"Makerspaces - Manual do Professor mo na massa" |
"Voc est cansadode aulas tericas e sem conexo com a vida real? Que tal a colocar a mo na massa e desenvolver projetos incrveis alinhados com as habilidades do sculo XXI? Em um makerspace as pessoasaprendem fazendo, ou seja, desenvolvem conhecimentos e habilidades durante a execuo de projetos, colaborando uns com os outros, buscando e divulgando informaes de forma consciente e responsvel.Neste curso voc aprender atravs de tutoriais em vdeoa utilizar recursos digitais que podem fazer parte dos seus projetos. Esto inclusos modelagem digital, preparao de projetos para impressoras 3D e cortadoras laser, sugestes de sites para busca de recursos e projetos.Embarque nesta era da Revoluo Maker e transforme suas aulas em um espao dinmico que d forma, sentido e valor a tudo o que se deve aprender para o agora e o amanh."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao Design 3D com Fusion 360" |
"Com esta poderosaplataforma voc pode expandir sua criatividade para o mundo digital transformando suas ideias em objetos tridimensionais, adicionar texturas, luzes e at mesmo dar movimento. Neste curso vamos introduzi-lo nas ferramentas tcnicasbsicas de modelagem tridimensionais, possibilitando-o aseguir comfacilidadeos tutoriais da Autodesk ou qualquer outro curso intermedirio a avanado."
Price: 19.99

"Ensino Hbrido" |
"O avano da tecnologia vem transformando o modo como as pessoas aprendem. Hoje possvel aprender a qualquer momento, sobre qualquer assunto e com qualquer pessoa atravs dos dispositivos digitais conectados internet. A escola tradicional sofre consequentemente quando no consegue aproveitar com eficcia estes recursos, pois seus mtodos so centrados no professor detentor do conhecimento.Oensino hbrido uma metodologia ativa que alia com eficcia o ensino tradicional e o digital. Atravs dele possvel aproveitar ao mximo tudo o que a internet tem a oferecer para a educao, promovendo a autonomia, responsabilidade, personalizao e cooperao entre todos os envolvidos. O aluno passa a ser o protagonista na construo do seu prprio conhecimento e o professor seu mentor e designer de espaos de aprendizagem.Atravs de tutoriais, artigos, exerccios, atividades e participao em fruns, voc transformar para sempre seu modo de aprender e ensinar.Neste curso vamos abordar os 4 modelos bsicos do ensino hbrido:Sala de aula invertidaLaboratrio rotacionalRotao por estaesRotao IndividualComo bnus, vamos abordar tambm algumas interfaces digitais importantes para o uso durante as atividades hbridas e cupons de descontos em nossos outros cursos.Inscreva-se agora mesmo para evoluir sua carreira de professor!!"
Price: 19.99

"Communicate: The Crash Course on Public Speaking." |
"SUCCESS IS NOT ASSURED, BUT THERE IS ONE SKILL THAT HAS THE POWER TO HOLD YOU BACK.As you move forward in life, in your career, the ability to communicate effectively and motivate others into action will make the difference between failure and success.You can be the best entrepreneur, freelancer consultant, or corporate hustler. You can have the best idea, product or service, but if you don't know how to sell yourself, you will not move forward!You can be the best mathematician, the best student, the best employee, but if you can't communicate to others effectively, your career will be limited by your skill.Perhaps you feel that since you have been able to make it this far without mastering your presentation skills, you will be ""ok."" But I can assure you that with great presentation skills come great opportunities.When you get on the stage and nail your presentation, people look up to you. The see you in a different way. Suddenly you attract new opportunities, and your network grows very fast.I'm not sayingyour life will automatically shift if you work on your skills but, for sure it will improve one presentation at the time.Great presentation skills have the power to boost your self-confidence, your self-awareness, your emotional intelligence, your career and other key personal skills.About This Awesome Course.I was so stressed and anxious that I almost blacked out. The last thing I remember was the sound going away and all I could hear as I tried to talk, was my heart beating faster and faster.Almost 5 years have passed already since the day I delivered the worst presentation of my life. Little that I knew was that my life was about to change forever.You see, that day I promised myself that I would never go through something like that again. Which is why since November 2011, I've been taking every opportunity I've had to talk in public.I've come a long way and nowadays I travel the world delivering presentations, moderating events and training people on how to follow their heart.This is why I've created Communicate! To support people like you who are either struggling with public speaking or would like to improve their delivery.What You Will Gain From This CourseBased on my personal experience on the stage, research, and training, COMMUNICATE! focuses on the most essentials elements you need to bring your presentation skills to the next level.By the end of this course, you will know:> How to overcome the fears of facing the stage.> How to craft a message that is engaging and brings value.> How to connect with your audience.> How to master your delivery so you can inspire others into action.All this in just 3 days, for less than 10 minutes a day.Enroll Now!The course will be constantly improved and expanded, which will make its price go up. Take advantage of the low pricing and enroll now"
Price: 24.99

