"CompTIA CN0-201 CTP+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following statements are true about session hijacking? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) The use of a random number or a long string as the session key reduces session hijacking.b) It 'used to slow the processing of the victim's network resources.c) TCP session hijacking is when a hacker takes over a TCP session between two machines.d) And 'the exploitation of a valid computer session to gain unauthorized access to information or services in a computer system.Q) Rick, an administrator of a TCP / IP network, wants to achieve the following objectives: to reduce the congestion of network traffic. l optimize the use of IP address space. Which of the following technologies can help him accomplish the task?a) Pingingb) Super nettingc) Routingd) subnettingQ) Voice over IP is an application that requires the efficient use of bandwidth and reliability. VoIP must not suffer delays that can be seen sometimes with Web sites and Web applications. What technology can be used to help ensure the efficient transport of VoIP traffic?a) RTPb) QoSc) DNSd) RSTPQ) Which of the following are examples of interactive communication? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) Videoconferenceb) E-mailc) Faxd) Phone callQ) Which of the following devices it is used to create VLANs on a small network?a) Repeaterb) Switchc) Centerd) bridge"
Price: 144.99

"NLP Practicioner: Ankern, Chaining, Collapsing Anchors, etc." |
"Du erhltst eine komplette Unterrichtssequenz zum Thema Ankertechniken, also genau das - oder sogar etwas mehr, was ein NLP-Lehrtrainer dir an 2 Tagen eines DVNLP-zertifizierten NLP-Practitioner-Kurses erklrt und zeigt.Das einzige, was in einem Videokurs nicht leistbar ist, sind Antworten auf Verstndnisfragen, bungsgruppen und das Feedback zu deinen Erfahrungen in den bungsgruppen... das solltest du dir selbst organisieren, damit du alles Gezeigte trainieren kannst. Fragen kannst du natrlich auch stellen, wenn du Kontakt zu mir aufnimmst.Im Kurs findest du Demonstrationen mit unterschiedlichen Coachees zu folgenden Vorgehensweisen. Es handelt sich um echte Coachees mit echten Themen!Setzen eines kinsthetischen Ankers: Eine Berhrung wird als Auslser fr einen ressourcevollen inneren Zustand gesetzt und dieser Zustand auf Situationen der Vergangenheit und Zukunft angewandt, in denen er ntzlich gewesen wre bzw. ntzlich sein wird. Hier GelassenheitAnker stapeln: zwei ressourcevolle Zustnde werden zusammengebracht. Hier: sich Gelassen durchsetzen.Moment of Excellence: ein bereits vorhandener Bewegungs-Auslser fr einen excellenten Zustand wird isoliert und bewusst gemacht. So kann er in Situationen genutzt werden, in denen er bisher nicht zur Verfgung stand.Ressourcekreis: Ein guter Zustand wird mit einem vorgestellten Kreis verknpft und kann ber die Vorstellung des Kreises abgerufen und eingesetzt werden. Hier Gelassenheit gekoppelt mit Konzentration.Chaining: Anker werden zu einer Strategie verknpft. So wird es leichter, einen bergang von einem unerwnschten Zustand in einen erwnschten zu finden, weil Zwischenschritte den Weg leichter bewltigbar machen. Hier von zgern zu nichts wie ran.Collapsing Anchors: Zwei bisher nur voneinander getrennt abrufbare Zustnde werden miteinander verbunden, sodass aus einem Kippschalter ein Drehregler wird, der alle Zwischenstufen ermglicht. Hier Stress und Gelassenheit.Wenn du einen NLP-Practitioner-Kurs besuchst, kannst du das Videomaterial als wertvolle Ergnzung nutzen, denn du weit ja, dass NLP eine Methode ist, die durch Modelllernen vermittelt wird. Je mehr Demonstrationen du zu einem Thema kennst, umso leichter wird es fr dich, das Wesentliche herauszufiltern. Du lernst, an den individuellen Coaching-Bedarf angepasste Variationen des Vorgehens kennen und kannst dadurch souverner mit eigenen Blockaden und Themen von Coachees umgehen.Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Anfnger / Einsteiger ins NLP geeignet, als auch zur Vertiefung der Kenntnisse fr fortgeschrittene NLP-Anwender.Kursinhalte:Grundlagen des AnkernsWas sind Anker und wie wird geankert?Anker fr Vernderung nutzenDie Ursprnge des AnkernsWirksame Anker setzenErklrungen zu den einzelnen AnkertechnikenDemonstrationen mit echten Klienten und echten ThemenTrancen zur SelbstanwendungKomplettes Handout mit Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen zum Herunterladen.NLP (Neuro Linguistisches Programmieren) ist in allen beruflichen Bereichen, in denen Kommunikation, Beratungskompetenz sowie gelungene Selbststeuerung einen wesentlichen Anteil hat, von groem Nutzen.NLP ist eine Methode, die zunchst durch Modeling von Hchstleistungen entstand. Ursprnglich ging es dabei um effektive Psychotherapie. Die Methode hat sich inzwischen in vielen weiteren Bereichen etabliert, wie: Personalwesen, Fhrung, Werbung, Vertrieb, Kundenzufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Physiotherapie, Coaching, Seminargestaltung und Training, Sport und natrlich in allen sozialen Berufen wie Psychologie, Pdagogik, Sozial-Pdagogik, Coaching, Beratung, Schule und Erziehung...... Und natrlich ist NLP eine hervorragende Methode der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung.Du kannst... dein Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstvertrauen verbesserndein Lebensglck und deine Zufriedenheit steigernschnell groe Mengen Wissensstoff sowie praktische Vorgehensweisen lernendeine berzeugungen und Glaubensstze optimierendeine Ziele erreichenNLP als Methoden der Achtsamkeit und Meditation nutzendeine innere Verfassung positiv beeinflussendeine Gesundheit verbessern... ...denn gute Stimmung und schnelles berwinden von Stress-Zustnden untersttzt die Funktion deines Immunsystems.deine Spiritualitt frdern..."
Price: 129.99

"Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions Test" |
"This Practice test set will cover all the important Basics in Civil EngineeringThis test will be helpful for students attending any Competitive exams such as GATE, Public Services Exams or Job InterviewsThe practice test is mandatory for all civil engineering graduating studentsAt the end of this test, you will be provided with a detailed explanation of each answer. Enroll to Test Your MCQs Knowledge!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python 3 Programming" |
"If you are interested in learning or even improving your knowledge in one the hottest and most requested skill of 2020, then this is the right course for you. This course has been designed to equip students, engineers and IT professionals with the ability to understand the logic and the art of programming. In this course, we will be teaching you building blocks of Python 3. We shall be using ""Jupyter Notebooks"" giving you practical experience in programming. This is a wonderful course for all level of learners and those who are interested in advancing their career."
Price: 124.99

"Kajabi Crash Course How To Sell Online Courses" |
"Want To Get $2,453 Worth Of Advanced Training For FREE?If you sign up to Kajabi through my affiliate link, you will get the following:BONUS 1: You will get a FREE 28 Day Trial With Kajabi (only 14 days directly with Kajabi)BONUS 2: You will get a FREE 28 day course from Kajabi! (only available through approved partners)BONUS 3: I will write your sales page for you! (I am a professional copywriter)BONUS 4: An extra Private Members Facebook GroupBONUS 5: An advanced Sales & Marketing training course specifically for Kajabi (Value $497)BONUS 6: The Anatomy of a high converting sales page (Value $497)BONUS 7: The Stealth Webinar Formula - Set up an automated webinar that pulls in cash on Automation (Value $497)BONUS 9: 3 x Wealth Building Digital Products worth $119 - FREETo Get ALL Of this Right Now, Go To: adiosbosschallenge dot com / udemyYou can also get all of these bonus offers by visiting the link in my BIO.Or you can search ' Adios Boss Challenge / udemy ' on Google and you will find the offer. Have you attempted to start an online business only to find out that the ""new"" technique doesn't work anymore or the ""hot"" product has stopped selling as people start competing with you and the market gets saturated?When you sell online courses, no one can compete with you as you're UNIQUE! I started internet marketing just 18 months ago and I've sold over $33,000 in online courses and in this course I'm going to show you how you can copy EXACTLY what I've done and start your own business."
Price: 19.99

