"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.For md-100 Skills measuredDeploy Windows (15-20%)Manage devices and data (35-40%)Configure connectivity (15-20%)Maintain Windows (25-30%)For md-101Skills measuredDeploy and update operating systems (35-40%)Manage policies and profiles (25-30%)Manage and protect devices (20-25%)Manage apps and data (10-15%"
Price: 29.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.Skills measuredThe content of this exam will be updated on October 16, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what will be changing.Set up and configure financial management (35-40%)Manage and apply common processes (20-25%)Implement and manage accounts payable and receivable (20-25%)Manage budgeting and fixed assets (15-20%)"
Price: 29.99

"Bachata - Ladies Styling & Technique Course Advanced Level" |
"Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - AdvancedThis course will push all your skills to the limit, we build what you learned on the previous Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - Beginners and Improvers and cover all essential aspects of Bachata Ladies Styling on the dance floor.If you are unsure of any of the fundamental techniques or just want more practice, we recommend and invite you to revise the previous courses. This course is aimed at experienced dancers.We expand and introduce new ways you can use your Core Techniques as well as showing you in great detail new techniques.During this course we will cover:Recap routine of essential techniquesAdvanced body Isolation exercisesAdvanced body coordinationAdvanced arms movement during complex combinationsSpinning and advanced turn techniques whilst in full flow and stylingMore Dominican variations, Kick Ball Change, Shuffle Steps, and much moreHead rolls, Back Bends, Hip Hinges, Dives, Lateral wavesDeveloping confidence and power to shine on the dance floorMusic Interpretation on many layersComplex advance Bachata routinesAdvanced practice videos"
Price: 24.99

"Tiktok fr Anfnger" |
"Du hast bereist den Hype/Trend um die Neue Video Plattform TikTok mitbekommen und fragst Dich wie Du diese Plattform am besten fr Dich nutzen kannst?Eventuell produzierst Du bereits Content auf anderen Sozialen Medien und mchtest diesen noch weiterhin bekannter machen?Vielleicht stehst Du aber auch erst am Anfang und mchtest damit beginnen Dir deine ,,Persnliche Marke aufzubauen?Vielleicht interessiert dich eher die Richtung Wissen zu vermitteln, Fitness Videos zu machen oder sogar Comedy und Unterhaltenden Content zu produzieren.Egal wo Du gerade mit den Antworten zu diesen Fragen stehst, habe ich eine gute Nachricht.Derzeit bietet sich wohl einer besten Mglichkeiten mit deinem persnlichen Content zu wachsen und Dir damit Reichweite aufzubauen. Nmlich durch TikTok.Mit diesem Kurs mchte ich Dir helfen mit deinem Individuellen Content und damit mit deiner Persnlichen Marke durch diese neue Plattform zu wachsen. Oder vielleicht kann ich Dir auch einfach nur einen Einblick geben was mglich ist.Selber Produziere ich seit ca. 7-8 Monaten Videos auf TikTok und konnte bis heute ber 275 Tsd. Follower aufbauen.Wovon die meisten in den letzten 3-4 Monate dazu gekommen sind.All die Tipps und Tricks, die ich in den letzten Monate gelernt habe, wrde ich gerne weitergeben.Und genau dahinter steht der Sinn dieses Kurses.Nmlich, dass Du nicht die selben Fehler machen musst wie ich in meinen Anfangsmonaten, sondern dass deine Rakete mit deinem Content deutlich schneller und Effizienter durch die Decke schieen kann!"
Price: 29.99

"Beginner's Guide to Matplotlib" |
"You just took a course on Python or are working on your data analytics skills. However, creating visualizations was skimmed over and you were left feeling that there's more to learn. How can you feel confident in creating the kind of graphs that your instructor was making?This course gets granular about using Matplotlib with Python. It shows you how to access, use, and understand the Artist class to get you going on your Python journey. It's frustrating to have an understanding on Numpy, Pandas, and Scipy but are unable to visualize the data the way you want. I've been in that place, so I went out and taught it to myself. Now, I want to share the step-by-step approach I took, so we can all stop struggling with Python visualizations."
Price: 24.99

