"How To Get The Right Customer For Your Business" |
"This consumer persona course will help you create the right type of audience for your business and also help you retarget and streamline them for other sub-products as you go along in your business.You will see how to use tools like google analytics to get the right data on the audience you are presently attracting to your business when you know the type of audience you are attracting, it till be easy for you to streamline the set of people that will patronize you.Take the guesswork out of your business and make more data-driven decisions"
Price: 19.99

"Earn Passive Income by Working from Home with Gumroad" |
"Over time I have been looking for different methods to generate a monthly passive income without requiring experience, without needing a company (LLC, etc), without requiring a website to be created. Well, after a long search I found the solution and I want to share it with you through this course.This method does not require initial money and is 100% free. This is not a mistake. If you implement the strategies I have presented in this course, you can build a passive income stream that will not cost you a penny to start, but it will pay you satisfactory amounts in the coming months and years!If you dreamed of getting rid of the 9-5 job or just want to learn how to start a business, you can operate on your computer from anywhere in the world, this course can change your perspective.Stop thinking and enroll up today. Start generating passive income tomorrow.This course is the best way to start making passive income online.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. What have you got to lose?You will get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!Stop thinking and enroll up today. Start generating passive income tomorrow."
Price: 19.99

"Simplified Scrum Master Training" |
"Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. It is much more like a rugby team training for a big game. Scrum encourages team members to learn through experience, and self-organization while working on a problem, and continuously improve.While the Scrum is most frequently used by software development teams, its principles and lessons can be applied to all kinds of teamwork and environment. This is one of the reasons Scrum is so popular. Often thought of as an Agile project management framework, Scrum describes a set of meetings, tools, and roles that work hand in hand to help teams structure and manage their work."
Price: 29.99

"Alongamentos para dores no corpo" |
"O curso de Alongamentos para dores no corpo foi idealizado para todas as pessoas que buscam prticas para prevenir e aliviar dores no corpo, em especial, pessoas que passam muitas horas sentadas ou que sofrem de dores musculares devido tenso e estresse.Esse curso apresenta uma srie de alongamentos, ensinados passo a passo, para reas especficas do corpo. So elas:Pescoo, ombros, coluna, quadril e coxa, joelho e nervo citico. Alm disso, ela inclui duas aulas bnus onde voc ir aprender prticas de auto massagem e relaxamento que tambm podem ser atividades alternativas para alvio e preveno de dores."
Price: 129.99

"Temel dzey kumanda ve pano tasarm uygulamalar yapabileceksiniz. Elektrik kumanda temel devrelerinin elektrik panosuna nasl aktarldn devrelerde kullanlan elemanlar ve bu elemanlarn grevini reneceksiniz. Hatlarn grsel gsterimi ile daha iyi bir uygulama bilgisi elde edeceksiniz. Ayrca binalarda kullanlan saya panolarnn nasl dendiini ve buralarda kullanlan malzemeleri tanyacak son ksmda ise Bir ana bina giri panosu ve bir kompanzasyon panosunun anlatmn greceksiniz. Faydal olmasnn diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - New Sample Exam Questions" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new 60 questions updated on September 2020. This course consists of 3 exams. Each exam have 20 questions and 35 minutes duration. I have tried my best to include the latest questions which will help you guys to understand on what kind of questions are coming within the fundamental AWS exam.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01) validates an examinee's ability to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure.Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles.Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics).Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.Define the billing, account management, and pricing models.Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud.This AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam course is updated regularly to reflect the latest exam and AWS changes"
Price: 1280.00

"Remote Learning Survival Guide" |
"Get the skills you need to stay sane and provide a meaningful educational experience. Instruction is tailored for parents and educational facilitators who will be supporting remote learning of a child or learning pod.Course Outline:Lesson 1: MindsetLesson 2: Environment and RoutineLesson 3: Behavioral and Academic ExpectationsLesson 4: Content and CommunicationLesson 5: Enrichment and DifferentiationI am excited to get started and support your educational journey!"
Price: 29.99