"An Introduction To Automotive Locksmithing & Lishi Picking" |
"Hi Everyone!If you're interested in learning how to pick car locks and become a well paid locksmith then this crash course is for you...Here's what you'll learn in this course:What do locksmiths do? Discover the 3 main duties of an Automotive locksmithThe 3-Step System - The secret system that makes this business as easy as 1, 2, 3!How To Pick Your First car Lock - See EXACTLY what equipment you need and how to start on a budgetHow To Decode Car Locks - The Simple Process To Determine The Cuts Of ANY Car Key!How To Become A Master Locksmith & Make $973 per Day! - Secrets from a master locksmith of 15 yearsJump right in now to the magical world of Automotive locksmithing and learn how to pick your first lock using a simple Lishi pick!(+Get secret access to LIVE training where we go SUPER in depth)"
Price: 19.99

"Massage - Shoulder Rehabilitation" |
"Shoulder Rehabilitation Massage is taught using Raynor Massage Techniques in an easy to understand language without all the technical speak. We will be working on a client with a real world shoulder mobility injury that is common to see in clients in our profession. In the course we will work step by step guide in assessing the severity of the injury and how to overcome the limitations with the least amount of discomfort for the client. We will use proven methods to gently but effectively increase their range of motion using their own breathing to help them overcome and eliminate pain. We will share how to deliver quick, long lasting results that will amaze your client how much they improved in just one session. The class is taught by International massage instructor Terry Masson with 12 years of experience who has practice this Art of Massage, providing relief for thousands of people in over 20 countries on five continents"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Python & Data Analysis From Scratch" |
"Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and data analysis at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, and use the programming skills you learn to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, we'll start with basics on python programming, installing the needed software and then we'll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by writing useful programs, so we'll never have any boring dry programming lectures.The course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to achieve a specific goal, so we'll start by learning how we write the program. I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time, so by the end of the course, you're going to have a number of programs written by yourself. You'll also have a deep understanding of how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems, and implement the solution using python."
Price: 29.99

"1Y0-731 Citrix Netscaler Administrative Review Practice Exam" |
"91 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-731 Citrix Netscaler Administrative Review Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-731 Citrix Netscaler Administrative Review Practice ExamTotal Questions : 91Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (68 of 91)"
Price: 144.99

"Prevencin de lesiones para deportistas y bailarines" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso de Prevencin de lesiones, este curso est dirigido para todas las personas que de una u otra manera estn relacionadas con algn tipo de ejercicio fsico, especialmente para deportistas y bailarines tanto principiantes como profesionales, que estn interesados en conocer ms acerca de su cuerpo y como evitar posibles lesiones que pudieran a llegar a afectar su desempeo. Te daremos a conocer en trminos generales que es el deporte, que es la danza, las implicaciones que estos conllevan y algunos de los riesgos que se corren; por otra parte te explicaremos que es un fisioterapeuta y como te puede ayudar; as como las medidas preventivas que puedes tomar, algunos puntos importantes o recomendaciones que son importantes considerar y por ultimo te diremos que hacer en caso de una lesin, y que no debes hacer en caso de una lesin. Con esto esperamos que logres mantener tu cuerpo en la mejor condicin fsica para que da a da puedas dar el mximo en tus actividades."
Price: 19.99

"ECCouncil Ec0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"304 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil Ec0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil Ec0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamTotal Questions : 304Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (228 of 304)"
Price: 174.99

"220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Exam" |
"301 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-801 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 301Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (225 of 301)"
Price: 179.99

"In this CCNA COLLABORATION 210-060 CICD PRACTICE TEST course there are over 66 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your CCNA COLLABORATION 210-060 CICD PRACTICE TEST exam.Why take our Course?i. Unique & Updated 66 Questionsii. All CCNA COLLABORATION 210-060 CICD PRACTICE TEST Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii. Verified answersiv. 30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the CCNA COLLABORATION 210-060 CICD Certification.Want to find your weak areas for the CCNA COLLABORATION 210-060 CICD Certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"Character drawing course beginner to advanced" |
"Greetings ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to D Abidov's character Art School !This school was created for those people who want to understand quickly and learn how to draw characters. I will teach you only to the most important things that will help you to become an artist. I tried to keep this course as easy as possible so that the way that you can understand it quickly. In this course, I will tell you and show you how to draw characters from scratch, as well as how to draw from a creative brief, and thus we will smoothly move on to drawing characters using colors as a professional artist. I also prepared a gift video for you where you can go directly to painting the characters using the line art and thereby increase your painting skill. The most important thing you need to do is do what I am telling you and just repeat everything after me in drawing! I hope that each of you will find something useful for yourself and I am delighted to welcome you to The Ultimate Character Drawing courseSee you on our course!"
Price: 19.99

