"5 Zabbix Construindo templates personalizados (TS)" |
"Aprenda do Zero a A criar seus templates personalizados para Zabbix. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender diferentes maneiras de criar os mesmos para o monitoramento flexvel do servidor de terminal service de maneira simples consumindo o TS do windows server 2012 R2. O aluno ser capaz de criar templates personalizados para monitorar de forma eficaz o servidor de terminal service da companhia e/ou dos seus clientes. Os materiais complementares do curso tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante s aulas prticas e tericas.Utilizamos uma abordagem que consiste em uma analogia e logo em seguida a prtica. A nossa expectativa e tornar o curso mais interativo e menos cansativo para o aluno.Bons estudos!"
Price: 199.99

"Digital System Design with High-Level Synthesis for FPGA" |
"This course is an elementary introduction to high-level synthesis (HLS) design flow. The target of the course is describing, debugging and implementing combinational logic circuits on FPGAs using only C/C++ language without any help from HDLs (e.g., VHDL or Verilog).It uses the Xilinx HLS software and hardware platforms to demonstrate real examples and applications. This course is the first of its kind that builds the HLS design flow and skills along with the digital logic circuit concepts from scratch. Along the course, you will follow several examples describing the HLS concepts and techniques. The course contains numerous quizzes and exercises for you to practice and master the proposed methods and approaches.This course is the first of a series of courses on HLS in designing hardware modules and accelerating algorithms on a target FPGA. Whereas this course focuses on combinational circuits, the other courses in the series will explain how to use HLS in designing sequential logic circuits, algorithm acceleration, and hybrid CPU+ FPGA heterogeneous systems."
Price: 149.99

"How to Use Google Trends in 2020 [Step-by-Step Examples]" |
"Google Trends is an untapped resource for both marketers and entrepreneurs. In this course, I will explain how to use Google Trends in 2020 and all the features you should start using to make better marketing and business decisions.Google Trends uses search data from Google to summarise the relative trends of keywords and topics.In this course, we will uncover all the untapped potential this tool has to offer and understand different ways to use Google Trends with my top tips:"
Price: 24.99

"Digital Marketing Diploma" |
"2019 Content Marketing Online Advertising Digital Marketing Planning ^^- 25 150 12 1- : Digital Marketing Foundation Online Market Research Online Marketing Planning Web Design & Development for Marketers SEO / SEM Social Media Marketing Email Marketing Mobile Marketing Content Marketing Online Advertising Community Management Web Analytics= (*) : . .."
Price: 149.99

"Fiverr Affiliate Marketing Mastery 2020 with Youtube" |
"Are You Tired of Information Overload?There are so many courses on affiliate marketing. Aren't You tired of being left disappointed after buying course after course?My course is a complete all-in-one package where you will get everything you need to be a successful Affiliate Marketer on Youtube by leveraging Fiverr.Fiverr Affiliate Marketing is a great business model. No one has done it before on this platform. You get paid commission if someone buys your suggested services. you are not the seller, only the center man. And yet, you'll make tons of cash through Affiliate sales. Who wouldn't love that business model?We all know that YouTube is the second-largest Search Engine in the world, behind Google. Therefore, if you can create the right Content, optimize your videos for maximum views, and then replicate that process over and over again, you would think that would be a winning formula, right?I've made this course as intuitive as possible to help you start seeing success as soon as you get started with the lessons and how to turn this into a 100% passive income stream for you using what I teach inside this course.Enroll now and let me show you the ins and outs of how to combine Affiliate Marketing with YouTube to generate maximum results!Invest in your future. This is the right time!"
Price: 99.99