"How To Create A 5 Figure SEO Business-ZERO Experience (2020)" |
"This course will show you how to create a profit pulling SEO business by transforming yourself into a SEO ""company"" from a freelancer and help you make more money than an average freelancer.There's a difference between a freelance writing business and offering writing services as a full fledged SEO company. Its diffiult for freelancers to get consistent work and make decent money because the ""trust"" factor is missing when it comes to freelancers.This course will show you how to present yourself as a full fledged responsible SEO service providing business that your customers can trust. You will learn how to get high paying customers on board and also how to negotiate prices with them. These customers are not to be found on freelance websites and not only are these customers willing to pay good prices for quality writing but they are also going to provide you with consistent work.You will learn how to identify the ""SEO needs"" of your customers and also how to collect high paying SEO orders from them without ever having to pick up the phone.You will learn how to research domains andcreate quality baklinkssuper fast. The techniques used here will help you increase your output without increasing time spent.If you want a full fledged SEO business and enjoy and lifetime of passive spendable income, this course is for you."
Price: 49.99

"Boost Adsense Profits On Existing Site By 30%" |
"This course is going to show you how to improve your adsense profits onb your existing sites without boosting traffic.The course shows you how to increase adsense revenue by creating the site in a specific way and then placing the ads in a specific way.If you have a few hours of time to set the system up and a budget of $47 you can get started right away. The potential is limitless as to how much you can earn.You don't need to mess with coding or PHP. This is all backend operated.What you'll get:A compact video course that shows you how to boost your adsense revenue on your existing sites without boosting or making any changes to traffic..The tutorial also shows you how to autorotate advertisements and overcome the problem of Ad Blindness in adsense, thereby increasing CTR to up to 25%"
Price: 24.99

"3 Profitable Online Business Methods For 2017" |
"This course is about how to make money online in 2017. I have detailed three different methods that anyone can implement to make money online in 2017.The first method is going to be about how to set up an article writing business. The second mother is going to be an affiliate marketing method and the third method is going to be about Google AdSense/ CPC.Who is this course for?This course is for anyone who wants to start making money online in 2017. You need to have a computer with Internet connection, a small startup budget of less than $100 and some very basic computing skills to be able to start making money online using all the three methods that I have just described here.What are you going to learn in this course?In this course you are going to learn how to set up a writing business from scratch without having to wait for customers to come to you. That is going to be the first method but for that you need to have writing skills.The second method is going to be about affiliate marketing where I show you how to setup an affiliate marketing business from scratch without having to spend a lot of time or money into the system.The third method is going to be a Google AdSense method or a cpc method where I show you how to make $150 every day without having to wait for Website authority on Google.Who should not take this course?This course is only for people who consider themselves action takers. If you consider yourself to be a fence sitter, this is probably not for you."
Price: 24.99

"5 Figure Affiliate Business 2020" |
"This course is going to show you how to create a profit pulling affiliate website/income stream in a specificniche.The course shows you how to increase affiliate revenue by creating the site in a specific niche and then driving traffic with an autopilot system.If you have a few hours of time to set the system up and a budget of $10you can get started right away. The potential is limitless as to how much you can earn and there's abslutely no competition.The course also shows you how to scale up the system and take it to the next level where you can earn additional money - a few thousand dollars every month selling diverse products from two different marketplaces.What you'll get:A compact video course that shows you an untapped niche to create your affiliate income streamin and also how to drive boatloads of traffic to that site using a specific method.The tutorial also shows you how to use a special software to boost affiliate earnings and put it on autopilot."
Price: 24.99

"Adsense Masterclass - 2020" |
"This course is going to show you how to create a profit pulling Google Adsense or any CPC website in a specific zero competition niche.The course shows you how to increase adsense revenue by creating the site in a specific niche and then placing the ads in a specific way.If you have a few hours of time to set the system up you can get started right away. The potential is limitless as to how much you can earn and there's absolutely zero competition.The course also shows you how to scale up the system and take it to the next level where you can earn additional money - a few thousand dollars every month in monthlymembership fees apart from the Adsense income.What you'll get:A compact video course that shows you an untapped niche to create your adsense website in and also how to drive boatloads of traffic to that site using a specific free method.The tutorial also shows you how to autorotate advertisements and overcome the problem of Ad Blindness in adsense, thereby increasing CTR to up to 25%.You get the Theme for Free"
Price: 24.99

"Affiliate CPA Masterclass - 2020 Newbie Friendly" |
"This course is going to show you how to create a profit pulling affiliate website/income stream in a specificniche.The course shows you how to increase affiliate revenue by creating the site in a specific niche and then driving traffic with an autopilot system.If you have a few hours of time to set the system up and a budget of $50you can get started right away. The potential is limitless as to how much you can earn and there's abslutely no competition.The course also shows you how to scale up the system and take it to the next level where you can earn additional money - a few thousand dollars every month selling diverse products from two different marketplaces.What you'll get:A compact video course that shows you an untapped niche to create your affiliate income streamin and also how to drive boatloads of traffic to that site using a specific method.The tutorial also shows you how to use a special software to boost affiliate earnings and put it on autopilot."
Price: 24.99