"Character Design and Sculpting Using Fractals" |
"As artists we are always trying to understand how to create exciting and creative great looking art/characters and improve our pipeline to make it happen in rapid time as its possible. Ive been sneaking around this topic and figured one of the ways to improve overall design and sculpting process. Im so excited to share those thoughts with you in this tutorial.Well go through how to use fractals for generating ideas and rapid concepts for your characters and how to sculpt it.Also, well come up and learn such topics as: How to come up with unique character design using fractals with generated formulasso this way you are not supposed to spend alot of time to design and figure how overall concept should look like How to build your own creature from scratch and directly in 3D workflow Mandelbulb 3D and blender forkflow for generating fractals and sculpting and modify character How to export from Mandelbulb 3D and other settings and tricksAll exercise files are provided: .blend files (block out, middle milestones and finished model, generated 3D fractal in OBJ) alpha textures for brush to make skin wrincklesSo lets get started and enjoy the creating character process!:)Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Todos somos creativos" |
"Qu voy a encontrar en este espacio?Un mes de trabajo: 20 disparadores creativos, que incluyen actividades de escritura, dibujo, recortes, coloresEl mes estar dividido en 4 temticas: Autoconocimiento, Realidad, Imaginacin y Rituales.Modalidad 100% online. Tendrs videos, textos, canciones e imgenes de apoyoUna reunin por zoom al mes con los estudiantes. Ah haremos un ejercicio todos juntos y compartiremos algunas de nuestras respuestas. Este Taller es para ti s:Necesitas un espacio para ti durante el daQuieres poner a volar tu imaginacinQuieres hacer parte de una comunidad de personas increblesQuieres que compartamos ideas una vez al mes por ZoomQuieres Divertirte y despejarte"
Price: 19.99

"Robtica bsica con Arduino" |
"En este curso, nos centraremos a conocer los principios bsicos de la electrnica y la digitalizacin mediante la tarjeta Arduino. Es importante destacar que lo que se puede aprender en este curso es de mucha importancia ya que son las bases necesarias para poder realizar proyectos muy complejos y multidisciplinarios."
Price: 645.00

"Module 2: Supply Chain Production Planning" |
"Below are the lessons that will be discussed in detail for Module 2 : Supply Chain Production PlanningPRODUCTION PLANNING AND FIXED PLANNING HORIZON MODELS MATERIAL AND DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS PLANNING There are no prerequisites required for this course but it is highly suggested that you complete the module 1: Supply Chain Network Designing for understanding the full extent of the course and amazing things it has to offer.we're going to discuss how information, flow can be used within a firm. Specifically, we're going to look at the coordination and planning of production. And that ties directly into the idea of fixed planning horizon problems. So the overarching question we're trying to answer is, how should we use information within our firm to coordinate the different activities of all the different players in the supply chain, from the vendorsup to the customers, but including the operations within our own firm? we've got the suppliers, the firm itself, and the customer. And you can think of what the firm does in three big buckets. There are many ways you can cut this up. But this is one way that I think is useful. And so you've got the sourcing. You've got the things that are internal within the company. And then, you've got the customer-facing. So supplier or vendor management, customer demand management, and internal production management. , we're really going to focus in here, on the internal production management. So let's put this into perspective. In a firm you can break things down again. Another way, another perspective, is the procurement dealing with the vendors, the marketing side, dealing with the customers, and production in the middle , making those products that can then be sold downstream to the customers. You can think of information or planning coming from the market , it's demand-driven up the stream. And then back down the stream will be the inventory deployment. Now, between these three big buckets marketing, production, and procurement ,there are other activities. So you can think of the marriage between production and marketing as that physical distribution. You can think of the connection between procurement and production itself as materials management. You'll sometimes hear these terms used frequently within firms . But what we have here is a linking connection between the vendors and the customers. So what systems do we use to make this whole process work? How do we communicate the information? Well, there's three main systems. In the middle is this master production schedule. We'll talk a lot about that in this course This is the thing that determines how much you're going to build, what items and when. It's like the whole production plan for your firm. Now, this interfaces with two different systems. Going upstream, you've got the MRP, or Material Requirements Planning. This helps me determine all the components that go within a product, and how to schedule them, and how to ripple that schedule back. Conversely, almost symmetrical, is the DRP, the Distribution Requirements Planning system. And this helps me determine how does my product flow to all my customers. So how do they fit together? You can think of it this way. The sales and marketing plan comes in. And that helps influence what we do, how we're going to distribute. That information goes into the master planning system that determines when, how much, and what products we're going to manufacture. That ripples back to the MRP system that lets my vendors know when they need to provide things, so then I can produce them according to my schedule, and then distribute them out. So how do I do my master production scheduling? . We should have already talked, you should be familiar with, some of the things I can do for purchasing, how I can coordinate with my procurement side, the purchasing side. And later on, we'll talk a little bit more about how I can collaborate here with my customers. So there's a lot of interaction. The communication goes both ways , both from the customers up and also from the vendors down."
Price: 24.99