"Python basics : How to learn python by doing" |
"Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning Python language fast? Hello and welcome to the ""How to learn python by doing"" course. This fully updated course is one of the best Python courses on udemy to go straight to the point !But you no longer have to waste your time and money learning Python from lengthy books, expensive online courses or complicated Python tutorials.And therefore complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master Python language even if you have never coded before.Carefully Chosen Python ExamplesExamples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples are provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.Careful selection of topicsTopics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to Python, while not overwhelming you with information overload. These topics include object-oriented programming concepts, error handling techniques, file handling techniques and more.How is this course different ?The best way to learn Python is by doing. This course includes dozen of exercices that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working exercises through the course will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it'll also help you retain the knowledge and master the language.What you'll learn:- What is Python?- What software do you need to code and run Python programs?- What are variables?- What are the common data types in Python?- What are Lists and Tuples?- How to format strings- How to accept user inputs and display outputs- How to control the flow of a program with loops- How to handle errors and exceptions- What are functions and modules?- How to define your own functions and modules- How to work with external files- What are objects and classes- How to write your own class- What is inheritance- What are propertiesEach question in this course is crafted to help you gradually build your programming skills, focusing on one or two concepts at a time and increasing in level of difficulty as we progress through the chapters.*Clear and Easy to Understand Solutions*Projects to Consolidate Your LearningA lot of times, when new programmers look at code written by other programmers, they tend to feel intimidated as a lot of the code looks complicated to them. A complete program written by other programmers incorporates many different concepts.The goal of this course is to isolate the different concepts so that new programmers can gradually gain competency in the fundamentals of the language before working on bigger projects at the end of the course.Programming does not have to be scary or frustrating when you take one step at a time.* Explore Python's major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries* Create and process objects with Python statements, and learn Python's general syntax model* Use functions to avoid code redundancy and package code for reuse* Organize statements, functions, and other tools into larger components with modules* Dive into classes: Pythonr's object-oriented programming tool for structuring codeReady to start practicing and building your Python skill?"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Microsoft Word: ""desde cero a experto""" |
"El material se grab usando le versin office 365 en una mquina con Windows, pero es relevante para Word 2013 , 2016, 2019 y office 365. Usuarios de MAC, dado que los videos se graban con la versin de Windows de Microsoft Word, la interfaz ser un poco diferente.Microsoft Word es una aplicacin poderosa que le permite crear documentos impresionantes utilizando sus diversas caractersticas que se explican detalladamente en el curso, lo que le brinda una comprensin muy clara de su uso e implementaciones.Algunas de las caractersticas cubiertas en el curso son:Aplicar estiloCreando tablas en WordCrear hipervnculosInsertar imgenes Agregar portadaProteccin de contraseaAplicar marca de aguaQuitar fondo a la imagenTrabajar con saltos de pgina y secciny mucho, mucho ms...El curso est cubierto en un lenguaje fcil y lcido, lo que facilita la comprensin de los conceptos, al mismo tiempo se adjuntan los enlaces de los ejercicios con el curso que le permitirn ir en conjunto con el instructor y asegurarse de que se entienda el tema. a fondo.Inscrbase ahora para pasar de usuario principiante de Word a usuario avanzado. Este curso lo llevar a travs de una comprensin integral de las herramientas de procesamiento de texto ms populares del mercado. Al finalizar este curso, habr dominado las herramientas de Microsoft Word ms populares y buscadas y saldr con confianza para completar muchas tareas de Word con eficiencia y elegancia. Entonces, Qu ests esperando? Inscrbete ahora y da el siguiente paso para dominar Word"
Price: 19.99

"Bootcamp SQL - Con MySQL y PostgreSQL en Linux" |
"Bienvenido a este curso, en este curso aprenders a trabajar con una base de datos relacional como lo es postgresql y mysql , tener conocimientos en un lenguaje sql es algo primordial para obtener un mejor empleo o iniciar un proyecto como emprendedor, los conocimientos de este curso podrs emplearlos en otras base de datos, empieza tu camino como un futuro dba o desarrollador web.*****Aprende sin miedo recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das para probar la calidad del curso*****"
Price: 19.99

"Adsense'den Onay Alma Videlo Ders ve Onaya Hazr Sistem" |
"Wordpress eklenti ve sayfa ayarlar yaplm adsense onaya hazr sistem tamamen adsense onaya hazr siz sadece 15 adet gn bana 2 adet veya 3 adet zgn makale gireceksiniz ve sonrasnda adsense onaya gndereceksiniz..100 kiiden 80 i onay alm ve kantlanmtr.memnun mterilerimiz vardr. sizde aln ve uygulayn..PAKET eitimde neler var:Adsense onaya hazr sayfa ayarlar tm yaplm ekildeTm eklentiler ayarlar yaplm ekilde hazrdrsite haritalar taratn ve ieriklerinizi zgn olarak eklemek size kalmsonrasnda onaya gnderin ister siz kendiniz kazann ister onay alm adsenseli sisteminizi nakite evirin"
Price: 259.99