"Komple JavaScript Gelitirici Kursu" |
"Bir web tabanl programlama da arka planda yazlan kodlar kadar, JavaScript kodlarnda yazldn biliyor muydunuz?JavaScript bilen yazlmclarn ya da web gelitiricilerin her zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr. Herkes kolay kolay bilmedii iin sektrde farkndalkl eleman olmanz salamaktadr. Dolaysyla bu kursumuz ile birlikte hayalinizdeki ie daha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.(Not :ANGULARJS titizlikle hazrlanm makaleler ile anlatlmaktadr. Videolu anlatm deildir. Bonus olarak eklenmitir.)Bir Asp .Net MVC projesinde C# ile yaplan kodlama kadar, JavaScript ile kodlama yapldn biliyor muydunuz? JavaScript kullanan yazlmclarn gelitirdii sistemlerin daha akc ve zellikle daha zgr yazldn biliyor muydunuz? Standart kalplam kodlardan sizi kurtaran JavaScript, sizi zgr brakr ve hayal ettiklerinizi sisteme dkmenizi salayan konuan bir dil olduunu bu kursta grm olacaksnz. Ayrca JavaScript ile programlamay rendiinizde dier dilleri renmeniz kolay olacaktr.Tm web tabanl programlama dillerinde mutlaka ihtiya duyulan ve sektrde bilene az rastlanan JavaScript'i bu kursumuzda size sfr seviyeden anlatarak retmeye alacaz.Yazlm Uzman olarak birok proje zerinde JavaScript kodlamas yaptm ve kendime zel ktphaneler gelitirdim. Bu deneyimlerle size JavaScript ile alakal KTAP gibi bir kurs hazrladm.Dier eitmenlerden farkl olarak Ercan Ayhan, sizi kursu aldktan sonra yalnz brakmamaktadr. Her trl sorunuzu gerek zelden gerekse kurs sayfasndan ekinmeden defaatle de olsa sorabilirsiniz. Amacmz insanla faydal iler karmaktr.Bu kurs ieriinde 40'dan fazla test sorusu, 119 tane derslerde anlatlm kaynak kodlar, 24 Makale, Her konu iin yazlm 10'dan fazla rnek, AngularJS ile web uygulama gelitirme ve Asp.Net Web Api ile Ajax kullanarak Rehber Uygulamas gelitirmegibi ieriklere sahip olabileceksiniz.Bu kursbir JavaScript gelitiricinin ne yaptn, ne yapmas gerektiini nce tm bilgileri sunarak retecek, nihai srete bir JavaScript ktphanesinin nasl kullanlacan retecek. AngularJS ile JavaScript kodlamas renip uygulama gelitirecek.Asp .Net Web Api yardm dokmantasyonunu yorumlayp JavaScript ile birlikte nasl kullanabileceini grecek.Kurs ile birlikte her trl sorularnz anlamadnz konular eitim aldnz sayfamz zerinden sorabilir, direkt olarak bize danabilirsiniz."
Price: 349.99