"Tcnicas Para Ser Feliz" |
"Recupera Tu Equilibrio y Fuerza Interior, Aqu Descubrirs cmo enfrentar tus miedos, empoderarte y tener los resultados que esperas en tu vida!Hemos reunido para ti 9 de los mejores lderes y expertos en transformacin, desarrollo personal, espiritual y otras reas relacionadas; para entregarte informacin de calidad y tcnicas que ellos han verificado y puesto en prctica en sus vidas, lo cual se ve reflejado en los logros que estn alcanzando.A travs de este curso desarrollars estas 6 reas en tu vida:1. Alegra de Vivir: Proyeccin de Vida y Resiliencia.2. Prosperidad y Abundancia.3. Armona Interior: Espiritualidad.4. Bienestar Emocional: Manejo ptimo de las Emociones.5. Relaciones Armnicas: Empata y Habilidades Sociales.6. Vitalidad y Fortaleza: Biologa y Sanacin del Cuerpo.Ten acceso 24 horas 7 das a la semana a cerca de 9 horas de video, adems obtienes meditaciones, audios, ebooks.Alcanzars Propsitos Espirituales, Descubrirs el Poder del Pensamiento, Desarrollars Relaciones de Amor, Aprenders a Vibrar en Alta Frecuencia, Despertars Tu Conexin Interna y Sers la Mejor Versin de ti Mismo.Acceso VIP a 9 expertos que te ayudarn a cumplir con tus propsitos en las diferentes reas de tu vida.Alrededor de 9 horas de video.5 Meditaciones descargables que te permitirn conectar con lo mejor de ti mismo.9 audios de las conferencias descargables.7 Ebooks descargables de Espiritualidad, Paz Interior, Sanacin Interior, Angeles, Amor Propio, Resiliencia.AVISO LEGAL: Los resultados pueden variar de persona a persona."
Price: 19.99

"Intensivo de Contabilidade para no contadores" |
"Ol, seja bem vindo ao curso ""Intensivo de Contabilidade para no contadores"". Iremos juntos caminhar desde os conceitos bsicos da contabilidade at anlise das demonstraes contbeis (Balano patrimonial e Demonstrao do resultado do exerccio).Olhe a grade curricular para saber mais sobre o que vamos aprender.Para quem esse curso?Todos os interessados, em especial pessoas que no estudaram o curso de cincias contbeis. indicado para administradores, pessoas do processo gerencial, economia, at direito e pessoas que queiram entender os nmeros em uma empresa no geral.Perguntas e respostas:1 Esse curso tem certificado?R: Tem sim.2 Posso fazer perguntas ao professor?R: Pode sim.3 Por quanto tempo posso acessar o curso?R: O acesso vitalcio.4 Posso pedir reembolso?R: Sim, voc tem 30 dias para pedir reembolso."
Price: 69.99

"Risk Control Self Assessment method, Tools and techniques..." |
"This course expand knowledge and understanding of managing risk. Now a days business needs competent people to managing risk and because of this there is high demand in risk management experts. In this course you would get a wide knowledge in Risk management and Risk analysis. The key learning of basic inRiskObjectivesTypes & level of risk Risk Control and its measuresTechniques"
Price: 24.99