"Palo Alto Security Administrator - Part 2 PCNSA (EDU-210)" |
"In part 2 of this course you will continue PCNSA course with look at URL filtering, Decryption and learn features like User-ID to determine who is accessing the internet and WildFire to reduce the number of zero-day attacksFor each topic I will explain concepts and configuration and also demonstrate real life best practices and show you basic troubleshooting."
Price: 39.99

"Ansible desde cero a experto en espaol" |
"Este curso tiene como finalidad que aprenas Ansible y la mgina de la orquestacin, utilizalo para tu da a da con CI/CD, deploy Ansible, implementar Playbook, administrar variables e inclusiones, task control, jinja 2, implementando roles, ansible vault, ansible tower, troubleshooting, tag, control de ejecucin, zero downtime, si aprendes a utilizar Ansible estoy completamente seguro que tus labores se optimizarn en un 100%"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a MRP" |
"En este curso de la SERIE ProductiKa te queremos introducir en el funcionamiento de los sistemas MRP y sobre todo darte los principios para que seas capaz de saber si este mtodo de organizacin es el que mejor se adapta a la gestin de la produccin en tu empresa. Tambin te introduciremos en las diferencias de aplicacin de los diversos subsistemas MRP como son MRP1, MRP2, MRP3 y DDMRP."
Price: 19.99

"Balanceado de lneas de Produccin" |
"El Balanceado de lneas de Produccin es adecuado para cualquier tipo de organizacin industrial que tenga un componente de montaje o ensamblaje importante, y que desee iniciar el camino de la mejora continua a travs de la organizacin de sus recursos para mejorar su rendimiento.Este mtodo permite el mejor aprovechamiento de todos los recursos de una lnea de produccin (generalmente de ensamblaje) para maximizar su rendimiento.En este curso entenderemos en que condiciones es aplicable este mtodo y veremos en que consiste este mtodo y llevaremos a cabo un ejemplo prctico."
Price: 19.99

"Playing solo on guitar for beginners" |
"Learn how to play with your won style. Play over different backing tracks or with your band. In this course, you can find everything that you need to play an impressive solo on the guitar. Iw will teach you how to build your own musical vocabulary to build greater improvisations and solos."
Price: 29.99

"Google :" |
", ? ? , ? """", Google - .Google - , , . Google (), , , .- "" Google : "" - -, Google , ."
Price: 199.99

"VideoScribe Advanced Training:Mastering Whiteboard Animation" |
"My name is Jonny Finch and Im the Head Trainer for Sparkol, the creators of VideoScribe. Ive been creating videos and teaching courses on how to get the most out of VideoScribe for over 6 years.In this course Ive captured our most useful advanced techniques to help you master whiteboard animation and create even more engaging professional-looking animated videos using VideoScribe.This course is aimed at experienced users who already know the basics and have created a number of videos using VideoScribe. Youll learn how to use a comprehensive set of creative tools and methods such as advanced planning, themes, camera transitions and animation effects.If you havent already, I recommend you complete our 'VideoScribe Fundamentals Training: Creating Animated Videos' course before starting this one.Throughout this course, well be working with a number of example scribes to understand exactly how we can set up and master these advanced techniques. Enroll now to get started!"
Price: 49.99

"MAUTIC 3.0 - Criando Automaes de Marketing (Verso 2020)" |
"Aprenda na Prtica a criar um sistema completo de Automao de Marketing utilizando a Plataforma Mautic!Neste curso voc aprender a Instalar, configurar, Personalizar e criar campanhas de automao de marketing diretamente na plataforma do Mautic, alm de conhecer os principais Recursos e funcionalidades desta plataforma rica em recursos.O MAUTIC um sistema completo de automao de marketing.Ele permite criar campanhas completas de automao de Marketing via e-mail, contendo ferramentas de Landing Pages, formulrios, entre outras.A integrao com qualquer site feita de forma rpida e simples, e o mesmo ainda possui plugins de integrao com diversos CMSs do mercado, alm de uma gama de extenses que permite sua integrao com diversos outros sistemas.Alguns tpicos essenciais que o MAUTIC Permite:Criar Campanhas de automao;Criar Landing Pages direto pela ferramenta;Criar e enviar E-mails Marketing personalizados;Emitir Relatrios;Configurar funes de Pontos e Estgios do Lead;Integrar suas funcionalidades ao seu site;Configurar Diversos campos de contato personalizados;Criar Formulrios personalizados;Instalar Extenses que complementam as funcionalidades do sistema;E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta oferece tudo que voc precisa para criar um sistema completo de automao de marketing.Este Mautic s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 114.99