"Automaquiagem por Cris Naves Makeup" |
"Um curso criado por mim para atender toda a nossa diversidade. Ensino na prtica, tcnicas de aplicao de produtos, em PDF mostro como identificar a sua melhor tcnica, a melhor textura de produto para sua pele, alm de minimizar os custos com a maquiagem, orientando as principais ferramentas e os principais produtos, para uma maquiagem bsica, eficiente e que tenha tudo que voc precisa! Quando eu digo maquiagem bsica, quero dizer uma correo bem feita, uma base bem aplicada, um olhar maravilhosos, aplicao de contorno facial, labial, de nariz e etc. Ou seja, tudo que voc tem direito para ter uma maquiagem completa.Em todos os mdulos temos aulas tericas e aulas prticas, para voc absorver o mximo de informaes possvel.O mdulo 9 uma aula prtica, aonde vamos recriar todo o processo juntas!"
Price: 249.99

"ESL Business English Course-Become A Business English Pro" |
"Do you need to improve your English for your career? Are you nervous or shy when you have to use English at work? This course is designed to help working professionals learn the Business English skills they need to be more successul. Learn everything you need to know for Business Emails, Business Presentations, Business Meetings and more!"
Price: 109.99

"AWS Solution Architect Associate - SAA-C01 3 Practice Exams" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Test Made Easy Course consists of 3 Practice tests having around 300 questions overall. All latest questions are being updated. All questions you could find in any other practice exams, guides , dumps will all be covered in this topic wise. This will make it easy to revise and answer questions asked in any manner."
Price: 19.99

"Holistic and Healthy Lifestyle: Beyond Diet and Exercise" |
"Health and wellness according to an established school of thought is the absence of illness. According to another school of thought based on Ayurveda (an ancient science of wellness), it is the perfect balance of the body, mind, spirit and social well-being. It acts as an integrative system for healing, bringing awareness to your consciousness, and transformation to all levels of your existence. Infact, this 5000 year old amazing science of wellness has dived so deep into the concepts of balance and connectedness, no wonder the lessons of Ayurveda is blazing through the intellectual minds of the medical professionals across the globe today.Following these simple and healthy practices, explained in this course will definitely open the gates of wellness for you. This course approaches wellness from a holistic perspective. It covers in detail, the 4 major pillars of wellness. Each Pillar is a separate section in this course. This course is for anyone who wishes to attract and maintain wellness in their life. Get deep insights of wellness on1) Nutrition : - What to eat, When to eat, How much to eat, How to Boost your immunity, Doshas (an ayurvedic term) etc.2) Exercise : Discover whether or not rigorous exercise is recommended for wellness. Learn some basic exercises and Deep Breathing techniques for relaxation3) Sleep : How to sleep, When to sleep, How much to sleep, are there any preferred directions to sleep, Food that aids sleep etc.4) Mental Wellness : We conclude with the echoing lessons of Ayurveda, the mind body harmony and its deep influence.Congratulations to you for landing at the perfect place to open the gate of wellness in your life. I invite you to invest in your most valuable commodity - YOUR HEALTH."
Price: 12800.00