"Growth Marketing: Strategy & Execution Bootcamp for Startups" |
"""I know what my startup's goals are but I have no idea how to get there""Hi! My name is Eyal Toledano and for the past decade, I've obsessed over the science of engineering predictable growth for a variety of startups across SaaS, Ecommerce, mobile, gaming and more.If youre like me, youve run into many challenges trying to grow your startup, sell more of your product or garner traction for a project. All too often, we hear that Build It And They Will Come is not a viable business strategy.In the field, the truth is most startups die from being unable to materialize their goals into actual results. Too much strategy and too little action.The fact is that goal seeking is an applied skill; it takes time, practice and mistakes to get really good at it and its nuances:Whether a product already exists or not, how do you determine the path to reaching your goals?How do you set goals?What is the simplest way to gain a heuristic understanding of every moving piece contributing to your desired bottom line?After helping dozens of companies systemize their approach to growth through advisory engagements, accelerator mentorship and hands-on workshops, the Growth Models & Goalseeking masterclass was created to help transfer those skills on-demand.The goal of this masterclass is to share my emotional, psychological and logical approach to designing growth systems with you so you can apply that approach to your use case.What youll learnOver 6.5+ hours of video growth instruction, learn to reverse-engineer your future state into weekly and monthly product iterations, complete with quantified KPI targets giving you a focused growth roadmap aimed at delivering the key monthly uplifts to reach your goals.Traverse the key sections of your company, defining and optimizing your Market, Product, Acquisition Channels and Business Model in a matter that enables your product to build demand for itself, rather than constantly having to figure out how to build demand for the product.Learn to identify North Star metrics which have the power to positively influence your every KPI across the board and how to optimize your product management in relation to these metricsAchieve working proficiency by building a growth model for your startup which will plainly show what needs to happen, where it needs to happen and by when to hit your desired goals.Who is this Masterclass for?This is an entry-level growth marketing strategy class aimed at introducing marketers with a deeper sense of how to materialize their own strategy into a month to month execution plan that overdelivers their goals. Approximately 20% of the time is spent reviewing key growth concepts and 80% is follow along materials aimed at developing critical thinking around the most important parts of the growth equation.Startup foundersMarketing managersGrowth marketers (SaaS, mobile, ecommerce)Ecommerce marketersEvery model is different, especially based on the kind of business model used. A SaaS or mobile app model may focus on revenue and user retention whereas an ecommerce or transactional model might be more focused on profitably acquiring customers from the onset.The goal of the course isn't to download and use the model that was built in the videos; but to give you enough tools and confidence to bootstrap a model of your own that clearly communicates your path and how to achieve it.Growth Strategist CertificationComplete a ten-part questionnaire to cement your understanding of the theory and practice of engineering and executing a demand and growth strategy. Walk away from the Masterclass as a certified growth strategist.About Your Instructor""Eyal is one of the rare players in the startup space who can play each role really well. He has deep experience in startups at all stages of the lifecycle and across industries with specific superpowers in e-commerce, marketplaces and SaaS models. The wonderful aspect of working with Eyal is he raises everyone's game and keeps the momentum that is so vital to startups going up and to the right. I would work with Eyal and any company he is associated with, in a heartbeat.""""It's rare to find a Growth advisor of Eyal's caliber, let alone one who consistently drives results across the entire funnel. The hyper-growth we've experienced at ManyChat would overwhelm even the most seasoned Growth marketers. However, I can always rely on Eyal to bring compassion, perspective, and a few 'next steps' to the challenges at hand. Eyal is the trusted Growth advisor most SaaS founders know they need, but may never be lucky enough to have. I feel privileged to have Eyal's help growing ManyChat, and I'd relish the opportunity to work with him again on future projects.""""I have never learnt more in a short period of time than while working with Eyal. He's an extremely knowledgeable entrepreneur who always brings the best of the talent he works with.""""Eyal has been more than instrumental in helping me get my company growth on track. His experience helped him understand where I was coming from and provide a clear and actionable path to not just profitability, but to my own personal comfort and sanity. He's helped devise and implement a great, nimble marketing strategy fit for a small company, but scalable as we grow. He's also been a huge help in larger business operations. He made some strategic staffing suggestions which we're still relying on and benefitting from today. It's been such an honor to work with such a fine tuned mind. I can't wait to see where things go from here!""""Eyal is a true growth master. I've learned a ton through my time working with him. He's the man who makes the best plans. His strategic insight and advice helps companies reach product market fit. Highly recommend working with him if you get the opportunity."""
Price: 199.99

"English language learning newest Certified complete course" |
"G. P. Warrier, former chairman of Southern Railways India and Eisenhower fellow, my grandfather's book as a tribute to him and as course text is being done here for language learning. Vocabulary and English pronounciation lessons are being learnt here for communication purposes.Life lessons, from his experiences are learnt here in his insightful anectodes, that occured over several years of his work life."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Online de Fotografia Criativa Profissional" |
"Aprenda como se destacar no mundo da fotografia com tcnicas inovadoras e aguando sua criatividade com Amanda Costa! Tenha uma nova perspectiva sobre seus equipamentos, vislumbre novos cenrios em ambientes j utilizado em trabalhos anteriores, conduza como um maestro os mais variados perfis de clientes e conquiste uma carreira de sucessos!"
Price: 504.99