"Design Grfico Eficiente e Simples - Relgio Publicitrio" |
"Voc aprender aqui um novo empreendimento para fazer ainda hoje com o Design Grfico. Em casa, atravs do seu prprio esforo e com baixo investimento, voc ser capaz de fazer uma excelente renda extra com facilidade. Portanto, se voc iniciante no design e quer empreender, esse curso para voc."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Memorizao Eficiente e Simples - Textos" |
"Atravs desse curso voc conseguir aplicar uma tcnica que facilita sua memria a longo prazo, alm de gerir a informao com facilidade, permitindo a transmisso do contedo extenso e de modo alternado, caso queira, isso permitir o raciocnio sequencial e associativo. Entre para esse maravilhoso mundo da memorizao eficiente, usando a tcnica da fixao mnemnica."
Price: 39.99

"Curso De Memorizao Eficiente e Simples" |
"Atravs de tcnicas incrveis voc ser capaz de utilizar sua memria com eficincia, para isso, sero fornecidos exerccios que permitiro voc criar a habilidade de memorizar de modo simples objetos aleatrios, listas diversas, textos, discursos, livros, nmeros, nomes e vocbulos de lnguas estrangeiras. Seu crebro muito valioso, usando sua memria com qualidade voc obter resultados positivos na sua vida pessoal e profissional"
Price: 39.99

"Kingdom Foundations" |
"The Scriptures encourage us to have a foundation of faith in our personal, church and business lives. It also says that we need to add to that faith, specifically virtue, knowledge and the fruits of the Spirit. (But that is for another course). In this course we look at a Kingdom view of having a faith foundation. We look at mission, vision (both personal and corporate), strategy, being led and empowered by the Spirit. We look specifically at how kingdom faith relates to our finances. We also cover how Kingdom vision is about he establishment of culture, present a personal and organisational model of kingdom culture and ways of measuring changes in Kingdom culture."
Price: 69.99

"How to Write a Catchy White Paper" |
"Do you really feel to enhance your writing skills when it comes to white papers?Want to add thrust to your earnings?Want to have an alternate freelancing career?You are just a step away in achieving all these. All you need to do is to get enrolled in the course and add a new skill to your kitty.Whether you are a student, an entrepreneur, or a copywriter you will feel a vast difference The course will definitely help you gain the necessary skills and make you a full-fledged writer when it comes to writing white papers. Now you can write more confidently and save a lot of time. The course will also help you in understanding the format, the purpose, and how the white papers can be used.This course will give you a clear understanding of the structure of a white paper; you can also write it and edit it with confidence. It will help you in comprehending where to start your white paper, and how you can make them stick to it. You can make your paper more compelling and with the skills required you will also be able to write it fast. This course will definitely boost your skill and make you an expert in the field; it will surely enhance your business writing skill. Having good business writing skills is always a plus when it comes to professional writing.You will be exposed to a lot of course material that will help you grasp the essence of the subject more clearly. A lot of exercises, examples, and practical sessions are introduced where the participants will be assigned the task to write the white papers during the course session to make it clearer.The course will be delivered by the best of the faculty who already have the experience of years when it comes to writing the white papers. Transform yourself into a professional with the course and give a big leap to your career.After the completion the course will help you in the following ways:Understand the nuances to write a white paperLearn to become a successful white paper writer and learn every step to start a successful career.Get the skill to structure and write good White PapersLearn to keep the tone of the white paper professionalGain the knowledge to keep it narrowly focusedComprehend to organize the draftUnderstand the importance of research in writing a white paperUnderstand the Know hows of it and how much you can earn by charging the right amount from the clientsAcquire the knowledge and expertise to write White Papers quickly and with confidenceBecome proficient in writing a White Paper completely from scratchGet the confidence of being an expert writerWords of appreciation from our Students1. Very clear and crisp course, loved the trainers way of explaining the course, his accent, and the way he carried the whole course. I found all the information very useful. it was great to be a part of the course and enhance my skill under the guidance of the experts!. Siddharth Yadav2. It was brilliant to be a part of such an innovative and informative course. He used plenty of examples, exercises, and did some practical session together. A great experience all in all. Did not come across even a single dull moment. Govind Tiwari3. The course was infectious, informative and to the point. The trainer came with the best of himself and the subject. He enjoyed offering tips and advice that can help in the long run. He went out of his way to bring out the best. I found the course a real joy as I clearly understood white papers and how to go about it. We were provided extra material related to the th0065 course. This course definitely provided me with much-needed knowledge; simply can't miss this one! Saajid Hasan4. This is a well-presented, course that covers all the content that one needs to know to be a good writer for producing white papers. We were provided with a lot of useful tips and plenty of extremely useful resources during the course. I am in awe with the trainer who did not leave any scope of doubt. Sungandha Maheshwari5. I found that the backbone of the course that is the trainer was extraordinary as he explained the complicated task of researching and writing whitepapers so effortlessly. Plenty of course material provided. Just want to thank the whole team of Henry Harvin for making the whole experience so pleasant and making this a joyride with such a wonderful teacher. Johnson Massiey"
Price: 199.99