"Embedded system with AVR and electronical design" |
"This course is suitable for electronic engineer, robotic student group, automation designer and the persons improve domestic and agriculture automation works.First discussed about introduction of digital electronic and necessary Prerequisites of digital programming. Next we have tried to explain programming concepts with practical examples.In summary we cover general items exist in AVRs; The course will be continue to complete all the items.Reference: Electrovolt site , Author: Mohammad Hossein Shoja Davoodi"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Python Course from Beginner to Expert for 2020" |
"Become a Complete Python developer! This is a brand-new python course, Launched in the fall of 2020. This course is all about learning Python from Scratch which covers beginner to expert level concepts. The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission-critical applications like Google Search.This is a comprehensive course that includes all the modern skills of a python developer and gets up to date along the way. We learn real-world projects to add to your resume (Which helps you to understand better of python and have fun along the way with numerous skills in your kitty).The curriculum will be very hands-on as we walk you to become a professional Python developer from start to finish. Well start from the very beginning by teaching you the python basics and then moving into advanced topics and Introduction to different career fields like Machine Learning, Deep Learning in python so you can get real-world practice and prepare for the real-world job.The subject dealt with in this course include:- What is Programming- Python Basics- Python Development Environment (PyCharm, Google Colab Notebook, and Repel)- Virtual Environments- Python Functions- Python Object-Oriented Programming- Python Functional Programming- Pure Function (map(), filter(), zip(), reduce(), lambda()- Decorators in Python- Python Errors and Exceptions- Generators in Python- Modules in Python- Debugging- Python File Handling- Regular Expressions in Python- Testing in Python- Web Scraping in Python and Beautiful Soup- Introduction to Machine Learning- Algorithms in Machine Learning- Introduction to Deep Learning- Neural Network- Types of Neural Network- Terminologies in Machine Learning and Deep Learning- Image FundamentalsYou'll be a full Python developer by the end of this course who can be employed at Multinational companies. We are going to use Python to work with a web scraper for crawling data from random websites, build a chatbot, and build a secure password checker. By the end, you will have a stack of knowledge you have built over time and ready to implement in your profession.Heres the truth: Python is taught by most courses and they just do that. They show you how to get started. But the thing is you dont know where to go from there or in what all the fields are open when you learn python. Remember if you learn python, It will be applied in fields like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Automation, etc there are plenty of fields that python has an impact. Stack Overflow rated python is the most promising programming language for the future.Whether you're new to programming, trying to upgrade your Python skills, or come from a different language of programming, this course is for you. This course is not about simply making your code alone, It's about bringing impact on your programming career. Here it won't be a situation where you just get the theory part, you will become best of yourself with python knowledge.This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner with no coding experience to someone that can go off, and get hired.Why should you take this course?There are a lot of Python courses I am an instructor as well as being a Software Developer I bring new skills, original content, updates in the field, information about new technology into the table.You can enroll in the course safely. In the knowledge that I am not just here to teach I am here to help you, and also update myself along the journey with you people.you will not only be learning Python, but you will be learning industry best practices for Python programming that real employers demand in the industry.Does the course get updated?Its amazing how technology is advancing at a rapid rate every day. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge and update yourself with new technology into the market. Let me tell you a real-world story about what happened as well as what is happening. Automation being on cards and the manual data entry people are fired from companies. Imagine the competition in this advanced technological era and think about your situation where do you stand? What may happen if you dont upgrade yourself?A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python wont give you any productive results and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.I am here to bring a difference in the course. I teach by continually updating the course.The Fact: This is my first Udemy course and being a Software Developer I want to help you. I want to teach you to make a difference.What if you have questions?Yes! I will answer your question. I created this course not just I want to teach you all but I want to learn from you guys, I want to upgrade myself and I believe in teaching, getting aware of my mistakes and redoing my work and teach again.Content Inside the courseWhat youll learn Become a professional Python Developer and get hired Master Python 3 fundamentals as well as advanced topics Learn Cool Inbuilt Functions Learn Object-Oriented Programming Learn Function Programming Build real-world Python projects Learn Introduction Machine Learning Learn and understand Machine Learning Algorithms Build a Web Scraper with Python and Beautiful Soup Learn Unit testing, Debugging and Handle Errors and Exceptions in your Python programs Learn what are Neural Networks Learn types of Neural Networks Set up a professional workspace with Google Colab Notebooks, PyCharm, and repel.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? A computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). That's it! No prior knowledge of Python is required. No previous programming experience is needed.Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to master Python 3 Anyone who wants to learn to code Anyone looking to level up their skills and master a new programming language."
Price: 11840.00