"The Complete Pinterest Ads Course 2020 [Pinterest Playbook]" |
"Learn From a 7-Figure E-commerce store owner who has been featured in Yahoo Finance, Business Blurb, ABC and Fox News (Pinterest is the most UNTAPPED medium for driving highly-converting traffic to your product or service. And... we will make you an expert in one short week!)Did you know that Pinterest has on average the highest household income earners on any platform?What that means for you: more sales, more profit.Not to mention that Pinterest (by it's nature) has a high-buying intent community. Most people come to Pinterest for a specific search query much like Google. Which in Layman's terms means it is an easier sale for you. They are looking for products or services that you have to offer.But let's face it, just because there are wealthy individuals (disposable income), with high-buying intent, doesn't mean you just throw up an ad and become rich. There are rules and practices that need to be followed and understood.That is why I created the Pinterest Playbook. Everything you need to know to master Pinterest ads in less than a week. No fluff, No BS. That's always been my motto.In this course you willGet SHORTCUTS to the Pinterest Dashboard to pinpoint what is most important (and what can be ignored).Master the Pinterest Algorithm, Ad Reporting and Attribution to have a 360 degree awareness and GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT.Save HOURS of time & stress by quickly identifying bad strategies that don't result in profitable campaigns.Create INSANELY PROFITABLE Pinterest ads with dead-simple strategies and have them run virtually on autopilot!Harness and thrive with Act-A-Like audiences to continue reaching highly-profitable dream customers, while reducing costs.What gives me the credibility to teach you on this subject?I've been featured in international media, boast a large following on social media, and generate millions of dollars a year with my own online businesses. I saw an opportunity with Pinterest ads a few years ago and knew this is an untapped market. Now I want to share what I've learned with you.Now my question to you is, do you want to say in a couple years ""Man... I wish I would have jumped on Pinterest a couple years ago. That would have been life-changing to my business."" More and more people are finding out about this opportunity. It's wise to jump on the train before it leaves the station.Pinterest has changed the way I advertise my business. And I know it can change yours with the secrets I'm about to share.Ready To Get Started? Click the Buy Now button to get instant access and begin driving better traffic, resulting in more sales. This Complete Pinterest Course is something I would normally offer for hundreds of dollars. You will get it for a fraction of the price.Who this course is for:Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, E-commerce/ Dropshippers, and Social Media Agencies who want massive success in digital advertising."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Sound Design Recipe Book Vol 4: FX and Oddities" |
"Welcome to Ultimate Sound Design Recipe Book, Vol 4: FX and Oddities!In this class, you won't just be hearing from me. You will have 5 incredibly experienced, professional instructors. I'll be one of them, but I've brought in some of the top sound designers working right now to give up their secrets.Jack Denny: Best known for his role as one of three producers and performers in the super-group Ternion Sound. These guys are all over the world right now.Joe Dumpling: Known primarily under his alias Dumpling, Joe is a top-notch producer and multi-instrumentalist. And an experienced teacher, too!Zak Khan: Zak is making some of the funkiest, coolest music I've heard in a long time, so I was super excited he agreed to help out with some videos here. Get ready for something special.James Patrick: You've met James before in some of my other classes, but he is also a world-renowned producer and performer, and accomplished teacher (and Ableton Certified Trainer)Me! I'll be guiding you through all of the lessons from these guests and filling in anything that needs to be filled in.The goal of this class is to help you define your sound by learning some of the tricks of the best in the world.Software:This course is NOT specific to any DAW program.This is a course about techniques. Most techniques that you see the instructors doing can be replicated in several different applications. We will focus here on techniques, and learning with step-by-step examples of how to make specific sounds. Topics Covered: Video Game SoundsHorror Film SoundsRisersStereo Imaging EffectsMixing EffectsVocal ResamplingAutomating EffectsAnd much, much more!If you are ready to start making professional sounding tracks, this is the class that will start you on that journey. Get started today.Dr. Allen is a university music professor and is a top-rated Udemy instructor - with nearly 100 courses and over 300,000 students. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. ** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough sound design course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30-day money-back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waited for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts for all future classes in the series. "
Price: 19.99

"Desarrollo Web con Genexus 15 - Nivel Basico" |
"Hoy en da las casas desarrolladoras de software requieren herramientas que permitan la industrializacin de sus productos, que mejoren los tiempos de desarrollo, ajustados a los estndares de calidad y productividad. Difundir software basado en conocimiento puro, para el desarrollo automtico de Aplicaciones que logre generar el 100% de los programas y le realice mantenimiento de forma automtica, es una ventaja competitiva que le apunta a la innovacin y estar siempre a la vanguardia de las tecnologas utilizadas a nivel regional y mundial."
Price: 49.99

"Chart Pattern Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors 2020" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Master How to Trade The Most Profitable Chart Patterns & Become a Pro Trader in No Time! Get Results or Your Money Back!The Chart Pattern Trading Bootcamp is designed to provide you with a proven chart pattern trading system that can help you identify upcoming market directions and trading signals with confidence and high accuracy.In this course, you'll learn how to determine potential breakouts, fakeouts and trend reversals using many advanced Support & Resistance strategies. By mastering these strategies, you can easily boost your trading profits while eliminating your risks.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn...The Most Profitable Chart Pattern Trading Strategies & Secret Hacks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Strong Chart Pattern Trading Foundation For Day Trading & Swing TradingHow to Implement Chart Pattern Analysis The Right WayHow to Trade Different Types of Market TrendsHow to Perform Multiple Time Frame AnalysisHow to Trade Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci Retracement & LevelsHow to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)Stop Placements & Signs of Momentum LossHow to Trade Reversal Patterns ProfitablyHow to Trade Double Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Rounding Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Broadening Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Diamond Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Head and ShouldersHow to Trade Continuation Patterns ProfitablyHow to Trade Rectangle Tops and BottomsHow to Trade Wedges and TrianglesHow to Trade Flags and PennantsHow to Trade Cup and HandleHow to Trade Dead Cat BounceAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after knowing how to trade with technical analysis ...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Chart Pattern Trading Bootcamp and start trading the smart way, quadruple your wealth and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Technical Analysis SkillsListen, if you dont get how important technical analysis is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, get a strong chart pattern trading foundation, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99