"Komple Takip Sistemi Gelitirme Kursu: ASP.NET MVC" |
"PROJESIFIRDANGELTRLMYOR - NASILGELTRLD VEMMARYAPIHAKKINDA BLGVERLYOR VE NCEDENYAZILMIKODLARIAIKLIYOR.Bir Takip Program, Takip Sistemi, Takip Yazlm veya ilerinizi takip edebileceiniz bir yazlm projesinin kaynak kodlarna erimek mi istiyorsanz? Yazlm bitirme projesi mi aryorsunuz?Kurumsal yazlm mimarisine ihtiyacnz m var? Yazlm tasarm desenleribir projede nasl kullanlr, grmek mi istiyorsunuz? ASP.NETMVC ile Web Programlama veya Web Gelitirme ve Kendi JavaScript ktphanemizi nasl yazarz diye merak mediyorsunuz? ASP.NET MVCile Komple bir proje yaps oluturmak m istiyorsunuz?u an doru yere geldiniz ve bu gibi sorularnzn cevabn Komple Takip Sistemi Gelitirme kursunda bulmu olacaksnz.Yazlm Uzman olarak projelerimde kullandm mimari altyapy bu kursta sizinle paylamaktan onur duyuyorum. stelik kaynak kodlar ile birlikte bu kursa sahip olacaksnz.Bu kurs sayesinde renciler bir mimari altyaps renecek ve projelerinde iskelet olarak kullanabilecekler. steyen renciler bu kursu ekinmeden bitirme projelerinde kullanabilirler.Bu kurs sayesinde firmalar veya Takm halinde almak isteyenlerbyk paralar verip i takip sistemleri satn almalarna gerek kalmadan, kendi aralarnda kullanabilecei bir i takip yazlmna sahip olacaklar.Kurs ile birlikte her trl sorularnz anlamadnz konular eitim aldnz sayfamz zerinden sorabilir, direkt olarak bize danabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Komple C# ile Kurumsal Mimari Gelitirme Kursu 1.0" |
"Bir giriimci misiniz? Bir proje fikriniz mi var?Kurumsal bir firmada almadan nce Kurumsal bir Mimari yap ve Veritaban Tasarmn grmek miistiyor musunuz?Kurumsal Veritabanve Mimari altyapyla alabilenyazlmclarnya da web gelitiricilerinher zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr.Sektrdekolay kolaynitelikli eleman yetimediiiin bu mimari ile almakfarkndalkl elemanolmanz salamaktadr.Dolaysylabu kursumuz ilebirliktehayalinizdeki ie girmeye veya Proje fikrinizi hayata geirmeyedaha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.Sizisadece bir Mimari Frameworkile brakmayp, sfrdankomple bir veritaban tasarmyla nasl alacamzC# ile best practices seviyesinde gstereceiz.Kursumuzun 1.0 Srmnde;Schema ile almayRol ve Yetkilendirme Tablolar yapmayDetaylLoglama Tablolar yapmayLookup ve LookupList ile almayResource Table ile Kendi Dil Paketimizi yapmayHiyerarik T-SQL sorgular ile almayreneceiz.Bu kurs ile birlikteher trl sorularnz, anlamadnz konulareitim aldnz sayfamz zerindensorabilir, direkt olarak bizedanabilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Komple C# ile Kurumsal Mimari Gelitirme Kursu 2.0" |
"Birgiriimcimisiniz? Birproje fikriniz mi var?Kurumsalbirfirmadaalmadan nceKurumsal birMimari yap ve Veritaban Tasarmn grmek miistiyor musunuz?Kurumsal VeritabanveMimari altyapylaalabilenyazlmclarnya da web gelitiricilerinher zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr.Sektrdekolay kolaynitelikli eleman yetimediiiin bu mimari ile almakfarkndalkl elemanolmanz salamaktadr.Dolaysylabu kursumuz ilebirliktehayalinizdeki ie girmeye veya Proje fikrinizi hayata geirmeyedaha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.Sizisadecebir Mimari Frameworkile brakmayp,sfrdankomple birveritaban tasarmyla nasl alacamzC# ile best practicesseviyesinde gstereceiz.Kursumuzun2.0Srmnde;Global de kabul grm katmanlarEntity Framework mplementasyonlarnGeneric Repository Pattern tasarm desenleriniUnitofWork Pattern tasarm desenleriniGenericRawSql desenleriile harici sorgulamalarResource Table ile Kendi Dil Paketimizi yapmayTransaction Ynetiminireneceiz.Bu kurs ile birlikteher trl sorularnz,anlamadnz konulareitim aldnz sayfamz zerindensorabilir, direkt olarak bizedanabilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Komple C# ile Kurumsal Mimari Gelitirme Kursu 3.0" |
"Birgiriimcimisiniz? Birproje fikriniz mi var?Kurumsalbirfirmadaalmadan nceKurumsal birMimari yap ve Veritaban Tasarmn grmek miistiyor musunuz?Kurumsal VeritabanveMimari altyapylaalabilenyazlmclarnya da web gelitiricilerinher zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr.Sektrdekolay kolaynitelikli eleman yetimediiiin bu mimari ile almakfarkndalkl elemanolmanz salamaktadr.Dolaysylabu kursumuz ilebirliktehayalinizdeki ie girmeye veya Proje fikrinizi hayata geirmeyedaha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.Sizisadecebir Mimari Frameworkile brakmayp,sfrdankomple birveritaban tasarmyla nasl alacamzC# ile best practicesseviyesinde gstereceiz.Kursumuzun3.0Srmnde;Dependency InjectionInversion Of ControlNinject mplementasyonlarMVC ve Web ApiDependencyResolver zmlemesiService Katman mplementasyonlarValidation YaplandrmalarnCustom Data Annotation ValidatorData Transfer Object'lerAes Encryption ile almayLDAP entegrasonunureneceiz.Bu kurs ile birlikteher trl sorularnz,anlamadnz konulareitim aldnz sayfamz zerindensorabilir, direkt olarak bizedanabilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Komple C# ile Kurumsal Mimari Gelitirme Kursu 4.0" |
"Birgiriimcimisiniz? Birproje fikriniz mi var?Kurumsalbirfirmadaalmadan nceKurumsal birMimari yap ve Veritaban Tasarmn grmek miistiyor musunuz?Kurumsal VeritabanveMimari altyapylaalabilenyazlmclarnya da web gelitiricilerinher zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr.Sektrdekolay kolaynitelikli eleman yetimediiiin bu mimari ile almakfarkndalkl elemanolmanz salamaktadr.Dolaysylabu kursumuz ilebirliktehayalinizdeki ie girmeye veya Proje fikrinizi hayata geirmeyedaha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.Sizisadecebir Mimari Frameworkile brakmayp,sfrdankomple birveritaban tasarmyla nasl alacamzC# ile best practicesseviyesinde gstereceiz.Kursumuzun 4.0Srmnde;Authentication TicketLDAP EntegrasyonuGoogle ReCaptcha EntegrasyonuMVC ve Global.asaxDependencyResolver zmlemesiValidation YaplandrmalarnDetayl LoglamayRol Bazl Yetkilendirme veEriimlerException Handling LoglamaOturum YnetiminiAjaxMessage ile Mesaj Ynetimireneceiz.Bu kurs ile birlikteher trl sorularnz,anlamadnz konulareitim aldnz sayfamz zerindensorabilir, direkt olarak bizedanabilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Komple C# ile Kurumsal Mimari Gelitirme Kursu 5.0" |
"Birgiriimcimisiniz? Birproje fikriniz mi var?Kurumsalbirfirmadaalmadan nceKurumsal birMimari yap ve Veritaban Tasarmn grmek miistiyor musunuz?Kurumsal VeritabanveMimari altyapylaalabilenyazlmclarnya da web gelitiricilerinher zaman bir ayrcalklar vardr.Sektrdekolay kolaynitelikli eleman yetimediiiin bu mimari ile almakfarkndalkl elemanolmanz salamaktadr.Dolaysylabu kursumuz ilebirliktehayalinizdeki ie girmeye veya Proje fikrinizi hayata geirmeyedaha kolay adm atm olacaksnz.Sizisadecebir Mimari Frameworkile brakmayp,sfrdankomple birveritaban tasarmyla nasl alacamzC# ile best practicesseviyesinde gstereceiz.Kursumuzun5.0Srmnde;Kendi JavaScript KtphanemiziRESTful Web Service ile JSON tabanl almay,Token alma MantKendi Token'mz YapmayWeb Api ve Global.asaxDependencyResolver zmlemesiActionFilterAttribute ileValidationRol Bazl Yetkilendirme veEriimlerException HandlingOturum YnetiminiDefault JSON ktsreneceiz.Bu kurs ile birlikteher trl sorularnz,anlamadnz konulareitim aldnz sayfamz zerindensorabilir, direkt olarak bizedanabilirsiniz."
Price: 249.99