"The Paw Paw Master Class" |
"If you're going to grow Paw Paws, you've got to do it right from the beginning.Growing highly productive trees can be tricky- but the fruits of your labor are sweet. The Paw Paw is a fruit like no other- diverse in flavor, deer resistant, and unavailable commercially- people across the world are now beginning to embrace North America's largest native fruit. But growing Paw Paws is a unique process, full of pitfalls and idiosyncrasies- broken taproots, unpollinated flowers, and overcrowding often leave amateur growers disappointed in their groves.Whether you're building a homestead or a commercial nursery, this course contains everything you need to know to master this unique fruit. Pulling from more than two decades of Paw Paw growing experience, Doug Crouch, a global permaculture teacher and founder of TreeYo EDU created this course to be the ultimate resource for any serious grower who wants results, leveraging advanced and lesser-known techniques you won't find in any book."
Price: 54.99

"Bienvenido al curso ""FSICA CINEMTICA para PRINCIPIANTES""!Para empezar, me presento de una forma breve; yo soy Iker, profesor particular y estudiante de 2. de Bachillerato Cientfico (Matrcula de Honor en Fsica en 1. de Bachillerato), y en este curso voy a ser quien os ayude con una de las ms fascinantes ramas de la Fsica: la Cinemtica.En este curso trabajaremos la Cinemtica desde sus bases, desde 0, y llegaremos a un nivel intermedio, el cual os permitir desenvolveros perfectamente en la materia, y poder seguir aprendiendo conceptos ms avanzados. De forma que este curso es apropiado tanto si sois estudiantes o principiantes en la materia y queris mejorar, como si no tenis ninguna experiencia en Cinemtica pero os interesa.El curso est organizado de una forma dinmica y entretenida, es decir, la teora es solo la justa y necesaria, y lo que ms se trabaja es la prctica, ya que de esta forma es como mejor se aprende. Por ello, el curso cuenta con mltiples ejercicios en cada mdulo, cada uno de distinta dificultad, para tocar todos lo niveles y avanzar progresivamente.En cuanto a los contenidos especficos del curso, estos comienzan desde la teora ms bsica y esencial, para despus pasar a distintos tipos de ejercicios; explicados perfectamente y con mucha opcin de practicar. Aqu podis ver un esquema bsico de lo que trataris: INTRODUCCIN A LA CINEMTICA: Teora ms bsica y general sobre la Cinemtica. MRU Y MRUA: Los dos primeros tipos de ejercicios y los ms bsicos, Movimiento Rectilneo.TIRO HORIZONTAL: Siguiente tipo de ejercicio, introduccin a los ejercicios de tiro.TIRO PARABLICO: Otro tipo de ejercicio de tiro, ms complicado. MCU Y MCUA: Dos ltimos tipos de ejercicio, Movimiento Circular.Tras trabajar estos conceptos vuestra comprensin de la Cinemtica ser totalmente distinta con respecto al inicio del curso. Como mencionamos anteriormente tendris un nivel intermedio de Cinemtica y podris avanzar desde ah. Pero qu implica este nivel intermedio? Aqu tenis algunas de las cosas de las que seris capaces al terminar este curso:Entender los fundamentos iniciales sobre los que se sostiene la Cinemtica; qu es, la importancia del dibujoComprender las magnitudes fsicas que influyen en la Cinemtica; la posicin (y desplazamiento), el tiempo, la velocidad y la aceleracin.Utilizar los factores de conversin de forma efectiva y rpida.Plantear y resolver ejercicios de MRU (Movimiento Rectilneo Uniforme) y de MRUA (Movimiento Rectilneo Uniformemente Acelerado).Dominar el Tiro Horizontal, es decir, entender sus mltiples partes (ejes, vectores), plantear ejercicios y resolverlos.Dominar el Tiro Parablico; entender sus diferencias y similitudes con el Tiro Horizontal, plantear ejercicios de este tipo y resolverlos. Entender el Movimiento Circular y sus diferencias con respecto al Movimiento Lineal Plantear y resolver ejercicios de MCU (Movimiento Circular Uniforme) y de MCUA (Movimiento Circular Uniformemente Acelerado).Si tienes inters en la fascinante rama de la Fsica que es la Cinemtica, no lo dudes, este curso es para ti.INSCRBETE YA Y COMIENZA A APRENDER!Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 24.99