"Candlestick Trading Bootcamp For Traders & Investors 2020" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Master How to Trade The Most Profitable Candlestick Patterns & Become a Pro Trader in No Time! Get Results or Your Money Back!The Candlestick Trading Bootcamp is designed to bring you from knowing nothing about candlestick patterns to knowing just everything it takes to become a professional trader.In this course, you'll learn how to easily determine the next market breakouts and reversals using the 25+ most effective candlestick patterns. By mastering these techniques, you can easily make 80% of your trades more profitable.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn...The Most Profitable Candlestick Trading Strategies & Secret Hacks With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Strong Candlestick Pattern Trading Foundation For Day Trading & Swing TradingHow to Implement Candlestick Pattern Analysis The Right WayHow to Trade Horizontal Support & ResistanceHow to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)How to Trade Single Candlestick Patterns ProfitablyHow to Trade Doji PatternsHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Belt Hold PatternsHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Marubozu PatternsHow to Trade Hammer and Hanging Man PatternsHow to Trade Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star PatternsHow to Trade Dual Candlestick Patterns ProfitablyHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Harami PatternsHow to Trade Bullish and Bearish Engulfing PatternsHow to Trade Dark Cloud Cover and Piercing PatternsHow to Trade Tweezer Top and Bottom PatternsHow to Trade Triple Candlestick Patterns ProfitablyHow to Trade Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows PatternsHow to Trade Morning Star and Evening Star PatternsHow to Trade Three Inside Up and Down PatternsHow to Trade Three Outside Up and Down PatternsAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after knowing how to trade with technical analysis ...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Candlestick Trading Bootcamp and start trading the smart way, quadruple your wealth and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Technical Analysis SkillsListen, if you dont get how important technical analysis is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, get a strong candlestick trading foundation, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller Flame Detector" |
"This course will give you a chance to Make a Flame Detector System using Tools that you simply already dealt with to make Your Life safer.In this course, we are going to make a flame detector and you will learn what is the difference between a flame detector, a smoke detector, and any other detector like carbon monoxide detectors.If you are thinking that we are going to use a module to detect flames, then you are wrong. We are going to rely on a few electronic components to detect flames. And we are going to explain this in a step by step manner.What you learn in this course:Hardware and software requirements.The difference between smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and smokeless flame detectors (the one that we are going to make is the smokeless flame detector)The working principle behind flame detectors and the different options available to detect flames.Connect our circuit and write a code to control this circuit using a PIC microcontroller.Make a design for our circuit to make it production-ready.Practical application examples for flame detectors, I'm sure that you will enjoy this course.Detecting flames isn't something common, and I think that you should know the working principle behind it.Who We Are?We are an Educational Engineering Team and leading team in the microcontroller industry with more than 10 years of experience in teaching and doing practical projects, we have a team of skilled engineers seeking to deliver high-quality engineering content including courses articles lessons, and online support for all the engineering students from all around the world.We also work as freelancer engineers helping many students in their graduation project give many courses about engineering topics."
Price: 199.99

"Build 10 C# Beginner Projects from scratch" |
"Welcome to this C# project based course for beginners course (pronounced C Sharp).C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts from several other languages, most notably Java. C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits from the System.Object class. In this course I will walk you through how to create the following 10 beginner c # projects:CalculatorDigital ClockCurrency ConverterMaths Operations AppWeb browserpaint drawing app2D Ping Pong gameGoogle MapsVolume ConverterMusic Player"
Price: 39.99

"Python in 4 Stunden von Null zum Python Programmierer" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen in Python zu programmieren, und das in krzester Zeit! Ich will deine Zeit und Motivation nicht mit stundenlangen Lektionen verschwenden, sondern dich mglichst schnell auf ein Niveau zu bringen, dass es dir ermglicht Python Code zu verstehen und selbst Programme zu schreiben.Ich konzentriere mich stets auf das Wesentliche und vermittele die Inhalte prgnant und zielorientiert. Der Kurs richtet sich an dich, wenn du einen schnellen aber zugleich tiefgrndigen Einstieg in Python suchst - egal ob mit Programmiererfahrung oder ohne.Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Kurses wirst du dazu in der Lage sein, eigenstndig in Python zu programmieren, eigene Funktionen mit Kontrollstrukturen und Schleifen zu schreiben, objektorientierte Programmierung umzusetzen, Module korrekt einzubinden, Dateizugriffe zu verwalten, XML-Dateien zu parsen, Multithreading fhigen Code zu erstellen, SQL-Datenbanken zu verwalten und das Modul NumPy fr mathematische Anwendungen zu verwenden.Voraussetzungen:Internetzugriff / BrowserWir werden mit elementaren Ausgaben auf dem Bildschirm und Eingaben in den Rechner beginnen. Dann zeige ich dir, was Variablen sind und wie man sie verwendet und welche wichtigen Datentypen es gibt und wie man mit ihnen arbeitet. Es geht weiter mit arithmetischen, logischen und komparativen Operatoren. Du lernst dann wie man Schleifen erstellt und Kontrollstrukturen implementiert. Danach soll es um eigene Funktionen, Klassen und Objekte gehen. Ich zeige dir auch, wie man Dateien einliest und selbst mit Daten beschreibt, wie man mit Errors umgeht, wie XML-Dateien geparst werden knnen und wie man auf SQL-Datenbanken zugreift. Dann sehen wir uns Multithreading an und arbeiten mit Matrizen und Vektoren mit dem NumPy-Modul.Ziele:Bildschirmein- und ausgabenVariablen und DatentypenArithmetische, logische und komparative OperatorenFunktionen schreibenSchleifen und Kontrollstrukturen verwendenObjektorientiertes Programmieren umsetzenDateien lesen und schreibenXML-Parsing durchfhrenZugriff auf SQL-DatenbankenMultithreadingArbeiten mit Matrizen und Vektoren in NumPy"
Price: 19.99

