have basic knowledge of all word problem concepts. If you are just starting to prepare, I'd recommend you buy my other basic course GRE Quantitative Master Course along with this course. "
Price: 99.99

"Understanding Budgets & Financial Reports" |
"Welcome to the Understanding Budgets and Financial Reports workshop. Everyday businesses deal with budgets and financial reports in some form or fashion. At minimum, business managers review budget numbers and run financial reports for decision-making and reporting to shareholders and Federal regulators once a month. Many companies devote the last few months of the calendar year to creating budgets for the next calendar year. In addition, organizations create and disseminate year-end financial reports to investors.The goal of this workshop is to give the participant a basic understanding of budgets and financial reports so they can hold relevant discussions and render decisions based on financial data. This course will define key terms like ROI, EBIT, GAAP, and extrapolation. Furthermore, this one-day course will discuss commonly used financial terms, financial statements, budgets, forecasting, purchasing decisions, and laws that regulate the handling of financial information. Before we begin, let us get to know more about each other."
Price: 34.99

"Design for Distributed" |
"Distributed design is an alternative model for product development, fabrication and business, utilising digital tools, open source and global networks. It is about taking advantage of the latest enabling technologies that make it possible to ship the recipe, and not the product around the world, and tap into the potential this brings for local, more sustainable and even circular design.The Design for Distributed is an applicable course for designing products in the distributed design space, taught by a working engineer and product designer, in collaboration with partners, like Wikifactory - a social platform for collaborative product development with over 40K designers, engineers and product innovators developing over 2,000 projects, ranging from robotics, drones and electric vehicles, to biotech, agritech, smart furniture - and most recently - medical devices.This course is aimed at designers, engineers, makers, artists and students who are looking for a practical guide to distributed product design. This is a hands on course, with something you can take away and hold in your hand from the very first lesson! This course will pave the way in your career to take advantage of new digital fabrication technologies that are becoming a highly sought after skill for recruiters as well as opening up opportunities to scale your product innovation internationally with just a laptop and an internet connection.There are no formal prerequisites to this course, however it does help if you have an elementary understanding of CAD software (like Fusion 360, SolidWorks or Rhinoceros), product development (hardware) and digital fabrication tools (like 3D printing).This is a hands on project based course, resulting in you producing a full scale tensegrity chair! If you have access to a makerspace, fablab or workshop facility you can really make the most of what this course has to offer. However, having access to these tools is not a prerequisite either, as this course has been made to be as inclusive as possible, so you will still get plenty of useful online knowledge, experience and resources.When you finish this course, youll take away a framework for distributed design, a toolkit to kickstart a novel approach to how we make things and tangible product design experience using digital tools and fabrication. Youll be equipped to join the army of designers, engineers and innovators who are taking on the challenges of today, by facilitating a model of production thats accessible, localised and sustainable. Together, we can offer an alternative model for prototyping, development, distribution and consumption. Our future is distributed.The course structure follows four core questions:What is Distributed Design?Why Distribute Design?How to Design for Distributed?What is the Future of Distributed Design?The learning objectives are:Conceptual and practical understanding of the state of distributed design.The pros and cons of a distributed and/or open source product development, fabrication and/or business model.How to use digital tools, such as CAD and cloud services, to design for distributed.How to improve your designs and design process to be suitable for digital fabrication, such as 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC.How to leverage your local and global community for distributed design.Practical and theoretical product and industrial design heuristics for distributed design.Deeper understanding of open source business modelsYou will be able to apply this knowledge and experience in your company, in your professional practice or in your personal or educational projects, so that you can design better products suitable for distributed development, fabrication or business.Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Como ganhar dinheiro na internet" |
"Este curso ir abordar plataformas, sites e outros mtodos que voc pode ganhar dinheiro na internet, seja como algo profissional ou como uma grana extra para aumentar sua renda, todos sabemos que o mercado digital cresceu muito e com essa pandemia vimos que ser o futuro, ento se voc quiser estar bem no futuro tem que estar por dentro dessas novidades, este curso sempre ser atualizado a cada novo meio que surgir"
Price: 39.99