"Digital Transformation Essentials" |
"This course is for everyone who is interested in the Digital Transformation field.If you're afraid of loosing your job, come and join this course.If you want to understand what is going on in your organization about Digital Transformation, come and join the course.If you think that Digital Transformation is about Technology, you are wrong. come and join the course."
Price: 29.99

"Acrylic Painting - Introduction to Painting Trees in Acrylic" |
"Acrylic Painting - Introduction to painting trees in acrylicThis acrylic painting course is designed for beginners who want to quickly get better at painting trees in acrylic.In the Acrylic Painting - Introduction to painting trees course, you will learn how to get started painting trees in acrylics. By following along in three different lessons, you will learn to complete three different types of trees.The acrylic painting course is designed for beginners who have never picked up a brush before, through to intermediate level artists who are looking to get better at painting trees in acrylics.The course covers some of the key things you need to know about painting trees with acrylic painting including:The correct water to paint ratio for each techniqueHow to paint in successive stages (layers)Creating smooth color gradientsDisplaying depth in paintingsCreating vibrant, colorful images using only a few basic colorsFixing mistakes (we all make them!)Different paintbrushes and the marks each one makesColor mixing techniques and how to apply eachDeveloping layers of depthBlocking in and underpaintingCreating textureTHREE step-by-step online tutorial course teaching you how to paint with acrylics. You get three classes in one! By the end of the course, you'll have three completed projects you can hang with pride, making the transition into more challenging subjects much easier.Cody P has been teaching beginners since 2015 and has developed a real technique to make painting easy and fun for new painters. The camera angles and view will show color mixing, brush strokes, and paint application clearly."
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.9 - Der Grundkurs zum Modellieren" |
"Blender 2.9 - Der Grundkurs zum Modellieren mit BlenderLerne in diesem Kurs die Wichtigen Grundlagen zum Modellieren. Wir befassen uns hierbei zum Einstieg mit Themen, wie der Benutzeroberflche und der Funktion der einzelnen Arbeitsbereiche.Auf dem Weg unsere ersten eigenen Objekte zu erstellen, schauen wir uns unter anderem interessante Themen wie die Funktionen der Modifier, die Herangehensweise beim Texturieren oder das erstellen von verschiedenen Materialien an. Dabei gehen wir auch auf die Unterschiede der beiden Render Engines Evee und Cycles ein und werden herausfinden, welche Vorteile, die jeweilige Engine fr uns hat.Beim erstellen der Objekte wenden wir das Gelernte an und schauen uns verschiedene Herangehensweisen der Modellierung an. Darunter z.B. Das Modellieren durch Ausrichtung an einem Referenzbild oder aber das erstellen von Objekten durch einzelne Punkt zu Punkt Verbindungen.Nachdem erstellen verschiedener Objekte, finden wir heraus, wie man eine Szene einrichten kann, um ein Gut aussehendes Bild Rendern zu knnen. Hierbei spielt unter anderem das Einstellen der Belichtung eine Rolle.Alle Arbeitsschritte werden hierbei genau erklrt und auch jederzeit Optisch auf dem Bildschirm dargestellt.Die Materialien, wie Bilder, die ich whrend dem Kurs verwende, stehen natrlich auch fr dich, zum Download zur Verfgung."
Price: 179.99