"Ableton Live 10 - Curso Completo de Produccin Musical" |
"Comienza a Producir tu Propia Msica en Ableton Live 10Este curso trata sobre Ableton Live 10, que es un software para secuenciar msica y una plataforma de trabajo de audio digital para OS X y Windows.NOTA: Este curso es para Ableton Live Suite 10. Algunas de las caractersticas que analizo en este curso solo estarn disponibles para Ableton Live Suite 10.Ableton Live se utiliza en estudios profesionales, estudios de dormitorio y tambin como una herramienta de rendimiento para actuaciones en vivo. Aprender a usar su DAW correctamente mejorar dramticamente la calidad de tu msica y la velocidad con la que la creas.CREADO POR EL INSTRUCTOR DE PRODUCCIN MSICAL TOMAS GEORGESi ests buscando un curso que te muestre cmo puedes Crear, Grabar y Editar tu Propia Msica en Ableton Live 10, entonces este es el curso para ti!Por qu estoy calificado para ensearte?Mi nombre es Toms y tengo una Maestra MMus en Produccin Musical y una Licenciatura (con Honores) en Composicin Musical. Tambin soy el creador de algunos de los cursos de produccin musical ms populares del mundo, con ms de 100,000 estudiantes.Rpido, eficiente, y directo al grano. Informacin slida brindada rpidamente. Buen trabajo! - Mark ChaudharyUna manera excelente de comenzar con una base slida de aprendizaje de los principios de Ableton. Encontr que Tomas George es un gran profesor porque es fcil de entender y muestra buenos ejemplos de trabajo. Vali la pena el precio por el acceso fcil y para poder disponerlo para futuras referencias y ms. - Daniel OrtizMuy claro y conciso, exactamente lo que estaba buscando. Tambin es valorable pueder ver cmo se hacen las cosas mientras se explican. - Nikki GlennTe Hago una PromesaSoy Productor Musical y Educador a tiempo completo. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre el contenido o la composicin o produccin en general, siempre responder a las preguntas y los mensajes directos.De qu se trata este Curso de Ableton Live 10?En este curso, obtendrs una comprensin profunda de Ableton Live 10 y cmo aprender las herramientas y procesos para crear, grabar y editar tu propia msica. Aprenders la belleza y el poder de esta aplicacin que utilizan los productores profesionales de hoy.Este curso cubrir temas como: Comprender los Conceptos Bsicos de Ableton Live 10 Grabacin y Edicin MIDI Grabacin y Edicin de Audio Crear tus propios Ritmos Cuantizacin Distorsin Sampling Racks de Batera y Racks de Instrumentos Sintetizadores, Simpler y Sampler Sidechaining Efectos MIDI como el Arpegiador Efectos de Audio como Compresin y Ecualizacin y Mucho Ms.Lo que aprender en este curso te convertir en un mejor productor musical, editor musical y compositor electrnico. Este curso tambin mejorar tus habilidades de composicin en Ableton Live 10 y en todas las otras plataformas de audio digital!Aprende a amar Ableton Live 10 y a hacer msica en lAdelante y haz clic en el botn de inscripcin, y nos vemos en la leccin 1!Saludos,Toms"
Price: 194.99