"The Complete Issue & Project Tracking Software : ASP.NET MVC" |
"With This Project; doing your task tracking, to do demand management between departments, managing tasks on staff, managing the demands from your customers and working with your teammates etc. It will be easier.Companies or those who want to work as a team, you will now have your own task tracking system without having to buy expensive task tracking software. Moreover, you will be able to access the source code and develop your own code.This project is a project developed by using ASP.NET MVC in accordance with solid principles in .Net platform. All the codes of the project have been developed and continued to be developed. We will continue to add new features in the future.In the course content, we gave information about the architectural infrastructure of the previously developed project. We also developed a sample page with you step by step."
Price: 199.99

"RESTful Web Service with Java JAX-RS. Create & Deploy to AWS" |
"This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful Java Web Service with JAX-RS and Jersey framework as well as implement features like:User sign up,User sign in,Token base authentication. Students will also learn how to encrypt user providedpassword, generate apublic user id which is safe to pass around the networkin HTTPRequests,and how to generate and securely store as well asvalidate a secure access token,Protect RESTful WebService endpoints,Update database records by implementing Update User Profile details feature,and learn how toDelete database records,Implement Email Verification feature using Amazon AWS SES(Simple Email Service)Students will learnhow to use Postman HTTPclient software to send:HTTPPOST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set neededHTTPHeaders. We will also cover how to:Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body andHow to pass datavia URLQuery String andas a Path parameterYou will also learn how to make your RESTful Web Service accept and respond backwithJSON or XMLmedia type.This video course alsoteaches how toinstall needed software on local computerto be able to build RESTful Java Web Service as well as:How to start up your own Linux server in Amazon cloud( AWSEC2),Install needed software on a remote EC2 instance and finally,How deploy created WebService on AWS EC2 instance.Please notethat even thoughthisvideo course covers all of the above mentioned, it is not a comprehensive guide that covers, in little details, all and everythingabout buildingWeb Services. There are still things to be learned. But you will definitely benefitand gain by learning the above mentioned material."
Price: 149.99