"AutoCAD BSICO passo a passo 100% prtico" |
" Manusear comandos de visualizao, elaborar configuraes do ambiente de trabalho conforme necessidade. Manusear comandos de criao e edio de elementos em 2D Aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos em desenhos simples preenchendo os textos necessrios e colocando as cotas pertinentes. Home+line Home+arc+3 pontos Home+arc+Start, Center, End Home+arc+Start, Center, Angle Home+arc+Start,Center,Length Home+arc+Start,End,Angle Home+arc+Start,End,Radius Home+arc+Start,End,Direction Home+ OFFSET Home+arc+Centro,Start,End Home+arc+Centro,Start,Angle Home+arc+Centro,Start,Length Home+arc+continue Home+circle+Radius Home+circle+diametro Home+circle+2points Home+circle+3points Home+circle+TTR Home+text+single line text Home+elipse+center Home+elipse+axis,end Home+HATCH Home+ POLYLINE Copy DIVIDE CHAMFER Extend Modificar o texto Properties Rotao LINETYPE e COLOR Measure+rea Multline Coordenada Polar SPLINE Isomtrico Fillet Mirror Move Rotate Scale Reduo/Ampliao TRIM Array Polar/Retangular Poligon Rectangle DIMENSION CENTER MARK Annotate + DIMENSION LINEAR Annotate + DIMENSION+RADIUS Annotate + DIMENSION+ANGULAR Annotate + DIMENSION+DIAMETER Annotate + DIMENSION LINEAR Annotate + DIMENSION+ALIGNED Annotate +DIMENSION+BASELINE Annotate + DIMENSION+TOLERANCIA"
Price: 39.99

"O Poder da Autorresponsabilidade on-line" |
"O Curso O Poder da Autorresponsabilidade On-Line, tem como finalidade trabalhar conceitos importantes de autoconhecimento, inteligncia emocional, zona de conforto, autorresponsabilidade e aplicao de ferramentas que visam auxiliar o participante no seu desenvolvimento pessoal.O material do curso foi baseado no livro O Poder da Autorresponsabilidade, conceito desenvolvido por Paulo Vieira, PHD e mestre em coaching. que vendeu mais de 500 mil cpias no Brasil, o autor define autorresponsabilidade como a certeza de que somos os nicos responsveis pelos nossos resultados e pela vida que levamos.O treinamento far o participante mergulhar em intenso conhecimento e imerso em um contedo estruturado, para que ele possa colocar em prtica seus objetivos, deixando de lado todas as justificativas e desculpas.Saber tambm como alcanar alta performance usando ao, foco, autoconhecimento, ferramentas e conceitos que realmente transformam atitudes e quebram ciclos de insatisfao.Benefcios do Curso O Poder da Autorresponsabilidadea) Maior comprometimentob) Melhor comunicaoc) Maior disposio para ouvird) Mais motivao de seguir a carreirae) Mais satisfao profissional e mais eficcia no trabalhof) Melhores interaes sociaisg) Satisfao na vida pessoalh) Baixo nvel de estresseOs mdulos do curso so:Mdulo 01 : Introduo do cursoMdulo 02 : Mapeamento do Estado AtualMdulo 03 : Inteligncia EmocionalMdulo 04 : AutorresponsabilidadeMdulo 05 : CrenasMdulo 06 : Sucesso"
Price: 129.99

"Learn Yoga Fly like a Butterfly" |
"Dear all, Thank you for taking a step to Learn Yoga. This course is designed keeping in mind the needs of todays human community with a desire to bring everyone out of their serious lives into a Light hearted mode. To do this, I have put together my 10 years of experience learnings into few basic postures which will break the Ice for beginners and remove the concept of Yoga as something serious rather , let yoga flow into hearts as something fun, something that can be done by all. Creative observation has made me include, Butterfly song and Butterfly warm ups. Then you have Moods of Palm tree, Half moon postures, Courage posture and air release posture. These basic posture will defintely bring you into a bright space of child eyes where you merge into Yoga.I am here for you and reaching out to millions to convey the message, life is Humble, life is healing and life is all about fun.Enjoy the course and please privide your feeback which will help me to bring more courses like this.Thank you so much, your time means a lot to me. I value your presence in my life.Your friend,Prabha"
Price: 19.99

"Yoga for a Zen mind, the subtle practices for a calm mind" |
"That which you are seeking is seeking you.It seeks you inside yourself.Yoga in ancient days was divised by the creators for moulding the mind in such a way that man can conquer his inner states through the various practices prescribed. With the passing of time, Yoga became more and more independent of its multidimensional qualities of creating a mind that is free from analogies and dialogues. My course aims to internalize the process of yoga not only as a means to achieve a beautiful body but also as a path to blend the scattered mind into a settled mind. My experience of 10 years as a Yoga teacher and ardent yoga practioner has made me submerged in the lap of nature that helps me to communicate with nature, plants and trees. I wanted to share how we can learn from 2 Personas of nature, the most powerful creation , The Tree and The most powerful warrior , The man. After learning these lessons it is very apt to use the process to reach a state of Zen mind. I have shared Sit Za zen method with an objective to make the running man slow down a bit to achieve a peaceful state. I am sure, the space from which this course comes will open the doors of Zen to your life."
Price: 29.99