"Fundamentos de ingeniera geotcnica" |
"La Ingeniera Geotcnica o Ingeniera del Terreno es la encargada del estudio de la interaccin de las construcciones con el terreno, y es una de las ramas ms recientes de la geologa y de la Ingeniera Civil.En ella se estudian las propiedades mecnicas, resistentes e hidrulicas de los materiales de los que estn compuestos los terrenos, para posteriormente aplicarlas en obras de Ingeniera Civil, Ingeniera Minera o Arquitectura como por ejemplo en el diseo de las cimentaciones en las que se apoyan estructuras como puentes, edificios, o presas.Dentro de la Geotecnia podemos diferenciar dos campos principalmente: la Mecnica de Rocas y la Mecnica de Suelos.Curso de fundamentos de ingeniera geotcnica incluye:-Origen de los depsitos del suelo, tamao de grano y forma-Relaciones peso-volumen y plasticidad-Clasificacin de suelos-Compactacin de suelos-Esfuerzos en una masa de suelo-Consolidacin-Resistencia cortante del suelo-Mejoramiento del suelo-Exploracin del subsuelo-Estabilidad de taludes-Cimentaciones poco profundas-Pilotes de cimentacinLa Geotecnia es fundamental para el desarrollo de proyectos constructivos y los profesionales especializados que se encargan de realizarlos deben contar con una formacin especfica. Con nuestro Curso en Geotecnia y Cimentaciones obtendrs los conocimientos necesarios para enfrentarte a los retos que se presentaran en tu carrera profesional.Para comenzar, haga clic en el botn de inscripcin. Espero verte pronto en el curso! ACTA HOY! Te apoyar personalmente y asegurar que tu experiencia con este curso sea un xito"
Price: 99.99

"The Beginning with GIT & Github course" |
"So you want to finally understand GIT and GITHUB and use it with your apps ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know what GIT is .and why should use it ? to actually understand the workflow.You will learn GIT and Github in different modules.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:What is GIT and GITHUB and why use itUnderstand the tools to create local repos.Comparing, merging and resolving conflicts.How to work with branches.Make your local communicate with the remoteLearn the most used tool Github providesWhat about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 13 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications on React , Angular and Vue, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for everyone, no coding experience required.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 24.99

"GNS3: How to Install network, security devices & VM on GNS3" |
"In this course i have show the step by step process how you can install various network, security & virtual machines inside GNS3. Devices like Cisco (Routers, Switches, ASA, Nexus, ISE etc.), Checkpoint Firewall, Fortigate Firewall, Juniper Firewall & Router, various Windows & Linux Virtual Machines. I have also show how you can connect the devices to internet on GNS3, capture packets through Wireshark, troubleshooting techniques. I will be adding more devices installation process in this course. Kindly give your feedback on this course."
Price: 29.99

"Make A Flappy Bird Game using JavaScript & P5.js framework" |
"Make a simple, easy-to-follow, classic Flappy bird game, using javascript and p5 framework. We will be using a free online editor that runs on any web browser.I will show you how to:draw basic shapes, and make an object move.draw a bird, make it drop to the ground by simulating the gravity.make the bird jump, and also make it stop jumping when it is dead.create moving pipes, and add a collision detection to the pipe.add a score system, and make it harder.You can follow me for more game tutorials. Now lets open the next lesson, and get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Reverse Bad Posture Exercises" |
"Welcome to the Reverse Bad Posture Exercises course, where you will learn easy and practical stretching and strengthening exercises to fix bad postures like forward head, text neck, and rounded shoulders.My name is Morgan, and I'm a Massage Therapist and the author of the Reverse Your Pain book series, and I'll be leading you through this course.Over the past 20 years, I've helped thousands of clients decrease their pain and improve their health through a combination of deep tissue massage AND the corrective posture exercises I present in this course.Neglected postures, such as rounding your low back while sitting in front of the computer, standing for hours stooped over, sleeping improperly, and lifting poorly, can lead to chronic back pain.In today's culture, everyone seems to be continuously plugged into an electronic device. Sedentary lifestyles result in hours spent with your body in a human question markhead forward and shoulders rounding.But What are the Consequences of Bad Posture?It can put unnecessary stresses on your muscles and joints, causing pain and fatigue.It can create imbalances in your body, where muscles become tight, inflexible, and weak, leading to potential injuries.It can alter the shape of your spine and create neck and back problems.It can cause heartburn and slow digestion.It can lead to poor balance.Tension headachesBreathing difficultiesThe list goes on.In most cases, you can reverse poor posture, regain your health, and feel better.The information and posture exercises in this course provide the guidance to take care of yourself at home to create a healthier lifestyle.In this course, you will learn:How to fix bad posture habits like forward head posture, text neck, and rounded shoulders.What upper crossed syndrome is and how to correct it in 12 minutes or less.Seven exercises to stop a stiff neck and headache in its tracks.Self-massage techniques to get rid of tension headaches.How to release tight scalene muscles and stop numbness in the fingers.Seven resistance band exercises to correct rounded shoulders.Six steps to better standing posture.How to reprogram your body to sit correctly in 8 moves.Nine exercises to correct lower crossed syndrome and bulletproof your back.By the end of the course, you'll have all the tools to build proper posture habits. You'll feel happier, healthier, and maybe even appear 3 inches taller.Remember, you are the best version of yourself when you adopt good posture habits.I look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 64.99

"EA-X2: Curso basico - Trading Forex Criptomonedas Acciones" |
"Este es un curso bsico donde aprenderas los conceptos esenciales del trading. Entre otras cosas aprenderas:Riesgo/BeneficioTipos de GrficasUtilizacin del MT4Conceptos bsicosNomenclaturaSwap/SpreadTipos de ordenesQue son los mercados de Forex, acciones, criptomonedas, etc.Este es el curso de partida que cualquier persona que se quiera adentrar en el mundo de las divisas debe conocer."
Price: 19.99