"Historia y Arte: Los Grandes Pintores del Barroco" |
"Las reseas ms destacadas de este curso son""Disfrut mucho este curso. El instructor hace un profundo anlisis de cada pintura y adems incluye material externo para entender mejor la obra y al artista."" Marcela Varona.""Didctico y ejemplificado."" Isaas Chvez.Por qu apuntarse a este curso?En la actualidad hay un creciente inters por las artes, durante muchos aos se nos ha hecho creer que ir a un museo a observar una obra de arte y entender la idea que haba plasmado el artista era privilegio de unos pocos, que slo los estudiosos o sabios posean ese privilegio.Con este curso demostrars que slo necesitamos un espritu curioso y deseoso de aprender y que el arte es para todas las personas y es necesario para el cultivo de seres humanos integrales.El objetivo y estructura de este curso es:Estudiar la Historia del Arte BarrocoAnalizar las obras ms impactantes de los artistas del Barroco, descubriendo su simbolismo y significado.Qu tipo de materiales incluye?Con videos e imgenes explicativas y material de apoyo para descargar, este curso ofrece una gua completa al estudiante, al autodidacta o a toda aquella persona que desee documentarse sobre el tema y ver el arte con otros ojos.Este curso tiene como misin actualizarse constantemente y aadir ms informacin de inters.GarantasAcceso de por vida30 das de garanta. Devolucin de dinero si no ests satisfecho ( te aseguro que no te arrepentirs).BeneficiosDescubrir la magia del arteInvertir en cultura es invertir es desarrollo personalGua y asesora del instructor a lo largo del curso"
Price: 54.99

"Cmo Ensear Historia del Arte a Nios y Jvenes" |
"Estudiar arte o historia del arte es igual de importante para un nio en su completo desarrollo como lo es estudiar matemticas o gramtica, ya que brinda la posibilidad de conocer nuevas formas de ser y expresarse.Los curriculum que establecen los ministerios de educacin en el rea de artstica dejan mucho que desear, en el caso claro est que la materia se dicte en la aulas de clases, la carga horaria y en general el poco inters que se le brinda a la enseanza de las artes hace que sea ms que necesario tomar cartas en el asunto.El objetivo de este curso es brindar al educador, gestor, facilitador, padre o madre, herramientas y estrategias para educar efectivamente a las jvenes mentes de los nios en la historia universal del arte, la cual es tambin parte de la historia de la humanidad, las tcnicas empleadas por los artistas, los movimientos artsticos, sus aportes e influencias en nuestra sociedad moderna, se demostrar que slo necesitamos un espritu curioso y deseoso de aprender ya que el arte es para todas las personas as como necesario para el cultivo de seres humanos integrales.El curso est estructurado de manera prctica, por secciones, lecciones, actividades, recursos descargables, tutoriales y reseas, adems de asesora personalizada.No se necesita conocimientos previos ya que tambin lo pueden tomar personas que quieran aprender historia del arte desde cero para su propio desarrollo personal o porque quieren ensearlo a otras personas y no saben cmo hacerlo.El objetivo y estructura de este curso es:Conocer el contexto histrico de cada etapa en la historia del arte desde la prehistoria hasta el Renacimiento.Reconocer etapa, estilo y artista de las obras ms importantes en cada perodo de la historia.Analizar las obras ms representativas de los artistas y sus caractersticas.Localizar las fuentes de informacin donde podemos recoger datos histricos.Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos mediante actividades prcticas.Qu tipo de materiales incluye? Videos e imgenes explicativas.Material de apoyo para descargar como documentos en pdf.Reseas de bibliografa til para la investigacin y desarrollo de los temas en clases.Tutoriales con actividades para hacer con los estudiantes.Guas complementarias por cada leccin.Este curso tiene como misin actualizarse constantemente y aadir ms informacin de inters.Actividades prticas.Comentarios de los estudiantes sobre los cursos""Excelente informacin histrica que sirve de fundamento para entender el inicio del Renacimiento.""Fernando Altamirano sobre el curso Interpreta los mensajes ocultos del arte del Renacimiento.""Didctico y Ejemplificado."" Isaas Chvez sobre el curso Historia y Arte: Grandes Pintores del Barroco."" Un curso muy completo y muy bien explicado, lo disfrut mucho. Adems del anlisis de las pinturas, el instructor te da herramientas tiles para realizar tu propia investigacin. Tambin quiero agregar que el instructor est al pendiente de cualquier problema que puede surgir durante el curso. Muchas gracias."" Marcela Varona sobreel cursoInterpreta los mensajes ocultos del arte del Renacimiento.GarantasAcceso de por vida.30 das de garanta, toma el curso, tu dinero estasegurado, puedes pedir reembolso si no es lo que esperas. Slo asegrate de leer a quin va dirigido, el contenido y lo que se ofrece antes de hacer la compra."
Price: 19.99

"SAP ABAP Consultor Nivel 1" |
"El Curso SAP ABAP Consultor Tcnico Nivel I,est especialmente enfocado a desarrolladores de software que deseen ingresar al mundo de la consultora SAP especficamente en el rea tcnica, estudiantes universitarios con nociones de bsicas de programacin de aplicaciones, personas entusiastas que desean adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para crear o realizar ajustar en el sistema de gestin empresarial SAP.Los participantes de este cursoestarn plenamente iniciados (consultores junior) en el rea del desarrollo ABAP para comenzar en pequeos proyectos en empresas e instituciones, o mejorar en sus actuales empresas."
Price: 104.99