"Cisco CCNA CyberOps - SECFND (210-250) Practice Questions" |
"Our Cisco CCNA CyberOps - SECFND (210-250) Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our Cisco CCNA CyberOps - SECFND (210-250) Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v10 Practice Questions" |
"Our Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v10 Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our Certified Ethical Hacker CEH v10 Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Questions" |
"Our Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Comment rveiller le lion qui sommeille en vous" |
"LIBEREZ VOTRE PUISSANCE INTERIEURECours complet sur la Motivation, Confiance en Soi et Productivit.Cette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour booster votre motivation, amliorer votre confiance,et atteindre vos objectifs.Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans les domaines de la motivation, productivit, gestion du temps, dfinition des objectifs.Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur la motivation, confiance en soi et productivit?Si vous voulez booster votre motivation ?Si vous avez plein de choses faire mais vous manquez toujours de temps pour les raliser ?Si vous ntes pas clair sur ce qui vous bloque aujourdhui dans latteinte de vos objectifs ?Si vous pensez avoir un grand potentiel mais vous narrivez pas vous motiver pour passer laction ?Cette formation est pour vous.Malheureusement la plupart des gens nont pas un problme dides mais un problme dexcution. Ils nont la force et lnergie pour se lever tous les matins et partir la ralisation de leurs rves.Aujourdhui plus que jamais, les choses changent une vitesse incroyable. Il y a tellement dinformations retenir, tellement dopportunits saisir, quon a limpression de ne plus savoir o donner de la tte. Beaucoup de personnes dispersent leurs nergies, manquent de concentration et finissent en burnout.Si vous aussi, vous vous demandez, comment se fait-il que certaines personnes arrivent accomplir en un mois ce que dautres accomplissent en un an ? Quelle est la diffrence entre les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie et la majorit de gens ?Cette formation vous apportera des rponses toutes ces questions.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans laccomplissement de vos objectifs aussi ambitieux soient-ils.Avec des objectifs clairs et des stratgies pour les atteindre, vous serez inarrtable. Vous naurez plus besoin de vous motiver pour passer laction. Vous naurez plus peur doser plus de choses.Les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie font des choses au quotidien qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats. Que ce soit pour vos finances, votre carrire, vos relations ou votre sant.Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous mettez en place toutes les stratgies.Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel.Apprenez des stratgies efficaces pour une motivation durable et les erreurs viterDfinissez des objectifs clairs et ambitieux et ayez des stratgies pour les raliserClarifiez votre vision et dcouvrez votre passion laide de 5 questions puissantesAugmentez votre niveau dnergie pour raliser plus de choses dans votre journeEvitez le burnout avec ces techniques dorganisationDcouvrez comment les personnes qui russissent structurent leurs journesRalisez plus de choses tout en restant dtenduApprenez des techniques scientifiquement prouves pour liminer la peur de lactionMettez en place des rituels pour tre atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidementApprenez des techniques pour rester concentr et ne travailler que sur lessentielApprenez grer votre temps afin de maximiser vos rsultatsEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationMaintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis a tout de suite lintrieur.Ce que vous allez apprendreApprenez des stratgies efficaces pour une motivation durable et les erreurs viterDfinissez des objectifs clairs et ambitieux et ayez des stratgies pour les raliserClarifiez votre vision et dcouvrez votre passion laide de 5 questions puissantesAugmentez votre niveau dnergie pour raliser plus de choses dans votre journeEvitez le burnout avec ces techniques dorganisationDcouvrez comment les personnes qui russissent structurent leurs journesRalisez plus de choses tout en restant dtenduApprenez des techniques scientifiquement prouves pour liminer la peur de lactionMettez en place des rituels pour tre atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidementApprenez des techniques pour rester concentr et ne travailler que sur lessentielApprenez grer votre temps afin de maximiser vos rsultatsEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationY a-t-il des exigences ou prrequis pour ce cours ?tre ouvert desprit et prt passer laction qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Cette formation sadresse particulirement tous ceux qui ont de grands rves et qui ont besoin de motivation, de confiance et de stratgies efficaces pour les raliser.La formation sadresse aussi aux personnes qui ont de lambition mais qui ne sont pas clairs sur leur passion ou ce quils veulent faire dans la vie.Etudiants, employs ou entrepreneurs qui veulent booster leur niveau de motivation."
Price: 69.99