"The Ultimate Course of Gas Chromatography" |
"Hello,Chromatography is a main technique in modern analytical chemistry.As you know, chromatography is a broad science that brings several techniques and requires certain skills.In order to take advantage of this analytical technique that sits be it your field, chemistry, quality control, pharmacology, environment etcmy program is currently the only one in the udemy platform that offers this opportunityThis program is designed step by step to facilitate students' proper learning of gas chromatography by:Learning the fundamentals of chromatography in general.Understanding the instrument process.Knowig GC instrument and its compounds.Having the necessary tools to perform analyses using gas chromatography (identification and quantification of chemical elements, chemical derivatization, the use of software etc.)Mastering the basic techniques to maintain GC system (change of column, change of syringe, change of glass tube etc.)The course is intended for:Students (chemistry, bilogy, pharmacology, environment, petroleum and chemical industry etc).laboratory operators.Scientific researchersTechnical sales.To improve their technical knowledge on gas chromatography and to consolidate their profile by a training certificate in gas chromatography.I hope that you find my course to be a rich learning experience."
Price: 199.99

"Svelte Framework Introduction Course" |
"Svelte is a Framework with a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.Instead, Svelte runs at build time, converting your components into highly efficient imperative code that surgically updates the DOM. As a result, you're able to write ambitious applications with excellent performance characteristics.In this course we will make an introduction to the most important topics of Svelte framework and we will see how we can use it for our applications. The content of it will go from the installation / creation of a Svelte project to the use of the syntax template and components available in it."
Price: 19.99

"Price Action" |
"O Price Action o mtodo de negociao de grfico puro, ou seja, voc no negocia com o auxlio de indicadores sofisticados, apenas observando o movimento do preo.Assim, com o grfico mais limpo, voc tem a possibilidade de enxergar melhor todas as entradas que o movimento do preo ir lhe proporcionar, por causa da facilidade que vai ter de entender de uma melhor forma o cenrio do mercado.E entender o cenrio, j mais do que meio caminho andado para se sobressair em suas negociaes. Aprenda a operar com o grfico puro, e ver a diferena em seus resultados."
Price: 69.99

"Certified Professional Coder Examination 2020" |
"So, you want to become a certified professional coder and for that you have to pass the CPC Official Exam . I can understand you are a bit nervous and want some help in preparing yourself. Well, don't worry you have come to the right course. This Certified Professional coder (CPC) Practice Exams Course comprises of 3 Practice Tests with 90 Most Expected CPC questions with full explanations- Each practice test contains 30 questions. These practice exam questions are based on the Exam Objectives for cpc exam for all areas of the exam to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.After practicing these tests and scoring 85% or higher in them. You will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money.This course is the latest course on Udemy and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!Thank you !!"
Price: 19.99

"Spiritual Prosperity" |
"This course will help you use spiritual principles to release negative thinking and manifest the absolute best in your relationships, finances, and health. At the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation for daily spiritual practice. You'll be able to:Release negative thoughts, anxiety, and move out of depressionFocus on the truth of your soul and your journeyParticipate in daily journaling and breathing exercisesApply thought-provoking spiritual concepts to your daily life"
Price: 49.99

"Create and sell coloring books, sudokus & puzzles on Amazon" |
"Welcome to my second class about the fantastic business of Amazon low content! In this course, much longer than the previous one, I teach you how to create a children's activity book from A to Z with free or paid software. I also teach you my strategy to publish 20+ books per day and how to promote your books on Amazon (Amazon Ads).We will see how to easily create a wide variety of interiors with sudokus, word and number games, mazes and coloring designs.We will study the color codes that work on this niche and how to make a cover with three methods, including Indesign.In this course, I offer you free interiors that you can use by mixing them with your own creations, so that you can start publishing and make money from home online quickly.The low content (creating books with little content) is great because you just have to publish your creations on Amazon. There is no printing or storage on your side. Amazon takes care of printing and sending your book to the customer when they place the order.This business requires little initial investment. However, you will need to subscribe to some (inexpensive) software if you want to expand your book collections."
Price: 39.99