"SAP IDoc Configuracin y Desarrollo" |
"Se realiza una introduccin a la configuracin de conexin ALE para transferir IDocs de un ambiente SAP. Solo se incluye material teorico del funcionamiento general. Se muestran las transacciones bsicas para monitoreo de resultados en las transmisin y recepcin. Se describen transaccin disponible para la revisin de mensajes de sistema y lograr diagnosticar problemas en la transmisin de datos."
Price: 44.99

"Fundamental Data Structures & Algorithms using C language." |
"You will learn the following in this course: (All implemented using C programming)Fundamental of Data Structure conceptWhy we need Data StructuresStack - Idea, definition, algorithm, implementations.Using Stack - Parenthesis checking, Polish Notation, Infix to postfix conversion and evaluation.FIFO Queue - Idea, definition, algorithm, implementation.Circular Queue using array - Idea, definition, algorithm, implementation.Double ended queue using array - Idea, definition, algorithm, implementation.Linked List - Idea, definition, why we need linked list. Comparison with array.Singly Linked List - Development of algorithm for various operations and then Implementation of each of themCreating Stack and Queue using Singly Linked list - Implementation.Doubly Linked List - Idea, definition, algorithm of various operations and implementations.Circular Linked List - Idea, definition, algorithm and implementations.14. Calculating efficiency of algorithms, Worst Case (Big Oh), Average Case (Big Theta) and Best case (Big omega) complexities. How to calculate them for different algorithms.15. Binary Searching16. Recursion in detail. Example program using recursion and the critical comparison between Recursive approach and Iterative approach of problem solving. 17. Binary Tree, definition, traversal (In, Pre and Post Order), Binary Search Tree implementation. 18. Heap data structure, definition, heap insertion, deletion, heap adjust, Heapify and heap sort."
Price: 189.99

"Number Theory for Programmers" |
"The main goal of this course is to teach the basics of Number Theory and how values are represented in the memory of computer. This is very basic knowledge that any programmer/ Computer Science student must posses. This course is to help all those aspiring programmers to build their sound fundamentals with Number Theory.You will learn:Basic concept of Number Theory.Standard number systems - Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary.How to convert number from any of these system to decimal and vice versa.1s and 2s complement technique. Negative number representation using 2s complement technique.How subtraction is done using 2s complement in the memory.Real number representation using IEEE 754 standard (Single and Double precision).Please do not enrolif you are:Not interested of doing basic math calculations using pen and paper.Expecting representations usinggraphics and animation, I did all the writings on the whiteboard. They are really easy to understand.Feel free to ask questions in the Q/A section, you will find me always with you during the learning process.Happy learning!"
Price: 89.99

"Sorting Algorithms using Java & C: Make Your Basics Strong" |
"This course will help to understand seven most important comparison based sorting algorithms along with the details of how to estimate the complexities for any algorithm. Students will clearly understand how to estimate the best case, average case and worst case complexities for any algorithm along with details analysis of each of the sorting algorithm.The seven sorting algorithms that you will learn in this course are as follows:Bubble sortSelection SortInsertion SortShell SortQuick SortMerge SortHeap SortStudents will learn details of heap data structures along with the heap operations like, insertion into heap, heap adjust, heap delete and heapify while learning the heap sort.Although, sorting utilities can be found in the library of anymodern day programminglanguage, however, it is must for a programming studentto understand them from scratch as this will help to form strong foundation on algorithm. Also, it is often found that, many questions are asked on sorting algorithms on Job interviews, hence, it will be really fruitful to have a strong hold on this topic.In the course, I described the logic of each of the seven comparison basedsorting algorithms using visual description that is really easy to understand, then I explained the algorithm, analysed them for their performance and finally implemented them using C and Java.If you are interested of implementing them using in other language you can also do that following the lectures. It will be really easy to do."
Price: 124.99