"Statistical Hypothesis Testing-1" |
"Hypothesis testing is one of the most important concepts in statistics specially in inferential statistics. The basis of statistical hypothesis test and different terminologies (p-value, level of significance, type 1 and type 2 errors)will be explained elaborately. Students will be capable to infer about a population mean, proportion, differences between means or proportions, and the relationships between variables and many others. The students will come to know the process of formulating and conducting the hypothesis test in step by step. They will gain the insight view of different types of statistical hypothesis test. They will be able to distinguish between the t-test and z-test. The course will laid the foundation for the advanced level of statistical hypothesis test. It will be very helpful to understand and infer about the different models and algorithms in data science and machine learning. Specially, who are interested to advance their carriers in data science and machine learning should complete the course"
Price: 19.99

"Personal Power and Your Professional Self" |
"This course is designed to give social workers, social care professionals and therapeutic practitioners some quality time to consider the self they use in their work more deeply. It provides resources that explain how self-awareness is understood, and exercises that will allow you to reflect deeply and commit to a path for self-development and beneficial improvement to your practice. Debbie has spent seven years researching how social work professionals learn to merge their personal perspective with the professional ethics demanded of their work. Her expertise as both a therapist and educator are brought to bear in this unique course.The course will lift your self-confidence, unblock your creativity, and bring new authenticity into your working relationships."
Price: 29.99

"Learn how to craft Pet collars with macrame using Paracords" |
"I will guide you through a logical and structured course in a simple and efficient way, everything you need to know to create beautiful, original and unique collars. This Initial CORDA Mastery course is the first and only Paracord course focused on the pet market.This short course aims to teach an initial macrame technique using Paracord in a fast and easy way. I want to bring you into this fascinating world, and they will be the first and most important steps to infinite possibilities.You will understand easily each step to create a collar; you will also have support material, measurement tables, and other details to delight you with this amazing universe!"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de iluminao mesa de luz Mini Avolites DMX 1024" |
"Aprenda a programar a mesa de melhor custo benefcio do mercado, saiba todos as informaes: Introduo, quantos canais a mesa suporta, como operar os aparelhos em canais separados ou em grupo, gravar cenas, chases, cenas e paletes, como ligar qualquer aparelho de iluminao com protocolo DMX 512 a mesa de iluminao, modos de execuo de cenas, chases e paletes, como deletar as cenas, transio de cenas, tempo de cenas, off, fan, inverter, pan, tilt, dimmer e outros, Shapes, Copy, Grupos, e informaes extras de como aprender a fazer um patch de qualquer aparelho."
Price: 339.99

"Unity game development course - make an Android/iOS game" |
"In this course, we will be making an addictive 3D Runner game, that we will monetise with ads. We will cover all the basics of unity software and:Installing UnityOverview of unity softwareOverview of C# scriptingLearn how to code in C#Prefabricated game objectshow to work with prefabsAnimations in UnityAnimation ControllerScore systemPause systemMenu SystemAnimationsCharacter animationsMobile setupGrouping prefabsProcedural level generationRandomized game designMonetizing our gaming appuploading the game to the google play store.So what are you waiting for guys? join now and enable yourself to learn from this awesome course :)"
Price: 104.99

"[NEW] 1Z0-1042-20 Oracle Cloud Platform App Integration-Dump" |
"Practice tests to evaluate your knowledge for Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Specialist ( 1Z0-1042-20 ) Certification exam with 100% assured actual certification exam passing result on first attempt.2 practice tests totaling 80 challenging scenario based questionnaires in Multiple Choice Question format.Who this practice test for?Those, who are planning for OIC certification.Those, who wants to test their knowledge on Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Specialist on Integration Solutions.What makes these practice tests UNIQUE when compared to other Oracle Cloud Integration Service (OIC) practice/mock tests in Udemy?100% are scenario-based questionnaire similar to actual certification examAll the scenario been validated by Oracle Cloud Integration Service.All are distinctive and challenging questions.If you need more explanation or clarification, we are approachable.Check the Q&A thread, where lots of questions been explained and answered when participants engaged.Don't get surprised, if you see similar scenarios in certification exam."
Price: 19.99