"Welcome to KI 2 - Anwendungen kuenstlicher Intelligenz" |
"Dieser Kurs ist der zweite Teil der Reihe ""Welcome to KI"" und setzt die Reise in Richtung knstlicher Intelligenz fort.Nach der Einfhrung widmen wir uns nun strker der Technik hinter den Anwendungsgebieten knstlicher Intelligenz - ohne noch selbst zu programmieren.Wir erlutern:Warum Daten die wichtigste Basis fr KI / Machine Learning Projekte darstellenWie Machine Learning Modelle verschiedenen Datenformate verarbeitenWelche Aufgabenstellungen fallen in einem typischen Machine Learning Projekt an?Inwiefern unterscheidet sich der Ansatz bei Machine Learning / Deep Learning Projekten von klassischen Softwareprojekten?Wie kann ich die Trainingsdaten fr Machine Learning Projekte erfolgreich vorbereiten? Was verstehen wir unter ""PreProcessing"" der Daten?Was ist Overfitting bzw. Underfitting? Wie knnen wir dem entgegen wirken?Wie unterscheidet sich Deep Learning von anderen Werkzeugen aus dem Machine Learning Werkzeugkasten?Ein Schwerpunkt wird in diesem Kurs auf neuronalen Netzen liegen:Wie funktionieren neuronale Netze? Woher kommt die Analogie zwischen neuronalen Netzen und der Arbeitsweise des menschlichen Gehirns?Wie steht das Konzept Transferlearning in Verbindung mit neuronalen Netzen?Wo finden spezielle Ausprgungen neuronaler Netze wie Convolutional Neural Nets (CNNs) oder Long Short Term Memory (LSTMs) Anwendung?Was ist bei der Verarbeitung von Zeitreihen basierten Daten zu beachten? Wie erstellen wir einen Split in Trainingsdaten und Validierungsdaten?"
Price: 29.99

"Locust performance framework development with real project" |
"In section1 you will learn the basic concept of locust and standard features. In section2 you will learn how to use locust to create a concrete performance test framework to perform load and stress testing on your application under test, you will also learn how to integrate with InfluxDB and Grafana for better performance data analysis. In section3 you will learn different execution model of locust which include master-slave configuration as well. In section4 you will get to know few extra topics of locust which might be useful for your specific project."
Price: 19.99

"Expert em Fios, Pigmentologia e Colorimetria Microblading" |
"Um grande passo no seu aperfeioamento profissional. Neste curso voc vai conhecer e aprender detalhes e tcnicas que vo trazer segurana nos seus procedimentos como uma especialista em fios, pigmentologia e colorimetria e o exclusivo mtodo LK, que gera ainda mais segurana e elimina as chances de erro no seu atendimento.Se voc:Precisa aprofundar seus conhecimentos.Tem medo de errar. insegura na hora de projetar e realizar o procedimento.Precisa de mais objetividade.Deseja conhecer o universo da micropigmentao.Quer ter propriedade para vender e realizar seus procedimentos.Quer se posicionar como uma profissional de valor.Ento este curso para voc! Nele vamos abordar os assuntos:Introduo tcnica de fio.Camadas da PeleRotatividade Celular.Pigmento ideal.Anestsicos.Estilos se sobrancelhas.Projeto dos fios.Angulao para aplicao do pigmento.Quando no fazer a microblading.Lminas.Colorimetria.Pigmentologia.Fototipos.Melanina.Biossegurana.Atendimento ao cliente.Passo a passo do projeto e mtodo LK.Prtica de Pigmentologia.Prtica das tcnicas em modelo vivaVem comigo e torne-se uma especialista nesta rea que no para de crescer."
Price: 219.99