"Save on MAC Computer : Run virtual MAC & XCode on Windows PC" |
"MAC machine are attractive options for mobile application developers developers, designers and business men for their work. But Buying Mac Machine can be costly, a lot of people can not afford a separate MAC machine for their work. Sometimes it becomes hard to choose the best one between a wide range of available options.But, if you have a windows PC or laptop and you are planning to buy another Apple MAC machine for work like mobile apps development or designing or office work. Simply you do not need to spend thousands of dollars to buy another MAC Machine. You can save a MAC PC, save money and time as well.You can easily install a virtual mac machine on your windows PC and can perform all MAC machine related tasks even on your windows PC. For this you need not to buy any software and installing virtual machine by free available tools.You will get a blazing fast MAC OS running virtually on your PC. This course is specifically for iOS developers, who want to install Xcode and learn swift or SwiftUI on windows 10 PC.for designers , who want to experience Photoshop on MAC OS environment.and for IT professionals and testers for their testing Hi my name is Hafiz Shahzad and i am senior mobile application developer. I have been developing iOS mobile applications by using the same virtual MAC machine for years and In this course i will teach how to install a virtual MAC machine on your windows PC.This course starts with installation of macOS Catalina on windows PC. Later on you will get updates for all macOS versions in future.You can be able to create as many MAC virtual machines as possible.Learn basic concepts about virtual machine, virtualization and installing macOS on windows PC without disturbing any thing on your PC.This course is designed for absolute beginners.Any body can install virtual machine within 1 hour.All files are provided. Just install and run.Simple instructions to follow.You will give active support 24/7. Learn to install Xcode, Microsoft office and Photoshop etc on virtual MAC machine."
Price: 19.99

"Biometric Based Digital Payments. FinTech" |
"If you use Apple and Samsung and any mobile device you must have seen the biometric-based phone lock, unlock and digital payments. Biometric in these payment systems means fingerprint, iris, face Id etc. However, there are many other types of biometric as well like behavioural biometric. How do you use your laptop mouse, which tabs you open in your laptop or online banking interface is also your behavioural biometric.Have you ever wondered how does your fingerprint, iris and face etc get stored on your laptop or mobile? What information gets passed on while you complete a digital payment using your biometrics? In this Business-Oriented course, we will understand; (Please see the introduction video for course overview)- Definition and types of biometric, behavioural and physical biometrics, how to choose the best biometric system for deployment, factors, technology behind biometric capture, registration and verification, 1:1 and 1:n matching, biometric system performance management terms and ratios, impact of biometric failure, biometric based digital payments, Face, Iris and fingerprint based payment, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland's biometric card video, CVM, ODCVM, Digital payments, payments processing, fintech, digital finance, risk in biometric system.We look forward to meeting you in the course.Happy Learning.www.Anythingfinance.Org"
Price: 9920.00

"Facial Fitness For Facial Paralysis." |
"Welcome,Suppose your problem is related to facial paralysis or facial weakness like Bell's palsy. In that case, this course will help you learn more about facial fitness, therapeutic exercises, facial fitness devices, and improve your facial strength and expression. And Tips For Getting Over-Bell's Palsy.This facial fitness program is safe and effective and is a home-based program. And you can also learn about Face Nerve, Damages, Reasons, Symptoms, and Treatment Options.If your problem with facial muscle weakness causes you concern, finding the right solution will be the first step. The most effective method that we have found for improving my ability to recognize facial fitness is through facial therapeutic exercises. You should try these methods to determine if facial exercises are the right solution for you.# These online courses are perfect for helping you learn more about facial fitness, therapeutic exercises, facial fitness devices, and improve your facial strength and expression. These courses can be useful for those who have had facial weakness or paralysis problems like Bell's Palsy. It will help if you start by learning about the different types of facial therapeutic exercises and facial fitness devices.# What you will learn.This course is mainly divided into five sessions; let's jump into it to know one by one.In Session 1 - Introduction.We will discuss facial fitness and it' importance.1. Introduction.In Session 2 - Bell's Palsy - Guidelines. It explores the Bell's palsy clinical guidelines.1. What is Bell's palsy?2. Bell's Palsy Symptoms - A Comprehensive Guide.3. What is the patient's prognosis?4. What is the treatment for Bell's Palsy?In Session 3 - Facial Nerve- Muscles Connections.It deals with the anatomy of the facial never and muscles. 1. What Are the Facial Nerve Connections?2. Facial muscles - Five Zones.In Session 4 - Therapeutic Exercises Guideline: Bell's Palsy.It deals with facial physiotherapeutic exercises.1. What Are Bell's Palsy Therapeutic Exercises?2. The Eight figure of exercises.3. Evidence of Physiotherapy Treatments.4. Facial Fitness Guidelines.In Session 5 - Facial Workout DevicesIt deals with the top 3 facial fitness devices, Which is available in the market.1. Which Facial Workout Devices Are Best For You?2. Facial Fitness PAO device.3. Tips For Getting Over-Bell's Palsy. When you know your problem with facial weakness and know the best method to correct your problem, you will be able to improve your facial muscle strengthening and fitness more quickly. Once you have learned how to correct your facial muscles, you can then learn about some different techniques from this course, which you can use to improve your facial strength. As you learn about these techniques, you can then practice them in front of a home mirror.As we knew, Facial expressions are a big part of how we interpret the world around us. Whether it is our thoughts, ideas, or feelings, they are a way of letting people know what's on our mind and expressing it. However, when we do our reading on someone else's face, there are so many things we don't realize about our expressions, which you might not even know.You may be unable to look in the mirror and see your regular facial expression if you have facial palsy. You may be self-conscious about having a problem with facial expression. You may find that other people notice your situation as well.Usually, Bell's palsy is a self-limiting, non-life-threatening condition that resolves spontaneously, usually within six weeks. But we need to focus on facial muscle strengthening to get regular facial expressions.Come On, let's drive into the course."
Price: 84.99