networking |
"This is selvajegan here .Have a very good understanding of networking FundamentalsCompleted my CCNA ,CCNP and CCIE .Planning to cover from basic to advanced networkingso will cover all the networking topics including the latest networking technologiesFirst will start with the Networking Fundamentals ,then with the Switching and Routing ConceptsThis is selvajegan here .Have a very good understanding of networking FundamentalsCompleted my CCNA ,CCNP and CCIE .Planning to cover from basic to advanced networkingso will cover all the networking topics including the latest networking technologiesFirst will start with the Networking Fundamentals ,then with the Switching and Routing Concepts"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-082 - Oracle Database Administration I" |
"An Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional has proven theoretical understanding of and the practical skills required to configure and manage Oracle Databases up to and including Oracle 19c. Passing this 1st exam in the 2 exam path proves your skills in SQL programming skills, database and network administration.> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the practice exam questions of the following courses. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-082 - Oracle Database Administration I ]Review 1Z0-082 Exam Details: Duration: 150 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 90, Passing Score: 60%Understanding Oracle Database Architecture - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopUnderstanding Oracle Database Instance ConfigurationsUnderstanding Oracle Database Memory and Process StructuresUnderstanding Logical and Physical Database StructuresUnderstanding Oracle Database Server ArchitectureManaging Users, Roles and Privileges - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopAssigning Quotas to UsersApplying the Principal of Least PrivilegeCreating and Assigning ProfilesAdministering User Authentication MethodsManaging Oracle Database Users, Privileges, and RolesMoving Data - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopUsing External TablesUsing Oracle Data PumpUsing SQL*LoaderConfiguring Oracle Net Services - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopUsing Oracle Net Services Administration ToolsConfiguring Communication Between Database InstancesConfiguring the Oracle Net ListenerConnecting to an Oracle Database InstanceComparing Dedicated and Shared Server ConfigurationsAdministering Naming MethodsManaging Undo - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopUnderstanding Transactions and Undo DataStoring Undo InformationConfiguring Undo RententionComparing Undo Data and Redo DataUnderstanding Temporary UndoUsing Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLApplying the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to dataUnderstanding implicit and explicit data type conversionUsing the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functionsNesting multiple functionsUsing SET Operators - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLMatching the SELECT statementsUsing the ORDER BY clause in set operationsUsing The INTERSECT operatorUsing The MINUS operatorUsing The UNION and UNION ALL operatorsManaging Views - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLManaging ViewsRetrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLUsing Column aliasesUsing The DESCRIBE commandUsing The SQL SELECT statementUsing concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keywordUsing Arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statementReporting Aggregated Data Using Group Functions - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLRestricting Group ResultsCreating Groups of DataUsing Group FunctionsManaging Tables using DML statements - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLManaging Database TransactionsUsing Data Manipulation LanguageControlling transactionsManaging Schema Objects - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLCreating and using temporary tablesManaging constraintsManaging Database Instances - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopStarting Up Oracle Database InstancesUsing Data Dictionary ViewsShutting Down Oracle Database InstancesUsing Dynamic Performance ViewsUsing the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)Using the Alert Log and Trace FilesManaging Initialization Parameter FilesManaging Storage - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopManaging Resumable Space AllocationShrinking SegmentsDeferring Segment CreationUsing Space-Saving FeaturesDeploying Oracle Database Space Management FeaturesManaging Different Types of SegmentsUsing Table and Row CompressionUnderstanding Block Space ManagementAccessing an Oracle Database with Oracle supplied Tools - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopUsing the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud ControlUsing racle enterprise Manager Database ExpressUsing SQL DeveloperUsing SQL PlusManaging Tablespaces and Datafiles - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopViewing Tablespace InformationCreating, Altering and Dropping TablespacesManaging Table Data StorageImplementing Oracle Managed FilesMoving and Renaming Online Data FilesRestricting and Sorting Data - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLApplying Rules of precedence for operators in an expressionLimiting Rows Returned in a SQL StatementUsing Substitution VariablesUsing the DEFINE and VERIFY commandsDisplaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLUsing Self-joinsUsing Various Types of JoinsUsing Non equijoinsUsing OUTER joinsUnderstanding Data Definition Language - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLUsing Data Definition LanguageManaging Data in Different Time