"Python 3 Masterclass step by step with coding exercises." |
"This course will help you to learn Python 3 step by step from beginning to expert level. Undoubtedly, Python is the most in-demand language. It is used for Data Science and analytics, Machine Learning, Web Programming.This course aims to teach the Python language in dept to the students, the instructor explains everything from grounds up so that student could learn the basics with programming along with the Python language."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Accounting Refresher Course" |
"Accounting is the language of business. Learn essential accounting and financial skills in an easy to follow course by a seasoned practitioner and educator. Justin Lake builds accounting systems for a living and teaches accounting in such a simple and practical way.In this course you'll learn the entire accounting cycle and be a financialgun in the boardroom, your own business or be well prepared for your upcoming accounting exam. This course covers a majority of the concepts taught in University Courses across the world for Introductory Accounting. This will take you from almost no knowledge on accounting to being able to prepare a Balance Sheet and P&L from scratch.Justin Lake is a seasoned Finance Professional and teacher of accounting concepts. His style is unique andcomes from many years practicing in finance roles within Australia. He brings the concepts to life and makes everything very visual and practical so you can implement the learnings for yourself straight away.See the feedback from current students Justin Lake has recently taught:Isabel Wilde studying accounting at Macquarie University:""Justin made the impossible happen for me. Never id I think I would understand (like actually understand) what and how Accounting works, especially with zero knowledge two weeks prior to my final exam. I felt confident and almost excited going into my test! I can't thank him enough for his efforts and incredibly efficient ways of teaching. Without hesitation the only tutor to consider! Thanks again Justin""Kirby Gratton working for a major Telco and studying atthe Institute of Company Director's Course:""Justin spent the time working through the course materials in Financial Performance of a Company and giving very practical examples. It really helped me because I do not deal with Financial Statements day to day - so to help put the academic into practice was great Thank you Justin""Warwick Peters studying accounting at the University of New South Wales:""Justin was extremely knowledgable on the subject of Accounting and broke down key concepts of understanding in a constructive and helpful way""The Ultimate Accounting Refresher Course was designed on the back of Justin's 10+ years experience tutoring University Students, MBA's and business owners to be better equiped to be financially literally and understand the terminology and language of business. You will walk away after doing this course with a good understanding of accounting and be better equiped to make financial decisions within your organisation or own business and with a lot more confidence.The target audience this course would be perfect include:StudentsBusiness OwnersProfessionalsWhat better way to learn accounting than from a practitioner with several years experience across multiple industries, not your typical accounting academic lecturer. There is enough balance of theory and practice that you will significantly develop your skills in accounting."
Price: 99.99

"19 FREE Tools to Create Visuals for Web and Social Media" |
"Do you need to create images and simple banners for your web page, blog and social networks? The good news is you dont need to hire a designer or buy expensive software to create visuals for web. You can do it YOURSELF and with FREE tools, thanks to the different resources that are available on the Internet. There are so many easy and quick solutions out there! Actually, even the most highly paid pros take help from the same resources you are going to learn in this course. After completing this course, you will be able to: get royalty free images even for commercial purposesedit photos and create web banners with free online editor pick tasteful color combinations for your brand and web banners create simple gif banners take and edit screenshots as well as record tutorial videos from your screen optimize image size for better web page SEOconvert almost any file to PDF and extract pictures from PDFsconvert your video to jpg to use them as photosremove background from any image (no Photoshop or designer skills needed)add beautiful and free fonts to your computercreate slideshows, presentations and infographics""steal"" color codes from any websiteuse other tools that will save your time and improve efficiencyIn short, you'll be able to create visuals for your web page, blog and social networks yourself and with no money spent. Moreover you will learn about 7 deadly color combinations that should be avoided in advertising your products or services and other useful tips.Don't worry if you haven't studied in a design or art school, because with the tools available, ANYBODY can create beautiful images for their digital projects. And this is what you will learn in the course. With these tools and a little bit of creativity you will be able to create great visuals even if you are trying for the first time.Since I value your time, the lectures are just as long as they need to be in order to show you practical information and tips. No empty talk.Don't wait too long to enroll! This course is going to have regular updates added in the future and I am going to share even more great tools and tips with you. Therefore, the price will increase once the course meets certain milestones. If you enroll now, you will receive all these updates free of charge.In the case you don't find this course valuable, you can always receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase through Udemy!"
Price: 29.99

"Tcnicas y estrategias para una Educacin Creativa" |
"La Creatividad, como insumo insustituible tanto para quien imparte el conocimiento como para quien lo recibe, debe ser promovida, inducida y aprendida por ambos actantes. Una de sus principales armas es el DHPP, que no es un fin en s mismo, sino un conjunto de herramientas, estrategias y estructuras abductivas de habilidades prcticas y del pensamiento, cuyo uso es proveer al alumno de recursos adicionales para mejorar su educacin. Asimismo, potencia la calidad de enseanza de quien las aplica, ya que se funda en promover una mentalidad y habilidad creativa en las tareas cotidianas de enseanza, tanto en la construccin de los recursos educativos, como de los de evaluacin. NOTA RELEVANTE:La estructura de este curso emplea links externos a la Plataforma Udemy que son parte integral de ste. No son publicidad ni estrategia comercial. Es material desarrollado, estructurado y utilizado en Universidades y otras Plataformas donde he participado. Son producto de mi experiencia en la materia y son 100% de mi propiedad. No cometas el error de omitirlos pues son esenciales para el buen aprovechamiento del presente."
Price: 1245.00

"Diseo de Juegos Ldicos-Ldicos" |
"Si te apasiona crear, inventar, disear juegos altamente creativos pero con un sentido ldico, ste es un curso para ti.Porque contempla directrices para: Crear, disear, construir, documentar y publicitar tus juegos.Adems, cuenta con 2 Juegos Propuesta inditos mundialmente, los cuales sern prueba irrefutable de que es posible desarrollar iniciativas de xito.Sin embargo, si lo que buscas es: Education Gamification; Software Interactivo; Diseo de Applets para Juegos; Aulas asisitidas por computadora, etc. Definitivamente, ste curso NO es para ti!"
Price: 19.99