"Az-900 Azure Fundamentals practice exam last questions 2020" |
"Included in this Az-900:Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Az-900:Microsoft Azure Fundamentals TestAz-900:Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 150+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 75+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!Example Question:What is the name of the open source project run by the Apache foundation that maps to the HDInsight tools within Azure?A) Apache JazzB) Apache JaguarC) Apache HadoopD) Apache CayenneExplanation: Hadoop is open source home of the HDInsight toolsFor more info: /en-us/azure/hdinsight/hadoop/apache-hadoop-introduction"
Price: 19.99

"CEH Certified Ethical Hacker v10 - v11 practice exams" |
"Included in this CEH Certified Ethical Hacker v10 - v11 Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real CEH Certified Ethical Hacker v10 - v11 TestCEH Certified Ethical Hacker v10 - v11 Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 110+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 55+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!Example Question:SMTP is used to perform which function?A. Send email messagesB. Transmit status informationC. Monitor network equipmentD. Transfer filesExplanation: SMTP is primarily intended to transfer email messages from email servers and clients."
Price: 19.99

"Az-300/Az-303 practice exams latest questions 2020" |
"Included in this Az-300/Az-303 practice exams Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Az-300/Az-303 practice exams TestAz-300/Az-303 practice exams Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 200+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 100+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!You plan to use the Azure Import/Export service to copy files to a storage account.Which two files should you create before you prepare the drives for the import job? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.AnswersA) A driveset CSV file.B) A JSON configuration file.C) A PowerShell PS1 file.D) An XML manifest file. E) A dataset CSV file.Right Answer: A,EExplanation: 1. Modify the driveset.csv file in the root folder where the tool resides.2. Modify the dataset.csv file in the root folder where the tool resides. Depending on whether you want to import a file or folder or both, add entries in the dataset.csv file."
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect practice exam" |
"Included in this 1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real 1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Test1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 140+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 70+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to use Telegram and Affiliated Marketing" |
"Time is literally money, and what better time to take advantage of it than now?Telegram is an instant messaging platform that is growing rapidly. It already has 400 million users worldwide and is positioning itself quickly thanks to its privacy policies and the sheer number of tools it has to interact within it. At the same time, affiliate marketing is a simple option that does not require any type of monetary investment to carry it out and to be able to monetize product promotions from large companies such as Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress ...Many people still do not know these two modalities applied together to develop an attractive business model that is precisely what I offer you in this course. Therefore, the competition is currently low, an ideal point to make ourselves known through these massive communication channels.I will be waiting for you,Join the course!"
Price: 34.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Practice Certification Exams (Official)" |
"Have you already taken an ITIL 4 Foundation course from a registered ATO, Have you self-studied using the ITIL 4 Foundation textbook?Are you still not quite confident that you are ready to take the certification exam? If so, you've come to the right place!These latest set of questions were taken from those who attempted in past 1 week.This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for ITIL 4 Foundation from Axelos, weighting the 12 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid costly re-scheduling fees.We will be constantly updating these set of questions to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the ITIL 4 Foundation exams, and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!Who this course is for:Students preparing for the ITIL 4 Foundation certification examIT Service management professionals looking to validate their skills by passing the ITIL 4 Foundation certification"
Price: 64.99

"C_SM100_7208 - SAP Solution Manager (7.2 SPS8)" |
"Latest C_SM100_7208 - SAP Solution Manager (7.2 SPS8) dump collected from the recently attended candidate, Enroll, and get certified with the original exam. The ""SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution Manager, Mandatory and Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS8)"" certification exam validates that the candidate knows mandatory and managed system configuration of the SAP Solution Manager, including infrastructure. The exam also validates that the candidate can describe the various activities, functions and features that belong to the area of operations of the SAP Solution Manager solution."
Price: 64.99

"eCommerce WordPress!" |
"( ) ! . ! (PHP HTML CSS ). WordPress . WooCommerce ( ) . (Themify Shoppe) / / . ( !). ! ! 2500 ! ( ) . - ! /"
Price: 19.99