Zones - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLWorking with CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,and LOCALTIMESTAMPWorking with INTERVAL data typesUsing Single-Row Functions to Customize Output - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLManipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECT and WHERE clausesPerforming arithmetic with date dataManipulating numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC and MOD functionsManipulating dates with the date functionUsing Subqueries to Solve Queries - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLUsing Single Row SubqueriesUsing Multiple Row SubqueriesManaging Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes - Oracle Database: Introduction to SQLManaging IndexesManaging SynonymsManaging SequencesOracle Database 19c offers market-leading performance, scalability, reliability, and security both on-premises and in the cloud. And since its the Long Term Release of the Oracle Database 12c and 18c family of products, it provides the highest level of release stability and longest time frame for support and bug fixes."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-083 - Oracle Database Administration II" |
"An Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional has proven theoretical understanding of and the practical skills required to configure and manage Oracle Databases up to and including Oracle 19c. Passing this 2nd exam in a 2 exam path proves your skills in: installation, upgrades, patching, SQL programming skills, database and network administration and backup and recovery. This person also demonstrates fluency with some advanced skills such as multi-tenant, SQL performance monitoring and problem determination.> What you will learn in this Exam:In this course, you will only get the practice exam questions of the following courses. There are not any lectures on these exams but we assure you 100% pass guarantee.[ 1Z0-083 - Oracle Database Administration II ]Review 1Z0-083 Exam Details: Duration: 150 Minutes, No. Of Questions: 85, Passing Score: 57%Creating CDBs and Regular PDBs - Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture Ed 1Configure and create a CDBCreate a new PDB from the CDB seedExplore the structure of PDBsBackup and Duplicate - Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture Ed 1Perform Backup and Recover CDBs and PDBsDuplicate an active PDBDuplicate a DatabaseManage Application PDBs - Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture Ed 1Explain the purpose of application root and application seedDefine and create application PDBsInstall, upgrade and Patch applicationsCreate and administer Application PDBSClone PDBs and Application containersPlug and unplug operations with PDBs and application containersComparing Local Undo Mode and Shared Undo ModeRecovery and Flashback - Oracle Database: Managing Multitenant Architecture Ed 1Restore and Recovering Databases with RMANPerform CDB and PDB flashbackBackup Strategies and Terminology - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopPerform Full and Incremental Backups and RecoveriesCompress and Encrypt RMAN BackupsUse a media managerCreate multi-section backups of very large filesCreate duplexed backup setsCreate archival backupsBackup of recovery filesBackup non database filesBack up ASM meta dataRestore and Recovery Concepts - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopEmploy the best Oracle Database recovery technology for your failure situationDescribe and use Recovery technology for Crash, Complete, and Point-in-time recovryUsing Flashback Technologies - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopConfigure your Database to support FlashbackPerform flashback operationsDuplicating a Database - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopDuplicate DatabasesDiagnosing Failures - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopDetect and repair database and database block corruptionDiagnosing Database IssuesTransporting Data - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery WorkshopTransport DataInstall Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopInstall Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone serverInstall Oracle Database softwarePatching Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopPatch Grid Infrastructure and Oracle DatabaseUpgrading to Oracle Grid Infrastructure - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopUpgrade Oracle Grid InfrastructureOracle Database 18c: New Features - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopImage and RPM based Database InstallationOracle Restart - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopConfigure and use Oracle Restart to manage componentsInstall Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone server - Oracle Database: Deploy, Patch and Upgrade WorkshopRapid Home ProvisioningUsing Availability Enhancements - Oracle Database 19c: New Features for AdministratorsUse an RMAN recovery catalogUse Flashback DatabaseMonitoring and Tuning Database Performance - Oracle Database: Administration WorkshopManaging Memory ComponentsUnderstanding The Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)Understanding The Advisory FrameworkMonitoring Wait Events, Sessions, and ServicesManaging Metric Thresholds and AlertsUnderstanding and Using The Performance Tuning MethodologyPerforming Performance PlanningUnderstanding The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)Oracle Database 19c offers market-leading performance, scalability, reliability, and security both on-premises and in the cloud. And since its the Long Term Release of the Oracle Database 12c and 18c family of products, it provides the highest level of release stability and longest time frame for support and bug fixes."
Price: 19.99