"Karate - Tang Soo Do Intermediate Techniques and Forms" |
"Building upon the Tang Soo Basics Course Parts 1 & 2, the intermediate course introduces the next level of blocks, kicks, strikes, and forms in the art of Tang Soo Do. Students will learn more advanced techniques, proper stretching, breathing, and mindset. This is the next step in the journey to black belt level forms."
Price: 139.99

"Curso de Georefernciamento Para Legalizao de IMOVEIS" |
"Muitos fatores podem influenciar na realizao de um levantamento topogrfico de qualidade. Com uma razovel quantidade de normas a considerar, diferentes objetivos e terrenos com caractersticas nicas, necessrio definir muito bem para qu e como o levantamento ser realizado.Em linhas gerais, o levantamento topogrfico consiste em mapear as caractersticas da superfcie de um terreno, representando-as por meio de plantas topogrficas. Esse trabalho pode ser realizado com a ajuda de diferentes equipamentos, escolhidos de acordo com o tipo do terreno e o nvel de preciso necessria.Se realizado inadequadamente, as consequncias podem ser graves. Podem ocorrer desde desvios de oramento at a paralisao da construo, incidindo em vrias das disciplinas envolvidas e exigindo mudanas considerveis nos projetos de arquitetura e engenharia.Para conseguir atingir os objetivos e satisfazer o cliente, voc pode aplicar uma srie de estratgias. Confira, abaixo, algumas dicas que podem ajud-lo a realizar um levantamento topogrfico de qualidade."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint Para Iniciantes Evolurem" |
"A vdeo aulas deste curso foram gravadas no Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 em um computador com Windows, mas relevante para PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016 e 2020. Usurios de MAC, como os vdeos so gravados na verso Windows do Microsoft PowerPoint, a interface ser um pouco diferente.Este curso est dividido em 3 partesMicrosoft PowerPoint - Nvel introdutrio para IniciantesMicrosoft PowerPoint - Nvel intermedirio / avanadoMicrosoft PowerPoint - Dicas e atividades finais.Inscreva-se agora para ir de usurio iniciante do PowerPoint a um usurio avanado. Este curso o levar por uma compreenso simplificada, porm, muito abrangente da ferramenta de apresentao mais popular do mercado. O instrutor convidado, Willian Bergonsi, usar toda a sua experincia de anos de treinamento em Microsoft Office para gui-lo passo a passo medida que voc desenvolve suas habilidades no Microsoft PowerPoint. Mesmo se voc for um usurio experiente do PowerPoint, poder ver alguma novidade ao conhecer as ferramentas que aprender para ajud-lo a se tornar mais produtivo e eficiente no PowerPoint.Ao concluir este curso, voc ter dominado as ferramentas mais populares e procuradas do Microsoft PowerPoint e sair com confiana para concluir muitas tarefas do PowerPoint com eficincia e elegncia. Como por exemplo, aprender a:Construir e entregar apresentaes eficazes em PowerPointIntegrar dados de outros aplicativos do Microsoft OfficeEscolher os layouts de slides do PowerPoint adequados para o seu contedoAnimar o contedo do PowerPoint sem distrair o pblicoAutomatizar a formatao do PowerPoint e layouts de slides com os slides mestree muito, muito mais ...Ento, o que voc est esperando, inscreva-se agora e d o prximo passo para dominar o Microsoft PowerPoint e tornes um expert das apresentaes do seu ambiente de atuao!"
Price: 174.99

"How to Live Your Life Purpose" |
"This course has the goal of teaching about time management in order to be able to effectively focus on your life purpose which is the work you came here to do. This course also talks about manifesting as well as provides positive affirmations and important questions to ask yourself in order to have more abundance in all areas of your life."
Price: 19.99

"Tersine Mhendislik Komutlar - Uygulamalar" |
"Deerli arkadalar;Bu kursumuzda Tersine mhendislik uygulamalarnda nokta bulutunun ve STL dosyasnn nasl doru bir ekilde CAD geometrisine evirilmesi gerektii ile ilgili komutlar, yntemleri, dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar ve temelleri reneceiz.Ayn zamanda oka soru aldm kemik ve dilerin, mekanik analizlere hazr hale getirilmesi iin nasl hzl bir ekilde CAD geometrisine dntrleceini de grm olacaz."
Price: 149.99
